How to make furniture for dolls. The review was thought about the inappropriate use of ordinary cleaning sponges, but since rules are rules, we will have to appease them

DIY furniture for dolls - what could be better for joint creativity between parents and child? On the one hand, this is a great way to save family budget, because buy miniature ones sofas and doll cabinets in specialized stores are not that cheap. Well, on the other hand, handicrafts help instill in your girl neatness, perseverance, and creative skills. So, let's figure out how to create doll furniture with your own hands and make it truly original, because it's exactly the same furniture set you won't find it anywhere else!

Making furniture for dolls with your own hands: what available tools will be useful?

If you want to please your little one with a new addition to your doll's interior house, Don't rush to get rid of the following:

  • matchboxes (it’s easy to build real drawers from them for dressing tables and cabinets);
  • cardboard boxes for shoes, cosmetics and small household appliances;
  • plastic bottles;
  • bright sponges for washing dishes and viscose napkins for cleaning;
  • plywood;
  • scraps and scraps of fabric and leather;
  • flexible wire and foil;
  • plastic food containers, egg molds;
  • threads for knitting and other little things that will be useful in creating doll furniture.

Advice! In addition, you may need polymer clay, beads, beads, rhinestones and other decor at your discretion: after all, the brighter and more elegant the interior of the doll’s home, the better.

Master classes on creating furniture for dolls: detailed instructions for your creativity

Any mother knows: her daughter’s best friend is a doll. This means that you will have to make every effort to create a worthy home for your princess’s favorite toy. And you can’t do without furniture filling. We offer you several master classes that will tell you how to make furniture for Barbie, Monster High dolls, Winx dolls, baby dolls and so on with your own hands, and all you have to do is choose the appropriate option.

DIY furniture for dolls from boxes

We offer you two simple options making miniature furniture from cardboard boxes. We will do dressing table and a chest of drawers.

For the manufacture of dressing table we will need:

  • a small cardboard box (hair dye packaging is suitable);
  • scissors or stationery knife;
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • foil;
  • glue;
  • white or colored paper for pasting the finished product.

First, determine how high the future table will be so that the doll can comfortably sit in front of it. If you are making furniture for a doll standard height(Barbie, Monster High, Winx and so on), it can be 6-8 cm. Cut the box at this height.

Cut a flat piece of cardboard from the rest of the box (a blank for a mirror), the width of which matches the width of the table and has a height of 15-16 cm. Lubricate it with glue and attach it to the base.

Decorate the upper edge of the future mirror with curly openwork patterns or simply make it round.

Cover the table with the mirror with white or colored paper.

Decorate the blank with drawn doors and drawers (they will not open or pull out). You can also decorate the walls of the table and the place for the mirror with any patterns.

The final touch: you need to cut it out of foil " mirror"and handles for drawers and doors, and stick them on the designated places.

Advice! Complete the dressing table with cardboard crib, made in the same style (for example, you can decorate its headboard with patterns similar to the decor of the table and mirror). This will help to decorate the interior of the doll's bedroom in a single key.

Connect the matchboxes together using glue so that their drawers slide out. When the furniture is ready, cover it with decorative paper.

As you can see, it is very easy to make furniture for dolls from cardboard with your own hands, and at the same time it looks just as beautiful as the purchased one.

DIY furniture for plywood dolls

We offer you a simple master class on making a round coffee table for a doll.

To make it you will need:

  • plywood;
  • a device for cutting plywood (for example, a jigsaw);
  • glue;
  • varnish or acrylic paint.

First you need to cut out two identical round element(table surface and shelf), as well as legs and stands for the shelf. Next, connect them together using glue, as shown in the diagrams we provided, and cover them with varnish or paint.

DIY furniture for dolls made of wood

We invite you to make a puppet sofa made of wood and fabric. To do this we need the following:

  • flat wooden planks about 1 cm thick;
  • wood cutting tool;
  • glue;
  • fabric for pasting.

Cut out five elements of the future sofa: the base (H6 cm * D16.4 cm), the same back and bottom (H6 cm * D14 cm) and two armrests that gradually widen towards the top (H4 cm * D6 cm below * D7 cm above).

Glue them together (except for the bottom).

Cut out fabric elements of similar sizes and glue them onto a wooden piece.

Separately cover the bottom of the sofa with fabric and place it on the base.

DIY furniture for paper dolls

To make a miniature paper doll table with a top made of mosaics, we will need:

  • very thick paper or cardboard for the base;
  • ruler;
  • awl;
  • scissors/stationery knife;
  • colored plain cardboard for mosaics;
  • toothpicks or wooden skewers;
  • thick threads;
  • glue.

First of all, cut out the base for the tabletop from cardboard or thick paper. Its sizes can be any. Use an awl to make small holes on it in the corners for the legs, and on the four sides for the stands that you will need to decorate the table with weaving.

Cut small squares from colored cardboard same size for table decoration. Glue them onto the top of the tabletop in a mosaic pattern.

Insert toothpicks or skewers into the holes and secure them with a small amount of glue. Weave the table legs in a spiral with threads, the edges of which are secured with glue.

Glue the end of a thick thread to the underside of the tabletop near one of the racks. Start braiding the legs and uprights, passing the thread alternately under them and then over them. Make sure that the weaves of threads are located tightly, but do not tighten the racks too much, as this can lead to deformation of the finished product. Braid the table as much as you want, then decorate the lower and upper edges of the weaving with a decorative braid made from the same threads.

50 ideas and description of work for a house and furniture made of cardboard.

By playing with dolls, children learn to communicate with their peers and adults. They project the world they see around them onto the world of their toys. If a little girl played with dolls and took care of them as a child, then as an adult she will be able to skillfully cope with the responsibilities of the mother of her children and the keeper of the family hearth.

Of course, you can buy a house for dolls, but if you make it together with your child, it will not only be more interesting and more beautiful, but also more functional because the size and style of such a house can be made absolutely arbitrary. There can be several of them at once, if dolls live separately in each house.

The simplest houses made from cardboard are made by folding a sheet of cardboard and adding a roof. The walls of such a house look cozy by covering them with soft fabric.

Closing houses with four walls can be one-story.

They can also be two-story.

It’s easy to make such a house if you use a cardboard box rectangular shape. Its width becomes the base of the house, and the second floor is glued inside the cardboard box. And also two-story and even apartment house it turns out if cardboard boxes are placed on top of each other and glued together.

For the manufacture of a one-story house with gable roof You will need a simple pattern and colored paper to decorate the walls of the house.

The size of such a house and the shape of windows and doors depends on the wishes of the child. A boring house made of gray cardboard can be transformed by covering it with colored paper. To simplify pasting the walls of the house, they can be pasted disassembled, and only then assembled.

Houses for toy dogs in the form of a doghouse have a round window and a semicircular door. The dogs near the kennel are also made of cardboard.

How to make a cardboard bed for dolls

To make a crib for dolls, use a cut cardboard box.

The box is cut to the height of the crib. The headboards are glued to the head of the bed.

Apply paper masking tape along the edge of the crib to cover any unsightly cuts.

Now the crib can be painted any color you like. It is better to take opaque gouache paints for this.

You can put a mattress and other doll bedding on the bottom of the crib. And this is what the same crib might look like if you don’t paint it, but put a fabric cover on it.

Ruffles are sewn along the edge of the crib, and the back is decorated with lace.

The crib can be double and the child can put two dolls in it at once.

A bed for dolls can be made from cardboard using a simplified version. It is glued together from two cardboard boxes. One of them serves as a bed frame, and the other as a headrest.

To prevent such a bed from sagging, you can put a curved strip of cardboard inside it.

Cardboard strip inside the bed

Cardboard sofa for dolls

For a sofa made of cardboard, you will need a cut corner of a cardboard box and cardboard covered with fabric. The seat of the sofa and its side parts are pasted over and inserted into such a corner.

The sofa seat and its sides are glued into the box.

Cover six sofa cushions with fabric.

The sofa with pillows is assembled and the glue is allowed to dry.

A cardboard chair for dolls can be made according to the pattern for assembling a sofa, but in this case the cardboard corner should be smaller and assembled from two pillows. And for making soft chair, cut out a seat in a cardboard box and cover it with a sheet of cardboard. Empty spaces under the armrests and seat are filled with foam rubber or other material.

The chair is covered with a fabric cover. To add volume, you can glue pieces of padding polyester onto the cardboard. A corner from a small sofa and a square ottoman is made in the same way.

Cardboard cabinet for dolls

A wardrobe for doll dresses can be made with doors, or you can do without them. Inside such a closet, a crossbar for hangers with dresses is inserted into a slot in the cardboard. And below you can put drawers for small items.

Cardboard chest of drawers for dolls

The chest of drawers is assembled by placing small boxes in two or three rows in one large box. Such boxes can be decorated with paper different color and make handles from bottle caps.

Cardboard computer for dolls

A child can make a computer out of cardboard himself; to do this, he will need to bend a sheet of cardboard in half and glue squares to it on one side, which will symbolize the keyboard, and on the other, a picture that will symbolize the monitor.

If you glue paper with a drawn keyboard onto a cardboard box covered with black paper, and pictures to the lid of the box, you will get a doll computer.

To make a TV from cardboard, just draw the handles of the sound and channel switches on a cardboard box and cut out a rectangle in it symbolizing the screen and insert pictures into this place. If the box is large enough, children can perform and speak in it themselves.

Kitchen made of cardboard for dolls

A cardboard kitchen for dolls can include a stove, refrigerator, kitchen tables and chairs. Such furniture does not have to be modeled from scratch. Use ready-made cardboard boxes for this. These boxes are painted under household appliances or pasted over with colored paper.

To make a refrigerator you will need a rectangular box. Shelves for food are glued inside it. The door is cut to the size of the back wall of the refrigerator and glued to the box. A handle is glued to the refrigerator door.

To make a stove from cardboard, you can use ready-made cardboard boxes. The burners for the stove can be unnecessary computer disks, and the handles can be multi-colored lids from plastic bottles. To attach such a handle, cut plastic bottle a few centimeters below the lid and insert into the holes in the cardboard.

Cardboard food for dolls

Food for dolls is cut out from picture books, or you can draw it on paper and stick it on cardboard so that the images do not wrinkle or get lost.

Cardboard dishes for dolls

Plates for doll kitchens are cut out of cardboard and paper images of plates are glued onto them, which can be printed on a printer.

Pots and cups are made of two parts. One of them is the bottom, and the second is the side wall of the dish. The lid for the pan is cut out to a slightly larger diameter than the bottom of the pan.

Such dishes are decorated with applique or drawings.

Cardboard table for dolls

If you connect three rectangular boxes you will get a fairly stable table for dolls. From large boxes you can make not only a small doll table, but also a table for a child to play in the kitchen.

A sheet of cardboard is glued to the top, and you can decorate such furniture by gluing colored paper or sheets of wallpaper to the surface.

You can make a small table with drawers from matchboxes. Matchbox cases are glued to the walls of the table, and boxes are inserted into them. These drawers slide out using handles.

Cardboard chairs for dolls

Using the same assembly pattern as for a three-box table, you can make chairs in the form of stools. Very small chairs for dolls are made from cardboard boxes for matches. The boxes are glued together with glue, and for strength they can be connected with paper masking tape. If you glue a circle of cardboard covered with a piece of fabric on top and put a piece of padding polyester under the fabric, the chair will turn out soft. More complex design near a cardboard chair with a back. In this model, the backrest is inserted into slots in the sides of the chair.

Boxes connected to each other make an excellent labyrinth with obstacles.

Cardboard hanger for dolls

To make clothes hangers for dolls, just measure the width of the doll's dresses along the shoulder line and cut out hangers of the same size from cardboard. You can strengthen the hangers from possible bends and glue such parts two at a time together. And if you stick paper on cardboard hangers and paint them with flowers, they will not only be functional, but also beautiful.

A cardboard phone for dolls can be either a mobile phone or a rotary phone.

A cardboard cradle is made by wrapping a deep cardboard box with beautiful fabric outside and inside.

Or paint the cardboard with paints, then bend and glue it on four sides to form a cradle.

Stroller for dolls made of cardboard

To make a stroller for dolls from cardboard, just wrap a small box in beautiful fabric or paper and attach a handle. The handle is inserted into a flat cardboard box smaller than the stroller. The box with a handle is glued to the cradle of the stroller.

VIDEO: How to make a toy house from fabric and cardboard?

Almost every girl's dream is to be handsome Dollhouse, where her favorite dolls will live. And what is a dollhouse without miniature furniture and cute accessories and decorative items that decorate the homes of beauties, fashionistas and princesses? You can buy furniture for dolls at any toy store, but it is much more interesting to make it yourself and get creative with your baby. To create the necessary furniture for your favorite doll's house, you will need available materials: cardboard, scraps of fabric, boxes, matchboxes and, of course, imagination and a little free time.

How to make furniture from cardboard or cardboard boxes for dolls

The most affordable and popular material for making doll furniture is cardboard, which is quite easy to work with, and you can find an unnecessary cardboard box in any home. You can make a wonderful crib, sofa or wardrobe, tables and chairs from cardboard.

Sofa for dolls made of cardboard

To make a sofa you will need:

  • Cardboard.
  • Foam rubber or synthetic padding and scraps of fabric for upholstery.
  • Stapler or tape, scissors, thread, needles.

To make the base for the sofa, you need to cut off one of the long sides of the box or use a ready-made template. Cut it out of the box according to the template necessary details and secure them with tape. Cut the upholstery fabric to the size of the sofa, secure it with a stapler, and lay foam rubber or synthetic padding between the upholstery and the frame. You can sew pillows from padding polyester and fabric. Using the same scheme you can make a chair.

Dressing table for dolls made of cardboard

It is not difficult to make a dressing table from a cardboard box.

You will need:

  • hair dye box;
  • scissors, ruler, glue;
  • paper or foil.

Cut the box according to the height of the doll so that it can sit comfortably in front of the table. Draw and cut out a mirror template from the rest of the box that fits the width of the table and glue it to it. The table must be covered with paper (you can use pieces of wallpaper), and the drawers and doors must be drawn with a pencil. Foil is perfect as a mirror.

Furniture for dolls made from matchboxes

Matchboxes are ideal for making chests of drawers, cabinets and dressing tables. You just need to glue the boxes together so that the drawers slide out. Chests of drawers and cabinets can be decorated with self-adhesive or colored paper, decorated with beads and buttons, ribbons and lace.

Furniture for dolls made of plywood or wood

Plywood or wooden blocks are suitable for making strong and durable furniture, but such painstaking work requires skills and special tools, such as a jigsaw. If you have ever worked with plywood, you can make such wonderful furniture for your daughter. To work, you need to prepare cardboard templates that are transferred to plywood. The parts must be cut out with a jigsaw and processed with sandpaper. The parts are connected using wood glue or self-tapping screws. It is recommended to coat the finished products with varnish or paint to make it convenient to care for the interior of the dollhouse (for example, wipe off dust). When making beds and sofas from plywood, use thick fabric as upholstery; leather, suede, velvet, velor are suitable. Such a strand will delight a child, because it is a copy of real furniture. In addition, you can make kitchen furniture from plywood: table, chairs, cabinets, etc.

How to make doll furniture for the bathroom

Do not forget that in a real doll house there should be a bathroom where the mistress of the house can clean herself up. For arranging a bathroom, plastic jars and lids that can be painted in White color. You can pour water into such a container and actually wash or bathe the doll. The baby will definitely love it!

Making furniture for dolls is a flight of creativity and imagination, and sharing handicrafts and spending time with children brings them very close to their parents.

One day, something in pink boxes was delivered to children's stores across the country. Thousands of parents rushed to look at the overseas miracle, which turned out to be nothing more than two-story house for Barbie doll. Not many people could afford this luxury, and the children whose parents bought the toy immediately became favorites of the court. To make Barbie's life real, the manufacturer added pink furniture and a convertible to the house.

Now the choice of furniture and houses for dolls has increased significantly, but the price remains unaffordable for many. We suggest learning how to make furniture for dolls with your own hands from cardboard and please your baby without spending extra money on the family budget.

Master class No. 1

Let's start furnishing the doll's home from the chair. It's easy to make: please note that the dimensions are shown in the photo. All you have to do is transfer them onto cardboard. We specifically do not provide chair templates, since it is made based on the personal considerations of the child or parent who is involved in the process of creating furniture.

Cut out the parts you see in the photo from cardboard and get to work. For creating For chair seats, use square blanks. Their number depends on the thickness of the cardboard used. Stack a stack of cardboards together glue together. Place the seat on the back of the chair, glue to the bottom.

Lubricate the front part of the seat with glue and adjust plug part. It is a rectangle with rising bed elements. Now between the back and the front part of the chair there are supports that will cylindrical beds are planted.

Secure cylinders of beds and hide the side parts under the cardboard.

The chair is ready! To avoid leaving the furniture in this condition, cover it with a beautiful fabric or secure it with decorative paper.

Please note: if the child is small, the paper will become a short-lived cover for the chair.

Master class No. 2

DIY furniture for dolls made of cardboard is a great find for needlewomen. In this master class we will not give clear instructions: the demonstrated bed is so easy to implement that even a child can handle its production. So, look carefully at the template and off we go: to creating a beautiful doll bed!

Important: The dimensions of the bed are set independently based on the parameters of the toy for which it is planned.

Master class No. 3

How about a simple sofa and chair? Such furniture is suitable for busy parents, because it requires a minimum of time and effort to assemble. Moreover, the implementation of these interior elements is accessible to any child. Look at the photo: Have you already understood how to make a sofa and an armchair? If not, here is a mini-instruction:

  1. Decide on the size of the sofa. Sofa length should match the length of the back, and the length of the bed with its side. Sofa height is ½ of the backrest height.
  2. Cut the cardboard into rectangles according to the intended length. Use two rectangles as a backrest, the rest as seating areas.
  3. Glue to the sides doubled bed rectangles. The sofa is ready. The chair is made by analogy. After the furniture is assembled and glued, cover it with fabric. To secure fabric, use glue or a construction stapler.

Master class No. 4

Big dinner table - an integral part of the interior of any self-respecting doll. Look at this wonderful table: both adults and children want to sit at it, however, such happiness went to the little long-haired toy.

Follow the instructions to assemble a cardboard table for a dollhouse:

  1. Decide with the dimensions of the future table. Next, cut out three cardboard rectangles for the tabletop: several layers of cardboard will allow the tabletop to hold its shape without sagging over time.
  2. Move on to the legs. If you are cutting cardboard from a box, use four folded sides of the box for the legs. This will make the task easier. If you have a straight piece of cardboard, then draw a pattern of legs on it: two legs for each pattern. They can be made curly as in the photo, or they can be made in the shape of a trapezoid. Once the template is ready, cut out the legs.
  3. Staple parts together using glue.
  4. Cover the table with any beautiful paper. Wherein be guided general style dollhouse.

Photo gallery

To show more ideas, site editions Fun learning We collected photographs of interesting interior solutions made from cardboard with our own hands. Perhaps this is where you or your child will find and make a doll house infinitely amazing.

Making furniture for a doll with your own hands from cardboard is not at all difficult. Often, templates are not needed for this: just imagination, time and a little glue. We hope that the article was useful and you will come back to us again.

Crafts for dolls – great idea joint creativity of the child and his parents. Although today you can buy any miniature piece of furniture, self-production toys helps save the family budget. In addition, handicrafts contribute to the development of perseverance, accuracy and aesthetic taste.

How to make doll furniture from scrap materials

You can make furniture for dolls with your own hands from a variety of available materials. In every home there is cardboard, paper, newspapers, pieces of wood and plywood, tin cans, corks, wire, scraps of fabric and interesting, but no longer needed things. It takes inspiration and a little patience, and simple raw materials are transformed into elegant interior items. Tiny armchairs, chairs, a desk, a coffee table, a bedside table with a TV, a refrigerator, a sofa and a crib make the two-story dollhouse beautiful and cozy.

DIY cardboard furniture

DIY miniature pieces of furniture for dolls are made from waste cardboard packaging. To make a dressing table, you will need materials:

  • small cardboard packaging (a hair dye box will come in handy);
  • ruler;
  • a simple pencil;
  • foil;
  • office glue;
  • paper (colored, white or decorative).


  1. Cut the box at such a height that the doll can sit comfortably in front of the piece of furniture.
  2. On the remaining part, make a drawing of a mirror that matches the width of the table. Cut out the blank and glue it to the base.
  3. Decorate the top edge with patterns or simply round it.
  4. Cover the table with paper.
  5. Decorate the product with painted drawers and doors.
  6. Cut out a “mirror” from foil, drawer and door handles.
  7. Glue the elements onto the table.

From paper

Do-it-yourself furniture for dolls is easily made from paper. To make a miniature table with a mosaic top, you will need:

  • cardboard or high-density paper;
  • ruler;
  • a simple pencil;
  • awl;
  • scissors (a stationery knife will do);
  • colored cardboard for mosaics;
  • wooden skewers (you can use toothpicks) for the legs;
  • thick threads;
  • office glue.


  1. Cut out the base of the tabletop.
  2. Using an awl, make neat holes for the legs and stands that are needed to decorate the table with weaving.
  3. Cut small squares from colored cardstock. Glue them in a mosaic pattern to the top side of the tabletop.
  4. Insert the legs into the holes and secure them with glue.
  5. Glue the tip of the thread to the bottom near one post. Braid the legs. Decorate the table with a decorative braid of thread.
  6. Tie two threads crosswise to the legs or glue sticks.
  7. Place a thick sheet of paper on the base and secure it with glue.

From newspaper tubes

Doll furniture made from paper tubes resembles real interior items made from wicker. To make a wicker sofa from this material with your own hands, you will need 200 blanks 30 cm long, a side cutter, a ruler, clothespins, and ribbons of colored cardboard. Before you make things for dolls, you need to prepare the main material - newspaper tubes. Procedure:

  1. Cut the newspaper into equally sized sheets.
  2. Coat the paper with glue.
  3. Take a needle (knitting needle, pen refill). Roll the sheet onto it.
  4. Take out a thin base.
  5. Let the tubes dry.

Let's start creating the sofa:

  1. Weave the bottom on 13 transverse and 5 longitudinal posts.
  2. Make a border of 5 rows.
  3. Increase the stands, make 6 legs.
  4. Cut the workpieces.
  5. Add skewers to the middle posts.
  6. Break the first blanks at a distance of 4-5 cm, the second - after 5 cm. Secure the racks with glue and clothespins.
  7. Trim the legs.
  8. Insert the posts at the back. Weave 3 full and 2 short rows.
  9. Form the height with strips of cardboard.
  10. Weave 3 rows, close.
  11. Glue the crossbar and cross-sections.
  12. Wrap the legs.
  13. Decorate the sofa with a braid.

From plywood

A round coffee table for a plywood doll is simple. To make such a craft with your own hands, you need plywood, a device for cutting it (a jigsaw), glue, acrylic paint or varnish. To get this item doll interior, do the following:

  1. Cut out two round elements. They will become a table surface and a shelf.
  2. Make stands for the shelf and legs.
  3. Connect the parts together with glue.
  4. Cover the finished product with paint or varnish.

Made of wood

Wood is successfully used to make furniture for dolls with your own hands. To make a sofa, you will need:

  • strips approximately 1 cm thick;
  • tools for work;
  • glue;
  • material for fitting.


  1. Cut out the elements of the sofa: the base (6 by 16.5 cm), the back and base of the same size (6 by 14 cm), two armrests (4 by 6 cm at the bottom and 7 cm at the top).
  2. Glue the parts together, excluding the bottom part.
  3. Cut the fabric upholstery to fit the sofa pieces. Stick it on the tree.
  4. Cover the seat and place it on the base.

Toy furniture made from matchboxes

Do-it-yourself doll furniture can be easily made from matchboxes. For a glamorous chest of drawers, in which it is convenient to store jewelry and hairpins, you will need the following materials:

  • matchboxes – 3 pcs.;
  • paper, cardboard;
  • office glue;
  • hold on pencil;
  • stationery knife;
  • toothpicks;
  • wire;
  • pieces of used pen refill or beads;
  • paints for decoration appearance products.


  1. Make the base of the chest of drawers. The result should be a structure with a tabletop, side walls, bottom, and partitions between the drawers.
  2. Insert matchboxes into the frame of the product.
  3. Glue the toothpicks to the front of the dresser. Cut off the excess.
  4. Make handles and attach them.
  5. Paint the craft, fill the piece of furniture with small “treasures”.

All that remains is to start the game with new furniture.