Hamstring stretch exercises. How to do hamstring exercises and other tips from trainers Hamstring stretching exercises

Reading time: 31 minutes

Regular stretching improves coordination, flexibility and helps relieve stress as it relaxes the muscles throughout the body. Anyone involved in fitness and sports is advised to stretch after each workout to increase the effectiveness of their workouts. Stretching minimizes the risk of injury and relieves muscle pain.

Also simple exercises stretching the legs is useful for everyone who is on their feet all day, so that relieve fatigue, muscle tension, increase blood circulation, lymph outflow and improve overall well-being.

What is important to know about leg stretching?

  1. Every fitness workout should end with stretching. You should not stretch at the beginning of a workout, so as not to relax muscles that still need to work. Light stretching for a few seconds is acceptable between strength or cardio exercises, as it warms up the target muscles.
  2. Stretching exercises should be done after warming up, if you have not trained in the gym or at home before. A five-minute cardio warm-up is enough: jumping, running in place, plyometric squats, lunges and other vigorous movements that will help warm up the muscles. See our for more details.
  3. Each leg stretching exercise should take at least 20-30 seconds. Exercise on a timer so you don't have to think about time while stretching. Remember: the longer the muscle is in action, the faster the adaptation occurs, and the easier it will be for you to perform exercises in the future.
  4. You should not stretch if your muscles are not warmed up. It is especially harmful to stretch after being outside in cold weather. In this case, there is a huge risk of injury.
  5. In order for a stretching workout to be effective, it is enough to devote 10-20 minutes a day to it. After a full fitness workout, stretching can take 10 minutes, and after a light warm-up – 20 minutes.
  6. Stretching can be dynamic or static. With dynamic, you make rhythmic movements with a certain amplitude to stretch the target muscles. With static, you hold the pose for several seconds or minutes to fix the muscle in a certain position.
  7. Most leg stretching exercises can be done in static and dynamic versions. Statics are useful for achieving maximum muscle stretching, and dynamics are useful for working through complex exercises, which then need to be consolidated in statics.
  8. You should not be overzealous when stretching the back and inner thighs to avoid injury. Start with the simplest exercises in a dynamic version with a light amplitude, increasing it with each session. If you practice regularly, then within a month or two you will achieve impressive results.
  9. Simple leg stretching exercises can be done every day as a warm-up and to relieve muscle tension. If this is not possible, then 3-4 times a week after fitness classes or as an independent workout is enough.
  10. If your goal is to do the splits, then look at our ready-made collections of exercises and.

We offer you a selection of the most effective leg stretching exercises that can be performed both at home and in the gym. The exercises are divided into two groups:

  • Stretching exercises for legs while standing
  • Stretching exercises for legs on the floor

High-quality stretching is impossible without knowledge of what muscles exist and how to stretch them. The largest muscles of the legs are: gluteus maximus, quadriceps (quadriceps femoris), biceps femoris (biceps femoris), calf muscles. There are several elongated muscles on the inside of the thighs, of which the adductor longus muscles are the most stretched.

Exercises for stretching legs while standing

After a workout in the gym, the most the best option There will be exercises for stretching the legs while standing. Some of them are suitable as a light warm-up between exercises, but in this case you should not stay in each pose for a long time, so as not to relax the muscles.

What we stretch: quadriceps, hamstrings

How to do it:

Lower your right knee to the floor, straightening your leg. The left leg should be bent at a right angle and stand in front. Place your straight arms symmetrically on the floor or on the thigh of your front leg. Lower your pelvis lower, stretching the muscles of each leg. Hold the pose for half a minute, then change legs. This is one of the best leg stretching exercises and can be done in different variations. Throughout the exercise, pull your pelvis towards the floor, this will help to further stretch the thigh muscles of each leg.

Modification for beginners: Don't push your back knee too far back or drop your pelvis too low.

What we stretch: quadriceps

How to do it:

Get down on one knee with your left foot in front. Raise your right leg, clasping your ankle right hand. Pull your right foot towards your buttock, trying to keep your shin touching your thigh. Hold the position for half a minute and change sides. At the very beginning of training, you may not be able to pull your shin tightly, but over time you will overcome this milestone.

Modification for beginners: Don't pull your shin too close to your thigh.

What we stretch: hamstrings

How to do it:

Stand straight and place your left foot one step forward, resting on your heel. Bend your right leg slightly at the knee, with the foot of your right leg firmly pressed to the floor. Bend forward until your body is almost parallel to the floor. Feel the stretch in the biceps of the thigh of the leg that is in front. The more the body bends, the more the hamstrings stretch. Hold for a few seconds and switch sides. This simple exercise is great for light stretching between sets of strength or cardio exercises.

Modification for beginners: Do not lean your body forward too much.

What we stretch: hamstrings, buttocks

How to do it:

From a standing position, lean forward. Touch your hands to the floor without bending your back and lie with your stomach on your thighs. You can do dynamic forward bends with a small amplitude, maximally stretching the back of the thighs and gluteal muscles. Hold the position for half a minute.

Modification for beginners: If your flexibility does not allow you to reach the floor, you can place your hands on a chair or other surface.

What we stretch:

How to do it:

Place your feet as wide apart as possible, in the starting position. cross twine. Lean forward and reach your arms down. Don't bend your back, try to place your forearms on the floor. Hold the bend for half a minute. Do the exercise on a non-slip floor, otherwise there is a risk of injury. If you feel any discomfort, lean on your hands to get out of the pose.

Modification for beginners: if you can’t reach the floor with your forearms, then keep your arms straight, resting on your palms.

What we stretch: outer thighs

How to do it:

In a standing position, cross your legs, left in front. Tilt your body to the left. Your hands can be kept at your waist or raised up, which helps deepen the bend. Feel the muscles in your right leg stretch. Hold the bend for half a minute. Experienced athletes will need to lean deeper during this hip stretching exercise to fully experience the effect.

Modification for beginners: A slight inclination is enough to feel the muscles stretch.

What we stretch: outer thighs

How to do it:

Stand with your right side to the wall, holding onto it with your right hand. Start squatting on your left leg, and keep your right leg straight and pointed back. Do not arch your spine; stay at the lowest point for a few seconds. Walk your back leg as far out to the side as possible until you feel a hollow stretch on the outer thigh. For stretching outside There are so many exercises and positions for the hips, but they should definitely be performed to improve blood circulation in this area.

Modification for beginners: Don't move your back leg too far to the side or squat deeply.

What we stretch: calf muscles

How to do it:

Place both hands on the wall and step back with your left foot. Bend your right leg slightly at the knee, as if doing a lunge; the left leg should remain straight. Do not stand on your toes, press your feet to the floor. It is important to transfer your body weight to your working left leg. Hold the pose for 20 seconds, then switch sides. It is also easy to stretch your calves if you pull your socks towards you or press them against the wall.

Modification for beginners: You can slightly lift the heel of your back leg off the floor, but in such a way that you continue to feel the stretch in your calf muscles.

9. Bend over to a chair with legs spread

What we stretch: hamstrings

How to do it:

From a standing position, step forward. Lean towards the chair in front, trying not to round your back. Do not bend your knees, keeping the heels of both feet pressed to the floor. The lower the incline, the greater the stretch in the hamstrings. After half a minute, change legs. This is one of the exercises that is recommended for those who plan to do the longitudinal splits.

Modification for beginners: Don't spread your feet too far apart, and you can also bend your knees slightly or lift the heel of your back foot off the floor.

What we stretch: quadriceps

How to do it:

From a standing position, bend your left leg at the knee, as if running with your shin overlapping. Pull your foot toward your buttocks with your hands, maintaining balance on one leg. Hold the pose for half a minute and change legs. This popular leg stretching exercise can be done in various variations: standing, lying on your back, side and even on your stomach. A modified version of the exercise can be easily performed while lying on your side. Simply pull your ankle and foot toward your buttocks, feeling a slight stretch in the muscles.

Modification for beginners: Hold on to a chair or wall with your hand if you find it difficult to maintain balance.

What we stretch: quadriceps and hip adductors

How to do it:

From the previous position, clasp your leg at the ankle with your hands. Stretch your leg as high as possible into a vertical split; I feel a stretch in my legs. The supporting leg should remain straight. Hold the pose, trying to lift your foot as high as possible. This is a great thigh stretch that tones the entire body.

Modification for beginners: Do not lift your leg high and hold on to the support to maintain balance.

What we stretch: adductor muscles of the thighs, buttocks

How to do it:

Lower yourself into a deep squat with your hands clasped together at your chest. Elbows rest on knees, spreading legs apart. The spine does not bend, the buttocks are drawn to the floor. Feel the deep stretching of the adductor muscles and a slight stretch of the gluteal muscles. Stay in the pose for half a minute.

Modification for beginners: do not sit deeply into a squat; hold on to any support in front with outstretched arms.

What we stretch: adductor muscles of the thighs, buttocks

How to do it:

Spread your legs wide, feet and knees turned outward. Sit in a deep sumo squat, lower your body to your feet, clasp your shins with your hands without straining your back. Turn your legs as wide as possible to the sides, lowering your buttocks lower to the floor. Feel the stretch in the adductor muscles and buttocks.

Modification for beginners: Do not sit deeply into a squat or lean your body forward too much.

What we stretch: hamstrings, thigh adductors, calf muscles

How to do it:

Stand straight, spread your legs wide. Shifting your body weight to your right side and slightly tilting your back, bend your right leg at the knee, keeping your left leg straight. The knee of the right leg does not go forward of the toe. Try to lower your buttocks as low as possible to the floor, you can rest your hands on the floor to maintain balance.

Modification for beginners: do not lunge too deep, maintain a comfortable amplitude.

Leg stretching exercises on the floor

The selection includes leg stretching exercises that help get rid of muscle tightness, tension, stress, and improve flexibility and balance. They are suitable for relaxation at home or for a full stretching workout. Many exercises are aimed at stretching the adductor muscles, which will help you master the transverse and longitudinal splits.

What we stretch: buttocks, hamstrings

How to do it:

Lower into a low lunge, placing your right foot forward. Touch your right knee to the floor so that your ankle is on the floor and your shin is perpendicular to your thigh. The left leg should be straight, relaxed, resting on the instep of the foot. For greater effect, bend your forearms and lean on them. Hold the pose for half a minute and repeat the process on the other side. This yoga pose has a more advanced variation, such as grabbing the shin of the back leg for extreme stretching of the legs.

Modification for beginners: do not move the foot of your front leg away from you, do not lower your pelvis too low to the floor.

What we stretch: quadriceps, hamstrings

How to do it:

From pigeon pose (previous exercise), pull the shin of your right leg towards your thigh. Raise your left leg, holding it with your left hand by the shin or foot. Pull the foot of your left leg as close to your thigh as possible, stretching the muscles. After half a minute, change legs.

Modification for beginners: perform the exercise in a comfortable amplitude, without sitting deeply in pigeon pose and without lifting your shin too high.

What we stretch: buttock muscles

How to do it:

Sit on the floor with your legs extended straight. Bend your left leg at the knee and pull your shin as close to you as possible. Don't round your back, stretch your gluteal muscles. Hold the exercise for half a minute and change legs.

Modification for beginners: do not lift your shin high - you can put it on the thigh of your leg, which lies on the floor.

What we stretch: quadriceps

How to do it:

Lie on your stomach, rest your head on your palm. Bend your left leg at the knee and grab your shin with your left hand. Pull your foot towards you without lifting your thigh off the floor, and try to touch your buttock with your foot. Hold the pose for half a minute, repeat on the other side.

Modification for beginners: Pull your foot toward your buttocks until you feel a comfortable feeling and a slight stretch in your quadriceps.

What we stretch: hamstrings

How to do it:

While kneeling, extend your right leg forward. Bend your entire body toward your right leg, stretching the back of your thighs. You can place your hands on the floor or wrap them around your feet if the stretch allows. Advanced people can lower their buttocks onto the thigh of their left leg. Do this leg stretching exercise for half a minute, then switch sides. Bend to the leg while kneeling is one of the best exercises for longitudinal splits.

Modification for beginners: do not lower your body low, keep your back straight.

What we stretch: hamstrings

How to do it:

While sitting, straighten your legs. Bend towards your knees, trying not to arch your spine. Stretch your hands towards your feet, do not round your back. Hold the pose for half a minute.

Modification for beginners: you can bend your knees a little, but so as to feel the stretching of the hamstrings.

What we stretch: hamstrings

How to do it:

From a sitting position, extend your right leg, bend your left leg and place your shin on the floor. Move your right leg a little to the side, leave your left in its original position. Stretch your entire body toward your straightened right leg, stretching the back of your thigh. Hold the pose for half a minute and repeat on the other side.

Modification for beginners: do not lower your body too low to your leg.

What we stretch: adductor muscles of the thighs, biceps of the thighs

How to do it:

From a sitting position, spread your legs to the sides. Lean forward without arching your spine. You can lean on the floor with your forearms or palms, or lie completely on the floor if stretching allows. Hold the pose for half a minute. A modification of the exercise is bending over to each leg in a split; they additionally engage the back of the thighs.

Modification for beginners: Do not spread your legs wide and do not bend your body down too much; you can rest the inside of your feet against the legs of a table or bed for a more comfortable stretch.

9. Butterfly pose

What we stretch: adductor muscles of the thighs

How to do it:

Sitting on the floor, bend your knees with your feet facing each other. Close your feet and press your hands onto your knees to increase the stretch. Don't arch your back, look forward. You should not put too much pressure on your knees to avoid discomfort and pain. Stay in the pose for half a minute. You can do a seated butterfly against a wall to make it easier to keep your back straight.

Modification for beginners: if there is not enough stretching, do not lower your knees too low to the floor; you can move your feet further away from the pelvis.

What we stretch: adductor muscles of the thighs

How to do it:

Lie on your back, bend and spread your knees, pointing your feet inward. Close the feet of both legs, forming a butterfly pose on your back. Try to touch your hips and knees to the floor. Help yourself with your hands, but do not put too much pressure on your knees to avoid injury. Perform the thigh stretching exercise for half a minute.

Modification for beginners: do not lower your knees low to the floor; your feet can be moved further away from the pelvis.

What we stretch: hip adductors, quadriceps, gluteus maximus

How to do it:

From a lying position on your stomach, spread your bent knees to the sides. The pose should resemble a frog. Keep your knees at right angles. Try to touch the floor with your pelvis. Hold the exercise for half a minute. An excellent hip stretch from yoga relaxes all the pelvic muscles, relieves tightness and tension in the hips.

Modification for beginners: do not spread your legs too far to the sides; place a towel or soft mat under your knees.

What we stretch: quadriceps

How to do it:

From a kneeling position, sit on your heels and lean on your elbows. Feel the quadriceps stretch. This is one of the best exercises to stretch the quadriceps muscles. However, if you experience severe discomfort in your knees or back when doing this leg stretching exercise, then it is better to replace it with another exercise.

Modification for beginners: do not go too low, relying not on your forearms, but on your arms extended back.

What we stretch: hamstrings

How to do it:

Lie on your back and lift your left straight leg up. Grab your shin with your hands and pull your leg towards you. Do not lift your right leg and lower back off the floor. To make stretching more comfortable, take a towel and place it over your foot to pull your leg up without using your hands. Hold the position for half a minute, then switch legs.

Modification for beginners: bend your leg lying on the floor at the knee, do not raise your leg too high.

What we stretch: adductor muscles, buttocks

How to do it:

Lie on your back and move your left straight leg to the side. Grab your shin or foot with your hands and pull your leg toward you and to the side. Feel the stretch in your leg muscles. You can also use a towel to stretch your legs in this exercise. Do not lift your right leg and lower back off the floor. Hold the position for half a minute, then switch legs. This and the previous exercises are great for practice.

Modification for beginners: bend your leg lying on the floor at the knee, do not move your leg too far to the side.

15. Lying cross split

What we stretch: adductor muscles of the thighs

How to do it:

Lie on your back and lift both legs up. Begin to slowly spread your legs, as if doing a cross split. Help yourself with your hands, but do not put too much pressure on your legs so as not to pull the muscles. There is a modification of this exercise for the thigh wall stretch. In this case, you need to lie close to the wall and spread your legs so that they slide along its surface. In this case, it will be easier to maintain balance and concentrate on stretching.

Modification for beginners: Do the exercise against a wall and do not spread your legs too far.

What we stretch: gluteus maximus muscles

How to do it:

From a supine position, bend your knees. Place the shin of your left leg on the thigh of your right. Grasp your right leg with both hands and pull it towards you to effectively stretch your gluteal muscles. Hold the exercise for half a minute and repeat on the other side.

Modification for beginners: you can slightly lift your head and upper back off the floor

What we stretch: hamstrings, gluteals

How to do it:

From a lying position, lift your bent right leg and pull your knee toward your chest with both hands. Feel a slight stretch gluteal muscles and hamstrings. Hold the pose for half a minute, then repeat on the other side. This is a great exercise not only for stretching your legs, but also for relaxation before bed.

Modification for beginners: Bend your knees with your leg on the floor.

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    We have prepared for you 21 leg stretching exercises that are suitable for both beginners and experienced athletes.

    Types of stretching exercises

    Exercises for stretching the leg muscles can be divided into several types:

    Type of stretch Description
    Static It is especially suitable for beginners, as it is gentle on the muscles. They stretch, but do not tense. Do these exercises for 15 seconds to a minute. You can train any muscle groups.
    Dynamic The essence is completely opposite to the static one. These movements are characterized by dynamics and active actions. Raising your arms, lunging your legs, twisting your body.
    Passive It differs from static in that it is performed in pairs. Here it is important to feel your body and react in time to your partner’s actions, to tell him how hard to push or pull. This stretching allows you to stretch your muscles even better and increase your range of motion.
    Active It is in many ways similar to dynamic, but its main difference is independent actions and working with your own weight. This stretching often acts as a complement to another type, but can also be independent.
    Ballistic This is a specific type and is not suitable for everyone. Unlike smooth movements, these exercises are performed rhythmically and intensely - jumping, pushing, sharply and with maximum amplitude.

    When to stretch your muscles: before, during exercise, after training?

    Jacob Wilson, a sports physiologist at Florida State University, says stretching before exercise is important. However, this should not be a static form, you need to do a dynamic warm-up. And after classes, stretch to calm the body and bring the pulse back to normal (book “Cardio or Strength” by Alex Hutchinson).

    Citing the same source, it can be noted that Jason Winchester, a scientist at Louisiana State University, is confident that Don't stretch before strength training. But this is a must. If such exercises are planned, it is good if enough time passes before the main strength exercises. You can also do them on non-training days, for example in the morning or before bed.

    It is also a good idea to stretch the working muscles between sets of strength exercises. Not for long, literally 10-15 seconds.

    Warm up before stretching

    Experiments on rats at the University of Michigan showed that muscles must be warmed up before stretching, otherwise they will be severely injured. Experts advise warming up before stretching - jogging, cycling to warm up properly (book “Cardio or Strength” by Alex Hutchinson).

    How and how long to stretch?

    Ideally, stretching your legs should take 10-15 minutes. On average, stretching lasts about 10-20 minutes. Before it starts, you should restore your pulse.

    Exercises for the front of the thigh

    In this section, we will look at the basic movements for stretching the front of the thigh (quadriceps).

  1. Lie face down on the mat.
  2. Raise your head, move your hand back and clasp your ankle with it.
  3. Pull your foot toward your buttock, while keeping your thigh pressed to the floor.
  4. Do the same with the other leg.

You can also use a rubber shock absorber or a jump rope here:

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  1. Get down on one knee, as if in a lunge.
  2. Place your hand on your front leg. With your other hand, grab the toe of your other foot and pull it towards your buttock. Try to tighten your gluteal muscles.
  3. Do the same with the other leg.

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  1. Take a deep lunge forward. The back leg should be straight.
  2. Lean your body forward and place your hands on the floor on either side of your front leg.
  3. The leg laid back is bent so as to reach the floor with the knee. Stretch forward, pushing your knee, you will feel the quadriceps of that leg stretch.
  4. Now repeat with the other leg.

Exercises for the back of the thigh

Hamstring stretching exercises can be performed using additional objects. And also lying, standing or sitting.

Hamstring stretch with expander

  1. Lie on your back, stretch your legs.
  2. Place a jump rope, expander or rope on the foot of one leg, lift it as high as possible and pull it towards you. The second leg is straightened and does not come off the floor.
  3. The same must be done with the other leg.

Stretching while standing

  1. Stand up straight and place your hands on your waist.
  2. Take a step forward and tilt your body almost parallel to the floor. The back should remain straight. Stretch forward without lifting your feet off the floor.
  3. If you slightly bend your back leg at the knee, the lower part of the back of the thigh will be tense, if the leg is straight, its upper part will be tense.
  4. Switch legs and repeat the movement.

Tilt to feet

  1. Sit on your buttocks and straighten your legs in front of you.
  2. Bend towards your feet and place your hands on either side of your legs as far as possible. You can grab your feet with your hands and slowly stretch forward.

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One leg bend

  1. Sit as in the previous exercise, but extend only one leg in front of you. The second one needs to be bent at the knee and rest the foot on the thigh of the straightened leg.
  2. Grasp the foot of your outstretched leg with your hands, lean forward and pull the toe towards you. Try not to round your back. Repeat with the other leg.

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Standing bends

  1. Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart (the width depends on your stretch).
  2. Bend your body down while keeping your back straight. At the end point you need to rest your palms on the floor. The toes point forward, as do the fingers.

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  1. If stretching allows you, sit in a longitudinal split.
  2. Your arms should be placed at your sides and your body weight should be transferred to them. There is no need to turn your hips and shoulders to the sides.
  3. Switch legs and repeat.

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Exercises for the inner thigh

Exercises to stretch the inner thigh are performed while lying or sitting. It’s worth trying each option and choosing those that best feel the stretch in the target muscle group.

Deep squat

  1. You need to sit down on a counter, exercise machine, door frame, or any other convenient surface so that you can grab it with your hands when squatting.
  2. Place your feet wider than your shoulders, turn your knees and toes outward. Holding onto a support, slowly lower yourself into a deep squat until your thighs touch your calf muscles. The squat is performed with a straight back and without tilting the body.

"Butterfly at the Wall"

  1. Sit on the floor on your buttocks. You need to keep your back straight. If this is difficult for you, sit with support against a wall.
  2. Bend your legs and press your feet together. Now, keeping your back straight, lower your knees towards the floor. But do not press on them with your hands.

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  1. Lie on your stomach, then rest on your forearms.
  2. Spread your knees out to the sides and bend your legs at a 90-degree angle. The socks look to the sides. Try to lower your pelvis as low as possible to the floor. If you can completely put the pelvis down, great.

  1. The position is similar to the previous exercise, only one leg is now straightened. Again, try to lower your pelvis to the floor.
  2. Repeat with the other leg.

Forward fold

  1. Sit on the floor on your buttocks and spread your legs out to the sides as wide as possible. Socks point up.
  2. Lean forward, extending your arms and placing your palms on the floor. Try to lower your stomach as close to the floor as possible. Don't bend your knees.

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  1. If stretching allows you, spread your legs apart into a cross split.
  2. Do not move your pelvis back; it should be at the same level as your knees and feet. With a good stretch, you can lean forward and lean on your forearms. If it is difficult for you to do this, rest with your palms. Strive to pull your pelvis towards the floor.

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  1. Lie on your back so that your pelvis is close to the wall and your legs are perpendicular to the floor.
  2. Spread your legs and let them fall to the sides under your weight. Socks point down.
  3. Try to stay in this position for a few minutes.

Exercises for the outer thigh

Even untrained people can perform the exercise near the wall. And what is done while standing requires some preparation. But at the same time the abs are stretched.

Hip abduction against the wall

  1. Stand against the wall with your right side. Place your right palm on it.
  2. Place your right leg behind your left and squat down. The leg brought back should slide along the floor to the left without bending at the knee. Keep your body straight.
  3. Turn your other side to the wall and repeat.

Stretching while standing

  1. Place your left leg behind your right in front. The right hand is on the belt, the left is freely lowered down.
  2. Lean towards your lowered arm. You can also bend over with your arms raised above your head.
  3. Repeat for the other leg.

Exercises for shins

These are simple exercises that can be performed without sufficiently developed stretching.

Stretch against the wall

  1. Stand facing the wall at a distance of a small step, rest the toe of your right foot and palms against it, take the other leg one step back. The feet are pressed to the floor and do not come off throughout the entire exercise.
  2. Lean forward so that the knee of your right leg rests against the wall. The left one remains straight, and it is her lower leg that stretches.
  3. Repeat the movement for the other leg.

Heel Wall Stretch

  1. Stand in a position similar to the previous exercise, only now place the toe of your right foot on the wall and rest on your heel. Both legs are straight.
  2. Move your body forward, bending your right leg.
  3. Switch legs and repeat the exercise.

  1. Sit on your buttocks, legs straight.
  2. Bend one leg at the knee, place the foot on the thigh of the other leg and pull it towards the pelvis, helping with your hand. Pull the sock towards you.
  3. Do the same with the other leg.

Are there any contraindications for stretching?

Despite the good purpose, stretching is sometimes contraindicated. Possible reasons:

  • serious problems with the spine;
  • significant bruises of the limbs;
  • microcracks in bones;
  • incomprehensible and constant pain in the lumbar spine;
  • inflamed hip joints;
  • high blood pressure.

Stretching should be done with caution when pregnant. But everything is individual, there are no direct contraindications.


You should not neglect the muscle stretching complex. This is necessary and helps the body cope with stress and relax muscles.

If you conduct a survey among the female population, the majority will confirm that they are not satisfied appearance namely the hips. This part of the body gets better first, but getting rid of extra centimeters is very difficult. The only way out is to combine regular training, proper nutrition and massage.

Experienced athletes and trainers say that in order to lose weight, it is necessary to work the muscles of the back of the thigh, since it is this part of the body that does not receive the necessary load due to sedentary work, etc.

Thanks to regular training, your legs become stronger and more toned, which makes it possible to get rid of the appearance of cellulite and improve the condition of your skin.

basic information

Exercises for the back of the thigh can be part of a complex or performed separately. Just keep in mind that you shouldn’t do exclusively isolation training, as they don’t allow you to completely get rid of fat and cellulite.

In addition, you can get seriously injured and forget about any activities for a long time. For example, this can happen if your hips are tight and your buttocks are weak during the exercise.

The posterior surface of the thigh consists of the following muscles: semimembranosus, semitendinosus and biceps. This part of the body is perfectly developed during dancing, gymnastics and swimming. A complex aimed at this problem area can be performed in the gym under the supervision of a trainer or at home, which will also give the desired result.

Hamstring stretch

If you want slender and toned legs, then such exercises should certainly be present in the complex. Stretching is a movement that increases the flexibility of the body and improves joint mobility. Before moving on to such exercises, you need to warm up your muscles. To do this, you can simply perform swings or circular movements with different parts of the body.

In order for stretching to give the desired result, you must follow some rules:

  • Breathing should be free. Inhale, and as you exhale, stretch. If you cannot breathe, then change your position and take a more comfortable position;
  • It is best to perform exercises in the evening, as the flexibility and elasticity of muscle fibers increases at this time. If you do them in the morning, be sure to warm up well first;
  • Stretching requires freedom of movement, which means you need to choose comfortable clothes so that they do not impede blood circulation;
  • To achieve the desired result and pump up the muscles of the back of the thigh, training must be done regularly.

Perform stretching and relaxation exercises for the hamstrings:

  • Stand straight with your feet together. Slowly begin to tilt your head, moving onto your back, until your upper body is completely lowered. Then hug your legs from behind and pull your torso towards them. It is important that your knees are straight. Remember that stretching should be a pleasure, so do everything as slowly and gently as possible;
  • Lying on your back, raise your head and shoulder blades as if you were pumping your abs. Lift one leg off the floor and grab it with your palms near your ankle. Raise your other leg slightly, but make sure your lower back is flat on the floor. As you exhale, pull in your stomach and pull your leg towards your forehead in 2 jerks, which should be accompanied by short exhalations. Then inhale, change legs and repeat the exercise. Do 5 repetitions with each leg. Stretching may be accompanied by slight discomfort, but in no case pain;
  • Sit on the mat and extend your left leg forward. Bend the other leg at the knee and place it so that the foot rests on the inner thigh of the left. It is important that the muscles are not tight, so feel your left leg. Sitting in this position, pull your toes towards you and breathe deeply.

Examples of exercises for the back of the thigh

There are many various options, so you can choose the right complex for yourself. Remember that technique is important to get results and avoid injury.

Lunges. Standing straight, bend your knees and lunge forward with your left leg so that your right shin and thigh are perpendicular to the floor. Freeze in this position for a few seconds, and then return to the starting position. The body must be tense so as not to lose balance.

Do 15 repetitions with each leg. Stretching can come into play here if you do a few springy movements after the lunge. You can also complicate the exercise if, while returning to the starting position, you take a step back, that is, a reverse lunge.

Leg raises. There are several exercises for posterior muscles thighs, for which you need to use a mat:

  • Stand on your right knee and bring your left leg back, it should be straight. Then, lift your leg up so that it is parallel to the floor, and then lower it not all the way and keep it suspended. Turn your foot towards you, keep your back and arms straight. Do 15 repetitions with each leg. You can increase the amount, do it until you feel muscle tension;
  • Lying on your back, arms bent at the elbows, place them behind your head. Raise your legs at a right angle, spread them apart and bring them together again. To transfer the load to another muscle group, bend your legs and repeat the exercise. Do it for a minute, increasing the pace. You can make it even more difficult: to do this, straight legs need to be spread apart, lowered down and brought together, and then return to the starting position. This will help pump up the back of the thigh even more.
  • Roll over onto your stomach, bend your elbows and place your arms under your chin. Tighten your buttocks, lift your left leg and slowly lower it without touching the floor. Do 15 repetitions and change legs. To complicate and increase the load on this muscle group, use a weighting agent or a special elastic band. Another option for the exercise: stretch your arms forward and lift your upper body as you lift your legs.
  • Lying on the floor, rest your elbows in front of you. As a result, the upper body will be torn off the floor, while the spine should be arched. You need to look ahead. Slowly move your left leg to the side and lift it, up and down, as if you were drawing a cardiogram. At the same time, move to the other leg. Do 20 repetitions and change legs. Immediately after the exercise you will feel muscle tension.

Exercise with a chair. To do this, you need to take a chair with a back that will serve as a support. Place both hands on the chair and take your right leg back and immediately lift it 20 cm. You must pull the toe towards you. Slowly lower your leg, but do not touch the floor. Make sure to keep your upper body still. Do 20 repetitions and change legs.

To ensure that exercises on the back of the thigh produce results, use the following recommendations:

If you are just starting to play sports, then you should not overexert yourself, do everything within your own strength.

Over time, your body will get used to it and you will be able to increase the load. To achieve your goal, get rid of cellulite and improve skin elasticity, you need to exercise regularly and monitor your diet. Massage and other cosmetic procedures are also important for the beauty of your legs.

A flexible, elastic body is a person’s dream. It is possible to try to achieve your plans. The right set of exercises performed daily will help you achieve your cherished goal.

The front surface of the thigh is a tender part; you need to stretch it carefully. The area is pumped at an accelerated pace, becomes very noticeable, “swollen”, to prevent this, you will need to give up excessive weights when working with the front surface of the thigh. The muscles of the legs are pumped much less often than other parts of the body.

The muscles of this part allow you to bend your knees, tilt your pelvis forward, bend your hips, and the posterior muscles help you straighten.

On the front of the thigh is the most powerful muscle of the legs - the quadriceps or quadriceps muscle - so named due to the heads of the muscle, which begin from the femur and end in the tibia, forming a common tendon. An exception is the rectus muscle, which descends from the ilium and attaches to the acetabulum. The quadriceps helps the knee joint to fully extend.

The structure of the quadriceps includes muscles:

  1. The rectus muscle turns out to be the longest of the other four heads of the anterior leg muscle. It is located from the acetabulum and ends near the tibial tubercle. Non-flexion of the knee has the least impact.
  2. The vastus lateralis is the largest muscle in this part of the thigh. The shape is flat, wide and thick. Descends from the trochanter of the femur, weaving itself to the bottom of the tendon of the rectus leg muscle.
  3. Medial wide - shaped like a drop located inside, originating from the linea aspera and moving to the patellar ligament.
  4. Intermediate wide - lies between the medial and lateral, is located deeper than the others, and is recognized as weaker than the others.

Stretching the muscles of the front of the thigh: general rules

Any stretching of the back and front muscles requires compliance with the rules, first of all, so as not to damage your health, and secondly, so that the achieved result is maintained for a long time.

Classes are conducted systematically. The number of classes should not decrease.

You will need to learn how to properly relax your leg muscles, otherwise you may end up with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Consider going for a run as a great way to exercise. You need to run at a normal pace, jumping from foot to foot with swinging movements. You can warm up by jumping in place, on one leg or both.

Warming up the leg muscles before stretching will prepare the ligaments for the exercise.

The minimum time spent in a stretching pose is 10 seconds, gradually increase to 60. Stretching for less time will not give results.

To achieve success when stretching, you need to breathe deeply. You can't hold your breath!

Remember, muscle stretching is not supposed to be painful. Some discomfort is acceptable, especially during initial stages, but not pain.

Good muscle stretching is the result of many years of work on the body. You will need to have a considerable amount of patience to engage in this type of activity.

The benefits of exercise are obvious: the effects of stress are prevented, weight is normalized, the cardiovascular system begins to function normally, and the body’s overall resistance is developed.

Training is gradually becoming a part of life. Stimulate your own interest by doing family or group activities.

Stretching while standing on one leg

To perform this type of stretching you will need:

During the exercise, the muscles of the back, gluteal, and sometimes the back and front muscles of the thigh are strongly worked out in a comprehensive manner.

Consider the following points:

  • To achieve maximum stretching, try to keep your back straight during the exercise, make sure that your legs do not bend, and your pelvic bone does not lean forward.
  • If you choose a higher support, the stretching of the muscle group in question will significantly increase. You will also be able to feel the stretching of individual back and front muscles on your left leg.

The classic version of stretching the anterior thigh muscles is done while standing:

When performing the exercise, you will need to straighten your chest, shoulders and align your body parts.

Lunge Stretch


  1. Take the appropriate position in which the left leg takes a forward position.
  2. Bend your left leg at a right angle. The knee and ankle joints conditionally create a straight line.
  3. To balance your torso during the exercise, you need to grab a support (for example, a chair) or your left knee.
  4. The pelvic bone moves forward so that the knee moves further than the ankle joint; the heel cannot be lifted off the floor.

The exercise will allow you to work the anterior gluteal and individual posterior and anterior femoral muscles of the legs, lower legs, lumbar region.

During the exercise, movements should be done smoothly, without jerking or sudden movements! Make sure that your left knee remains pointed forward and your right knee is off the floor.

If you want to stretch further, when your pelvis reaches the front point, you should arch your back.

Stretching while lying down

The exercise is performed according to the algorithm:

  1. Lie on your right side.
  2. Bend your left leg as much as possible, bring your heel to your buttocks a short distance.
  3. Take the foot, pull it closer to the buttocks, while simultaneously moving the pelvis forward. Don't try to touch your heel to your buttocks. As in the previous exercise, be careful. Pull the foot slowly to avoid injury to muscles and joints. During the exercise, focus on stretching the posterior and anterior thigh muscles, not on bending your leg as far as possible.

Thanks to the exercise, the gluteal, lumbar and femoral muscles of the legs are stretched.

Strong and elastic hamstring muscles protect the lower back from damage and injury when bending forward. Elastic popliteal ligaments will help when performing such difficult asanas, such as Hanumanasana (a pose dedicated to the Monkey God - Hanuman). However, if you try to stretch these muscles by straining them as hard as you can and applying brute force, the effect will likely be the opposite: the muscles will become even stiffer. To achieve their elasticity, you need to learn how to relax these muscles.

The main reason we have such a hard time lengthening our muscles is the contraction reflex. If you overdo it and stretch them too much, they, obeying a reflex, begin to contract, trying to return to their previous familiar state. Help here psychological technique: When releasing muscles from tension, mentally strive to lengthen them, not stretch them. The contraction reflex can be nullified by gradually lengthening the muscles of the back of the thigh. If you pull them too hard and persistently, there will be no point: they will stubbornly resist.

Strength and stretching

While practicing the suggested asanas, try using two techniques to lengthen the hamstrings. The first is aimed at conscious muscle relaxation in asanas. The second, on the contrary, helps to lengthen muscles by consciously contracting them and simultaneously stretching them. This technique is also good because it helps strengthen the muscles and maintain their strength, even if they are already quite elastic. Before you begin the routine, do a few standing poses to warm up your leg muscles and prepare your body and mind for the practice.

1. Supta Padangusthasana I – Lying Big Toe Grip

Lie on your back, straighten your legs and press your soles firmly against the wall. With your popliteal area toward the floor, bend your right leg. If your hamstrings are flexible enough, grab your right big toe with your right index, middle, and thumb fingers. If not, place a strap over the ball of your right foot and grab it with your right hand. Place your left palm on your left thigh. Keeping your right knee bent, point the inner edges of both feet away from you and the outer edges toward you. Spread and extend your toes and point them toward you while gently pushing the balls of your toes away from you. It is very important to maintain this footwork in all asanas.

Move the right side of your pelvis toward your feet until both sides are the same distance from the wall. This movement will align the length of the right and left sides. Now you need to straighten your right leg at the knee so as not to feel a clear stretch in the back of the thigh. Slowly straighten your right leg, pointing your foot and upper thigh toward the wall. If you use a belt, the angle between your raised leg and your torso may be obtuse. If you grab your big toe with your hand, do not pull your leg towards you: keep it as close to the wall as the length of your arm allows. Maintain a natural arch in your lower back and roll both hips inward.

As you exhale, gently pull your right foot toward you and stop as soon as you feel a slight, pleasant stretch in the back of your thigh. Stay in this position without bending your knee or lowering your lower back to the floor. Be calm and patient, observing the sensations arising in the back of your thigh and behind the knee until you realize that the feeling of traction has disappeared. (This may take 30 seconds or more.) Then gently pull your leg a little closer to your head until you again feel a pleasant stretch. Stay still, wait for the feeling of traction to dissolve again, and only then continue. Repeat the entire cycle until you reach the limit. Hold the highest possible position for 30 seconds, lower your leg to the floor and repeat the same with your left leg.

2. Parshvottanasana – Lateral Stretch Pose

Stand facing the wall about 30 cm away. Press both palms against the wall at shoulder level and step your left foot back 100–120 cm. Turn your left foot outward about 30 degrees. The heel of the right foot should be in line with the highest point of the left foot. (If this position is difficult to achieve, move your left leg slightly to the left or lift your heel off the floor.) Rotate your pelvis completely toward the wall, then, rotating it at the hip joints, lean forward with a straight back. In this position, your palms will be above shoulder level. Before moving on, align the position of the pelvis: its left and right parts should be located at the same distance from the wall and at the same height from the floor. To achieve an even position, adjust the distance between your feet and move one or both sides of your pelvis back or forward (most people need to point the left side of their pelvis forward). Then roll both thighs inward so that your kneecaps point in the same direction as your toes.

Now proceed to lengthening the muscles using the “contraction-extension” technique. It is best to start active traction immediately. To do this, draw your knees in and tilt your pelvis, lifting your sit bones higher and directing the sides of your pelvis forward and down. If you do not feel a strong stretch, move both feet a few centimeters further from the wall. Once again, adjust the position of your pelvis and raise your sit bones again (keep your arms as high as possible). Repeat this sequence until you feel the back of your right thigh stretch strongly.

The next stage is alternating muscle contraction and relaxation. Press your right foot firmly into the floor. Without bending your knees, continuing to turn your right thigh inward and maintaining the angle of the pelvis, contract the muscles of the back of the thigh for 10 seconds as much as possible (this should reduce the feeling of stretching). Then quickly, but without losing awareness of the action, completely relax the muscles and allow the hamstrings to lengthen. Stay like this for at least 10 seconds. Repeat the contraction and relaxation cycle at least three times. Between cycles, you can move your feet a little further from the wall to increase the intensity of the stretch. For the final cycle, hold the contraction and final extension for 30 seconds. Perform the entire sequence of actions in the other direction.

3. Padangusthasana – Grasping the Big Toes

Stand straight, feet hip-width apart, parallel to each other. Draw your knees in, contracting the muscles at the front of your thighs. Keeping your legs straight, lean forward from your hips so that your pelvis, spine, and head move as one. Firmly grasp your big toes with your index and middle fingers. Press your big toes into the floor and use your fingers to resist the movement (if you can't reach your toes without rounding your back, use a strap under the balls of your feet and grab both ends with your hands).

As you inhale, contract the muscles of the front of your thighs with redoubled force and lift your torso as if you wanted to fully straighten, moving your chest off the floor, until your arms are straight. As you exhale, continue to lift your sternum while pushing your sit bones upward to create a gentle arch in your lower back. Then allow the hamstrings to relax and the abdominal area below the navel to contract. Raise your sternum as high as possible, but do not try to lift your head too much: this creates tension in the neck. Make sure your forehead remains relaxed. The upward movement of the torso should lead to contraction of the muscles of the back of the thighs, similar to what happened in Parshvottanasana. With each inhalation, lift your chest higher to increase the contraction of your thigh muscles; With each exhalation, lift your sit bones higher to deepen the lumbar arch, and at the same time consciously relax the muscles of the back of the thigh. To finish, take a deep breath, draw your knees in even further, and as you exhale, bend your arms, spreading your elbows to the sides. Lengthen the front and sides of your torso and, with strong hands, pull the top of your head and torso toward the floor while relaxing the muscles in the back of your thighs. Stay in the final pose for 1 minute. To come out of the asana, release your toes, relax your arms, then rise with a straight back.

4. Janu Shirshasana – Head to Knee Pose

Sit with your legs extended in front of you. If you find it difficult to bend over in this position, place one or two folded blankets under your pelvis. Leaving your right leg straight, bend your left at the knee and place your heel as close to your left sit bone as possible, helping yourself with your hands. At the same time, allow the left half of the pelvis to move back - the left ischium will be further than the right. Then, with your hands, turn the thigh flesh outward and lower your knee to the left, to the floor. Using your hands, push your left knee back and pull your heel as close as possible to the junction of your pelvis and inner thigh. Rotate your shin and foot so that your heel points toward the ceiling and your toes point toward your right hip. Make sure your right leg is still well stretched with your kneecap pointing straight up. Place the fingers of your right hand behind you on the floor or blanket, and your left hand on the floor in front of you. As you inhale, push off with your hands and stretch your spine upward. As you exhale, continuing to stretch, direct the left ischium down and back, and the left half of the pelvis forward, towards the right leg. This is a key movement of the pose: it will help rotate the left lower ribs and chest towards the extended leg. Each time you deepen a bend or twist, start at the pelvis to guide your torso in the direction of the movement.

Now place your left hand on the inside of your left thigh, closer to your groin. As you inhale, strongly rotate your hip outward, direct the left half of your pelvis forward and, twisting to the right, lean toward your right leg. Reach your left hand forward and grab the outside edge of your right foot (if you can't reach, use a strap). Place your right palm on the floor near the outside of your right knee or thigh. Hold your foot or strap firmly, inhale, press your right palm to the floor and lift your torso as if you were about to sit up straight (this movement is similar to the movement in Padangusthasana). As you exhale, press the area under your right knee toward the floor, move your left pelvis forward, create a slight arch in your lower back, and move your left lower ribs simultaneously forward and toward your right leg.

Change the position of your hands: grab the right edge of the foot with your right hand, and the left with your left hand. As you inhale, lift your chest up. As you exhale, bend your elbows and bend forward, moving your torso forward and down toward your right leg. This movement is reminiscent of the final stage of Padangusthasana, when you simultaneously relax the back of the thigh and, using your arms, stretch the front and sides of the torso. Lower your left lower ribs toward the floor until they are level with your right and move your sternum forward toward your right shin, lengthening your belly and allowing your lower abdomen to retract. If the hamstring is flexible enough, grab your left wrist with your right hand behind your foot and turn your left palm away from you. Let the head become an extension of the spine, do not let it rise. If you can easily lower your forehead to your shin, do so, placing it as close to your ankle as possible. Stay in the pose for a minute or more. Then repeat the asana, changing the position of your legs.

5. Crownchasana – Heron Pose

If your knees and hip joints are mobile enough, you can perform full version Crownchasanas, sitting on the floor. But most will need one or two blankets to support their pelvis. Sit down and stretch your legs in front of you. Then bend your left knee and place your shin and instep on the floor (Virasana position, Hero pose). The foot should be located as close to the pelvis as possible, and the toes should point straight back. Press your sit bones into the support and point them back - this movement will create a slight forward tilt of the pelvis. Continuing to stretch upward, interlace your fingers under your right knee and bend it. Then wrap your interlaced fingers around your right foot (if your hamstrings are still tight, place a strap around your foot and grab it with both hands). As you exhale, maintaining spine extension, lift your foot off the floor and carefully straighten your leg. Do not pull the foot towards you - on the contrary, move it away from the body so that the stretching of the muscles of the back of the thigh is gentle. Roll your right thigh slightly inward and continue to point your sit bones down and back and the head of your femur toward the floor. Actively push the inner edge of your foot and the ball of your big toe away from you, and pull the outer edge of your foot towards you.

Now try using the relaxation technique as in Supta Padangusthasana. Keeping your right leg absolutely straight, hold this position until the feeling of gentle stretching goes away. Then, as you exhale, pull your foot a little closer to you until the feeling of slight stretching reappears. Repeat this process several times. It is very important to bring your foot closer to you only if you feel relaxation in the back of your thigh. Work this way until you reach your natural limit. Hold in the final position for a minute. Breathe calmly, making sure your stomach remains soft and your chest open. Repeat the pose, changing the position of your legs. After bending, do some gentle twists, such as Bharadvajasana I (a pose dedicated to Bharadvaja), and passive backbends with support, such as Supta Virasana on a bolster (Reclining Hero Pose). Finally, relax in Shavasana (Dead Man's Pose).

Even if the muscles of the back of the thigh are your most problematic area, you should not devote the entire session to stretching them. The practice should be balanced: one should not forget about backbends, which will strengthen and stretch the muscles of the front of the thigh, and asanas with wide legs (for example, Upavistha Konasana and its variations), which help to lengthen the inner thigh. The paradox is that as soon as you stop trying to achieve results quickly, your hamstrings will relax and allow you to move on. Be patient, stay in the present, and then the movements that you previously considered ordinary stretching will become yoga for you.


    Relieves muscle tension.

    Increases freedom of movement.

    Helps avoid lower back problems.


    Injuries of the lumbar and sacral spine.

    Injuries to the muscles and ligaments of the posterior thigh.

    Pain in the area of ​​the sit bones or just below.

    Sacroiliac joint injuries.

    Knee injuries (for Janu Sirsasana).


Photo: ashleygalvinyoga/instagram.com