A frame house is a warm house. Comparative analysis of the thermal properties of houses made of different materials


Unfortunately, you can... The weak point in frame technology is the tightness of the insulation connections and wooden beam frame. In addition, heat can escape through wooden structural elements, because the thermal conductivity of wood is 3 times greater than that of insulation (0.09 and 0.03 W/(m*C), respectively). Such places are called bridges of cold.

Therefore, in winter, cold air may blow in the corners of the house or some of the heat may leak through the wooden frame posts.


For the construction of warm frame houses we use external wall construction with double cross insulation:
We lay the first layer of insulation (150 mm) vertically, in the usual way, between the racks frame walls. This layer is the main barrier to cold.
We install the second layer (50 mm) outside the house, in a horizontal direction, thus covering ALL places where there may be heat leakage.
It looks like this:

As a result, you get a frame house with 200 mm insulation without cold bridges and cold spots.

To ensure that your home remains warm for many years, we use high-quality insulation made from stone wool based on basalt rocks. Today these are the most effective non-combustible insulation materials for the construction of frame houses.


We make all the facades of your house with ventilation gaps, unlike houses with panel technology. Ventilation gaps are necessary to remove moisture from the insulation, which inevitably forms during the operation of the house. Thanks to the vapor permeability of basalt slabs, excess moisture can freely escape through the ventilation gap without disturbing the thermal insulation properties of the wall throughout the life of your home.

In addition to the fact that our houses are very warm along the outer walls, by ordering construction from the SIVKO company you will receive floors and interfloor ceilings made of beams with a cross-section of 200x50 mm, with reliable insulation in 4 layers of basalt slabs.

Besides our houses do not suffer from sagging roofs, because We use a reinforced version of the rafter system. We install rafter beams from 200x50 mm timber.

200 mm thick basalt insulation is laid between the rafters, so in winter the heat will remain in the house and will not melt the snow on the roof.

In order for the insulation to maintain its high thermal insulation properties, we will install your roof with ventilated roofing technology.

Moisture that gets from the house into the insulation of your roof will freely escape into the atmosphere.
Your home will remain warm for many years.


  • Minimum heat loss (double cross-insulation 200 mm without cold bridges)
  • Environmentally friendly basalt insulation
  • Strong and warm floors (use of floor beams with a section of 200x50 mm)
  • Warm roof without sagging ( rafter system with 200 mm insulation and roof ventilation device)
  • Installation of ventilated facades (the insulation will retain its properties for the entire life of the house)

In our houses you will never freeze and you can save money
significant heating costs.

Frame house - is it possible to live in it in winter? For most of us, the concept of “frame house” is unknown, and if anyone has heard of it, they are unlikely to be able to clearly explain this type of housing.

History of frame construction

The technology for building such housing has existed since the mid-20th century. And it began in the USA and Canada, where 75% of low-rise housing is frame houses. Beginning in 1945, the flow of emigrants to Canada increased, and in the United States that time coincided with the return of soldiers from the front. These factors have sharply increased the demand for housing. It was necessary to build quickly, inexpensively and in large quantities. Thanks to these requirements, the technology of building frame houses was born. By the way, it is worth noting that climatic conditions in Canada are similar to Ukrainian ones, which means frame construction 100% suitable in our country.

The principle of frame construction

This technology has the following features: its functions are divided into enclosing and load-bearing. took on the load-bearing function of the structure wooden frame, and the fencing is sandwich panels made of plywood and various insulation materials. A frame house is the same full-fledged dwelling as a house made of red or sand-lime brick, the same as a house made of foam and aerated concrete.

Features of a frame house

But at the same time, a frame house has undeniable advantages compared to houses made of stone and brick, such as:

Fast pace of construction and low cost;

The lightness of the structure eliminates the need to lay a massive foundation, which in turn eliminates settlement of the house

No “wet” processes during installation frame house provides all seasonal finishing;

The use of fireproof materials during construction ensures high fire safety;

And finally, frame houses have low thermal conductivity of the walls and high thermal protection.

If with the first points everything is relatively clear, then with the last one people are often subject to doubts - “Is it possible to live in frame house in winter? “Is it expensive to heat this type of home?”

Conditions for winter living in a frame house

It is absolutely comfortable and convenient to live in a frame house at any time of the year, including winter. Heat losses in a frame house are lower than in a house made of stone or brick, but the energy and time required to warm up the house is much less than for a stone house - a frame house quickly warms up due to the small heat capacity of the walls.

By the way, in summer it cools down just as quickly and you don’t have to swelter from the heat on a July afternoon.

Frame housing is rightfully considered to be quite warm of all inexpensive types of housing that currently exist.

We use quality material

This is achieved through the use quality materials and the correct technology for thermal insulation of floors and walls. By the way, the small thickness of the wall of a frame house using sandwich panel technology provides the same thermal insulation properties as Brick wall 2 meters thick!

Correct windows and doors

Naturally, in addition to high-quality thermal insulation of walls and ceilings, one should not forget about good doors, windows and their professional installation. Thus, using the services of construction companies with extensive experience in the construction of frame houses, you will receive a house in the shortest possible time High Quality, which will provide you with comfortable living conditions, both in the summer heat and winter frosts. But, unfortunately, not a single barrel of honey is complete without a fly in the ointment... We'll talk about this below.

Is a frame house an ideal option only for a summer residence?

No matter how excellent a frame house is, this type of housing is most suitable for a country house option. This type of home requires constant temperature maintenance and normal ventilation, which requires higher heating costs compared to other types of houses. A frame house, of course, cools down faster than a stone or wooden one, but it also warms up faster.

Attention! A cold frame house can warm up to + 25 degrees from several hours to one day, depending on its area and heating methods.

But in any case, the heating process is faster and more economical compared to heating houses of other types. Since country housing is not the main one, the most powerful argument when choosing the type of country house will be its cost. And here the frame house confidently outperforms competitors with a low cost and high construction rates. It is worth adding that today there are a huge number of projects of houses of this type, from the classic rustic style to ultra-modern.

Attention! Many construction companies provide the customer with a choice of large quantity projects are completely free.


Are frame houses warm? It is quite difficult to assert this based on facts.

Frame housing does not have many disadvantages:

  • fast cooling;
  • relatively high heating costs.

Considering these factors, the financial capabilities and mentality of our citizens, who love everything large, durable and solid and not expensive to maintain, not everyone will choose a frame house for their main home.
But as a holiday home, a frame house has no competitors in all respects: construction time, cost and appearance dwellings.
We tried to briefly tell you about all the features of frame construction, and the final choice is yours.

Reviews we collected about frame houses


The house warms up quickly enough and does not consume too much energy.
I warmed up my two-story frame house, 6 by 8 m, from -25 to +25 for a little more than 3 hours. I warmed it up with two 2 kW heaters.

A neighbor’s house made of timber of the same size takes 24 hours to warm up. Heating of the same power.

But a stone house will take much longer to warm up or you need to use more powerful heaters. By the way, this regime of sudden heating and cooling is very harmful for stone houses; it spoils the masonry, which means that such a house will last less than a frame house.


Heat capacity is very important in intermittent heating. We are planning heating that is different from the generally accepted one. That is, this is also a stove or boiler, it is also heated once a day (or 2 in severe frosts). But the presence of a VTA (heat accumulator) and simple automation makes it possible to transfer the operating principle of the heating system to constant mode. That is, despite periodic heating, the batteries in the house evenly release heat throughout the day.


There is such a thing as thermal inertia of a building. And at the present time of constant rise in prices for fuel and energy resources, this concept is very relevant. In non-northern American states, you can live in a house made of sandwich panels made of 2 plywood and 120 mm of insulation between them. Electricity costs pennies there, and air conditioning is not a luxury. With us everything is a little different. A frame house with high-quality insulation is comfortable while the stove is working. As soon as it cools down, that’s it, after an hour the temperature drops sharply. But using electric heaters is a bit expensive...


I live in a frame house, 2 floors.
I heat with brick oven.
The outside of the house is covered with boards, and the inside is clapboard. Foam plastic (thickness 100 mm) is used as insulation.
If you heat the stove 2 times a day (the temperature outside is minus 10-15 degrees) temperature difference between fireboxes no more than 6 degrees Celsius (norm 8 degrees).
On approximately the 5th day of daily heating, the humidity in the room becomes the same as in a city apartment with conventional heating. You have to raise the humidity a little.
The inertia of heat in the house is felt. If you warm up a cold one, cold house, then + 25 and higher in the house is achieved the next day after about 4 or 5 fires. If you live in a house and heat it constantly, everything is fine - warm, comfortable and not expensive.


Speaking of temperature in the home: the structure must have acceptable thermal inertia and it must compensate for changes external temperatures without use extra energy. This is achieved due to the accumulated energy, which ensures the maintenance of the level of temperature and humidity in the structure. Inertia-free systems using foam plastic do not accumulate anything, which ensures quick warm-up. But they also do not store heat, which requires constant maintenance of energy levels. But it's not just about temperature. In this case, the problem would be solved with the help of a thermostat. But don't forget about humidity. The result should be a system: heating + ventilation. If you have sufficient finances, you can live in a frame house without any problems. As they do in the USA, where the income of the population is at a sufficient level and electricity is not expensive. If you want to save on heating, build from stone.

The principle of constructing a frame dwelling dates back to ancient man. Primitive huts are the ancestors of the frame house. Many peoples later developed similar structures: the North American Indians had wigwams, and the nomadic peoples of Asia had yurts. The transition to wooden frame housing construction was typical for Japan; the trend has remained unchanged to this day. Since the 14th century, frame houses were erected in many cities of northern Europe. All these houses had a common foundation of the house - a frame made of wooden beams. Inside the frame, the walls were strengthened using clay, straw and other natural materials for protection from cold and bad weather all year round.

Ease of construction, stability and cost-effectiveness building materials in a frame house became the reason for the widespread spread of this housing construction technology throughout the world. The lightness and strength of the structure is the reason for its resistance to seismic shocks and impacts. That is why frame houses are so popular on the islands of Japan in an area of ​​high seismic activity.

A frame house is not built in the same way as in the classic version, where the house consistently grows upward with its walls, over which the roof of the house is erected, and then windows and doors are inserted and begin interior work. In frame house construction, the skeleton of the house is immediately erected, as in the construction of a North American Indian wigwam. Having placed the frame, they begin to build walls under the roof. This allows home builders to carry out multiple construction jobs simultaneously or in parallel, saving time.

What are frame houses in terms of comfort level for their owners? Is it good to live in them? Are frame houses warm?

Frame houses are warm in winter thanks to the special construction of the walls. The wall of a frame house is multi-layered, but its thickness is small due to the properties of the insulation. Insulation is like a fur coat in winter, protecting the house from the cold. And if we choose good fur for the fur coat of our house, then we get a very warm frame house, and if the fur is cold, of poor quality, then the temperature in the frame house in winter will make you shiver from the cold.

The walls of a frame house are a multi-layered pie in which you will see:

  • Finishing external wall at home, it can be wood, imitation timber, brick, siding;
  • Waterproofing of the wall in the form of a film;
  • OSB cladding of the house frame, durable, imparting rigidity to the frame structure;
  • Frame made of wooden beams or boards filled with insulation;
  • Vapor barrier film that does not allow steam to pass into the wall from inside the house;
  • Sheet plasterboard serving as the basis for interior decoration Houses.

Such a wall with a thickness of 250 mm provides normal conditions for living in a house at a temperature of minus 25-30 degrees. In areas with a more severe climate, several layers of insulation are added to the wall pie and the wall thickness does not exceed 400 mm.

The temperature of the house in winter is affected by the heating system and the presence of heated floors. Insufficient boiler power can make the house cold, even with good insulation walls

If it is cold in a frame house, pay attention to the windows and doors. As a rule, in most homes the main heat loss occurs through windows and doors.

Therefore, they must be carefully insulated and use modern window blocks with multi-chamber double-glazed windows. Their thermal insulation properties are the same as the walls of a house.

Winter is the first test of a frame house; in summer it is difficult to check the quality of installation of windows and doors. If, when installing windows, even the most secure design, the installation rules are violated, then the place where the windows are attached in the house will become a bridge of cold in it.5* But in summer time It’s easy to check how well the house is ventilated, identify stagnant air zones, make air ducts to them or add devices to enhance air exchange.

Frame houses are warm if you know how to build them correctly. To build a warm frame house yourself, you need to know a lot about construction technology, the materials used and their properties, the thermal insulation properties of individual materials and heat engineering as a science. Therefore, when asked whether it is worth starting the construction of your own frame house, try to evaluate not only your material capabilities, but also your skills in construction, knowledge and ability to master many professions. Or maybe it would be better to turn to professionals for whom the construction of frame houses is the main occupation in life. The PNR company is the team of professionals who will help you realize your dream of a high-quality, solid and warm home.

The question that interests many Russians, whether it is possible to live in a frame house in winter, is unlikely to be asked by Canadians or residents North America. Since in these countries this technology has been widespread since the middle of the last century. And now, according to some data, more than 2 thirds of non-multi-story housing there are frame buildings. But our citizens, who are choosing what to build their dream home from, may be seriously interested in this problem, since some still believe that frame buildings They are only suitable for summer cottages or summer resort houses, which must be preserved for the winter and are unsuitable for habitation. In this article we will try to prove that this is far from the case.

Is it possible to live in a frame house in winter? It is possible, especially if it was built correctly, in compliance with the technologies necessary for its construction. But first, a little about the history and features of these buildings.

Some historical facts: Since the middle of the last century, the influx of emigrants to Canada has increased. It was necessary to provide everyone with housing, and at the same time build quickly enough. And soldiers began to come to the United States from the war, who were also entitled to living space. This is how this technology was born. It’s worth mentioning right away that the climate conditions in Canada, for example, are similar to ours middle lane, so that the basic concepts of construction can be quite compatible, and frame construction in Russia can be actively used for the same reasons.

Features of the idea: In a frame house, the functions of the elements are divided into enclosing and load-bearing. The frame, wooden or metal, performs load-bearing functions, and special panels made of particle plywood and insulation, pressed under high pressure– fencing. At the same time, according to many developers and construction specialists, a house made of a frame and SIP panels is a dwelling that is as durable and complete as, for example, a house made of foam concrete or brick. But compared to these buildings, it also has a number of advantages, which we’ll talk about now.


  • Very fast pace of construction and at the same time quite low cost of construction.
  • There is no need to lay a heavy and complex foundation; a low-cost and shallow foundation is sufficient. Settlement of the house is also practically eliminated.
  • Work can be carried out in any season, since there are no specific wet technologies during installation.
  • Certified materials with proper treatment with antipyrines, done routinely at the factory or with my own hands(if you don’t trust it, you can impregnate the materials a second time), allow wooden parts to acquire increased fire resistance.
  • SIP panels from which houses are built have high thermal protection (low heat conductivity). At this point, which is especially important for living in such a house in winter time(and you know what kind of winters we have), I would like to dwell in more detail.

Features of winter accommodation

According to the assurances of builders and advertisers trying to sell these services, in frame houses, properly built, you can live with a fairly high degree of comfort at any time of the year, including winter. And even do this with a certain savings in funds spent on heating the building and retaining heat in it. What is the reason here? Let's try to figure it out. It's all about the material from which the home is built.

Sandwich panels have much lower heat loss rates than brick, for example, or stone, which have to be additionally insulated (for those who are not in the know: the composition of the SIP panels already contains insulation material in the middle - foam propylene, which due to its structures do not allow heat and moisture to pass through). This means that houses made of such material will definitely require less heat for heating in winter. And, by the way, it warms up much faster (and in the summer, accordingly, it also cools down faster).

It’s not for nothing that frame houses around the world are considered one of the warmest and most inexpensive types of housing. This can be ensured by proper construction technologies, insulation of floors and load-bearing walls.

By the way, a rather thin wall of a frame house made of sandwich panels will provide the same thermal insulation performance as a brick wall up to 2 meters thick!

Windows and doors, ventilation

When building a frame house, if you want to live in it not only in the summer, you should not forget about the windows and doors in the building itself. Their main task is not to release the heat accumulated by the walls. That's why Special attention When building a frame house according to an approved project, it is necessary to pay attention to these nuances.

It is better to take high-quality double-glazed windows (triple, quadruple, at least here, with proper maintenance windows, heat loss can be reduced to almost zero). Entrance doors should be additionally insulated and not give rise to drafts.

Special article - creating a good ventilation system indoors (it is no coincidence that in Hollywood films we see huge and branched ventilation pipes, along which even people can move without special laborgood system is the key to success in frame buildings)! And it is needed because SIP panels are quite poor at transmitting not only heat, but also air and moisture, and a house without high-tech split systems can easily turn into a tin can, where air circulation will be very difficult (in popular words: the house simply won’t be breathe). To avoid this, you should take care of the ventilation system even at the design stage.

It is also necessary to remember in winter, when living in such a structure, that it cools down, of course, faster than stone or wood, but it can also warm up (if the owner is absent for a long time, for example) much faster. So, judging by user experience, a completely cold small frame house can warm up to living temperature in just a few hours.

The warming up process itself is quick and economical in comparison with houses made of stone or brick, which take several days to heat up after prolonged cooling and outside temperatures down to -20 degrees. So when warming up 2 storey building 6x8 m with two electric heaters of 2 kilowatts each subzero temperature It only takes about three hours to get to +25 degrees. Made from timber, it’s exactly the same – it heats up to residential levels in only a day. And for brick houses Such temperature changes are completely harmful.

So, to the question of whether it is possible to live in a frame house in winter, you can confidently answer in the affirmative. And if you have a heat accumulator and good ventilation, even more so. The main thing is to heat it periodically, observing temperature regime, and the batteries in a frame house will evenly release heat even in severe frosts. And the increased thermal insulation capacity of sandwich panels will allow you to save quite significantly.

Is it possible to build a warm frame house in northern latitudes Or is this technology only suitable for construction in regions with mild climates? Experts say that such buildings are not only not inferior in thermal efficiency to block and brick ones, but even surpass them. Frame house construction is popular in Norway, where there are low temperatures and strong winds all year round, as well as in rotational camps in the Far North of our country.

Advantages of frame construction

The ability to build a house in a short time at low cost has led to the technology becoming widespread throughout the world.

Advantages of frame houses for year-round use:

  • fast assembly and construction times;
  • light weight of the structure and, as a result, no need for a massive foundation with a large depth;
  • environmental friendliness of the building materials used;
  • absence of “wet” processes, the ability to carry out work at any time of the year;
  • no need to use heavy equipment;
  • incombustibility and thermal efficiency of materials.

A prefabricated insulated house, built from high-quality materials in compliance with all technologies and rules, durability is not inferior to stone or brick.

Every day the number of both supporters and opponents of frame housing construction is growing. The main argument of opponents of the construction technology is that with a quick construction period and ease of assembly, the least attention is paid to the insulation of the structure, and in finished house It is impossible to keep warm in cold weather.

However, experts can easily refute these statements, arguing that it is possible to build a warm frame house. This is confirmed by the fact that prefabricated housing construction is becoming one of the most popular construction technologies, including in Russia.

Is it worth choosing a frame house for living in winter?

The advantage of frame buildings is their high energy saving qualities walls The frame of the house is made of wood or metal posts and beams, and then insulated with an effective material. Warmth in a frame house is preserved thanks to a special multi-layer wall construction, which consist of layers:

  1. Exterior finishing can be wood, brick, siding, fiber cement panels and other materials.
  2. Film for water and wind insulation of walls.
  3. Durable, structurally rigid cladding.
  4. Frame made of wooden beams, boards or metal beams, filled with insulation.
  5. Vapor barrier film.
  6. Sheet plasterboard for interior decoration of the house.

The thickness of the walls in such a house is about 250 mm, this is enough for a comfortable stay at a temperature of minus 25-30 degrees. In areas with colder climates, you can add several more layers of insulation, increasing the thickness of the walls to no more than 400 mm. Specified wall parameters prefabricated house provide the same thermal insulation properties as brick wall 2 meters thick. Impressive numbers!

Selecting insulation for a frame house and its installation

The choice of materials for building a house should be approached with care; special attention should be paid to insulation. In particular, in addition to the main function of thermal protection, it must have such properties as fire resistance, moisture resistance, environmental friendliness, high noise insulation and long service life. Thermal insulation material must fit perfectly with the base of the frame.

Review of materials

Fully meets all these requirements mineral wool, it is one of the most popular and economical insulation materials for a warm frame house. When from inside mineral wool You can simultaneously solve the problem of sound insulation.

Several types of mineral wool are used as insulation:

  • slag;
  • stone or .

Each of these materials has various properties, and also has its pros and cons.

One of the main disadvantages of working with glass wool is that it is quite fragile, poses a danger to the eyes and mucous membranes of builders, and requires special care and the use of protective equipment during installation.

Slag– the raw material for this material is blast furnace slag processed into microfibers. The advantage of using slag wool as insulation is its high thermal efficiency.

Basalt wool– its fibers are environmentally friendly and not brittle, so they are not dangerous for builders. Withstands a temperature range from plus 1000 to minus 190 degrees, does not burn, but only melts at high temperatures. Does not absorb water, allows steam to pass through well, and has excellent thermal conductivity. Available in rolls, easy to cut and stack. But it costs more than the above types of cotton wool.

There are also other types of insulation: foam plastic, penoplex, expanded clay, sawdust. However, they are significantly inferior to mineral wool in terms of efficiency, durability and thermal conductivity. And often they cost an order of magnitude more.

Insulation technology

One of the requirements when working with mineral wool is a relative air humidity of no more than 85% at a temperature no higher than +30 °C and no lower than – 10 °C. Required condition keeping the house warm - correct styling insulation, it should lie tightly, but at the same time Hard pressing should not be allowed material between the frame posts.

It is necessary to use windproof and vapor barrier films and make good waterproofing using waterproofing agents. At the request of the customer and for greater thermal insulation, it is possible to increase the layers of wool.

How to create and maintain warmth

However, the choice good insulation and its correct installation is not a complete guarantee of heat retention in a frame house. It is necessary to make a choice in favor quality doors and windows and entrust their installation to professionals. After all, the main heat losses occur through windows and doors.

Also plays a huge role heating system and the presence of heated floors. Absence heating system required power will reduce all efforts to insulate the walls and floors of the house to nothing.

Heat in a prefabricated house is retained for less time than in a traditional stone, brick or wooden one. However, the frame warms up much faster. A room temperature of +25 degrees can be established in just a few hours, depending on the size of the house and the power of the heating system. The house quickly becomes comfortable, and heating costs are reduced.

Despite the short production and construction time, as well as the low cost, a frame house with a heating system of the required power can be used for year-round use. Provided that it is assembled in compliance with all technologies and is properly insulated.

Material characteristics such as fire resistance, environmental friendliness and durability deservedly place frame house construction on a par with traditional construction technologies made of stone or brick.

Video: floor insulation