Does the human flea exist in nature? Can fleas live in human hair?


Can fleas live in human hair?

Are dog fleas transmitted to humans?

Pests that live and inhabit a dog’s body can spread to people. However, they switch much less frequently than cats. And in principle, the cat type of flea insects is more common. However, in theory, pests that live on a dog can spread to people, so you need to get rid of them before they end up in your hair.

Can fleas from a cat spread to humans?

Do fleas bite people?

Flea pests can actually bite. They especially often bite the limbs, so you need to get rid of them as quickly as possible. Why do some people get bitten and others not? Those with thinner skin are bitten more often. The theory that people with a certain blood type are bitten is a myth.

What do flea bites look like on humans?

Those insects that live in cats can move to people, feed on blood and are very dangerous. They look just like other flea pests and you won't be able to tell them apart from other flea pests. They bite people mainly on the lower limbs, but often end up in the hair.

How to get rid of fleas at home

The main method is to eradicate pests from the body of your pets. You can get rid of it using one of the following methods at home:

  • Hartz collars;
  • drops on the withers Frontline;
  • Rolf Club shampoo;
  • Hartz or Frontline spray.

Shampoo is needed for those animals that are normal about bathing. At the same time, shampoos have a long-lasting effect.

Flea remedies

Eat special means, which are not intended for animals, but for the entire room as a whole. For this, Raptor and Raid aerosol or Executioner insecticide will be useful. Dusts such as Clean House or Brownie may also be suitable.

Traditional methods of fighting fleas

One of the most used recipes for fleas at home is as follows: a garlic tincture is prepared (chopped and peeled garlic is poured into 50 ml of alcohol), after which brewer’s yeast is added to the mixture.

A decoction of herbs is also often prepared: tansy, wormwood, eucalyptus - their smell should repel pests.

The third recipe is a tincture of geranium and lavender leaves. It can be used to treat your pet's body.

How to treat flea bites?

Since a flea bite on a person is quite dangerous, it must be treated to get rid of the insect poison. The following options are suitable for this to get rid of itching:

  • baking soda solution;
  • ethyl alcohol solution;
  • iodine or brilliant green;
  • Sulfuric ointment;
  • calamine solution.

If the bite was a single bite and there are no signs of fleas in the house or on pets, you can get by with the listed remedies.

In the event that a nest of fleas is found in the house (pets are carriers and an excellent home for them), it is necessary to use special chemicals or decoctions intended for treating places where they accumulate.

When itching occurs (a symptom of a bite allergy), the wounds themselves are treated with insecticidal ointment. In this case, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor and get your blood tested. If an infection is detected, it will be necessary to get vaccinated.

Before you learn how to cure a bite and destroy the cause of its occurrence, you should understand who fleas are.

But, despite the fact that the flea is human, it can often be found in cats or dogs.

Advice! Fleas are very difficult to crush, so if you manage to catch one, you need to put it on a hard surface and press it firmly with your fingernail, but it will be easier to flush it down the toilet.

Flea larvae appearance similar to fly eggs. They are white, they have small size, worm-shaped body.

The average lifespan of bloodsucking fleas is several months, however, the maximum flea can live is up to 1.5 years.

Besides human fleas, can be transmitted to people: cat, dog, rat, rabbit fleas. However, they all attack humans when their natural owners are not around. They bite humans as well as animals. Flea bites are dangerous because they transmit various diseases. Cat fleas are smaller than human fleas, but they are more common. Especially if the cat not only lives at home, but also goes for walks. Cat fleas often live in hallways and basements, so the animal can bring them into the house on itself. Accordingly, as soon as at least one bite is noticed on the animal’s body, you should carefully examine the pet and take action.

What danger do fleas pose to people?

The most common consequence of these insect bites is pulicosis. It can occur due to the bite of any type of flea: cat, dog or human, since they can all be transmitted from one owner to another. The symptoms of this reaction are dangerous and similar to allergies:

  • severe rashes at the site of the bite, sometimes leading to suppuration;
  • the appearance of ulcers in the mouth and throat;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • insomnia and irritability, as well as headaches.

In addition, fleas, when they bite, are dangerous, regardless of the type: feline or human, since they are carriers of diseases such as plague, trypanosomiasis, as well as anthrax and encephalitis.

It should be noted that not every flea bite will lead to illness, but we should not forget about the danger.

Treatment of places where a bite is found is necessary, as more serious diseases can develop due to germs and bacteria entering the wound.

Fleas in humans: fight

There are many ways to get rid of fleas, whose bites are dangerous and painful. Their removal should be approached comprehensively.
If there are cats, dogs or other animals in the house, then you should start treating them. Next you need to process the entire apartment.

Fighting with folk remedies

Folk remedies have a flea-specific odor, so they are effective. The fur of cats or dogs can be sprinkled with tincture of tansy or wormwood, as well as eucalyptus. Human skin can be smeared with a cream with a drop of eucalyptus oil for prevention, as this smell repels fleas.

Advice! You can treat the entire apartment with a similar tincture, carefully going through all the cracks and cracks.

  • Bathing a cat or dog in a saline solution. Proportions: one pack of salt is required for one bucket of water. The animal should be placed in the solution and kept in it for approximately 4 minutes. After this, it should be rinsed well with running water.

Advice!You can additionally use tar soap, which has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. This is important in the presence of scratching and large wounds.

  • Homemade anti-flea shampoo. You should grind 1/4 of the soap for children, pour it with liquid, bring to a boil and cook until a jelly-like mass is obtained. It should be supplemented with a medium-sized onion. Directions for use: the solution should be applied to the fur of a cat or dog, rubbed in and wrapped in polyethylene. Leave for 20 minutes.

Advice! If, in addition to these products, you add nettle, yolk or calendula, the shampoo will become more effective.

The fight against fleas indoors should be carried out as follows: arrange bunches of tansy, wormwood, and you can also use lavender or mint. They should be replaced as they dry out.

Mechanical method

Chemicals for flea control

The most effective methods:

  • a special insecticide aerosol should be sprayed around the room. The likes of Raid, Raptor, Combat and Executioner have proven themselves well;

Advice! After you have managed to get rid of fleas from a cat or dog in your apartment, you should keep the room clean and take preventive measures.

The fact that fleas bite people is a well-known fact, but not everyone knows that fleas, albeit very rarely and for a short time, can still live on humans. Many types of fleas pose a danger - rat fleas, flea fleas, cat fleas or dog fleas, because once they settle in an apartment, they attack humans as well as animals in search of food.

What do fleas look like on people?

Even if a flea has left the human body and lives “on its own,” it does not die, since it can go without food for a long time. In general, insects spend most of their time in dark, secluded places, where they reproduce, lay eggs, and hatch larvae. That is, in fact, a flea does not live on a person’s body.

How dangerous are flea bites?

Fleas take a long time to adapt to new living conditions and food sources, but then their activity can be envied. There are a lot of bites on the body, they hurt and itch, and a burning sensation occurs in the damaged area. You can see what a flea bite looks like on a person in the photo below.

Flea bites on humans - what they look like, symptoms, photos

To avoid the spread of infection, you need to treat the inflamed areas with at least regular soap. Ideally, an antiseptic or any alcohol product. Then you need to apply ice and a drug that relieves itching. These measures are simple, but they relieve the condition well.

Where do fleas come from in humans?

In the photo of a flea on a person’s head, you must admit, even the image is terrifying.

  • felines are the most common
  • canine
  • rats (carriers of plague during the Middle Ages)
  • rabbits, which attack most often in the wild.

At the same time, all these insects jump on people when their usual owners are not around. For example, rabbit fleas most often bite hunters who find themselves near holes in a rabbit colony.

On a note

Hunters sometimes say that they were bitten by earth fleas. In fact, earthen fleas do not bite humans: this is not even the name for fleas, but for small herbivorous beetles that harm fields and vegetable gardens. Hunters are usually bitten by fleas from fox or rabbit holes.

How dangerous are fleas for humans?

The most common consequence is pulicosis - a set of symptoms reminiscent of an allergy:

  • profuse continuous rashes in the area of ​​bites
  • inflammation of the bites themselves, sometimes suppuration
  • the appearance of sores in the mouth and throat
  • swollen lymph nodes
  • increase in body temperature
  • headaches, irritability, insomnia.

Of course, not every flea bite will give you such a disease. But you should always remember the potential danger of such bites.

Flea protection products

Separately, it should be said about flea larvae. Special dusts that are used to remove cockroaches (for example, Pyrethrum powder and others) are well suited for their destruction.

Treatment of human flea bites involves treating the bite sites with antiseptic soap and alcohol solutions - brilliant green or iodine. If pulicosis or allergies develop, only a doctor can prescribe medications to treat bites. These may include antihistamines, sedatives and medications for symptomatic treatment.

On a note

There is no special flea shampoo for humans. Insecticidal shampoos for pets are produced for the reason that insects can remain in their thick fur even after bathing.

Some of the most popular sprays that can repel fleas include the following:

  • Off-Extreme, a well-known mosquito repellent
  • Biban is a reliable remedy for almost all blood-sucking insects
  • Gall-Rat
  • Gardex, which has proven itself in tests in the northern taiga.

On a note

Flea sprays are more effective than ointments. Due to their mobility, fleas can jump onto different areas of the skin, which are easier to treat with a spray than with ointments or gels.

And, of course, simple prudence will help protect against fleas. Do not pet dirty stray animals, rarely visit premises that do not meet sanitary standards, and when going out into nature, have long sleeves with you - this will be enough to protect yourself from bloodsuckers.

Useful video: how to get rid of fleas in an apartment

Making a simple flea trap with your own hands

Fleas in pets are not something unpredictable. If your pet roams freely on the street and comes into contact with other cats or dogs, then he is likely to bring home. Do they pose a potential danger to humans? Most will say no. In fact, any warm-blooded animal can be bitten, especially if the fleas are hungry. Today we’ll talk about whether fleas live on people in more detail.


It is believed that these insects are transmitted from cats and dogs to other pets, and only bite people accidentally. Let's figure it out together. Today there are only two varieties of human fleas:

  • Tunga penetrans (this species, fortunately, is practically never found here) - when attacked by representatives, a serious disease develops. The fact is that the female lays offspring by gnawing under the skin.
  • Pulex irritans - these fleas can live almost anywhere.

In addition to them, there are about 30 more varieties that can live in an apartment for a long time.

Do fleas live on people? No, they don't live. Why are people periodically attacked by these insects and suffer from their bites? The answers to these questions lie in the biology of the blood-sucking creature.

In nature, they live on the ground and visit their hosts only when feeding. Bloodsuckers can use humans as a food source, but they will not live on them. If fleas have chosen an apartment, they will lay eggs in separate corners that they like. Larvae emerge from them and feed on organic debris. Unwashed dog bedding usually contains more of it than necessary. The larva turns into a pupa, from which an adult emerges. It is she who, when going out in search of food, can bite anyone in passing.

It becomes clear whether fleas live on people. Long time they cannot be carried out on the human body. Unlike a dog or cat, it has no fur, and there will simply be nowhere for it to hide. They can stay on the head in the hair for the longest time, but they won’t be able to live like that. Usually, having bitten their victim and received a dose of fresh blood, they leave their temporary “master” and return to the floor, to the litter or to a secluded corner.

Flea bites: fact or fiction

If you still have doubts about whether fleas live on people, then you can safely forget about them. They do not have suction cups or hooks with which insects could be held on the body. But any warm-blooded creature can become a victim of these bloodsuckers. They use everyone who comes into their habitat, although they are adapted to do without food for some time.

They will bite anyone. The only selection criterion is warm-bloodedness. Therefore, the question of whether fleas spread to humans can be considered in two ways. They won’t live on it, but they won’t refuse to feast on blood. All that matters is availability. By the way, bloodsuckers are always more active in the warm season, in hot weather.

Things to know

In order to understand in time what you are dealing with, you must know what flea bites look like on a person. This is the only way you can distinguish them from mosquito bites, bed bug bites, or an allergic reaction to food. Fleas cause the most discomfort when they bite. Allergic swelling may occur within a few hours. Its intensity will depend on the individual characteristics and inclinations of the person. In addition to the fact that the affected area itches, it also hurts a lot.

Since flea bites on humans look the same as mosquito bites, it is the pain of the bitten area that makes it possible to understand that this is a mark from another insect. Unlike mosquitoes, these bloodsuckers do not inject an anesthetic substance. Instead, only irritating saliva enters the body.

Individual characteristics

Of course, each person will have their own reaction. There are people who are completely insensitive. They simply won't notice the bite and will claim that the fleas didn't bite them. Other family members who do not have this property of the body may notice slight discomfort. Allergy sufferers have it worst of all. On their body, each bite will turn into a huge bubble that will itch and hurt. Antihistamines will help improve the condition a little, but the problem will not go away completely.


But redness of the skin area itself does not pose any threat to life and health. How dangerous are fleas to humans? The fact is that these bloodsucking creatures are carriers of terrible diseases. These are the above-mentioned bubonic plague, anthrax and encephalitis, tularemia and typhus. The consequences of “communication” with fleas can be various types fungi.

Of course, not every cat or dog flea is a carrier. The likelihood of encountering one in your home is negligible. But we must not forget how dangerous fleas are to humans. Every year, thousands of cases are recorded around the world in which the cause of a dangerous disease was a flea bite.

What to do

Plain water may not be enough. In order for the treatment to be successful, all surfaces must be treated with a solution of Butox or Neostomazan or their analogues. They are sold in veterinary pharmacies without a prescription and are supplied with detailed instructions.

Instructions for action

You can get rid of insects in your apartment using various drugs, which are freely available today. These are “Raptor” and “Raid”, “Combat” and a number of analogues. Read the instructions carefully before use. All things, floors and walls, furniture will have to be processed. Follow a few simple recommendations. Before treatment, be sure to vacuum the entire apartment. Throw out all the garbage at once, because dust may remain. Just in case, treat the apartment or house twice. If fleas have settled in a person’s hair, be sure to treat it with a special shampoo.

Pet protection

Dogs and cats must wear collars with repellent components or use special drops. If you prevent insects from appearing on your pets, then the chances of a person being bitten are much less. Cat fleas on humans in most cases appear when their pets go for a walk, visiting less well-groomed representatives of the genus. To avoid this, the bedding is thoroughly washed, then wormwood is laid out on it. The animals themselves need to be bathed in Butox solution.

Instead of a conclusion

There are no separate ways to get rid of fleas in humans. But this is understandable, because bloodsuckers do not live on our body. It is simply not recommended to scratch the wounds to prevent infection from getting into them. It is better to treat bites with any disinfectant solutions. If itching occurs, you may need to use any soothing ointment. And in any case, it is much easier to prevent them from appearing in your home. If prevention does not produce results, every effort will need to be made to ensure that the treatment is one-time and effective.