Dimensions of kitchen units for a small kitchen. Kitchen set for a small kitchen: photos and recommendations

A small, compact kitchen is a fairly common phenomenon that many families face. However, even a small room can be turned into a real family relaxation area if you choose the right furniture - i.e. kitchen set. A few simple and useful tips- In this article.

A small, compact kitchen is a fairly common phenomenon that many families face.

Since we are talking about a mini set, when selecting furniture you need to take into account several features, which are described below.

Matching kitchen interior design

This condition is one of the most important, so you need to start with it. Today you can find almost any type of headset design - both in a classic style and in a modern one. However, you still need to choose the right models according to:

  • color;
  • material;
  • texture;
  • decorative features (shape, decorative elements).

In general, two options are possible:

  1. Any set is selected, after which the remaining interior details are adapted to it.
  2. The wall is purchased for a ready-made interior.

In the second case, it is somewhat more difficult to act, because the colors and design of the kitchen wall must match the wallpaper, ceiling and curtains in color.

How to choose a kitchen set (video)

Kitchen color

Of course, the main design characteristic of a headset is color. When choosing color range you should proceed from the following recommendations:

  1. Green color– this is the most pleasant, cheerful shade. In such a kitchen, a person feels completely safe due to the relaxing effect. Interestingly, there is evidence that people who spend time around the color green are less likely to experience stomach pain.
  2. Red color affirms, improves mood and also activates appetite. It is optimal for people who prefer to live at an intense pace.
  3. Pink gives energy, creates a positive mood and creates a rather light, pleasant atmosphere.
  4. Orange and yellow– cheerful, bright colors, which are especially suitable for rooms facing north.
  5. Shades of blue, turquoise calm the nervous system and create a pleasant feeling of the sea, freshness, and cleanliness.
  6. But you need to be especially careful when choosing dark shades. On the one hand, they create a pleasant business, social effect. On the other hand, it can become quite sad in a poorly lit kitchen.
  7. Finally, It’s very pleasant to be in a white, bright kitchen. And it is this color that visually increases the space, which is especially important for a small room.

The main design characteristic of a headset is color


The material for the wall must be selected both for aesthetic reasons and purely from a practical point of view:

  1. Chipboard- the most common material, inexpensive and quite practical. It is important to pay attention only to the edges of the board - they must be well sealed, otherwise they will begin to swell due to temperature and moisture.
  2. MDF– panels are made on the basis natural materials, and also look very stylish thanks to a wide selection of coating options (paint, plastic, film). They cost more than chipboard.
  3. Plastic- good modern material, which is perfect for fashionable design solutions. It perfectly withstands loads, moisture and temperature. It costs much more than chipboard.
  4. Array– this is the most expensive and at the same time classic, interesting material. It is environmentally friendly, looks very attractive, but is very heavy in weight - working with such panels will not be easy.

Chipboard is the most common material, inexpensive and quite practical.


Among the main elements of fittings are the following:

  • pens;
  • loops;
  • guides;
  • dampers;
  • lifting and sliding mechanisms;
  • roof rails;
  • corners;
  • dampers (to soften the impact of cabinet doors).

Fittings play an important role in kitchen design


Accurately choosing the dimensions for an oversized room is the most important task. Here you need to start from 3 factors:

  1. The actual parameters of the room.
  2. Dimensions of household appliances, built-in appliances, sinks, hoods.
  3. User growth.

At the same time, it is important to immediately correctly imagine the parameters of the cabinets - if they are too large, they will literally “absorb” the space due to the effect of heaviness.


It is better to make hanging cabinets right up to the ceiling - this way you can place the entire kitchen utensils by placing items that are rarely used on high shelves.

Accurately selecting dimensions for an oversized room is the most important task


The standard furniture set includes the following elements:

  1. The countertop is the main cooking area.
  2. Floor cabinets.
  3. Hanging cabinets.
  4. Facade is the area between wall-mounted and floor-standing cabinets.

How to choose kitchen facades (video)


The facade is a very important decorative element, which, on the one hand, protects the wall surface from splashes and food contamination, and on the other, creates unique atmosphere in room. Sometimes it is with the help of the facade that you can achieve that very zest that is frankly lacking in the traditional kitchen design.

The facade can be selected from the same material as the set itself, however You can also choose other options:

  1. Solid wood - looks very attractive in classic styles: Baroque, Empire and even in many modern types design.
  2. Made from MDF - bright, modern, fashionable solutions.
  3. Frame made from aluminum profile, which plays the role of a frame. Almost any material is chosen as the main surface - glass, MDF panels. This gives very great opportunities for creativity.

Gallery: set for a small kitchen (52 photos)

Types of furniture for a small kitchen

To date, 4 main types of kitchen units have been developed that are perfect for small spaces. Each of them is discussed in detail below.

Kitchen set with letter P

This is very interesting option placement of furniture, since on the one hand it is possible to create a rather interesting atmosphere due to originality. On the other hand, the additional zone will help to accommodate everything that is not included in the main one and will become a kind of corner where it is pleasant to sit and relax.

This headset is suitable if:

  • the kitchen is combined with the living room;
  • the height of the window sill is about 90 cm (it can be combined with a sink or turned into an independent work surface);
  • the room has the shape of a square (width from 2.5 meters).


The width of the passage between the far sides should be from 120 cm.

Kitchen set letter P - a very interesting option for placing furniture

Corner set for a small kitchen

Corner options are very suitable for rooms with a square shape. There are several varieties of such kitchen sets:

  1. L-shaped (or L-shaped) classic shape.
  2. U-shaped.
  3. Non-standard options (with a small bar counter).

Built-in kitchen set for a small kitchen

A built-in kitchen is one of the most successful solutions for an oversized room. In fact, this is an example of the most successful use of all space. As a result, there is quite a lot of free space left, which can comfortably accommodate the whole family. Despite the fact that this option will cost significantly more, a built-in kitchen has enough advantages:

  • attractive appearance;
  • very cozy atmosphere;
  • convenient location of all elements - literally everything is at hand;
  • significant space savings.


For a built-in kitchen, you need to select only the most reliable equipment and carefully lay all communications. The reason is that during repairs, as a rule, it is necessary to affect neighboring structures, partially destroy the surface, and then carry out restoration work.

Linear set

This traditional version for kitchens oriented lengthwise. Since all elements are placed in one row, you need to take into account the rules of internal logistics:

  • It is better to make the kitchen up to 2.5-3 meters in length - if it is longer, the attractiveness is lost;
  • the sink, stove and refrigerator must be separated by intermediate zones;
  • the countertop is located next to the stove, and Dishwasher- next to the sink.

A built-in kitchen is one of the most successful solutions for an oversized room

How best to place a set in a small kitchen

Proper placement of the composition is the real formula for success. To achieve the maximum interesting effect, You need to pay attention to the following design tips:

  1. For rooms with parameters close to square, it is best to choose an L-shaped wall.
  2. If the room, on the contrary, has the shape of an elongated rectangle, you should place pieces of furniture along the largest wall.
  3. It is important to place it correctly kitchen stove- from the window and door at least half a meter, and from the refrigerator - from 150 cm.
  4. Each of the three key work areas ( hob, cutting area and sink) should occupy at least 60 cm.
  5. It is better to take at least a meter between the dining table and the food preparation area.
  6. Finally, it is better to install the stove and the hood above it as close to the ventilation as possible if it is planned to vent into the shaft.

Correct placement of the composition is the real formula for success

Making a simple kitchen set for a small kitchen with your own hands

If you have certain skills, it is quite possible to make a kitchen wall with your own hands. To do this, you can use either ready-made drawing samples or create your own project. At the same time, the advantages of making a headset with your own hands are obvious:

  1. Even according to the most conservative estimates, this option will cost at least 2 times cheaper than a store-bought one.
  2. By creating your own furniture design, you can take into account even the slightest features of the room and optimally adapt the furniture to the area, wall protrusions, etc.
  3. Finally, a kitchen that is made with your own hands is a real joy for the owners: it is pleasant to look at, it is convenient to adjust details and simply enjoy relaxing in such a room.

Whatever the specific project, before creating and delivering a set, you need to develop a detailed drawing that takes into account all the details. The sequence of actions will be as follows:

  1. At the design stage, it is important not only to draw up the drawing itself, but also to plan exactly what Appliances and in what parts it will be located. Since the headset is supposed to be quite compact, everything needs to be calculated extremely accurately.
  2. The sketch can be made either by hand or using a special graphics program - this will be more clear.
  3. After creating the drawing, it is equally important to evaluate the design of the room, because this determines what materials will be used: classic tones, modern design, Provence style, etc.
  4. Next, an exact list of all necessary items - equipment and materials - is compiled. All elements of the set are divided into 4 types - tabletop, facades, apron (this is part of the area between the wall and floor cabinets), cabinet bodies.
  5. After purchasing materials, fittings, and finishing elements, you can begin assembly according to the drawing or project. First, the necessary marks are marked on the wall and the fasteners are installed.
  6. After this, the kitchen cabinets and countertops are assembled.
  7. Next, equipment is installed (refrigerator, stove, washbasin), to which the appropriate communications are connected.
  8. The final stage is painting, varnishing and other decorative elements.

How to make the kitchen of your dreams (video)

Thus, even a very small kitchen area can be turned into a comfortable, functional room not only for cooking, but also for a complete family holiday. Using the best design tips in combination with your ideas, you can perfectly transform the space and make the kitchen unique business card Houses.

Attention, TODAY only!

Advice! Before choosing from products offered by manufacturers, consider another option. Determine exactly what furniture you need, think through all the details and features, and then use the service for making custom-made furniture.

Determining the location

Before buying a kitchen set, you need to determine where it will be located. To calculate the optimal location and create a balanced interior, answer a few questions:

  • Will the kitchen play an additional role? dining room?
  • What shape is the room - square or oblong?
  • Where are the windows located and how many are there?

About a separate kitchen. If the functions dining room is performed by a separate room (often adjacent to the kitchen), which means that in the kitchen you can do without dining table, chairs, soft corners. Although a small stool wouldn't hurt, we're talking about really small kitchen. To make the most of the space in such a room, arrange the kitchen unit in a U-shape.

About windows. In a square kitchen there is usually one window, under which there is either a dining table or working surface. Please note that in the latter case you lose one fragment wall cabinet. IN long kitchen there may be two or three windows. When planning, do not make a mistake and do not close one of them refrigerator or other high element. It is better not to place it in front of a window washing, because a dish drainer and a stove are often hung above it - there should be a hood above it hoods.

Features of furniture for a small kitchen

The design of the furniture depends on what you choose style direction. But it is better to give preference to light shades - dark furniture will visually clutter a small room. Avoid futuristic features such as cabinets and cabinet irregular shape, rounded and convex parts, massive pens and volumetric decorative elements.

The housewife, and the whole family, of course, needs stylish and comfortable cabinets that can be placed even in a small room

Perhaps there is not a single housewife in this world who does not dream of seeing her kitchen not only functionally convenient, but also as attractive and cute as she herself. The kitchen is the pride and place of reign of every woman, but what to do if the entire kitchen kingdom fits into a “handkerchief” of up to 8 sq.m.? Exactly! Plan the correct and convenient arrangement of furniture and think in advance about what kitchen color to choose for a small kitchen.

Color will help expand the kitchen without remodeling

If remodeling the walls in a small kitchen is not the main task overhaul(combination with the living room, use of the balcony area, etc.), then it is worth considering design options with a play of the colors of the walls and furniture, resorting to a small visual illusion, in which you can get a visual increase in the kitchen kingdom.

Any woman knows that light colors visually expand the space (figure), blurring the boundaries, while dark colors, on the contrary, make even large objects less noticeable. But a black square in the middle of a white field tenaciously attracts the eye (remember Malevich!) and does not give rest to the eye, so from dark colors in design for small spaces, limited kitchen walls, it is more logical to use “darkened” - pastels.

As a bonus, at the final stage of our design project, we can easily afford to add a couple of bright, rich stains and strokes to the interior to contrastly emphasize the bright cleanliness of the updated kitchen.

White-white-white color...

The ideal color of purity is white. But the kitchen, where the walls and interior items are boiling white, resembles a surgical ward rather than a cozy kitchenette, and this design looks downright boring. In addition, keeping such a kitchen in perfect order is quite difficult for the housewife.

If this color of the walls and furniture is fundamentally important, then try to “dilute” it with variations of pearl, cream, silver, Ivory or beige. These colors can be chosen not only as wall coverings, but also for facade panels kitchen set, dishes and curtains, furniture colors.

Spring in the kitchen on a white base

If you decide to color combination white and other colors, then here you can dream up: white is the ideal neighbor for anyone! Bright, rich, local colors – great choice, but we have already agreed to stay on bed.

The first in line will, of course, be pearl gray - in combination with white - the color of true nobility and discreet design of walls and furniture. True, this design will not give the kitchen the desired freshness; it is better to turn to spring blues, yellows and green flowers. The freshest, most juicy shade of spring green will, of course, be light green.

Advice! Design made in white combined with light green kitchen interior revitalizes, refreshes and expands small room, will give it a “spring fragrance”.

White and light green. Which one is bigger?

The right of dominance can be assigned to any of these selected colors; using them as the main covering of walls or the main color for furniture will not spoil the impression, given that all shades of green give rest to the eyes and reduce psychological stress, and white sets you in a peaceful mood and stimulates the appetite , which is important for the kitchen.

Flower placement options

It is not at all necessary to paint the walls with a white and lime mattress! You can bring one color or another into the interior using glossy surfaces of walls and facades, reflective mirror panels and airy curtains, and choose furniture and fittings in the kitchen in appropriate colors.

Advice! White and lime decor can successfully serve as useful herbs, growing on the windowsill in white pots.

Another solution: place these colors on the doors of the set in a checkerboard pattern and “dilute” their rows with transparent facades. You can make the upper part of the wall cabinets and shelves pure white (light green), and cover the lower cabinets with light green (white) panels.

Changing the kitchen apron

A beautiful color will help to “revive” a small kitchen. kitchen apron– a traditionally tiled area of ​​the wall behind the sink and stove, under wall cabinets headset. You can repeat white and light green color and when laying tiles, a new apron, but it is much more interesting to repeat the color of the floor on the wall.

Another design - they threw it off. This is a large slab of tempered glass onto which photo printing is applied. in a special way, and the design on the glass can be made according to your order in the colors and tones you desire.

Floors in a spring kitchen

To maintain a feeling of freshness and space, you should choose the color of sand or wild stone. Tiles or linoleum of an unobtrusive light gray color will only set off the shade of light green. A floor painted in the same light green color in a richer tone than pastel will look juicy and unusual.

Advice! When choosing a floor color, remember: dark green, bright mint or marsh brown will “eat up” all the freshness of the resulting space in a small kitchen.

Lighting in a bright kitchen

To highlight the designer spring, it is worth taking care of the right lighting that can highlight our design. Buy a chandelier in the form flower bouquet or replace the old lampshades with others, interspersed with lush green and other bright colors, standing out favorably on the white ceiling and playing with colored highlights on the gloss of the furniture.

You can completely abandon the chandelier, replacing it with spotlights that will be reflected in the glass panels, giving the white and lime green kitchen a festive look, and creating the impression of dew drops scattered everywhere.

  • Want to add color to your kitchen and make it look even bigger? Make a few horizontal stripes orange, yellow or scarlet: and the kitchen literally “opened up”.
  • Do you want to “raise” your ceilings? Olive or pistachio colored stripes arranged vertically are at your service!

To keep the kitchen from being “cold”

If you are happy with the “lime on white” color of the walls and you are not a fan of avant-garde furniture, add a couple of vases with a bright pattern, designer original lamps or sconces, or a modular picture on the wall. good design solution– color screen, when part of a wall or one wall is completely contrasting or with a pattern.

Selecting furniture

Considering that we already have the kitchen set in place, we must try to install the necessary furniture in the remaining space: dining table, chairs, etc. So that this furniture fits into new interior harmoniously, you should not only think about their correct placement, but give them the right color. What it will be - white, light green, sand - is up to you, but in any case the color should be glossy and fit into the design of the room.

Advice! Good opportunity do not give the small spring kitchen the appearance of a cluttered room - transparent table surfaces and chairs made of transparent plastic.

Classic white kitchens (2 videos)

Using white in kitchen design (41 photos)

Many people mistakenly think that cozy can only be big kitchen. In fact, even a small space can be transformed into a spacious, comfortable and functional room. For proper organization For a small kitchen, it’s enough to know the basic rules for choosing a set. This will help visually expand the existing square meters, beautifully place accents, highlight work area, and also emphasize individual characteristics rooms. Our article will help you decide on the right set for a small kitchen space.

Furniture layout for a small kitchen

Before you start choosing your favorite decorative items, soft corners and other elements for the kitchen, you should familiarize yourself with the main types of layout. The most good options For a small area, corner and single-row designs are considered. Each fits easily into small spaces, leaving plenty of room for a dining area.

Corner layout

This type of placement of the headset is divided into L-shaped and U-shaped. The first option is suitable for any room, regardless of the shape of the furniture, length or area of ​​the room. This is a versatile, compact and rational look for a small kitchen. U-shaped placement includes perpendicular placement of walls and furniture along them. The design looks laconic and stylish, but will fit more optimally into a small, medium-sized kitchen than into a minimalist version. To the advantages corner layout This includes the functional use of the corner, zoning the kitchen into a working and dining area, the ability to install different cabinets (with closed or open shelves), and an aesthetic appearance.

Single row layout

It is often called linear or straight because cabinet furniture is arranged in this order. Simple placement optimizes and saves space for the dining part of the kitchen. Externally, the space looks flatter and simpler compared to corner option. The price for a single-row layout is much lower. The absence of islands allows you to place furniture in the most different types and forms. It is also worth noting the important fact that this type of kitchen will fit into any style decision: from classic design to modern modernity.

Which facades are suitable for a small kitchen?

In order for a small kitchen to turn into a cozy, warm corner, you need to know everything not only about the correct layout and types of furniture, but also about the options for facades that will best decorate small room. For example, decorative milling can slightly overload the kitchen, making it even more miniature, but smooth matte coating will emphasize overall design without narrowing it visually.

Experts consider a set with facades made of MDF material, which can be combined with enamel, acrylic or plastic. This coating gives a beautiful glossy shine and also skillfully hides small stains, fingerprints and water drops.

A good alternative MDF facades can become chipboard sets with a film surface. They can be either maximally glossy or more matte. They are famous for their strength, durability, reasonable price, as well as an abundance of aesthetics in the form of imitation metal, wood, and stone.

It will look great in a small kitchen glass facade. The only drawback is that it is better to use this technique not for all working cabinets, but only for those that will be located for decorating the kitchen (due to the openness of the contents).

If you follow small proven rules for the rational use of each square meter– then you will create the kitchen of your dreams, which can not be called anything other than “cozy”. We will tell you about the main tips for optimizing a small kitchen space:

1. Make a detailed plan for the placement of not only the set, but also decorative elements, so that you know in advance how this or that item will look in the interior, whether it will clutter the space and whether it will fit into the overall interior design.

2. Consider using open shelves. Due to the simple design, the space will seem lighter and more spacious than it actually is.

3. Use lifting structures and sliding doors.

4. Avoid furniture with unusual convex shapes. To optimize a small kitchen, it is best to use standard classic products.

5. Say no to too many decorative elements. They will not only attract unnecessary attention, but will also visually reduce the area. It is best to focus on a few things that can simultaneously perform a functional and aesthetic role. For example, interesting containers, fruit vases or handmade dishes.

6. Instead of the usual bulky table, you can use a roll-out or sliding design.

7. Wall cabinets will look very organic against the background of other compact furniture.

8. Try to follow conciseness in the arrangement of furniture, its shape and design.

9. Don't stray from the general style direction. You can emphasize it the right kind headset, several decorative elements or textiles.

10. For maximum space rationalization, install a sink in a corner unit. It will significantly save work space and use a free corner.

11. Look to neutral shades for flooring and wall coverings. Variegated colors can visually “narrow” the kitchen, which is very undesirable in our case.

12. It is best to choose lighting that is built-in and multifunctional. Small bright LEDs will look much more harmonious in a small kitchen than large floor lamps and a large chandelier.

Set for a small kitchen - photo

The collection of photos that we have put together for you will help you delve deeper into the topic of optimization small space, will clearly show options for layouts, facades and furniture in the interior of a wide variety of kitchens. Enjoy watching!

Usually in a small kitchen it is most convenient to place a corner set. Of course, someone will argue that a straight set of furniture also looks great. But still, not only the footage of the room is taken into account, but also its other characteristics - whether the kitchen is square or elongated, how narrow it is. Therefore, it makes sense to consider each case separately.

Corner kitchens can be L-shaped or, on the contrary, L-shaped. If the kitchen is square, then you won’t find a better corner set.

Corner sets are:

  • With a 45 degree joint. Good for a headset that has a very spacious box. This module has the following difference: usually two wings of tabletops are adjacent to it.
  • With a 90 degree joint. Suitable for a headset that is quite limited in size. The most common type of wing docking in in this case– 60 and 42 cm.

Popular in small kitchens corner cabinets, in which there are five angles. Often the hinged door in such cabinets is slightly rounded and concave inwards. But usually it is still located at an angle of 45 degrees to other facades. Most small size similar module – 800Х800 mm.

Of course, such a cabinet is easy to use, and the rounded corners give it that very softness that is so lacking in the kitchen. But the price will be appropriate; such cabinets (or sets with them) are more expensive than more standard models.

But if you make a kitchen module to order, you can become the owner of a set with corner drawers. It is fashionable and functional, looks very original, and is ideal for storing small household utensils. better place can not found.

Corner set for a small kitchen (video)

How to choose a kitchen set for a small kitchen

There is, of course, more than one selection criterion. And it’s hard to say which is more important. But you can draw up a hint diagram, using which it will be easier to choose the ideal option.

How to choose the right headset:

  • Production material. Will it be plastic or solid wood, or maybe chipboard? Each material has its pros and cons; it is important to focus on the available amount that you can afford to pay for furniture. The middle option would be plastic, specifications which are quite good, the design is modern, and the price is reasonable. Yes and take care of plastic kitchen not difficult.
  • Headset manufacturer. If you decide not to make furniture with your own hands, but still choose a ready-made module, you will have to take a closer look at branded companies or their less famous analogues. Listen to customer reviews, read recommendations, consider whether the company offers additional services. For example, does she have a service for free delivery and installation of furniture, does she take measurements (in the case of custom-made furniture). In the catalog, look at what design concept the company adheres to, and whether it follows the latest innovations in the world of interior fashion.
  • Headset form. If the kitchen is small, then you have two options - you will have to choose between a corner and a straight set, because the U-shaped one is rare for a small kitchenette. Usually it is placed only if dinner Zone taken outside the room.
  • Color and design. Bright hues, certainly in favor. Bright is also often chosen, since the owners believe that at least somehow they need to be decorated and will indicate a small room. But bright does not mean variegated, avoid multicolors, large patterns, rough ornament. But more gloss is needed: reflective surfaces in a small kitchen will benefit it.
  • Decor headset. The main thing here is not to overdo it. There should not be a lot of small elements, the design is laconic and even strict, no clumsiness or color pressure. If the decor is made only with your own hands, and in small quantities, that’s great.

Not knowing what to choose - classics or newfangled trends, choose a style. A certain interior style that you like more than others, and based on its laws, you can choose a certain set.

How to choose a set for a small kitchen (video)

Design of kitchen units for small kitchens

The design of the small kitchen module is marked by some features. Whatever style you're interested in, there are some things that should, one way or another, be present in any design concept.

The design of the set for a small kitchen space is:

  • Metal in the decoration and framing of some important interior elements;
  • Mirror surfaces;
  • Lots of light;
  • By increasing the length of cabinets and cabinets, you can reduce their width;
  • The design can change even just because of the horizontal pattern of the facades - such a pattern visually expands the room.

It is sometimes easier to make a small kitchen to order, because in a small set it is easier to take into account all the requirements that you have for the kitchen module.

But I would also like to draw attention to the fact that the tendency to furnish the apartment yourself, and kitchen space including, without using ready-made headsets, today it can be considered very popular. For example, with your own hands, you can equip a small kitchen in one of the popular interior styles. For a sample, you can consider such an option for arranging a room as a do-it-yourself Swedish-style kitchen.

DIY kitchen set for a small kitchen: Swedish style

What a Swedish-style kitchen must have is a lot of light, rigor in forms, and functionality in every item. And the Swedish style is very democratic - you can never tell about the wealth of a person who lives in such an interior. But you will definitely be convinced that this person has taste.

To arrange your small space in such Scandinavian style, need to:

  • Give preference, albeit cold, but white color, bright accents(for example, green chairs) will still “warm” him and make him comfortable;
  • The headset should have a simple design - very comfortable, uncomplicated, without complex shapes or decor;
  • Natural materials – Swedish style is, first of all, environmentally friendly.

Don't be afraid to use old furniture, which you can turn into a fashionable interior element with your own hands. Grandma's chest of drawers, painted milky, can be useful in the kitchen.

Set for a small kitchen: 40 options (video)

A small kitchen is for some a reason to give up and do something simpler, but for others it is an opportunity to create a warm, cozy, unique little world where it’s nice to cook something and have tea.

Good choice!

Examples of sets for a small kitchen (photo)