Choosing a system for watering the beds. Organization of drip irrigation on the site. Tips from a regular reader

Watering is one of the main factors in plant development. Cultivated crops are particularly demanding in maintaining the water regime during sowing and germination of seeds, growing seedlings, and during the period of growth and crop formation. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to properly water your dacha artificially, since the natural type of watering (rain, snow, dew) makes us completely dependent on nature. But nature does not indulge in custom-made precipitation.

Types of artificial irrigation: pros and cons

To water your garden, you first need to determine what type of irrigation you will use. Artificial irrigation systems are engineering and technical complexes that can be divided into mechanical and automatic. Mechanical watering is carried out using watering cans, buckets, sprinklers, etc. This type of irrigation of a summer cottage requires a lot of effort and time.

An automatic irrigation system consists of laying a stationary piping system. The following subtypes are distinguished:

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To carry out irrigation at your dacha using the sprinkling method, you need to purchase a sprinkler (a special device that sprays water to the required heights in different directions). The system is designed to simulate rain, as water flows evenly onto the soil surface.


  • increased air humidity;
  • ease of achieving automation of the irrigation process;
  • water does not move along the soil surface and, accordingly, does not wash away fertile layers;
  • Dust is washed off from the leaves, due to which normal metabolism is restored in plants.


  • maintaining high pressure in the pipeline;
  • high system cost price.

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Drip irrigation

Irrigation using the drip irrigation method involves the metered supply of water directly to the root area of ​​plants.


  • uniform water supply to all plants;
  • adjustable frequency and amount of water supply (which allows you to meet the needs of various plants);
  • the system is less sensitive to pressure changes in the pipeline than a sprinkler system.


  • periodic clogging, therefore, flushing is required from time to time.

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Subsoil irrigation

Subsurface irrigation uses porous tubes (humidifiers) placed in the soil. With the help of humidifiers, water is supplied to the roots of plants. You can replace porous tubes with regular ones by drilling small-diameter holes in them.


  • maintenance and regulation of air, water, food and thermal regimes;
  • minimal evaporation losses;
  • after watering, the soil does not need to be treated, since the top layer remains dry.


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Instructions: make your own irrigation system

In a summer cottage, it is more profitable to use drip irrigation, as it is convenient, economical and effective. You can order the system drip irrigation from specialists, but it’s more economical to do it yourself. Start creating a system with planning.

  1. Draw a plan of your summer cottage indicating the beds and plants that need watering. When designing a system, you need to ensure that watering is carried out throughout the entire territory. If this is not taken into account, then the missed area will have to be watered manually.
  2. Decide on the water supply for your drip irrigation system. Owners of large plots or those who do not have running water at their dacha should consider installing their own well. This solution may be cheaper than taking water from the tap.
  3. Think over and place on the drawing a system for placing pipelines, shut-off valves, and drip hoses. If the site is located with a pronounced slope, then the drip hoses should be placed downhill, and the main pipes should be horizontal.
  4. Mark on the plan all the places where the pipes are connected and the location of the water intake. This is useful for determining the number of connectors and splitters, taps and plugs. Start connectors are installed directly into the pipe. With their help you can do without tees that are used for connections.
  5. Make a list of the required materials and equipment, decide on the brand and start purchasing. It is better to use plastic pipes for the main water supply, since they can be used to transfer fertilizers and fertilizers dissolved in water to plants. They are also lightweight, do not rust and have a relatively low price. For buried pipelines, buy thick-walled products. When laying pipes and hoses directly on the ground, use opaque materials to avoid algal blooms. Do not skimp on equipment for the irrigation system, as it is installed at the dacha for many years. Choose only high-quality materials.
  6. To fully automate the system, select control. It is better to use an electric controller, which is powered by autonomous batteries.
  7. Before you begin installing the purchased equipment, you need to form the beds.
  8. Be sure to flush the system before watering for the first time. To do this, remove the end caps and open the water. Rinsing should be done until the water is clear.
  9. Using filters fine cleaning water will reduce clogging of drip hoses and drippers. When operating the system, the filters must be cleaned periodically.

Having studied the proposed instructions and tips in detail, get down to business. And you're on personal experience You will be able to make sure that making an irrigation system for your dacha is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

Over time, manual watering of a plot turns into a burdensome task that you want to do less and less. Automatic or automated irrigation will help solve the problem. The design of the system and installation of all its components can be handled on our own. How? Read on.

We provide instructions for installing two irrigation systems: a large-scale automatic one using a programmable controller and a modest non-automated one based on a barrel.

Before proceeding with the arrangement of any of the two systems under consideration, you need to select a source of water and one suitable for a particular situation. pump equipment. Water can be taken from:

Table. Pump Malysh, used for pumping water from open reservoirs, wells and wells. Characteristics

Pump Baby, characteristicsIndicators
Pump typeHousehold vibrating submersible
Current consumption3 A
Power165 W
Water intakeLower
Pressure40 m
Performance432 l/min
Length of cable10-40 m
Continuous operationNo more than 12 hours at a time
The need to turn off the power for 15-20 minutesEvery 2 hours
ConnectionTo flexible hose

We do full automatic watering

Drawing a plan

Let's start by drawing up a site plan. On a scale, we will mark on it the main elements of our estate: house, veranda, entrance, outdoor stove, etc. - this way we can determine the permissible area of ​​action of sprinklers.

On the diagram we mark the water intake point. If there are several water sources and they are located in different places on the site, choose a tap located approximately in the middle. In such a situation, we will be able to provide approximately equal lengths of irrigation lines

Choosing an irrigation method

In the example under consideration, the system is set up to water a large lawn and several beds, as well as an area with bushes and trees. You can adjust the layout taking into account the characteristics of your site.

We will water the part with the lawn and flower beds using retractable sprinklers. When turned on, they rise above the surface, and after watering is completed, they lower and become almost invisible.

For the second part of our plot, this irrigation option is not suitable: the plantings are too high, and the width of the plot is small.

Important note! It is not recommended to use sprinklers to water areas less than 2 m wide. Such devices have too large a range, which can cause a number of inconveniences.

To water this part of the plantings, we install a drip line. It is a pipe of the required length with holes arranged along its entire length. Such a pipe can be buried or simply laid between the beds.

We draw up an irrigation scheme

We mark on the plan of our site the installation points of sprinklers and the radii of their coverage. We adhere to this design order:

  • We install sprinklers at the corners of the site for watering at 90 degrees;
  • along the borders of the territory we install devices that irrigate the space 180 degrees around;
  • in the corners of the site near various buildings and structures we install sprinklers at 270 degrees;
  • We install devices that water 360 degrees throughout the area.

We select the number of sprinklers so that the coverage radii of devices installed nearby intersect. With this arrangement of devices, not a single plant will be deprived of moisture. However, this method is only relevant for large areas that have the correct shape.

In our example, the area of ​​the plot is relatively small, but it has a narrow strip along the residential building. Therefore, we draw up the project in the following order:

  • First, we mark the installation locations of sprinklers that have largest radius actions. We will use them to water the main part of the garden;
  • on the narrow side of the site we mark places for sprinklers with a more modest irrigation radius;
  • In places where sprinklers cannot reach, we plan to lay a drip line.

Important! Double check the project. Make sure all plantings will receive water.

We check the water intake for throughput

A ready-made plan allows us to install the required number of sprinklers. However, before installing the system, we must find out whether the productivity of the water supply source is sufficient to effectively service the system being installed. We do it this way:

Now we determine whether the water intake can ensure the simultaneous operation of all planned irrigation lines. The need for sprinklers remains the same and is determined in accordance with their coverage area. In our example we set:

  • 180 degree devices with a coverage area of ​​up to 200 m2 - 2 pieces. The water requirement of each device is 12, for a total of 24;
  • 270 degree sprinklers with a coverage area of ​​up to 200 m2 – 2 pieces. Each person's need is 14, for a total of 28;
  • 180 degree device with coverage up to 50 m2 – 1 piece. Need – 7;
  • 270 degree device with coverage up to 50 m 2 – 1. Requirement – ​​9;
  • 90 degree sprinkler with a coverage area of ​​up to 50 m2 – 1. Water requirement – ​​6.

In total, the water requirement of our irrigation devices is 74. The water intake is only capable of delivering 60. It will not be possible to connect all devices to one line for simultaneous use. To solve the problem, we make two lines of sprinklers. One will be used to service large devices, the other for small ones.

For drip irrigation we make a third line. It requires individual management, because The main lines are turned on for about half an hour every day, while the drip lines should work for at least 40-50 minutes, depending on the characteristics of the soil and the needs of the plantings.

The drip line and sprinklers cannot be connected to a common line. With such a system arrangement, either the area served by sprinklers will be watered too abundantly, or the area with drip irrigation will not be able to receive liquid in sufficient volume.

We automate the system

To regulate the operation of the system, we install a programmable controller. Using this device we can set the time to turn on and off the irrigation. To protect the device, it is recommended to install it indoors, for example, in the basement.

Near the water supply tap we install an inlet column for connecting the system, as well as a special installation box for placing shut-off valves according to the number of irrigation lines. We have 3 of them. We connect each valve to the controller using a two-wire cable. We divert one irrigation line from the valves. Such arrangement of the system will allow it to be programmed to turn on each irrigation line separately.

We arranged the lines as follows:

  • one was allocated to power large sprinklers. For the manufacture of the line itself, 19 mm pipes were used, for branches to the sprinklers - pipes of 16 mm diameter;
  • the second was used on small sprinklers serving an area of ​​up to 50 m2. The pipes used were similar;
  • the third line was allocated for drip irrigation. A 19mm pipe was used to make this line. Next, we connected a special drip pipe to it. It is made in the form of two closed loops. We connected the end of the drip pipe to the supply pipe.

To improve irrigation efficiency, we included a rain sensor in the system. It will not allow watering to turn on during rainfall. We connect the sensor to the controller according to the included instructions. In most cases, the controllers themselves are plugged into a regular outlet, which is very convenient.

Connecting and setting up irrigation

First step. We place irrigation elements on the site and connect them to each other using special connectors and splitters. We make sure that no earth gets into the pipes.

The design of the connectors is very simple - even a woman can easily handle the work

Second step. Connecting assembled system to the water supply and do a test run. We position the sprinklers in the required directions. If everything is in order, we proceed to excavation work.

Third step. We dig a 200-250 mm ditch along the pipeline.

Fourth step. We fill the bottom of the trench with a layer of crushed stone. The backfill will take on the functions of a drainage cushion, ensuring the removal of residual water.

Fifth step.

Sixth step. We backfill the trench.

Seventh step. We turn on the system to check. We adjust sprinklers.

Eighth step. We program the controller to turn irrigation on and off at the required time. Remember: the lines must work alternately; they can be turned on simultaneously only with sufficient bandwidth water intake

Irrigation is connected and configured. We can accept it for permanent use. In the future, we regularly check the condition and correct operation of the elements of the irrigation system.

Budget watering option

There is no need to install large-scale automatic irrigation? Then use simple a budget option barrel based.

First step

We make a stand for the barrel. We use a profiled pipe or channel. Optimal height supports - 1.5-2 m. The support posts must be inclined to each other at such an angle that the dimensions of the upper frame allow our barrel to be stably laid. We connect the supports with horizontal jumpers at the bottom, middle and top. We dig 70-80 cm holes for installing supports, set up the structure, fill 10-15 cm of the height of each hole with crushed stone and pour concrete. Important! While the concrete hardens, we fix the supports with spacers.

Drip irrigation - water tank

Second step

Prepare a container for water. Any intact and not rusty barrel will do. At the top of the barrel we cut a pipe for connecting the hose. Through it the barrel will be filled with water. The second end of this hose will be connected to the water intake. We also install a pipe in the lower part. We connect a watering hose to it. Both hoses are equipped with taps for turning the water supply on and off. Place the barrel on the support. For greater reliability, we secure it with clamps, bolts and nuts.

Third step

On the site plan we indicate the places that need watering. We draw a diagram of the irrigation system indicating all the splitters, connectors, plugs, taps, pipes, hoses and other elements.

Fourth step

We assemble an irrigation system. The simplest and convenient option– buy a ready-made kit for arranging drip irrigation. You can also make such a system yourself. To do this, it is enough to prepare the required number of pipes or hoses, make holes along their length, connect the elements in unified system using connectors and splitters, and then connect to the hose coming out of the barrel.

How to make a drip irrigation system yourself

Good luck!

Video - DIY watering system

The best solution for irrigating the soil is on a personal plot. This system is used in many commercial farms. The point of such a device is to regularly water the soil to ensure constant moisture during the period. active growth plants. This system allows you to relieve plants from stress that can arise in natural environment in case of sudden changes in humidity levels when using simple irrigation.

Drip irrigation has a number of advantages, among which it is worth highlighting low cost, ease of installation and use.

It is important high level efficiency.

What are the advantages of drip irrigation?

The organization of drip irrigation has a large number of advantages that distinguish this system from others.

  1. Freeing the owner of the site from physical work associated with watering plants. This is especially important if the climate is very dry and the area of ​​the site is quite large.
  2. No need to heat water. While water flows through the pipeline and hose, it has time to heat up.
  3. The ability to water at a certain time, which will be convenient for the plant, and not when the owner has the opportunity.
  4. Watering the plants directly, not the weeds.
  5. Possibility of uniform watering of plants.
  6. Significant water savings.
  7. Providing watering for the plant based on its necessary requirements. For example, tomatoes need to be watered directly at the root, this type watering to carry out by drip Easier than using a hose or bucket.
  8. Drip irrigation can be used for any crop.

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What is the design of a drip irrigation system?

Of course, drip irrigation also has its disadvantages, including the acquisition of a certain amount of materials for this system. But all these costs pay off in the shortest possible time as soon as the system begins to be used.

The process of irrigating plants through spot watering is complemented by the process of fertigation. This is the introduction of micronutrients into the soil directly at the root through numerous droppers and mineral fertilizers, dissolved in water.

Thanks to this design of the system, the applied fertilizer is absorbed by approximately 90%, which helps increase the yield by almost 2 or 3 times and save up to 50% of water. Thanks to the use of precise dosages of fertilizers, groundwater is not polluted; this method is considered environmentally friendly. And balanced feeding allows you to increase the resistance of plants to frost.

The fertigation process reduces physical labor by about 4 times.

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What types of drip irrigation can be used in garden plots?

The drip irrigation system is an ideal solution for organizing watering of plants in a small garden plot. This effective method for organizing the cultivation of vegetables different cultures, flowers, gardens and even vineyards. It is very important that water enters exactly the place where the roots of the plant are located, and it is also delivered there. nutrients. Thanks to evaporation from the surface, plants are protected from low temperatures and early frosts.

Consumer characteristics take first place in the world. The drip irrigation system is known of 2 types: with built-in and external droppers.

  1. The type of external dripper is a separate product that is connected to the water supply with special fittings. From the ends of the dropper, water flows into the soil in one case, and in another version, water is supplied directly to the roots using tubes and tips. The fitting located at the outlet is equipped with special branches that allow water to be distributed in several directions (2, 4, 8). This system is very convenient for plants that are located at large distances from each other or are simply planted in a chaotic manner (flowers, trees, shrubs).
  2. Built-in dropper type. The droppers are built directly into the hose along its entire length, representing an inseparable system manufactured at the factory. In this case, the droppers are located at a fixed distance. The diameter of such a hose is approximately 12-25 cm, and the built-in drippers have a capacity of 0.5-6 liters per hour. This system is suitable for watering plants planted in a row (peppers, cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots).

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What are the components of drip irrigation?

Drip irrigation is a system that can vary in complexity. Their operating principle is the same, but each system may have separate auxiliary systems that provide a control system and automation of the entire process. But to organize drip irrigation on a personal plot, it will be enough to minimum set equipment.

  1. Water. A nearby well, well or water supply can be used as a source of water supply. But the use of lakes, ponds and other bodies of water should not be allowed. This water from reservoirs can only be used if it undergoes preliminary purification. And the point is not that the water is dirty, but that the reservoirs contain a large number of vegetation and algae, which, if they enter the system, can contribute to its clogging and rendering it unusable. For example, large enterprises use water from reservoirs, but to purify it they install filters, home use which will turn out to be unprofitable due to high costs. For this money, you can organize a separate well on the site.
  2. Tubes for water supply. They are plastic tapes that acquire a circular cross-section when filled with water. Droppers are installed inside such tubes to evenly distribute water onto the soil. Such tapes can be of different diameters, with walls of different thicknesses, as well as with different intervals between droppers. The purpose of the entire system depends on these parameters. For example, to irrigate tomatoes, a distance of 30 cm is required, but for carrots or beets only 15. Within an hour, approximately 1 liter of water “runs” through the dropper.
  3. Pressure regulator. Necessary to protect the system from erosion in case of increased pressure.
  4. Disc filter. Installed at the entrance to the system to protect the droppers from clogging with various particles. A cassette is inserted inside the filter to retain contaminants, which is then washed.
  5. Distribution pipeline. It is to this that the watering pipes are connected. It must be made from polyethylene pipe. The use of another pipe made of recycled polyethylene risks deformation from heating and leaks.
  6. Connective shut-off valves. The irrigation system must be equipped with a fitting, they can be equipped with a tap to provide manual control of irrigation.

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Design and installation of a drip irrigation system

Designing a drip irrigation system involves preliminary drawing up a plan for planting plants around the site. Each plant needs a certain amount of water, and knowing this, you can calculate total consumption for the entire garden. It is very important to ensure that the productivity of the source responsible for the water supply does not exceed. In cases where water supply is used, it is important to first find out about the amount of water delivered per hour.

If a large quantity is grown on the site at once different cultures, then to provide irrigation you will need several subsystems, each of which will correspond to the needs of a particular plant.

When the project is prepared, it will be possible to begin purchasing necessary equipment and materials. Next, you can begin installing the entire system on site.

  1. We lay the distribution pipe.
  2. Drills holes in the pipe to accommodate fittings.
  3. Rubber seals are inserted into the holes, and fittings are inserted into them.

This order must be observed and cannot be violated. Further:

  1. We rinse the pipe to remove dirt and chips after drilling.
  2. We fix the tapes with the fitting to the fittings using nuts.
  3. We connect the distribution pipe to the water supply.
  4. We connect the system to check operation.

Assembly is not particularly difficult due to the fact that the entire purchased system is similar to a construction set, so the most difficult thing is the exact calculation.

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Do-it-yourself drip irrigation

To organize spot watering of plants both at home and at your dacha, you can use home-made devices. Most often, the system is organized with your own hands from old hoses and plastic bottles. To do this, you need to cut off the bottom of the bottle or simply make a hole in it. We insert the hose into the neck and secure it with tape or plasticine. The hose can be automotive or medical (from droppers).

To organize a watering device, you will need the following materials:

  • tee;
  • pipe branch;
  • tap;
  • rack;
  • hose with clamp.

The device is not complicated: the end of the hose is placed directly into the soil near the roots of the plants. We fix the bottle above the ground with the neck down to ensure that the water drains on its own. To slow down the flow of water, we use a medical clamp, adjusting it in such a way as to ensure the required water flow.

In cases where long boxes are watered systemically rather than separately standing plant, you must use a hose in which small holes are made (for example, with a needle). A very long hose is laid along the surface of the soil like a snake.

These methods are suitable for temporary watering. This is convenient when it is not possible to water the plant: for example, when you have to leave the dacha for 1-2 days, and there is simply no one to water the plant. But this system will not allow it to be used over a very large area.

For personal plot You will need a slightly different organization system, which you can organize yourself.

Many owners of suburban areas with large plots of land have already appreciated positive sides use of such systems. According to numerous reviews, installing automatic watering has many advantages:

  • Ability to set watering time, setting a specific interval.
  • If all the work is carried out correctly, then after watering the dried soil will not become covered with a crust, as a result of which root system will be supplied with the oxygen it needs.
  • A competent layout of irrigation circuits at the dacha will allow you to moisten all hard-to-reach places.

But the most important advantage of this method of moistening is that the auto-irrigation system allows you to use water economically, supplying it directly to the roots of plants, and without watering unnecessary areas of the ground. With this, the yield of various garden crops increases several times.

There are also minor disadvantages to using such systems in the country. Even if you do all the work yourself, you will have to buy various equipment and materials. Although the components are cheaper finished system, but to assemble everything, you need to have the skills of a mechanic and electrician. Also, inconvenience can come from the failure of the water supply system or its complete absence Location on. But these problems can be solved by repairing the water supply or using alternative sources water.

Auto-watering - types and possibilities

There are several options for organizing automatic irrigation at the dacha, the manufacture of which is possible with your own hands. Each type is used to achieve specific goals:

  • drip irrigation;
  • sprinkling;
  • subsurface irrigation.

The drip irrigation scheme is considered the most economical in terms of water use. As you can see in the photo, it is made of polypropylene or plastic pipes, mounted between rows of flowers, plants or beds. They are installed at a distance close to the ground, taking into account the fact that during watering the root system will be soaked as much as possible. Water is supplied directly into the ground using special drippers built along the entire length of the pipes.

This way, the leaves and stems remain dry, which eliminates the risk of rotting or sunburn. The savings lie in the fact that water is supplied directly to the irrigation site, rather than being sprayed throughout the entire area, which also increases the service life of the entire system and reduces water consumption, for which every summer resident is required to pay.

The option of automatic watering using the sprinkling method is also considered effective and no less popular. The principle of operation is to irrigate by spraying water evenly over the entire area. High-quality watering and simultaneous air humidification are provided, which has a beneficial effect on plants, restoring leaf turgor in extreme heat.

When organizing such watering, it will be necessary to constantly ensure that moisture goes into the soil. If you leave the system on for a long time, the soil, saturated with moisture, will not absorb it, and puddles will form on the surface, and after they dry out, earthen crusts will form, preventing the free circulation of oxygen. But when using the sprinkling method, it is necessary to turn on the system in the evening or early in the morning, so as not to burn the plants in the bright sun.

The advantage of such a system is the ability to use various fertilizers along with water. As a rule, such automatic watering systems are often used for lawns (can be seen in the photo).

Subsoil irrigation is a more complex method of watering. It will be extremely difficult to make it with your own hands, and it is used mainly for watering certain plantings or ornamental trees. By its principle, such a system works like drip irrigation, only pipes equipped with small holes through which water is supplied to the soil are dug in close proximity to the plantings. An example is shown in the photo. Water goes directly to the roots without wetting the soil surface. Accordingly, a crust will not form on the ground after this, and the root system of plants will be able to fully receive oxygen.

If you haven't decided yet whether you need automatic watering plot, or you don’t know which system to choose, you need to familiarize yourself with information about which plants this or that system is suitable for. A sprinkler system is more convenient for flowers, trees and lawns. Water is supplied to the irrigation site from special sprinklers. Drip irrigation is mainly used for caring for shrubs, flower beds, alpine slides and hedges. It is also very convenient for moistening beds in greenhouses and in the garden.

Installation of a drip system - what is needed for this?

The presence of a water supply is the first condition for installing an automatic watering system. If there is none, then the source can be any container installed at least one and a half meters above the ground. If none of the above water supply options are on site, and installing them yourself is unacceptable to you, but there is a small body of water nearby, it can serve as an alternative to water supply. The design of the automatic watering system includes:

  • drip tape;
  • pressure regulator;
  • controller;
  • distribution pipe and various fittings.

The drip tape is represented by a thin-walled PVC pipe, which becomes round when filled. On the inside, at an equal distance from each other, as shown in the example in the photo, droppers are installed. The size of the required intervals is calculated based on the type of plants being watered.

A pressure regulator is necessary if the source of water supply is a city water supply. Small differences in supply can adversely affect the integrity of the pipe, and an increase in pressure can completely rupture it. The controller is an electronic unit for automatic regulation systems operation. Its use is extremely appropriate; the presence of one or several programs allows you to set different time intervals and turn on watering at the required time, without human intervention.

If it is necessary to organize watering of several areas, for example, flowers planted in flower beds that are located at some distance from each other, in this case a distribution pipe is used. It can be laid above or below the ground. For this purpose, pipes with a diameter of at least 3.2 cm are used. In auto-irrigation devices, fittings connect all working units, from the point of liquid supply to the area being watered.

System design - how to equip the place?

To operate in fully automatic mode, you must purchase a controller operating from the network or batteries. The second power supply option, as a rule, is not enough for a long time, and it is better to use more expensive models powered by direct current. They are installed in protected places, a basement or barn, in close proximity to a supply tap or water container. In technical terms, it is recommended to equip the place with a special installation box where all valves and electrical appliances will be located.

If it is not possible to purchase an expensive system for controlling the watering of flowers in the country, then you can do it yourself, turning on the supply tap at a certain time. In this case, the liquid can flow by gravity, provided that a large reservoir is used, raised at least 1.5–2 meters above the ground. In this case, the law of physics will work automatically, displacing water from the container under pressure. You can also use a pressure regulator if it is not possible to supply water by gravity.

Some control devices allow you to set a schedule for automatic watering of plants for the entire summer season. This is very convenient; you don’t need to go to the dacha every day and water the beds. It is enough to check the serviceability of the system and the presence of water in the tanks or the serviceability of the water supply once or twice a week.

Sequential steps to assemble a drip system

All work on assembling and setting up auto-irrigation systems is carried out with your own hands in a fairly short time, provided that all components are available.

  • First, the irrigation area and approximate water consumption are calculated. According to the data obtained, a method of water supply and a reservoir are selected. These manipulations can be avoided if there is a running water supply at the dacha.
  • Then the distribution pipe is laid in various areas, if required by the location of the places where flowers and other plants are grown.
  • The installation location of the controller and the electrical supply for power supply are organized.
  • Afterwards, the drip tape is installed directly above the watering site or buried in the ground if a retractable system is selected.
  • At the last stage, all components are connected, functionality is checked and possible leaks are detected.

The stage of connecting all components must be approached responsibly; the possibility of a constant supply of liquid to the watering site will depend on this. Be especially careful when doing all the work yourself. It is better to place the pipe in the beds perpendicular to the plantings and fix it above the ground using special brackets or rods, pre-installed along the entire length, as shown in the photo. The end is covered with special plugs or sealed with a plastic stopper.

Naturally, when installing any system on their own, many expect a long service life. To do this, experts recommend purchasing components for assembly from well-known manufacturers. Their cost is a little more expensive, but the system will last much longer.

09.12.2015 17 070

Irrigation system at the dacha - how to make it yourself?

Experts say that a self-made irrigation system at the dacha can work as efficiently as one installed by professionals. Water supply to garden plot is of particular importance since all growing crops require proper irrigation. Anyone can organize a country irrigation system, but this will require not only time, but also certain knowledge and skills.

What is the most optimal method of watering at the dacha?

Right organized irrigation plants in the garden plot are a guarantee good harvest in future. For dachas, garden plots and subsidiary plots, there are several ways to irrigate the land:

Watering plants with a hose. This cheap and economical method is perfect for a small area. Irrigation occurs manually. Easy to install, just connect the hose to water pipe or pump. The method is not suitable for large areas due to the inconvenience of pulling hoses. Also, the watering hose quickly becomes dirty, which is neither convenient nor practical to use;

in the photo - watering with a hose

Gravity irrigation garden crops, can be furrow and estuary. The first method involves the flow of water through dug shallow trenches. In the second case, the plantings are completely filled with water so that it remains on the surface for some time. The methods are not suitable for all crops. The disadvantage of such techniques is the formation of a crust on the surface of the soil; the soil becomes heavy over time;

in the photo - gravity irrigation of a corn field

Sprinkling. It consists of irrigating the soil by spraying water over a large surface. To make such a structure in the country, you need to connect to watering hose sprinkler Install the hand structure vertically at a certain height. Water will be evenly distributed over the beds, the soil will gradually be moistened. But not all crops can be irrigated using sprinkling, especially in hot weather. Such watering is good for lawns. Manual sprinkling for a large area is quite problematic, so many gardeners and summer residents use automatic watering of lawns;

in the photo - irrigation of the garden

Drip irrigation. Most best option watering plants, which has a lot of advantages and positive aspects. One of the main differences of this method is watering crops at the root, when water goes directly to the root system and the seedlings quickly absorb it. Irrigation can be done at any daytime, since there is no risk of plant burns.

in the photo - irrigating cucumbers using drip irrigation

Installation of an irrigation system - briefly about the most important things

A practical and rational method of irrigating crops on summer cottages, counts drip system. Suitable equipment can be purchased from many specialty stores or made with my own hands. Important points, which should be taken into account when creating a watering structure:

  • Draw a horizontal projection of your site. Mark the beds where you are going to install the irrigation system;
  • On the diagram, identify all system components necessary for installation;

The photo shows an approximate diagram of a drip irrigation system

  • Mark the places where the pipes intertwine and interlock. Calculate the required amount of connecting materials (taps, plugs, splitters, tees, start connectors);
  • Choose polymer pipes, they are easier to work with. The main advantage of such pipes is the absence of corrosion and affordability, as well as the possibility of using various fertilizers for watering plants;
  • In the absence of a central water supply, to supply the plants with water, a large water tank is installed at a height of two meters. The container with water is covered from above from the sun and debris, which can get into the tank with the wind and clog the openings for the liquid supply;

in the photo - a drip irrigation system installed independently

  • Pipes and hoses are laid according to the designated pattern by laying them in the ground, on the surface or suspended. It is better to choose dark, opaque material for ground use so that the water inside does not mold. For underground installation, hoses of any color can be used;
  • You should begin installing the irrigation system after marking all the beds on the site;
  • Installation of electrical controllers powered by autonomous batteries automates the water supply system;
  • Install water purification filters, this will help protect the system from blockages. Clean or change water filters periodically;
  • When starting the waterer for the first time, remove the end caps. When you are sure that the water is clean, the irrigation system can be operated.