Popular varieties of eggplants for open ground. Black handsome late. Eggplant Alekseevsky: photo and description

Many vegetable growers grow eggplants in their gardens, so the issue of choosing varieties for them is very acute, because the quality and yield of vegetables depends on this. When choosing eggplants for open ground, you should take into account not only personal preferences, but also varietal characteristics, as well as climatic features region. Thanks to modern selection, today it is possible to choose the best varieties of eggplants for open ground for every taste - from traditional blue to multi-colored.

Early varieties are considered to be varieties that reach maturity 100-115 days from germination. This category also includes hybrids with over early ripening (80-100 days), which are designated on seed packages as “super early” or “ultra early”. These are the eggplant seeds that gardeners should choose in those regions where spring is late and summer is short. Both early and very early varieties are suitable for growing in temperate and continental climates.


This variety is very early, since the fruits reach technical maturity in just 70-90 days.

The bushes are compact (up to 60 cm in height), but at the same time they form a large number of fruits weighing 150-300 g, which on an industrial scale is 40-45 t/1 ha. Eggplants "Negus" are round, barrel-shaped, dark purple, almost black in color. The variety is resistant to cold, so it can be grown in any region.

King of the North

Also an extremely early hybrid (90-100 days) with unusually high resistance to cold. Is ideal option for growing in northern climates with short and cool summers. The bushes are low (about 45 cm), overloaded with fruits, and therefore require garter. The shoots are purple, without thorns. The fruits are long (about 30 cm), reaching a weight of 300-400 g. The peel is glossy, dark purple. The flesh is greenish in color, dense, and not bitter. Productivity – 12-15 kg/1 m² of bed.


Carpal eggplant has an extremely early (85-100 days) ripening period. It is interesting in that its fruits are arranged in clusters of 4-6 pieces, and not singly, like other varieties. Due to such a load, one bush is capable of producing more than 50 fruits, which in terms of kilograms is 6-8 kg. The fruits of this variety are small, weighing 80-130 g and length 10-15 cm. The peel is very thin, bright purple in color. The pulp is white, dense, with an excellent mild taste. “Balagur” has good immunity to diseases; during fruiting, gartering of bushes and ripening brushes is required.


An early variety of domestic selection, ripening in 95-100 days. The bushes are voluminous (about 1.5 m), form a large number of fruits, so they are overloaded and need staking. Productivity is high -10-13 kg/1 m².

The fruits are large (16-20 cm with a weight of 200-400 g), elliptical, wide in diameter, dark purple in color. Simultaneous harvest yield, lack of bitterness in the pulp, good transportability of the fruit are the main advantages of the variety.

Purple miracle

A very productive variety that takes 100 days to ripen. The fruits are not large (100-150 g), but due to their large number on the bush, the yield is about 14 kg/1 m². The skin of eggplants is blue-black and shiny. The pulp is slightly greenish, without a bitter aftertaste, and when processed it becomes very tender and tasty.

Video “The best varieties of eggplants”

From the video you will learn about the best varieties of eggplant.


Mid-season varieties include varieties that reach technical maturity in 115-130 days. This is a suitable option for southern regions and temperate climates.


A variety with low (3-4 kg/1 m²) yield, but with excellent taste and commercial qualities. It ripens quickly - after 120 days you can already harvest.

Eggplants are large (20-24 cm long, weighing 400 g), cylindrical, traditional dark purple in color. The pulp is creamy and does not taste bitter after processing.


A very productive variety with an original color - bright lilac with white stripes. Ripening is rapid and earlier (115 days). The fruits are curved pear-shaped, quite large (weighing 200-400 g with a length of 15-18 cm), with an excellent mild taste, for which they are highly valued in cooking.


A long-known and proven variety, which is a favorite among eggplants. Reaches technical ripeness in 115-125 days. It is highly resistant to cold, disease and drought. The fruits are wide, oblong, 15-18 cm long, weighing 140-250 g, intense black-violet color. The pulp is slightly greenish, there is no bitterness.


A very productive variety with good storage and transportation capabilities. The bushes are low (up to 60 cm), the foliage is lush.

The fruits are pear-shaped and shortened, deep purple, and brownish in color at biological maturity, weighing about 400 g, ripen in 115-125 days. The peel is thin, the pulp without a bitter aftertaste.


Experts have noted this domestic hybrid as the most delicious among mid-season varieties. The pulp is creamy and very juicy. The fruits are oblong, widened downward, dark purple. Ripen in 120-125 days. Possible to grow in northern regions.

Late ripening

Late varieties are planted in open ground extremely rarely, since they require from 130 to 150 days to ripen. If we add to this period the time for seed germination, then in general we have to wait almost six months for the harvest. However, these varieties also have an undeniable advantage - they are stored well and for a long time, so residents of regions where winter comes later can grow the following varieties:

Black handsome

A productive variety that produces majestic dark purple, smooth fruits weighing 500-600, and sometimes 900 g. The taste of the pulp is soft, not at all bitter.

Fruiting occurs on day 130-140 and is resistant to temperature changes and cold.

Bull forehead

Very beautiful weighty fruits weighing 0.8-1 kg and a length of 16-20 cm. The peel is glossy, purple-brown. The pulp is light, excellent, not bitter taste. Ripen in 140-150 days. This is the best variety for storage and processing.


Eggplant with such an affectionate name is very productive variety, highly valued in cooking for the excellent taste of the pulp. Ripening is completed at 135-145 days.

The fruits are elongated, pear-shaped, rich purple-black in color. Resistance to diseases and extreme weather conditions is high.

Multi-colored varieties

Unusual eggplants with beautiful decorative colors are still rare in our beds. Many gardeners fear that such hybrids are low-yielding, so they plant them only occasionally as an experiment. But it is worth noting that these experiments end very successfully, and colorful vegetables not only delight in taste, but also delight others.

The most common colored eggplants are white. Today, their popularity is gaining momentum, and the number of varieties is already in the dozens. White hybrids are not bitter, have a milder taste with notes of mushrooms or chicken meat, which allows you to prepare real culinary masterpieces from them.

The variety of white eggplants is so great that every gardener can choose the right variety for himself:

  • round or ovoid eggplants (Ping Pong, White Egg, Iceberg);
  • unusual ribbed (Thai);
  • long or saber-shaped (Icicle, Pelican);
  • classic oblong or cylindrical shapes (Swan, White Night, White Swan, Snow) and many others.

But the greatest interest is, of course, multi-colored eggplants: yellow, red, green or striped.

Golden eggs

Decorative hybrid produced in Holland. Ripens very early - after 90 days. The bush is compact, low-growing (30-50 cm).

The fruits are oval, small (the size of a goose egg), at the stage of technical maturity they are white in color, and as they ripen they become bright yellow. The pulp is creamy and contains a lot of carotene.


Mid-early high-yielding hybrid for film shelters and unprotected soil. Resistant to cold, sets fruit in unfavorable weather. The fruits are yellowish-green, oval, with a glossy skin, weighing about 300 g, excellent presentation.


Early ripening green-fruited eggplant of domestic selection. Resistant to sudden temperature changes, suitable for unprotected soil. The fruits are ellipsoidal, weighing 200-300 g. The peel is shiny, rich green, the flesh is creamy white, delicate taste.

Red ruffled

Decorative mid-season hybrid with edible and very tasty non-bitter fruits. The bushes are low (up to 40 cm), the shoots are without thorns.

Eggplants are small (about 100 g), round in shape, green in color with dark stripes when unripe, and as they ripen they turn first orange and then red.


Bunch hybrid of late (about 140 days) ripening period. The plant is tall (more than 1 m), spreading, forms multiple clusters with small (4-5 cm in length) fruits. Unripe eggplants are milky in color; as they ripen, they become orange with vertical dark green stripes. The pulp is yellow, sweetish, very healthy due to its high concentration of carotene.

All of the eggplant varieties described above are intended for open ground, so for good fruiting they only need standard care. It should also be understood that ripening dates in specific climatic conditions may shift.

IN southern regions vegetables can ripen 15-20 days earlier, while in northern latitudes the same variety will yield a harvest 10-15 days later.

Video “Growing eggplants”

From the video you will learn the secrets of growing eggplants.

If 10 years ago eggplants were considered something native to the south, even a delicacy, today this crop can be found in every garden bed.

And the whole point is that once you have tasted its delicious pulp, it becomes difficult to deny yourself such pleasure.

Especially if you have your own garden bed, which seems to have a special place left for planting eggplants.

Today we will talk about the varieties of this plant intended for cultivation in open ground, focusing exclusively on the best.

With us you will also learn what the features of their planting are and the most necessary rules of care.

What criteria must eggplant varieties meet that are suitable for growing in open ground?

For this type of eggplant cultivation, only those varieties that have very early ripening and high yields are well suited.

Eggplants with the best early maturity can even produce seeds for sowing next year. In general, the characteristics of such varieties can be dwarf or medium-sized bushes, with good branching.

Fruits can occur absolutely different sizes and shapes, but the color is more often dark purple. Also, mid-ripening varieties can be grown in the same way, but they will not have time to ripen to such an extent that seeds can be prepared from the resulting fruits. Let's get acquainted with both the first and the second.

Carpal variety of eggplant “Balagur” - what will please you and what will surprise you?

We are accustomed to the fact that only one single fruit is formed from the brush of an eggplant bush. But this variety will delight us with a completely new type of fruiting - carpal.

Thanks to this, one cluster pleases with several fruits, most often their number is from 4 to 6. Thus, the bush is very heavily loaded with fruits: depending on care and weather conditions, their number can range from 50 to 100.

The bush can reach a height of more than a meter; under no circumstances should it be left without support.

Thus, the variety is high-yielding, from an area of ​​1 m2 you can easily collect from 6.8 to 7.2 kilograms of marketable fruits.

The fruits of this interesting variety eggplants have a very unusual shape, similar to an ellipse. Their color is also not quite usual for this culture - a rather intense bright purple.

At the same time, their peel is very thin, and the flesh underneath is white, dense and has very good taste. But, since a fairly large amount of fruit is formed on the bush and on the cluster, they do not gain much weight over the entire growing season - only 80-130 grams each.

Moreover, their length can vary from 10 to 17 centimeters, and their diameter can range from 3 to 6.

Reasons why the described eggplant variety is loved:

  • The variety is classified as early ripening, since the technical maturity of the fruit occurs already on the 85th or 100th day, after the appearance of the first seedlings. Thus, having bought the seeds of this eggplant once, you can collect them for subsequent plantings.
  • You can grow bushes of this variety not only in open ground, but also under cover or in a greenhouse. In this case, the bush can stretch even up to 1.3 meters in height.
  • Falling off of flowers, as well as the emerging ovary, is observed very rarely.
  • There is good resistance to such a common virus in this crop as tobacco mosaic.
  • Shows high yields even at a planting density of 5 plants per 1m2.

The bush needs to be constantly tied up, and if the fruiting is especially abundant, then the clusters with fruits will also have to be tied up.

Eggplant “Vakula” is an excellent early ripening variety for open ground

This variety is the result of the achievements of Russian selection, the bush of which can reach even 2.2 meters in size, and not less than 1.2 (it stretches higher when grown in greenhouse conditions).

During fruiting it puts quite a high load on the bush, so it is strongly recommended to tie it up.

Productivity him unusually high - from 9.8 to 12.2 kilograms from an area of ​​1m2.

The fruits of the “Vakula” eggplant variety are also distinguished by their beautiful ellipsoidal shape. However, their color is the usual dark purple, and the flesh is quite dense and white. The taste qualities especially distinguish this variety from a number of others.

The weight of the fruit is also quite high - from 100 to 400 grams, which is why they are able to load the bush so heavily. It is also worth noting that the length of one eggplant can range from 17 to 20 centimeters, and its diameter – 9-10 centimeters.

Advantages Varieties that are definitely worth paying attention to:

  • Very early fruit ripening. Technical maturity occurs already at 95-100 days.
  • The crop is formed and ripens very evenly and at the same time, which greatly simplifies harvesting from the bushes.
  • There are practically no thorns on the bush, which in turn makes it easier to care for.
  • The variety has good adaptability to different conditions growth, and not only in relation to open ground or greenhouses, but also to climatic regions.

We have already noted that the bushes are often overloaded due to the abundance of harvests and their simultaneous ripening. In this regard, the Vakula eggplant requires a lot of attention, mandatory tying and rationing of harvest volumes.

Mid-early eggplant variety “Sancho Panza” and its most important characteristics

The yield of this variety is simply excellent, although in general it may not reach the levels of the previous variety. However, the advantage of "Sancho Panzo" is that it simply huge fruits, the weight of which can reach even 0.9 kilograms.

In general, the bush of this variety It has medium dimensions, its maximum height is 1.5 meters. It should also be noted that the bush is slightly thickened and has practically no thorns.

We have already mentioned the maximum fruit weights, but it is worth noting that on average their weight is 0.5-0.6 kilograms. At the same time, they are characterized by a spherical shape, which is quite unusual for eggplants. The skin is colored deep purple, the flesh white. It has good taste.

pros growing eggplant "Sancho Panso":

  • Medium early fruit ripening, which occurs after 120-130 days from the appearance of the first seedlings.
  • The fruits are large in size and have excellent presentation and taste.
  • The universal purpose of this variety of eggplants is that they are not only well suited for home cooking, but also for canning.
  • Resistance manifests itself to diseases such as tobacco mosaic virus and spider mites.
  • The variety can be grown without problems both in open ground and in a greenhouse.

Considering that this variety ripens not in the earliest, but in the mid-early periods, its harvest consists exclusively of fruits for food consumption. But seed maturity does not occur in some regions, and therefore they will have to be purchased next year.

High-yielding and long-life eggplant “Negus”: a detailed introduction to the variety

This variety belongs not just to the early, but to the super-early varieties of eggplant. From the moment the first eggplant shoots appear until the onset of full technical maturity, only 70-90 days pass.

The bushes are very compact, reaching a height of only 50-60 centimeters. Moreover, if the variety is planted on an industrial scale, up to 45 tons of crop can be harvested from 1 hectare.

The peculiarity of this variety is that with regular harvesting once every week, you can have a good effect on the overall yield, as well as extend the growing season of the bush.

The fruits on the bushes of this variety are not very large in size, but they have another advantage. They weigh approximately 150-300 grams, although quite a large number of them are formed on one bush.

Their shape is barrel-shaped and round. Their external color is intense purple, and inside the flesh is light white. It is the pulp that deserves special attention, because although it is quite dense, it has a very delicate, pleasant taste.

What else lies behind advantages of the variety:

  • Super-short fruit ripening times, allowing the variety to be grown even in northern regions.
  • Possibility of self-harvesting seeds.
  • Very high yield, as well as the suitability of the resulting fruits for transportation and a long storage period.
  • Possibility to stretch harvests over more long time, constantly having fresh fruits.
  • Well suited for all types of culinary processing and canning.

The appearance is not quite usual for eggplants, therefore it reduces their marketability. Although in general, they are transported and they are stored very well.

Eggplant "Simferopol 12/105" - a miracle generated by the sunny coast of Crimea

Productivity for this variety of eggplant very high, in which the bush plays a big role, with its characteristic growth capacity above average.

The fruits ripen in the mid-early period - approximately 110-125 days of the growing season of the bush. However, this in no way diminishes their merits and does not reduce good qualities fruits

Many people love these fruits very much for the reason that not only are they very large fruits, but also very beautiful in appearance. In particular, the average weight of one eggplant can range from 250 to 500 grams, which, however, can be increased through good and regular care.

Their shape is no longer usual - they can be either short-cylindrical or completely oval. They are colored in an unusually attractive reddish color. lilac color, which visually complements the glossy shine of the smooth surface of the skin.

What is the value of the mid-season eggplant variety described?

  • Large size of fruits and their remarkable presentation.
  • Good fruiting bush and rapid ripening of fruits.
  • Eggplant of the Simferopol variety is an indispensable basis for preparing caviar and stuffing.

The fruits of this variety have a very narrow purpose; they are absolutely not suitable for canning without pre-processing. The caviar obtained from them is not stored for a long time. The primary use is for preparing dishes immediately after harvesting.

What are the features of planting eggplants in open ground: let's get acquainted with the process

Despite its similarity and relationship with many garden plants, when planting eggplants, the following features should be taken into account:

  • This culture is heat-loving because it came to us from the south. Heat is especially needed during pollination, during which the temperature should not be lower than +20ºС.
  • Seedlings are planted only when the threat of frost has completely passed. Adult plants are also afraid of the cold.
  • Eggplants cannot tolerate a lack of water.
  • Plants should be abundantly illuminated by the sun, but only 12 hours a day.
  • The soil should be selected with high fertility rates, as well as well-loosened and light.
  • The predecessors in the eggplant bed should be carrots, onions, legumes, early cabbage, and melons. Do not plant after tomatoes or peppers. Eggplants can be grown in the same place only once every 3 years.

When planting this crop it is very important thoroughly loosen the soil, otherwise the plant and its root system will have difficulty growing.

Also, before planting, the bed is not only dug up very deeply, but a large amount of fertilizer is also added to it, the preference among which is given to peat and humus. There is no need to make the bed wider than 1 meter, and its height should be about 30 centimeters.

Before directly planting eggplant seedlings, the bed is treated with hot mullein, which can also be replaced with Effekton fertilizer.

Sowing seeds for seedlings is usually carried out in boxes kept in the house or in a greenhouse. However, you can sow them directly into the garden bed, just keep them under film at all times.

Seeds are sown around mid-March, but depending on the variety it may shift slightly.

Planting eggplant seedlings in open ground should be done only with the arrival of real heat, when the air temperature does not drop below +15ºС. Usually this is the period from May 25 to June 10.

When choosing a planting scheme, you need to take into account the size of the bushes, since for the smallest you can leave a distance of 30 centimeters, and for the largest and tallest – even 50.

Row spacing should be appropriate - from 60 to 80 centimeters. Under no circumstances should plantings be thickened, as this will lead to a decrease in yield.

The main aspects of caring for eggplant beds: getting acquainted and learning

  • The soil must not be compacted; it must be constantly loosened, especially after heavy rainfall.
  • Watering must be provided abundantly, drying out is not allowed. Water for irrigation is heated in the sun.
  • During the season, the bushes are fed 3 times. It is best to use slurry for this purpose, which can be replaced with chicken droppings or mineral fertilizers.
  • Weeds need to be constantly weeded and monitored for diseases or pests on the plants, and deal with them in a timely manner.

28.12.2016 33 986

The best varieties of eggplant - types and hybrids for open ground, greenhouses

With the beginning of the new season, the time comes to buy vegetable seeds; summer residents and gardeners prefer to choose the best varieties of eggplant, then the harvest will please you and bring high-quality, tasty fruits. It can be difficult to choose the most wonderful variety; growing zones and taste preferences are different. Let's take a closer look at popular types with precise descriptions, reviews and technical specifications.

Early ripening vegetables

Early types are popular Far East, Siberia, northern regions, where warm days come late and a good harvest is possible only in a short summer. They are cultivated everywhere, in the Krasnodar Territory, the Black Earth Region, the Moscow Region, and other climatic zones of Russia, often this is the only opportunity to try a delicious self-grown vegetable.

Purple Haze— cultivated in all regions of Russia. Unusual fruits of light purple color on the outside, snow-white pulp without a bitter taste inside. The plant is not tall, the thickness of the stems is average, the weight of the little blue one is 180-200 grams;
Alekseevsky- cold dark purple color. The fruits are smooth, shiny, weighing 110-180 grams. Strong and tough against viral diseases. Unpretentious, grown in open ground, under film (greenhouses);
Galina F1- grown in open plantations and greenhouses. The purple-black fruits are long, widening towards the bottom, weighing 200-240 grams. White pulp without bitterness. Resistant to various diseases, cultivated in all latitudes;
Maria- strong strong plants, beautiful dark purple fruits, white inside, weighing 180-210 grams. No bitterness, suitable for long-term storage.

Early types are not limited to the above. Other varieties and varieties are common, such as Nutcracker, Gardener's Dream, Long Purple, Medallion, Stripe, Marquis, Goby, Black Beauty, Zelenenky, Caprice, Don Quixote, Pink Flamingo, Vakula, Romantic, Robin Hood. They are cultivated under film (polycarbonate and conventional greenhouses) and in open areas.

The most productive representatives

Well-known representatives that give stable big harvests: Bourgeois, Policeman F1, Albatross, Bard F1, Goliath F1, Dolphin, Filimon, Black Moon, Czech Early, Vera. A rich harvest can be harvested by growing early species, as well as those of medium and late ripeness:

Sancho Panza- grow seedling method. The shape of the fruit is spherical, fiery purple, large, weighing 650-700 grams. One fruit is enough to prepare a dish for the whole family, easy to prepare. Cultivated in unheated, heated, winter greenhouses, cultivation in open ground is possible;

in the photo - eggplant variety "Sancho Panza"
in the photo - eggplant variety "Sancho Panza"

Torpedo- famous good harvests. Rich lilac-violet fruits, weighing 160-210 grams. The plant is tall, more than a meter in height. Flowers do not fall off, vegetables are tied together in considerable volumes. Good for business;

in the photo - eggplant variety “Torpedo”

Airship- the fruits are large, weighing 800-1200 grams, thick dark purple in color. Shows resistance to viral diseases. A vigorous, densely leafy plant, 3.4-4 meters high. Fruits for a long time, it is better to grow in greenhouses;

in the photo - eggplant variety "airship"

Solomon- ripens early, gives bountiful harvests. The bushes are tall (1.5 meters) and vigorous. Delicious fruits, thick purple color, weighing 640-1150 grams. Greenhouse, resistant to tobacco mosaic virus.

Dutch species and hybrids

The famous Dutch varieties, described below, are in great demand on the Russian market. Technical features and taste characteristics differ from domestic ones, for which they are loved by many summer residents and gardeners.

Anet F1- is the leader in world selection, valued for its long continuous fruit set and the ability to collect blue ones before frost. A hybrid of medium ripeness, productive fruits with a pronounced glossy surface. The weight of the fruit, when properly cultivated, reaches 380-400 grams. Resistant to diseases and insects;

Solara F1- ultra-early hybrid. The fruits are black-violet, rich, long-oval. The plant is up to a meter in height, strong and strong. The hybrid is known for its ability to produce excellent harvests in bad weather conditions. No bitterness, resistant to viruses;

Bibo F1- has elongated oval fruits of white color, even in structure, small sizes, the weight of one eggplant is 210-230 grams. The bushes are medium-sized, 80-90 centimeters. The taste is pleasant, without traces of bitterness, used in preparations and cooking;

Japanese red- Unusual in its color. The fruits are orange-red with green-violet stripes, smooth glossy, weighing 0.1 kg, tasty yellowish pulp.

Video: when and how to sow eggplant seeds

Growing eggplants in the photo

In the south, eggplants are called “blue” because traditionally this vegetable is blue purple color. It is now that white-, yellow-, red- and almost black-fruited varieties have appeared. They are grown in almost all European countries.

In Russia, eggplants are cultivated in open ground only in the southern regions. Good harvests obtained in temperate climates during cultivation seedling method in greenhouses.

Eggplant is a heat-demanding crop (more so than tomatoes and peppers). For normal growth and development of plants, a temperature of +20...+30 °C is required. Does not tolerate frost; at a temperature of +8...+10°C, seedlings die within 5-8 days.

One of the conditions for growing eggplants is to ensure sufficient soil moisture, but on waterlogged soils and when high humidity air culture suffers from diseases. Eggplants need intensive sunlight, but prolonged heat has a depressing effect on them.

Light humus soils with a slightly acidic reaction are suitable for growing eggplants in open ground. On cold, heavy, clay soils the development and growth of the root system is delayed, and fruiting is sharply weakened. It also reacts negatively to saline soils.

It is also a very light-loving crop. Insufficient lighting leads to various plant diseases, and lack of regular watering leads to spider mite infestation.

Good precursors for eggplant are: beans, peas, cucumber, cabbage, and herbs.

According to requirements external conditions Eggplant culture is close to pepper. Shoots appear 14-21 days after sowing the seeds. Seeds remain viable for 5 years.

Since eggplants form a large vegetative mass (their height often reaches 1 m or more), their cultivation requires a significant dose of fertilizer. When caring for eggplants while growing the crop, when the fruits begin to swell, each watering is combined with fertilizing with soluble potassium fertilizer.

Due to their slow growth and high heat requirements, eggplants are cultivated mainly by seedlings, and it is best to use potted seedlings.

Seedlings ready for planting should have well-developed root system, thick stem 10-12 cm high and 5-7 true leaves.

One of the features of growing eggplants is the impossibility of planting seedlings in open ground without preliminary hardening. This agricultural technique is used for 8-10 days.

For eggplants, it is necessary to allocate areas that are well lit by the sun.

Of the pests, eggplants are inhabited by Colorado potato beetles and in hot dry weather - spider mites. From the first generation of beetles, spray with “Bison” or “Tanrek”. A month before harvesting, plants should be sprayed against mites with Fufanon or Iskra M.

If the number of the second generation Colorado potato beetle is high, use any biological preparation - “Fitoverm”, “Agravertin.” or "Iskra Bio". Biological products also suppress ticks. Spraying with them is repeated 2-3 times with an interval of 5-7 days.

The video “Growing and caring for eggplants” shows all the basic agricultural techniques:

Among the various forms of this crop, there are those that are grown by gardeners from year to year and certainly produce a high yield. Here you will learn about the best varieties eggplants for open ground in the southern regions.

Eggplant seeds "Vikar" in the photo
Eggplant "Vikar" in the photo

"Vikar"- with a growing season until the start of ripening - 112-118 days. The fruits are purple in color. Suitable for canning.

Eggplant seeds "Solaris" in the photo
Eggplant "Solaris" in the photo

"Solaris"- Very early variety(105-115 days), The fruits are dark purple in color with whitish-green flesh.

Eggplant seeds "Diamond" in the photo
Eggplant "Diamond" in the photo

"Diamond"- mid-season variety. The fruits are without bitterness, dark purple, the flesh is greenish, dense.

Also, some of the best varieties of eggplant are

Eggplant seeds "Donetsk Harvest" in the photo
Eggplant "Donetsk Harvest" in the photo

"Donetsk fruitful"

Eggplant seeds "Sukleysky" in the photo
Eggplant "Sukleysky" in the photo


Eggplant seeds “Lilac” in the photo
Eggplant "Lilac" in the photo


Eggplant seeds "Black Beauty" in the photo
Eggplant "Black Beauty" in the photo

"Black handsome man"

Albatross eggplant seeds in the photo
Eggplant "Albatross" in the photo


Eggplant seeds "Sancho Panza" in the photo
Eggplant "Sancho Panza" in the photo

"Sancho Panza"

Of the varieties with rare colors, the following are of interest:

Eggplant seeds “Lilac Fog” in the photo
Eggplant “Lilac Fog” in the photo

"Purple Haze" with a compact bush 50-70 cm high and fruits of light lilac color;

Eggplant seeds "Matrosik" in the photo
Eggplant "Sailor" in the photo

"Sailor" with pronounced lilac stripes on the white skin of the fruit;

Eggplant seeds "Swan" in the photo
Eggplant "Swan" in the photo

"Swan" with white, technically ripe fruits, suitable for pickling, distinguished by the original taste of canned and culinary products;

Eggplant seeds "Alekseevsky" in the photo
Eggplant "Alekseevsky" in the photo

"Alekseevsky"- without thorns on the calyx and stalk.

New hybrids from the “Yummy” series:

Eggplant seeds “Tender” F1 in the photo
Eggplant “Tenderest” F1 in the photo

"Tender" F1- amazing taste in any form combined with the exquisite white color of the fruit - distinctive feature new hybrid. The pulp is dense, white, without bitterness, with a low solanine content, which determines its excellent taste. Cylindrical fruits about 20 cm long and 5-6 cm in diameter are very convenient to prepare;

Eggplant seeds “Marzipan” F1 in the photo
Eggplant “Marzipan” F1 in the photo

"Marzipan" F1- mid-season hybrid. The pulp is juicy, has a special excellent taste, creamy white, without bitterness. The fruits are very beautiful, glossy-shiny, rich of blue color, size 15x8 cm. The most delicious with any processing method! Ideal for baking on a wire rack. Even the most notorious picky person will not be able to refuse them.

Exotic white-fruited eggplant varieties for open ground:

Eggplant seeds “Snowy” in the photo
Eggplant “Snowy” in the photo

"Snow"- mid-early variety (100-110 days from full germination to technical ripeness of the fruit). The fruit is cylindrical, 20 cm long, smooth, white when technically ripe, the skin is tender. The pulp is white, without bitterness;

Eggplant seeds "Pelican" F1 in the photo
Eggplant "Pelican" F1 in the photo

"Pelican" F1- mid-season hybrid (115-120 days from germination to fruiting), milky white, matte color. The pulp is white, medium density, tender. Fruits with excellent taste;

Eggplant “Swan Lake” F1 in the photo

Swan Lake F1. Mid-season (110-115 days from germination to fruiting). Fruits with a beautiful milky color. The pulp is dense, white, without bitterness;

Eggplant seeds "Ping Pong" F1 in the photo
Eggplant "Ping Pong" F1 in the photo

"Ping Pong" F1- mid-season hybrid, which is one of the most productive varieties eggplant. The fruit is spherical, 4-6 cm in diameter, white in color, matte surface;

Eggplant " Golden egg» F1 in the photo

"Golden Egg" F1- fruits of exotic color absolutely yellow color. This early variety of eggplant is very productive; its fruits resemble a goose egg in shape and size. During fruiting, the plants look very decorative.

When describing eggplant varieties, mention should be made of the following: modern hybrids, How:

Eggplant seeds “Market King” F1 in the photo
Eggplant “King of the Market” F1 in the photo

"King of the Market" F1- early ripening (100-110 days), high-yielding hybrid. The plant is medium-sized. Characterized by high marketability of fruits: very beautiful, cylindrical, with a smooth shiny surface of dark purple color;

Eggplant seeds “King of the North” F1 in the photo
Eggplant “King of the North” F1 in the photo

"King of the North" F1- the earliest hybrid resistant to cold. Each bush is abundantly strewn with fruits up to 30 cm long, with a glossy black-violet surface;

Eggplant seeds "Othello" F1 in the photo
Eggplant "Othello" F1 in the photo

"Othello" F1- cold-resistant, early-unripe (100-110 days) thornless hybrid. The fruits do not lose taste qualities even when outgrown;

Eggplant seeds “Nutcracker” F1 in the photo
Eggplant “Nutcracker” F1 in the photo

"Nutcracker" F1- very early. Advantages - regular fruit formation even in the upper part of the plant. The fruits are adapted for long-term storage and transportation;

Eggplant seeds “Purple Miracle” F1 in the photo
Eggplant “Purple Miracle” F1 in the photo

"Purple Miracle" F1- early ripening hybrid. There are no spines on the calyx. The pulp is dense, greenish-white, with a pleasant taste, without bitterness;

"Bunch of Grapes" F1- carpal, early ripening, cold-resistant, thornless hybrid. The fruits are pear-shaped, pale green in color;

Eggplant seeds "Sadko" F1 in the photo
Eggplant "Sadko" F1 in the photo

As you can see in the photo, this variety of eggplant has purple fruits with white longitudinal stripes:

Eggplant variety "Sadko" in the photo
This variety of eggplant has purple fruits with white longitudinal stripes.

"Sadko" F1- mid-season hybrid with attractive original coloring of fruits.

Eggplant seeds "Giselle" F1 in the photo
Eggplant “Giselle” F1 in the photo

"Giselle" F1- early ripening, high-yielding hybrid. The color is dark purple, almost black.

In the next section of the article you will learn how eggplants are useful for humans and how they are used.

What are the benefits of eggplants for the human body?

Eggplants are a food product of high biological value. They contain a lot of pectin substances that have bactericidal properties, a small amount of vitamins - C, PP and group B, as well as sugars, protein, starch, organic acids and microelements.

Eggplant fruits contain about 90% water, 4% sugar, up to 1.5% fiber, 1.4% protein, vitamins B, C, PP, provitamin A, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus and a compound specific to eggplant - melongene , giving it a bitter taste.

The calorie content of eggplant is low. They are eaten fried, boiled, as well as salted and pickled; eggplant caviar is very popular, especially when made at home.

Eggplants are also widely used for preparing other canned vegetables. Eggplants have a specific smell: when raw they smell like mushrooms, when fried they smell like veal brains.

What are the benefits of eggplants for the human body? These fruits are recommended for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, as they help remove cholesterol from the body and lead to a significant decrease in its level in the blood and in the walls of blood vessels. This is very valuable property was established in experiments on animals and confirmed by observations of people who had high amounts of cholesterol in their blood. The dietary value of eggplants is increased by their ability to remove excess fluid from the body.

Eggplant is a good source of potassium (226 mg per 100 g of fruit), which helps normalize water metabolism and improves the functioning of the heart muscle.

The presence of a significant amount of potassium in eggplants, which enhances the work of the heart and promotes the removal of fluid from the body, increases their dietary value. Eggplants are recommended for older people with cardiovascular diseases, especially with edema associated with weakened heart function. In addition, eating eggplants is beneficial for gout, as they increase the excretion of uric acid salts in the urine.

The shiny fruits, which have finished growing but are not yet ripe, are eaten at the age of 30-40 days. Their flesh is tender, greenish-yellow in color, and contains a lot of water.

Eggplants keep well all year round in the form of various preparations.

What are the benefits of eggplants for older people? It has been noticed that those older people who regularly consume these fruits fresh and as homemade preparations for the winter, for example, eggplant caviar, suffer less from various cardiovascular diseases and live longer. They have less problems with the heart, blood vessels, liver, intestines, joints and spine.