Is it possible to pump up your butt in a week? How to quickly pump up a girl's butt at home. Functions of the gluteus maximus muscle

Girls always want everything at once: legs like Campbell, butt like Kim. Let's figure out whether you can expect quick results and, in general, what principles of training for muscle growth work. Surely many have already heard about the effect of heavy weights on buttock growth, regular training and proper nutrition. But what will happen during a week of home training, how to do the exercises so that the result appears?

How to pump up a girl's butt in 1 week

The first factor influencing muscle growth is the load they receive. In this case, is it possible to pump up your butt in a week, receiving a high load?

So, the effect of a weekly workout will be the same, whether with a load with weights with a small number of repetitions, or without it - with your own weight and with a large number of repetitions. Why, because during this time the muscles do not adapt to the load in any way and what can be expected in such a short period of time is swelling and inflammation in the muscles that occur when the fibers are traumatized by an unusual load.

Also, muscle volume seems larger due to more blood flowing to the muscles - but nothing more. All these effects are temporary and provide more of a visual effect than muscle growth and strengthening. Although over time, at least a month, the results will appear. As for the effect after a week, the leg muscles will significantly improve their shape, tighten along with the skin, but you can’t stop there, as already mentioned, this effect is temporary and will go away if you give the muscles good rest within 4-5 days.

How to train at home to pump up your buttocks in 1 week

You need to decide whether you will use weights - a barbell or dumbbells, or whether you plan to exercise without it. The difference is that if you have the equipment, you can do fewer repetitions. Beginners should not take a heavy load, otherwise the muscles will only become more inflamed and take longer to heal.

Choose the weight so that by the fifteenth repetition, the muscles of the legs and buttocks feel tired and can no longer perform the repetition.

If you work with your own weight, here it is necessary to increase the number of repetitions up to 25-30 times depending on the preparation of the muscles, and some will need more.

Next general feature training is the number of sessions that does not exceed three times a week.

Daily training will not provide greater benefits, but, on the contrary, will overwork the muscles.

Every workout must begin with. Firstly, to ensure that the muscles work in full amplitude and are not constrained. Secondly, warming up prevents injuries that are easy to get with so-called cold muscles. After each workout it is necessary, this will help restore their elasticity and accelerate their growth due to subsequent rest in a normal physiological state.

Top 5 exercises for buttocks at home

The first three exercises can be performed not only with your own weight, but also with weights such as dumbbells, a barbell, a backpack with weights, and even five-liter bottles. Leg swings can be performed with elastic bands and special ones. Perform 3 sets 15 times, with 1 minute rest.

If training with your own weight, increase the number of repetitions to 30 times, the main thing is to feel a burning sensation in the muscles at the end of the approach.

1. Squats

The compound exercise is number one for strengthening and growing the gluteal muscle. If you don’t have experience training and performing squats yet, perform the technique until it is parallel to the floor. If the exercise technique has already been worked out, choose the option; with such an amplitude, the gluteal muscles are stretched more strongly, and therefore are loaded.

  1. Take any available weight in your hands or stretch your arms in front of you.
  2. Place your feet slightly wider than your pelvis, with your toes pointed apart.
  3. Keep your back straight when lowering your pelvis to the lower position, do not twist your sacrum or round your lower back.
  4. Lower your pelvis just below your knees, while resting on your heels.

2. Lunges

This exercise is performed by walking around the room, but if the area is insufficient, it can be performed.

  1. Take a weight in both hands or place your palms on your waist, feet together.
  2. Lunge forward with one leg, forming a right angle at the knee.
  3. Push off with the heel of your front foot and move your back foot forward, leaning on it.
  4. And so on, alternate legs, resting on the heel of the supporting leg.
  5. Do the same amount on both sides.

3. Gluteal bridge

Isolated exercise for the gluteal muscles.

  • The weight can be placed below the iliac bones, holding it with your hands so that the load does not roll onto your stomach.
  • Push your pelvis up so that a straight line is formed from your chest to your knees.
  • Do not arch your lower back, push off with your heels and keep your abdominal muscles tense, this will allow you to control your spine.

4. Swing your leg up in support

  1. Stand on your forearms or palms and knees.
  2. Place your elbows under your shoulders and your knees under your ilia.
  3. Tighten your abdominal muscles to prevent overbending in your lower back.
  4. Remaining on one knee, lift the opposite leg, bent at a right angle, up so that the gluteal muscle is activated, but the lower back is not overloaded.

  • Do not raise your knee higher than your pelvis.
  • Stretch your heel upward.
  • Perform first on one side until you feel a burning sensation, then on the other.

5. Swing your leg to the side

  1. Standing sideways against a support, such as a wall, transfer your body weight to the supporting foot closest to the wall, lift the other one above the floor and swing your leg to the side without rotating the hip joint or shifting the body to the sides.
  2. Complete the required number of repetitions, then change legs.


Remember, you cannot achieve any results in a week, the visible effect is achieved only due to congestion and swelling of the muscles. To achieve results, you need to train constantly and the first successes will be visible in 1-2 months, or even six months. The main thing is not to get upset in advance and be patient. Gradually the load must be increased if you want rounded shapes. With the help of home workouts without weights, you can only maintain muscle tone, but not build mass in the right places.

For the sake of perfect look behind you are ready to sweat for hours in the gym, do squats instead of a lunch break and memorize all the video workouts that have the word butt in the title. You see the result in the mirror: your stomach has tightened, your thighs have become stronger - but that same butt seems to ignore your efforts.

1. You have sleeping butt syndrome

This is the scourge of many modern people who dream of firm buttocks. Sedentary work, an inactive lifestyle, and rare walking lead to the gluteal muscles atrophying. The body gets used to transferring the load to other parts of the body. In people with sleeping butt syndrome, when performing squats or lunges, the knee often falls inward or the pelvis begins to “walk” left and right. The exercise is performed incorrectly, the ligaments and joints suffer, the buttocks do not respond to the load - all efforts are in vain. This feature is easier to prevent than to fix. But with the right approach, “awakening” the muscles is quite possible. Mind-body connection will help - when, when performing exercises, attention is focused on the sensations in the buttocks - and advice from a trainer.

Polina Syrovatskaya

- On initial stage I recommend paying more attention to isolated exercises that involve one joint (hip) in different planes (abduction, adduction, circular). The load needs to be complicated gradually: first perform the exercises in a lying position, then on all fours, then standing. It is better to start working in a static mode (hold the muscles in a tense position for five or more seconds, until a burning sensation or tremors), then in a static-dynamic mode (slow pace, low amplitude, with a delay in the peak phase). Gradually you can move on to dynamic loads with weights.

2. You're not exercising your muscles enough.

Self-pity or improper distribution of the load (with the same “sleeping” muscles) lead to the fact that the buttocks do not work to their full potential. For example, when doing a squat, you feel that your knees and hips are tired, and you stop training. But the buttocks did not receive the proper load. Experts say that the result of a quality session should be a feeling of tone (not pain!) in the trained area. If you don't feel tension in your muscles, it means you haven't worked hard.

Polina Syrovatskaya

personal trainer, master of sports aerobics, official trainer of PUMA Russia

When we talk about exercises like squats, deadlifts and lunges (compound exercises) or functional exercises where there is a lot of balance, stretching and complex coordination, it is very difficult to get a feel for a specific area - these exercises involve a lot of muscles. You can't ignore any type of exercise. Both basic and isolated are needed. Optimal load: do basic - 10-16 repetitions with heavy weight (select so that you feel the work on the last 2-3 repetitions) and isolated - 20-40 times with light weight. At least three approaches, and preferably eight (especially in basic exercises).

All repetitions and sets must be performed technically correctly. Joint pain cannot be tolerated. After the approaches, you should feel tired in the buttocks - until tremors and burning appear in the muscles.

3. You do the same workouts

If from 50 squats a day your buttocks become a little stronger after a week, this does not mean that after a year of such training you will be taken on the Kardashian show. Repeating the same exercises or a combination of them will sooner or later stop progress. Muscles quickly adapt to the load and stop growing. One way to get your muscles to engage is to add weight. Increasing or decreasing it (as well as changing the number of repetitions) causes the muscles to work differently. Well, you can’t pump up the buttocks of your dreams with just a squat.

Polina Syrovatskaya

personal trainer, master of sports aerobics, official trainer of PUMA Russia

Add variety to basic exercises. Do dynamic lunges (step back, forward, sideways) or Bulgarian. You can change the equipment - if instead of a barbell you take a plate and hold it above your head or weights in your hands, the muscles are more connected. Change the operating mode: statics, static dynamics (quickly down - very slowly up, very slowly down - quickly up), plyometrics, downward statics, up jump.

4. You're not eating right

Even a varied and properly executed workout will not yield results if after it you reward yourself with a double cheeseburger for hard work. Or - at the other extreme - when you are looking for a miracle product or miracle diet that will help you build the perfect butt. Organism - one system, and it is impossible to locally improve the appearance of a certain part of the body. The only one possible variant- proper and balanced nutrition.

On the eve of summer and vacation, many people think: “How can I pump up my body?” This article will tell you how to get firm buttocks in a week.

Flabbiness of the skin in the buttocks area occurs as a result poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle. Only people who are not overweight can build beautiful buttocks very quickly. If you are overweight, you not only need to train your muscles, but also remove fat deposits, which will take much longer. In any case, to achieve good results, you will have to work hard.

The importance of warming up before training

As a result of incorrect exercise technique, you can get injured. To reduce the risk of injury, a short warm-up is recommended. This could be jogging, jumping rope, cardio exercise, or an exercise bike. Warm-up lasts 5–7 minutes.

How to pump up your buttocks in a week: a set of exercises

1. Pelvic lifts. It is considered a very effective exercise for the buttocks and lower back, the first results are felt after 7-10 days of daily training.

Starting position: lying on your back, arms extended along the body, palms facing the floor. Legs are bent at the knees and spaced shoulder-width apart.

Perform smooth hip lifts as high as possible. When lifting, tighten your buttock muscles as much as possible. When lowering yourself, you cannot “drop” your butt on the floor. Perform 3 sets of 20 lifts. As you train, gradually increase the number of repetitions.

2. Squats. These are the most effective of all butt exercises. Recently, sumo-style squats have been practiced. In the gym, squats are performed with a barbell or dumbbells. At home, you can use a kettlebell or some other weighting material.

Squats are characterized by a wide stance with the knees pointing towards the toes. The toes and knees need to be turned outward; the stronger the turn, the more the inner thigh is loaded. Only the legs are included in the work. Don't tilt your back too much. Wide leg placement helps work the inner thigh muscles.

Try to sit as low as possible. You need to squat at least until your thighs are parallel to the floor. The wider your legs are, the more difficult it is to perform the exercises, so at the initial stage, decide on the width of your legs. When lifting, spread your knees to the sides. Perform several sets of 15 squats.

3. Swing your legs while standing or bending over. Exercises are effective for pumping up the upper buttocks; they allow you to make your butt more prominent and sexy.

To perform the technique in a standing position, you need to grab the back of the chair with your hands and move one leg back with maximum amplitude. Perform until you feel strong muscle tension.

Bent over leg swings are more effective because there is a larger amplitude. Starting position – kneeling on the floor, hands on the floor, back straight, gaze directed forward. We make smooth swings of the legs back with maximum amplitude. You should feel tension in your buttocks. At the top point we do not throw our leg, but press it.

Perform several approaches of 15–20 swings on each side. For better effect, you can use a weighting agent.

If you want to work your inner thighs, do side kicks. The exercise is performed similarly to standing leg swings, only we move the leg not back, but to the side. Perform until you feel strong muscle tension.

Most quick way to achieve the desired result - daily exercise in combination with a diet.

Don’t know how you can quickly pump up your butt? Watch the video with the most effective exercises:

This question increasingly arises before the fair sex, as summer is coming and, of course, the beginning of the beach season. We all try to pump up our butts and get our bodies in order, so that summer time show off your slender figures. When meeting a woman, men do not look into the eyes, as naive beauties believe, but at the chest, legs and buttocks. To pump up your butt, you don’t have to buy a gym membership; you can pump up your butt at home. Pumping up your butt is not at all difficult, the most important thing is to regularly perform special exercises, which are aimed at the gluteal muscles. Perform the set of exercises presented below, and then you will not be embarrassed by the appraising male gazes on the beach.

The shape of the butt, as a rule, leaves much to be desired in those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, i.e. among office workers. Israeli scientists presented a study which found that the more time a person spends sitting on his butt, the wider his buttocks, which grow due to an increase in the fat layer. Since while sitting, the vessels are pinched, and stagnation forms in the pelvic area, as a result of which metabolic processes slow down.

If you want to get a beautiful butt in a short time, then on the one hand you need to focus on fat-burning workouts (), and on the other, build up your butt muscles.

By doing this set of exercises, you will pump up your butt within a week, and the longer you do them, the more beautiful your butt will become. The main thing is not to be lazy and not abandon everything halfway. After the first 2-3 workouts, the muscles will ache slightly, and this is where the main thing is to overcome yourself and continue training through the pain.

The set of exercises is made up of simple exercises that can be easily done at home. All you need is a practice mat. At first glance, the exercises seem very easy, however, this is one of the most effective complexes for the gluteal muscles. The most important thing is regularity, and then the results will not keep you waiting.

Starting position: Lying on your back. Knees bent, feet shoulder-width apart.

On count 1: Raise your butt up as high as possible, and try to stay in this position for 5 seconds.
On count 2: Lower your butt to the starting position.

This exercise tightens the gluteal muscles and also stretches the muscles of the front of the thigh.
If you are new to sports, then for the first week of training it is enough to do 3 sets of 30 times. If you are an experienced athlete, then 4 sets of 40 times.

Starting position: Lying on your back. Knees bent, feet shoulder-width apart, knees together.

On count 1: Raise your butt up as high as possible, spread your knees to the sides, and try to stay in this position for 5 seconds.
On count 2: Bring your knees together and lower your butt to the starting position.

Due to the fact that we bring the knees together and spread them during the exercise, we also pump up the lateral surfaces of the thighs. So, in addition to the fact that this exercise pumps up the butt, we also remove sagging from the thighs.
If you are new to sports, then for the first week of training it is enough to do 3 sets of 20 times. If you are an experienced athlete, then 4 sets of 30 times.

Starting position: Kneeling. Support on straight arms, one leg straightened and laid back. It is necessary to pull the toe of the straightened leg towards you.

On count 1: Raise the straightened leg up and keep it parallel to the floor, no need to pull it higher. We try to stay in this position for 5 seconds.
On count 2: Lower the leg to the starting position.

When performing this exercise, we train not only the gluteal muscles, but also the muscles back surface hips.
This exercise must be performed 3 sets of 20 times with each leg.

On count 1: Raise one bent leg up as high as possible and hold it for 5 seconds.

When performing this exercise, we train not only the gluteal muscles, but also the muscles of the back and front of the thigh. The most important thing is to perform this exercise as slowly as possible.

Starting position: Kneeling. Reliance on the forearms (one could say on the elbows and hands).

On count 1: Raise one bent leg up as high as possible and slowly straighten it at the knee joint, hold it for 5 seconds.
On count 2: Slowly lower the leg to the starting position. When performing this exercise, the main thing is smoothness; the leg should not be abruptly raised and thrown to the bottom.

When performing this exercise, we train not only the gluteal muscles, but also the muscles of the back and front of the thigh. The most important thing is to perform this exercise as slowly as possible, then you will also put stress on problem “cellulite” areas.
This exercise must be performed 2 sets of 20 times with each leg.

Some tips for training:

1. Always start your workout by warming up your muscles. Walk or jump rope on the spot, dance or work out on a machine if you have one at home. Warm up until you feel a slight sweat on your back. Then the exercises performed after warming up will give a greater effect, and will help avoid straining joints and muscles.

2. You should train regularly, 3-4 times a week, then you will notice results within 2 weeks.

3. In order for classes to take place in a good mood, it is better to perform them to music. Slow melodies are suitable for this set of exercises.

4. At the end of the lesson, it is also advisable to do a short warm-up; dancing or cardio equipment will help you with this. This also helps to improve the general condition of the body.

This set of exercises can be complemented by such basic activities as walking up the stairs. Walk up the stairs as often as possible, this will not only help you pump up your butt, but also improve the general condition of your body, as well as lose weight.
In order to pump up your butt, regular squats are also useful; in this way you will pump up not only your butt muscles, but also your thigh muscles.

P.S. Play sports! And don’t forget to subscribe to new articles and join the “Katya’s blog” group in contact:

An anecdote for humor lovers :)

Regular physical activity allows the body to remain fit and muscles toned. You can make your figure sexy within one week, but keep the results for long time it won't work out. To strengthen the muscles of the buttocks, you need to do physical exercises regularly. You can take care of your body yourself at home. In addition to home exercises, you should seek help from a professional trainer who can choose the optimal workouts taking into account your body structure.

  • Tips from a professional trainer
  • Squats
  • Bridge
  • Swing your legs
  • Lunges
  • Glute bridge with barbell
  • Curtsy squats
  • Lunges with a barbell
  • Plie squats
  • Exercises with an expander
  • Exercises with fitball
  • Romanian deadlift
  • Jumping to higher ground
  • Exercise Split
  • Diet for the butt
  • Sample menu for 1 day
  • Reviews
To make your buttocks look cool and sexy, it is important to work out all muscle groups. The female body has adipose tissue. It is this that makes the hips and buttocks flabby and sagging. In order for the inner and outer parts of the buttocks to be worked out, it is important to follow the tips:

Correct exercise technique is the key to success; training with a trainer will help you avoid injuries;
- strict implementation of strength training will oblige you to work with the maximum allowable weight;
- cardio training is The best way burn fat. It is best to choose running or walking during the year;
- proper nutrition- this is the first step to pumping up your buttocks.

Exercises for the butt at home without equipment

For a stunning figure, it is enough to perform a workout with your body weight. This load can be obtained at home. Working on your body helps you get rid of sagging, cellulite, and fat deposits. You need to exercise regularly. There should be at least 2 workouts per week lasting 40 minutes. If you work with weights and heavy weights, then training once a week is enough.


Correct execution involves squatting on a chair, which needs to be conditionally visualized. The legs are slightly wider than the shoulders, the back is kept straight. When parallel with the floor is reached, you should return to the starting position. The knee should remain at a right angle and not extend beyond the toes. The emphasis is not to roll over from heel to toe. When performing a squat, it is important to engage your quadriceps to keep them engaged.


This type of training is aimed at working the gluteal muscle. The complex is done on the floor. Feet are shoulder-width apart. The knees bend. By squeezing the buttocks and tensing the hips, the pelvis lifts off the floor. The effectiveness of the resulting load depends on the force of compression of the buttocks. If you place your feet at an elevation of up to 30 cm, pumping increases.

Swing your legs

Leg swings are a complex for biceps. This type of exercise works the biceps from all sides. The gluteus medius muscles are involved when performing the complex. If you swing your legs back, you will work the posterior biceps muscles. If you keep your leg straight, your lower back will come into play. Swinging your legs forward forces the anterior quadriceps to work. If you swing outward, the gluteus medius muscle will work. The inner surface of the biceps is worked out when swinging inward.


To ensure that the load is distributed across all muscles, it is important to perform all types of swings. To make the exercise more difficult, weights are attached to the legs. For problems with knee joints, swings replace squats and lunges.


Lunges load the biceps. The main thing is to perform the complex correctly. The first stage is to place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. The back bends slightly at the lower back, the knees are slightly bent. A step forward is taken. You need to concentrate the weight on the exposed limb. The main goal is to create 90 degrees between the thigh and shin. When rising from a squat, you need to return to the first stage. Then the lunge is repeated with the other leg.

Butt exercises at home with equipment

Exercising with additional weight helps create maximum load on the biceps, thereby making them toned and trained. Dumbbells or bottled water are used as weights. If such options do not suit you, then you can use rubber bands. Rubber hinges are suitable for home use. It is better to immediately purchase a set of loops with different weights. Latest fashion is to use a sandbag. The second name for the sandbag. The sandbag has a floating center of gravity, which allows you to work out all the muscles.

Glute bridge with barbell

When performing a bridge, the muscles of the whole body are strengthened. The bridge is safe if done correctly. You need to perform the bridge on a bench whose height is 40 cm. The bench must run along the lower edge of the shoulder blades. There should be no support on the neck or sliding on the bench. When performed, the bar is located on the bend of the legs and body. It is highly undesirable to place the bar on your stomach. The bar weighs 20 kg and 10 kg. A mat or cushion is placed under the bar. After setting the bar, it is important to place your feet correctly. They need to be placed at the width that best allows you to feel the gluteal muscles. The heels should not come off the floor during exercise. The pelvis should be lifted off the floor after inhaling. The weight is pushed as high as possible. The spine should not arch either in the thoracic or in the lumbar region. The pace is kept smooth, the muscles remain tense throughout the session.

Deadlift with a kettlebell on one leg

The deadlift is a moderately difficult complex. To exercise, you need to take dumbbells in your hands and place them at the level of your hips and outstretched arms. One leg is moved back. Inhale, then exhale while moving the body forward. The final pose forms a parallel with the floor. You need to stay in the pose for 2 seconds, then return to the first stage. The back remains straight throughout the lesson. It's worth looking straight ahead. The heel of the leg laid back should stretch upward.

Steps on the steppe with knee lift

The step platform can withstand any weight due to its reliable material; it softens the load on the joints when jumping. Platform heights vary.

On a note!

For beginners, it is best to start with a fifteen-centimeter board. If the athlete is experienced, classes can be conducted on a twenty-centimeter board.

The platform is designed to train your shins, calves and thighs.

Rules for working with the platform:

Classes should be held in comfortable, non-slip shoes;
- climbing the step is carried out due to the muscles of the legs;
- movements must be rhythmic;
- jumping onto tense limbs is prohibited.

In addition to strengthening the muscles, the heart muscle becomes stronger, endurance and coordination develop. To train one limb at a time, you need to step onto the platform and lower yourself to the floor. To make it more difficult, an incremental step is taken. To step onto the platform, you need to climb with your right foot and put your left foot down.

Curtsy squats

Crossed lunges are great for stretching the ligaments in the lower phase of the movement. The load on the joint when performing a curtsey is large, so the joints must be flexible. To squat, you need to place your feet shoulder-width apart and point your toes in different directions. The knees are directed towards the toes. The weight is transferred to one leg, and an oblique step is taken back with the other leg. The toe of the foot in front is directed outward, the toe of the foot standing behind is directed forward. The squat is carried out so that the knee of the working leg is parallel to the floor. At the bottom of the squat, you should feel a stretch in the muscles of the working leg. When performing a squat, you can hold a ball, weight or other heavy object in your hand.

Lunges with a barbell

Lunges can be classic, Bulgarian or reverse. For classic lunges, you need to take a wide step forward and bend your leg. The limb forms 90 degrees. Reverse lunges involve taking a step back. The step must be maximum width, the leg forms 90 degrees. Bulgarian lunges are considered the heaviest. The bottom line is that the foot of the hind limb lies on the bench. The front leg bends to a right angle, after which it returns to the first stage. It is better to discuss the weight and number of approaches with the trainer. A barbell weighing from 8 to 12 kg is considered the norm.

Plie squats

Stretching is essential for this type of squat. Plie is responsible for working the inner part of the biceps. For the complex, the legs are placed wide apart, the toes are pointed to the sides. Hands hold a dumbbell above the floor. Stretching the ligaments before performing is the main key to success. The best way to stretch your leg is wall bars. Pull your leg as high as possible. Transverse and longitudinal splits, as well as leg swings, are an excellent warm-up before training. The dumbbell bar passes between the fingers. You need to hold the dumbbell perpendicular to the floor by one edge. When performing the plie, the back straightens, and a slight deflection forms in the lower back. You should lower into a squat while inhaling, and rise while exhaling. You should not straighten your knees completely so that the ligaments remain under tension.

Exercises with an expander

An expander is needed to add additional stress to the ligaments. To get the effect, exercise with an expander should be done at least 3 times a week. The expander is used to lift the legs while lying on the side, to straighten the limbs, and to move the limbs to the side and back. The technique of the listed exercises is the same as without the use of an expander.

Exercises with fitball

Using the ball as a support, assume a plank pose. The fingers accumulate into a lock. Alternately and slowly you need to raise your legs to the maximum height. Repetitions must be at least 10 times. This workout works the external muscles.

On a note!

For another complex, you should lean your shoulder blades on the ball and keep your hips at a right angle. When lowering your hips, you need to touch the floor, and then rise to the first position. There must be at least 10 repetitions.

Romanian deadlift

When performing the Romanian deadlift, large muscles are worked out. The weight of the projectile is impressive, so the complex takes a lot of energy and strength and requires maximum concentration and composure. After selecting the weight of the projectile, you need to get close to the bar. Feet are parallel to the floor, legs slightly wider than shoulders. Arms and legs should be slightly bent. The pelvis moves forward, forming a vertical spine. The shoulder blades are brought together, the back is tilted and the biceps are pulled back. You can’t hunch your back, but it’s important to feel the stretch in your hamstrings. The bar moves vertically. There should be no jerks or sudden movements.

Jumping to higher ground

This workout allows you to work your biceps. You can use any stable hill at home. The height of the hill should be up to 30-40 cm. Jumping is carried out by straining all the leg muscles. For a more challenging exercise, you can jump with dumbbells or water bottles.

Walking on a treadmill uphill

The treadmill is in an elevated position, simulating a mountain. At the same time, the biceps receive maximum load. The first stage requires a warm-up, which takes about 5 minutes at a speed of 4 km per hour. Next, you need to raise the belt by 10 degrees, set the speed to 6 km per hour and practice for 15 to 30 minutes. At the last stage of the complex, the canvas returns to its initial state and you need to switch to first speed for about 5 minutes.

Exercise Split

Split is a set of exercises for a specific part of the body. It is worth performing such complexes at least 5-6 times a week. Due to rare and intense loading, the muscles begin to fast growth. A biceps split can include working with a step platform, working with equipment and using your own body weight.

Raising the pelvis with one leg on a step platform
To receive the load, place one leg on the platform and stretch the other up. The pelvis rises up, while one leg remains on the platform and the other is held straight. The body is formed in a straight line from heel to shoulders. The foot of the leg located on the platform should be under the knee. The heel should maintain emphasis on the step while receiving the load. When the leg being lifted up is at the top point of the buttock, it should be bent with maximum force.

Gluteal walking
To walk this way, you need to sit on the floor. Hands close at the back of the head or bend at the elbows. The back should be straight. The hip lifts off the floor and a step forward is taken. The leg changes. Such movements on the butt should be done when moving from the end of one room to the end of another room.

Diet for the butt

The main rule of the diet is compliance with the water regime. You need to drink at least 2 liters per day. The morning should begin with a glass of water, to which you can add a slice of lemon. The main emphasis in nutrition should be on protein foods. In the first half of the day it is better to eat cereals with protein. In the second half, you need to give up carbohydrates and eat only proteins and fiber in the form of salad, which in turn will lead to weight gain. muscle mass. This diet prevents fat from accumulating in the butt area.

It is best to cook food with a minimum content of salt, sugar and animal fat. We must not forget about vegetable fats, which benefit the body. For best result you need to avoid fried foods. Meals throughout the day must be divided into small portions. There should be at least 5 meals per day, with an interval of 2.5-3 hours.

The main products in the diet for the butt:

Chicken breast;
- chicken egg white;
- oatmeal;
- buckwheat;
- pasta from durum wheat;
- fresh vegetables and fruits in season;
- low-fat fish;
- cottage cheese with low fat content.

The following foods are harmful to the hamstrings:

- butter;
- chocolate;
- flour products;
- products containing starch;
- carbonated and sweet drinks;
- alcohol;
- fast food dishes.

Sample menu for 1 day

Breakfast: oatmeal with dried fruits;
Snack: banana;
Second breakfast: buckwheat porridge, chicken breast, Vegetable Salad;
Lunch: durum pasta, low-fat fish, vegetable salad;
Snack: banana;
Afternoon snack: vegetable salad, chicken breast;
Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese.


Daily workouts or exercise several times a week will help keep your figure in great shape. Maintaining water and fat balance will help cleanse the body and make physical activity effective.