Aluminum wiring: pros and cons. Which conducts current better, aluminum or copper?

Sooner or later, all homeowners are faced with the need to replace electrical wiring. In old-style houses, this issue is even more acute - in such buildings, the wiring is most often made of aluminum wire. Is it worth changing it? This article discusses the pros and cons aluminum wiring. How to properly connect aluminum wires?

Advantages and disadvantages

Wires made of aluminum have a number of advantages. This is why they are so widespread. The main advantages include:

  • Weight. Compared to other metals used in wiring, aluminum is the lightest.
  • Corrosion resistance. When interacting with air, aluminum oxidizes. The resulting film protects the wire from further destruction.
  • Price. Aluminum is an inexpensive metal. Aluminum has found particular application in the production of power cables. The weight and price of the material make it the best option in the air inlet gasket.

Important! According to the PUE, the cross-section of the aluminum wire must be at least 16 square meters. mm. During oxidation, the area of ​​the cable conducting current is significantly reduced.

There is a wide selection of different types of aluminum wires on sale. Aluminum SIP conductors are in demand as power cables. Electrical wires for internal wiring are available in APBPP, APPV, APV versions.

However, these wires also have disadvantages. The main disadvantages include:

  • Fragility and fragility. During long-term use, the wires lose their original strength. Under the influence of regular overheating, and after the expiration of its service life, the cable literally breaks in your hands.
  • Fluidity. Aluminum tends to stretch. This characteristic does not have the best effect on the quality of the screw connection.

Important! The service life of aluminum metal wires is 25 years. Don't expect more!

The junction of the electrical contact with the aluminum wire is a point of high contact resistance. If the connection is of poor quality, the contact point regularly and strongly heats up.

Regular overheating leads to deformation of the wire. This may cause the insulation of aluminum wires to catch fire. Quite often you can hear about fires caused by old aluminum wiring.

What is the electrical resistivity of aluminum wires? Compared to copper, it has higher performance - 0.0271 Ohm x sq. mm/m - for aluminum, versus 0.0175 Ohm x sq. mm/m for copper. In other words, to provide the same conductivity, you will need a stronger aluminum wire than if you used copper.

Due to the above disadvantages, many electricians, when the question arises: which wire is better to choose, give their preference to copper.

What to do with old wiring?

The old aluminum wiring definitely needs replacing. Its main drawback is the maximum load it can withstand. The abundance of modern electrical appliances in homes has significantly increased the load on the network.

To reduce the load, you will need to lay several additional aluminum lines. Such lines require a boiler, washing machine and other powerful devices. In order not to spoil the existing repair, new wiring can be hidden in special decorative boxes.

How to connect aluminum wires?

There are four main methods used to connect wires in everyday life.

Screw connection

This method involves the following steps:

  • Stripping the wire of insulation - 20 mm, followed by stripping the already exposed part with fine sandpaper.
  • Lubricate with Vaseline.
  • Twisting the bare wire into a ring and placing it on a screw.

The disadvantages of this connection include the need to further tighten the screw. Due to the fluidity of the material, the connection weakens, which impairs contact.

Spring connection

The preparatory work is similar. The finished end of the wire is inserted into a special terminal block. The spring method eliminates the need to tighten the connection. You can find disposable clamps and reusable clamps on sale.

Terminal block

The stripped ends of 5 mm are inserted into the corresponding connectors. Using a screw, secure the wire tightly. This method allows you to fasten wires of different sections.


The most unreliable way. If the network is subjected to heavy loads, overheating and expansion of the metal is inevitable. The resulting gap will increase the contact resistance and weaken the contact.

If you still cannot do without twisting, follow the following recommendations. The wire strands should wrap around each other evenly. The number of turns is at least 3-5.

As you can see in the photo, aluminum wires connected using a screw and spring method are much safer and more reliable than conventional twisting.

Copper and aluminum connection

Twisting an aluminum wire with a copper wire is unacceptable! Metals have different coefficients thermal expansion. A series of uneven expansions and contractions will lead to loose contact. Loose contact, in turn, will regularly increase the heating of the twist.

If it is necessary to connect wires of different metals, it is important to ensure that there is no direct contact. This can be achieved using a threaded connection and a terminal block.

Basic application requirements

If your choice falls on aluminum wires, adhere to the following requirements.

  • The minimum wire cross-section is 16 kV. millimeters.
  • Selection of wires in accordance with the expected loads.
  • Ensuring reliable contact. One of best options- wire welding, but such a connection requires a special tool.

Now, knowing about the advantages and disadvantages of aluminum wires, you can make your own informed choice.

Photo of aluminum wires

In older buildings, mainly aluminum-based wiring was used for the electrical network. However, sooner or later the electrical wiring requires replacement or restoration. Therefore, many owners are wondering: what is good about aluminum wiring in an apartment, and should they change it to copper or not? This needs to be dealt with in more detail, weighing all the pros and cons.

Advantages and disadvantages of aluminum wiring

It should be noted right away that electrical wiring made of aluminum is not considered to be of the highest quality or reliable. One way or another, it is this type of system that is installed in most old apartments. This type has the following advantages:

  • low mass (aluminum alloys weigh much less than other materials that are used as conductors electrical energy);
  • resistance to corrosion (aluminum instantly oxidizes upon contact with air, forming protective film On the wire).

Today, aluminum in electrical wiring is often used to create power cables, where the price of the material and its weight are extremely important. A striking example is SIP cables, the veins of which are made of aluminum.

However, in modern new buildings prefer not to install aluminum-based wiring. This is due to the following disadvantages of this material:

  • high degree of fluidity (aluminum stretches well, which is a disadvantage when making screw connections of wires);
  • fragility (during long-term use, aluminum cables will break, especially when overheated and under significant loads).

These shortcomings lead to a short service life of the entire installation. The approximate service life of aluminum wiring in an apartment is up to 26 years.

Important facts about the system

The properties of aluminum have been well studied. In order to learn as much as possible about this material, it is recommended to remember several important facts:

That's why experts don't recommend using this type of cable at home. This is especially true for cottages and houses made of wood, which are not visited very often.

Do I need to replace the wiring?

Experts answer this question positively. One of the good reasons for replacement is the maximum load that aluminum can withstand. Even high quality aluminum wiring cannot guarantee reliability and safety at this time. It is prohibited to install aluminum wiring with a large cross-section, as this may cause a fire.

Copper cable copes well with modern electrical loads. In addition, it is much more fire resistant and reliable. Therefore, it is still worth changing the aluminum wiring.

But replacing aluminum wiring with copper is not cheap. Also, for a full replacement procedure, you need to make a huge number of holes. You can simplify the task and make a couple of copper lines that will take on most of the load, and bring aluminum wires to the lighting. In addition, new cables can be hidden behind door frames or baseboards. This way you can minimize the load on the aluminum wiring, making the entire system more reliable and safe.

Rules for dismantling old electrical wiring

The first stage is turning off the packet switch, that is, de-energizing the premises.

The distribution boxes are removed first. Their covers are located on the walls and under the ceiling. First you need to find the input cable, then you need to insulate it and cut it. This is not necessary in a production environment.

The power consumption of electrical appliances should not exceed the rated values ​​of the electrical wiring. Manufacturers typically report this information based on optimal operating conditions.

Excessively thick cables are not suitable for use in living conditions. However, it is not advisable to buy very thin ones. If the electrical wiring burns out, repairing it will cost much more than the initial purchase of materials High Quality. In addition, the decoration in the apartment will have to be done anew.

Do not forget that, regardless of the type of electrical wiring in your home, you must follow electrical and fire safety rules. This way you will have the opportunity to protect yourself and your apartment from negative consequences and emergencies.

Electrical wiring of an apartment, house It has certain period services. Aluminum wire, which was used in the mass construction of residential buildings from 1950 to 2001, has a service life of 30 years. At the end of its service life, it is necessary to replace the electrical wiring, since, over time, the insulation of the wire begins to deteriorate, exposing the wires, leading to a short circuit. Aluminum becomes very fragile with age; at the slightest bend in the wire, for example when replacing a socket, it instantly breaks, making impossible installation sockets Also, due to strong oxidation, the resistance at the junctions of the wires increases many times, this leads to strong heating of the wires and can lead to spontaneous combustion of the electrical wiring and, possibly, to a fire in the room.

Toward reduction service life of electrical wiring leads to excess design load. In the 50-80s of the last century, the maximum load in an apartment was considered to be a current of approximately 10-12 Amperes, and this is achieved by turning on electrical network modern kettle with a power of 2500 watts. The load can be easily calculated using the formula: A=W:V (A - Amperes, W - Watts, V - Volts), 2500W: 220V = 11.36A. From this example it follows that when only one vacuum cleaner is plugged into a power outlet, practically the maximum permissible load to an electric wire.

Over the past 20 years, there have been tens of times more appliances in everyday life, and almost each one requires its own socket, grounding, additional line, and protective device. In order for all your devices to work properly, you must have electrical wiring in your apartment that complies with all modern standards and regulations. Such electrical wiring can only be in a new house, and even the number of sockets and their location may not match your interior.

But what about those who live in old Khrushchev-era buildings, nine-story panel buildings built in the 70s and 80s, in which there is only one outlet in the kitchen?

The most ideal moment for replacement of electrical wiring counts major renovation apartments, when you can safely hollow out all the walls, lay new wires and make repairs and live in peace. But it happens that for some reason you don’t want to do renovations in your apartment, or it’s simply unrealistic due to your accommodation big family, children, pets or just fear of a heap of dust, garbage...

Aluminum wiring is often used in construction when laying power lines, including residential buildings. In order for such cables to be reliable and serve for a long time, you need to know the features of their operation.


What is the difference between copper and aluminum wiring?

The main differences in electrical wiring modern apartments are as follows:

  • duration of cable operation;
  • the amount of power and maximum load on the wires;
  • the value of electrical potentials.

Service life and operation of wiring

For aluminum cables, the average service life in accordance with the standards specified in SNiP is about 10-15 years. Copper conductors last an order of magnitude longer - around 20-30 years. The overall service life of cables is affected by their operating conditions. If the wiring is regularly subjected to high loads, as well as aggressive external conditions, then the service life will be significantly shorter.

This means the following impacts:

  • Sun rays;
  • low negative temperatures;
  • rain and moisture (during fog, for example);
  • high temperatures.

If all SNiP requirements are met and the power supply to the network is not critical, then the service life of the wiring will be up to one hundred years. Moreover, much in this matter depends on correct use electrical equipment and automatic machines.

The channel “Sami with a Mustache” spoke in detail about the need to replace electrical cables and their service life.

A cable with a core cross-section of 2.5 mm can withstand a current of up to 25 amperes. If a 16 A circuit breaker is installed in the apartment, it will break out before the wire heats up to a critical temperature at high power. Automatic equipment rated at 40 amps will work, but the cable will melt if a current of 32-35 amps passes through it.

Table of electrochemical potentials (mV) arising between connected conductors

The standard values ​​for the main technical parameters when connecting cables are given below.

Material: copper.

Voltage parameter 380 V
Current parameterPower valueCurrent valuePower level
1,5 19 4,1 16 10,5
2,5 27 5,9 25 16,5
4 38 8,3 30 19,8
6 46 10,1 40 26,4
10 70 15,6 50 33
16 85 18,7 75 49,5
25 115 25,3 90 59,4
35 135 29,7 115 75,9
50 175 38,5 145 95,7
70 215 47,3 180 118,8
95 260 57,2 220 145,2
120 300 66 260 171,6

Material: aluminum.

Wiring connection cross-section sizeVoltage value is 220 voltsVoltage parameter 380 V
Current parameterPower valueCurrent valuePower level
2,5 20 4,4 19 12,5
4 28 6,1 23 15,1
6 36 7,9 30 19,8
10 50 11 39 25,7
16 60 13,2 55 36,3
25 85 18,7 70 46,2
35 100 22 85 56,1
50 135 29,7 110 72,6
70 165 36,3 140 92,4
95 200 44 170 112,2
120 230 50,6 200 132

Pros of aluminum

This material for laying wiring has certain advantages:

  1. Ease. Compared to other materials, aluminum wiring has significantly less weight.
  2. Resistant to corrosion. Aluminum material is less susceptible to destructive effects. When this type of conductor interacts with air, oxidation occurs. But due to the formation of a film on the cable structure, the material is reliably protected from further destruction.
  3. Price. Aluminum itself is an inexpensive metal. Therefore, it has found wide application in the manufacture of power conductors. Due to its light weight and affordable price, aluminum is considered the best option for laying air inlets.
  4. Large selection of conductors various types. If, when renovating a room, it is necessary to install and connect power cables, then you can use SIP type products. To implement internal wiring, the APBPP, APPV, and APV options are used.

The Chipdip channel spoke about the features of using such cables, as well as their advantages.

Disadvantages of aluminum

This material has both pros and cons, they are considered in accordance with the reviews:

  1. Low level of electrical conductivity of aluminum wiring. For this material this figure is 38*106 S/m. If compared with copper conductors, then this value will be 59.5 * 106 S/m. As a result, the latest cables with a diameter of 1 mm2 will be able to carry almost twice as much current as aluminum products.
  2. Low flexibility of conductors. Because of this, the use of aluminum cables is not allowed in places where the wires will be subject to repeated bending. To maximize the integrity of the product, the laying route must be straight. It is important that during use the conductor is minimally exposed to various mechanical influences.
  3. Aluminum cables are characterized by reduced fluidity properties. Due to constant mechanical and thermal influences, such a conductor will lose its shape over time. As a result, this will negatively affect the twisting area and contact connections.

User Vladislav Rezanov spoke about residential electrical wiring made of copper and aluminum, as well as the disadvantages of both materials.

Need to replace wiring

It may be necessary to change cables in an apartment or house in the following cases:

  1. The period of use of the wires came to an end, which led to the destruction of the insulating layer. As a result, the old cable overheats and melts, especially when it comes to aluminum conductors.
  2. When carrying out electrical installation work. If the quality of the electrical network is satisfactory or worse, it is recommended to change it.
  3. As a result of cable breakage. This process will cause the appearance of areas where current leaks will occur.
  4. There is a possibility of a short circuit. This is usually due to broken conductors and destruction of the insulating layer.
  5. A section of cable caught fire. This will be indicated by sparking, as well as a burning smell.
  6. The automatic switch or protective shutdown device often trips.
  7. The electricity in a house or apartment is constantly cut off, for no apparent reason.
  8. More powerful electrical equipment is being installed in the room. If the old wiring is not designed for it, it is recommended to install a new one.

Is it possible to connect copper and aluminum wiring?

When these two materials come into contact, a chemical reaction occurs, which ultimately leads to a deterioration in the quality of electrical contact. As a result, the junction of the conductors will become very hot due to the passage of current. As a result, this can lead to cable ignition and even fire. If there is a room high humidity, this process is much faster. This is due to the fact that a thin film appears between the conductors, which is characterized by increased resistance, and therefore leads to heating and breakage.

If you correctly approach the process of connecting a copper conductor to an aluminum conductor, then all these problems can be avoided.

In any case, you should make complete replacement old cables to new ones. The wiring must have the necessary load capacity, which will correspond to the current consumption of electrical equipment. If it is not possible to immediately replace all cables, then you can resort to a partial replacement process. Then you will need to correctly connect two different types of conductors.

Methods for connecting different wires

To connect cables from various materials, you can resort to one of several methods:

  • by using terminal blocks;
  • by twisting with tinning of a copper conductor;
  • by carrying out a crimping procedure;
  • bolt connection method;
  • threaded connection.

Threaded connection of two different cables using a bolt Using a terminal clamp to secure conductors Crimping method using special sleeves

Terminal blocks

This connection option is considered quite popular, but cannot boast of maximum reliability. However, it has many advantages. By connecting using terminal blocks, you can quickly and reliably connect aluminum and copper conductors with each other in any combination. To complete the task, you do not have to form rings at the ends of the cables, or isolate the connection point. This is due to the fact that the terminal clamp device prevents the bare parts of the cables from touching each other.

The use of such blocks is advisable when connecting lamps to short aluminum cables that come out of the wall or ceiling. As a result of repeated twisting, such conductors lose flexibility and break, which leads to a decrease in their length. If the cable extends 1 cm from the surface of the wall or ceiling, using a terminal clamp will ensure a high-quality and reliable connection.

The connection procedure is performed as follows:

  1. The end of the conductor is stripped of the insulating layer by approximately 5 mm. To do this, you can use a stationery knife or a special device.
  2. The end of the cable is then installed into the hole in the terminal clamp.
  3. The conductor is fixed by tightening the bolt on the block. When performing this task, it is important that the effort be significant.

It is not allowed to hide terminal blocks under plaster without installing them in the distribution panel.

The Radio Amateur TV channel spoke in detail about the use of such fixation elements.

Tinned copper wire

This method is simple to implement. Its implementation does not require the user to use additional devices other than a soldering iron. But practice shows that the twisting method is unreliable, especially if the wires are made of different materials. This is due to the fact that various metals can change their sizes as a result of temperature changes. This leads to the fact that over time a gap forms at the connection point, which increases the value of the contact resistance.

As a result, heat will be generated, the conductors will oxidize, and their connections will be damaged. When performing this task by twisting, an important rule must be taken into account - the cables must wrap around each other. If one conductor is straight, and the second wraps around it, then the connection point will become unreliable - this option is not suitable. The implementation of this method is allowed when connecting cables with different diameters. It is possible to connect conductors with one or several cores, but the latter must be tinned in advance using solder, this will make it single-core.

When implementing a task, the number of turns must be chosen taking into account the diameter of the cable. If this value is 1 mm, then at least five coverages must be made. When the conductor is thicker, it is necessary to provide at least three turns.

User Valera shevchenko spoke about the nuances of tinning and clearly showed the procedure for soldering cables.

Crimping method

This connection method involves the use of sleeves. Its implementation is the most expensive due to the need to use special devices. In practice, installing a sleeve allows you to ensure reliable and high-quality contact that will last for many years. In industrial plants, this method is often implemented with wires connected to high-voltage, high-power equipment.

To complete the task, you will need aluminum-copper sleeves, as well as special tools.

Features of the choice of sleeves:

  1. If you are connecting conductors of different cross-sections, then you need to select the right connecting element. Sleeves can have different diameters and inlet hole sizes.
  2. The connecting elements must have a certain length. The sleeves do not have a reserve, so they cannot be cut into several parts to save money. When connecting two conductors, crimping must be done twice with opposite elements. If you cut the sleeve, this will not work, resulting in poor quality contact.
  3. The use of connecting elements is allowed when connecting single-core and multi-core cables. The main nuance is to choose a sleeve with the necessary input parameters. Since conductors usually have different cross-sections.

The Electrician's Advice channel talked about the choice of sleeves and the implementation of the method of crimping conductors in practice.

Bolted connection

This option will allow you to ensure high-quality contact using available materials, without the use of special devices and tools. To complete the task, you will need a regular bolt with two or three washers and a nut. The main nuance is to separate two different metals using washer elements. This type of connection is recommended to be implemented in a distribution panel.

The procedure is performed like this:

  1. A layer of insulation is removed from the conductor to a length corresponding to four bolt sizes.
  2. The condition of the veins is diagnosed. If they are acidified, then it is necessary to clean the metal component until it shines. Rings are made at the ends of the veins.
  3. Then a regular spring washer is installed on the bolt one by one. A core ring of one conductor is mounted on top.
  4. A regular washer is put on. Then a core ring of the second cable, another washer element and a nut are installed. The latter is used to tighten the bolt. Tightening is carried out until the spring washer is completely straightened.

In the case when the size of the conductor core is no more than two millimeters, M4 class bolts are used. If two cables made of the same metal or aluminum and copper are connected, and its end is tinned, the use of a washer between the rings is not necessary. In the case when a copper conductor with several cores is used, it must be tinned in advance using solder.

Aluminum Wiring Connection

To complete this task, you can use all the methods described above. The use of special spring connections is also allowed. To do this, the stripped conductor cores are installed in the holes of the terminal blocks. Due to the presence of a spring in the device, the consumer does not need to re-tighten the contact. On sale you can find different types terminal blocks, which are divided into disposable and reusable.

The former are used to connect cables without the possibility of their subsequent disconnection. The end of the core is installed in the hole on the terminal, where it is secured. To disconnect, the wire will have to be cut. If we talk about reusable devices, they can be used several times. To fix the conductor, you need to lift a special lever, install the stripped end of the cable into it and lower the fixing element back.

To connect aluminum cables, you can resort to the soldering method:

  1. The process of completing the task is not easy. Its difficulty lies in removing the oxide from the surface of the conductor. Abrasive materials are used. But when removing the oxide, you cannot overdo it, as this will lead to the appearance of a new film, but you need to reduce its thickness.
  2. Then the two ends of the conductors are fastened using flux and solder. As a last resort, experts recommend using COP or other similar options.
  3. To work with aluminum, you will need flux F-59A, F-61 or F-54. In their absence, similar compositions are used. This flux allows you to effectively remove the oxide film.
  4. Solder must be scraped across the surface of the conductor. This will make the oxide removal process easier. If flux is not used when performing a task, then the solder must be used more intensively.

Is it possible to twist aluminum wires?

Connecting these types of cables to each other is not prohibited. Their connection to each other is more secure than copper and aluminum conductors.

Features of connecting wires on the street

When laying cables outdoors, you need to consider negative impact external factors on cable line. Icing and exposure to rain will reduce the service life of wires. That's why installation work laying and connections must be carried out in sealed and closed structures. The wiring will be as resistant to impact as possible low temperatures and the rays of the sun. If connections are made on poles or on roofs, it is recommended to use special piercing clamps.

The Electrician's Tips channel spoke in detail about the implementation of a hermetic connection of two conductors.

Is it worth replacing old aluminum wiring or not?

If the wiring is outdated, then it must be replaced. Cables that were installed 20 or more years ago will not be able to withstand a load of modern houses and apartments.

This is due to the use of higher power as a result of the installation of such household appliances:

  • boilers;
  • microwaves;
  • computers;
  • air conditioners.

Briefly, the wiring replacement algorithm looks like this:

  1. At the first stage, you need to prepare for electrical installation work. It is necessary to completely study the room where the wiring will be installed. The condition of the components should be assessed and the load on the electrical network should be calculated.
  2. Then the compilation is made technical documentation, project. It is recommended to entrust this task to qualified specialists. When implementing it, the parameters are taken into account household equipment and devices that will be installed in the future. Places for installation of electrical points and lighting devices are marked.
  3. A full estimate is drawn up, as well as the materials needed to complete the task are purchased. Experts advise purchasing wires with a rigid and solid core. Cables for sockets are selected with a cross-section of 2.5 mm2. To connect lighting equipment, conductors rated at 1.5 mm2 are laid. To ensure high-quality operation of powerful devices, you will need cables with a cross-section of 4 mm2.
  4. We must not forget about additional equipment. We are talking about automatic devices, mounting boxes, RCDs and other components.
  5. The next stage is laying the cables. If carried out closed installation, then it is necessary to perform gating of the walls. When implementing open wiring, the cables are laid in special channels. At this stage, the installation of electrical equipment is carried out. We are talking about switches, junction boxes, sockets.
  6. A new power line is being connected; the ends of the conductors need to be connected. Before closing the electrical channel after connection, you need to check the operation of all devices. If testing shows problems, it is easier to get rid of them immediately.

User Electroconductor 116 clearly demonstrated the procedure for replacing wiring in a three-room apartment.

Security measures

Tips for safely connecting two types of cables to each other:

  1. If the connection is made by soldering, then you need to remember one thing. Tinning copper is a simple process. In the case of aluminum, you will have to use special solder.
  2. When performing the task, strong squeezing of the cable connections is not allowed. Some consumers do not understand why this cannot be done. This leads to deformation and damage to the conductors, resulting in possible loss of current.
  3. When making connections, you must follow the markings and select the correct terminal clamps. The cross-section of the core is taken into account, as well as the installation method - in the house or on the street.
  4. It is not allowed to use the conventional twisting method when connecting conductors made of different materials. This option is unsafe and will lead to heating and fire.

Video "Practical guide to connecting conductors"

The Electrician's Tips channel talked about ways to connect cables made of different materials and clearly showed the process of performing this task.

I live in a house built 25 years ago. All wiring is done with aluminum wires (not cable) in the cavities of concrete panels. The wires cope perfectly with all modern loads, but there are a couple of weak points. Which? In this article.

About aluminum wiring and its ban

I'll start with the ban. Indeed, in 2003, an amendment was made to PUE 7, cleverly prohibiting the use of aluminum wires with a core cross-section of less than 16 mm in the internal wiring of newly constructed buildings. I will reproduce it almost verbatim:

7.1.34. In buildings with construction backlog before 2001, cables and wires with copper conductors should be used. Supply and distribution networks, as a rule, must be made of cables and wires with aluminum conductors, if their design cross-section is from 16 mm 2.

As you can see, firstly, aluminum wiring is NOT prohibited in private housing construction, nor is it prohibited for repairs and replacements old wiring, is not prohibited for other local use.

Secondly, modern aluminum cables are cables not made of aluminum, but of modern aluminum alloys 8030 and 8176. Due to the iron included in the alloy, its fluidity is significantly reduced and its ductility is increased.

Thirdly, I am absolutely sure that the events of April 2018 will result in the success of RUSAL’s lobbying and aluminum wiring will return to our homes. Hoping that it will be a different, higher quality aluminum alloy.

The cost of aluminum cable products is three times cheaper than copper.

Old aluminum wiring

Again, I have nothing against old aluminum wiring until you start repairing it. It reveals the following disadvantages of old wiring with aluminum wires:

Fragility of veins. If you decide to simply change the sockets or switch, there is a high probability that the aluminum core will break off. Breakage of a core at the point of connection to the terminal of a socket or switch, the most common reason short circuits aluminum wiring.

Destruction of insulation. The insulation of old aluminum wires can dry out and crack. This does not always happen and not everywhere, but it does happen.

The weak point of old aluminum wiring is where the wires connect. Previously, cotton insulating tape was used, which dries out and breaks down over time.

Oxidation of veins. Aluminum oxidizes in air, and if the craftsmen did not weld the twists (previously everything was done using twists), then contact may be broken at the junction of the wires.