Hyacinths - photos, planting and care. Blue hyacinths. Varieties. Pink, red and raspberry varieties

Rare primroses can be compared in beauty and originality with perennial flowers hyacinths - these “curly” inflorescences on strong, although not tall, peduncles are good both for individual forcing and in groups. The number of legends about the hyacinth flower can be the envy of most plants, because this crop was named after the son of the king of Sparta, and who else but the ancient Greeks were famous for writing the most beautiful myths! You will receive a description of the hyacinth flowers of the most revered varieties, as well as detailed recommendations for their cultivation in this material.

The legend of hyacinth and what the flower looks like (with photo)

Already in ancient times, people admired the porcelain inflorescences of hyacinth and created legends about it. Translated from Greek, “hyacinth” means “flower of rain.” The Greeks also considered it a flower of sadness in memory of Hyacinth. The young son of the Spartan king Hyacinth outshone the Olympian gods with his beauty and dexterity. The young man was patronized by Apollo and Zephyr, the god of the south wind. They often descended from Olympus to the beautiful young man and spent time with him, having fun with hunting or sports competitions. One day Apollo and Hyacinth began to throw a discus. The bronze projectile flew higher and higher, but it was impossible to determine the winner - Hyacinth was in no way inferior to God. With the last of his strength, Apollo threw the disk right under the clouds. Zephyr, fearing his friend's defeat, blew so hard that the disk changed its flight direction and unexpectedly hit Hyacinth in the face. The wound was fatal. The death of the young man greatly saddened Apollo, and he turned drops of his blood into beautiful flowers. In Ancient Greece there was even a cult of Hyacinth, who later became
crowded by the cult of Apollo. Hyacinth was considered a symbol of dying and reborn nature.

To start general characteristics What does a hyacinth flower look like - from the lily family. Fragrant flowers resemble in shape with six bent petals. They are collected in a racemose inflorescence, which can contain from 12 to 45 flowers. There are varieties with double flowers.

As you can see in the photo of flowers, hyacinths come in a wide variety of colors - blue, lilac, pink, red, white, yellow and orange:

The peduncle is leafless, erect, from 15 to 45 cm high. Wide-linear leaves 25-30 cm long are collected in a basal rosette. The spherical bulb consists of 15-20 juicy storage scales, tightly adjacent to each other. They are located on a shortened stem - the bottom. The outside of the bulb is covered with dry covering scales. There is a certain relationship between the color of flowers and bulbs. So, varieties with blue, light blue and purple flowers usually have bulbs with purple outer scales. White-flowered hyacinths have bulbs with light gray integumentary scales, while red-flowered hyacinths have bulbs with dark cherry scales. Plants with yellow flowers have grayish-cream bulbs, and those with pink ones are lilac.

The most widespread are Dutch hybrids of oriental hyacinth. They are characterized by dense inflorescences of various colors - from white to intense purple. Peduncle 25-30 cm high. Suitable for flower beds or containers.

Dutch hybrids are distinguished by color and flowering time.

There is also a group of Roman hyacinths. They have smaller and loosely sitting on a short peduncle (15 cm high) white, pink or blue flowers. Mainly used for forcing.

Multi-flowered hyacinths throw out several peduncles; the flowers are loosely arranged and have a white, pink or blue color. They are suitable for forcing and growing in open ground. Multi-flowered hyacinths, like Roman hyacinths, bloom earlier than Dutch hybrids.

The last group is miniature hyacinths, or cintella. They are presented in miniature (12-15 cm high) forms of popular varieties of Dutch hybrids, such as “Delft Blue”, “Jan Bos”, “Lady Derby”, “City of Harlem”, “Lord Balfour”.

Popular varieties of blue and lilac hyacinths

Blue varieties of hyacinths:

"Bismarck". The flowers are pale purple with a darker longitudinal stripe, large - up to 4 cm in diameter, on long (up to 2.5 cm) pedicels. The inflorescence is wide-conical, 12 cm high and 9 cm in diameter. There are 20-25 flowers in the inflorescence. This one of the most popular varieties of hyacinths has a flower stalk up to 25 cm tall. One of the best varieties For open ground. Early flowering. Suitable for early forcing.

Delft Blue. The flowers are blue, large - up to 4 cm in diameter. The inflorescence is dense, wide, 10-12 cm high and up to 9 cm in diameter. There are 25-37 flowers in the inflorescence. The height of the peduncle of this variety of hyacinths is up to 25 cm. Recommended for landscaping, cutting, and forcing.

"Ostara." The flowers are blue with a barely noticeable darker stripe. The height of the peduncle is 20-24 cm. The inflorescence is dense, 12 cm high and 5 cm in diameter. An early flowering universal variety.

Look at the photo to see what blue hyacinths look like:

Lilac varieties of hyacinths:

"Amethyst". The flowers are lilac, more intensely colored at the edges, large, up to 4 cm in diameter. The inflorescence is dense, up to 15 cm high and up to 8 cm in diameter, consists of 25-30 flowers. Peduncle height up to 24 cm. Medium late. Very good for ground plantings and cuttings, can be used for medium forcing.

"Lord Balfour." The flowers are lilac with a dark lilac clearly defined longitudinal stripe; the edges of the flowers are darker in color. The diameter of the flowers is up to 4 cm. The inflorescence is cylindrical, 12 cm high and up to 7 cm in diameter, consists of 20 flowers. Peduncle up to 24 cm high. Early flowering. In the group of lilac varieties it is considered the best. Suitable for open ground, cutting and early forcing.

White and pink varieties of hyacinth flowers (with photos)

White varieties of hyacinths:

"Innosence". The flowers are snow-white, up to 4 cm in diameter, the petals are spread out and wide. The inflorescence consists of 20-25 flowers, cylindrical, up to 12 cm high and up to 7 cm in diameter. Peduncle up to 25 cm tall. Early flowering. One of the most popular universal varieties: used for open ground, early forcing and cutting.

"Carnegie". The flowers are white, up to 4 cm in diameter, collected in a dense cylindrical inflorescence, 10 cm high and 5 cm in diameter. The number of flowers in an inflorescence is 20-25. The height of the peduncle is up to 22 cm. Medium flowering. One of the best varieties for growing in open ground, cutting and forcing.

Here you can see photos of white hyacinths, which are particularly beautiful:

Pink varieties of hyacinths:

"Anna Marie" The flowers are pink with a darker longitudinal stripe. The inflorescence consists of 30-35 flowers. Peduncle height up to 25 cm. Early flowering. This pink flower hyacinth is recommended for flower decoration in the ground and early forcing.

"Lady Derby" The flowers are light pink, matte, with a darker stripe, 3-4 cm in diameter.

Pay attention to the photo - this pink hyacinth has 23-25 ​​flowers in an inflorescence, cylindrical in shape:

Plant height 11 cm and diameter 5 cm. Peduncle up to 22 cm high. Medium flowering period. Used for open ground, cutting and forcing.

"Pink Pearl". The flowers are intensely pink with a darker longitudinal stripe. The inflorescence consists of 20-22 flowers. Peduncle up to 23 cm high. Mid-early flowering period. Used in landscaping, for cutting and early forcing.

Red, yellow and orange varieties of hyacinths

Red varieties of hyacinths:

"La Victoire". The flowers are raspberry-pink, with shine. The height of the flower arrow is up to 25 cm. Medium early. Recommended for early forcing, ground planting and cutting.

"Jan Bos." Flowers up to 3 cm in diameter, bright magenta-red in color, lighter at the edges, with a whitish throat. There are 25-30 flowers in an inflorescence. It is dense, small, rounded-cone-shaped, up to 10 cm high and up to 5.5 cm in diameter. Peduncle 16-18 cm high. Early flowering. The appearance of a second inflorescence is characteristic, which increases the duration of flowering. Very good for early forcing.

Yellow and orange varieties hyacinths:

"Gypsy Queen" The flowers are orange, collected in a dense inflorescence (of 20-25 flowers) of a cylindrical shape. Peduncle up to 22 cm. Medium flowering. Used for growing in open ground and forcing.

"City of Harlem". The flowers are light yellow, turning pale cream toward the end of flowering. The inflorescence is dense, cylindrical in shape, consists of 20-25 flowers. Peduncle 25-27 cm high. Medium flowering period. Recommended for in the ground, forcing and cutting.

Below are photos of hyacinth varieties most often grown in home gardens:

Conditions for growing hyacinths in open ground: planting and care

To plant hyacinths in open ground, choose flat areas with good drainage and low groundwater, since even a slight stagnation of water can lead to disease and death of the bulbs. These plants are early flowering plants, so they can be planted between. To create ideal conditions cultivation for hyacinths in southern regions, it is recommended to provide slight shading during the midday hours, because in bright sun the plants fade faster, and some varieties may also become discolored.

For growing hyacinths in open ground, cultivated light sandy loam soils, rich in humus, with a neutral reaction are most suitable. Loamy soils improve by adding humus and sand, and acidic ones must be limed. Before planting hyacinth flowers, the soil begins to be prepared 1.5-2 months in advance. Add a bucket of humus, 100 g of ash, 60 g of superphosphate and 30 g of potassium sulfate per 1 m2; you can use a combined fertilizer (25-30 g). Then they dig to a depth of 30-40 cm.

Most gardeners grow hyacinths on ridges 15-20 cm high and 1-1.2 m wide, which protects the bulbs from rotting in rainy weather. Every 20 cm, transverse grooves 20 cm deep are made; coarse sand and ash are poured onto the bottom to improve drainage and protect the bottom from rotting. Large bulbs are stirred at intervals of 12-15 cm to a depth of 15-20 cm and covered with a mixture of sand, ash and earth. Small bulbs and baby bulbs are planted at a distance of 5-6 cm from each other to a depth of 5-8 cm. After planting, the ridges are mulched.

Bulbs are planted in autumn, when the soil temperature reaches 8-9 °C. This soil temperature and sufficient soil moisture are necessary for good rooting. IN middle lane Bulbs are usually planted in the second half of September, and in more southern regions - in October. After planting hyacinths, when caring for bulbs in open ground, after 2-3 weeks, when the plants take root, you can give liquid fertilizer complex mineral fertilizer (20 g/m2). With the onset of frost, the plantings are covered with leaves or spruce branches with a layer of 10-15 cm. When snow falls, the ridges are covered with snow. When growing hyacinth flowers, it is recommended to change the planting location annually. Hyacinths are returned to their original place after 5-6 years.

How to care for hyacinths: feeding and watering

And now it’s time to learn how to care for hyacinth flowers during the growing season. There is nothing complicated here: you need to remove the cover immediately after the snow melts, regularly loosen, weed, discard diseased plants, water and fertilize. Although hyacinths come from warm countries, their resistance to cold during spring development is surprising. They come out from under the snow in early spring already with buds. Can tolerate frosts down to -10 °C. Plants are insensitive to sudden daily temperature fluctuations.

During the growing season, hyacinths are fertilized three times: the first fertilizing is especially important. nitrogen fertilizer- 15 g per bucket of water per 1 m2. It is carried out when the plants reach a height of 5-6 cm. The second feeding is during the budding period at the rate of 20-25 g complex fertilizer per 1 m2. Plants respond well to feeding with infusion of bird droppings or enzymatic herbal slurry. The third time the hyacinths are fed at the end of flowering - superphosphate and potassium sulfate, 20-25 g per 1 m2. Nitrogen is not included in the third fertilizing. Wood ash can be added along with superphosphate.

Since hyacinths are salt-tolerant plants, some gardeners limit themselves to one feeding in the budding phase: 70-80 g of full mineral fertilizer per 1 m2. It is better to use nitroammophoska containing equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

In the process of caring for hyacinths, do not forget to water them. In dry weather, watering is required every 2-3 days. Hyacinths are especially demanding of moisture during flowering. Watering continues after flowering - until the leaves begin to yellow.

Propagation of hyacinths by bulbs (with video)

Hyacinth bulbs should be dug up annually, since a certain amount of temperature is required to set next year's inflorescence. If the bulbs are left in the ground, then next year the buds will be small, green, and underdeveloped. In the south of Russia, digging is carried out in mid-June, in the middle zone - in the second half of July, when the leaves begin to turn yellow and dry out, but have not yet separated from the bulb. The dug up bulbs are dried for 2-3 days in the shade in the open air. Then the soil is shaken off, carefully cleaned of roots, remnants of leaves and peduncles, and diseased and damaged ones are discarded. Before planting, the bulbs are stored at a temperature of 20-25 °C.

The main method of propagation of hyacinths, like most bulbous plants, is vegetative (by daughter bulbs), and propagation by seeds is used for breeding purposes. But the natural reproduction rate of hyacinths is low. In one growing season a large bulb usually produces 1 - 3 children (depending on the variety), and bulbs with a diameter of less than 5 cm do not form children at all. This prevents the wide distribution of hyacinths in culture.

Hyacinths are propagated by bulbs in the fall, and after rooting, fertilizing is applied to the soil.

Back in the 18th century. Dutch flower growers noticed that bulbs with mouse-damaged bottoms form a large number of small daughter bulbs. Since then, cutting out the bottom (partial and then complete) began to be used for accelerated reproduction of hyacinths.

There are many ways to artificially propagate hyacinths: cross-shaped and circular cuts at the bottom, cutting out the bottom completely, isolating the central bud, producing babies from individual scales and even from leaf blades, heating the bulbs.

The video “Propagation of hyacinths” will help you understand how to properly make cuts on the bulb:


Terry variety. The flowers are large, 3.5-4 cm in diameter. The color of the flowers is pure pink with a more intense stripe along the perianth petals.

The inflorescence is cylindrical, 15-18 cm long. Resistant in cultivation, blooms from mid-April for 20 days. The aroma is strong.

Blue Jacket

One of the best among blue varieties. Plant height is up to 25-30 cm. The inflorescence is dense, the blue petals have blue stripes along the edges. Blooms in early May. Suitable for late forcing.

Delft Blue

Large-flowered variety. The inflorescence is dense, with up to 40 porcelain-blue flowers. Long flowering, from the end of April for 20-25 days. The variety is resistant to adverse weather conditions. It has been used for forcing since February. From this variety, varieties with different colors and the shape of the flowers.

China Pink

The variety is relatively young. The inflorescence is dense, up to 40 flowers, soft coral in color. Long flowering, from the end of April for 20-25 days. The variety is resistant to adverse weather conditions. It has been used for forcing since February.


Large-flowered variety. It stands out among other varieties due to its peculiar lilac-raspberry color.

Flowers up to 3.5 cm in diameter. Flower raceme of cylindrical shape. Plant height is 20-25 cm. The variety is resistant to adverse weather conditions. Blooms in late April - early May for 7-8 days. Recommended for creating spectacular compositions and for forcing at a later date.

City of Haarlem

Large-flowered variety. Plant height is up to 30 cm. The flowers are light yellow, 3.5-4 cm in diameter. The edges of the perianth lobes are white with a creamy yellow tint, the tips of the petals are strongly curled. Blooms from May 5-10, for 15-20 days. Suitable for both arranging compositions in open ground and for late forcing. The aroma is pleasant, subtle.

Previously, up to 30 species were included in the hyacinth genus, however, after the reorganization of botanical classifications, most of them moved to another genus. Currently there are only three left:

The most common type from which all existing decorative varieties. The wild form grows in Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, has a thin peduncle with sparsely spaced blue, pink, yellowish-white flowers, and has a strong, pleasant odor.

Up to 25 cm high, with bluish, spreading leaves that are wider than those of the eastern hyacinth, and pale blue flowers, strongly cut, with protruding stamens. Grows in the mountainous regions of Turkmenistan and Iran.

With one or two stems up to 20 cm high, fleshy bare leaves, identical along the entire length, and light blue flowers, 4-10 pieces each. in a racemose inflorescence. It grows in the Kopetdag mountains in Turkmenistan.

Some sources also classify the last two types of hyacinth as belonging to another genus, Hyacinthella.

A number of popular garden plants called hyacinths do not belong to this genus:

A genus of small bulbous plants of the hyacinth subfamily, with small blue, purple, rarely white fragrant, barrel-shaped flowers, collected in a dense multi-flowered raceme. The genus includes more than 30 species, many of which are widely grown in flower beds. They reproduce by autumn division of nests of bulbs that form in the summer large quantities(up to 15-20 babies) around the mother’s bulb.

Water hyacinths. Varieties

Water hyacinth, or eichornia, comes from the tropical regions of America and is a plant with leaves collected in a rosette, kept on the surface of the water due to the porous tissue located in the swelling at the base of the leaves. Long, up to half a meter, roots are completely submerged in water. The flower, pink, blue or purple, is shaped like a hyacinth, which is how it got its name.

Water hyacinths in their homeland, in the tropics, they grow rapidly, covering the surface of the reservoir with a dense layer, disrupting their oxygen regime and impeding the movement of ships. In the middle zone they are far from being so aggressive; they can breed in decorative ponds subject to wintering in a warm room. Common aquarium plant. It has useful property purify water by absorbing insecticides, phosphates, phenols, and other harmful substances.

Eastern hyacinths. Varieties

Oriental hyacinth (H. orientalis) or Dutch- the most common, from each bulb grows one peduncle 15 to 23 cm high, on which up to 30-35 flowers bloom on thick stalks. It blooms on average for 2-3 weeks.

Or Franco-Roman, differs from Dutch in shorter (up to 15 cm) and weaker peduncles, white inflorescences and the ability of the bulbs to produce 2-3 fragrant flowers.

It differs from the previous subspecies in the pink color of the flowers.

From oriental hyacinth and its varieties, through intraspecific crossing and selection of evading forms, all currently existing varieties have been obtained. Over several centuries of persistent breeding work, more than 400 of them have been created. Currently, the International Directory of Registration of Hyacinth Varieties includes 170 items, of which about 60 are commercially reproduced. Many varieties are over 80 years old, but they are still considered promising and continue to be included in the modern assortment .

Hyacinths They do not have a clear division into groups, like tulips or daffodils. They are usually classified according to the shape of the flower, as simple (H. single), double (H. double), multi-flowered (H. multiflora); according to flowering dates as late, middle and early; by color into 6 groups: white, pink, red, blue, lilac and purple, yellow and orange. There are also varieties of hyacinths recommended for forcing or growing in the garden.

The division by flowering time is quite arbitrary; usually the blue ones bloom first hyacinths, followed by lilac, red, pink, white, and finally, last but not least, yellow and orange. Terry varieties bloom later than others. Moreover, the earliest varieties of hyacinths bloom only 10 days earlier than the latest ones.

The most commonly used division of varieties is by color.

White hyacinths. Varieties

Hyacinth Arentina, Arendsen (Arentine Arendsen), medium, 18 - 28 cm high, with a cylindrical inflorescence containing up to 35 rather large, up to 4 cm, flowers with wide, bent to the sides, perianth lobes.

The variety is early, with a peduncle from 18 to 26 cm in height, flowers up to 4 cm in diameter, and wide spreading perianths. Old Dutch variety, created in 1863, still remains one of the most popular among white hyacinths.

Hyacinth Carnegie is a white hybrid. Carnegie, or Carnegie , medium, up to 22 cm high, with a cylindrical inflorescence, flowers up to 4 cm in diameter, with wide perianth lobes. Hyacinth Carnegie was developed in Holland at the end of the 19th century.

With peduncles 20-25 cm long, a wide inflorescence with 13-20 flowers of medium (about 3.5 cm) sizes, blooms in mid-April.

Pink hyacinths. Varieties

Late, up to 25 cm in height, light pink flowers with a yellowish-pink perianth tube, loose, cylindrical inflorescence.

Early, with a cone-shaped inflorescence, bright pink flowers with a dark stripe on narrow perianth lobes. Characteristic hyacinth Pink pearl - long, up to 7 cm, bracts similar to leaves.

Hyacinth Fondant - unpretentious variety. Fondant, with a mother-of-pearl inflorescence up to 20 cm long and large, about 4.5 cm, flowers. Hyacinth Fondant- a highly productive industrial variety, characterized by resistance to adverse conditions.

Hyacinth Gertrude, dark pink, with a dense flower raceme bearing 24 flowers in the middle zone and up to 75 in the southern climate. Peduncles up to 24 cm high, racemes up to 12 cm. Blooms at the end of April.

The flowering period is average, in a cylindrical raceme there are up to 37 flowers. The perianth along the edge is white with a pink tint, in the expanded part - with crimson-pink stripes on the central veins. Bred in Holland in 1875.

Pink with a touch purple tint, with inflorescences 15 - 20 cm in length, medium density. Blooms in early May.

Pink hyacinths. Varieties

From pink varieties Hyacinths are also common China Pink, salmon-apricot color with strong aroma, bright pink Rosalia, Delight with large pink (4.5 cm) flowers.

Blue hyacinths. Varieties.

With a dense wide inflorescence up to 15 cm long, large blue (up to 4 cm) flowers. Delft Blue is a hyacinth considered one of the best of its group for forcing. It blooms in the ground for 20-25 days.

Late, the flowers are blue-violet with a white throat, the perianth lobes are narrow and long, strongly bent. Origin - Holland, 1865

Hyacinth Marie, Marie (Marie), early. The height of the peduncles is 18-25 cm, the flowers are dark blue with a white throat, collected in a compact cylindrical inflorescence. Hyacinth Maria is one of the most common in the countries of the former Soviet Union. Brought out in Holland in 1860.

An early light blue variety with long narrow perianth lobes, curled back, darker at the ends.

Lilac and purple hyacinths. Varieties.

With compact wide-cylindrical inflorescences of a delicate lilac-raspberry hue. The variety is healthy and unpretentious, the flower stalks are 20-25 cm high. The only drawback is the short flowering time, only about a week.

Up to 30 cm high, early, with large, up to 4.5 cm, pale purple flowers with a clear longitudinal purple stripe on the perianth lobes. The variety is not very suitable for cutting due to short peduncles, but is good for forcing and growing in the garden. Created in Germany in 1875.

Early, with loose cylindrical inflorescences lilac color with a longitudinal stripe of a darker shade. Perianth with long lobes pointed at the ends, often strongly bent upward; flower diameter is about 4 mm. Dutch variety, bred in 1883.

With compact black-violet inflorescences, along the edges of lighter flowers, the diameter of which is up to 3.5 cm. Flowering is long-lasting, up to 20 days, at the end of April.

Red hyacinths. Varieties.

Early, excellent variety for early forcing. The inflorescences are cylindrical, dense, with bright magenta-red, medium-sized (up to 3 cm) flowers, lighter at the edges, with a white throat.

Hyacinth Woodstock, with a dense high (10-15 cm) inflorescence, large violet-crimson flowers, and crimson leaf tips. Has a pleasant subtle aroma. Hyacinth Woodstock is one of the best varieties of modern selection, optimal for forcing at home

Medium, 18-20 cm in height, with a compact red-crimson inflorescence; the raceme can contain up to 60 flowers with a diameter of about 3 cm.

Carmine-red, with flowers 3 in diameter and 2.2 cm high, a variety for early forcing.

Previously, up to 30 species were included in the hyacinth genus, however, after the reorganization of botanical classifications, most of them moved to another genus.

Currently there are only three left:

Eastern hyacinth (H. orientalis), the most common species from which all currently existing decorative varieties are created. The wild form grows in Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, has a thin peduncle with sparsely spaced blue, pink, yellowish-white flowers, and has a strong, pleasant odor.

Hyacinth Litvinova (H. litwinowii), up to 25 cm high, with bluish, spreading leaves, which are wider than those of the oriental hyacinth, and pale blue flowers, strongly cut, with protruding stamens. Grows in the mountainous regions of Turkmenistan and Iran.

Hyacinth Transcaspian (H. transcaspicus), with one or two stems up to 20 cm high, fleshy bare leaves, identical along the entire length, and light blue flowers, 4-10 pcs. in a racemose inflorescence. It grows in the Kopetdag mountains in Turkmenistan.

Some sources also classify the last two types of hyacinth as belonging to another genus, Hyacinthella.

A number of popular garden plants, called hyacinths, do not belong to this genus:

Mouse hyacinth (Muscari), a genus of small bulbous plants of the hyacinth subfamily, with small blue, purple, rarely white fragrant, barrel-shaped flowers, collected in a dense multi-flowered raceme. The genus includes more than 30 species, many of which are widely grown in flower beds. They reproduce by autumn division of nests of bulbs, which during the summer are formed in large numbers (up to 15-20 children) around the mother bulb.

Water hyacinths: genus Eichornia

Another famous water hyacinth belongs to the Pontederiaceae family, genus Eichornia.

Water hyacinth or eichornia (eihornia), comes from the tropical regions of America and is a plant with leaves collected in a rosette, kept on the surface of the water due to the porous tissue located in the swelling at the base of the leaves. Long, up to half a meter, roots are completely submerged in water. The flower, pink, blue or purple, is shaped like a hyacinth, which is how it got its name.

Water hyacinths in their homeland, in the tropics, grow quickly, cover the surface of the reservoir with a dense layer, disrupting their oxygen regime and impeding the movement of ships. In the middle zone, they are far from being so aggressive; they can be bred in decorative ponds, provided they overwinter in a warm room. A common aquarium plant. It has the useful property of purifying water by absorbing insecticides, phosphates, phenols, and other harmful substances.

Eastern hyacinth: varieties and classification of varieties

There are several varieties of oriental hyacinth:

Oriental hyacinth (H. orientalis) or Dutch - the most common, from each bulb grows one peduncle 15 to 23 cm high, on which up to 30-35 flowers bloom on thick stalks. It blooms on average for 2-3 weeks.

Oriental hyacinth whitish (H. orientalis var. albulus), or Franco-Roman, differs from the Dutch in shorter (up to 15 cm) and weaker peduncles, white inflorescences and the ability of the bulbs to produce 2-3 fragrant flowers.

Hyacinth orientalis de Provence (H. orientalis var. provansalis), differs from the previous subspecies in the pink color of the flowers.

All currently existing varieties have been obtained from the eastern hyacinth and its varieties through intraspecific crossing and selection of evading forms. Over several centuries of persistent breeding work, more than 400 of them have been created. Currently, the International Directory of Registration of Hyacinth Varieties includes 170 items, of which about 60 are commercially reproduced. Many varieties are over 80 years old, but they are still considered promising and continue to be included in the modern assortment .

Hyacinths do not have a clear division into groups, like tulips or daffodils. They are usually classified according to the shape of the flower, as simple (H. single), double (H. double), multi-flowered (H. multiflora); according to flowering dates as late, middle and early; by color into 6 groups: white, pink, red, blue, lilac and purple, yellow and orange. There are also varieties of hyacinths recommended for forcing or growing in the garden.

The division by flowering time is quite arbitrary; usually blue hyacinths bloom first, followed by lilac, red, pink, white, and finally yellow and orange. Terry varieties bloom later than others. Moreover, the earliest varieties of hyacinths bloom only 10 days earlier than the latest ones.

The most commonly used division of varieties is by color.

Common varieties of hyacinths

Listed below are the most popular varieties simple hyacinths, divided into groups according to flower color.

White hyacinths:

Arentina, Arendsen (Arentine Arendsen), medium, 18 - 28 cm high, with a cylindrical inflorescence containing up to 35 rather large, up to 4 cm, flowers with wide, bent to the sides, perianth lobes.

L'Innosance (L'Innocence), an early variety, with a peduncle from 18 to 26 cm in height, flowers up to 4 cm in diameter, wide spreading perianths. An ancient Dutch variety, created in 1863, which still remains one of the most popular among white hyacinths.

Hyacinth Carnegie – white hybrid

Carnegie, or Carnegie (Carnegie), medium, up to 22 cm high, with a cylindrical inflorescence, flowers up to 4 cm in diameter, with wide perianth lobes. Hyacinth Carnegie was developed in Holland at the end of the 19th century.

Edelweiss (Edelweiss), with peduncles 20-25 cm long, a wide inflorescence with 13-20 medium-sized flowers (about 3.5 cm), blooms in mid-April.

Pink hyacinths: list of varieties

Anna Marie (Ann Marie), late, up to 25 cm in height, light pink flowers with a yellowish-pink perianth tube, loose, cylindrical inflorescence.

Pink Pearl (Pink Perl), early, with a cone-shaped inflorescence, bright pink flowers with a dark stripe on narrow perianth lobes. A characteristic feature of Pink pearl hyacinth is long, up to 7 cm, bracts similar to leaves.

Hyacinth Fondant - an unpretentious variety

Fondant (Fondant), with a mother-of-pearl inflorescence up to 20 cm long and large, about 4.5 cm, flowers. Hyacinth Fondant is a highly productive industrial variety that is resistant to adverse conditions.

Gertrude (Gertrude), dark pink, with a dense flower raceme bearing 24 flowers in the middle zone and up to 75 in the southern climate. Peduncles up to 24 cm high, racemes up to 12 cm. Blooms at the end of April.

Lady Derby (Lady Derby), average in terms of flowering time, up to 37 flowers in a cylindrical raceme. The perianth along the edge is white with a pink tint, in the expanded part - with crimson-pink stripes on the central veins. Bred in Holland in 1875.

Marconi (Marconi), pink with a slight purple tint, with inflorescences 15 - 20 cm in length, medium density. Blooms in early May.

China Pink – pink hyacinths

Pink hyacinth in the photo.

Among the pink varieties, China Pink hyacinths, a salmon-apricot color with a strong aroma, bright pink Rosalia, Delight with large pink (4.5 cm) flowers, are also common.

Blue hyacinths: Blue and other early varieties

Delft Blue (Delft Blue), with a dense wide inflorescence up to 15 cm long, large blue (up to 4 cm) flowers. Delft Blue is a hyacinth considered one of the best of its group for forcing. It blooms in the ground for 20-25 days.

King of the Blues (King of the Blues), late, blue-violet flowers with a white throat, perianth lobes narrow and long, strongly bent. Origin - Holland, 1865

Hyacinth Maria

Marie, Maria (Marie), early. The height of the peduncles is 18-25 cm, the flowers are dark blue with a white throat, collected in a compact cylindrical inflorescence. Hyacinth Maria is one of the most common in the countries of the former Soviet Union. Brought out in Holland in 1860.

Myosotis (Miosotis), an early light blue variety with long narrow perianth lobes, curled back, darker at the ends.

Lilac and purple hyacinths

Amethyst (Amethyst), with compact wide-cylindrical inflorescences of a delicate lilac-raspberry hue. The variety is healthy and unpretentious, the flower stalks are 20-25 cm high. The only drawback is the short flowering time, only about a week.

Bismarck (Bismark), up to 30 cm high, early, with large, up to 4.5 cm, pale purple flowers with a clear longitudinal purple stripe on the perianth lobes. The variety is not very suitable for cutting due to short peduncles, but is good for forcing and growing in the garden. Created in Germany in 1875.

Lord Balfour (Lord Balfour), early, with loose cylindrical inflorescences of lilac color with a longitudinal stripe of a darker shade. Perianth with long lobes pointed at the ends, often strongly bent upward; flower diameter is about 4 mm. Dutch variety, bred in 1883.

Menelik (Menelike), with compact black-violet inflorescences, along the edge of lighter flowers, the diameter of which is up to 3.5 cm. Flowering is long-lasting, up to 20 days, at the end of April.

Red hyacinths

Jan Bos (Jan Bos), early, excellent variety for early forcing. The inflorescences are cylindrical, dense, with bright magenta-red, medium-sized (up to 3 cm) flowers, lighter at the edges, with a white throat.

Hyacinth Woodstock from modern selection

Woodstock (Woodstock), with a dense high (10-15 cm) inflorescence, large violet-crimson flowers, and crimson leaf tips. Has a pleasant subtle aroma. Hyacinth Woodstock is one of the best varieties of modern selection, optimal for forcing at home

La Victoire (La Victoire), medium, 18-20 cm in height, with a compact red-crimson inflorescence; the raceme can contain up to 60 flowers with a diameter of about 3 cm.

General Pelissier (General Pellisier), carmine-red, with flowers 3 in diameter and 2.2 cm high, a variety for early forcing.

Yellow and orange hyacinths

City of Haarlem (City of Haarlem), one of the most common varieties in our country with light yellow, large (up to 4 cm) flowers. Medium, height of peduncles – up to 30 cm.

Orange Bowen (Orange Boven), salmon-apricot, with a yellow throat and dark pink tips of the perianth segments. Height 18-20 cm, flowers on long stalks, often drooping.

Yellow Hummer (Yellow Hammer), with large bright yellow flowers and a faint aroma. Late.

Are there black hyacinths?

We would like to separately note the one-of-a-kind variety Black hyacinth Midnight Mystique. Its selection took more than 16 years, the first sample was presented at the Chelsea 2005 exhibition by the famous company Thompson & Morgan.

Popular late and early varieties of double hyacinths:

Grootvorst (Grootvorst), light lilac, medium, very fragrant. Not very suitable for forcing; it reproduces well vegetatively.

Madame Sophie (Madame Sophie), with a white narrow-cylindrical inflorescence of large, up to 4.5 cm, flowers. Late, arose as a mutation of the L’Innosance variety. Height – up to 23 cm.

Prince Arthur (Prince Arthur), with powerful peduncles up to 30 cm high, and dark blue flowers with a diameter of up to 3.5 cm.

Sunflower (Sunflower), late variety, densely double cream flowers with a pink tint, the inflorescence is narrow and dense, up to 10 cm in length. Peduncle 23-27 cm tall.

Chesnut Flower (Chestnut Flower), medium, flowers are large (about 5 cm), porcelain, light pink. Recommended for open ground. Created in 1880 in Holland.

Edison (Edison), another light pink variety recommended for open ground. Height – 20-22 cm, flower diameter – 3-3.5 cm.

Holyhock (Hollyhock), one of the most late varieties, with bright carmine-red flowers.

There is a group of varieties of multi-flowered hyacinths that produce several flower stalks with loose fragrant inflorescences from one bulb.

This includes varieties:

Pink Pink Festival (Pink Festival)

Hyacinth blue Blue Festival (Blue Festival)

White White Festival (White Festival).

Plant height is about 25 cm.