Persimmon types of varieties. Late varieties of persimmon: description of varieties. Dried persimmon. How to choose correctly

Plant growers divide persimmon varieties depending on the pollination process. There are varieties that require pollination to set fruit, for example, Hiakume, Gately, Goshoaki, Zenjiaru (Chocolate). Other varieties of persimmon bear fruit without pollination, these are: Sidles, Tamopan, Gosho. There are also intermediate variations, the fruits of which are set in any case, but the pollinated ones grow larger and have better taste.

By nutritional characteristics Among the varieties of persimmon, there are plants with a tart, astringent taste, which disappears when the fruit ripens and its pulp turns into a jelly state. These are, for example, varieties: Gosho, Costata, Sidles, Khachia. Gardeners include persimmons in another group of varieties, the fruits of which remain solid at any stage of maturity, they have practically no astringency and do not depend on pollination, these are: Fuyu, Chineuli, 20th century.

And the varieties of king persimmon stand apart, which have better taste and sweetness if they contain many seeds. The most popular of these varieties are: Hiakume (Korolek), Gately, Goshoaki, Zenjiaru (Chocolate) and others.

A wide variety of persimmon varieties can be divided into three groups according to ripening period: early-, mid- and late-ripening. The first varieties to bear fruit in October are: Sidles and Goshoaki. Mid-season varieties, most common and ripen in early November: Hiakume, Zenjiaru, Hachia. Late ripe persimmons bear fruit closer to December.

For growing persimmons in the Krasnodar Territory and Crimea, frost-resistant ones are chosen early ripening varieties, capable of withstanding rare but severe frosts. The Russian variety, which can withstand temperatures down to -30 degrees, is popular, as well as hybrids of Virginia persimmon from the USA.

What kind of persimmon are there? Description of varieties.

Persimmon Russian- a variety bred in Crimea, a small plant, frost-resistant with spreading branches. The fruits are round, flattened, and have a waxy coating. This persimmon bears fruit every year, its fruits have a moderately tart, very sweet taste, and the ripe pulp is medium hard. The fruits ripen and become soft at the end of November. Each mature tree capable of producing up to 80 kg of harvest.

Persimmon variety Korolek. There are many varieties of king persimmon, which have gained the greatest popularity among gardeners due to their characteristics. During flowering, the plant is completely covered with red single flowers, and after a month a mass of ovaries appears, reaching the size of an average apple by autumn. In November, the fruits turn brown and become soft as they ripen. Unripe Kinglet has a bitter, tart taste, but this property is eliminated by freezing.

Chocolate Persimmon - Zendzhiaru. A variety loved by many, with excellent taste characteristics, round in shape, with orange skin and brownish pulp. How more seeds and the darker the flesh, the tastier the Chocolate persimmon fruit. When ripe, it becomes a little softer and sweeter, but there is no astringency in the hard fruits.

Persimmon Khachia. The fruit has an orange peel and yellowish flesh. It has strong astringency and low taste.

Tamopan or Chinese persimmon. Its fruits of a specific shape have a deepened strip around the circumference and a thick peel. The persimmon pulp of this variety lacks sweetness, even when ripe.

Fuyu persimmon- one of the early ripening varieties with distinctive feature- the fruit is divided into segments by external depressions. Pulp of mature Fuyu Brown with several bones. The tree of this persimmon reaches large sizes and bears fruit abundantly.

Persimmon is one of my family's favorite fruits. Both children and adults adore it, not only for its honey taste, but also for its storehouse of vitamins and elements that are beneficial for the body. We usually purchase it during the winter months. The problem is that they don’t always sell exactly the variety you ask for.

We decided that if we master this first serious acquaintance, we will definitely try to plant this wonderful fruit tree in our dacha.

This amazing fruit came from China, translated from Greek means “food of the gods” or “divine fire”. Another meaning came from the Caucasian persimmon - “date plum”, because the dried fruit tastes like a date.

A tree or shrub lives for about 50 - 60 years, bears orange juicy fruits - berries that have from 1 to 10 seeds or without them at all. The leaves grow alternately and have a simple shape.

Because of its extraordinary taste, persimmon is widespread throughout almost all of Europe and Asia, America and Australia. Entire fruit farms are being created that supply these fruits, which have completely different taste qualities and differ in appearance.

Persimmon fruits range from bright carrot-colored to deep orange and chocolate. The viscosity disappears at the end of ripening. To remove viscosity from the fruit, persimmons are placed in a cold place or left to ripen in a warm place. Then the persimmon will have the desired jelly-like consistency.

There are about 720 species of this tree in total. Kinglets are not a separate fruit, but a type of persimmon. Has a divine sweet taste. Very popular.

The tree is grown in countries with warm climates. Along with traditional ones, there are also exotic ones. hybrid varieties. Let's look at the most famous ones.

Classification of the main types of persimmons

There is a classification according to various characteristics and characteristics of this fruit:

The pollination method divides all varieties into several subgroups:

  • Self-pollinating.
  • Partially fertile.
  • Self-sterile (cannot set fruit on their own without pollination).

By taste:

  • Tart (the property disappears only when the fruit is fully ripe).
  • Persimmon is sweet and dense in texture.
  • The third variety is kings, whose taste and astringency depend directly on the pollination process.

Classification according to the timing of fruit ripening:

  • Early (ready to eat in September).
  • Mid-season (mid-October).
  • Late (late October and until mid or late November).

Division according to the area from which the species and varieties originated:

  • Eastern (or Japanese), its homeland is Asia. The trees are small, but the fruit itself is quite large - up to 500 grams.
  • Caucasian (ordinary) has very small berries with a tart taste, about 2 - 3 cm in diameter, native to the Caucasus and Central Asia.
  • Virginia (American) is distinguished by juicy medium-sized fruits up to 6 - 7 cm in diameter. The trees are medium in size and are resistant to cold weather.

This classification will help to most accurately determine the type and variety of fruit, and therefore the degree of its ripeness and taste.

Popular persimmon varieties

Let's consider those types that we can freely purchase in the store and are the most famous in terms of taste.

Chocolate Wren

Also called “chocolate persimmon”, “chocolate pudding” and Hyakume. Now it grows in the southern regions of Russia, Ukraine, the Caucasus, Central Asia and South Africa.

Brief description of the variety:

  • The tree belongs to the ebony genus.
  • It has one feature that distinguishes it from all other types of persimmon. If the kinglet has passed the pollination stage, then the fruits will be with seeds and dark orange in color, with a rich and sweet taste, and if pollination has not occurred, then the color will be light with a reddish tint, and the pulp will taste viscous.
  • The fruit has an orange skin and dark chocolate pulp. The riper the fruit, the darker its contents. The big plus is that it never gets stuck. And if not quite ripe, then it’s simply firmer in structure and not as sweet. The weight of one fruit reaches the size of a large apple.
  • The tree begins to bloom in May. In early July, the ovary forms and the fruits ripen and gain juiciness until October. That's when it's time to harvest. The pulp should already be dark chocolate and creamy. The shape of the king is round or slightly flattened and heart-shaped. This indicates complete maturity.

This variety is low in calories (only 53 kcal per 100 g) and is ideal for sweet lovers and those on a diet. Kinglet contains a lot of useful substances: vitamin A and C, potassium, magnesium, iron, pectin, phosphorus and calcium.

Honey Wren Early

Fruits before the chocolate king. It does not have such dark flesh, on the contrary, it is light in color. Also very sweet and delicious fruit.

The pulp is tender and softer in consistency. It’s not for nothing that this variety is called honey, because the taste is really so unusual and with notes of honey. The variety is considered early.

Large persimmon, king type

The variety is similar to the chocolate king, only its flesh is not brown-chocolate in color, it is red-orange. The fruits are larger than other species of this variety. Has a slightly nutty taste. An unusually original and healthy fruit and divinely tasty.

When the fruit is not quite ripe, it becomes a little sticky. This deficiency completely disappears when the persimmon is fully ripened.

Fig persimmon

One of the most famous varieties. The name is given based on the similarity with the oriental fruit - figs.

Description and characteristics of this variety:

Most early variety. Also called Chamomile or Fuyu unpollinated, seedless. It goes on sale at the beginning of winter.

  • When the berry is fully ripe, it has a brownish tint and may contain seeds. If the fruit is unpollinated, it is much lighter and seedless. The pulp resembles marmalade.
  • The fruit has a flat shape. Not too sweet and often sticky. The peel is thin and tends to crack.
  • It is believed that fruit with a seed is much tastier, but this also depends on the place of growth.
  • The first fig persimmon appears only in the third year and can bear fruit for up to 60 years.
  • It can withstand both hot climates and frosts down to -20 degrees.

This fruit contains much less sugar-containing substances and has very little calorie content.

Also, fig persimmon is rich in fats, proteins and carbohydrates, tannin, vitamin A, PP, beta carotene, minerals and organic acids.

Persimmon Chocolate Girl (Zenji - Maru)

Is an excellent pollinator. This variety is grafted onto Virginskaya persimmon. Very sweet beautiful fruit.

  • The tree is medium-sized. The flowers of this variety are both female and male.
  • The fruit is round in shape, sometimes slightly oblong. Fruit small size. Weight approximately 100 g.
  • The middle of the fruit is dark brown in color. The taste is juicy and quite sweet. The structure is dense.
  • Pollination is not necessary, as it produces many male inflorescences every year.
  • The fruit ripens in mid-autumn.

Withstands frosts down to -20 and can be planted in unheated greenhouses or on the south side of the site, always covering it for the winter.

Persimmon Sharon

It is a hybrid of oriental persimmon and apple. The homeland is considered to be Israel and its Sargon Valley or the Valley of Sharon. The taste of this fruit is very unusual - it combines notes of apricot, quince, apple and a slightly honey taste.

Description of the variety:

  • The distinctive feature of these fruits is the absolute absence of viscosity, because the tannin, which contributes to the formation of astringency, has been removed through the use of chemical ripening.
  • This fruit does not have seeds either. This is the main difference from eastern persimmon.
  • Sharon light - orange color with thin and shiny skin.
  • The pulp has a dense consistency and the structure resembles a soft apple. You can bite or cut into slices.
  • It has a taste filled with different fruity notes.
  • Ripens by mid-autumn. It is interesting that the sweetness of the fruit directly depends on the duration of its exposure to the cold.

This variety is rich in beta carotene and contains valuable dietary fiber, magnesium, iron and vitamins A, B, and C. One of the few varieties of persimmon that can withstand transportation perfectly, therefore it is supplied to many countries.

Video about the Russian variety:

Persimmon tomato

Sometimes called Bull's Heart because it resembles the shape of this type of tomato.

Brief characteristics of the variety:

  • There are no seeds in this fruit.
  • This variety has a rich orange color.
  • When the berries ripen, they become even sweeter and juicier, but the color remains the same.
  • Viscosity is present only in unripe fruits, which are picked ahead of time so as not to be damaged during transportation.
  • The weight of the fruit is up to 0.5 kg, and the diameter is more than 8 cm.

The fruit is grown only in southern regions, and tomato persimmons ripen later than all varieties, so we enjoy them the very last.

Here is a very short list of the main varieties, but we hope it will help you understand a little about the diversity and choose the juiciest and most delicious fruits. In winter, this is not only a divine delicacy, but also an invaluable source of the most important vitamins and elements for maintaining the body.

Persimmon varieties with photos: the most delicious and sweet, for growing in the Russian Federation

Persimmon (lat. Diōspyros) has been known to man for more than 2000 years. For its unique taste with many different shades, it is also called the “Plum of the Gods.” Due to its rather low calorie content (from 60 to 120 calories depending on the variety) and high content of vitamins and microelements, this product is indispensable in the diet of every person, especially in winter period.

Application and main characteristics of persimmon

We are used to eating persimmon fruits only fresh, enjoying the juicy and slightly tart pulp. But this fruit is also widely used for making compote, delicious marmalade, jam, preserves and even wine. Wonderful dried fruits are made from it, and a special type of coffee is obtained from the seeds. The wood of this tree is very valuable and is called “black”. It is used to make furniture, parquet and sports equipment.

The tropics and subtropics are considered their homeland. This plant is a huge spreading tree up to 30 m high, but there are also dwarf varieties for growing at home. At the beginning of summer it is covered with many fragrant flowers of red, yellow or white, and by the end of autumn amazing sunny fruits ripen on it. Their size and color may vary depending on the variety.

Currently, there are more than 300 varieties of this plant. The taste of the fruit varies - from tart to cloyingly sweet. The ripe pulp becomes like a jelly that can be eaten with a spoon, while some varieties remain firm even at the end of ripening.

How to choose sweet fruits that don't make your mouth gag

Many people know that persimmons “knit the mouth,” but not everyone knows why this happens and how to choose the right fruits. It’s worth mentioning right away that not all varieties have this property; these are mainly Oriental varieties and frost-resistant varieties (grown in the Russian Federation). Such as Shokoladnitsa and Sharon, do not have astringency even when unripe, only if they are consumed completely green (visible by color).

The feeling of viscosity in the mouth appears due to the tart taste of unripe fruits. Some varieties are visually almost impossible to distinguish, since their color, even when unripe, is orange.

When buying Oriental or local persimmons, you should pay attention to the softness of the fruit: the peel should not look like a film, but be easily pressed through with slight pressure with your finger. The color of persimmon, if it is not the Shokoladnitsa variety, can be dark orange, but not brown. The darkened fruits will not “knit your mouth”, but their taste will be similar to porridge.

If you bought tart, unripe persimmons, this is not a problem. Put it in the refrigerator, or even better, in the freezer. After 3-4 hours, the astringency will disappear, and the pulp will become very sweet and will not turn into jelly (due to this quality, many people prefer to buy unripe persimmons and freeze them).

What varieties of persimmon are the most delicious?

Weather conditions greatly affect the taste and quality of the fruit. Transportation is also an important factor: if the persimmon ripens completely on the tree, it will be much tastier than the one that ripened during transportation or storage.

Persimmon Korolkovaya

Among the many varieties of this fruit, the most delicious and affordable varieties in the regions of Russia are distinguished. Particularly popular is the King persimmon, which is deservedly considered the sweetest. It should be noted that the more seeds there are in the fruit, the tastier they are. The most popular varieties of this group include Hiakume, Zenji-Maru, and Gately.


The Hiakume variety of persimmon is the most common of the Korolkov family; it produces large fruits elongated shape and weighing up to 250 grams, for which it received the name Korolek. Their color can vary from honey yellow to dark brown. It is thanks to its color and unique taste that the variety is often called “Chocolate”, but it should not be confused with Zenji-Maru (popularly called Chocolate Girl).

The fruits have good transportability. Their skin is smooth and dense, which allows the fruit to retain its presentation for a long time. The pulp has a sweet, delicate taste. Even unripe fruits have a honey aroma and are not at all tart. young tree begins to bear fruit already 4-5 years after planting, and the yield can reach 200 kg per unit. However this type not resistant to severe frosts and at temperatures below -18ºС requires good shelter.

Chocolate Girl or Zenji-Maru

According to characteristics and appearance practically no different from Hyakume. It has slightly darker flesh and a more sugary taste. It is generally accepted that the more seeds there are in a fruit, the higher its taste. Trees of this variety also bear excellent harvest, but are thermophilic, they are recommended to be grown in areas where the temperature does not fall below 15.

Persimmon Apple or Sharon

Apple persimmon varieties are in high demand. They got their name from crossing this fruit with an apple tree. Among the most popular subspecies is Sharon, which has an amazing delicate aroma reminiscent of quince and apricot.

Large juicy fruits have no seeds and an astringent taste. Even when ripe, the flesh remains firm, like an apple, and has a bright orange color. Sharon is unpretentious in cultivation and transports well, but is not adapted to the northern climate.


Eastern or Japanese persimmon varieties are considered the largest:

  • The weight of one fruit can reach 0.5 kg;
  • The tree can produce up to 500 kg of quality harvest per year;
  • The flowers are self-fertile and do not require pollination;
  • The tree reaches up to 10 meters in height, which makes harvesting much easier;
  • Frost resistance is moderate: it can withstand frosts down to -18ºС and requires thorough shelter for the winter.

Frost-resistant persimmon varieties for growing in Russia

Persimmon varieties can be roughly classified according to ripening time:

  • Early - begins to bear fruit in early October. These include: Sidlis and Goshoaki;
  • Medium - fruits ripen in early November (Hiakume, Zenji-Maru);
  • Late - the harvest period begins only in December (Nakhodka, Zvezdochka).

For Russian gardeners, the most interesting varieties of persimmon are early ripening and have high frost resistance. Because there is nothing nicer than having a holiday New Year's table these exotic fruits grown in own garden.

The most suitable varieties for cultivation in Russia are the following varieties of persimmon:

  • Virginskaya;
  • Russian;
  • Mount Goverla;
  • Mount Roman-Kosh.


Virginia (or American) persimmon is a huge tree up to 25 meters in height, quite unpretentious to soil and moisture. The plant can withstand frosts down to -35ºС without shelter for the winter. Due to its high frost resistance, this is the only variety suitable for middle zone Russia.

It is preferable to plant in open areas, as this subspecies requires a lot of light. Persimmon variety Virginskaya has small fruits, their diameter is 2-6 cm, and the pulp is sweet and nutritious.


This variety was bred by breeders of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden in Crimea and has the following characteristics:

  • The height of the tree reaches 4-4.5 m;
  • The fruits are small, weighing up to 70 g;
  • The shape is rounded and flattened;
  • The surface has a white waxy coating;
  • The ripening period begins at the end of October, and in November the fruits reach complete softening;
  • During the season, the tree produces up to 80 kg of fruit;
  • Unripe persimmons have a tart taste, but when they reach full ripening, they become very sweet, and the pulp acquires the consistency of jam;
  • The shelf life is not long: until December;
  • The Rossiyanka persimmon tree can withstand short frosts down to -30ºС.

Mount Hoverla

This is one of best hybrids, the weight of the fruits reaches 270 g. The pulp of the fruit is burgundy in color and has excellent taste. Their ripening period begins at the end of October. Persimmon of the Gora Goverla variety is quite frost-resistant and can withstand down to -24ºС.

Mount Roman-Kosh

The Mount Roman-Kosh tree has good resistance to frost down to -25 degrees. But to get bountiful harvest pollination is necessary. The fruits are yellow in color and begin to ripen in early November. They are stored for quite a long time and can last until January.

Bottom line

If you decide to grow persimmons in your own garden, then when choosing a variety you should give preference to frost-resistant ones. By observing proper and timely care, as well as providing high-quality shelter for the winter, after 3-4 years you will be able to enjoy excellent and very healthy fruits, as well as the appearance of a beautiful tree that will decorate any area.

Persimmon is a plant of the ebony family. There are a large number of species of this representative. However, for our country the following varieties are most interesting: “Eastern”, “Caucasian”, “Virginskaya”. Let's take a closer look at each of them and find out what features of growing this plant exist.

Caucasian persimmon

Persimmon, the varieties of which we have listed, grows on trees. Some reach a height of more than 25 meters. The fruits of the plant weigh on average 20 g. The taste is tart. Contains 4 seeds inside; before ripening, persimmon of the "Caucasian" variety is black in color.

Features of cultivation

"Caucasian" persimmons are grown by planting seedlings. They tolerate various weather conditions, climate changes and soil conditions well. The seedlings are drought-resistant and do not sprout in the garden.

Virginia persimmon. How to grow?

Persimmon variety "Virginskaya" is a medium-sized tree from North America, which can withstand temperature changes down to -20 degrees Celsius. The plant reaches a height of 20 meters.

Seedlings are used as rootstock for promotion cultural species plants. Persimmon loves clayey, waterlogged soil.

Eastern persimmon

This type of plant was brought to us from China. Available various varieties, most often they are able to withstand severe frosts. In our country, this plant has taken root since the times of the USSR. Persimmon variety "Russian" is an interspecific hybrid of "Eastern" and "Virginian" persimmons.

Constant varieties

All types of persimmon are divided into certain groups. Those that do not change the color of the pulp upon ripening, and regardless of the method of pollination, are called constant. Constant persimmon is divided into two types:

  • sweet;
  • tart.

The first one does not become soft even after lying for a long time. The varietal color does not change after being removed from the tree. The tart type of persimmon loses its taste after a long period of storage and gradually softens.

Some gardeners distinguish another plant variety - variable. These persimmons change flesh color and taste depending on pollination/propagation method.

Ripening time

Depending on the period of fruit harvest, persimmons are divided into three subgroups:

  1. Early. These include persimmon growing in Crimea. Varieties grown in the south ripen much earlier - in mid-September.
  2. Mid-season. These plants bear fruit a little later - from mid-October.
  3. Late. Persimmons of this subgroup ripen by early December.

The most popular varieties of persimmon in Russia

On the shelves of domestic stores you can see different varieties persimmons The most popular in Russia are:

  • persimmon of the “Korolek” variety, otherwise it is called “chocolate”;
  • "tangerine"/"honey";
  • "large kinglet";
  • "ox heart"/"tomato";
  • "Chinese";
  • "chamomile";
  • "Egyptian".

"Korolek" is a persimmon that is considered the most delicious. It has a round shape. The chocolate pulp is visible through the orange skin, hence its second name. The darker the flesh, the sweeter the fruit. Persimmon has up to 10 seeds. The taste characteristics of this fruit do not change even after a long period of storage; the persimmon is not astringent and is always sweet and juicy.

"Tangerine" is shaped like this variety of citrus fruit. Some people call it honey because it tastes very sweet. It is the sweetest of all varieties; it never has any seeds. When the fruit is fully ripe, the orange pulp turns into liquid jelly. During this period it cannot be transported. To bring ripe khura home from the store safe and sound, you need to be extremely careful.

"Large Kinglet" is the same as the regular one, but the size of the fruit is much larger. Persimmon pulp of this variety less dark, tastes a little astringent.

Some people really like “ox heart” or “tomato”. Persimmon, the description of the variety of which determines its name. Externally, the fruits resemble an oxheart tomato. This variety of persimmon is very large and has no seeds. The orange pulp is always juicy and does not darken. Delicate ripe fruits are also very difficult to transport, like honey. However, in contrast to it, persimmon of the “tomato” variety has a less cloying taste.

"Chinese" persimmon has an unusual shape; all the fruits of the plant grow with a stripe. Compared to the above varieties, the “Chinese” one lacks sweetness. The fruits have a thick skin.

"Chamomile" or "fig" persimmon is the earliest variety of all. Its flesh becomes dark when ripe. Inside the fruit there are several long seeds.

"Egyptian" differs from all others in its elongated shape. Taste qualities The fruits are average, the persimmon is not cloying, it is slightly astringent.

How does reproduction/pollination occur?

Experienced gardeners often use the budding method for propagation. IN in this case this process is difficult to carry out due to the high content of tannins in persimmon tissues. Tanids prevent the rootstock from growing together with the scion. Trees are propagated in the spring, during plant sap flow.

At the end of winter, cuttings or budding wood are cut. Raw materials are stored in the refrigerator at temperatures from -2 to 0 degrees Celsius. When using this method of propagation, the survival rate of the eyes is 95%. Persimmons are formed using a sparsely layered system. Some use modified leader and tiered. Trees are usually pruned in the spring; many also prune during harvest.

Features of cultivation

Persimmon trees bear fruit for many years, most often this period reaches 60 years. You can get the first harvest two years after planting the seedlings. Trees begin to bear full fruit after ten years. Persimmons are usually grown in large plantings. When planting, you should keep in mind that for 100 seedlings of one variety you need 10 seedlings that will pollinate the plants.

Persimmon does not require high humidity air and large quantity precipitation. The minimum quantity is 900 mm per year. It is better to grow trees in fertile loamy soil. Plants may not do well in sandy or gravelly soils.

Despite their rather demanding attitude towards soils, trees are absolutely unpretentious in care. They almost never require pruning. Persimmon copes well with severe frosts and long sub-zero temperatures. Trees are less susceptible to rotting than others; they resist diseases and pests well.

Young shoots are fertilized with organic and mineral substances. This is usually done in early spring or midsummer. Mature trees need to be watered at least
7-8 times a year.

The fruits begin to be harvested in mid-October. The ripening period of persimmon lasts about two months. From some varieties, fruits can be harvested until the second half of December. But usually persimmons ripen after the last leaf fall.

How to store persimmons?

This fruit must be stored correctly. Fruits will not spoil in cooling chambers. Favorable storage temperature is 0 degrees. If the air humidity does not exceed 90%, then the persimmon can lie in storage for about 3 months. At lower humidity (up to 85%), the fruits wither and lose their shape. If the humidity level is more than 90%, then the fruits rot and the persimmon becomes moldy. Subject to temperature conditions You can speed up or slow down the maturation process. Many people use artificial fruit ripening technology. The use of ethylene gas allows persimmons to ripen faster than their natural time. After chemical treatment, the fruits ripen already on the 4th day, whereas naturally the fruits would take 25-30 days.

Many years ago, high in the Chinese mountains, this beautiful fruit was born, called “food of the gods.” Translated from Turkic, “hurma” (from the word “hurrem”) means “beloved”, this is how Eastern men address their wives. Today there are more than 2000 species of this tree in the world. Now it grows not only on the slopes of the Celestial Empire, enjoying the soft sun all year round. In the article you can find photos and descriptions of how to properly plant persimmons, trim them and wrap them from the cold in the Russian climate.

How to choose a delicious fruit on the counter

We are used to enjoying fresh persimmons, which appear in abundance on our shelves during the winter months. It has not only a sweet, almost honey taste and a persistent aroma that cannot be confused with anything else. It is rich in vitamins and other substances beneficial to the body. While persimmons are in the store, you can make jam, make marshmallows and even wine from them. You just need to choose the right fruits.

The sweetest varieties of persimmons, which are brought from warm countries:

  • hiakume;
  • zenji-maru;
  • gately;
  • Sharon;
  • eastern;
  • tangerine;
  • Egyptian.

The characteristic astringency of persimmon is a sign of an unripe fruit. Ripe persimmons do not “knit” the mouth. It is soft, has a uniform rich color (yellow, red, orange, brown - depending on the variety). U good fruit the skin should not look like a film and can be easily pressed with a finger.

Advice. If you happen to buy an unripe fruit, it’s not a problem. It can be left in the refrigerator for several days. The persimmon will ripen.

Features of growing persimmons in Russia

Persimmon is not only tasty, but also beautiful. In its homeland and in other warm countries, this tree reaches a height of 30 m and produces record yields.

Despite the fact that the birthplace of persimmon is warm Asia, today it can also be grown in Russia, whose climate is known for its cold winters. But to grow in domestic latitudes Hiakume or Sharon is unlikely to work. Here, frost-resistant varieties bred by Russian breeders would be more appropriate.

In our latitudes, cold-resistant persimmon varieties are planted

These are usually low trees. Their small height is compensated by spreading branches. Due to this, up to 80 kg of crop can be harvested from one tree. Although the fruits here will not be large.

There are 3 groups of persimmon varieties:

  • early - fruits are harvested from September to October;
  • mid-season - October-November;
  • late - December.

Sometimes the fruits do not have time to ripen before frost. You cannot leave them on the tree, as frost will ruin the persimmon. Then it is removed unripe and left to rest and ripen.

Advice. It is still better to give preference to varieties from which the fruits can be collected before the beginning of winter.

Rossiyanka and other domestic frost-resistant varieties

The Russian woman is one of the assets of domestic breeders. This variety of persimmon was bred in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden in Crimea. Flattened fruits grow on the spreading branches of such trees. They ripen by November, but remain slightly firm, although quite sweet.

The Russian woman has 2 undeniable advantages. Firstly, it is resistance to low temperatures, which has already been mentioned. This variety can withstand temperatures as low as -30°C. The second advantage of the Russian woman is her immunity to diseases and pests. Therefore, trees do not need to be treated with chemicals.

Russian variety

In addition to Rossiyanka, domestic breeders offer several more persimmon varieties suitable for growing in frosty winters:

  • Mount Goverla - tolerates short frosts down to -24°C. Produces large, sweet burgundy-colored fruits - 270 g, which can be harvested at the end of October.
  • Mount Roman-Kosh - tolerates frost, like the previous variety, but requires artificial pollination. Fruits - 250 g, yellow. Such persimmons ripen in November and are well stored in a cool room until the end of winter.
  • Nikitskaya burgundy - the fruits of this persimmon are smaller, maximum - 150 g. Very sweet fruit with a noticeable tart note. Also requires help with pollination.

Choose domestic varieties necessary based on the climate. If there are no cold winters in your area of ​​residence, you need to focus on your taste preferences.

Features of Virginia persimmon

Virginia persimmon came to us from the United States of America. In Russia, it grows in warm areas - Armavir, Krasnodar, Maykop. In mid-latitudes, trees are also planted.

Attention! If Virginia persimmon tolerates frosts (even -30°C), then it cannot withstand sudden temperature changes (20 degrees or more) and dies. This must be taken into account when planting.

In America, Virginia persimmon grows up to 20 m, but here it is no higher than 5-10 m. Its fruits are also very small: diameter up to 5 cm, weight up to 25 g. But the fruits are very sweet, honey-like.

How to prune a persimmon tree

Most often, persimmons are grown as trees - up to 10 m, but sometimes as bushes - up to 4 m. Seedlings begin to be pruned already in the first year of planting, in the spring. Pruning is done 80 cm from the root. The second year - cut off the lower branches of the plant.

The third or fourth year is the period when fruiting begins. At this time, you need to ensure that there are no more than 2-3 second-order branches on the first-order branches. Shoots producing fruit should not grow more than 25 cm. A branch of 30 cm will not produce a harvest; it must be shortened to 15 cm.

The tree needs proper pruning

Every year in the spring, dry and broken branches are removed for sanitization purposes. The shoots that are directed downwards are also cut off.

Attention! 15 years after planting, partial rejuvenation is carried out, when the tree branches are cut off almost completely. The stronger the tree bears fruit, the larger part of the crown needs to be removed.

How and why to cover persimmons for the winter

You only need to wrap persimmons in the first years, then they will resist frost on their own. Young plant You can dig it in if it is slanted. It is tilted down and covered with 20 cm of soil. If the plant is straight, its branches are picked up (they are quite flexible) and then tied with rings into a bundle.

With all its characteristics, persimmon is an unpretentious plant. But the harvest from it is more generous than the harvest of other apple trees. Therefore, if you grow persimmons correctly, you can eat yourself and feed all your friends and acquaintances.

How to cover persimmons for the winter: video

Growing persimmons: photo