Large DIY paper crafts. What you can make from paper with your own hands is easy, quick and beautiful. Types of origami in pictures

Everyone knows how to work with cardboard. IN kindergarten The littlest children are taught to create beautiful paper crafts. Later, the skills are consolidated in elementary school, and older children learn from each other and make cool figures, delicate flowers and “Valentines”, postcards and do-it-yourself cardboard panels. Among the techniques for working with paper are appliqué, quilling, origami, which allows you to create three-dimensional 3D crafts, and design.

Everyone knows how to work with cardboard. In kindergarten, the youngest children are taught to create beautiful paper crafts.

For paper crafts, the master does not need complex tools. The most basic things can be found in any home, and what is missing can be easily purchased at the nearest stationery store. So, you will need:

  • paper different varieties and types (white, colored, corrugated, etc.);
  • cardboard (thin, for child labor, sleeves from toilet paper, postcards, etc.);
  • scissors;
  • wire;
  • stationery knife;
  • simple pencil;
  • paper glue (silicate, PVA, starch or other).

You can decorate paper crafts with your own hands with beautiful ribbons, beads or rhinestones, and sparkles. Paints with a brush can also come in handy. You can use glossy magazine pages or napkins as colored paper. different shades. If you need to cut out a lot of identical parts, it is best to prepare a template from thin cardboard in advance.

We make paper crafts ourselves (video)

Paper flowers

They can be useful for decorating cards, creating bouquets and compositions, and for decorating other crafts. Flowers are the most indispensable element any holiday and a special category in papermaking. They can be made from almost any type of material chosen.

For those who like to work with their own hands, a master class on what kind of roses can be created from double-sided colored paper will be very interesting. You will need circles of different diameters: the larger the workpiece, the more magnificent and larger the rose will come out. Don't try to cut out the perfect shape. The uneven edge will give a natural look to the flower petals.

Cut the finished circle in a spiral, moving from the edge to the center, leaving a small circle in the middle. The resulting strip now needs to be rolled into a roll, also starting from the edge. Make the first few turns tight, and then wind the rest of the strip around this core, aligning the bottom edges of the paper. As you work, you can lightly fasten the coils with glue, especially if the material is dense and hard. Having finished twisting, glue the bottom edge of the roll to the circle remaining in the center.

From such roses you can make a panel with flowers. If you stick flowers on a cardboard heart, you will get a beautiful “Valentine” or card. By attaching roses to natural branches, you can create an ikebana-style composition.

Leaves and flowers using origami technique

The Japanese art of origami allows you to make voluminous crafts from paper for the most different topics. Flowers and leaves can be made from modules that are held together with glue. For Women's Day or another spring holiday You can quickly make a souvenir in the old Japanese style.

You can give a whole basket of snowdrops to someone even in New Year's Eve, if you use the instructions. All you need is white and green paper, a basket and wire. Origami snowdrops need to be made step by step from the Trefoil modules:

  1. For each flower you need to make 3 modules from white paper, as follows from the diagram (above, left).
  2. Apply glue to one of the leaves, it is shaded in the photo on the right, above. Insert the piece of paper into the pocket on another module, from the reverse side of the same sheet.
  3. Glue the 3rd trefoil in the same way, and then connect the outer modules using the same technique. There will be a hole in the center (photo above, lower left corner).

All that remains is to make the stem and leaves of the snowdrops. To do this, you need to wrap the wire in thin paper (corrugated or napkin). Leave a free end about 2 cm long. Make a thickening around it by winding a little more layers of paper. Pass the free part of the wire through the hole in the calyx of the flower, make a ring inside it and bring the remaining tip to the stem. Roll on several more layers of green paper to form the base of the flower. Glue long narrow leaves, bend the stem and make a few more snowdrops.

Other samples of crafts in the photo below were created from the same modules: for a water lily you need to assemble a base from 7 green modules, connecting them in the same way as for a snowdrop cup. White flower consists of 3 rows with a gradually decreasing number of modules (from 6 to 3). For petals, you need to place the elements inside out. The craft “Fuchsia Bouquet” consists of flowers made in the same way as snowdrops, but from 2 tiers – white and pink. Using origami modules, you can make other crafts from colored paper, connecting them in different quantities according to the same principle.

Origami leaves are also made in another way. How to make different types of paper out of paper step by step:

  1. Draw a sheet layout. You can do this on paper folded in half so that the halves are symmetrical. If the material is not painted, then a brush and gouache will come to the rescue.
  2. Fold the finished unfolded sheet like an accordion, placing the folds parallel to the lower, long side of the pattern.
  3. Squeeze the folded piece in the middle and bend it so that the halves of the long side are side by side. Glue these parts together.
  4. The stem can be made from twisted paper or wire. A small hole remains where the folded reamer is folded. You need to thread the finished element into it and glue the end.

Flowers and beautiful autumn leaves can be combined in a variety of compositions. But interesting ideas from paper are not limited to this.

Gallery: beautiful paper crafts (25 photos)

Fun bookmarks for books

Another area of ​​application of skills in papermaking is the production of simple but necessary things. These also include DIY crafts such as bookmarks. It's nice to pick up a book or notebook in which funny cartoon characters, a funny monster or cute little animals will appear from the right page.

The easiest way to make bookmarks is with slotted parts. To make them, it is better to take thick paper or thin cardboard. The diagrams can be enlarged and printed, or you can make the desired drawing yourself. Further work is very simple: along the edge of the colored muzzle of the fox, on the border with the gray stripe, you need to make a through cut. A stationery knife will help with this.

All the bookmarks in the photo below were made using the same principle. To decorate the elements, you can use movable eyes and decorative wire (“brush”), applique and paints. The imagination of the master can suggest the most incredible ideas based on the products already presented. Figures of birds and animals can also be used to decorate homemade postcards, cutting holes along the contour of a branch (for an owl and a bird), depicting a snowdrift from behind which a fox’s face will peek out, etc.

Corner bookmarks

Another option for bookmarks is a corner. To make such things you need to make a pattern, as in the photo. To create such a diagram, you need to draw a square, and then add 2 more of the same shapes to it on adjacent sides. Draw diagonals in the side parts.

Then you can act in different ways. By stopping at step 1 and cutting out a polygon consisting of a square and 2 triangles, the master will be able to make a bookmark with a large backdrop (a critter or an angry bird). Continuing to draw, lengthening the lines formed by the hypotenuses of the triangles and connecting their extreme points with a straight line, you can make a bookmark with a slightly protruding backdrop (a bunny or a flower corner). In any of the options, you need to fold the pattern along the sides of the triangles. Connect the triangles with glue. Between them and the back of the bookmark there is a pocket into which you can insert a book page. Glue additional details and decor separately.

Another option for bookmarks is a corner

The corner can be made in another way:

  1. Cut out 2 parts from a postcard, a beautiful candy box, or velvet paper. It could be a heart or another figure.
  2. Sew the sharp corner of the heart with a contrasting thread.
  3. Decorate, if necessary, the front side of the romantic bookmark.

For those who do not yet use books on their own, ideas for creating toys will be useful. The child can even make some of them with his own hands under the guidance of elders.

Paper flowers (video)

Paper toys

Almost regardless of age, children love to play with building models. They build houses from cubes, boxes, and any available material. Then these structures are replaced by the houses of Barbie and Ken and their many friends.

Back in the 18th century, the art of creating toy houses from paper and cardboard was widespread. These models were quite expensive and available only to wealthy families. Nowadays, when materials can even be waste, all parents can afford to make a paper house for a child.

To create a fairytale log hut you will need paper straws. They can be made by folding thin cardboard, whatman paper or similar material into a template (on a pencil). The edges need to be coated with glue and connected. Together with your child, you can build a fairy-tale house from ready-made “logs”, glue windows with shutters, a roof and doors to it.

Another option for crafts made from cardboard or thick paper are models created from scans. This could be a model of Baba Yaga's hut, your own house, a castle or some kind of fictional building. It is desirable that its walls are connected to each other. The unfolding pattern should resemble a unfolded box: with only 1 seam connecting the sides. Glue the base and roof separately. By cutting out a fence from paper, you can surround such a house with a fence.

It is very convenient to make round castle towers from cylindrical rolls from towels, toilet paper, cling film, etc. For them, you need to make a roof in the form of a cone, rolling it from a circle cut along the radius. Having understood the principle of constructing such patterns, everyone will be able to independently create paper houses of a more complex design.

Near the house you can always meet some animals: cats, dogs, and if this is a fairy-tale forest hut, then a deer or even an elephant. Children really love these paper figures. Older children are happy to create them on their own, but younger children need to be shown how to make the desired animal out of paper:

  1. Draw the torso and head.
  2. Draw the legs or paws in the form of a symmetrical figure. This could be an arch, a corner, etc.
  3. Make slits on the body where the legs should be.
  4. Insert the paw parts into the slots, securing them perpendicular to the plane of the body.

To make a baby elephant, the legs need to be drawn and cut out along with the body. He will be able to stand, leaning on his huge ears. This detail is also made symmetrical, and it can be inserted into the slot on the head of the elephant figure.

Cardboard sleeves can be used as a basis for figures of people and animals. After painting or pasting them with colored paper, you need to cut out and attach the details of the face or muzzle, headdress, hair, ears and horns.

There are many options for making various paper crafts. Craftsmen with an artistic streak create real masterpieces, assembling three-dimensional paintings from carved parts. But even children can begin to acquire skills in handling cardboard and paper, develop spatial imagination and hone their taste.

Attention, TODAY only!

This site contains mainly diagrams and videos of origami folding.

Sections of origami folding patterns

Folding patterns for origami animals and more

Schemes for folding origami plants. This section also includes flowers, which can also be found in a separate category

Schemes for folding origami of various objects

Schemes for folding origami flowers, part of the "Origami of Plants" section, separated into a separate category

Movable origami folding patterns. Everything that moves, jumps, gallops

Origami diagrams consisting of folding several sheets of paper

Origami folding patterns that need to be inflated

Schemes for folding origami napkins for table setting

A selection of origami from all sections containing videos of folding patterns

This site contains diagrams and videos of origami folding.

At the moment, the resource is mainly aimed at beginners; almost all assembly patterns are quite simple, but interesting even for those who have been interested in origami for a long time.

1. Don’t have anything to keep your child occupied? Teach him how to fold simple paper origami. This will not only interest him, but also develop fine motor skills fingers, will teach patience and attentiveness, and introduce you to the world around you. Children love to do things with their own hands, and not only children, it is always nice to create something so that later you can proudly say: “I made it myself.”

2. Best gift– made with your own hands. This is an unusual paper craft great option, because the gift turns out to be absolutely unique, and most importantly, it is not just a hastily purchased item in the nearest store, but original item, which was made specially, on which a person spent time understanding the origami diagram, sometimes even more than one hour. Some will say that giving a paper craft is not serious, but just look at this rose, it’s like a real one! And you can put together a whole bouquet of these. Of course, you can also give money, but even here you can present a gift creatively by making a paper hare or bull out of money.

3. Valentines. Yes, yes, here you can also show your individuality and surprise your other half not with an ordinary heart cut out of paper, but with a beautiful, neat paper valentine folded using the origami technique.

4. Useful little things in the form of paper envelopes, beautiful gift boxes or photo frames. All this is, first of all, original, unusual and not at all difficult to do yourself using step-by-step origami diagrams.

5. Origami is a way to decorate a room. A paper swan made from modules can take its rightful place in any home and attract the admiring glances of guests. Don’t forget about kusudama – bright flower balls. Such paper crafts can be hung on a string in any corner of the apartment.

Both boys and girls of any preschool and junior age school age love to design. Cubes and construction sets, plasticine and paper - even the smallest children have a craving for creating the same tower of cubes. The early activities of parents or educators with children directly affect the development of their abilities.

Construction helps to develop imaginative thinking, improves hand motor skills, and broadens one’s horizons. At 3-4 years old, a child is already able to make things out of paper. He is able to fold paper, learn to cut with scissors, create three-dimensional designs, and crafts from paper with his own hands. At the same time, accuracy and precision of movements develop.

The easiest way to keep your child busy with paper crafts without putting dangerous scissors or glue in his hands is origami.

Introduction to origami

It is better to start the first origami lesson by creating the lightest paper craft; the child’s hand should get used to working with this material. Start by getting to know the simplest geometric figure- square. Try to talk on behalf of the square about what you can do with it. In a playful way, you can explain that it has sides and corners, and show the child how to find its center. Having taught how to fold triangles, you can show your child how to make a composition from them, folding, for example, a Christmas tree. From a folded rectangle you can make a door, which can be glued onto a base prepared with the help of an adult in the form of a drawn house.

Gradually, tasks may become more difficult. From squares different sizes, turned into triangles, the child can be asked to fold a Christmas tree that expands downward. From a triangle and a rectangle folded by a child, you can construct a mushroom. Templates for origami-type paper crafts can be found in special books. Below is

Origami for advanced masters

The art of origami is a suitable creative activity not only for children but also for adults. This calms you down, creates a meditative mood, and ultimately allows you to create a beautiful thing with your own hands.

To twist the tube you will need a newspaper, a long knitting needle, PVA glue, and a sharp stationery or kitchen knife. The newspaper spread is folded in half lengthwise and carefully cut with a knife. Then they fold and cut again until you get four strips for four tubes. After this, take a knitting needle and, placing it against the edge of the newspaper at a slight angle, begin to carefully twist it. Having twisted to the end, apply a drop of PVA glue to the corner, pressing lightly, remove the knitting needle and put the resulting tube aside until the glue dries. When weaving, the tubes must be held in order to give them the intended shape. Weaving begins with products small size, over time, taking into account and evaluating all the features of the material.

Baskets and boxes, photo frames and mug stands, vases and wall panels. But a developed imagination allows you to use this material and type of technology almost unlimitedly.


Quilling is another type of paper craft that is gaining popularity. This is a technique of twisting long narrow strips of paper into spirals and then modifying them to create flat or three-dimensional compositions.

Quilling is native to Mediterranean Europe. This hobby is very common in America, England and Germany. It is also called "paper filigree". Despite the name, the technique allows you to make simple crafts from paper even for a child. Spirals made of paper in capable hands turned into flowers and patterns used to decorate gift wrapping, handmade cards, albums, photo frames. Products made in are used as wall decorations, and even made into costume jewelry. This is a budget-friendly, beautiful and simple type of needlework.

In quilling, dyed paper of special density is used. It is important that both sides and the cut itself are the same color, although sometimes paper with two different colors on both sides of the sheet is used for a special effect.

Sets of ready-made paper are sold in specialized stores, but you can also cut the strips yourself.


Using this technique, you can make three-dimensional figures and images from paper. Thin and soft paper, such as corrugated paper, is used for trimming. Small squares are cut out of it, which are then rolled into cones or funnels. The top of this cone is smeared with glue and glued to the base. Multi-colored cones glued to the base create a voluminous and beautiful panel. This way you can make a picture or a postcard, or you can create an interior topiary.

Iris Folding

This technique of paper art is not very widespread in Russia, but it has a rich history and unlimited possibilities for self-expression. At its core, it is a technique of folding paper strips so that their pattern resembles a twisting spiral. The drawing is laid out from colored paper or paper with a pattern, carefully selecting shades to make it harmonious. The resulting pattern is covered with a frame on top - a motif or silhouette cut out of paper. As a result, even a child will be able to make an easy craft out of paper - a beautiful panel or postcard.

Papier mache

Papier-mâché is a simple and accessible technique with great potential for handicraft creativity. This technique is used to make caskets and caskets, vases and jewelry, theatrical props, dolls, figurines and animal figurines, toys, covers with painting, embossing and varnishing. Even interior decoration elements are made from papier-mâché: from decorative panels for walls and doors to architectural stucco for walls and ceilings. Mirror frames, candlesticks, lamps and even furniture made using the papier-mâché technique are distinguished by their beauty and originality. However, even the lightest paper crafts can be made using this technique.

Papier mâché (French papier mâché) means "chewed or torn paper." The basis of papier-mâché is paper, which easily turns into a mass that can be molded. Glue, plaster or starch are added to the composition of the mass.

Three techniques for making papier-mâché products

First way

A model of the product is being prepared, which will need to be covered with paper. It can be made of wood, clay, plasticine or plaster. The model can be smeared with glue and secured under layers of paper, or it can be removed from the paper layer, for which it is coated with Vaseline in advance. Torn wet paper is applied to the selected model using glue. Alternating a layer of paper with a layer of glue, they are pasted over in layers, the number of which can reach up to a hundred. Previously, starch-based paste was used for gluing, but nowadays you can purchase special glue. Gluing paper layer by layer is called mashing.

Second way

The product is formed from liquid paper pulp, to obtain which the paper is cut or torn into pieces and soaked a day before they plan to start work. hot water. After this, the soaked mass is boiled. Then the water is squeezed out, the pieces of paper are loosened and dried. The dry mass is mixed with chalk and a special glue from the mixture and starch paste is gradually poured into it until a dough with a soft and plastic structure is formed. This paper dough is poured into a mold or applied to the product.

Third way

For this type of papier-mâché you need hard cardboard and PVA glue. The method is reminiscent of plywood manufacturing technology. The model is made by gluing together pieces of hard cardboard. After this, the cardboard is subjected to pressure; specialists use staples and a stapler to fix the glued plates, or vices and clamps. Dried products are puttied, sanded, primed, after which they are painted and varnished or embossed.

Thus, paper is one of the most versatile, inexpensive and easy-to-use materials for creativity and handicrafts. You can make easy crafts from paper, decorate your home, transform the interior, make original gift, reminiscent of a work of art.

Paper crafts are one of the easiest, most interesting and popular areas of handicrafts. Paper allows both children and adults to create: Small child can make a small simple colored applique, and an experienced craftswoman will create a masterpiece from it using the quilling technique.

Industrial paper production was developed in the 18th century. With its appearance in wide access, the first crafts began to appear: postcards self made, appliques, figures from sheets folded in a special way. Children are now taught how to make crafts from colored paper even in kindergarten, and every schoolchild will probably be able to make a paper airplane and a boat, or a flower from corrugated paper. However, knowledge about paper crafts often ends at this level. Meanwhile, there are many techniques that allow you to create real paper masterpieces.

Techniques for creating paper crafts

Depending on the desired result, to make a paper craft, you can choose one of the following techniques:

  • origami (creating paper figures without the use of scissors or glue);
  • kirigami (origami with glue);
  • papier-mâché (3-dimensional figures made from pieces of paper and glue);
  • quilling (crafts made from thin twisted strips);
  • trimming (use of twisted squares in crafts);
  • Katagami (cutting out pictures on paper using templates);
  • Iris Folding (spiral layout of a paper pattern);
  • decoupage (decorating objects with paper);
  • parchment (artistic perforation on parchment);
  • collage (picture made from paper pieces).

Some techniques have several subtypes, for example, origami can be classic, modular, “wet”, etc. Using various techniques will allow you to create with your own hands unusual crafts made of paper and cardboard, in particular we recommend paying attention to. With us you can easily learn how to make interesting paper projects, thanks to master classes on making paper crafts.

Choosing paper for crafts

To make paper crafts with your own hands, you need to choose the right source material. When choosing paper, you should consider:

  • density (tracing paper, thin, thick paper, cardboard, etc.);
  • structure (smooth, corrugated, perforated, etc.);
  • softness (soft pliable, medium, hard);
  • color (double-sided, containing drawings, etc.).

So for the classical origami technique it is used medium density smooth paper with double-sided color. For papier-mâché it is better to choose soft sheets newspaper type, napkins. Double-sided thin paper is ideal for quilling and cutting.

How to learn paper craft

In fact, learning how to make paper crafts is easy. There are enough master classes on the Internet with diagrams and templates, detailed description actions. The best master classes are presented for free on our website.

For your first paper craft, it is better to choose a simple model and a step-by-step description of its execution. Compliance with the main principles of consistency, accuracy and clarity will allow the paper crafter to achieve success from the first craft.

To create three-dimensional paper crafts, you need to learn how to read diagrams, but it is not difficult. What is interesting about paper art is that it does not require any special knowledge or skills. Anyone can master the technique of creating paper crafts.

Useful tips

Paper crafts with children is a wonderful way to spend free time with your family.

Do different crafts with children, and everyone will be very pleased, not only with the result, but also with the process itself.

Take advantage of our tips and ideas to improve your skills in making crafts and acquire new ones.

DIY paper crafts. Wicker heart.

This beautiful heart is very easy to make. It can serve as both a decoration tool and a beautiful addition to a gift, especially if you made it for a loved one.

You will need:

2 sheets of A4 paper (colors: blue and red)




1. Fold the sheets in half and cut them into 2 halves (the cut should be made perpendicular to the bend).

2. Take each half and make 2 or 3 cuts on the fold side.

3. Start weaving a paper heart.

Insert the blue stripe into the red one and the red stripe into the blue one.

Alternate all the strips until the end.

Trim the ends to give the piece a heart shape.

4. Glue a strip to the paper heart so you can hang it.

* The simplest option This is a heart made of two stripes on each leaf. The more cuts, the longer it will take to weave, but the craft itself will look more beautiful and interesting.

* You can put sweets, a card or other surprise in your heart.

Paper crafts for children. Toys.

You'll need:

Old newspaper or paper

PVA glue

Paints (gouache)

1. First, prepare some newspaper and shred it. Children can help you with this, and such an activity will be interesting even to the smallest. You should not cut newspaper with scissors.

2. Pour hot water over the mixture of crumpled newspapers and leave for a few minutes.

3. Now mash the paper pieces into homogeneous mass. If you want to speed up the process, you can use a mixer.

4. Drain off excess water and squeeze out the paper pulp. You should end up with a lump of wet newspaper from which you can sculpt figures.

5. To start sculpting from a lump, you first need to make it elastic.

For this:

Prepare the glue and start adding it to the mixture little by little, remembering to mix thoroughly

The process of adding glue and mixing must be continued until the mass begins to resemble plasticine.

* It is worth noting that you do not need to overdo it with glue so that the mass does not turn out to be very liquid.

6. Now you have material for modeling. You can, for example, sculpt cars and airplanes for boys or dishes for dolls for girls.

7. After you have molded the desired toy, leave it to dry.

8. When the toy has dried, you can start painting it.

Crafts made from colored paper. Cylinder hat.

You will need:

Colored cardboard (or colored construction paper)

Colored paper


PVA glue

1. Place a large plate on the paper and trace it. Cut out the circle.

2. Place a small plate in the middle and circle it. Cut out the middle. It is advisable that the circumference of the small plate is approximately equal to the circumference of your head.

3. Prepare a large piece of paper (or glue several small ones together) and cut it so that its circumference roughly matches the circumference of your head. Next, make several cuts along the edges.

4. Roll the sheet into a tube and glue it together.

5. Insert the pipe into the fields and attach it to the circle by bending the edges and gluing them.

6. Glue the small circle that you previously cut out to the top of the future hat (i.e., to the top of the tube).

How to make a paper craft. Apple with a worm.

You will need:

Colored paper



1. First you need to think about what color your apple will be (yellow, red or green).

2. When you have decided on a color, you need to crumple a sheet of newspaper into a tight ball, then wrap it in a sheet of the color that you have chosen.

* To prevent your apple from unraveling, apply glue to the protruding edges of the paper.

3. Prepare a small rectangular brown leaf and roll it into a tube to make an apple tail.

4. Prepare green leaf paper and fold it in half, then cut out the blanks for the apple leaf.

5. Using a pencil, mark the hole in the apple. After this, you can glue the tail and leaves.

6. Prepare black paper and crumple it into 6-7 small balls, from which you will then make a worm. Make one ball larger than the rest - this will be the head.

7. Start gluing the balloons onto the apple. First, it is advisable to apply glue and wait a little, then press the balls.

Crafts made from cardboard and paper. Magic castle.

This fairytale castle is made using cardboard and cardboard toilet paper cylinders. The author of this project is Australian and mother of two children. She is the author of several books, the main theme of which is paper crafts.

You will need:

8 cardboard toilet paper cylinders

Cardboard box

4 straws

Colored cardboard



1. Preparing the main castle building

Prepare the box and cut off the top flaps. Next, cut out the lock teeth around the perimeter.

2. Making towers

You need to attach a paper cylinder (aka “tower”) to the corner of the box so that it (the corner) is approximately in the middle.

Use a marker to mark where the walls of your castle meet the edge of the "tower".

In the marked places, make shallow cuts - about 3cm.

Repeat the process with the remaining three castle towers.

3. We attach flags to the towers

Prepare colored cardboard and cut out triangles from it. Next, glue the triangles to the straws using tape. After this, glue (also using tape) the straws to the towers.

4. We make windows and doors

For windows and doors you will need paint - just draw windows and doors on colored cardboard and glue them to the front of the castle (you can use glue or tape).

5. Green surroundings

Prepare a sheet of green cardboard and draw 4 tree crowns on it. Take 4 loose cardboard cylinders from toilet paper and make two cuts - opposite each other, then insert the crowns into the trunks.

That's all!

DIY paper crafts for children. Owl family.

All you need is a cardboard base from paper towels or toilet paper and paint.

1. First, paint each cylinder a unique color. Leave to dry after painting.

2. Fold the top of each piece as shown in the image and you will have owl ears.

3. You can draw eyes or glue plastic blanks.

4. Cut out wings and a beak from paper of a different color, which you then glue to the owl’s body.

Paper crafts (diagrams). Snake.

Using the paper accordion method you can make this cute snake.

1. Prepare a sheet of paper and cut two strips of the same length.

2. Fold these strips into a shape resembling the Latin letter L.

3. Start folding one strip over another one at a time. In the end, you should end up with an elastic, elongated accordion.

4. Draw a funny snake face on colored cardboard and cut it out.

5. Glue the face onto the end of the paper accordion.