How to drink in the New Year. How to drink alcohol correctly on New Year's Eve: expert advice. A drunken aggressor appears in the company, what to do in this case

New Year, as usual, sneaks up unnoticed. However, it is no secret that many, on the eve of this significant holiday, are convincingly trying to “insure” their liver from severe damage. Some people “give up” alcohol in advance, saving their energy for the New Year’s Eve meeting, and others plan their alcoholic feast so that it is fun and something else is remembered the next day. The author of this article is no exception. I will further describe what, how and how it is recommended to drink on New Year’s Day with humor, but “to the point.”

False start

"Do no harm!" - says one of the main postulates of medicine. “Don’t get drunk BEFORE the New Year!” - says popular wisdom, more than once tested by time and “cases”. Probably, each of us has acquaintances/friends (or maybe we ourselves “gave jazz”) who, starting with beer, while cutting salads for the holiday, then “added momentum” with cognac, wine and sealed it with vodka. Regarding the most common result, don’t go to a fortune teller: “Dimon, get up... let’s drink to the New Year...” And the answer is silence. In general, it is better to save your energy for the chimes. After all, this is the main “moment”.

What and how much to drink

It’s customary for us: a sumptuous table and a sea of ​​alcohol on New Year’s Day are signs of success and prosperity in the coming year. However, we should not forget about hangover, which especially loves to “rape” those who have acute problems with drinking culture. Therefore, drinking alcohol must be approached carefully and thoughtfully.

Mixing. Now even fifth-graders know that mixing incompatible alcoholic drinks is more expensive for themselves. By inappropriately mixing cognac, brandy, champagne, wine (one group of drinks) with vodka, beer or whiskey (another group), you risk seeing the “light at the end of the tunnel” much earlier than your comrades. By the way, they will also cheat you. As a last resort, it is better to go in increasing strength: from champagne/wine and forward with a song to stronger “alcohols”. By the way, be careful with sweet wines: the sweeter the wine, the more severe the hangover.

Vodka. There are some nuances here. Doctors do not recommend it for women at all: they say that their bodies contain much less alcohol dehydrogenase, the enzyme that breaks down alcohol. Although, of course, there are “exceptions” who binge-drink “Conan the Barbarian” at once. A safe dose of vodka for any man is no more than 60 g per day. Accordingly, everything else refers to an “overdose”. Moreover, the threshold for intoxication is also individual for each person. The stereotype “the more a person weighs, the more he can drink” has been refuted more than once.

Remember! You can prepare for each vodka drink to extend your time in the world real people. Knowledgeable people It is advised to accompany each glass you drink with eating fatty foods. Fats slow down digestion, slowing down the absorption of alcohol into the blood. However, always chew thoroughly before taking another sip of alcohol.

Snack or drink. Definitely a snack! Two hundred years of “scientific research” have yielded one result - they haven’t yet come up with anything better than a pickled cucumber. And here A.P. Chekhov turned out to be right. Although the snack “steals the mood,” it will postpone the time of calling the squirrel on duty until another time. Also a very common “epic fail” or fatal mistake of drinkers is to wash down strong drinks with carbonated cola, Baikal or Sprite. In this case, alcohol penetrates the blood faster, bringing the moment of intoxication closer.

Champagne. A festive, pleasant and, at the same time, meanest drink. And the meanness lies in the selfishness of champagne: it does not like to be “mixed” with other drinks. Get a hangover equivalent to the "Lucifer" torment on the outskirts of hell. By the way, too much of this fizzy drink leads to the same thing.

Prevention of intoxication

Next we go through the mottos. "Be ready!" - says the main slogan of the American Boy Scouts. In our case, you can also prepare your body for a drunken party in advance. Before you start, drink plenty of liquid - juice or, in extreme cases, water. Some “avid” chemists generally advise mixing vodka with tincture of Eleutherococcus (healing thorny plants from Asia), which can be found in pharmacies. If the “process” is already underway, and you are in a cafe, then while drinking, you can leave the table more often to move around, dance or chat with friends. Let your intestines process the “fuel” poured into it and prepare for new challenges.

Alcohol and sex

As you know, alcohol is also an aphrodisiac! Working like Photoshop, it can make our interlocutor(s) more attractive and even ignite the fire of short-term passion. In this case, you can combine business with pleasure and determine the most best time for seduction. You can go on the offensive if: her (his) cheeks are red, her tongue is loosened, her sociability and laughter have increased. True, if you “slow down” and show “Estonian” reflexes, the second stage of alcohol intoxication will begin. Like Cinderella at midnight, the “special effects” acquired before will leave you: the charm will disappear, sensitivity will disappear.

So, everything is good on time and in moderation. Remember this in the New Year and... eat more often! Happy holidays to you and all the best!

There is a Russian tradition - to put all the bottles in the house on the table together, and then offer guests a choice of cognac or vodka, dry wine or Madeira. From the point of view of etiquette, this is unheard of barbarity. Of course, the chime should be greeted with the clinking of glasses of champagne, but what and how to drink before and after the solemn moment?

Let's start with the temperature of the drinks served.

Red wines should, as a rule, be only 2-3 degrees cooler than the temperature of the room in which they are served, but never too chilled, not lower than 18 degrees. Get desired temperature You can only leave the wine for 3-4 hours in a cool room, without using the refrigerator.

White wine, on the contrary, should be served chilled, but not too cold, including champagne. At temperatures below 8-10 degrees, the wine does not reveal all its taste and aroma. Cool dry white wines and champagne in the refrigerator or a bucket of ice, and if the temperature outside allows it, you can do it outside the window, but beware of putting wine in a draft: like flowers, it cannot stand this.

Liqueurs, sweet wines such as Malaga and Muscat are served at room temperature.

A big mistake is to put cognac in the refrigerator. This drink must be treated like a woman: gently and sensitively. Having poured a little cognac into a glass with a wide bottom and tapering at the top, hold it in your palms, slightly warm the cognac with their warmth, then take a sip into your mouth, but do not rush, feel the aroma, hold it slightly in your mouth and only then swallow.

In any case, a true wine connoisseur will never swallow any wine in one gulp. He will raise the glass and examine the color of the wine in the light, then inhale its aroma and, after sipping a little, savor it before swallowing.

Dry white wine is served with fish, mussels, crayfish and lobsters, snails, and cauliflower.

Red wine - with meat, poultry, game, liver pate, mushrooms, fried potatoes.

Dry champagne is served at the beginning of dinner, sweet or semi-sweet champagne at the end, with fruit and dessert. Cognac or liqueur is the final note in the score of the meal; they are served with coffee. But cognac is never served with lemon: it is believed that lemon does not make it possible to properly appreciate the taste and aroma of cognac, interrupting both with its own aroma.

An old Russian proverb says that the first glass of vodka strikes like a stake, the second one flies like a falcon, and with each subsequent one a person becomes light and joyful, like a bird. The Russian people not only invented vodka, they also developed a completely specific culture its consumption. It consists of the following:

vodka must be cooled to 8-10 degrees before drinking;

Like any noble drink, vodka should be drunk little by little, in small sips, giving it the opportunity to wash the entire oral cavity. Drinking vodka quickly, in one gulp, is considered to be in bad taste;

it is not customary to mix vodka with other alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks or their components;

vodka is drunk from vodka glasses with a capacity of no more than 50 grams;

vodka is a noble product created for joy, liberation, relieving fatigue and stress. It is extremely incredible to identify vodka with evil, with drunkenness. Drunkenness is rooted not in vodka or wine, but in the person himself. That is why it is important for every drinker to control himself and take into account the dose of the alcoholic drink he drinks;

the consumption of vodka is accompanied by a special Russian snack table, the cold and hot appetizers of which are indispensable attribute every feast using vodka.

As a table drink, vodka is intended not just for drinking, but to add a culinary and accompanying accent to dishes of the Russian national table. First of all, it goes well with fatty meat, meat and flour and spicy fish dishes: boiled beef, fried pork, fatty pancakes, dumplings, solyanka.

Vodka also goes well with similar savory snacks from other nations. However, the main use of vodka in Russian table practice is associated with its use as a mandatory addition to the Russian snack table.

It is no coincidence that these two concepts - vodka and appetizer - eventually became inseparable both lexically and gastronomically. Unfortunately, in different groups of the Russian population these concepts have been seriously distorted and are assessed unequally. The essence of these changes is that vodka always remains as an obligatory and indispensable component, and the snack is significantly depleted. All this leads to drunkenness and uncultured consumption of the national alcoholic drink.

Russian national snacks with which vodka is usually consumed include:

meat snacks - lard, ham, jelly, veal, boiled corned beef;

fish snacks - herring, caviar, sturgeon balyk, salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon, salted sprat, etc.;

vegetable snacks - pickled cucumbers, sauerkraut, soaked Antonov apples, salted tomatoes, stuffed eggplants, salted and marinated mushrooms, Russian vinaigrette, boiled potatoes.

Vodka is an ideal gastronomic complement for all these snacks.

Snacks are extremely important to appreciate the true value of vodka as a drink. Being an expensive drink, vodka also requires expensive accompaniments: caviar, salted and smoked fish, pickled mushrooms. Without a hearty and salty snack, vodka cannot reveal all its properties.

Deserves special attention pickle. According to Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, scientists struggled with the problem of the best snack for two hundred years, but they could not come up with anything to replace the pickled cucumber. The words spoken with humor nevertheless contain a significant amount of truth: pickled cucumber really goes well with vodka, while being a cheap and widespread product.

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How to avoid binge drinking on New Year's Eve? Should alcohol be on festive table in a family where there is an alcoholic? How to drink and, most importantly, how much to drink healthy person? These and other questions were answered on a direct line in Komsomolskaya Pravda by the head of the narcological dispensary department, a doctor of the highest category at the Minsk Regional Clinical Hospital, a specialist in the field drug treatment alcoholism Oksana Rodkina and psychiatrist-narcologist of the first category, specialist in the field of non-drug treatment of alcoholism Evgeniy Golubitsky.

- How to get out of binge drinking? My husband has been drinking for three days now.

Has he ever consulted a narcologist?

- No never.

Have you ever tried to quit yourself?

- He holds on and holds on, and then breaks down.

To get out of the binge, he needs to see a narcologist - he will prescribe medications that improve sleep and relieve anxiety. With the help of such means it will be easier for him to get out of the binge. And he will stop.

- But he is afraid that he will be registered.

Such assistance can be obtained anonymously.


- I have problems with my brother. The binges last for a week and he can’t get out. Once it was coded, it lasted a year.

And now he's on a drinking binge?

- It's coming out little by little.

How many days has he been sober?

- One day.

And he probably feels bad?

- Yes very.

This is natural - his hands are shaking, he sleeps poorly, he feels fear and anxiety. It is very dangerous to be in this state; convulsions and alcoholic psychosis, which is called delirium tremens, can develop. It has been established that in a state of abstinence there is a very strong overexcitation of brain cells and the nervous system, as well as excessive overexcitation of the entire body: increased blood pressure, palpitations, sweating, nausea. It turns out that the more a person is in this state, the more damage will be to the brain. And all this will affect the intellectual and emotional level. Therefore, he needs medical attention. No amount of broth or brine will help. Special medications are required. And the sooner the correct treatment is prescribed, the greater the likelihood that the brain will not be damaged. Medicines will not only relieve anxiety, trembling and sweating, improve sleep, but also normalize blood pressure and calm the heart.

- But he just wants to lie down.

It may not be possible to simply lie down. Psychosis, or delirium tremens, can develop on the first and even on the fifth or seventh day after stopping drinking alcohol, when the person is already sober. If there is a sharp jump in pressure after quitting a binge, then his blood vessels may not be able to withstand it: the result will be a stroke or even worse.

- How to get your son out of his drinking binge?

Binge drinking is a condition that requires quick, immediate treatment. You won't be able to do this on your own. He needs high-quality medical care that will allow him to get out of this condition with minimal consequences for his health.

- What if he doesn’t want to?

It's more complicated. Need to understand what scares him?

- Afraid of coding.

But there are many other methods and methods of treatment that are far from coding. He needs an anonymous consultation with a narcologist who will alleviate all concerns.

- But my son doesn’t even want to admit that he is an alcoholic.

And you tell him that he can just come for a consultation with a specialist. Perhaps he will hear those options that will be acceptable to him. If a person chooses a treatment method that is suitable for himself, success will be much greater than something being imposed on him.

- I don’t know what to do with him anymore. He is 28 years old - to live and live. And he is completely lost.

He has a chronic disease, which, like all chronic diseases, can go into remission. Therefore, certain efforts can be made to create this remission. You, as a relative of the patient, will benefit from consulting a psychologist who will teach you how to persuade the addict not to be afraid of doctors and to come for help.

- But if alcoholism is a disease, does it mean that a person drinks not out of promiscuity?

This disease is a behavioral disorder associated with disruption of the brain. And not a weakness, a whim or a character trait, much less a habit. There is also a genetic predisposition.

And even the so-called hangover is experienced differently by an alcoholic and a person who is independent of alcohol. A person who has just had too much to drink suffers from intoxication of the body. And in an alcoholic, the processes of inhibition and excitation in the brain are disrupted, and special psychotropic substances are needed that restore balance. If an alcoholic is simply given droppers with glucose and vitamins without the necessary sedatives and the residual alcohol is removed from the body, then it can become even worse: the hangover will turn into psychosis (delirium tremens).

- It turns out that not every person, even a heavy drinker, can become an alcoholic?

Absolutely right. It is believed that on average 5 to 10% of people suffer from alcoholism.


- My father was an alcoholic, and my husband drinks too. My son is 11 years old. I am very afraid for his future. What do i do? Maybe we should tell the child about our family trouble?

In principle, it would be nice if such a conversation with the son was conducted by the father, who would tell him how difficult it is for him to cope with the disease, how difficult it is.

- Is it better for your son to never even try alcohol?

It cannot be said that if he tries alcohol, he will develop alcoholism. This is also wrong. There are several factors that can lead to alcoholism: biological, psychological, social and spiritual. And even if a person has a genetic predisposition, he can drink alcohol in moderation and will not become an alcoholic. But if alcohol in his system of coordinates (values) becomes a certain factor that regulates his emotional state, then he is more likely to get sick. Some of the latest studies say that if a person has a genetic predisposition, but is under the influence of proper upbringing, then it will not manifest itself. In order to raise your son so that he does not become an alcoholic, you can come for a consultation with a psychologist who will teach you how to form a strong defense against alcohol in your son.

- Our relatives will come to us for the New Year. My uncle hasn't drunk for two years. What should we do correctly: pour champagne for everyone and mineral water for him?

Believe me, we know many alcoholics who have learned to enjoy life without alcohol. For them, sobriety has become a special value in life. And they will not be embarrassed by the alcohol that is on your table. But for this they underwent serious not only medication, but also psychotherapeutic treatment. Such treatment can be obtained, for example, in specialized inpatient rehabilitation departments at drug treatment centers. There are such branches in Minsk.

- Can I pour him at least half a glass of champagne?

Absolutely not. In 99% of cases this will lead to an exacerbation of the disease. Alcohol addiction, like any chronic disease, has stages of exacerbation and stages of attenuation of the disease. Patients with bronchial asthma will never smell flowers that can cause an attack. It's the same with alcoholism. Most often, exacerbation does not occur after the first drink or glass. Let's say a person hasn't drunk for five years. And suddenly someone says to him: “Well, won’t you drink a drop for the birth of your grandson?” He drinks, nothing bad happens to him, he doesn’t go on a binge, he controls himself. Then he decides that he has regained the ability to control his alcohol consumption and drink it like everyone else. And after a week he drinks a little more. In fact, the breakdown has already begun. He will be on a drinking binge in a month or six months - but he will definitely be. This is a classic scenario for an alcohol dependent person to relapse.

- So, maybe we shouldn’t put alcohol on the table at all?

It would be perfect option. But only on the condition that your family is united and you will not sit with gloomy faces because you gave up champagne for the sake of a relative.


- How should those who consider themselves healthy adults drink alcohol on New Year’s Eve?

Alcohol has, of course, firmly cemented itself in our culture. Therefore, it is important to know how to use it in order to experience as little harm from it as possible. To do this, you need to adhere to the standards defined by the World Health Organization, the so-called “conditionally safe consumption of alcohol by adults, healthy and over 21 years of age.” The maximum permissible alcohol limit is two standard units of alcohol per day for a man, and one standard unit for a woman. In this case, there should be a break two days a week.

- How much is a standard unit?

This is 10 grams of pure alcohol, that is, 30 milliliters of vodka, or 330 milliliters of 5 percent beer, or 100 - 120 milliliters of unfortified wine or champagne.

- Is it possible to sum up these units once a week?

No. This dose is per day. And the maximum permissible. If instead of two units you drink four, but twice a week, it will already be dangerous to your health. Such a person may not become an alcoholic, but he is definitely harming his health: for example, he may die earlier from heart problems (arrhythmia, heart attack, blood pressure).

- So for the New Year you should limit yourself to a glass of champagne?

It would be nice. The main thing is that the holiday does not turn into drinking. For example, in the USA it is believed that this will happen if men drink more than 5 - 6 standard units (i.e. more than 150 - 180 g of vodka) during a festive evening, and women drink more than 3 - 4 units (i.e. more than 300 - 400 ml of champagne).

- Is it worth listening to? people's councils- Before drinking, should you eat butter, for example?

All these methods were invented in order not to quickly get drunk. But this in no way diminishes the harmful effects of alcohol; they will still occur. There is no point in deceiving yourself.

If you still give any recommendations, then it is better to drink alcohol with a lower degree. If this is not possible, then always take strong drinks with plenty of liquid, and in equal amounts. Otherwise, you will get a different degree of alcohol. The table should have boiled potatoes and apples, which are good absorbents. But this does not mean that you can eat a kilogram of potatoes and drink five bottles of vodka. But all these methods do not reduce the harm of alcohol, but only delay the onset of intoxication. But if you still couldn’t resist and overdid it for the New Year or were in a bind and missed the holidays, then you shouldn’t wait until Christmas for the hangover to go away - qualified doctors will restore your health quickly and anonymously.

Ahead new year holidays, vacations, meetings with family and friends, which means numerous feasts with libations. On the eve of the holidays, everyone who strives to lead a healthy lifestyle is faced with the question: should they drink alcoholic beverages or abstain? Egor Safrygin, Marketing Director at Medicine, tells us whether alcohol-containing drinks are really so harmful and how to drink without harm to the body.

One of the main principles of maintaining a healthy lifestyle is to minimize the amount of alcoholic beverages consumed, even to the point of giving them up completely. But not everyone is ready to give up alcohol, or even just reduce its amount. Nothing reprehensible. Problems begin when the state of psychological comfort that most people experience after a glass of wine needs to be maintained throughout the evening, which means that the amount drunk can exceed all reasonable norms and result in not the most pleasant memories or their complete absence. Moderation is important in everything. Let's figure out what problems drinking strong drinks can cause.

All this harm

Regular consumption of alcohol affects the immune system, reducing the body's resistance to disease. That is, a person who has completely given up alcohol or reduced its consumption to a minimum has a much lower chance of contracting the notorious ARVI than someone who misses a glass or two at least once a week. For office workers, the situation is aggravated by an almost immobile lifestyle, frequent stress, often the lack of a proper lunch, and so on.

Alcohol negatively affects the human psyche by depressing the central nervous system. This means that waning attention and absent-mindedness are guaranteed, because even ordinary still wine has an effect on the neurochemical processes of the body. Another question is that weak good wine is eliminated from the body faster. So, for example, the time for complete elimination of 40-proof vodka from the body with a weight of 80 kg will be 8.5 hours, and 11% wine - 6 hours.

Alcohol raises arterial pressure, as a result, the blood vessels and heart experience double load. This property of alcohol is often used by hypotensive people - those who have a priori low blood pressure. However, doctors are in no hurry to recommend alcohol as a medicine - do not forget about other negative impacts. It would be much safer to drink a cup of coffee or eat a piece of dark chocolate.

Heels and sedentary work often lead to problems with veins - the formation of blood clots (thrombi) in the deep veins of the extremities, mainly in the legs. The fatality rate from this disease is sadly high. Frequent consumption of alcohol leads to thickening of the blood and worsening of the situation. A person with a predisposition to thrombophlebitis should completely avoid drinking alcoholic beverages.

Alcohol has a negative impact on the digestive system, which already suffers from poor nutrition and usual office snacks – sweets and cookies. The stomach is the first to perceive alcohol, then it enters the blood through the walls of its mucous membrane. In this case, the alcoholic drink damages the cells of the inner surface of the stomach, disrupts the mucous membrane and inhibits the absorption process nutrients, making it impossible to transfer them into the blood.

No matter how much they talk about the benefits of the same red wine, it should be remembered that the dose safe for the body is no more than 50 grams per day, which is only 3 tablespoons.

In order to be healthy and lead a full, rich life, you simply need to be careful about the amount of strong drinks you consume.

Smart consumption rules

Water, more water

Any alcohol, no matter how high-quality it is, must be combined with plenty of liquid. Make this a rule. For a glass of wine or 50 g of strong alcohol there should be one full glass of clean water. This will get rid of headaches the next day, heart tumbles and other “delights” of alcohol intoxication or, more simply, a hangover.

Drink without getting drunk

Four to five hours before the event, drink a small amount of alcohol - no more than 100 grams (150 grams for heavy weight). This way the body will feel the effect of alcohol, you need to wait until its effect wears off. Then have something filling to eat. This procedure will prepare your body, it will have the resources to cope with an alcohol attack.

Don't mix, don't lower

Many people know about this rule, but we’ll still emphasize it: by mixing vodka with wine, or lowering the strength of brandy to a low-alcohol cocktail, you risk leaving the party before everyone else or later than everyone else, and not on your own. Do not mix wine spirits (wine, champagne, cognac) with grains (beer, whiskey, gin, vodka). You should also not mix white and red wines.


A simple but effective rule: do not drink on an empty stomach, otherwise stomach pain and severe intoxication, and therefore an uncontrollable state, are guaranteed. Alcohol poisoning is one of the most destructive. The stomach suffers the most during the holidays, so add fermented milk products, vegetables and fruits to your diet, as well as foods containing vitamins B1 and B6 - beef, greens, poultry, fish, eggs, beans, cereals, potatoes, etc. .

You shouldn’t start your feast with strong drinks; it’s best to start with an aperitif. There is an explanation for this - the appetite will awaken and the body’s enzymatic system will work better.

A reasonable approach and measure are the rules that should be followed when drinking any alcohol.

Very often we think about how to celebrate the New Year so as not to go into the “alcohol knockout” ahead of time or not to go there at all, but at the same time have fun. In this article, we will give you a couple of tips so that you can enjoy the holiday and not get drunk ahead of time.

New Year is one of those holidays on which refusing to drink alcoholic beverages is at least not serious. What to do in this case if you don’t drink alcoholic beverages often and get drunk quickly?

One of the main rules is that you need to drink only high-quality vodka. Don't skimp on alcoholic beverages when purchasing food for the New Year's table. Your condition on the first of January will directly depend on the quality of the vodka you choose. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is not recommended to drink on an empty stomach. You should drink alcohol only after you have had a heavy meal. If you adhere to this well-known rule, you will be able to avoid not only rapid intoxication, but also many diseases associated with the digestive system. It is also recommended to drink a raw egg or strong tea.

If you know that in a few days you will have a stormy feast, then it is recommended to drink about one hundred grams of vodka. Such a small amount of alcohol will prepare your body for more significant doses.

One more effective way Activated carbon is good for quick intoxication. So after taking six tablets activated carbon, you will get drunk much slower.

Make sure that on your New Year's table There was also a snack to go with the vodka. The snack should be very different. It is not recommended to eat vodka with the same snack.

Both fish and vegetable appetizers are good.

If you happen to mix several alcoholic drinks, then make sure that they are mixed in order from weaker to stronger drinks. It is not recommended to drink vodka with carbonated drinks, as otherwise you will certainly not survive until the morning. If you are planning to drink cocktails for the New Year, then we draw your attention to the fact that it is not recommended to drink different cocktails. Choose two or three cocktails and stretch them out throughout the evening. Please note that cocktails can have a strong effect on the body if there is a sudden change in temperature and, of course, if you drink them on an empty stomach. In order to get yourself in order, it is recommended to move. So you will have a great opportunity cheer up the company.

If you follow all these recommendations, you will be able to celebrate the New Year on your feet. Do not abuse large amounts of alcohol, as in this case even these tips will not help you. Be attentive to your body! And in conclusion, we would like to congratulate you all on the upcoming holidays!