Argus enslaved. Argus the Unmaker (heroic) Best prices and payment methods

Buy killing Argus in heroics

The main boss of the last Legion raid dungeon was Argus the Unmaker. Once a great Titan, and now another warrior with a broken will, subordinate to Sargeras. You can find him in the throne room of the Titans pantheon, which is in Antorus, the Burning Throne. But first you will have to defeat 10 bosses of this raid dungeon. For killing Argus in Heroic, you can get great rewards that will no longer be available after the release of the new expansion, so we created this service to help you.

What will I get by ordering the murder of Argus in heroics?

Useful information about the raid dungeon Antorus, the Burning Throne.

Eleven bosses await you in Antorus: Aggramar, Admiral Svirax, Argus the Unmaker, Varimathras, Kin'garoth, Soul Catcher Imonar, Nura, Mother of the Flame, Destroyer of Worlds Kin'garoth, Essence Eonar, F'arg, Portal Keeper Azabel. To complete this raid on Heroic mode, it is recommended to have a minimum equipment level of 915. The raid dungeon is available in several formats:

  • Normal mode (10 to 30 players using flexible system), item drop 930+.
  • Heroic mode (10 to 30 players using flexible system), item drop 945+.
  • Mythic mode. It is the most difficult raid mode and is only available in a 20-player size. Item drop 960+.

Set Tier 21 - Antorus, the Burning Throne:

  • Level 110 character.
  • Account transfer required.
  • We only need your username and password, we DO NOT need the answer to your security question or access to your email.
  • While your order is being processed, we will ask you to disable the authenticator from your account, or uncheck the box that requires authorization each time you log in and provide us with an access code.

Can I play immediately after paying for the service?

After paying for the selected product, you will receive an email to your email confirming that your order has been accepted and is ready for fulfillment. After this, our operators will contact you without fail to clarify what time of order fulfillment is convenient for you. You will be able to play at any time other than the time agreed upon for the service. Also, to further complete the order, you will need to confirm the unlocking of your account.

Sharing account - what is it and why is it needed?

At the beginning of content, many performers insist on account sharing. This way, PvE Guilds will be able to complete the dungeon faster and more efficiently than if they have to play with fewer players. We have noticed that many clients want to play on their own, explaining this by the fact that:

1. I want to gain experience in killing bosses.
Completing the dungeon - loot wounds. Does not include coaching (training), this is a completely different service. Lying dead for the entire battle, you will not gain experience on each boss, but will only complicate the passage of the raid or even lead to a wipe. Thus, the amount of time spent completing the raid can increase several times.

2. I don't trust my account to anyone.
We understand your concerns, your account may contain rare mounts, pets, shooting gallery sets, a large number of game currency or you are simply afraid that the performer will answer for you to your friends in the chat or in the guild. We work only with the best guilds in the world and guarantee that nothing will happen to your account! We also guarantee complete inviolability of all your inventory, and of course, our performers will under no circumstances respond to anyone in chats.

3. How do I know that I haven't been scammed with loot?
Everything is very simple. The performers will provide screenshots of loot from each boss upon your request. At your request, the guild performer can include a live stream of the raid. And of course, you can track what loot dropped from the boss using wow-armory.

2. After receiving a notification that the password has been successfully changed to a new one, you should immediately close - exit the page and under no circumstances check whether the new password works or not! If you nevertheless decide to check the new password, you will have to repeat the entire procedure for unlocking your account from the very beginning again and again.

3. Next, the new password must be given to us, and we, in turn, give it to the contractor. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that very often to unlock your account you need to change your password two or even three times.

As soon as our performer is able to log into your account, we will contact you to clarify the next steps.

With the release of Antorus, many rewards await players, one of the main and desired ones is the new mount Violet Spellwing. To get this mount, you just need to kill Argus enslaved on heroic difficulty. For killing the boss you will receive a task, after completing which you will receive the coveted mount.

In addition, for killing the last boss you have a chance to receive one of the pantheon accessories. These are very strong accessories that, after knocking them out, can be upgraded up to level 1000.

The preliminary time and day of the raid can be checked with an online consultant.

Service requirements:

  • Level 110 character
  • Account transfer not required.

Frequently Asked Questions about the service:
Q: I can't attend the raid, can I transfer my account?
A: Yes, of course, you can transfer your account. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with our and our
Q: I completed the raid in a different difficulty (raid search, normal), will they let me into heroic?
A: Yes, starting with the Draenor expansion, all raids have 4 difficulties, and each difficulty has a different update. Therefore, you can go through the raid search first, then heroic, then normal, then mythic, and you will get loot everywhere.

This item is archived and is not for sale.

  • Qualitatively

    When ordering from us, you can be sure of meeting the deadlines and quality of support.

  • Safely

    We are an official company and have been working for several years.

  • The best prices and payment methods

    We maintain affordable prices and accept everything modern methods payment.


Dungeon Journal

Shackled. Broken.

For entire eons, he knew only pain.

A split soul that feeds endless evil with its energy.

The Lord is calling. Rise... Rise!

Bring destruction to everything...


Phase 1: Storm and Sky

  • Cone of Death- Having accumulated 100 units. titanic entity, Argus tears the fabric of reality and creates a cloud of “Deadly Fog” in the sector in front of him.
  • 32px Plague Sphere- Summons a Plague Orb that hits players with a debilitating plague before disappearing.
  • Fury of the Enslaved
  • Sweeping Scythe
  • Help Golganette

Phase 2: Protector's Redemption

When Argus reaches 70% health, Golgannet will cast Golganette's Fury, dispelling the Deadly Mist.

When Explosive Soul ends, Soul Explosive Detonation will be triggered at the target's location.

Phase 3: Masters of Sorcery

When Argus reaches 40% health, he weakens, allowing Aman'thul to subdue him with a Temporal Blast. However, after this, players will have to fight the Constellar Curators.

Constellar Curators give Argus time to recuperate and kill players with Harvest of Souls. If it weren't for the titans, players would have nothing to hope for...

  • The end of everything- Argus destroys creation, killing everything that exists.
  • Lumps of Fury- Argus's purest rage takes the form of flaming blocks that fall onto the platform and explode, dealing 2.1 million damage to all players hit. damage from dark magic immediately and an additional 714 thousand units. Shadow damage every 2 sec. for 20 sec. This effect is cumulative.
  • Fury of the Enslaved- Argus slams the ground in rage, dealing 1.4 million damage. Shadow damage to all players.
  • Unstable Soul- Having accumulated 100 units. titanic entity, Argus makes mortal souls unstable and hits two players with Soul Explosion and another with Soul Bomb. The Spreading Corruption then strikes two players again with Exploding Soul as Argus reaches 50 damage. titanic essence.
  • Sweeping Scythe- Delivers a cleaving blow in a semicircle in front of itself to all players, inflicting 4.2 million damage. physical damage and increasing the damage they take from subsequent uses of Sweeping Scythe by 75% for 15 sec. This effect is cumulative.
  • Re-creation modules - Re-creation modules immediately start the “Initialization Process” after they start working. When their health is absorbed, they apply Regeneration Pulse.
  • Spirit World
  • Help Eonar
  • Help Kaz "garot - When Kaz "garot collects at least 20 units. titanic essence, he begins to support “Titanic Tempering”. Players can collect motes of titanic power in the spirit world, giving Kaz'garoth titanic energy.


Having moved to the Throne of the Pantheon, a detachment of brave defenders of Azeroth has almost achieved its goal and now, having freed the souls of the Titans from captivity, players will be able to fight back against Sargeras. But everything is not as simple as it seems: the Dark Titan revealed the last surprise to mortals, and he himself turned his gaze to Azeroth. Broken, exhausted, used as fuel and energy for the army of the Burning Legion, the soul of Argus the Enslaved does not dare to contradict the will of its master. A great battle is coming, the outcome of which will decide whether the heroes will be able to defend their world in time and save the future of the universe.

The battle with Argus consists of four phases: the first lasts up to 70%, the second - up to 40%, in the third players will have to deal with the Constellar curators, in the fourth everyone will die, but then they will be resurrected and try to finally defeat the boss. During each phase, Argus uses different abilities, and players receive some form of help from the Titans.

Phase 1: Storm and Sky

At the beginning of the battle, the tank turns the boss around and keeps him in the center of the battlefield. The active tank uses the Sweeping Scythe, so other players cannot stand in front of the boss. When you receive 3 effects of this ability, the tanks change.

Melee fighters are located behind the boss, and ranged fighters and healers stand in a group on the outer circle of the site, sticking together.

Argus gains energy. As soon as the boss accumulates 100 units. energy, he will cast a Cone of Death, leaving an area of ​​Deadly Mist on the floor.

After the first Cone of Death is cast, a group of ranged DPS and Healers position themselves near the Deadly Mist area, staying as close to it as possible so that the next Cone appears close to the previous one.

A Plague Orb appears on the battlefield and, when it disappears, will apply the Withering Plague effect to players.

Players affected by the Withering Plague should run to the edge of the platform, behind the main group of players, as a small area of ​​Deadly Fog will appear under their feet when it ends.

Periodically, the boss deals damage to all raid members using the Enslaved's Rage.

In the first phase, players are assisted by Golgannet. He leaves spheres with Gifts from Heaven and Gifts from the Sea on the floor. Players should pick them up to boost their secondary stats: Power of the Skies increases Critical Strike and Mastery, and Power of the Sea increases Speed ​​and Versatility. You can only have one type of gift at a time, but the effects of identical gifts are cumulative.

Phase 2: Protector's Redemption

When the boss's health drops to 70%, the second phase will begin. At this point, Golgannet uses the Golganette's Fury ability, which dispels the Deadly Fog from the area. The tank needs to move the boss to the center, and the raid needs to position itself on the central area while the fog clears.

The boss continues to attack with the Sweeping Scythe. It can also be moved from the center a little to the side, and the players should position themselves in the center.

Now, during battle, Scythes of Destruction periodically appear, which first mark the trajectory of their movement and then fly along it. Don't stand in the way of the scythes.

During this phase, players are aided by Aggramar, who casts an Avatar of Aggramar on the active tank, which increases health, movement speed, and allows him (as well as nearby players) to redirect some of the damage received to the titan using Aggramar's Gift.

For 100 units energy, Argus will use Volatile Soul, hitting two players with Soul Blast and one with Soul Bomb.

Two random players will receive the Explosive Soul effect every 3 seconds. within 15 sec. deals damage and then explodes with Explosive Soul Detonation. Before the effect ends, players need to run away from the raid so that other players receive less damage at the time of the explosion.

Another random player will receive a Soul Bomb effect every 3 seconds. within 15 sec. deals damage, then explodes with Soul Bomb Detonation. This damage is fatal to the player, so he needs to run away from the raid to a tank with an active Avatar of Aggramar, so that when the ability ends, he can redirect some of the damage and survive.

Phase 3: Masters of Sorcery

When the boss's health drops to 40%, the second phase will begin. The incarnation of Argus will be dispelled, but instead players will have to deal with 7 Constellar Curators (hereinafter referred to as Curators). Curators use various abilities, and after a while two of them will be armed with Swords of Space and will need to be tanked.

Norgannon assists the players during this phase. ~15 seconds after the start of the phase, he will weaken each Curator with the Discs of Norgannon, allowing players to deal 200% more damage from a certain element:

  • Vulnerability to Arcane
  • Vulnerability to Fire
  • Vulnerability to Ice magic
  • Vulnerability to Holy magic
  • The power of the forces of nature
  • Physical vulnerability
  • Vulnerability to Shadow magic

Choose the Curator who is most vulnerable to your abilities and attack him.

Curators periodically use the Cosmic Beam. It will target a random player - that player must stand still, and all other raid members must quickly move out of the beam's path to avoid taking too much damage.

Curators constantly attack players with Starbursts, which can be interrupted. However, first of all, you should shoot down the Cosmic Beacon, otherwise all players will receive damage from Heavenly Punishment.

Phase 4: Gift of Life, Source of Collapse

After the death of the last Curator, Argus will appear again and... destroy the entire raid. Without the help of the titans, the fate of this world would be doomed, but Eonar and Kaz'goroth come to the players' aid. Eonar will create a tree on the battlefield: Gift of the Life-Binder, with the help of which players can be resurrected. The tree has a certain amount of health, which is spent when the player is resurrected or when receiving damage from the boss, healers must monitor the tree and heal it.

Once Argus appears, players must leave the body and reach the Gift of the Lifebinder, avoiding the Hungering Souls, enter it and resurrect. At this time, the boss will begin to cast the End of All Things and players will need to interrupt this skill within 15 seconds.

If players revive too often, the tree will turn into a Withered Gift of the Lifebinder and, upon further resurrection of characters, will receive the stacking effect of Withering Roots, which will cause damage to it.

The boss continues to attack with the Sweeping Scythe and use Fury of the Enslaved.

Now, without the help of Aggromar during Unstable Soul, two players with the Explosive Soul effect run away from the raid, so that at the moment the ability ends, they deal as little damage as possible, and the player affected by the Soul Bomb runs as far as possible from the raid, explodes, dies, and is resurrected at the tree of life.

Drop zones for Blocks of Fury constantly appear on the platform. Avoid places where boulders fall, as they deal instant and stacking damage over time.

Regeneration Modules will appear on the battlefield. They use the Initialization Process, gradually increasing the damage and area of ​​effect of the Recreation Pulse, which they then use. Destroy the modules quickly. In the world of spirits, titanic entities will remain at the places where modules die, which players need to pick up.

Titanic essences are necessary for Kaz'goroth. After collecting 20 essences, players will turn into Titan Forged and briefly increase their damage, healing, and movement speed.

This phase continues until Argus is defeated.

About healers and Heroism

Given the level of gear and composition of the raid, healers should distribute defensive raid abilities for use in critical moments. Since the battle will be long, players will have time to use their powerful skills several times.

In the second phase, before soul explosions, it is advisable to use a protective ability to reduce damage and/or maintain the raid at maximum health.

If the Cosmic Beacon in the third phase was not interrupted, do not spare your skills and protect the raid with them, since the Curators actively attack players with both Starbursts and Cosmic Rays.

Reducing the soul explosion damage from Unstable Soul in phase 4 will be difficult, so if the raid is having a hard time, try to use a defensive ability after the explosion. Also, don’t forget to maintain your Lifebinder’s Gift health by healing it.

Heroism or its equivalents are best used in the fourth phase, after all players have been resurrected. If the raid is weak, this ability can be used at the beginning of the battle, and by the fourth phase it will already be on cooldown.


  • Death! Death and pain!
  • The master demands your doom!
Storm and sky

Ur'zhul, created from the tortured flesh and souls of fallen warriors of the Army of Light, inspires horror and awe.

We will help you get a unique vehicle, Tamed Ur'zhul, from the boss Argus the Unmaker in Mythic (mythic) Antoran difficulty mode.

BuyTamed Ur'zhul You can on our website. In the menu on the right, select the service that suits you.

List of services provided for lutrade in the Mythic mode Antorus, the Burning Throne (Antorus Mythic):
  • Antorus (mythic) personal loot- killing all bosses in Mythic mode with personal loot;
  • Antorus (mythic) master loot- killing all bosses in Mythic mode with master loot. Your character will receive all the loot for your class and specialization. You will not have an advantage in receiving the following equipment: jewelry (rings, trinkets, necklaces), set tokens, cloaks and relics. All tokens, relics, jewelry and cloaks are raffled off between all buyers.
  • Priority on relics- for an additional fee, all relics available for your artifact will be given to you. The option is available when ordering masterloot;
  • Priority on tokens- all set items dropped during the raid for your class will go to you. The option is available when ordering masterloot;
  • 4 tokens guaranteed- You are guaranteed to receive 4 set tokens, even if it requires more than 1 raid. The option is available when ordering masterloot;
  • Priority for cloak and jewelry- you will get raincoats and jewelry without an additional draw between buyers. The option is available when ordering masterloot;
  • Priority on trinket- all earrings dropped during the raid and available to your class and specialization will go to you. The option is available when ordering masterloot;
  • Mount Tamed ur "zhul (when ordering Antorus masterloot)- You will receive the mount Tamed Ur "zul. The option is available when ordering masterloot;
  • Priority for items of the second specialization- You will receive equipment for the second specialization of your character, except for jewelry, tokens, relics, and cloaks. The option is available when ordering masterloot;
  • I'm going on my own- independent participation in the entire raid in Antorus mythic. Evaluate everything for yourself. The service is more expensive due to the increasing difficulty for the raid;
  • Argus personal loot (with account transfer)- participation in the murder of the last boss in Antorus with personal loot with the transfer of the account under our control;
  • mount Tamed ur"zhul (with account transfer)- participation in the murder of the last boss in Antorus with personal loot with the transfer of the account under our control. You will also receive the Tamed Ur'zhul mount;
  • Argus personal loot (without account transfer)- participation in the murder of the last boss in Antorus with personal loot without transferring the account to our control;
  • mount Tamed ur"zul (without account transfer)- participation in the murder of the last boss in Antorus with personal loot without transferring the account under our control. You will appreciate the complexity of killing Argus for yourself. You will also receive the Tamed Ur'zhul mount;
  • Full character equipment- We will dress your character completely in equipment from Antorus Mythic. The price is indicated upon transfer of the account. Completion time - 2-3 cd. Please check with your operator for the price without account transfer.
Your character must be level 110, and the level of his equipment must be at least 930.

The service is covered by our " ".

Condition for completing an order to receive Tamed Ur'zul

  • You pay for the goods on our website by selecting suitable way payment;
  • After payment, you need to contact the operator in a way convenient for you and provide: verification code or account number, your character’s nickname, faction and server;
  • Your character's level must be level 110, and the level of his equipment must be 930+. When ordering Argus/mount, the equipment level when transferring the account must be 940+;
  • A character transfer may be required - contact the operator to clarify this point;
  • During the execution of the order, we need to independently control your character, so we will need a login and password for your account. We secure ALL property in your account. We will use your account only for its intended purpose to obtain mounts and achievements, and only at the agreed time;
  • The operator will notify you when your order is ready.
Order completion time: from 1 to 14 days. The mount is obtained in 1 raid day. Check the delivery time with the operator before payment.

The final boss of the Antorus raid is Argus the Unmaker.

Argus the Unmaker is the soul world of the planet of the same name, which was once the homeworld of the Eredar and which Sargeras used as an inexhaustible source of energy for the Burning Legion.

The tactics are translated from the Wowhead website. .

Review of the battle with Argus the Unmaker

The battle consists of four phases, during which players will be assisted by the souls of the Titans of the Pantheon.

Boss Abilities

Phase 1: Storm and Sky

  • Cone of Death - Having accumulated 100 units. titanic entity, Argus tears the fabric of reality and creates a cloud of “Deadly Fog” in the sector in front of him.
    • Deadly Fog
  • Plague Orb - Summons a Plague Orb that inflicts a debilitating plague on players before disappearing.
    • Withering Plague - Deals 669,750 damage. Shadow damage every 2 sec. for 8 sec. Upon expiration, creates a cloud of deadly fog at the affected player's location.
      • Deadly Mist - Deals 1.7 million damage to players. Shadow damage every 1 sec.
  • Fury of the Enslaved
  • Sweeping Scythe
  • Help Golganette
    • Sky and Sea - To empower players, Golganneth unleashes its fury, creating Gift of Heaven and Gift of the Sea.
      • Gift of Heaven - A raging storm, upon entering which players receive the “Power of the Sky” effect. The storm lasts for 10 seconds. From one “Gift of Heaven” you can receive “Power of Heaven” only once.
        • Power of the Heavens - Increases critical strike and mastery by 2000 for 30 sec. this effect is cumulative.
          This effect is incompatible with Power of the Sea. Casting Power of the Sea will cancel the effect of Power of the Skies.
      • Gift of the Sea - A powerful stream of water, upon entering which players receive the “Power of the Sea” effect. The stream exists for 10 seconds. From one “Gift of the Sea” you can get “Power of the Sea” only once.
        • Power of the Sea - Increases speed and versatility by 2000 for 30 sec. this effect is cumulative.
          This effect is incompatible with Power of Heaven. Casting Power of the Skies will cancel the effect of Power of the Sea.

Phase 2: Defender's Redemption- When Argus reaches 70% health, Golgannet will cast [Rage of Golganette], which will dispel [Deadly Mist].

  • Unstable Soul
    The Spreading Corruption then strikes two players again with Exploding Soul as Argus reaches 50 damage. titanic essence.
    • Explosive Soul - For 15 sec, every 3 sec. deals 357,000 damage. damage from dark magic.
      When Explosive Soul ends, Soul Explosive Detonation will be triggered at the target's location.
      • Blast Soul Detonation - Deals up to 1.4 million damage. Shadow damage to all players.
        On Normal or higher difficulty, Blast Soul Detonation deals up to 1.4 million damage to all players within 45 yards. damage from dark magic. The closer the player is to the epicenter of the explosion, the more damage he receives.
    • Soul Bomb - For 15 sec, every 3 sec. deals 536,000 damage. damage from dark magic.
      When Soul Bomb ends, a Soul Bomb Detonation will be triggered at the target's location.
      • Soul Bomb Detonation - Deals up to 7.1 million damage. Shadow damage to all players.
        On Normal or higher difficulty, Soul Bomb Detonation deals up to 7.1 million damage to all players within 45 yards. damage from dark magic. The closer the player is to the epicenter of the explosion, the more damage he receives.
  • Scythe of Destruction - Creates a scythe of dark energy and launches it in a straight line. Upon contact with a player, the scythe deals 893,000 damage. physical damage every 2 sec. for 8 sec. and throws it away.
  • Sweeping Scythe - Deals a cleaving blow in a semicircle in front of itself to all players, inflicting 4.2 million damage. physical damage and increasing the damage they take from subsequent uses of Sweeping Scythe by 75% for 15 sec. This effect is cumulative.
  • Help from Aggramar
    • Avatar of Aggramar - Aggramar shares a portion of his power with a random player, increasing his health by 100% and his movement speed by 40%. Action time – 1 minute.
      A player with the Avatar of Aggramar effect also grants nearby players the Gift of Aggramar effect, redirecting damage they take to themselves.
      • Gift of Aggramar - Damage taken by all players near Aggramar's avatar is redirected to the avatar.

Phase 3: Masters of Sorcery- When Argus reaches 40% health, he weakens, allowing Aman'thul to subdue him with [Temporal Blast]. However, after this, players will have to fight constellar curators...

  • Constellar curators
    • Cosmic Beam - Channels a beam of cosmic energy onto the player, dealing 2.1 million damage. Arcane damage to all players touching this beam.
    • Cosmic Beacon - The caster selects a player as a target for “Heavenly Punishment”, calling it on him after 4 sec.
      • Heavenly Punishment - Instantly inflicts 1.3 million damage to all players. damage from arcane magic and an additional 803,750 units. Arcane damage every 2 sec. for 6 sec. This effect is cumulative.
    • Starburst - Deals 671,000 damage to the enemy. arcane damage.
    • Star Arsenal- Periodically, two constellar curators receive weapons from the Star Arsenal. Once armed, they stop using their normal abilities and engage in melee combat.
      • Sword of the Cosmos - Increases damage from melee attacks by 200% and grants the ability “Cosmic Power”.
        • Cosmic Power - Strengthens the caster and all constellar curators within a 20 m radius, increasing the damage they deal by 20% for 3 min.
      • Blades of Eternity - Increases damage from melee attacks by 300%.
  • Help from Norgannon
    • Discs of Norgannon - Reduces the resistance of constellar curators to elemental forces. Each constellar takes 200% more damage from one school of magic.

Phase 4: Gift of Life, Source of Collapse- Constellar curators give Argus time to recuperate and kill players with [Harvest of Souls]. If it weren't for the titans, players would have nothing to hope for...

  • The End of All Things - Argus destroys creation, killing all things.
  • Blocks of Fury - Argus's purest rage takes the form of burning blocks that fall onto the platform and explode, inflicting 2.1 million damage to all players hit. damage from dark magic immediately and an additional 714,000 units. Shadow damage every 2 sec. for 20 sec. This effect is cumulative.
  • Fury of the Enslaved - Argus slams the ground in a rage, dealing 1.4 million damage. Shadow damage to all players.
  • Unstable Soul - Having accumulated 100 units. titanic entity, Argus makes mortal souls unstable and hits two players with Soul Explosion and another with Soul Bomb.
    The Spreading Corruption then strikes two players again with Exploding Soul as Argus reaches 50 damage. titanic essence.
  • Sweeping Scythe - Deals a cleaving blow in a semicircle in front of itself to all players, inflicting 4.2 million damage. physical damage and increasing the damage they take from subsequent uses of Sweeping Scythe by 75% for 15 sec. This effect is cumulative.
  • Re-creation modules- Re-creation modules immediately start the “Initialization Process” after starting work.
    When their health is absorbed, they apply Regeneration Pulse.
    • Initialization Process - Absorbs the health of the Recreation Module for 20 seconds and increases the range of the Regeneration Pulse. The longer the “Initialization Process” is maintained, the stronger this effect is.
    • Regeneration Pulse - Deals 800,000 damage. Arcane damage to all players, as well as 4 million units. Arcane damage to players in the area of ​​Regeneration Pulse.
  • Spirit World
    • Hungry Souls- Hungry souls roam the world of spirits, attracted by the wrath of Argus. Upon contact with any ghost, they explode and apply Explosive Soul to all nearby ghosts.
      • Explosive Soul - Knocks back nearby ghosts and reduces their movement speed by 40% for 8 sec.
    • Motes of titanic power- When Recreation Modules complete the Recreation Pulse, their titanic energy is released into the spirit world in the form of particles of titanic power. Players can collect them, giving Kaz'garoth Titanic Essence, which he uses to cast Titanic Tempering.
  • Help Eonar
    • Gift of the Life-Binder - Eonar creates the Gift of the Life-Binder - a tree that grows and saves players. While the gift of the Life-Binder lives, players can free the spirit after death and, by approaching the tree, revive it, in exchange for a piece of the life energy of the Life-Binder's gift.
      When the life energy supply of a Lifebinder's gift is depleted, it turns into a drained Lifebinder's gift.
      • Withered Gift of the Lifebinder - Players can heal the withered gift of the Lifebinder. Each time the player returns, the gift receives the "Withering Roots" negative effect.
        • Withering Roots - Once every 1 sec. deals 850,000 damage. damage from the forces of nature. The effect is cumulative.
  • Help from Kaz'garoth- When Kaz'garoth collects at least 20 units. titanic essence, he begins to support “Titanic Tempering”.
    Players can collect motes of titanic power in the spirit world, giving Kaz'garoth titanic energy.
    • Titanic Tempering - Maintains Titanic Tempering on all living players, while spending titanic essence every 1.5 sec. Gradually, Kaz'garoth will begin to absorb more titanic essence, enhancing players' Titanic Tempering.
      • Titanforged - Khaz'goroth reforges players in his image. As long as he can maintain Titanic Tempering, players' damage, healing, and movement speed will be increased.


Normal mode tactics

Phase 1: Storm and Sky

In Phase 1, the main goal of players - besides surviving and dealing damage to the boss - is to place Death Mist bars so that there is empty space. The deadly fog deals strong ticking damage and does not disappear from the area until the start of Phase 2. The deadly fog appears after the boss uses two abilities - Cone of Death and Plague Sphere. Let's look at the raid's actions if these abilities are used.

Cone of Death:

  • Upon reaching 100% energy, the boss will target a random player (except for the tank) and use the Cone of Death - a cone of Deadly Fog will appear there;
  • To place the Deadly Fog where it is needed, the raid must crowd behind the boss and as soon as the boss uses Cone of Death on someone, the raid moves to the side. The raid must stand next to the zone where the Deadly Fog landed so that the next stripe lands nearby. This way you will have space and you will survive the phase;
  • Tanks should move the boss closer to the edge of the room and move him along the edge to minimize the area affected by the Mist. However, if your raid has decent DPS, then you can leave the boss in the center of the room.

Plague Sphere:

  • From time to time, the boss will create a ball that cannot be targeted and directs it towards one of the players, placing a debuff on it: Debilitating Plague, which lasts 8 seconds and deals periodic damage;
  • When the debuff wears off, a streak of Deadly Mist remains;
  • The player with the debuff must run behind their allies or to the edge of the room and reset the debuff there;

In addition to these abilities, during this phase the boss uses two more:

  • Enslaved's Rage is an ability that the boss uses on a timer and which deals damage throughout the raid. The damage itself is not lethal, but players with the Withering Plague debuff will need extra attention from healers;
  • Sweeping Scythe - the boss will swing a scythe in front of him, causing serious cleaving damage and placing a debuff that increases the damage of the next Deadly Scythe by 75% for 15 seconds;
  • No one should stand in front of the boss other than a tank, because most likely getting hit will mean death;
  • Tanks should rotate on three stacks of debuff;

Help from Golganneth: During this phase, players will receive assistance from Golganneth, who will give them two useful buffs. Buffs can only be used by two players (one buff for each player):

  • Two players receive buffs;
  • The buffs hang for 5 seconds, after which they fall off the players and leave behind two balls - the Power of the Sea and the Power of the Heavens;
  • Power of the Sea - by running through this ball, the player receives an increase in speed and versatility by 2000 for a minute;
  • Power of Heaven - after running through this ball, the player receives an increase in mastery and critical strike by 2000 for a minute;
  • Two buffs cannot be applied at the same time, that is, either you received the Power of the Sea and ran through the ball with the Power of Heaven, then the buffs of the Power of the Sea will disappear;
  • Buffs stack up to 6 times;
  • It is best to place one of the balls closer to the boss so that the Cone of Death does not prevent players from taking the buff;

At 70% health, the 2nd Phase of the battle with Argus the Unmaker will begin.

Phase 2: Protector's Redemption

At the start of Phase 2, Argus does not use any abilities. Instead, Golganneth clears the battlefield of Deadly Mist with Fury of Golganneth:

  • Lightning storm deals a lot of damage to the raid;
  • The raid should stand in the center of the room and be intensively healed by healers;
  • As soon as the room is cleared of Fog, you must quickly move away from the tank, because Argus will rush towards it, waving a Sweeping Scythe;
  • Tanks pick up the boss and tank him on the edge of the room for the entire phase, rotating for 3 stacks;

Help from Aggramar: The active tank receives a buff lasting one minute, summoning the Avatar of Aggramar.

  • This buff increases the tank's health by 100% and movement speed by 40%, and also strengthens nearby players with the Gift of Aggramar;
  • At the same time, the Gift of Aggramar redirects all damage incoming to the players to the tank;
  • Aggramar's Gift should be used to deal with the boss ability - Unstable Soul;

Every time Argus reaches 100% energy, he places the Exploding Soul debuff on two different players and on one - Soul Bomb:

  • Explosive Soul deals periodic damage over 15 seconds and then triggers Explosive Soul Detonation, which deals damage both to players with the debuff and to the entire raid. The damage decreases as you move away from the explosion;
  • Players with Explosive Soul need to run away from the raid and let the debuff wear off in a safe place; to do this, you need to designate two places where players will run back;
  • The Soul Bomb works similarly, but does much more damage. It also ticks for 15 seconds and after the debuff wears off, it deals damage throughout the raid;
  • Players with this debuff must run 45 meters away from both the raid and players with Explosive Soul;
  • Before the Soul Bomb goes down, the tank with the Avatar of Aggramar must allow another tank to taunt the boss and run back to the player with the Soul Bomb. Thus, the damage from the Bomb will be redirected to the tank, which will save the life of the player with this debuff. A tank with the Avatar of Aggramar needs to use personal saves to survive the damage;
  • The rest of the raid gathers at this time for the boss.

When the boss reaches 50% energy, he hangs two Explosive bombs on the players. The players' actions are the same - run away from the raid.

In addition to these abilities, Argus will use the Scythe of Destruction during this phase:

  • Throughout the phase, braids will appear in a random location;
  • At first they will be motionless, then they will begin to spin and, in the end, they will fly, leaving behind a streak;
  • Those who come under attack will be thrown back and a pillbox will be hung on them, so there is no need to stand in the way of the flying scythes;

At 40% health, the 3rd Phase of the battle with Argus the Unmaker will begin.

Phase 3: Masters of Sorcery

Argus will stand in the center of the room and cannot be attacked. Aman'thul will cast a Temporal Blast, which will cause several stars to appear. These stars will fly over the site and eventually form seven constellar curators. They will be placed along the edge of the room and the raid will have to kill them. The raid should be distributed throughout the hall so that the healers can heal everyone. Adds have the following abilities:

  • The cosmic ray will hit the marked player and cause damage to anyone who is in the way;
  • Starburst is a spell that can be interrupted and deals minor damage;
  • Cosmic Beacon - after 4 seconds it will hit the marked player with a Heavenly Punishment, causing great damage and applying a DoT that deals damage for 6 seconds throughout the raid. Two curators will cast this at the same time, so if you don't interrupt the cast, it will most likely mean a wipe. Therefore, one of the players must monitor the curators and shoot down the castes;
  • From time to time, curators will receive weapons and the Star Arsenal:
    • One add will receive the Blades of Eternity, the other will receive the Sword of the Cosmos;
    • Blades of Eternity increase melee damage by 300%;
    • Sword of the Cosmos increases melee damage by 200% and boosts add allies within 20 meters by 20% (Cosmic Power);
    • While adds have weapons, they cannot cast the above spells;
    • The curator who received the Sword of the Cosmos needs to be taken away from other adds so that he does not buff the others;

15 seconds after the adds spawn, Norgannon will apply Norgannon Disks, which will apply debuffs to the adds, increasing the damage from various schools of magic by 200%:

Damage dealers need to hit adds that match the type of damage they deal.

After defeating the curators, the 4th phase begins.

At the beginning of the 4th phase, Argus kills the entire raid (déjà vu, however...). Accordingly, all buffs from food and runes disappear, and the CD for prepots is also reset (so you need to have a bottle in stock).

Eonar's Aid: Shortly after the raid's death, Eonar casts Gift of the Life-Binder. This tree will allow players to become spirits and move around the site. In the spirit world, players will see many Hungering Souls:

  • If a player touches the add, he will explode with Explosive Soul, and the players closest to him will be knocked back and slowed down by 50%;
  • Players need to avoid touching while walking towards the Gift of the Life-Binder;

As soon as they fall under the aura of the tree, they will regain their physical bodies and will be able to engage in battle with Argus again. In this case, you need to remember the following:

  • The energy of the tree is not infinite and it is spent every time the player is resurrected. Sooner or later, it will end;
  • After this, the Withered Gift of the Life Binder will appear. Players will still be able to resurrect using the tree, but it will receive a permanent debuff