Calculation of heating costs in an apartment building. Control of heat consumption of a multi-storey building. If installation of the OPU is not possible

Not long ago, Government Resolution No. 354 of 05/06/2011, related to the procedure for calculating payments for housing and communal services, underwent a number of important changes and, in particular, on the issue of how heating fees are calculated for Russians. In this article we will present current methods for calculating heating tariffs for a multi-storey residential building in this year, and we will also show you how to save on heat energy fees and get additional benefits.

How are heating fees calculated in 2017?

Note that now the choice of method for calculating payment for heat depends not only on the presence (absence) of collective and personal metering devices that measure the volume of thermal energy supplied to the apartment building, but also on the estimated payment period.

This suggests that payments for heating can be made as per heating season based on the service provided, and year-round in equal amounts.

The type of heating supply to a multi-storey residential building is also significant: whether it is supplied centrally through general building networks or locally produced on equipment that belongs to the joint property of the owners of the premises of the building.

The methods and calculation examples we have shown, which can be seen below, illustrate how heating fees are calculated in MKD apartments equipped with modern centralized heat supply systems.

The calculation of the payment amount for heating is carried out according to formula 3 (Appendix 2 of Rules No. 354 of 05/06/2011) provided that:

  • not all premises (residential and non-residential) have separate heat energy meters;
  • payments for heating are carried out only in autumn-winter period.

Formula 3:

where V D is the volume of consumed heat according to the readings of the collective meter;

S i – total square footage of housing (apartment);

S about – the total area of ​​all available premises in the apartment building;

The calculation of the payment amount for heating is carried out according to formula 3 (1) (Appendix 2 of Rules No. 354 of 05/06/2011) provided that:

  • the apartment building is equipped with a building-wide heat meter;
  • not all premises (residential and non-residential) have separate heat energy meters;
  • Heating payments are made every month throughout the calendar year.

Formula 3 (1):

P i = S i × V T × T T,

where S i

V T – average monthly heat consumption for space heating over the past year. This parameter is calculated according to the readings of the collective meter installed on the apartment building, the total area of ​​all premises of the building and the number of months in the year;

T T – regional heat tariff adopted for the service provider.

Note that when calculating the payment amount in this way (using last year’s average monthly readings of the collective meter), in the first quarter of the next year after the settlement year, the payment amount must be adjusted.

That is, before April 1, 2018 (during the first quarter), a recalculation must be made in the form of a write-off (additional charge) of the fee, taking into account the actual readings of the collective meter for 2017.

How is the heating fee calculated in this case? Used to adjust the payment amount formula 3 (2):

Pi = x Si / Sob - Pfn.i

where P kipr is the payment for the heating service, calculated on the basis of the readings of the joint meter available in the apartment building for the past year;

S i – total area of ​​housing (apartment);

S ob – the total area of ​​all available premises in the apartment building (residential and non-residential);

P fn.i – the total amount of payment for the supply of residential heating last year.

How to calculate heating fees without a meter

Let's look at how heating fees are calculated without a meter. The payment amount for heating is calculated using formula 2 from Appendix No. 2 of Rules No. 354 of 05/06/2011, provided that:

  • Payments for heating are made only in the autumn-winter period.

Formula 2:

P i = S i × N T × T T,

Where S i– total area of ​​housing (apartment);


T T– regional heat tariff established for the service provider.

The calculation of the payment amount for heating is carried out according to formula 2 (1) (Appendix 2 of Rules No. 354 of 05/06/2011) provided that:

  • the apartment building is not equipped with a building-wide heat meter;
  • Heating payments are made every month throughout the calendar year.

Formula 2 (1):

P i = S i × (N T × K) ×T T,

Where S i– total area of ​​housing (apartment);

N T– rate of consumption of thermal energy as a utility service;

T T– regional heat tariff adopted for the service provider;

K– coefficient of frequency of payments for heat supply, reflecting the duration of the heating cycle, including partial months.

Note that the coefficient TO(frequency of payments for utility services) is found as a quotient of the duration of the heating period (in months) and the number of months in the calendar year (based on Government Decree No. 857 of 08/27/2012). In this case, the fee for the supply of thermal energy is charged annually for each billing period.

What do residents of MKD pay for?

To understand how the payment for heating an apartment is calculated, let's talk about the concept of “temperature schedule”. It represents the parameters of the source supplying heat (boiler house, thermal power plant), calculated taking into account the permissible minimum temperature in the apartment and the average daily air condition in a particular locality.

Using this graph, the degree of water heating in the supply and return pipelines of the network is determined, taking into account the temperature environment. In other words, the regulation of the supply of thermal energy from a boiler room or thermal power plant is most often carried out based on a single synoptic indicator - the temperature of the street air.

The vast majority of populated areas use high-quality central regulation, taking into account the temperature schedule for heat supply systems with a predominance of thermal load of ventilation and heating. The word “quality” should be understood as “changing the temperature of the coolant.”

When the DHW system is loaded, the temperature graph of the supply pipeline during unheated periods and warm days heating season straightened to create the required temperature hot water.

Methods of calculation and compilation temperature chart quite complex. The functions of heating networks are different, and each of them requires an individual approach.

According to the applied methods, the schedule for adjusting the heat supply is formed as the ratio of its average hourly consumption for hot water supply to the total consumption of thermal energy for the consumer needs of the entire region (settlement), where it is, in fact, calculated.

Taking into account this ratio, the following types of temperature schedules for adjusting heat supply are used:

  • an optimal heat supply schedule is possible for heating system circuits used only for the heating load of consuming objects, and is centrally regulated at the source itself (boiler house, thermal power plant);
  • the increased schedule is designed for closed systems heat supply that meets the needs of consumer facilities for hot water supply and heating;
  • the adjusted schedule is used for open systems heat supply. In this case, the coolant is taken from the heating system for the needs of the hot water supply.
  • the ratio of the average hourly heat consumption for domestic hot water supply of all consumers and the total estimated thermal energy consumption for heating the same audience;
  • ambient temperature;
  • temperature inside the building;
  • heating (t°) of the coolant in the forward and return pipelines;
  • heating (t°) of the coolant entering the building;
  • heat loss in heating and hot water systems.

It is with these parameters in mind that it is possible to ensure optimal (same) temperature maintenance for all consumers located at varying degrees of distance from the source (boiler house or thermal power plant).

How is the payment for heating with automation calculated: benefit or harm?

Typically, in apartment buildings, an elevator unit is installed to control the heating system, which maintains the pressure and temperature of the coolant at the level of design standards. It works simply: water is ejected from the “return” of the heating system, after which it is added to the supply coolant of the heating network line. There is no automation, so everything is trouble-free and simple - there is only a safety load valve. In addition, operating costs are almost completely eliminated.

When using high-quality fittings and an alloy steel nozzle, such a unit will last for decades without special care. However, such a device is rarely combined with new heating systems that can maintain the desired temperature in each room, regardless of the weather and number of floors in the house. And if the heating system operates poorly, it does not provide protection against overheating.

An automated coolant supply unit in a building's communications is fundamentally different from an elevator. It supplies the system with a nominal amount of heat in any weather, regardless of the ambient temperature, and also eliminates overheating.

There are two types of automated nodes of this type. The first operates on the principle of automated mixing of water from the forward and return lines of the heating network, the second creates a closed circuit of the heating system.

Units with a mixing chamber automatically supply the required amount of heat to the heating system when the coolant format changes in any direction from the approved schedule. But this causes misregulation of the heating network itself, so RSO prohibits the use of such control units. And we will consider nodes of the second type.

We will show how the heating system of a building is isolated from the heating network. The coolant located in the network is cyclically supplied to the heat exchanger, warming up the water there, which is sent to the home heating system using circulation pumps. Due to automation with inverse coupling, water heating in the system is maintained at a level sufficient to create a nominal temperature in the premises, regardless of heat loss from the building. Circuit closed type eliminates the dependence of the maximum height of the building on the pressure created at the input of the heating network.

All automated units have pumps, plate heat exchangers, filters, heat meters, automation, instrumentation, fasteners, etc.

There are many old multi-apartment buildings where the hot water system is controlled by a special device TRZh (thermal liquid regulator). With its help, water is taken from the return and supply pipes of the heating network, mixed until the desired temperature is obtained and pumped into house system DHW.

At home modern type equipped with an automated water supply unit for hot water supply to the building. Such a unit, equipped with pumps, automation, heat exchanger and metering meters, forms an independent circuit. The water circulating in the heating network only heats the water in the heat exchanger for supply to the DHW system.

Such a system is usually designed together with ring pipelines. The supply of hot water is not affected by the height and number of storeys of the structure, as well as the pressure in the thermal and water supply networks entering the house.

A closed DHW system operates only on tap water, which corresponds to GOST P 51232–98 with the name “Drinking water”.

Water supplied from the direct line of the heating network enters a special mixing chamber through the control valve. Water is pumped into the same device from the return heat line using a network pump. The coolant heated to the required temperature flows from the mixer into the heating system. This process is fully automated.

The control unit we considered is cheaper than its analogue with a heat exchanger, but it also requires high operating costs and uninterrupted power supply.

In order to choose the right control unit, you must first study the technical conditions issued by the heat energy supplier, that is, the heating network.

It should be recalled that automated control units (ACU) are designed by specialists taking into account the specifications developed by the heat supplier, as well as the consumer’s needs for hot water supply and heating (with specification of consumption conditions).

ACU for domestic hot water or heating systems, produced in the factory, is a combination of technical components designed for connection to the heating network and automated control DHW and heating systems for apartment buildings.

This node may have combined type and be equipped with independent control units for building heating and hot water supply on 1–2 frames. During the assembly process, spacing may be provided between parts and independent modules to facilitate maintenance and replacement of equipment, instruments and fittings.

Expert opinion

Technical necessity and economic feasibility

Veniamin Gassul,

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Honorary Builder of Russia, St. Petersburg

I note that replacing a conventional elevator unit for supplying coolant to the heating system with an ACU is not a technical need. Firstly, automated devices are necessary for heating multi-storey buildings. Secondly, they are used to increase the living comfort of high-rise building owners in the autumn-winter period. Therefore, you should not hope that such a replacement will give you a tangible economic effect.

Enterprises that design and produce automatic control units for supplying coolant to the heating system often overestimate the economic effect of their use. This is caused by an inaccurate generalization of particular parameters, a discrepancy between theoretical data and reality, and a simple desire to attract a potential buyer with this product. Of course, in the case of MKD it is possible small effect thanks to the localization of the flood. At the same time, operating costs for maintaining an ACU increase the cost of maintaining an MCD.

Example No. 1 – negative experience

At the turn of 2008–2009, performance tests were carried out in one of the residential high-rise buildings in St. Petersburg elevator units. During the heating season, the excess heat consumption in comparison with its design indicator reached: 8,558 rubles at one elevator node and 50,429 rubles at another. The average house figure was 29,493 rubles.

The high heat consumption in the second elevator block was caused by wear of the nozzle and, as a consequence, expansion of the outlet opening.

At that time, the automated control unit cost 1,300,000 rubles, and the maximum possible annual heat savings could be 50,429 rubles. The payback period of the unit is 20 years or more, and taking into account the average heat savings (29,493 rubles), which must be followed, it is over forty. Moreover, operating costs were not taken into account.

The efficiency of the heat exchanger is 90–95%, therefore, 7% of the heat that does not reach the heating system will still be paid for.

The old fittings with which buildings were equipped back in the USSR (cast iron valves, taps with double adjustment, plug and three-way models, intersectional DGI models) have largely fallen into disrepair. And some MKDs did not have this at all. During the overhaul of heating systems, modern type shut-off and control valves should be placed in front of each heating device. It will prevent unnecessary expenses by blocking excess heat from accessing the device and maintain a comfortable room temperature.

It turns out that from the economic side it is not rational to replace elevator units in heating systems with automated analogues (ACU).

Example No. 2 – positive experience

Since 2005, the city of Naberezhnye Chelny began modernizing the heating units installed in the apartment buildings, including transitions to closed circuit. During this time, 80% of residential buildings received ITP. According to a survey by OJSC Tatenergo, city-wide savings in hot water and heat have reached more than 20%. Now 75% of high-rise buildings have plate heat exchangers at their disposal to supply hot water. Such modernization pays off within four years.

During the implementation of the program “Energy saving and increasing energy efficiency of the Krasnodar Territory for the period 2011–2020” during 2012 230 apartment buildings the city of Sochi underwent modification of thermal units. They were equipped with IHP with weather-dependent adjustment and thermal energy metering devices. This led to a 34 percent reduction in heating bills for consumers and to cheaper DHW services by 29.4%. It is expected that the payback period for this project will take six years.

Conversion of TRZh to AUU for DHW systems is not at all a technical inevitability, and from an economic point of view it is not even advisable. However, from the beginning of 2022, open centralized systems heating supply (DHW), since the selection of coolant for hot water supply was stopped from January 1 of the specified year under Article 29 (clause 9) of Federal Law No. 190 of July 27, 2010 “On Heat Supply”.

In short, by the officially appointed date, all heating and cooling systems should be replaced with automated hot water supply units, without taking into account the economic feasibility of this project. The question rests only on the possibility of immediately including these events in the list repair work with amendments to the regional capital improvement program.

Expert opinion

It is more profitable to “close” the heating system during a major renovation of an apartment building

Vyacheslav Gun,

Deputy Director of Thermal Automation Department at Danfoss

A comprehensive modernization of the heating system of a single apartment building in the presence of an existing heat metering unit pays for itself in a relatively short period of time. This allows you to attract third-party investments through a concession or energy service scheme. That is, the goal is achieved, and no one should bear the additional financial yoke - neither the local budget, nor homeowners.

With capital MKD repair It is advisable to consider the possibility of installing automated control units.

The Heat Supply Law requires the replacement of TRWs with automated control units for the hot water supply system. Replacement of elevator units and TRZs with automated control units at the expense of the MKD overhaul fund is permissible if a constituent entity of the Russian Federation included this as part of the overhaul work.

If the owners of the premises decided to install an automated control unit instead of the elevator themselves, then this can be done through separate contributions.

Installation of an automated control unit in a heating system or hot water supply must be accompanied by the issuance of technical specifications organization supplying the heat resource.

ACUs for the heating system will not be able to normalize the temperature in the premises of a high-rise building if the heating of water in the heating network, established by the schedule, turns out to be insufficient. To create the required amount of heat supplied to the heating system, the water leaving the heat exchangers must have a specific temperature.

To achieve this, it is necessary to ensure a sufficient number of heat exchanger sections and a certain heating of water in the network according to the temperature schedule. If the water in the system overheats, the automation will reduce its supply to the heat exchanger. If the situation is the opposite (underheating), the heating system will receive an insufficient amount of heat.

It is obvious that the introduction of modernized control units in modern systems heating is necessary. This will completely eliminate moral and physical wear and tear of equipment, increasing its performance.

As a result of this, the heating system will first receive protection from overheating. The clogging of the hot water supply system with foreign matter will stop, and potable quality water will be supplied instead of network water. In addition, the risk of Legionella will be reduced.

How are heating charges calculated (per apartment)

Today, almost 80% of the municipal housing stock in Russia is heated from centralized sources (boiler houses, thermal power plants) and only 20% of buildings have apartment heating.

However, the latter is most beneficial to municipal authorities, construction companies and homeowners themselves due to the steady deterioration of the hot water supply system and central heating year after year. According to calculations, the construction of buildings with apartment-by-apartment (local) heating costs the developer several times less than the constant repair of heating networks. Therefore, the number of housing constructions with the planned installation of individual boilers in each apartment is now growing.

Apartment heating (abbreviated as PO) implies autonomous provision of each apartment in an apartment building hot water, including for heating the room. This kind of heating is very popular in Europe. Let’s say that in Italy almost 14,000,000 apartments are individually heated. In our country this technology used in forty regions: Leningrad, Tver, Belgorod, Bryansk, Kaluga, Voronezh, Sverdlovsk, Kaliningrad, etc.

The very first 10-story apartment building with individual heating was erected in Smolensk (1999) and put into operation in the same year by Grazhdanstroy LLC.

“The main goal was to create from nothing dependent system, because apartment-by-apartment heat supply is convenient because of its autonomy - the consumer himself turns the heating on and off at any desired moment,” explains V. Shpakovsky, director of SSU Group of Companies “Grazhdanstroy”.

In addition to extraordinary comfort for residents, individual heating has another important advantage- it is much cheaper than a centralized one, so the heating fee is very optimistic. “With apartment-by-apartment heat supply, a person pays 2–5 times less,” says S. Vatuyskikh, technical director of the Russian representative office of BAXI. “This value varies depending on the region, utility tariffs, features of the heating system (for example, the presence of heated floors) and other factors.”

Of course, the initial costs for a construction company to build a house are high, because each apartment needs to be equipped with a boiler. But there is an opportunity for residential development in areas without a developed heating network infrastructure.

Undoubtedly, the construction of high-rise buildings with software is also beneficial for local authorities to save money. In this case, heating plants and heating points are not required, and there is no heat leakage in heating networks. “For example, in Kaluga, at a meeting of the city council several years ago, it was even decided that houses under construction should be given priority apartment-by-apartment heat supply, since the budget did not have enough funds for subsidies,” reports S. Vatuyskikh.

But, despite the advantages, individual heating has its drawbacks.

Firstly, it is problematic to create a chimney. Since coaxial emission of combustion products (using the facade of a building) is prohibited in our country, there is a need to build a single common house chimney. Of course, this is a labor-intensive process that is expensive.

Secondly, there is an increased danger, since each apartment has a heating device that runs on explosive gas fuel. However, with high-quality equipment, explosions and leaks are excluded. “In houses under construction we install Italian wall-mounted boilers thermal power of 24 kW (economy class) and 31 kW (comfort) simultaneously with a heating circuit and hot water preparation, says M. Kozlov, technical director of Grazhdanstroy LLC. – They have ionization flame control, which turns off the gas valve as soon as the fire goes out. This ensures that there are no gas leaks.”

When gas is supplied to the boiler, a piezo or electronic ignition is triggered. The spark ignites the igniter, which in turn ignites the main burner, which heats the coolant (usually water) in the boiler to the desired temperature. The burner then turns off automatically. When the temperature of the boiler contents decreases, the thermocouple (sensor) sends a signal to the valve to supply gas and the burner lights up again.

Construction organizations pay serious attention to the selection of suppliers heating equipment. According to professional developers, When selecting boilers, three conditions are taken into account:

  • quality level;
  • reliability of operation in Russian climatic conditions;
  • opportunity service at the location of the equipment. Some boiler manufacturers reserve the right to technical maintenance, which causes a lot of trouble for developers and dealers. However, many companies organize training seminars for specialists at their own premises or at local partners and dealers. This allows trained construction workers to carry out service activities independently.

The first two conditions are closely related to boiler manufacturers and the choice of equipment (more precisely, circulation pumps) that are used in projects. Therefore, it is wiser not to save money and choose trusted manufacturers of heating devices. As usual, such companies are closely associated with leading manufacturers of pumping products, and the result is reliable and high-quality products. "With help circulation pump cooled water with the required pressure enters the heating circuit, and then into the heating riser and radiators. Afterwards the cycle repeats,” explains S. Vatuyskikh. – From selected pumping equipment The durability and service life of the heating unit depends. The reliability of pumping equipment depends on its design features».

“Using automation, you can set a mode in which the pump will turn on periodically. Consumers often use this mode during vacation, when there is no point in constant heat supply, but at the same time the room does not cool down, says K. Afromeev, chief engineer of the TEPLOWELL enterprise. “You can also set an operating mode in which each room will be heated separately: for example, the nursery will be warmer than the bedroom.”

Now many are concerned about the possibility of using individual heating for secondary housing. The answer will be positive if the house has chimneys for gas water heaters or the possibility of creating an independent chimney. The formation of an individual heating system is carried out only with the permission of the gas service.

Obviously, systematized apartment heating is more profitable than centralized heating. Construction companies there is no need to create expensive heating networks; there is a prospect of developing areas without a developed communications infrastructure. Local self-government bodies, for their part, save budget money due to the lack of subsidies for heating fees in the apartment and losses of thermal energy in the networks. End consumers receive additional convenience - constant hot water and heating, regardless of planned outages, and a great way to save money.

constitutional Court figured out how to pay for heating in apartments. Now residents of all houses built or overhauled since 2012 will pay according to their meters, and not according to standards. The norm, due to which everyone was forced to pay without taking into account meter readings in apartments, was declared unconstitutional. Although it was once approved by the government and included in the housing code.

All this time, the norm violated the rights of the owners, and they overpaid. But one owner did not put up with this, went through several instances, reached the Constitutional Court and achieved justice for everyone. Now the law will be changed, but you can save money now: in some regions you will pay for heating

Ekaterina Miroshkina


How do they generally pay for heating in an apartment?

If the house does not have heating meters, everyone pays according to the standards. Then they don’t even count how much energy was spent on concrete house and an apartment.

For houses with a common building meter, there are two options for calculating payments for heating in apartments.

If there are heating meters in every apartment. All residents pay according to their testimony. Norms will not be imposed on them and the total amount of resources will not be distributed in proportion to the area. How much thermal energy is spent, so much must be paid. Someone has left or likes it to be cool - then they will pay less. And some people have small children and a corner apartment, so the pipes need to be hot, which means they have to pay more.

If there are no meters in all apartments. For example, if they are not in at least two apartments, then they take general readings and divide them among all apartments. They don’t count who spent how much: with what bigger apartment, the more you need to pay. Even if no one lived in the apartment all winter, you still need to pay in full.

Fair enough. What is the problem?

The problem was with those residents who installed meters for themselves or immediately bought an apartment in a new building with heating meters. For example, according to the law, all houses built since 2012, or if they have been major renovation, are required to be equipped with individual heating meters - each apartment.

And so all the residents pay themselves according to their testimony. And then their cunning neighbors take and dismantle the meters. And they no longer have meters and readings.

For those residents who continued to conserve heat and save money, the payment formula immediately changed. They could no longer pay according to their readings, because now not all apartments in the building were equipped with meters. And the rules say so: you can pay according to your readings only if there are meters in all apartments.

Because of a few uneconomical neighbors, the rest began to overpay. Now the readings of the common building meter were divided proportionally among all apartments.

It was this rule that one of the residents of such a house decided to appeal. He didn’t want to overpay because of his neighbors and went through the authorities. He demanded that the management company recalculate his heating charges and take into account his meter readings. The man was rejected everywhere, even in the Supreme Court. Everyone said the same thing: there is a law, there are rules, they must be followed. Sorry, sorry, we can’t help, because of the neighbors you will pay not only for yourself, but also for that guy.

What did the Constitutional Court say?

It is not possible to appeal to the Constitutional Court with any complaint and not for any reason, but here grounds were found. This time the owner asked to recognize the formula for calculating heating as unconstitutional. It turns out that because of the cunning of some people, others - thrifty and law-abiding - suffer. And the current legislation infringes on their interests.

Here are the conclusions made by the Constitutional Court:

  1. The state regulates the calculation of payments for housing and communal services, but must do this taking into account the interests of all owners.
  2. People need to be encouraged to install meters. This helps to save resources and calculate fees for them fairly.
  3. Those who do not install meters must pay more.
  4. Heating meters cannot be installed in all houses: it is technically difficult and expensive. Therefore, the requirement to install them mandatory applies only to houses that have been commissioned since 2012. Or after a major overhaul.
  5. If there is a meter, the owner expects that he will pay according to the readings. Then he will save heat, and in return will be able to pay only for the resources actually used. This way the state will achieve a careful attitude towards thermal energy.
  6. A formula that forces you to pay for an apartment with a meter not according to your own readings, but according to the general ones, violates the rights of tenants. Those who dismantled the meters actually transferred part of their payments to their neighbors.

Bottom line. The law and rules need to be changed. Those who have heating meters must pay according to their readings and not depend on cunning neighbors.

How should you pay for heating now?

The law has not yet been changed, but the conclusions of the Constitutional Court are already in effect, before the amendments.

If all the apartments in the building were initially equipped with heating meters, and then one of the residents dismantled it, then payments will be calculated as follows.

For apartments with meters- according to individual indications. Now it doesn’t matter that the neighbors don’t have them, although they used to.

For apartments without meters- according to standards. That is, not even according to general indications, divided into all apartments, but as if there was no metering device in the entire house.

Does this apply to all houses? Can I install a meter and pay according to readings?

No, the decision of the Constitutional Court only applies to those houses that have been commissioned or renovated since 2012. They are required by law to have meters, and residents are required to keep them. Those who did not save will now pay.

If the house did not have heating meters and everyone paid in proportion to the area of ​​the apartment, it would not be possible to simply install a meter for yourself and pay according to your readings. For such cases, the formula from clause 42.1 of rules No. 354 will continue to apply. So far, it has been declared illegal only for specific cases with cunning neighbors.

And you don’t have to pay for heating the entrance if you’re leaving or just don’t want to. I don't need a warm entrance

No, everyone will have to pay for general household needs. The Constitutional Court also considered this issue.

He explained that heating the entrance and non-residential premises important for everyone. This is done not only for heating, but also to maintain structures and communications in good condition. Even if residents are away for the entire winter, they are still required to pay for the maintenance of common property. Due to this, the house will have serviceable pipes, dry walls and reliable ceilings.

An individual meter cannot show how much thermal energy is spent on general house needs per specific apartment. Therefore, they focus on common counters. You cannot refuse to pay for heating for common house needs, and you cannot recalculate it at the time of departure either. Everything is legal here.

How to install heating meters throughout the house to pay less?

The payment calculation formula will not change. It will simply be clarified or a new one will be added, especially for houses that should already have meters by law. If your house is not one of these, you cannot force all residents to install meters: you need to hold a meeting, and then pay for it all. Installation of meters in apartments is always at the expense of the owners. According to the law, there is an installment plan, but it depends on management company.

In order for everyone to pay their bills, the management company must carry out the work. This is her responsibility by law: to ensure that the house saves resources. Therefore, it is best to start by contacting the management company. They will explain what to do to pay the bills even for heating. But meters themselves will not appear in apartments.

It always makes sense to sort out payments for housing and communal services. Even if it is not possible to install heat meters in apartments, it may turn out that you pay according to the standards for the entire house, although there is a common meter

Payment for central heating services has become a significant item in the budget expenditures of families living in apartment buildings. The question of how to calculate heating in an apartment remains open for most consumers, therefore, the number of subscribers seeking to understand the complex methodology by which charges for heat consumption are calculated has increased.

Payment without heat meters

The principle of the technique is quite simple: the volume of consumed thermal energy and the amount of payment are calculated based on the total square footage of the residential premises, and the cost of heating the apartment in this situation is determined by the formula P = S x N x T, where:

  • P - the amount of money that needs to be deposited;
  • S - total area (displayed in technical documentation dwellings, unit of measurement - m 2);
  • N is the standard value of heat energy allocated for heating an area of ​​1 m2 for a full month, including holidays and weekends (unit of measurement - Gcal/m²);
  • T - energy tariff (cost of 1 Gcal of heat).

Heating tariffs have increased significantly

Tariffication utilities for apartment owners is established by state executive bodies. When setting the price for a heat supply service, the cost of heat generation and Maintenance equipment for centralized heating systems. A special commission is establishing specific heat standards, the values ​​of which depend on climatic conditions and are set individually for each region.

To correctly calculate the cost of heating in apartment building, you need to contact the office of the company providing heat supply services and find out the value of the approved tariff, as well as the standard value of heat energy. Using the formula, you can calculate how much it costs to supply heat to one square meter in an apartment or private house connected to centralized heating(for this, S is replaced by the number 1).

Calculation example: studio apartment with an area of ​​33 m², it is supplied with heat at a tariff rate of 1850 rubles per gigacalorie. The heat consumption rate is 0.024 Gcal/m². The cost of heating in an apartment is calculated as follows: P = 33 x 0.024 x 1850 = 1465.2 rubles.

This technique is used in buildings in which the installation of communal meters is impossible due to design features. If the installation of a metering device was carried out with the entry of the unit into the system registry after 2017, an increasing index of 1.5 is added to the formula: P = S x 1.5 N x T. This formula applies only when heating is paid for without the use of metering devices .

An increase in the cost of heat supply by one and a half times is provided for by Order No. 603. It can be applied in the following situations: theft or damage to the heat meter; long time there was no transfer of meter readings to the heat supply organization.

Year-round accruals

In a situation where residents need to pay for heating services constantly throughout the year, and the input of an apartment building is not equipped with a metering unit, the index K is included in the formula for calculating heat energy, which shows the frequency of payment for services for the entire calendar year: P = S x (N x K) x T.

The index value is determined by dividing the number of months of the heating season by the number of months in the year. As a sample, we will consider a two-room apartment with a total area of ​​56 m², which consumes 0.024 Gcal/m² of thermal energy. First, the periodicity index is determined for a heating period of 7 months: K = 7 ÷ 12 = 0.583. The result obtained is substituted into the formula: P = 56 x (0.024 x 0.583) x 1850 = 1449.57 rubles. As a result of the calculations, the amount that must be paid every month throughout the year was obtained.

If for some reason there is no heat meter in the house, then the formula is supplemented with an increasing factor of 1.5: P = S x 1.5 (N x K) x T. In this case, to calculate the heating tariff, the monthly payment is multiplied by the index 1.5. The result is 1449.57 x 1.5 = 2174.35 rubles.

Correct utility bills. Cold and hot water

Using a common house heat meter

This methodology is used in high-rise buildings when calculating payments for central heating services in an apartment. You can calculate the cost of heat supply during the cold period using the formula P = V x S / S total x T, where:

Determining the size of the monthly fee using the example of a two-room apartment: total area of ​​the apartment - 56 m²; square footage of all rooms and apartments of the house - 7000 m²; monthly volume of consumed heat energy - 123 Gcal; price per unit of thermal energy is 1850 rubles. By substituting all the necessary values ​​into the formula, the amount of the monthly subscription fee is determined: P = 123 x 56 / 7000 x 1850 = 1820.4 rubles.

According to the new rules, it is necessary to pay for heating in premises equipped with personal heat meters, based on the data recorded by common house meters and the volumes of utility resources accrued according to standards. To calculate the consumption of thermal energy, you can use an online calculator.

Calculation of heating batteries. Rules and mistakes.

The main problem of this method is not the difficulty of calculations, but the extraction of primary information. Apartment owners who want to check the correctness of the amount that is being paid will need to find out last year’s information from the general building meter or write it down in advance. In addition, an annual adjustment is made in comparison with the new readings of the measuring device.

The reason for the different amounts

This issue arose simultaneously with the implementation different methods payment for thermal energy: by area (standard indicator), using general or personal heat meters. The difference in monthly payments is due to the presence or absence of heat meters. The presence of this measuring device can significantly reduce the payment for heat supply services, since the consumer pays for the energy resources actually used.

Sometimes situations arise in which residents of neighboring houses receive receipts to pay for heating in different amounts, regardless of those installed in the premises measuring instruments. There may be several reasons:

  1. 1. Heating of neighboring houses is provided by different heat supply organizations, the tariff plans of which may vary;
  2. 2. Increased level of heat loss;
  3. 3. Malfunction of heat meters due to the fault of manufacturers.

Large amounts of heating bills can arise due to the engineering features of buildings. Brick walls retain thermal energy much more efficiently than reinforced concrete ones, so houses made of panel blocks are inferior to brick buildings in terms of energy saving.

Also, the amount of payment for heat depends on whether the house is equipped with communal or individual meters.

How much does heating cost in 2018?

Payments for heating the premises are calculated at different rates. The difference by region of the Russian Federation can be checked in the table:

From July 1, 2018, heat tariffs should increase. For HOA residents and management companies, this procedure will become noticeable only with the onset of the first cold weather. On average, prices will increase by 100-130 rubles.

New rules for calculating heating tariffs

Heating prices per 1 m3 in Moscow are adjusted in accordance with inflation processes.

In 2017, Muscovites received receipts where utility bills were increased by 6.7 percent.

In 2018, the average monthly price per 1 m2 will increase by another 5.5 percent.

On average, Muscovites will pay 200 rubles for housing and communal services. more.

How are heating charges calculated?

What the fee consists of is decided by the executive authority and the supplier organization. The principle of justice is present here.

In practice, the owners two-room apartments pay less than owners of three-room and multi-level spaces. But, unfortunately, in some regions of Russia prices are artificially high.

This circumstance is due to the fact that there is only one monopolist operating in the region, which, however, is a violation of competition law.

Regulatory regulation of this issue has been transferred to local authorities. Thus, in the Orenburg region, the calculation procedure involves using a coefficient for 7 months of 0.0210; for annual consumption – 0.0360 (Resolution 686-p dated August 17, 2012)

Let's give an example of a calculation.

So, the heating season has begun. According to the metering device, the volume of general household consumption for the first month of autumn (September) is 150 gigacalories. The entire area of ​​the premises in the house is 7,000 sq. m. m. The area of ​​the owner’s living space is only 55 sq. m. m.

The cost of heating is calculated using the formula:

S room / S total * OOP * T,

S room - area of ​​the premises (apartment for which heating is paid);

S total - the total area of ​​all premises in a residential building;

OOP - volume of general household consumption;

T - tariff by region.

We make the calculation:

55/7000 * 150 * 1600 = 1 thousand 886 rubles - fee for September.

How to calculate payment for heating in the absence of individual meters, in the presence of a common house

Apartment buildings in Russia are often equipped with collective metering devices.

It is worth noting: if in residential buildings(apartments) none individual meters, then all owners pay bills depending on the total volume of heat consumed.

Payment is made only upon actual payment (not accrued in summer).

How is the heating fee calculated in the presence of communal and individual meters?

In 2018, a unified payment scheme for thermal energy is in effect. The amount of consumption per month depends on general and individual needs. The difference in readings is recalculated in the first quarter of the next year.

How to calculate heating in an apartment in the absence of meters

If there is no meter, the flat payment method is used. In this case, the formula does not change, nor does the amount of charges.

The bill for heating the premises is sent to the owner’s address both in the winter months and in the summer.

According to Appendix 2 of the Rules of Resolution No. 354, the amount payable is calculated depending on the following parameters:

  • the area of ​​the premises that belongs to this owner;
  • tariff approved by regulatory legal acts;
  • payment frequency coefficient.

To calculate, you need to know the number of “cold” months in a given area. During this period, heat is supplied to all apartment buildings: on average in Russia it is 200 days, or 7 months. When we count this way, we divide seven by 12, and the periodicity coefficient is 0.583;

  • standard for thermal energy consumption.

All indicators are multiplied.

Calculation example.

Charges for heat use are calculated on an individual basis. It is possible to reduce the amount on the receipt by installing individual meters on batteries, the power of which is regulated. You should also save on hot water consumption. Let the costs of housing and communal services not be so significant!

How profitable is it to calculate heating using a common house meter? How is payment calculated when using it? How can you really save on heating? Let's try to understand these rather painful issues for Russians.

Why is this necessary?

Let's immediately clarify the most important point. The meter itself does not save anything. It's just a metering device.

If thanks good insulation at home, high-quality glazing of entrances, metal-plastic windows and facades covered with a “fur coat” of foam or mineral wool, heat losses are minimized - after installing the meter, residents will receive bills with more modest figures.

If the access heating heats the street, and the apartments are generally poorly insulated, the price of heat in the house may well increase.

Please note: the assessment of the benefits and disadvantages of home meters in itself does not affect anything. According to Federal Law No. 261 residential buildings must be equipped with metering devices. Dot.

So who benefits from paying for heating using a common house meter? What goals does the law serve?

  • More accurate and fair payment distribution. In fact, if the residents of one house invested significant funds in its insulation, and the residents of another were indifferent to heat conservation, it would be wrong to force them to pay a single tariff. At least, this point of view is preferred by representatives utilities.

  • Stimulating residents of apartment buildings to save heat is an argument that looks much more convincing. Unfortunately, economic stimulation is more effective than any persuasion. If a person knows that broken glass in the entrance or an open door will put a burden on his budget, rest assured that the glass will be intact and the doors will close very tightly.
  • Finally, the most unpleasant thing for us, consumers of utility services. Law No. 261 completely and finally shifts the care of common property from utility services to us.

Yes, previously payment for heating entrances and attics was taken from the amounts that we paid for heating; but the amounts themselves were tied only to the current tariff. The management company had to take care of the condition of the common property of the house, and for a fixed fee.

In general, any “communes”.

Payment calculation

How is heating calculated for communal needs and for apartments?

Scenario 1

The apartment does not have its own heat meter.

The situation is typical for houses built before the economy turned to capitalist lines. Actually, most of the houses in the post-Soviet space are heated by standing heating systems, in which, if you install individual metering devices, then on EVERY radiator. Which, to put it mildly, is expensive.

First, the cost of heating one square meter is determined. Heat consumption at current tariffs for reporting period, registered by the meter, is divided by the total area of ​​​​all residential and non-residential heated premises.

Then the share of the apartment in the common property is determined. It's easy to calculate.

All that remains is to add up the area of ​​the apartment itself, the area of ​​its share in the total property of the house and multiply the resulting amount by the cost of heating per square meter.

Scenario 2

How to calculate heating for common house and apartment needs if apartments have individual meters? The layout of new buildings provides for horizontal wiring from risers inside the apartment, and it is quite possible to install a meter.

  • You quite predictably pay for the heating of your apartment based on the readings of your individual meter.
  • The amount of heat that is provided to the general area - entrances, attics, etc. - this is the difference between the sum of the readings of the common house and all individual meters.
  • Your share of heat costs for general needs is calculated in exactly the same way as in the previous scenario: it is proportional to the area of ​​your apartment.

Scenario 3

How much will residents of apartments that do not have individual devices accounting, if they are installed in other apartments?

The payment scheme is also clear and logical:

  • Heat consumption is recorded for all individual and communal meters;
  • The difference represents the cost of heating apartments without meters and common areas. We calculate the cost of heating one square meter according to readings taken, after which we charge payment according to the area of ​​apartments that are not equipped with meters and shares in the common property.

How to save on heating

As we have already found out, the calculation of communal heating in itself is not always profitable. What measures can bring real savings?

Individual metering devices in combination with thermostatic heads or throttles. In this case, you pay only for the heat that you really need. In addition, in this case you are less dependent on consciousness and common sense neighbors.

What is the practical implementation?

  • The heat meter itself is installed at the heating inlet into the apartment. It must be sealed by representatives of the organization selling you heat.
  • Thermostats or chokes are installed on the connections to heating devices. Chokes are somewhat cheaper; in the very budget option The adjustment function can be assigned even to conventional valves. However, adjusting the radiator temperature with a valve is not a trivial task.

Please note: screw valves should not be used. Rubber gaskets can block the gap when the valve is half-closed at the most inopportune moment, leaving you without heat. Actually, you can completely forget about this type of valves these days.

The ideal option is, of course, mechanical or digital thermostats. The head is installed in such a way that it is not in the flow of hot air rising from the heating device. After calibration, it is capable of maintaining with acceptable accuracy exactly the flow of the liner that is necessary to maintain the given temperature in the room.

What to do if you have a standing heating system? Installing metering devices on each radiator is a project with a very dubious return on investment. In addition to the huge initial costs, you will have to pay for their periodic maintenance, verification and possible repairs.

The problem can be partly solved by the so-called heat cost allocator. What it is? Simple Digital Thermometer, which continuously takes and records the surface temperature of the radiator and the air in the room.

The device is cheap and extremely easy to install with your own hands: it is attached directly to the surface of the heating device.

Knowing thermal power each battery, the temperature of the air and radiator during the month and the total heat consumption of all radiators, it is possible to estimate the heat consumption in each apartment with sufficient reliability. As a result, we will receive a serious incentive to save thermal energy, since we will only pay for our own expenses.

A nuance: to reliably assess the comparative consumption of thermal energy, at least 75 percent of the heating appliances in the house must be equipped with temperature sensors.

The device allows you to evaluate the actual heat transfer of the radiator. Its retail price is about 1 thousand rubles.

Another solution that can reduce General expenses— automatic heating point. The devices are in greater demand among organizations: at a cost of 400,000 rubles or more, they provide a noticeable reduction in heating costs for the house as a whole, but do not solve the problems of relationships between residents.

How does such a device work?

Remote temperature sensors monitor outside temperature on the street. When calculating the temperature curve, the most advanced devices take into account the degree of insulation of the building and its thermal inertia. Coolant temperature and permeability thermal unit adjusted to the actual heat demand.

Using automatic control behind the heating system, communal heating meters are beginning to bring real benefits.

Accounting problems

As usual, any innovation brings with it a lot of new problems. What troubles should we expect from the next government initiative?

  • The first pitfall awaits us already at the stage of implementing legislation. You see, the initiative comes from the government. But residents must pay for the communal heating meters themselves and their installation.

Sometimes we are talking about very significant amounts. The introduction of general house accounting will cost from 150 thousand rubles. Calculate the expenses of each apartment for, say, a small 10-apartment two-story house not difficult.

Heat metering systems are quite expensive. How fewer apartments in the house - those more amount, which each tenant will pay.

However: emergency houses subject to demolition and those where the cost of a meter with installation is comparable to a six-month heating payment are not subject to Law No. 261.

  • Residents of non-privatized apartments do not participate in paying for the installation of metering devices. Their costs are covered by the municipality.

It would seem that one can only rejoice; but the costs are significant! And the budget is not rubber. Municipal organizations will have to save on purchases for current repairs and housing maintenance, which is no longer so joyful.

  • Maintenance of the metering device includes periodic cleaning of filters, mud traps, repair shut-off valves before and after the counter. In addition, after the end of the one-year warranty, all subsequent repairs to the device itself are paid by residents. And in a very curious way: payment for housing maintenance increases under this expense item.

That is, regardless of whether the meter is broken or working, we pay for its repair.

  • After installing a home metering device, the management organization finds itself in a delicate position.

On the one hand, she must pay monthly for the energy consumed. In the absence of payment, the supplier can simply stop supplying heat by closing the valves in its well. I think there is no need to explain what consequences this can have in severe frosts.

On the other hand, there is always a certain percentage of non-payers among residents. Each organization deals with this problem differently; however, management will be very tempted to distribute the shortage among those apartments that regularly pay for heat. There were precedents.

  • Finally, the law does not provide clear instructions on what to do in the event of a device failure. Several incidents have been reported in the press where, as a result of a technical fault, residents were billed at triple the normal rate.

At the same time, the solution to the problem was, to put it mildly, strange: the authorities accommodated the inhabitants of the houses, giving them... an installment plan to pay the full amount of the debt.

Useful little things

Finally - a small amount of purely technical information about in-house metering devices.

With low heat consumption and high pressure in heating system installation of the cheapest mechanical meters is allowed. At high flow rates and low pressure, ultrasonic or electromagnetic device. Actually, most home meters are ultrasonic.

Along with heating, metering devices measure hot water consumption. Relatively recently, meters have appeared with a function that is very useful for domestic realities: they count water with a temperature below 40C as cold with a corresponding adjustment in prices.

When introducing heat metering in an apartment building, it is very useful to conduct a so-called energy audit: identify places of heat leakage and recommend measures to reduce them. The event, however, is quite expensive. For residents of a 5-story, medium-sized building, the cost exceeds 50 thousand rubles, for a nine-story building - 100 thousand.

For mechanical meters, installing conventional dirt traps and filters is not enough rough cleaning. A magnetic-mechanical filter is needed to delay the inevitable steel pipes scale and rust.

Such a filter will retain metal particles whose size allows them to pass through the mesh.