How to grow tulips in a pot at home. How to grow tulips on a windowsill for the spring holidays

23.09.2016 18 769

Growing tulips or colorful flower bed no hassle

Growing tulips is a most exciting activity for any gardener. Thanks to their pretentious colors and variety of unusual shapes, tulips have long gained worldwide popularity. And, although these plants come from Central Asia, we should thank the Dutch for their appearance and popularization on the European continent, who treated the selection and cultivation of new varieties of this amazing plant with special love and passion.

Tulips, cultivation and care in open ground

Tulip bulbs are round in shape. The bulb is a material for propagation, as well as a concentrate of micronutrients that the plant will need at the time of awakening and further development. If you still don’t quite know where to start, we recommend starting with the selection of bulbs for planting.

Growing these plants in open ground- one of the most simple ways. Almost all varieties of tulips are suitable for this, the bulbs of which can be purchased at a flower shop.

    At the time of buying pay attention to the following:
  • the bulb, large or small, must be dense, without visible damage, heavy, in a smooth shell without regrown roots and stems;
  • It is better not to purchase bulbs that are disproportionate in shape, too light, covered in mold or wrinkled. The same as with obvious damage, without scales. Such bulbs are most likely to rot;
  • Different varieties of tulips differ in the shape and color of the bulbs. Be carefull! If you purchase at least five varieties of tulips and the bulbs look exactly the same in appearance, this should alert you.

on the picture - good bulbs tulips

in the photo - bad tulip bulbs

Choosing a planting site is a determining factor for growth and development young plant. Tulips prefer places well lit by the sun from all sides, with neutral or slightly acidic, loose soil. At the same time, tulips, the cultivation and care of which do not require any special features, still prefer soil well seasoned with organic fertilizers.

Therefore, before planting the bulbs, we add a mixture to the soil: rotted manure - 5 kg, peat - 2 kg, slaked lime- 200g, nitrophoska - 30-40g, per 1 m². If the soil on your site is heavy, peaty or clayey, add a little river sand (3-5 kg ​​per 1 m²). After applying fertilizer, dig up the soil. Data preparatory work carry out in advance, 10-14 days before the intended planting of the bulbs.

We start planting tulips in September, and in warm climates - from the beginning of October. It is necessary to take into account all the points. Before planting the bulbs in the soil, we will conduct a final inspection, rejecting all suspiciously sick ones and those with visible damage. 30 minutes before planting, you can immerse the bulbs in 0.2%, which will disinfect and fill them with moisture.

in the photo - tulips grown on summer cottage

Before the onset of winter frosts, mulch the ridges with sawdust, peat with a layer of 5-7 cm and additionally cover with a layer of spruce branches if your choice fell on early-flowering varieties of tulips. In early spring, after the snow melts, remove the shelter, but the mulch will serve you for some time, suppressing the growth of weeds and retaining moisture. Feed young plant roots with the prepared mineral mixture. Fertilize again when the first buds are planted, but in liquid form. Also, do not forget about watering, which should be done at least once every 10-12 days, at the rate of 6-8 liters per 1 m².

Ripening of daughter bulbs and their storage

In order to obtain high-quality seed material in the future, it is necessary to take into account the subtleties of how to grow tulips. Daughter bulbs are formed when the tulips bloom. During this period, you need to feed the plants with liquid fertilizer. The best option This type of feeding is mullein, diluted with water to the color of weak tea leaves in an amount of 10 liters, to which 15 g of superphosphate and 30 g of potassium salt should be added. The consumption of such fertilizer is 10 liters per 1 m².

in the photo - tulips on personal plot

During the period of death of the above-ground part of the flower, the bulb finally ripens. As a rule, the ripening process lasts from two to three weeks. To make the bulb larger, it is recommended to cut off the flower, leaving a few leaves. An indicator that the bulb is ripe is its covering with fresh scales, which, depending on the chemical composition soils become light or dark brown in color. In the bulb itself, the rudiments of leaves, flowers and small bulbs - children - are formed.

in the photo - dividing a tulip bulb

To ensure that the quality of the bulbs is always high and that growing tulips brings only pleasure, they need to be dug up annually. Dry the bulbs thoroughly and only after this, after 7-10 days, when the bulbs are dry, they need to be divided, cleaned of old scales and remnants of stems, sorted, and then sent for storage.

Tulip bulbs are stored in plastic or cardboard containers. They must be laid in one, maximum two layers, leaving room for good air circulation.
It is important to remember that this is the process of forming a new flower bud does not end, and therefore it is advisable to store tulip bulbs for a month at a temperature of +25...+30 degrees Celsius. Only after this the storage temperature should be lowered to +15...+17 degrees.

How to grow tulips? Things to remember

  1. Selection of planting material. The bulbs should be hard, heavy, without damage or mold.
  2. The place for growing tulips should be well lit by the sun, and the soil should be neutral, light, fertile.
  3. A few weeks before planting tulips, the area chosen for planting needs to be fertilized and dug up.
  4. Plantings with tulips for the winter must be mulched and covered with spruce branches.
  5. In the spring, after the snow has melted, you need to add dry mineral fertilizers, leaving the mulch. Then fertilizers are applied one or two more times, but only in liquid form.
  6. The ripening of the bulbs occurs during the flowering period. It is during this period that the plants need to be fed.
  7. To ensure that the bulbs do not lose quality, they must be dug up and dried annually before being sent for storage.
  8. Tulip bulbs are stored in containers in one or two layers, with good air circulation.

Many gardeners grow tulips in a pot at home to please their significant other on March 8th or to profit from the further sale of flowers.

In most cases, such plants develop in a flower bed, but early flowering can be obtained by planting bulbs in ordinary pots in winter.

Our article will be devoted to the process of growing tulips in flowerpots.


Depending on the chosen variety, the height of the tulip can vary from 10 centimeters to 1 meter. The root part of this plant consists of adventitious roots that develop and die every year.

The stem of the flower is erect and cylindrical in shape. The leaves are elongated, lanceolate, green with a barely noticeable waxy coating. The largest leaf is considered to be the lower one, the largest leaf blade is located in the upper part of the crop.

Note: Most varieties of tulips have only one inflorescence, but in some species three to five flowers can form simultaneously.

The inflorescences are white, yellow or red, consist of 6 petals and the same number of stamens. U hybrid varieties the color is slightly different in this case flowers may be purple or violet.

Tulip petals also have different shapes:

  • cup-shaped;
  • star-shaped;
  • fringed;
  • oval;
  • lily-shaped.

The size of the blossoming inflorescence also depends on the variety. If the length of a flower can reach up to 12 centimeters, then the diameter of the inflorescence ranges from 3...10 centimeters. Tulips usually open in cloudy weather and finish blooming at nightfall or in unfavorable weather conditions.

For home growing

London variety

The choice of tulips is actually huge, but not all varieties are suitable for growing at home in a pot. The most adapted crops include:

  • London;
  • Oxford;
  • Parade Record;
  • Aristocrat;
  • Negrita;
  • Scarborough;
  • Confux;
  • Diplomat.

It is important to know: Low plants are ideal for growing at home. Such crops are undemanding in care and have good disease resistance.

Tulip bulbs can be bought at any specialty store or prepared from your own planting material. There are some nuances to using your own seeds:

  1. Their flowers need careful care during the development period.
  2. Bulbs are dug up in the spring after the tulips have faded during the period when the stems turn yellow.
  3. The largest bulbs are selected for storage and further planting.

When drying seed material the following must be observed temperature regime. In the first week of storage, the room temperature is set at 34 degrees. In the next two months, temperatures are reduced to +23 degrees.

In the next third month, the temperature is again reduced to +17 degrees. After some time, the bulbs are placed in a gauze bag and placed in the refrigerator. In this state, the seed material is stored until planting.

Preparatory work for forcing bulbs

Winter growing of tulips involves using forcing technology.

During the main work, the gardener must bring the temperature and humidity, as well as lighting, as close as possible to natural conditions.

The main work on growing tulips at home is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Planting of bulbs occurs in the last ten days of September.
  2. To grow flowers, choose flowerpots up to 15 centimeters deep.
  3. You can buy the soil mixture or prepare it yourself. It consists of one part humus and river sand and two parts turf soil. To enrich the soil with microelements, a little wood ash is added to its composition.
  4. We inspect the bulbs for the presence of diseases, lower planting material for 30 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection.
  5. We place drainage in pots and fill them with a nutrient mixture.
  6. We lay the bulbs on the surface of the soil, maintaining a distance of 1 centimeter.
  7. We fill the planting material with soil.
  8. We water the soil.
  9. We move the pots to a dark, but damp and cool room. The temperature in this place should not exceed +9 degrees, humidity is within 80%.

Keep in mind: bulbs need to be cooled before planting, which will stimulate intensive development culture.

Further care for flowers consists of: additional watering. The soil must be moistened at least once a week.

How to achieve flowering

A few weeks after sowing, the first shoots will begin to appear from the pots. When the height of the leaves reaches 6 or 7 centimeters, they are transferred to a bright room and gradually begin to accustom them to sunlight.

Indoors it is necessary to achieve optimal humidity air (about 80%). Such indicators can be obtained by periodically spraying plants.

When growing flowers at home, you must follow the following rules:

  1. plants should not be exposed to direct sunlight;
  2. it is necessary to protect vegetative crops from drafts;
  3. keep pots away from heating radiators;
  4. To moisten the soil, settled liquid is used at a temperature of 18-22 degrees.
  5. It is advisable to cut flowers in the morning near the surface of the ground.

Gardener's advice: For the first time after moving, the flowers should be covered with a paper cap. The temperature also needs to be increased gradually to +18 degrees in two days. When growing tulips in winter time Artificial supplementary illumination may be necessary.

It is not recommended to use the bulb for re-forcing tulips, but the planting material can be restored in open ground. In this regard, after flowering ends, it is necessary to cut the bulb and reduce watering.

After the leaves turn yellow, the bulbs are removed from the soil and dried. Planting material is stored in the basement, where the temperature is set to +18 degrees.

Growing tulips yourself in winter is quite simple, but to do this you must follow the rules described above. At proper care these flowers will delight the hostess with colorful inflorescences and long-lasting flowering.

How to properly plant tulips in pots, see the following video:

Tulips are perennial herbaceous bulbous plants with showy flowers. Tulips are in some way a symbol of spring and tenderness. These plants will undoubtedly decorate any garden, but they can be grown not only outside, but also at home.

Tulips at home: what you need

So, in order to plant and grow tulips at home you will need:

  • tulip bulbs,
  • container for planting plants,
  • pebbles/soil for filling containers.

There are two options for growing tulips: in soil and without. To grow tulips without soil, you will need pebbles, decorative stones or other similar container filling.

As for containers, there are also options here: you can plant tulips in a pot or container; Recently, growing tulips in a vase or glass containers has been gaining popularity - it turns out very beautifully.

Growing tulips at home: when to plant

Theoretically, you can plant tulips at home whenever you want, but practically best time for planting bulbs - from mid-September to mid-December (depending on the variety). Tulips are mainly planted in October and November.

About bulbs

When purchasing tulip bulbs, remember that the larger the bulbs, the larger the flowers will be. The bulbs should be firm and without blemishes.

Once you have purchased your bulbs, don't rush to plant them. First you need to prepare them. The bulbs should sit for 12-15 weeks in a cool place at a temperature of 2 to 7 ° C (for example, in the refrigerator, basement, garage, balcony). Cooling the bulbs for less time will lead to zero results.

Tulip bulbs exposed to cold temperatures before winter can form flowering plants ahead of schedule their natural flowering. This method is called forcing.

By the way, if you decide to cool future tulips in the refrigerator, keep them away from fruits: some of them emit ethylene gas, which can ruin the bulbs.

If desired, you can purchase pre-chilled bulbs at a flower shop. These can be planted immediately.

Planting tulips

After cooling the tulip bulbs for 12-15 weeks or purchasing already cooled bulbs, you need to plant them.

Growing tulips in water (without soil)

It is more convenient to grow tulips without soil in transparent containers, since it is necessary to control the water level. Let's take a vase for example.

Fill the vase with pebbles or decorative stones and immerse the bulb, pointy side up, about one-third of the way into it, keeping it stable.

Add water to the vase. The water should not touch the bulb, but should be close enough to allow roots to grow. If there is too much water, the bulb will begin to rot. When the roots grow, they should be in water.

It is convenient to use a vase that narrows towards the top and then expands again (as in the photo above). In this case you will not need any filling, just water.

Place the vase in a cool, dark place (10-15°C) for 4-6 weeks - this is the dormant period of root growth. After the roots have grown, the vase can be moved to a warm, bright room.

Growing tulips in the ground

The soil for tulips should be loose, fertile, neutral (or slightly alkaline). Acidic soils Not suitable for tulips.

Bury the bulb three-quarters of the way into the soil, pointed side up. When planting and in the future, the soil should be well moistened.

Planted bulbs must be kept in a cool place (10-15°C) until leaves begin to form. This will help form a denser stem that is less likely to fall over. As soon as the leaves appear, the plant should be moved to a bright room at room temperature.

Tulips at home: general

After transferring a plant from a cool room to a warm one (regardless of the growing method: in the ground or without it), it is necessary to provide it with sufficient light. Tulips prefer bright, diffused light (not direct sunlight!) for 10-12 hours a day.

Flowers appear approximately 2-3 weeks after the plant is brought into the light.

After forcing, watering tulips should be carried out as usual indoor plant: As the topsoil dries out.

Tulips need to be protected from drafts. It is also not recommended to place plants near heating appliances.

After the tulip blooms, you can cut it or leave it in a vase/pot. However, the bulbs are too weak to bloom again, so they will have to be thrown away afterwards.

By the way, you can grow not only tulips in this way, but also daffodils or hyacinths, for example.

Happy creativity!

It's no secret that tulips are one of the most popular flowers today. There are probably no women who would not like to receive lush bouquets these beautiful flowers from their men. Imagine for a moment that it is still snowing outside or there is spring slush, and on your balcony or windowsill scatterings of lush tulips are already in full bloom and smell. Until recently, most could only dream about it.

But believe me, in the near future you will be able to happily admire the gorgeous bouquets of tulips that will grow in pots at your home. And this will not require any extra natural efforts or huge investments.

How to choose a pot for tulips.

Before you start planting bulbs, you must select the right pot. By “correct” I mean the height and diameter of the container. You can use both low pots or boxes and tall ones. In low pots (from 15cm in height and 20cm in diameter) you can plant 1-3-5 bulbs with a diameter of 3-3.5cm. Deeper pots (20-30cm in height and 20cm or more in diameter) will accommodate more bulbs with a larger diameter (4-6cm).

Also, when choosing a pot, consider how many tulips you plan to grow. Each bulb should be at least 1.5-2 cm away from the walls of the container and from neighboring bulbs. For example, if you have a pot with a diameter of 15 cm, then you can plant 3 bulbs in it, with a diameter of about 3 cm.

If you are just planning to buy pots for tulips, then I recommend choosing ceramics between ceramic and plastic containers. Yes, plastic pots are much cheaper, but ceramic ones better allow the oxygen needed for the roots to pass through.

Also note that the bottom of each pot must have one or more drainage holes through which excess moisture will be removed. If the bottom is solid, be sure to make at least one hole in it.

And one last thing about the pots: for a more aesthetic appearance, it must come with a stand, onto which the water will drain through the drainage hole.

Soil for planting tulips in pots.

Tulips are not very picky about soil, but they feel more comfortable in good black soil or special loose, light mixtures that can be purchased at flower shops or prepared independently.

Soil mixture for tulips No. 1.

  1. Clay soil (1 part);
  2. Peat (2 parts);
  3. Coarse river sand (2 parts).

Soil mixture for tulips No. 2.

  1. Leaf soil (1 part);
  2. Garden soil (1 part);
  3. Humus (1 part);
  4. Peat (1 part)
  5. Coarse river sand (1 part).

The acidity of the soil for tulips should be slightly alkaline or neutral.

Also, the bulbs of these flowers can be planted in pots with ordinary clean coarse river sand or vermiculite.

Selection of varieties and bulbs of tulips for planting in pots.

Tulips are planted in pots or boxes on the balcony from September to the end of November. Until this time, you need to choose varieties of tulips. Low-growing flowers are best suited for growing at home.

The preparation of the bulbs begins in the summer, when the tulips in the garden have faded and their leaves have dried. They are usually dug up in July. They are then stored in special conditions for autumn planting.

Also, if you don’t have your own planting material, you can purchase bulbs at a flower shop or market. At the same time, I recommend choosing large bulbs (from 3.5 to 6 cm in diameter). Do not forget that when buying bulbs, you need to carefully examine them: they must be elastic, without failures or damage, and also without visible diseases. When purchasing bulbs, pay attention to the flowering time of tulips. Read more about choosing bulbs.

Planting and growing tulips in a pot.
Step-by-step instructions No. 1.

As I said earlier, depending on when you want to get flowers, tulip bulbs in pots and boxes are planted from September to the end of October. The time from planting to receiving flowers is different for all varieties, but not less than 3-4 months. It also depends on the growing conditions.

  1. Be sure to lay thin drainage at the bottom of the pot, consisting of gravel, expanded clay, ceramic fragments or any other solid material, which will ensure the free flow of excess water after watering, but will prevent the soil from being washed out.
  2. Pour the soil mixture on top of the drainage so that when you place the onion on it, its upper part is either level with the top edge of the pot or 1 cm lower. For example, if the height of the pot is 15cm and the height of the bulb is 5cm, then add 1cm of drainage and 9-10cm of soil.
  3. Lightly water the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).
  4. Peel the bulbs, especially the lower root parts, and place them on the soil with the roots down and the flat parts facing the sides of the pot.
  5. Press the bulbs down about 1cm. Push in, don't scroll!!! After this, the upper parts of the bulbs will be either level with the top edge of the pot, or 1 cm below it.
  6. As I said above, the tulip bulbs should be approximately 2 cm apart from each other and from the walls of the pot.
  7. Carefully, so as not to turn the bulbs over, cover them with soil substrate or coarse river sand. This top layer of mixture or sand does not need to be compacted, but simply distributed evenly throughout the pot. As a result, the bulbs must be completely covered, or only their tops may remain on the surface.
  8. Water the future tulips generously.
  9. Place the pot for 40-45 days in a cool place with a temperature of about 4-6 0 C and a humidity of 70-75%. A cellar, basement or refrigerator is good for these purposes (but not freezer!!!). At the same time, cover the pot with bulbs with a black cone made of thick cardboard with a hole in the upper part, which will serve for air intake, or simply cover it with newspapers. This will be a kind of shading that protects from the light of turning on the light bulb.
  10. After 40-45 days, remove the pot with bulbs from the cool room and place it for 6-7 days in a warmer dark place with a temperature of 12-14 0 C. In an apartment, this temperature can be near the balcony door or on the windowsill without a radiator. If neither one nor the other is available, then place the tulips on any windowsill closer to the window. At the same time, also cover the pot from light with a cone.
  11. Water the bulbs periodically, preventing them from drying out.
  12. During this time, the sprouts should reach a height of 7-10cm. Then remove the shading and place the pot of tulips in a warm place (18-21 0 C) with diffused light, but not in direct sunlight. Window sills with windows facing east or west are well suited for this.
  13. Soon, the leaves will turn green, a bud will begin to form and your tulips will bloom. At the same time, do not forget to periodically water the tulips and you can feed them 1-2 times with calcium nitrate dissolved in water or complex fertilizers for indoor flowering plants sold in stores. Although feeding tulips that grow at home in fertile soil is not necessary.

To increase the flowering period, remove blooming tulips at night in a cool place, for example, place them near a balcony door or on a windowsill without a radiator.

After the tulips at home have faded, break off the buds and gradually reduce watering until the leaves turn completely yellow. Then remove the bulbs from the ground and store them until planting. Unfortunately, due to the depletion of the bulbs, it will not be possible to reuse them at home, but in the open ground they will be able to bloom again next spring.

Planting and growing tulips in a pot on February 14 or March 8.
Step-by-step instructions No. 2.

In order to please your beloved woman with lush tulips grown by yourself on Valentine's Day or March 8, you need to plant them from about the beginning of October to mid-December.

  1. For planting in specially selected pots (about 15-20cm in height and 20-22cm in diameter), lay 3-5cm of drainage from gravel, expanded clay or ceramic fragments. This is necessary in order to cover the drainage holes and prevent soil from escaping through them along with irrigation water.
  2. Place 8-10 cm of soil on top of the drainage.
  3. Select 5 large tulip bulbs, 4-6 cm in diameter, regularly rounded and without damage.
  4. Remove the skins from the bulbs, especially the root parts.
  5. Place the bulbs in a pot on the ground at a distance of at least 2 cm from each other and from the walls of the pot. They need to be placed flat sideways towards the walls of the pot. With this planting, the tulip leaves will bend outward rather than inward of the pot.
  6. Press the bulbs about 1cm into the soil, but do not turn them.
  7. Carefully cover them with soil so that only the tops, 0.5 cm high, remain on the surface.
  8. Water the planted bulbs well and cover with opaque plastic wrap to allow the soil to dry out slowly.
  9. Place the pot for 40 days in a room with a temperature of 8-10 0 C. This time for the bulbs is called the dormant period. Also, do not forget, without taking the tulips out into the light or into a warm place, to ventilate them daily, removing the film for about 10-20 minutes.
  10. When seedlings 5-7 cm high appear, they can be placed in a warmer (18-22 0 C) and well-lit place. Western and eastern window sills are well suited for this. If the tulips are exposed to bright sunlight, shade them. It is best if the lighting is diffused.
  11. Do not place pots of tulips next to heating appliances.
  12. Water the tulips periodically, preventing the soil from drying out, but do not water them too often, as the bulbs may rot.

You can feed tulips with calcium nitrate or liquid universal fertilizers for house plants.

What do you associate the tulip flower with? Surely with Holland - the country of tulips. But now she holds the leadership in the cultivation and selection of this and many other plants, and in fact, the tulip does not come from Europe at all, but from the mountainous regions of Asia. In its sound, a tulip resembles a turban, and so it is - the flower was nicknamed for its resemblance to a headdress. Tulip parades are held not only in Holland; for example, Turkey does not forget its favorite flower and in the spring there is a luxurious tulip festival.

The first mention of tulips dates back to the 11th century, during which time they conquered the whole world. In our area, the tulip has taken root more than well; it quite organically decorates simple front gardens and is considered completely “our own”, “local” flower. For many years, tulips have remained a symbol of spring, as well as the most beautiful component of holiday bouquets. The fact that the tulip is a bulbous plant gives it a great advantage - it began to be grown not only in open ground, but also at home. At proper cultivation, or rather, forcing, you can get tulips by the desired date. Growing tulips at home is not difficult, you just need to start preparing for planting in advance - preferably at the end of summer - at the beginning of autumn.

Today there are hundreds of tulip hybrids - for every taste: large and small, simple and double, with short and long peduncles, white, black, yellow and purple, plain and multi-colored. It is better to buy tulip bulbs in person, so you can immediately check the planting material and choose the best bulbs.

How to choose bulbs?

For forcing, it is recommended to use an onion at least 5 cm in diameter - this is the size of an adult, strong, ready-to-flower bulb. The shape should be round, regular, weight - about 25-30 g. It should be dry, dense to the touch, without damage, stains, rot, or wormholes. If you are using your own planting material, check the bulbs again; they may have deteriorated during storage.

When purchasing bulbs, find out about the characteristics of the variety; there are early-blooming tulips and there are mid-blooming ones. For forcing it is recommended to use low-growing varieties tulips with short stems. The best varieties are considered to be Greig, Kaufman, Foster, as well as some Darwinian hybrids. The most popular Darwin hybrid in forcing is Parade Record.

Before boarding

When receiving planting material, the bulbs should be immediately removed from the packaging and moved to a dry, dark place with a temperature no higher than 20 degrees. After being removed from the ground at the end of summer, homemade tulip bulbs are first stored warm - dried, and after 2-3 months transferred to the cold. Before planting, tulip bulbs must be kept for 2-2.5 months at a temperature of 5-9 degrees Celsius. The cellar, basement or vegetable shelf of the refrigerator is suitable for these purposes.

Today, mostly planting material is sold that is completely ready for forcing, that is, the manufacturer took care and kept the bulbs in the cold. When purchasing, it is still worth clarifying this point, since without this stage it will not be possible to grow tulips and it is better to immediately make sure that the rules are followed than to later wonder why the desired flower does not appear.

Preparing the bulbs

The bulbs selected for planting are cleaned of old husks and soaked for about half an hour in a solution of manganese or any anti-rot preparation.

Pots for tulips

For planting bulbs, choose not very deep, but wide pots. Can be used on every bulb separate pot, you can also plant several bulbs in one pot, but then the distance from the walls and between the bulbs should be at least 1 centimeter.

The pot should have a good drainage layer at the bottom so that the moisture does not stagnate and the bulbs do not begin to rot.

Soil for forcing tulips

You can use different soil - garden soil or a composite substrate. Garden soil is suitable for forcing, but sometimes it is compacted too much and retains moisture. You can make an earth mixture from equal parts of peat, turf soil, humus, and river sand. You can add a little charcoal.

Planting bulbs

The container we chose for planting is filled two-thirds with soil. We lay out the planting material and sprinkle the bulbs with soil. There is one trick - if the bulbs are placed with their flat side against the wall of the pot, the flowers will not interfere with each other. A large and wide leaf grows on the flat side, which in a different position may begin to rest against the buds or bend the neighboring plant. The planted onions should be watered with water and sprinkled with a little more soil so that they are completely covered with it.