Average Unified State Exam score for university admission. Unified State Examination points. Technical universities

Moscow State University them. Lomonosov is one of the most prestigious universities in Russia. Graduates of this university are first-class mathematicians, chemists, historians, etc. How in Moscow State University? This question worries many.


One of the easiest opportunities for entering a university is getting a prize in a first-level Olympiad. In order to become the winner of the Olympiad, you need to familiarize yourself with the tasks for applicants to Moscow State University past years, solve original and unusual problems. Mastering the school level (basic) is also mandatory for applicants. Get ready Moscow State University You can register for full-time subject courses. Being among the winners of the All-Russian Olympiad guarantees you budget V Moscow State University.

Passing the Unified State Exam is also good opportunity for admission. If you write the state exam well (for this you need to solve basic problems and have a good understanding of the material), then you will need additional Moscow State University. Again, solving problems from university collections is the simplest and most effective method. It should be noted that the tasks in Moscow State University are non-standard in nature, and their solution implies a non-standard nature. Just learn to think more broadly, and then everything will definitely work out.

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You will need to plan every day of your preparation for admission. Remember that admission to a prestigious Moscow university is a great opportunity for further development.

Helpful advice

1. The Moscow State University Lomonosov Olympiad is one of the most effective for admission to a university. Up to fifty percent of students are its winners.
2. If you are ready to work, but you are bad at solving non-standard problems, get busy scientific work. There are prestigious Olympiads (“Sparrow Hills”, “Conquer Moscow”), in which you need to create a scientific research work. So you will try yourself as a scientist and enter Moscow State University.


  • Official website of Moscow State University
  • what exams are taken at Moscow State University?

Passage point- the value is not constant. Its value is strongly influenced by the number of universities with similar quality of education, as well as the number of applicants.

You will need

  • - university admissions committee, information about how many applicants with good results Unified State Exam;
  • - statistics.


To have a clear idea of ​​the size of the passage point Well, it’s worth waiting for the deadline for accepting documents, and based on the data received, find out how much point ov must have in order to be a student. But due to the use of Unified State Exam results, this number may decrease, for example, if someone takes their documents to another university.

If you don’t have the mood and patience to wait, you can use the following scheme. To find out the passing statistics point ov in this establishment over the past 3-4 years. Further study the resulting ones. B, pass-through point fluctuates by 5-10 points annually.

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Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov is one of the leading educational institutions in our country. Every year people come here to enroll from different parts of Russia and from abroad. Highly professional teaching staff trains qualified specialists in various specialties. How to get into Moscow State University?


First, you must obtain your high school diploma. Having a silver medal does not provide any benefits upon admission, however, it can be considered during the exams if the results are equal to another applicant. Next, you can visit the “day open doors"Where will you find out necessary information about further education, talk with the rector, ask questions and look at the list of documents required for admission to the university. It is advisable to communicate with former university graduates and find out information about the learning process.

Secondly, you will need to write an application addressed to the rector, which is submitted to admissions committee. The document form can be viewed on the official website of the admission committee of the Moscow University state university. Or ask the admissions office, they will also give you instructions on how to fill it out.

Orphans, disabled children, citizens under 20 years of age who have one disabled parent of group 1, citizens with a family income less than the subsistence level, persons who have served under a contract for at least three years, are entitled to preferential benefits in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The winners of All-Russian Olympiads, held annually in various subjects among students of secondary educational institutions, have the same advantage.

In addition to the application in the established form, you need to prepare other documents. This may be a certificate or diploma of secondary specialized education. Copies of birth certificate and passport, 8 black and white photographs measuring 3 by 4, a copy or original certificate of results obtained at the Unified State Exam. It should be noted that copies of documents do not need to be certified by a notary. Persons entitled to benefits must also provide the necessary proof of their claims.

Nonresidents wishing to attend Moscow State University are provided with a dormitory for the entire period of study. MSU provides training for specialists in evening and correspondence courses. In addition, you can always submit an application and documents for admission to graduate school at an educational institution.

To submit documents for admission, it is given certain period, which changes every year, so this issue must be clarified in advance with the admissions committee.


  • what are the exams at Moscow State University?

School graduates who have applied for admission to universities in our country are tormented by guessing whether they will get in or not. They are interested in where they can get data on passing scores. Since results on a 100-point scale are used for admission to universities, the exact data is unknown to anyone.


Wait until the first lists of applicants are posted, and you will see with what data they are applying to this university. Don't be upset if your name is not at the top of this list. This is just preliminary data. Look carefully at the column of people who submitted originals (there won’t be that many of them). Since the law allows you to apply to five educational institutions, these same names have probably already appeared on the lists of other universities.

Follow the analysis of the Unified State Exam results in your area using news reports, on the Internet (on the websites of specific universities), and in newspaper articles. Such data is in public use and is presented in the form of statistics (this can be tables, graphs, etc.). Everything will help you focus and understand how great your chances are. If your scores are satisfactory, consider whether it is worth submitting original documents to the university.

Consult with graduates of previous years who entered the. Using personal example and the example of their classmates, they will tell you what they did themselves. By comparing your scores and theirs, you will know approximately. But remember that in an educational institution checkpoint your score - somewhere higher, somewhere lower. To some extent, this depends on the prestige of the university, the number of budget places and the number of beneficiaries who have submitted documents.

Be sure to include your phone number in your application. Universities that value their applicants will inform you personally about the results of admission, perhaps even offer to immediately bring everything Required documents. It also happens that the specialty you choose requires high passing scores. In the application, also express your wishes about another one, with more points. In this case, your chances will increase.

A person having higher education has a better chance of finding a decent job and making a good career. To enter a higher education institution, you need to have good knowledge in a particular field of science. And, in addition, take into account a number of nuances regarding admission to “ tower».


Find out if there are preparatory courses for higher education. They can vary in duration: from several weeks to several months. Such courses will allow you to more accurately navigate the entrance examination program and feel more confident in the exams. If you are going to enter a university based on the results of the Unified State Exam, preparatory courses will help you prepare for the Unified State Exam.

Find out the deadline for accepting documents at the educational institution where you are planning to enroll. Check the list of documents required for admission, usually this is an application, a school completion certificate, a certificate of passing the Unified State Exam, a medical certificate in form 086/U and several 3x4 photographs. Although some educational institutions do not require a medical certificate.

So that for the budget department of the university, if any, you have enough for the Unified State Examination in the required subject a large number of to withstand the competition. There is also the option of becoming a prize-winner of the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren, but doing this without appropriate preparation is quite difficult.

Look on the websites of universities for specially organized virtual subject Olympiads for applicants. Visit the Internet resource “World of Olympiads,” which is the official website of the Russian Council of Olympiads for schoolchildren. If you win one of these Olympiads, you will have a chance to get free admission to the relevant university.

If you want to enter any Moscow university without exams at all costs, try your hand at one of the projects organized by the media together with the country's leading universities.


Helpful advice

If you have not passed the entrance tests for the full-time department of the faculty, try out for the part-time department - it is usually easier to get in there.

graduate School economy is one of the most famous educational institutions in the field of business and economy. The high standards of education at this university are known not only in Russia, but also abroad. How can you enroll in this educational institution?

MOSCOW, July 1, 2018 - website, Valentin Fedorov. At the moment, eleventh grade graduates of Russian schools know the results of almost all the Unified State Examinations they took. The results of the Unified State Exam in biology are expected next Wednesday, July 4th. No later than Thursday, July 5, the results of the Unified State Examination in foreign languages, literature and physics will become known. These will be the last results of the main wave of unified state exams in 2018. The additional wave Unified State Exam scores will be received no later than July 17. Having the final results in hand, graduates will be able to more or less realistically assess their chances of entering their chosen universities or adjust their plans. What is the average passing score of the Unified State Examination in 2018 for admission to a university on a budget, what is the minimum score for admission this year in principle - help from the portal website.

Minimum Unified State Exam scores required for admission in 2018

Let's start with the table of the minimum points that you need to score for the Unified State Examination in a particular subject in order to enter a university in 2018 in principle.

Rosobrnadzor annually publishes a table with the minimum initial and test scores required for admission to a university. The essence of this table is that with its help, frankly weak applicants are cut off. Under no circumstances can Russian universities accept students who present Unified State Examination results in at least one subject lower than the minimum established by Rosobrnadzor. With scores lower than those in the table below for one or another Unified State Exam, a graduate will not be able to enroll in a university, even on a paid basis.

Please note that you cannot always find the correct version of this table on the Internet. Unfortunately, in some cases the table is incorrect. You can verify the correctness of this table of minimum points for the Unified State Exam in each subject in the original source - the appendix to the order of Rosobrnadzor.

Passing Unified State Exam scores for admission to a university on a budget in 2018

Nobody can name such scores now. The passing score is determined every year on the basis of the competition that takes place at a specific university in a specific specialty. If the number of budget places is small, and strong applicants have submitted their documents for admission, the passing score will be very high. If there are quite a lot of budget places, but there are no strong Unified State Exam results, then the passing score will be low.

It is also worth understanding that passing scores depend not only on the university, but also on the specialty. So, at Moscow State University. Lomonosov, the passing score in the specialty “Ecology and Environmental Management” last year was 59.3, and in the specialty “International Relations” - 97.3.

The competition for budget places is organized quite simply and clearly. If there are 50 budget places in a particular specialty at a particular university, the first order of admission includes the 50 best applicants with the highest average score on the Unified State Examination. The average score of the 50th applicant on this list will be the passing score for the first order.

However, those who top the list of those who were not included in the first enrollment order can hope that they will be included in the second, final list.

Since students have the right to apply to five different universities for three specialties each, the best applicants almost always enroll in several educational institutions at once. After someone from the first list makes their choice and goes to another university, those who initially did not qualify for the budget places get accepted. Accordingly, the final passing score for admission becomes slightly lower.

Since it is impossible to know in advance the passing Unified State Examination score for admission to universities on a budget within the framework of the 2018 campaign, we can only rely on last year’s passing scores.

You can rely quite confidently on last year’s passing scores. As practice shows, from year to year the average Unified State Exam score required for admission in each specialty does not change that much. If your average score is 10-15 points higher than last year’s passing score, you will almost certainly be able to enter the chosen university.

Last year's passing scores for Russian universities can be found on the state portal "Russian Education" in a special section.

It is very difficult for parents of applicants to understand the issues of admission to universities. What are the minimum and passing USE scores? What is the difference? When are passing grades at the university known? We will answer these questions in this article.

What is a passing grade at a university?

Passing score- this is the minimum sufficient total score that the last enrolled applicant scored based on the results of entrance examinations. For example, a university has 10 budget places and 20 applicants are applying for them, who have promptly submitted all the documents for admission to this university. The passing score will be the total score of the 10th applicant who was admitted to a budget place. Thus, the passing score for the selected university is not known in advance.

When is the passing grade at the university known?

Passing score becomes known only after the end of acceptance of documents for this specialty and enrollment documents. In most universities, passing scores are known in mid-August.

Is it possible to find out in advance about the passing score for admission to a university for a certain specialty?

Passing score is not established by the university administration or admissions committee. It is determined based on the results of a competitive selection and depends on the Unified State Examination results of the applicants themselves applying for admission.

Moreover, the passing score may vary from year to year depending on the number of applicants and the quality of their knowledge. Moreover, the passing score may increase or decrease.

What is the minimum score for admission to a university?

The minimum score for admission to a university is the cut-off limit, after which the applicant has the right to submit documents to the admissions committee of the university of his choice. The minimum score is always less than the passing score.

In accordance with Part 3 of Article 70 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in Russian Federation", the minimum number of Unified State Exam points in general education subjects corresponding to the specialty or field of study for which admission to study is carried out, including targeted admission, is established by the university, if the minimum number of points of the Unified State Exam is not established by the founder of such an educational organization.

The minimum number of Unified State Exam points established by the university cannot be lower than the number of Unified State Exam points established by the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science.

What is the difference between the passing score for admission to a university with a budgetary and paid form of education?

The passing score for studying on a budget form of education is significantly higher. Applicants who have scored an insufficient number of points for admission to the budget can count on admission to this specialty on a paid form of education.

The reform of Russian education is difficult; the new Minister of the Ministry of Education will have to clean out the Augean stables of education, polluted by supporters of the Bologna, and popularly called “swamp” system of schooling and training of specialists. The Finns at one time realized that the education system that existed in the USSR was really the best in the world and stole it, adapting it to their educational standards. Now the Finnish education system is the best in the world.

However, let us return to the Russian reform and pay attention to the fact that in 2013, in order to encourage applicants to enroll in colleges, that is, in order to motivate, first of all, graduates of the 9th grade to receive a specialized secondary level education, entrance exams were canceled.

Instead, certificate competitions and passing grades after 9th grade were introduced. Moreover, each, let’s call them by analogy with universities, determines the secondary educational institution for each specialty independently. Therefore, the question of what is the passing score for college after 9 years of schooling sounds ridiculous, as is the case with the question about the average temperature of hospital patients.

Passing score for technical school

College and technical school are twin educational institutions for obtaining SSE after 9 years of school. And paraphrasing Mayakovsky, which of them is more valuable for a quality education, we can say that when they say “college” in a foreign manner, they mean a technical school, when they say “technical school,” they mean a college.

The same as in college, the definition of a passing grade for a technical school is controversial; firstly, you need to clarify what the passing grade is for 9th grade, that is, with incomplete or for a graduate with complete secondary education.

Secondly, in what specialty are you interested in the passing score and, thirdly, you need to indicate a specific technical school.

Because for 9th grade graduates, the passing grade is determined by the average grade of the certificate, somewhere in the range from 3.5 to maximum rating 5, for graduates with complete secondary education from 130 to a maximum of 200 points of the Unified State Examination result.

As for the passing rates in the specialty, here too the range of knowledge assessments is approximately the same. And if we take individual technical schools, then they can independently set the passing parameters to the lower side of the lower values.

Passing score for medical college

Without going into banal discussions about the humanity and necessity of medical professions, which are always in demand by society, it should be taken into account that the average medical education can be obtained after 9th grade.

The passing score for a medical college also depends on specialties such as nursing and midwifery, as well as on the average certificate, which is determined by the educational institution independently, depending on the enrollment and number of applicants per place.

As for other areas that are considered related in medical colleges, the principle for determining the average passing score is the same as for the main specialties.

Until quite recently, medical schools universally followed the requirement that for admission one had to pass exams in biology, as well as in the Russian language.

Now everything has changed and for admission it is necessary to pass a written psychological test to determine whether the applicant’s psychological and physical abilities meet the requirements for a medical specialist.

College passing scores 2017

If we take, for example, any medical college, the passing grade in 2017 is unlikely to differ from previous years. Moreover, there is a possibility that the average passing grade of the certificate and the Unified State Examination result will be lower than the threshold of previous years due to a significant reduction in the number of applicants due to the so-called “demographic hole”, which happened at the beginning of the 2000s. It’s just that in those days, as many children were not born as were born before.

Therefore, such situations are not uncommon, especially in provincial colleges, where passing grades may not be strictly fixed, for example, in cases where 30 applications for 30 places were submitted to a college, then in this case all 30 applicants are admitted. Then the passing grade will be considered the average grade of the certificate with the lowest indicators, or the lowest USE indicator. The main thing here is that the grades are, as they say, adequate to the profile of study, and also correspond to the status, or rather, the indicator that the college gives itself.

Answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding passing scores

1. What is a passing grade?

The passing score is the minimum sufficient total score that the last admitted applicant scored based on the results of the entrance examination. In other words, if there are, for example, 10 budget places for which 20 people are applying for, who promptly submitted original documents to the admissions committee, then the passing score will be the total score of the tenth applicant.

2. When will the passing score be known?

The passing score becomes known only after the end of admission to this specialty and the publication of the corresponding orders for enrollment. In most cases this is mid-August. At the same time, if all budget places are filled with applicants before the end of the second wave of enrollment, it will be possible to find out the passing score earlier.

3. Who sets the passing score and is it possible to find out about it in advance?

No, you can’t, because the passing score is not set by the university admissions committee or anyone else. It is determined based on the results of a competitive selection and depends on the total number of points scored by each of the applicants applying for admission.

4. What does the passing score consist of?

In most cases, from the results of 3 Unified State Exams, corresponding to the list of entrance tests for the chosen specialty. When entering some specialties, they may also be supplemented by the results of the 4th Unified State Exam and/or additional exams conducted by the university itself.

5. Can the passing score be exactly the same as last year?

Yes maybe. Moreover, passing scores from previous years provide a fairly objective picture of the level of knowledge of applicants entering a particular specialty. However, the passing grade current year may differ from those that were before. Moreover, both in one direction and in the other.

6. What is the difference between a passing score and a minimum score?

The minimum score, in contrast to the passing score, is set by each university independently, and in advance, before the start of enrollment. In fact, the minimum score is a cut-off limit, after which the applicant has the right to submit documents to the admissions committee of the university of his choice. Naturally, the minimum score is lower than the passing score.

7. Does the passing grade for the budget form of education differ from the paid form of education?

Yes, it is different. The passing score for a budget-funded form of education is, as a rule, significantly higher. Therefore, applicants who fail to score the required number of points, in most cases, have a real chance of enrolling in a contractual form of study.

8. What determines the passing score?

By and large, it depends on many factors. Here are just a few of them:
- level of preparation of applicants and grades for the Unified State Examination,
- popularity of the university,
- popularity of the specialty,
- the number of budget places and the degree of competition between applicants,
- the number of applicants admitted based on the results of Olympiads, etc.
So it’s very difficult to predict the passing score in advance, but using past years’ passing scores as a reasonable guideline is quite logical.