What could be the design of a house with a garage under one roof: features of combined buildings

If you decide to go live in the suburbs, then you may find yourself under one roof optimal solution. Because it is not only beautiful, unity with nature and living in a quiet place, but also a great contribution to the arrangement and improvement of everyday life. One of the necessary elements country life- car.

In the USA, a whole culture of so-called comfort towns has developed. These are small towns that are almost like sleeping areas in megacities. They have low-rise buildings, peace, greenery and grace. And from there people go to work every day. For example, from New Jersey, which is, in general, a neighboring state, to New York. There, almost without exception, all projects of houses with a garage.

Choosing a garage type

Before planning construction, you need to choose. After all, the approach to choosing a project is fundamentally different if you are building, albeit for frequent visits, and a family nest, where several generations of the family will live for the next hundred years. It’s also worth taking into account your lifestyle. Do you often have guests? Or maybe you need a carpentry workshop for your soul?

The second stage is to evaluate your financial capabilities. Construction can be treacherous. Even with the most rigorous calculations, something will definitely go wrong, so it is imperative to include at least a small gap for unforeseen situations. Well, and of course, try not to follow common stereotypes and not skimp on materials, so as not to redo it or repair it a year later.

As for garages, you need to answer a few fairly simple questions:

  1. How many cars will the garage be?
  2. Will you be repairing your car in it?
  3. Do you need storage space for anything other than car accessories?
  4. What is the shape of the site and where is the entrance located?
  5. Where and how do you plan to build a house?

This way you will understand which needs are paramount and which can be neglected.

Detached garage

The garage can be placed separately. In the USA, it often indicates the venerable age of a house that was built back when cars smelled bad. In our country, there are still almost no other options. The advantages of this type include:

  • Fire safety. Since the garage often contains a supply of gasoline and other fuels and lubricants, you will be much calmer if an accidental fire does not spread to the house.
  • Soundproofing in case of car repair. If you plan to do the repairs yourself, then protect your family from noise and dust. Yes and inspection hole It will be cheaper and easier to do it in a separate foundation than under the house.
  • Possibility of placing at any point on the site where there is access. This plays a decisive role if you have a complex shaped land area or need to place buildings so as not to demolish what is already on it (for example, a garden).

The main disadvantage is that it is, first of all, expensive if you do a capital building with a foundation made of aerated concrete or bricks. But even if you are building a lightweight version, wiring communications can cost a pretty penny.

Garages combined with the house

Where can I get the project?

Many offers can be found on the Internet: free projects, paid standard ones, and even more so, individual ones for any of your needs. There, on the websites of construction companies or architectural bureaus, you can place an order and contact the manager.

If you find a suitable free project, you will save approximately 10% of the total price of the house. It usually costs about this much to create a project from scratch. If you choose a standard offer construction company, then in addition to the pleasant price, you get another advantage. Confidence that this is already a proven project; a house has already been built on it, and perhaps more than one.

But the main risk of both typical and free projects: They are like a pig in a poke. May not fit the structure of your site: geodetic features, soil type, relief, shape. The communications layout may not suit you. It seems like a small thing, but moving from one corner to another is quite an adventure, not always a joyful one. And it is not in all cases clear whether a tiny alteration will be a targeted intervention, or will require global changes. For example, changing materials can become a problem due to differences in design loads, and everything from the foundation will have to be recalculated.

And you shouldn’t rely too much on the photo of the house. They won't tell you anything really important, it's an advertising element that creates an attractive atmosphere. But a detailed plan - yes. Drawings, communications wiring diagram, location, their size and orientation to the sun - that’s what’s important. It depends on this whether the house will be warm, light, and comfortable.

Projects of houses with a garage under one roof: different layouts

Even if you don’t plan to spend a long time and persistently repairing your “swallow” there, you can still feel the noise and smell. Therefore, this is important:

  • it is worth combining a garage with technical premises. Storerooms, boiler rooms, kitchen in case of emergency;
  • all sides adjacent to the house, both from the side and from above, if you are planning something above the garage, must be carefully heat and sound insulated, since the garage is often not heated or heated poorly;
  • make sure that it is reliable both in terms of the mentioned thermal insulation and simply closes securely. Not only to protect the car, but also because there is a door to the house that is usually not made secure or is completely forgotten to be closed;
  • don't plan over the garage bedrooms, let it be there or something like that.

Important! When planning an attached garage, ensure a secure fire protection. It must be of a class no lower than the protection of the entire house.

In all other respects, when choosing a house project, focus on the needs of the family. On average, a house of 120 square meters is quite suitable for 4 people. m. The only question is how to distribute them. But, depending on the composition of the family and needs, this area may change.

One-story houses with a garage

The easiest way to add a garage to a one-story house is if it was not originally planned. And in small house This will also be an additional useful area where you can put away unnecessary things for seasonal storage and keep supplies.

Advice: refuse the option where the garage is located next to. Exhaust fumes can ruin your holiday, and leave dirt that is difficult to remove on the windows.

Two-story houses with a garage

Houses with an attic can be found more and more often. They appeared in the Middle Ages to avoid floor taxes. And then they became a refuge for poets and artists. After all, the attic, especially if you add it with a skylight, is a romantic and cozy place. And practical! Because it allows you to use all available space for housing. Especially if you came up with an idea.

Projects of houses with a garage and attic an intermediate option between the first two types. On the one hand, they are not so difficult to equip, on the other hand, this is one of the most economical expansion options. Depending on , such a project can be like budget option“only for bedrooms”, or maybe full floor. But the cost of the structure increases proportionally. In general, the principle is simple: the higher the roof, the sharper the slope angle, the less space you lose due to height differences.

Traditional American two-storey house with garage and attic. The pediment above the garage “preserves” the total area of ​​the house

In any case, you need to approach the choice of a house project with or without a garage as carefully as possible. After all, it’s not even that scary if something needs to be urgently changed or seriously remodeled during the process. The most unpleasant thing is to put your whole soul into a house, and then discover that you feel bad and uncomfortable in it.

Therefore, you should not rush to make a choice. No need to be fascinated beautiful photos in catalogs. It is better to spend more time but find an architect who has designed houses for your area. View the most common projects. You can even talk to your neighbors to find out what problems they have in their home. This way you will be sure that you have provided everything for comfortable life in your own home.

It's hard to imagine life in a country house without a garage! The question is rather like this: should I build a house with a built-in garage or a house separate from the garage? Here everything depends only on the specific situation. A garage in a home, properly designed and built correctly, is more comfortable than a detached one. But such a house takes up more space on the site, especially if we are talking about a one-story house with a garage attached to the side, a wider site will be required for its implementation. If the plot is wide and not deep, then a house with a garage, on the contrary, will help save space on the plot.

Projects of houses with a garage: advantages

  • Comfort. A house with a garage will allow you to bring large items into the house faster and more conveniently. In rainy or frosty weather, you don't have to go outside to drive (in the case of radio-controlled external gates).
  • Saving. When building it, you will save on at least one wall and the foundation underneath it. And in the case of a fully built-in garage into the body of the house (for example, if you are considering projects with a garage and an attic) and on the roof. The remaining walls of the garage (depending on the project) can be built from more budget materials than the house itself. You will save on installing water supply, sewerage and heating systems in a separate room - essential components of a garage for proper maintenance of a car.

When building a house with a garage, we recommend that you pay attention to the following key points:

  • If the house project you have chosen does not have a garage, don’t rush to add a garage to your house yourself . Even if the layout allows it, it is not always as simple as it seems. The design of a house with a garage requires the fulfillment of a number of design requirements in relation to the entire house as a whole; violation of these requirements is fraught with serious consequences. When designing a heating system for a house with a garage, heat loss through the enclosing structures of the garage is taken into account when calculating the overall heat loss of the building; a ventilation system is provided in the garage, without which exhaust gases can penetrate into the house.In addition, incorrectly selected dimensions of the garage space, disproportionate angle of inclination and type of roof can negatively affect the appearance of the entire house.
  • Before designing a garage in a basement or basement, carefully analyze the costs of its construction.. It must be borne in mind that building a basement is a very expensive proposition; its cost can reach 30% of the cost of the entire house, due to the large volume of excavation and foundation work. And such a garage will be convenient if you ensure that the angle of inclination of the access road to it is no more than 12° and take care of melting ice in this area in winter.

Statistics show that today more and more people want to move from busy cities with polluted air to their own Vacation home. Clean air, solitude with nature, absence noisy neighbors, the presence of a bathhouse on the site is only a small part of the advantages of a private house. Of course, living outside the city, having a car is a vital need for a person, so there should also be a garage for a car. Detached garages have long gone out of fashion for various reasons, some say that they are not practical, others argue that they ruin the aesthetic appearance of the site. An excellent solution is the construction of a garage adjacent to the house. In this article, we invite you to consider projects of houses with a garage under one roof, which are in perfect harmony with each other and it is quite possible that you would want to see something from what you saw on your site.

Advantages of house projects with a garage under one roof

Let's take a closer look at all the advantages of the joint construction of a house and a garage, we will try to determine all the advantages or identify the disadvantages of this neighborhood.

If the garage is attached to the house, you can get into your car without any problems in any bad weather. To do this, buildings only need to have a common door, which it is advisable to provide for at the design stage.

A house with an attached garage is always practical and convenient

roof attached garage can also be used rationally by placing an open terrace or an upper extension on it, which can be used as a workshop or personal account, where you can retire and spend quality time.

Placing an open terrace above the garage will fit perfectly into the overall interior

Rational use of any space will allow you to solve the problem of free space on the site

Of course, every car owner thinks that he himself knows how and where best to arrange his garage. Despite this, it is still sometimes worth listening to the opinions of experienced experts in the field of architecture and design. Their opinions and advice may help you avoid ridiculous mistakes, which are often impossible to correct.

The attached garage is an integral part of the house.

The joint construction of a house and a garage is an excellent solution from a practical and aesthetic point of view. A huge number of advantages, as well as a large number of positive reviews about such projects makes it possible to believe that separately standing garage will quickly lose its relevance.

A garage attached to the house, decorated in the same interior, will always look expensive and attractive

The choice of one type of roof is a priority condition for designing houses with a garage under one roof. This way the structure will look like one common whole.

Manufacturing garage doors one color scheme with a roof will emphasize their overall style

Projects two-story houses having a garage under one roof are very popular

A garage with a second floor is an excellent solution

Projects with a garage and a house under one roof do not exclude the possibility of arranging a living space above the garage. Such houses have found wide application abroad. For some time now they have been popular in Russia.

The thing is that you don't see it there very often a private house with a large plot of land, so they know how to rationally use every meter of usable area very well.

Living space above the garage - perfect solution increase the total area of ​​the house without losing precious meters on the land plot

A two-story house with two garages underneath could easily be used for two families

When considering finished projects, it is necessary to take into account the fundamental principles of such housing construction:

  • A carefully planned air ventilation system is very important. It must be designed in such a way that carbon monoxide your car could not get into the house;
  • The garage must be functional and have enough free space for convenient use for its intended purpose.

A wide and spacious garage will allow you to place many other useful things

Make efficient use of available space. You can place a large number of items on the wall, from gardening tools to a bicycle.

Each wall of the garage is a usable area. All you have to do is learn how to use it correctly

Following these principles will allow you to plan everything correctly and practically. After all, mistakes made during design can bring all your expectations to naught.

Garage placement options

Garage and house under one roof do not imply the mandatory use of one common wall. The garage can be located at a direct distance from the house, and they can be connected by a so-called passage gallery.

A one-story house with a garage united by a passage gallery takes up much more space on the site

Beautiful cottage with garage

Access to the garage

Another important thing is good access to the garage for the car. Try to choose a project where the entrance gate will be located as close to the road as possible. This will save space in your backyard.

After all, if you move it deeper, it will no longer be possible to use the space for access to it; it must be concreted or laid.

The access path to the garage is an integral part of it

Well-designed projects make it possible to practically place a building with a garage under one roof, even on a site with a small area. In this case, the functionality of the garage will not be impaired in any way.

A double garage under the same roof as the house fits quite well on a small plot

The remaining space near the garage can be sown with lawn. He will definitely give appearance site elegance and attractiveness. In addition, it will always be pleasant to spend your free time in such a place.

  • When choosing a project, it is better to pay attention to the one that provides a full-fledged garage with a large area;
  • It is desirable to have a vestibule between the garage and the house. It will help avoid unnecessary heat loss during the winter;
  • Having a good one is prerequisite during design;
  • Projects of houses with a garage under one roof should only be considered those that can be placed on your site without violating established urban planning standards;
  • You should not distinguish the garage space with other colors from the general style of the house. Its façade and roof must be made of the same building material like the house itself.

Classic example good project garage under one roof with the house

Great combination coffee tree and natural stone

It is advisable to plan the location of the garage, like the house itself, on a hill, this will protect the building from water getting inside during heavy rains. The device will also not be superfluous.

Good projects always include reliable protection from flooding during rains

We have selected a couple more for you finished projects which you can view directly on our website:

Don't make hasty decisions. Think carefully about every little detail in your project. This is the only way you will get exactly the home you have dreamed of all your life.

Projects of houses with a garage are in constant demand among developers. After all, imagine life modern man Without a car, and even living outside the city, it’s simply not possible. That is why the presence of a garage in a house project is an important factor when purchasing. Naturally, you can order a garage project separately. But a garage in the house is much more convenient. And most importantly, it will cost less than a separate

The house and garage are planned so that the car can be accessed not only from the street, but also directly from the residential area. There is no need to go outside in bad weather. As a rule, the entrance to the garage is located from the kitchen or hallway. There is another positive point in this arrangement: if you brought, say, groceries from the store, then transferring them directly to the kitchen is very convenient.

Projects of houses with a garage for the whole family

It must be remembered that a garage for a modern car must be at least 18 m2. In this case, it is advisable to maintain all the distances recommended by experts: from the wall to the car - 50 cm, on the left and right - 70 cm, at the back you can limit it to 20 cm. Usually the project provides for a gate with an entrance shifted to the left. This is done to make it more comfortable to get out of the car. Then on the right side of the garage you can place racks with tools and car parts. The standard width of the gate is 2.5 m. The height is designed so that an adult can pass - 1.8-2.0 meters.

In order for the garage to be comfortable, the room must be properly designed. It is necessary to provide convenient access to the racks and think not only about electrical, but also about natural light. It would be a good idea to provide a sufficient number of sockets into which it will be possible, if necessary, to turn on power tools, and in the cold season - a heater. And if you plan to use more serious electrical equipment, then take care in advance to install an outlet designed for three-phase current.

By the way, you may not need a heater if you plan to heat the garage. Moreover, connect it to common system Heating a house is quite simple. And, in addition, in the garage you can set up an additional workshop or storage room for equipment.

And for those customers who have two cars per family, our company can offer a house project with a garage designed for two cars. This choice will allow you to solve your car parking problems once and for all and save you from searching suitable place under the garage for a second car.

The presence of a terrace is a natural attribute of country life. However, even in the city, it will allow you to admire the surrounding views without obstacles. For example, if your home is surrounded by a garden or lush flower beds. Surrounded by beauty, you can have dinner with the whole family or just be alone while enjoying a cup of tea. Projects of houses with a garage and a terrace are a great way to organize the space of a site and housing, organizing a smooth flow of one into the other.

How to orient a building to the cardinal directions? Architects will answer this question for you. Much depends on what time of day you plan to spend on the terrace. If it is breakfast hours, then facing east will fill the room with light. If you prefer family gatherings for dinner, then it is better to point it to the west, towards the sunset. Projects of houses with a garage and a terrace can be either standard or individually designed.

Which garage to choose

Today you can find buildings with a garage for one or two cars. At the same time, it has become almost mandatory to organize direct access from home to the car. This is due to the many advantages of this layout. First of all, you won’t have to go outside in winter to get into the car, the car won’t need to be warmed up, and it will be much easier to transport shopping bags into the house. Projects of houses with a garage and a terrace are also suitable for those who have not yet acquired a vehicle - indoors a boiler room or workshop will be conveniently located.

There are two main types of parking spaces. The first type is an extension (usually from the end). Such a building, as a rule, is single-occupancy and is heated by a common heating system. In the second case, a place for a car is organized in the basement. Here you can place several cars, as well as bicycles and motor vehicles, boats and gardening tools. When choosing a house project with a garage and a terrace, make sure that its dimensions match the parameters of the car.