Which ceiling lamps to choose for suspended ceilings. Choosing lamps for a suspended ceiling: the best options and prices

Lighting market for suspended ceilings today it is simply overflowing with all sorts of modifications and options for lamps. When visiting stores, your eyes are simply blown away by the wealth of choice.

Naturally, the article will not present all, but only three types of lamps most often used for installation. Let's consider their advantages and disadvantages separately.

G5.3 luminaires

The first type is lamps for light bulbs with G5.3 socket This type shown in the photo below:

There are halogen and LED versions. The main disadvantage of halogen ones is that the lamp reflector transmits some of the light into the stretch ceiling.

The result is a picture where all the insides of the ceiling and communications are visible. Namely – fastenings, electrical wiring, mortgage.

Previously, this problem was solved in two ways:

  • the back wall of the light bulb was covered with foil
  • or simply painted over

Now everything is much simpler. It is enough to purchase an LED light bulb that back surface completely opaque and the light from it passes only downwards.

The disadvantage of the lamp itself is that the bulb is set quite deep inside.

Because of this, the light diverges at an acute angle, without covering the maximum possible area, and without scattering throughout the room. It turns out that the lamp will shine as a spot.

In addition, due to the very small diameter, the power of the LEDs is limited.

Even a more developed radiator will not allow installing a light bulb of more than 7 W.

And this is if it is made of aluminum. When we are talking about some kind of composite cooling design, it is unlikely that such a lamp will last long. It will simply overheat and burn out.

to other brands due to their larger size and better conditions cooling, you can “shove in” all 15 watts.

Luminaire GX 53

The second type of lamp is brand GX 53. Its main advantage is the larger diameter of the light bulb. In addition, the lamp itself is not recessed here, but rather protrudes from the plane by several millimeters.

Due to this, the light is as diffused as possible, and the lighting angle is quite wide. We can say that this light bulb shines 180 degrees.

There are two types of lamps for such lamps:

  • LED
  • energy saving

Everyone advises installing LED ones. Firstly, they last much longer, and secondly, they flare up instantly after switching on.

For energy-saving devices, this requires a certain amount of time, often several tens of seconds!

Heating of lamps

What should you pay attention to when choosing light bulbs for this type of luminaire? First of all, on the shape of the base. When you buy LED bulbs, choose ones that have cooling grilles.

Since there are specimens with a flat surface, completely covered with plastic without a hint of at least some kind of lattice.

New products with so-called composite radiators have also appeared. Externally, they can be completely smooth in shape. According to the manufacturer, thanks to the combination different materials and components (aluminum and plastic in one casting), a cooling effect is achieved similar to lamps with powerful aluminum radiators.

However, many companies are openly hack-working and follow the path of reducing their costs, while not providing the proper quality, hiding behind only catchy names. In fact, there may not be anything composite there. Here's the confirmation:

There is a common belief that LEDs do not heat up at all, but this is not entirely true. In any case, they generate heat, and this heat must be removed. And all this ultimately affects the service life.

On average, such lamps should last at least 3 years. Although most manufacturers have a 1 year warranty. Often this whole matter is reflected on the packaging in operating hours.

Lack of heating in lamps is the most important parameter for suspended ceilings. Otherwise not right choice can lead to deformation and sagging of the film, or even damage. Since the stretch ceiling is highly thermally sensitive, under the influence of heat it loses its elastic properties, melts and stains form on it.

Varieties of GX-53

GX 53 luminaires are available in a very wide range color scheme. The most popular model from Ecola GX 53 H4 has up to nine colors. Their bore diameter is 90mm.

A set of quality products should always include a thermal ring.
It is necessary specifically for installation in a suspended ceiling. Without it, the film will simply rip spontaneously in the direction you don’t want at all.

The GX53 H4 models gained popularity due to the fact that they take up very little space in the ceiling space. This lamp also has a very reliable mount.

The eyelet on which the spring is attached is made of metal and does not fall off over time.

So for similar models GX53 H6 everything is made of plastic. And plastic ages over time, especially under constant exposure to heat. This fastening breaks off and the lamp hangs in the air only due to the electrical wiring.

An additional advantage over the G5.3 is that the lamp protrudes a few millimeters from the lamp body. This results in a 180-degree diffusion of light without the formation of dark corners in the room.

True, some people don’t quite like it when the light bulb is not flush and not completely recessed into the seat. For this design, choose the GX53 FT3225 brand. It’s exactly what it’s called – a deep recessed lamp.

However, firstly, it is more expensive, and secondly, there is the same problem with the fastening plastic, and there are only three color options.

Therefore, look in stores for new H4 models, but with a recessed seat for the lamp. There are some of these too, just follow the labels on the packaging.

All of the above models are suitable for installation in ordinary rooms - living room, kitchen, bedroom. For installation in a bathroom, you need to buy waterproof ones with a degree of protection IP65. For example, the GX53 H9 lamp.

It has its own nuances. There is a silicone gasket on top, and the lamp itself is protected by glass, which can be removed by turning it. From the side of the illuminated room, the device is completely protected from splashes of water.

However, this same protection limits the power of the lamps. All this should be indicated on the packaging.

  • for LEDs – 6W
  • for energy saving – 9-11W

More than these capacities cannot be used.

Installation of a lamp in the ceiling without a mortgage

Another plus of the GX53 H4 is that with some modification they can be mounted even without a mortgage. This may be needed if you don’t want or can’t lower the ceiling low.
The whole change takes a few minutes.

Stylish and practical stretch ceilings are gaining momentum in popularity. With their help, they hide defects in the ceiling structure and visually increase the area of ​​the room when using reflective coatings. With such materials, you don’t have to worry about the cleanliness and beauty of the ceiling for a long time. The article will discuss which lamps to choose for suspended ceilings.

Lighting organization

However, speaking about ceiling structures, one cannot fail to note its main component - lighting. From correct selection lighting fixtures and the quality of the spotlights themselves depend not only on the appearance and service life of the tension fabrics, but also on the safety of residents.

  • The placement of lighting products is carried out in order to ensure uniform and comfortable lighting for the eyes. Particularly popular combined option, where a traditional chandelier is complemented by spotlights. This technique will avoid the appearance of shadowed corners.

Lamps for suspended ceilings photo

  • Ceiling lighting should be functional. For a relaxation area in the living room or bedroom, a soft, diffuse glow is organized. Work areas (a table in the office or kitchen) are arranged brighter, and directional flows are used here.

Basic requirements for luminaires for suspended ceilings

Elastic materials used for tension put forward their requirements not only for the technical characteristics of lighting fixtures, but also for the method of their installation.

  • Thin fabrics cannot withstand high temperatures, so you should adhere to a certain lamp power. The shape of the lamps is also of great importance. Light sources in the form of an open plate, as well as chandeliers with a short pendant with shades looking up, are not suitable for installation.
  • The luminaire body should not have transparent elements. In this case luminous fluxes will fall into the interceiling space, illuminating all laid communications and unevenness of the base foundation. Based on this, devices are selected with a closed housing. The presence of a reflective plate will be an additional plus.

  • Installation of any type of lighting fixtures is carried out on the main ceiling or specially installed profiles. Therefore, the design of electrical wiring and the location of light sources is carried out before installing the stretch ceiling.

Types of lamps for suspended ceilings

When choosing lighting products, it is important to follow not only the design goal, but also take into account the number and location of windows, the natural illumination of a particular room. With the help of competent organization, you can increase the functionality of the room significantly.

The market offers a huge range of ceiling lamps for suspended ceilings, as they say, “everything your heart desires.”

  • Products are divided by type of fastening: suspended, built-in, ceiling-mounted.

Pendant lamps

  • This type includes chandeliers and pendant lamps that are mounted on a base ceiling hook. The unsightly part of the structure is hidden behind the canvas. Lamps or horns should point downwards. With this approach, excessive heating of the membrane will not occur, and it will also eliminate the formation of glare on the glossy surface.

  • The selection of spotlights on hangers is based on the length of the rod to which the body is attached. We should not forget that a significant part of the rod is in the inter-ceiling space, and therefore there is a risk of placing lamps in close proximity to the canvas. Therefore, the length of the suspension is critical.

Recessed luminaires

  • Lamps are classified by type of design: fixed (shine straight down) and rotating (spots). The second type makes it possible to adjust the direction of the light flow by changing the angle of the lamp.
  • Their installation is carried out in pre-made working holes. For installation, it is better to choose stamped models equipped with a special thermal ring. The plastic rim prevents further spreading of the panel and serves to protect the material from heating by the lamp.
  • Take into account the following feature of built-in appliances - their technical part is hidden in the inter-ceiling space, so the distance between the base and suspended ceilings should be at least 7 cm. For some models, this parameter can be equal to 16 cm.
  • Spotlights for suspended ceilings are available in various forms. It is not difficult to choose products for any interior. They are arranged in accordance with strict geometry or in random order.

Ceiling lamps

  • This type of chandelier is popular due to its design. They are a compact solution for lighting a small room. Lack of suspension or minimum size allow you to install soffits in rooms with low ceilings.
  • A special platform reliably protects the canvas from overheating. If there are brackets with lampshades, you should pay attention to their location (up or down). Although the use of LED lamps removes restrictions when using such models for suspended ceilings.
  • If the structure is equipped with a hook, then the attachment is made to the hook on the base sheet. In this case, the distance between the ceiling spaces is taken into account.
  • Some lamps are fixed on a strip included in the kit. Here it is important to lay out reinforcing profiles in advance at the point of attachment of the device or install a block of a certain thickness and make a technical hole in the membrane.

Lamps for luminaires

By and large, it is not so much the shape of the lighting fixture that is responsible for overheating of the stretch fabric, but rather the lamps used. Their power is subject to certain standards and requirements, observing which you can be sure of fire safety and the absence of film deformation due to the influence of high temperatures. They also affect the prices of lamps for suspended ceilings.

LED Strip Light

  • Separately, in a number of spotlights there is a flexible board with diodes. It serves only as an additional light source. The brightness of the light depends on the density of the LEDs. However, the total power in any case is not enough for full illumination.

  • However, the reduced light output is a deciding factor in its use. Especially in cases where there is a real need to install it, and contact of the tape with the ceiling panel cannot be avoided. The emitted soft light fluxes allow you to delimit space and advantageously place interior accents.
  • Its installation can be carried out both in the gap between the suspended ceiling and the base ceiling, and on outside membranes. If the internal gap is small (up to 2-3 cm), it is not recommended to use LEDs. In multi-level structures, the tape is laid in specially formed niches.

Incandescent lamps

  • This type of lamp is more traditional and affordable. They are used in open and closed type. However, they get very hot and have a detrimental effect on the canvas.
  • For stretch ceilings made of fabric, lamps with a power of no more than 60 watts are used, for those made of PVC film - no more than 40 watts. In this case, the distance between them and the membrane should be at least 25-30 cm. If the lamp is equipped with a reflective plate, then this parameter can be reduced slightly.

  • The light streams should be directed downwards. Otherwise, the canvas will appear yellow spots from burnout, and the PVC film is generally deformed. From significant shortcomings It is necessary to note the size of the lamp base, which is especially important when used in spotlights. The height of the cartridge can reach 10-12 cm, therefore, the inter-ceiling space should be slightly larger.

Halogen lamps for suspended ceilings

  • Compared to incandescent lamps, they have a number of advantages. Halogen provides a brighter stream of light, although only a warm yellow color, and the size of the base is much smaller. The height of the cartridge is 5-6 cm. This parameter allows it to be used for built-in spotlights on stretch ceilings with a small gap.
  • Replacing and installing such a lamp is done using gloves, which are usually included with the product. Oily stains left by unprotected hands, crystallize and destroy quartz glass, which renders lighting products unusable.

  • For PVC ceilings, it is not recommended to use lamps with a power of more than 35 Watts.

Fluorescent lamps

  • Lamps in energy-saving luminaires for suspended ceilings heat up less than previous options and are characterized by efficiency. In addition, they do not produce light behind the panel, and for their installation you only need 2-3 cm.
  • The high cost is easily offset by energy savings. The downsides include the slow build-up of glow power and a meager selection of exterior finishes.
  • The recommended power of fluorescent lamps is from 40 to 60 watts.

LED lamps for suspended ceilings

  • LED lamps provide continuous illumination for many years. At the same time, they are very economical and emit a negligible amount of heat. LEDs receive power from low-voltage direct current (12 or 24 V).
  • The market offers both LED strips and similar lamps with different bases. Therefore, choosing products for a specific lamp will not be difficult (the main thing is that the soffit is equipped with an additional connector).

  • Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the need to use a transformer, which is often installed in the interceiling space. If it fails, it will be difficult to get to it without damaging the membrane. In this connection, it is recommended to use 220 V lamps.

How to choose lamps for suspended ceilings

  • The distance between the horns and the panel should be at least 15 cm. If PVC film was used, then to install the lamp you must leave at least 20 cm from the seam.
  • One built-in spotlight can illuminate about 1.5 sq.m. Therefore, to use them as the main light source for 25 sq.m. you will need about 15-16 pieces.
  • Do not forget about the relationship between the distance between the floor slab and the base ceiling and the height of the lighting fixture. The length of the lamp suspension or the height of the soffit base must be selected with maximum accuracy.
  • To illuminate a specific area, it is better to use spots. Their swivel mechanism allows you to direct the light flux to the desired area. This way, unnecessary crowding can be avoided large quantity lighting products.

Installation of lamps on a suspended ceiling

  • Lighting fixtures on suspended ceilings are installed somewhat differently than on any other ceiling structures. Even the lightest soffit attached directly to the panel will cause it to sag.
  • Fixation of lighting products is carried out before tensioning the membrane and after its completion. The fastening method determines design features one model or another.
  • Regardless of the type of devices used and the type of their mounting, the installation process begins the same way, namely with electrical wiring. At this stage, it is necessary to install all the fasteners, lay the electrical wiring and check its functionality.
  • The principle of connecting the power supply is the same for any lighting product. The main thing is to observe safety precautions and follow the connection diagram supplied with each product.

Installation of a chandelier on a suspended ceiling

The traditional way to attach a chandelier is to hang it from an existing metal hook in the floor slab. Here you should make sure that the anchor is reliable and its length is appropriate, because it should not be below the level of the tensioned membrane.

  • At the exit point of the chandelier, a plastic ring is installed on the canvas, carefully coated with glue around the circumference;
  • after drying, a membrane is cut out inside the ring;
  • the chandelier suspension is secured to the hook and the wires are connected;
  • then all components of the structure are assembled;
  • A decorative cup is used to cover an unaesthetic hole.

If for some reason the hook is missing, it can be purchased at a hardware store. When choosing it, take into account that a rod thickness of 2 mm will provide support for a chandelier weighing up to 3 kg, 3 mm - up to 5 kg, and so on.

Installation of ceiling lamps

Of such kind lighting The kit includes a mounting plate (a metal platform to which the base of the lamp is fixed). For correct installation will need to be completed preparatory work.

  • An electrical cable is routed to the installation site. For its safety in case of flooding by neighbors above, it is recommended to use a plastic corrugated pipe. And special clips will help prevent it from sagging.

  • A wooden block is attached to the base ceiling using dowels or self-tapping screws, the thickness of which should be equal to the level tension material. If the space between the ceilings is large enough, you can use metal hangers for drywall, which will allow you to adjust the distance to the panel.
  • The hole for the outlet of electrical wires is reinforced with a ring.
  • Before installing the platform, make sure there are no burrs on it. After all, during the installation process you can accidentally catch the membrane.
  • The plank is fixed to the bar with self-tapping screws, which must support the weight of the lamp. If the fasteners included in the kit are not satisfactory in any respect, you can always use other hardware. If necessary, the working holes in the strip can be easily drilled in accordance with the diameter of the new fasteners.
  • After connecting the connecting wires, the lamp base is installed. The base, as a rule, has a wide shape, which allows you to hide the installation area. If the bar is narrow, you can use decorative elements specifically designed for these purposes.

Installation of recessed lamps (spotlights)

  • When installing spotlights, two important parameters are taken into account - the distance between the floor slab and the canvas and the need to use a transformer. The location of the devices is first indicated on paper, then the diagram is transferred to the draft ceiling.
  • A two- or three-core cable is carried to the marked places. At each point, leave 10-15 cm of wire as a reserve. A space is allocated for installing a transformer (when using halogen lamps).
  • Platforms for lamps are being installed. Special hangers allow you to adjust the height of placement of devices. The lower part of the suspension should be flush with the tension surface of the ceiling.
  • After installing the panel, rings are glued strictly under the installation points of the spotlights, protecting the membrane from further ruptures. After drying, the material is cut to the inner diameter of the ring. Pre-laid wires are released into the resulting holes.

  • Next, the connection is made using terminals, following the markings on the product (L, N, PE).
  • Soffit installation is carried out in accordance with its design features. The assembly instructions included with the product will allow you to carry out the work without difficulty. The ring is closed with a lamp or decorative overlay.

To ensure that the choice made regarding the type of lamps and their output power does not disappoint, it is necessary to carefully approach this issue. Do not neglect any information received from store consultants, relatives and friends, or from Internet sites. Any work, be it power wiring, assembly and installation of lighting products, requires care, precision and certain skills. If you have doubts about your abilities, contact specialized companies that will perform a range of tasks at a high level.

If you decide to use a suspended ceiling in your interior design, lamps, or more precisely, their choice, may become the main problem for you. On the one hand, with their help you can focus attention on certain areas of the room, changing its visual perception to suit specific architectural requirements. On the other hand, if you choose the wrong lamps for a suspended ceiling, you can easily ruin it.

Therefore, in order to avoid mistakes when choosing lamps for suspended ceilings, you need to take into account two things: the material from which it is made and the characteristics of each specific type of lamp.

For suspended ceiling structures, there are two ways to install lighting:

  • A fitting is installed on the main ceiling, to which the lampshades are attached, and holes are cut out in the surface of the suspended structure for them.
  • The lamps are built directly into the suspended ceiling.

Installation diagram for a luminaire built into a suspended ceiling

Both of these methods imply that lamps for a suspended ceiling should be selected taking into account the degree of heating of the lamps and the material of the suspended structure itself. Otherwise, at one point, your ceiling may simply darken or lose its shape, or in the worst case, melt.

As a rule, installing fixtures for lamps and laying wiring are carried out before installing the ceiling, so you can safely first buy the light bulbs you like, and only then, taking into account their specifications, select the material for the ceiling covering.

They are glossy or matte, made of fabric, fiberglass or PVC, and differ technical characteristics, which directly affect performance. For example, PVC coating is resistant to heat and humidity, so it can be used in almost any room and with any type of light bulb. But the fabric covering, although it has low thermal conductivity, is absolutely not resistant to humidity, so it should not be installed in the kitchen or bathroom, for example.

Types of lighting for suspended structures

Lamps for suspended ceilings

The range of light sources is so wide and varied that you can get lost in the manufacturers' catalogs. Ecola (Ekola), Maxus, Osram, Philips, BIG and many others vie with us to offer us spot, halogen, diode, outdoor and recessed lamps for suspended ceilings. Which ones to choose and why? Most often, we look for answers to these questions ourselves, by trial and error, ultimately choosing best options, but losing valuable time and losing money.

Let's look at the advantages, disadvantages and features of each type. For example, let's take the catalog of the widely used brand Ecola - in it, thanks to the wide model range we can find all the types of lighting fixtures we need.

So, ceiling lights for suspended ceilings are: built-in and surface-mounted, with an incandescent spiral (regular and halogen), fluorescent (cell/energy-saving), and light-emitting diode (LED).

To choose the type of lighting, it is enough to know the main differences between them:

  • Halogen lamps are incandescent lamps that contain gas (bromine or iodine) in the cylinder. These lamps last longer and generate less heat when compared to conventional incandescent lamps. Therefore, if you want to use incandescent lamps, it is better to choose lamps built into a suspended ceiling with halogen bulbs.
  • Fluorescent lamps are gas-discharge lamps that create ultraviolet radiation using mercury vapor. Such lamps under a suspended ceiling will provide diffused, pleasant light and save your money. They will last many times longer than conventional incandescent lamps.
  • LED lamps, also called led (from English light emitting diode), are environmentally friendly and super energy-saving light sources. They are perfect for spotlights in a suspended ceiling.

Let's take a look at the Ecola catalogue. Halogen lamps are not represented in it, but as an alternative to replacing spots with hot halogen lamps, they offer a fairly good model GX53, but the range of energy-saving and LED models is quite diverse. Let's take a closer look at the specific models we need further.

LED luminaires ECOLA GX53

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of lighting

Lamps for suspended ceilings using halogen lamps will allow you to adjust the angle of incidence of the light, and, due to the power, create the effect visual expansion space. They will become indispensable, for example, in the bathroom, giving small room additional volume, and the glossy ceiling even more shine. However, such a suspended ceiling lamp has at least two negative features: the scarcity of colors of the emitted light and a reduction in the total ceiling height by 6-8 cm.

If you want ceiling lights with conventional incandescent lamps, you will always benefit from ease of operation and installation. A burnt out light bulb can be quickly and easily replaced. But you should always remember that the number of lamps per square meter should be strictly limited - installing such a lamp in a suspended ceiling is fraught with overheating and deformation of the canvas.

What can Ecola offer us in connection with this problem? Systems of adapters, splitters and sockets for a wide variety of needs and any design solutions. Great, let's move on.

Spotlights for suspended ceilings can be of two types depending on the location of the lamps: overhead and built-in. Such lamps can be attached to a suspended ceiling quite simply, and due to the sealed platform, the mounts can be installed even in rooms with high humidity.

Built-in lights for suspended ceilings

A spotlight in a suspended ceiling will help hide possible surface unevenness and save space and money. And the mobility of the design as a whole allows you to adjust the light flux in the desired direction. The only reason why you may not choose a spotlight for a suspended ceiling is its cost during installation. But, due to its efficiency in energy consumption, it pays for itself quite quickly.

Ecola clamp connectors and connection boards allow you to select and build any point element structures and connect everything to one power source. Perfect solution, In my opinion.

Diode lamps for suspended ceilings provide centralized panoramic volumetric and bright lighting. They visually increase the height of the ceiling and fill it with glare of refracted rays. With the help of LEDs you can implement almost any design solution. Such ceiling lamps provide continuous, uninterrupted light for several years - they have a record energy saving rate. This is the only type of lamps for suspended ceilings that do not have obvious negative indicators.

Ecola offers us a variety of LED strips and accessories for them, candle lamps, balls, corn lamps and even reflectors - there is room for your imagination to run wild, bringing ideas of any complexity to life.

Overhead lamps for suspended ceilings

Overhead lamps for suspended ceilings are simple, economical and easy to use. They are convenient to mount on any surface; they come in different configurations according to the number and type of lamps. Such lamps can be supplemented with power supplies, various electrical or electromagnetic devices and launch structures. This is excellent a budget option for any room. Ecola's assortment includes at least 5 main models of surface-mounted and recessed lamps, which are suitable for any type of lighting and interior due to the variety of modifications and colors.

Specifics of selecting lamps for suspended ceiling materials

When choosing and installing lamps in a suspended ceiling, you will definitely encounter certain restrictions imposed by the type of finish (material) and the specific design of the ceiling itself.
One of the main rules will be that the parameters of the fasteners correspond to the dimensions of the lamp. Otherwise, the lamps in the ceiling simply will not hold securely enough.

Then it should be taken into account that various material reacts differently to high temperatures. The range of temperatures tolerable for a stretch ceiling is from 0 to 60°C. Therefore, most often LED and LED lights are used as lamps in suspended ceilings. fluorescent lamps.

If you want to use incandescent lamps, then it is better to install the lamps under the suspended ceiling, and not in it, and be sure to think about how close to the surface the shades will be located. Ideal parameters for such a lamp in the ceiling: 60 W for conventional lamps and 35 W for halogen lamps, with shades 25-30 cm away from the surface and directed downwards.

Original lamp for suspended ceilings

Energy-saving and LED lamps in suspended ceilings can be positioned in any way - they are less susceptible to heating.

If you decide to install spotlights under a suspended ceiling, then you need Special attention pay attention to the body of the lamp itself. Especially if you plan to use halogen lamps - when the housing heats up to a critical temperature, your ceiling may melt.

To prevent this from happening, all housing openings must be insulated with a heat-resistant gasket or equipped with external parts with low thermal conductivity. But, nevertheless, the best and absolutely safe option in the case of overhead lamps would be LED elements.

Some Ecola models can even be installed in wood or plastic without additional thermal insulation. In addition, the Ecola catalog boasts several models that seem to be specially created for the designer - golden and colored LED lamps that will look great in interiors that require special solutions in the approach to design and lighting.


As you can see, the topic of lighting in suspended ceiling designs is quite broad and specific. The main thing when choosing components is to remember that they must be compatible in materials and fulfill their immediate and aesthetic functions: to illuminate the space, while simultaneously creating comfort and emphasizing the individuality of each room.

When T. Edison invented the incandescent lamp, having a miracle of technology and an outlandish novelty in the house was considered a great luxury. Only about one and a half hundred years have passed since then, but humanity has become much more demanding. Just one light bulb or chandelier in the center of the ceiling is often not enough. Lighting began to play not only a functional, but also a decorative role, emphasizing the features of the interior, dividing the space into zones. This is a whole science! When it comes to a regular ceiling, you can use any lamps, but with tension structures everything is somewhat more complicated. Here it is necessary to take into account their features and try to maximize the beauty of the surface. It's time to figure out which lamps for a stretch ceiling to choose, how to arrange them and which light bulbs to use.

No. 1. What features of a stretch ceiling should be taken into account?

If you take into account some nuances, then with a suspended ceiling you can use lighting fixtures of any shape and type. Fabric of tension structures. The fabric is more resistant to temperature influences, but When constantly heated above 60 0 C, the film may turn yellow, crack and lose elasticity.

To ensure that the suspended ceiling lasts as long as possible, when selecting lamps, consider the following nuances:

  • lamps should emit a small amount of heat;
  • it is better to use ones that generate minimal heat during operation;
  • if incandescent lamps are indispensable, their maximum power should be 60 W. Maximum power halogen lamps – 30 W;
  • for incandescent lamps and halogen lamps there is also a limitation on the distance from the ceiling surface - this is 30 cm, or better yet 40 cm.

Installation diagram All lamps must be thought out in advance. In this case, it will be possible to effectively carry out preparatory work and install all the necessary fasteners. The lamps will be attached not to the canvas of the tension structure, but to the main ceiling, and the necessary holes are simply made in the canvas itself, which are then carefully designed. Thermal insulating rings provide additional protection for the fabric from overheating.

No. 2. What types of lamps for suspended ceilings are there?

All lamps that are used together with suspended ceilings can be divided into the following types:

  • spot lighting;
  • raster lamps;
  • "starry sky" ceiling.

Chandelier in the center of the ceiling- This is a classic of the genre. It can be made in the shape of a plate, be on a long suspension, or consist of several hanging ones arranged in a row. If you plan to use incandescent or halogen lamps, be aware of safe wattage and distance. In addition, it is desirable that the design features of the chandelier be such that the shades together with the lamps are directed to the side or down, but not towards the ceiling. Use plate chandeliers With suspended ceilings it is possible, but you will have to buy fluorescent or LED light bulbs. In principle, when using lamps that do not heat up, it can be absolutely anything - fortunately, the choice in stores is so huge that you can get lost and confused.

A problem may arise if you want to install a luxurious one on a suspension. The candle lamps of such a chandelier will almost touch the ceiling. Of course, you can install relatively cold energy-saving lamps, but crystal looks best only under the light of ordinary incandescent lamps. The only way out is to increase the length of the suspension in order to achieve a safe distance between the lamps and the ceiling of 30-40 cm, but this is only possible when the ceilings in the apartment are high enough.

When, if you have a glossy ceiling installed, in which, like in a mirror, everything is reflected well, then when choosing a chandelier you should pay attention to how it looks from all sides, since in the reflection the part that is usually not visible to us will be clearly visible.

Spotlights and stretch ceilings have already become an inseparable pair, since their combination looks really very attractive. Such lamps can be used as if there are a lot of them in the room, but usually they are installed to illuminate some area in the room. Spotlights come to the rescue when the ceiling height is critically low. They have a low light dispersion angle (about 30 degrees), so for normal lighting of a room or part of it, it is necessary to install 1 device for every 1.5-2 m2 of area. These lamps can be anything in shape and size - the choice is extremely large.

Spotlights can be installed:

Used primarily for decorative purposes. It consumes a minimum of energy, gives a soft, cozy glow and is usually mounted along the contour of the ceiling, between the ceiling, or used to focus attention on individual elements.

Another option for decorative lighting is the so-called "starry sky" The technology allows you to perfectly simulate the glow and twinkling of stars, so an incredible atmosphere is created in the room. Such lighting is realized thanks to fiber-optic threads-LEDs, which are connected to a light generator located above the tension structure. LEDs may not be projected through the ceiling and project light onto the inner surface of the ceiling: during the day the ceiling remains completely smooth, but at night magic occurs. Another option is to bring out the ends of the threads with LEDs. The most expensive option is to embed diodes into Swarovski stones, thanks to which the light begins to refract especially beautifully, perfectly simulating radiant stars.

Let's highlight separately raster lamps, which are easily recognized by their characteristic honeycomb metal structure. Typically, such lamps are used in suspended ceilings, but sometimes they are also found in tension structures, although they still remain rare. This is a more office-style and formal option that will only look appropriate in large rooms.

It is not necessary to stop at only one lighting option: a chandelier can be combined with spotlights or LED strip, and spotlights can be installed along with the “starry sky”.

No. 3. Lamp mounting type

Installation of lamps is done with your own hands or with the help of specialists - it all depends on your skills and complexity of the work.

Chandeliers are mounted in one of the following ways:

Spotlights According to the installation method there are:

No. 4. Types of lamps, or Which light source is better

Lamps in suspended ceilings can be supplied any light sources, but this does not negate the need to weigh the pros and cons of all options and choose the optimal one:

  • incandescent lamps- the most uneconomical among all the others. They don't have high efficiency, therefore, most of the energy is converted into heat, which imposes restrictions on their use in conjunction with film stretch ceilings. Such lamps are usually installed in pendant chandeliers, but you must remember about the power limitation: it is 60 W, but some recommend using lamps no more powerful than 45 W. Such lamps are usually not installed in spotlights, but if you have a fabric suspended ceiling, then you can find a compromise and take a light bulb with a mirror coating;
  • halogen lamps somewhat more economical than incandescent lamps, they provide bright and intense light, but are limited in the color range of radiation. Such lamps emit less heat and last twice as long as conventional incandescent lamps, but they are still better used in suspended structures. Usually, along with halogen lamps, the installation of an additional transformer is required, but such lamps, when installed with a heat reflector forward, allow you to create interesting visual effects;
  • energy saving fluorescent lamps Their name alone suggests that they use electricity sparingly. In addition, they are durable and do not overheat, so they can be mounted in pendant, surface-mounted and recessed lamps. Such lamps are relatively large in size, so they may not be installed in every lamp. If the lamp is positioned so that it constantly falls into the field of view, then it is better to choose a dark type lamp light reflector with a soft light beam;
  • LED bulbs- one of the most modern solutions to date. In them, electricity is immediately transformed into light radiation, due to which high efficiency and durability are achieved. LED lamps are several times more economical than incandescent lamps, and several times more economical than fluorescent lamps. Some manufacturers provide a guarantee for their products for up to 10 years. In addition, such lamps practically do not heat up, are available in different colors and have soft light no flickering effect. As a rule, an LED light source is already built into the lamp - these are reliable, more durable and economical products, but then the entire lamp will have to be replaced, not just the light bulb. You can find lamps in which the LED element can be replaced: you can always replace the lamp with a more powerful one, although the durability of such products is lower;
  • fiber optic threads are used only to create the “starry sky” effect. They have low heat transfer, but do not provide much light - this is decorative lighting. Fiber optics are not cheap, they are durable, and thanks to various attachments they can simulate flickering or flames on the ceiling.

It is best to combine different types of lamps and lamps: this will make it easier to create the necessary lighting in each area of ​​the room, quickly change the decor and highlight individual parts of the space. To have complete control over the light, you can equip the lamps with a rheostat and adjust the light intensity.

Stretch ceiling - popular modern way ceiling finishing. It is easy to install and allows you to hide all the flaws and unevenness of the main ceiling. There is a misconception that having installed a suspended ceiling, you will have to give up traditional way lighting, that chandeliers and lamps cannot be used. Or you can only use spotlights or LED strips mounted in a plasterboard box. In fact, everything is completely different. To illuminate a room with a suspended ceiling, you can use chandeliers, ceiling lamps and spotlights. Due to the specifics of the stretch fabric, there are certain restrictions and requirements that lamps for suspended ceilings must meet. This applies to the type of lamps, their power, installation method, lamp design and much more. A reasonable question arises: how to choose a chandelier for suspended ceilings. We'll talk about this in this article. Let's determine what types of chandeliers and lamps there are, what shapes and sizes they are, how they are attached to the base, what lamps are used in them and what restrictions are imposed.

Features of lighting fixtures for suspended ceilings

A stretch ceiling is a PVC or polyester fabric stretched in the plane of the main ceiling at a distance of several centimeters from it. Due to the fact that PVC fabric is sensitive to temperature increases above 80 ° C, it can stretch. The polyester fabric of synthetic fabric does not stretch, but it can change color, turn yellow or blacken under the influence of temperatures or due to improperly installed lighting.

Therefore, when wondering how to choose lamps for suspended ceilings, you should consider the following: requirements:

  • The stretch ceiling canvas should not heat up above 60 °C, so the chandeliers should be located at a certain distance/height from the canvas, and the power of the lamps for stretch ceilings should be such that the canvas heats up as little as possible. We will consider later what specific requirements are imposed on the power of certain lamps.
  • Some types of lamps, such as halogen and LED, can be connected via power converters. Such devices cannot be placed in the space between the suspended ceiling and the main ceiling, since there is no ventilation in it. Power converters located behind the tension fabric quickly fail due to overheating. They must be placed in a comfortable, ventilated niche, and the wires leading to them must be secured above the canvas.
  • Lamps and chandeliers for suspended ceilings are attached to the main ceiling different ways. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase them before installing the ceiling, then the installers will be able to calculate in more detail where the cut for the lamp will be located, as well as better prepare the fastening embed.
  • The glossy surface of a stretch ceiling reflects 80% of the light, so you should not use chandeliers with open lamps pointing upward for lighting. They will be reflected in the canvas, and the light will be too bright and harsh. For calm, diffused lighting, it is necessary to use chandeliers and lamps with shades.
  • It is worth refusing a chandelier or lamp with a deliberately complex mounting option, since unnecessary injury to the tension fabric is undesirable.

These are just general restrictions. Since classic chandeliers, chandeliers of various intricate designs, chandeliers with a fan, built-in ceiling lights, overhead ceiling lights, spotlights and other lighting devices can be used to illuminate suspended ceilings, let’s look at some of them in more detail.

What kind of chandeliers for suspended ceilings are there?

To illuminate rooms with suspended ceilings, you can use a classic chandelier that is familiar to our eyes. For not large room with an area of ​​9 - 12 m2, one chandelier installed in the center of the room is quite enough. If the shape of the chandelier allows you to attach it to a hook specially designed for this purpose, then its installation will be quite inexpensive. Sometimes even some suspended ceiling installation companies install one chandelier for free.

To illuminate a large room of 20 m2 or more, one chandelier will not be enough. If the room has elongated shape and allows you to visually divide it into two parts, then you can install two chandeliers at an equal distance from the walls. Otherwise, you can complement one chandelier with ceiling or spotlights, which will illuminate the “dead” areas where the light from the chandelier lamps does not reach.

Shape and dimensions of a chandelier for a stretch ceiling

All chandeliers can be divided into horizontal And vertical. In rooms with low ceilings from 2.3 m to 3 m in height, it is advisable to use horizontal chandeliers with a diameter of up to 1 m. They can be a multi-arm design located on “branches” or have a different design. Their main feature is that lamps with lamps are evenly distributed throughout the chandelier and are located at a sufficient distance from the center to better illuminate the room.

In rooms with high ceilings (above 3 m), it is better to use vertical chandeliers with a diameter of 30 - 50 cm and a height of about 1 m. A chandelier hanging on a long “leg” provides maximum illumination of the living space.

The price of chandeliers for suspended ceilings depends on their shape, design, size and materials used. Optimal choice there will be chandeliers with shades or horns directed downwards or sideways and downwards, so as not to heat up the ceiling panel again. Also, classic chandeliers can be complemented with decorative elements - a silk lampshade, beads, pendants made of faceted transparent or colored glass, which will play with reflections on the surface of the ceiling.

Always popular crystal chandeliers for suspended ceilings, since the faceted crystal elements diffuse the light, distributing it evenly throughout the room. All modern chandeliers of this type are designed to meet all the requirements for lighting rooms with suspended ceilings. The glossy fabric of the stretch ceiling reflects light and makes the crystal “play” with reflections and a lot of colored splashes.

In addition to those described above, there are huge chandeliers pyramidal shapes for lighting the halls of hotels, theaters, museums and other similar premises. The choice of a chandelier of a specific shape and size depends on the effect that the home owner wants to achieve. For example, a classic chandelier with candle lamps will look more advantageous under a matte canvas, but in a glossy one its reflection will be inappropriate and uncomfortable. A chandelier in the form of a hemisphere will perfectly complement the glossy canvas; in its reflection it will turn into a full sphere, which will visually enlarge the room and “raise higher” the ceiling. Horizontal multi-arm chandeliers look great both under matte and glossy canvases, which is clearly visible in the presented photos.

Chandeliers for suspended ceilings: photo examples

A vertical chandelier with silk lampshades and decorative glass elements is wonderfully reflected in the glossy stretch fabric of a dark shade.

And another chandelier against the backdrop of a dark stretch ceiling.

A crystal vertical chandelier goes well with a matte fabric stretch ceiling.

This is what a horizontal chandelier of modern design looks like.

And another option for modern decor.

An excellent option for a stretch ceiling is a horizontal multi-arm chandelier.

Classic vertical chandelier for high ceilings.

A horizontal chandelier of a futuristic design with closed shades is reflected favorably in the glossy stretch ceiling.

Here is an example of how they can affect glossy ceiling lamps without shades.

A themed crystal chandelier requires an appropriate room. Not suitable for everyone.

It is difficult to choose a chandelier for a fabric ceiling with a rich pattern, but it is possible.

The upper part of a chandelier for a suspended ceiling should be no less aesthetic than the lower part, since it is its reflection that will be visible in the glossy canvas. There should be no unsightly protruding wires or other parts. The chandelier bowl (located at the very top and attached to the stretch ceiling) should be large enough to hide all flaws and installation locations.

You should not use chandeliers whose horns and lamps are directed upward and there is no lampshade or reflector on top. This threatens to cause black spots to appear on the surface of the ceiling, which are almost impossible to remove. By the way, this applies not only to stretch ceilings, but also to ordinary ceilings. The cause of black spots is burnt dust. The fact is that dust settles on the surface of the lamps, which burns due to heating of the surface of the lamp. When a draft appears in the room, for example, if you open the door, the burnt and still hot dust is blown off the surface of the lamp by a stream of air, rises up and settles on the ceiling, as if melting into the ceiling. If you still want to use this type of chandelier, then you need to install energy-saving or LED lamps in it; they heat up the least.

When choosing a chandelier for a stretch ceiling, you need to pay attention to those models whose lampshades have reflectors. Reflectors are a sheet of chrome or of stainless steel. It is better if it is located on top - above the lamp, then the likelihood of overheating of the stretch ceiling fabric is minimal.

Next, let's look at the types of chandeliers depending on what kind of suspended ceiling lamps are used in them. Incandescent, halogen, energy-saving and LED lamps can be used as light sources.

Incandescent lamps are the cheapest light source, but their efficiency is so negligible that recently their use has increasingly been abandoned in favor of other lamps. After all, only 3% of the energy spent by an incandescent lamp turns into light, the remaining 97% turns into heat. And this feature is associated with the most a big problem use of incandescent lamps with suspended ceilings.

The power of incandescent lamps in a chandelier for a suspended ceiling should not exceed 60 W if the chandelier is vertical and 40 W if it is horizontal.

If the lamps in the chandelier are directed upward, then they should be located no closer than 40 cm from the canvas. Otherwise, it is better not to use chandeliers with horns pointing upward at all, since the reflector focuses the energy and heats the canvas. If directed downwards, then at a distance of 20 cm. The best option There will be chandeliers in which the lamps are completely hidden from the shades or at least the shades separate them from the ceiling.

Halogen lamps are not far removed from incandescent lamps in terms of efficiency. Their main advantage is that the spectrum they emit is closest to daytime sunlight. But such lamps heat up even more than incandescent lamps. That is why halogen lamps for suspended ceilings should not be more powerful than 35 W.

Another important nuance working with halogen lamps - under no circumstances should you touch them with your hands, only with dry, clean cloth gloves. The fat secreted by the sebaceous glands of the skin will remain on the surface of the lamp bulb and will burn when the lamp warms up. In place of the burned fat will appear dark spot, as a result of which the lamp will heat up unevenly and quickly fail.

It is impossible to install halogen lamps in chandeliers whose horns are directed upward, except in cases where the chandelier is vertical and lowers a sufficiently large distance from the ceiling. This trick is only possible in rooms with high ceilings. In all other cases, it is better to install halogen lamps in shades and horns directed downward or sideways, and at a distance of 20 - 25 cm from the ceiling.

Energy-saving chandeliers for suspended ceilings

Energy-saving lamps are fluorescent lamps with built-in ballast. Their efficiency is much higher than that of incandescent lamps, and they practically do not heat up, but they have their drawbacks. There is mercury inside the bulb of an energy-saving lamp, so if the bulb is damaged or destroyed, it is necessary to take appropriate measures - vacate the room from people and animals and remove mercury gases. Also, after the expiration date of such a lamp, you cannot simply throw it in the trash, but must take it to a special collection point.

Energy-saving lamps for suspended ceilings can be of any power and located close to the canvas, for example, in horizontal chandeliers. The only limitation is rooms with high humidity. You cannot use energy-saving lamps in them - the power supply quickly breaks down. Energy-saving lamps can also be installed in horns pointing upward.

LED bulbs - perfect option for stretch ceiling. They have the highest efficiency, they do not heat up and are very durable. The lifespan of such lamps is about 10,000 hours of continuous operation (4 years), and their durability does not depend on the number of switches on. LEDs distribute diffused light, so the lamps do not require reflectors or reflectors. There are no restrictions on power and distance to the canvas for such lamps.

LED lamps for suspended ceilings are installed with a power supply, so it makes sense to use low-voltage light bulbs with one power supply in the chandelier. By the way, it must be placed in a ventilated place - a niche, behind a cabinet or other place. You will have to run wires from the power supply to the chandelier. The design of LED chandeliers is so intricate and unusual that it can decorate and add zest to any interior.

Method of mounting a chandelier for suspended ceilings

All chandeliers can be divided into two categories according to the method of mounting - pendant and overhead.

Hanging chandelier for a stretch ceiling it is hung on a special hook, which can be “tightly” fixed in concrete floor(which is most likely if the apartment is old and the chandelier was already hanging in it), it may have special fasteners for fixing in the voids of the floors, and the hook can also be welded to a plate screwed to the ceiling. If you are installing a hook indoors for the first time, then it makes sense to install an anchor hook, firmly securing it in the ceiling.

It is easiest to install on a suspended ceiling. To install them, you only need to lower the hook to the required height and make a small cut in the fabric to pull the wires and the chandelier rod through.

So-called ceiling chandelier for a stretch ceiling it is attached directly to the ceiling, therefore it is supplied together with special mounting elements - brackets.

Mounting strip most often it comes complete with not too heavy chandeliers, is equipped with mounting pins or has side holes with a side clamp and thread. Since the suspended ceiling will be lowered 5 - 6 cm or more from the main ceiling, the mounting strip must be secured so that it is at the required level. To do this, something should be placed between it and the main ceiling. This can be a wooden block 5 - 10 mm thick less than the height of the ceiling.

Cross mounting plate used for fastening heavy massive chandeliers in the shape of a circle, oval, square or rectangle. The task is the same as with the mounting strip. You need to take a piece of plywood, slightly larger than the size of the mounting cross, drill a hole in the middle through which you can stretch the electrical wires, and secure it to the ceiling with concrete anchor dowels. A “cross” mounting strip is attached through the plywood and right through to the concrete.

I-beam mounting plate comes complete with large chandeliers. You can attach it to the base ceiling in the same way as the “cross” plank.

Please note that ceiling chandeliers with “cross” and “I-beam” mounting strips require a fairly large hole in the stretch ceiling, which can negatively affect its appearance and tension. That is why pendant chandeliers and chandeliers with a conventional mounting strip are most often used.

What types of lamps for suspended ceilings are there?

In addition to chandeliers, in suspended ceilings you can install lamps, less voluminous and more compact lighting fixtures. There are such types of lamps for suspended ceilings - Spotlights, providing additional illumination of a certain corner, interior element or area of ​​the room, as well as main ceiling lights for suspended ceilings that perform the function general lighting instead of a chandelier. Spotlights are most often built-in, and ceiling lights are overhead, protruding beyond the canvas.

How to choose lamps for suspended ceilings so that they do not cause harm to the canvas, what lamps can be used and at what distance? Of course, incandescent lamps cannot be used in lamps. We'll look at the other types below.

As we have already written, halogen lamps heat up, so the lamps must be equipped with a reflector that directs the flow of light downwards. The body of the lamp itself, which uses halogen lamps for suspended ceilings, must be made of a material that minimally conducts heat. It is advisable that the lamp body protrudes beyond the canvas by at least 5 - 10 cm so that it does not heat up.

Also, the base of a lamp with a halogen lamp must be rotatable. Please note that the heating of a halogen lamp does not depend on voltage, so you can safely use 220 V lamps, discarding the idea of ​​​​installing 12 V lamps and converters. You won't gain anything, and installing wires and converters is extra hassle. Remember, the heating of the lamp depends only on the power.

Lamps with energy-saving lamps are most often spotlights. They can be located at any distance from the ceiling and have any power, since they practically do not heat up. In addition, the lamps always have a reflector that protects everything behind from heating.

Prices for energy-saving lamps for suspended ceilings are almost two times lower than for LED lamps, which is why they are still popular.

Lamps with LEDs cause the least damage to stretch ceilings; they do not heat up and dissipate heat perfectly. The category of lamps with diode lamps for suspended ceilings is the most extensive, with and without decorative elements that scatter and refract light. The body of such lamps is made of low heat-conducting materials and is specially insulated. The power and luminous capacity of LED lamps can vary depending on your needs.

LED lamps for suspended ceilings: photo example

Spotlights for suspended ceilings

Spot lights are the most extensive category of luminaires for suspended ceilings. They are quickly and easily installed, minimally disturbing the integrity of the canvas. Most often, these are recessed lamps that use various spotlights for suspended ceilings - halogen, energy-saving and LED.

Installation of spotlights is carried out on special mounting strips, which are mounted before the canvas is tensioned. Halogen lamps get very hot, so the body of the lamp should not get hot, be sure to check this before purchasing. Or insulate the lamp from the canvas with a heat-resistant gasket. For 1 m2 of room area, one lamp with a halogen lamp is required. At the same time, the ceiling drops by 6 cm. If you use LED spotlights, then the tension fabric can be mounted at a distance of 4 - 5 cm from the main ceiling.

Lamps for suspended ceilings: photo example

When choosing the design of a chandelier or lamp for a stretch ceiling, be sure to take into account the color, texture and pattern of the canvas. For example, spotlights with Greek ornaments, with smalt inserts or antique bronze will look tacky on a fabric stretch ceiling with a floral print.