DIY anchors for inflatable boats. We make an anchor for a PVC boat with our own hands - drawings, diagrams and tips. Material and type

The boat is one of the main assistants of the fisherman. You can’t do without it in wild bodies of water, especially if they don’t have clean banks and you can’t catch fish with an ordinary fishing rod. If the angler has a boat, then it is possible to fish in any part of the water area. Unfortunately, the boat must have an anchor to secure it.

This is especially true when there is a current. You can either buy it or make it yourself, which, firstly, is interesting, and secondly, does not take much time and money.

To begin with, it is better to decide whether an anchor is needed for the boat at all. As practice shows, in almost 90% of cases, an anchor is simply necessary. If you have it, you can just go fishing and not think about the fact that the boat can be carried away by the wind or current.

Such a boat element must have the following characteristics:

  • the weight of the anchor must correspond to at least 10% of the weight of the boat itself;
  • its mass must be more than 1% of the length of the boat.

Main characteristics of anchors

In order for the anchor to hold the boat under any conditions, all factors should be taken into account:

  • determine the maximum wave height;
  • calculate the maximum wind force;
  • take into account the nature of the bottom of the boat;
  • choose the right cable for the anchor.

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the cable, since it will be subjected to great forces. The greater the weight of the boat, the greater the force the cable must be designed for.

Two types of ropes are used for anchors:

  • artificial. They have a long service life as they do not rot;
  • natural. They are rarely used due to their low resistance to moisture.

As a rule, it is difficult to choose an anchor for all occasions, especially in a store.

In order for a homemade anchor to fully perform its functions, a number of observations should be made:

  • become familiar with the weather conditions of the fishing spot;
  • decide on the design;
  • prepare the necessary materials;
  • ask experienced fishermen about a more successful design.
  • keep the boat in one place;
  • easy to remove from the bottom of the reservoir;
  • have little weight;
  • have a compact size and do not take up much space;
  • be resistant to corrosion;
  • works well on a specific body of water.

Quite often, instead of real anchors, fishermen use improvised means in the form of stones, bricks, ballast with sand, etc.

As a rule, they have low efficiency:

  • such auxiliary devices are not compact and take up a lot of usable space on the boat;
  • if there are sharp corners, they can damage the boat;
  • installing such an anchor takes a lot of valuable time.

The use of such devices is justified if the bottom of the reservoir is hard and clean. Despite this, factory designs do not always meet the necessary requirements.

The disadvantages include:

  • high, sometimes unjustified price;
  • products may simply be defective.

If we take the above into account, then it is easier, cheaper and more affordable to make an anchor yourself. Moreover, the fisherman understands what kind of anchor is needed to make fishing comfortable.

Types of anchors for a PVC boat with your own hands - photo drawings

Without an anchor, especially in the current, you can hardly count on fishing at all. But this does not mean at all that an anchor will not be needed on a body of water without a current. As a rule, underwater currents may be present in any body of water. In addition, there is not a day without wind, which is capable of driving a boat across a body of water without problems. Having an anchor will help solve many problems. In this regard, the presence of an anchor should not be underestimated, especially since making one yourself is not so difficult. The most popular designs today are the following:

  • Hall anchor;
  • cat anchor;
  • anchor-Kurbatova;
  • a mushroom-shaped device for fishing in the current;
  • Danforth anchor, designed for any type of bottom.

Each design has its own advantages and disadvantages. To understand which option is most suitable, you need to consider each design in detail.

To make it you need to have the following details:

  • metal pipe, diameter 25 mm and length 270 mm;
  • one nut and one bushing;
  • four pieces of metal: two smaller and two large;
  • two metal rings;
  • two kilograms of lead.


A sleeve is attached to the end of the tube. Four strips of steel will serve as paws. The entire structure is held together with a nut. To increase the weight of the anchor, lead is poured inside the tube.

This is a welded structure, so fewer parts will be needed. Here they are:

  • steel rod;
  • steel wire;
  • metal pieces.

You need to bend the wire into something similar to a spindle, and the rest of the parts are welded to this blank. Due to the welded pieces of metal, the structure is securely held at the bottom.

This anchor is perfect for small PVC inflatable boats. As a rule, it is a folding structure that takes up a minimum of usable space. The design is quite light and in the presence of wind it needs to be weighted down. The arms of the anchor are attached to a kind of spindle bent from wire. The position of the paws can be adjusted by moving them along this wire.

To make such a structure, you need a pyramid-shaped shape. Alternatively, it can be made from iron sheets. After this, the mold is filled with molten lead. So that the anchor can be fastened, after pouring, a piece of wire is inserted into the still hot lead. After the lead hardens, the wire is securely fixed in the structure. The second option allows you to do without lead. It involves attaching plates of various sizes to form a pyramid. The advantage of this method is that you can easily adjust the mass of the armature by removing or adding plates. This is easy to do if you take a metal threaded rod and drill a hole in the center of each plate. The entire structure can be fastened with a nut. In this case, you should dial up the platinum so that the smallest one is at the bottom.

Making an anchor with your own hands is not difficult. It is much more difficult to learn how to use it. If you don’t do this, then losing it won’t be a big deal, but making an anchor for every fishing trip is very expensive. Therefore, it is important to know how to fish without losing the anchor.

How not to sink an anchor

Each body of water is characterized by its own type of bottom, which can be different in different areas of the same body of water. Therefore, it is difficult to determine if a device is located on a hard or muddy bottom unless you try to study it. Unfortunately, most anglers don't do this. To avoid leaving the anchor at the bottom of the reservoir, you need to do the following:

  • anchor to the trend;
  • provide it with a buoy;
  • pull out using a buoy rope.

As a rule, for the normal functioning of a PVC boat, one anchor is enough, especially if correct operation. The main thing is that the design is reliable, and the weather conditions are favorable for the fishing process. Despite this, it is better to play it safe and take another anchor with you, as they say, just in case of emergency. At the same time, it is very important to take into account the nature of the bottom of the reservoir. Sometimes you have to move from one body of water to another, where the bottom may be completely different. Therefore, it is better to have two anchors: one should be intended for a hard bottom, and the other for a muddy bottom.


Fishing is an exciting activity that brings a person a lot of positive emotions, which contributes to a charge of vivacity and energy. But this only happens if the fisherman has thought through everything to the smallest detail and has taken all the necessary accessories with him. Moreover, they must be of high quality and comply different conditions catching A similar definition applies to a boat anchor. If it is a high-quality and functional assistant, then besides pleasure, fishing will not bring any negativity. If the element turns out to be of poor quality, the fishing process may be ruined. This process will cause nothing but great annoyance.

Fishing, of course, is the favorite pastime of the average male citizen. And to be alone, to swim away from everyone - this is what many fishermen do. At the same time, a PVC boat anchor is one of the most necessary devices when fishing on the water, because to prevent your “boat” from being blown away by the current (on a river) or by the wind (on a lake or pond), you need to secure it well!

What is a PVC boat (brief information)

This abbreviation correctly stands for polyvinyl chloride. The most important quality is that PVC does not support combustion, unlike, for example, ordinary rubber. This material was invented back in the nineteenth century. Then, forty years later, it was organized industrial production. PVC is used to produce children's toys, buildings, awnings and, of course, boats! For fishing, special reinforced boat material is used, which is much heavier than usual. So, a boat two meters long must weigh at least 10 kg, otherwise it’s a simple inflatable mattress with oars and seats, unsuitable for long sailing and fighting the elements! As a rule, eleven-layer PVC is used, but there may be more layers. Not the least important role for the quality of the canvas is played by its density. The denser, the longer the vessel can be made. By choosing the best quality boat, the fisherman will maximize the safety of both himself and the people who are fishing with him. Also, when choosing a PVC boat, you need to pay attention to the tensile strength (tensile strength) in order to know for sure the carrying capacity of your vessel.

How to make an anchor for a PVC boat with your own hands?

Such a necessary device can, of course, be purchased at any large fishing store. But you can try to make a PVC boat anchor with your own hands - cheaper, and you will always be confident in the reliability of this “work of fishing art.” There are several time-tested and people-tested options, which are given below.

Kurbatovsky - welded, homemade

You can make a PVC boat anchor with your own hands using wire with a diameter of at least eight millimeters, sheet steel three millimeters thick and a piece of metal rod with a diameter of twelve millimeters. The design has only one paw and a small forked spindle, weighs just over two kilograms and is compact. Can be used on boats up to five meters long. So, step-by-step instruction“How to make an anchor for a PVC boat with your own hands.”

1. We bend the spindle from wire. We weld a bar in its upper part.

2. We weld washers and strips (fixing) to the rod, which, when the structure hits the bottom, unfold the paw and force it to cling to the ground.

3. At the rod, the ends of the spindle are welded with a strip of metal, which supports the arm in the working position.

4. Such an anchor holds well on many soils, but if the bottom is rocky, it is necessary to have a removable blank weighing up to four kg, which can be easily put on the end of the anchor and lowered with it.

In recent years, the Trident factory anchor has been used abroad, which is not much different in design from the Kurbatovsky one. Its paw is wider and made in the shape of a trident. It also holds the boat well on loose ground by digging into the soil. On rocky roads it is necessary to use ballast.

Folding cat

Cat anchors are fairly reliable designs for small boats (three to four meters long). Their only inconvenience is storage on a ship. This DIY PVC boat anchor is easy to make by making it foldable. The whole secret is that all four legs of the structure will be hinged at the bottom of the base. And the coupling, which slides along the spindle itself, will lock either in the upper or lower position, fixing the paws of the grapple anchor in a working state or folded along the spindle.

The anchor is important and mandatory element any boat or ship, and the PVC inflatable boat is no exception. But specifically for PVC boats, the anchor system only serves to stop the vessel at the fishing site. It is very important to ensure a stable fixation, independent of current or wind, so that the anchor lies tightly on the bottom.

The most important requirements for any anchor are: easy to use, small in size and easy to fit in a small place. Such a product must be completely easy to take out, have as little weight as possible to reduce the load on the boat and, of course, must have high resistance to chemical corrosion.

Anchor design

Currently, there are about a dozen known and proven anchor designs:

The most common is the cat anchor, which is most often installed on PVC boats. This anchor model weighs from 2 to 10 kilograms. Most often, folding anchors are usually created for small boats. The advantages of this anchor are light weight, compactness, and small dimensions. There are two types of grapple anchors, differing in the way they secure the paws.

In the first case, the paws are straightened directly using a special rotary coupling; in the second case, the paw fixation mechanism is similar to an umbrella, that is, the paws extend from the center. The big disadvantage of this anchor is its low grip on muddy or rocky bottoms.

The second most popular is the Danforth anchor, resembling a plow. This model is not very light and small-sized, but it has great adhesion to the ground and stones. With the help of its flat blades, the anchor literally digs itself into the bottom to a fairly suggestible depth, then encounters dense soil and stops along with the boat. The Danforth anchor, which weighs approximately 2 kg, can support a boat weighing up to 80 kg. A clear advantage of this anchor is the ease of removing the underwater hook.

Also very famous is the river mushroom-shaped anchor, which in its shape resembles a mushroom. This model weighs approximately 3-10 kg. It performs well on rocky bottoms, is small in size and very compact.

Another type of anchor is the Bruce anchor, which has the shape of a huge hook, at the end of which two blades stick out in different directions. When thrown, it burrows into the ground with the help of shovels and secures the vessel.

There is also a fork anchor, which in its shape resembles a double fork, between the two ends of which there is a foot. Thus, when casting, the paw buries itself in the ground and is fixed in it, and the fork provides even more grip. The downside is that the device is quite difficult to pull back out.

On PVC boats it is often rare, but the Northill anchor is used, having the shape of a star with four ends, on the two ends of the star, which are parallel, there are paws installed, with the help of which the anchor is buried in the ground, and two additional beams sticking out in different directions only strengthen the grip. The disadvantages of this model are its heavy weight and dimensions, high price, and difficult to pull out.

The Admiralty anchor is usually used on large ships, but there are also cases of using PVC on boats. It includes a spindle, transom, two horns, rod, shackle and eye. The most important advantage of such an anchor is its versatility. It can be used on reservoirs with absolutely any type of bottom. It is also distinguished by a large coefficient of holding force, as well as a very simple design. The main disadvantages of this type of anchor are: large size and weight, high price, difficulty in operation.

There is also another type of anchor - the Porter anchor, which is very similar to the Admiralty one, differing only in the method of attaching the legs, which are attached perpendicular to the rod using bolted connections. Thanks to this, the anchor can oscillate from side to side. An important advantage This model is that when immersed in water, one paw clings to the ground, and the other to the spindle, therefore, a large holding force is provided, and the likelihood that the anchor cable will catch on a protruding paw is almost minimal.

Basic criteria when choosing an anchor

  • The most important requirement is the main purpose of the anchor, that is, the anchor must provide reliable and high-quality fixation on water, resisting current and wind.
  • Holding force coefficient, which is usually calculated using special mathematical formulas, is usually indicated on each anchor in the store.
  • The mass should not be too large, but not too small, the best option there will be an anchor weighing 7-9 kg.
  • A very important criterion when choosing is the type of soil, since each anchor behaves differently on different soils.
  • Weather conditions are also a very important requirement., depending on where the fishing will take place, where there is constant wind or calm.
  • It is very important to choose an anchor that will be protected from chemical corrosion. The most popular and high-quality method of protection is galvanizing.

How to create an anchor yourself

If there is no money to purchase a ready-made anchor, or there is no trust in the manufacturers, then a high-quality and reliable anchor for PVC boats can be constructed at home yourself, having the proper experience and knowledge. Let's consider the creation of an anchor using the example of a welded Kurbatov anchor.

In order to make such an anchor, you must have:

  • Metal rod, 2 cm long;
  • Steel in the form of a sheet 2-3 mm thick;
  • Metal wire with a diameter of at least 6 mm;

The weight of such a product will be approximately 3 kg. Step-by-step instruction:

Such an anchor will be able to leave the boat on any bottom. excellent option for a boat 4 meters long.

Also besides complex design you can make an anchor without resorting to welding, simply by pouring hot metal into the required shape.

For this method you will need approximately 5-6 kg of lead:

  1. First you need to melt the metal, preferably melted in a refractory clay crucible.
  2. Prepare the required form for filling, you can choose the shape yourself.
  3. Pour the molten metal into the mold.
  4. Drill a hole for the rope.
  5. Deform the workpiece so that there is a hook or foot, it is advisable to make three such feet, lead is a fairly soft metal and lends itself well to plastic deformation. Or make a blank in the shape of a mushroom-shaped anchor.

Thus, to create an anchor of this type you do not need to have great knowledge in design. You just need to have a little imagination.

You can also make a folding grapple anchor yourself, so that the paws of the structure will be attached to the bottom on hinges, and the change in the working capacity of the paws will be changed using a special ring coupling.

When you create it yourself, the design of the anchors turns out to be much more reliable, since all the work is done with your own hands, of course, the financial costs are much less.

In addition to the complex design, you can make an anchor without resorting to welding, simply by pouring hot metal into the required shape How to increase your fish catch?

Over 7 years of active fishing, I have found dozens of ways to improve the bite. Here are the most effective ones:

  1. Bite activator. This pheromone additive attracts fish most strongly in cold and warm water. .
  2. Promotion gear sensitivity. Read the appropriate manuals for your specific type of gear.
  3. Lures based pheromones.

Correct fastening

It is necessary that the boat is securely fixed on the surface of the water with the help of an anchor, but an anchor alone will not be enough. It is very important to choose a reliable and high-quality anchor cable connecting the anchor to the boat. Today, stores sell a huge number of different cables made either from synthetic or natural materials.

With the same diameter, synthetic ropes are superior to natural ones due to their high abrasion resistance, high tensile and bending strengths, and these types of ropes are practically not subject to rotting. The most important criteria when choosing a cable are tensile and tensile strength, thickness and weight.

A very high-quality cable must have a tensile strength value that exceeds the mass of the anchor itself by eighty times. To determine the exact length of the cable, you need to know the exact depth of the reservoir where you are going to fish, and the length of the cable should be about six times longer, because the longer the cable, the better and more reliable the anchor fixation.

It is possible to use a chain instead of an anchor, but this will significantly increase the weight of the boat, but it has higher strength and reliability.

  • Before fishing, you need to find out what kind of bottom the reservoir has in order to fully decide on the choice of anchor;
  • It is necessary to know the depth of the reservoir for the right purchase cable;
  • It is safer to design the anchor yourself, but if this is not possible, then rely on reviews from previous customers;
  • You need to take the purchase of an anchor very seriously;
  • It is very important not to drown the precious anchor; use only the most reliable types of knots.
  • In case of strong currents, it would be advisable to use two anchors for better fixation.
  • The anchor can also be reinforced with a chain for better fixation and grip on the ground.
  • It is also necessary to properly throw the anchor into the water at the correct angle.

Every real fisherman must have in his arsenal a means of moving through the water. And as you know, there is not a single boat without an anchor. It's no secret that fishermen are economical and inventive people, and for them making an anchor for a PVC boat with their own hands will not be a problem, especially if you prepare a drawing. This always turns out to be reliable, practical and cheap.

There are several options for creating homemade anchors for an inflatable boat. All of them have proven themselves over time and reliability. The simplest and most common of them is considered Kurbatov's method - simple welded anchor structure. This device is compact in size, lightweight and easy to manufacture.

Without an anchor, it’s unlikely to be possible to go fishing on a boat in the reeds or to hunt in the floodplains. A high-quality device for fixing the position of the craft on the water will keep the inflatable boat in place in strong winds or underwater currents, so that a person can fully enjoy his favorite activity.

The feasibility of using such devices for PVC boats does not raise the slightest doubt, because today there are no other methods for reliably fixing an inflatable craft in a stationary state on the water. In this case, fishermen consider the following popular types of anchors:

I would like to emphasize that each type of such devices for holding a boat in a stationary position on the water has both its advantages and disadvantages.

But the most important criterion for such a mechanism, suitable for inflatable PVC boats, is compactness and small dimensions.

Do-it-yourself PVC boat anchor according to Kurbatov’s method

Like any other work, the construction of an anchor for inflatable boat start by collecting everyone Supplies, drawings and tools. In this case, Kurbatov’s method implies the presence of the following components:

Structurally, such a product consists of one paw and a forked spindle small sizes. This self-made anchor for an inflatable PVC boat perfectly holds a 5 meter long watercraft. Moreover, to manufacture such a structure according to the drawings, there is a certain sequence of actions.

  1. Steel wire it is bent upward in the shape of a spindle, to which a bar is welded.
  2. Fixation bars and washers They are connected to the rod by welding. This is primarily necessary to deploy the paw at the bottom, so that it catches on the ground.
  3. With help metal strip the ends of the spindle are connected by welding. This will keep the paw in working position.

The resulting structure, made according to Kurbatov’s method, should weigh approximately 2 kg. This will allow you to hold the PVC boat on sand or silt soil. In cases where fishing is planned on reservoirs with a rocky bottom, it is important to provide for attaching an additional blank weighing 4 kg to the anchor.

Manufacturing a grapple anchor for an inflatable PVC watercraft

Another high-quality option for making such a device with your own hands is assembling a grapple anchor for a PVC boat. To ensure reliability, to prevent the paw from breaking, the device is secured to the rod using cotter pins from copper. This allows, if the product gets stuck at the bottom, to cut off the cotter pin at a set force, after which the paw will straighten and come out from under the snag.

Thanks to the use of hinged mounting of the paws to the bottom of the rod, on which the floating coupling is placed, the device is more compact. Also due to the sliding of the coupling along the base, the paws are fixed in working condition at the bottom of the rod, and when moving up they fold. A self-made grapple anchor for an inflatable boat is good only for fishing in calm weather, and in the case of strong winds it needs to be weighed down with additional weight.

DIY lead anchor

The simplest device for holding a boat in one position on the water, which does not require special knowledge and drawings, is a structure cast from lead. So, we make an anchor with our own hands. To manufacture such a device you will need up to 5 kg of metal. While the lead is melting, it is necessary to prepare the shape of the future product.

Liquid metal is poured into the finished mold. After the lead has hardened, the almost finished product is removed from the homemade formwork and cleaned of deposits on the metal. Then a hole is drilled in the rod to attach the rope. To reduce the drift of the boat in strong currents, several holes are drilled in the anchor cap.

How to protect an anchor from drowning?

Simply making or purchasing a good anchor is not enough; you need to know how to use it correctly. Fixing a craft in one position on the water during strong winds or currents is an event that requires certain skills.

Because the most popular device for PVC boats is the grapple anchor, then experts recommend tying such a device to the bottom loop. To hold the load, use a thin tie or rope - then, if it gets caught on a snag or stone, you can break off the top fastening with a sharp jerk. The most important thing is to choose the right diameter of the rope, otherwise it will have to be cut together with the anchor.

In case of very strong currents, it is recommended to use two products installed at the stern and bow of the craft. In this case, the boat should be positioned strictly with the current. Otherwise, it will not be possible to correctly determine the exact location of the nozzle. Naturally, it is possible to place a PVC boat against the current, but in this case additional weights are used.

The installation of the watercraft along the river flow is carried out by entering against the current slightly above the deployment site, after which the anchor is lowered to the bottom. It is necessary to release the rope depending on the strength of the current and the weight of the product. When installing a boat on two anchors, the second one is lowered only after the rope is pulled downstream.

As you can see, the production homemade anchor for inflatable boat PVC is not special labor, and also does not require drawings and deep knowledge in this matter. Rational selection of weight and material for the manufacture of the product, as well as its proper installation, enable the fisherman to engage in his favorite hobby, rather than waste time on keeping the craft stationary.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Now I'll show you how to use anchor links on your pages to improve your site's usability and content consumption.

You can see a striking example of such anchor links in almost every article of mine that contains content.

Each link in the content is made using an anchor link. Clicking on each one takes you to a specific part of the page. This type of content will be much more convenient to use than just a list of items, since in the second case the visitor will have to scroll through the page himself and look for the desired item.

In most cases, the user needs a specific answer to a question and needs it right away. And, if we force him to look for the desired item on the entire page, then it is not a fact that he will do it. Thus it will get worse.

By giving the visitor the opportunity to go straight to the desired question, we guarantee our page a good PF, since the user will be able to immediately get to the question he needs and will be more likely to study it.

Therefore, if you are creating your pages that cover many issues, then you definitely need to make the content in the form of anchor links. We will look at how to do this option below. You also need to do this option when there is a large amount of content.

Now let's move directly to the implementation. I start with a video lesson, after which there is a text version to fully master all the information.

And here is the promised text version with all the initial data, which was shown above.

How to put an anchor link in the text?

The implementation of this function is incredibly simple. We need 2 links:

  1. The first is for the link itself;
  2. The second is for the anchor, which will determine the place where you need to move when you click on the first.

Both links contain an identifier that connects both links to each other. If you need to use more than one anchor link on one page, then new values ​​must be set for each link. In the example above, the value is 1. If I need to make a second link, then I can set a new value, for example 2.

This is what I usually do in my content. Each item is marked with a new number.

As for the WordPress engine, it is not necessary to put the first link in a text (html) editor. I make it simpler.

  • First I write all the content points;
  • Then I make them into a numbered list;

  • Next, I simply make each item a link using standard functionality and indicate the URL in the form of identifiers #1, #2, #3 and so on;

  • Then I go to a text editor and insert anchors with the corresponding link numbers in the right places.

I always insert each anchor before each heading, which corresponds to each point of the material. You can see this in the image above.

Also, if the article is very long, then I give you the opportunity to return to the content after each point using the same anchor link.

This is necessary so that the visitor does not bother himself with a long scrolling of the page up.

Everything is done exactly the same. We put an anchor near the content and after each point we put a link to it.

If you don’t want to do this option, then take care of the convenience of consuming voluminous content on your resource. For example, it also helps to quickly move to the very beginning of the content.

At the end of this article, I will give one more tip on when to use these anchor links.

It is advisable to do this in the case when you need to return to some point described above in the text. As a rule, it is always written “Do exactly the same as above...”. You can also make this phrase a link to an anchor so that the visitor immediately moves to Right place. In this case, he will not have to look for the previously presented information himself.

This is where I end the article. I hope that you understand the usefulness of such links in your content on the site and will use them without fail.

See you later!

Best regards, Konstantin Khmelev!