Description of the early pink cherry variety. Description of cherry varieties

The best varieties of cherries are a relative concept, since in warm regions - in Ukraine, in the south of Russia - more heat-loving plants are common, but residents of the Leningrad region and Moscow region need to select frost-resistant varieties.
Besides, some people like it sweet, while others like it sour; some are crispy, some are softer; there will be adherents of black cherry varieties, pink, yellow, with a red barrel... There are a great many varieties! How not to get lost among this diversity and choose the best variety of cherries just for you - we’ll figure it out in this article.

Cherry varieties: classifications

Classification of cherries by ripening time

You can provide yourself with sweet juicy fruits for almost the entire summer - from the end of June to August. To do this, you need to create a collection in your garden of early-ripening varieties of cherries (ripen around the end of June), mid-ripening (ripen around mid-July) and late-ripening varieties (ripening in early August).
Early ripening varieties of cherries– Iput, Gronkavaya, Early Pink, Valery Chkalov, Fairy Tale, Chance, Rubinovaya Early, Elektra, Ariadna, Chermashnaya;
Mid-season cherry varieties– Tyutchevka, Leningradskaya pink, Rechitsa, Revna, Fatezh, in memory of Chernyshevsky, Ovstuzhenka, Orlovskaya Pink, Veda, Adelina, Poetry, Pink Pearl, Dnieper, Dilemma;
Late-ripening varieties of cherries– Prestigious, Leningrad black, Red dense, Bryansk Pink, Orion, Romantika, Turovtsev’s favorite.

Classification of cherries by fruit color

Black (dark red cherry): Veda, Adeline, Tyutchevka, Bryanochka, Revna, Raditsa, Leningradskaya Chernaya, Iput, Gronkavaya, Ariadna, Ovstuzhenka, Rechitsa, Michurinka;
Yellow cherry: Chermashnaya, Drogana yellow, Homestead yellow, Red dense (yellow cherry with a red side);
Pink cherry: Leningrad pink, Early pink, Oryol pink, Bryansk pink, Fatezh;
Orange cherry: Pink pearl;

Classification of cherry varieties according to taste

Sweet cherries: Michurinskaya, Raditsa, Ovstuzhenka, Tyutchevka, Rechitsa, Leningradskaya black, Chermashnaya, Iput, Gronkavaya, Bryansk pink, Ariadna, Revna;
Sweet cherries with sourness: Early pink, Poetry, Oryol pink, Fatezh, Pink pearls.

Classification of cherries by pulp structure

Conventionally, according to the density of the pulp, cherries are divided into two groups - with tender, soft pulp (guini) or dense, crunchy (bigarro).
Varieties of guinea cherries: Early pink, Orlovskaya pink, Lningradskaya black, Leningradskaya pink, Chermashnaya, Iput;
Bigarro cherry varieties: Michurinka, Poetry, Fatezh, Rechitsa, Bryansk pink, Ariadna.
Description of cherry varieties with photos

Description of cherry varieties with photos

Cherry variety Drogana yellow

Drogan yellow cherry

Yellow Cherry Drogana yellow is a mid-season frost-resistant variety of the bigarro group. The variety is highly adaptive and can grow in Belarus, the North Caucasus, and Central Asia. The fruits of the Drogana yellow cherry variety are heart-shaped, weigh 6-7 grams, the pulp is light yellow, the juice is almost transparent.
Features of the Drogana yellow cherry variety:
- Drogan yellow cherry tree is tall, with a spreading crown. Take this into account if the area is small;
- very thin skin of the fruit. On the one hand, it is much more pleasant to eat berries with delicate skin, on the other hand, such cherries are not suitable for transportation or freezing, and the fruits can crack on the tree. The stone does not separate from the pulp;
- high productivity. Moreover, all the fruits reach at the same time and do not fall off on their own;
- high drought and frost resistance;
- Drogana Zheltaya is not a self-pollinating variety, so cherries of other varieties will need to be planted in the garden;
- susceptible to cherry fly damage.

Cherry variety Priusadnaya Yellow

Cherry Homestead yellow

Cherry Priusadnaya Zheltaya belongs to the early ripening varieties of the bigaro group. The average weight of one berry is 5-6 grams, the pulp and skin are yellow, the pulp is sweet and sour. This variety is perfect for conditions middle zone Russia. Loves black soil.
Features of the “Homestead Yellow” cherry variety
- a self-pollinating variety, that is, it can do without pollinating neighbors;
- begins to bear fruit quite late - in the 6th year (ordinary cherries - in the 4th-5th year);
- extremely productive variety;
- despite the fact that the Homestead is yellow – early ripening variety, she is not afraid of frost;
- not susceptible to fungal diseases or cherry fly damage;
- reproduces very actively, so it will cause a lot of trouble with pruning and removing shoots. In addition, the crown of the tree is very lush.

Cherry variety Rechitsa

Cherry Rechitsa

Rechitsa cherry belongs to the mid-season varieties of the bigarro group, it has a sweet taste and is frost-resistant. The weight of the berries reaches 6 grams, the pulp is dark red, the seed is easily separated from the pulp. The tree itself is of medium height. Cherry Rechitsa is relatively unpretentious to the soil, excellent for central Russia.
Features of the Rechitsa variety

- frost-resistant variety, not susceptible;
- pollinator trees are needed (Adeline, Ovstuzhenka, Pink Pearl);
- not a very prolific variety - one tree will produce no more than 15 kg of cherries.

Cherry variety Leningradskaya Black

Leningradskaya black cherry

Leningradskaya black belongs to the mid-season varieties of the Guini group. The berry tastes sweet, but not large - 3-4 grams, the seed does not separate from the pulp. The height of the tree is up to 3.5 meters.
Features of the Leningradskaya black cherry:
- low winter hardiness;
- are not capable of self-pollination (it is best to plant in pairs with the varieties Revna, Veda, Tyutchevka, Bryanochka, Iput);
- medium-fruitful variety - up to 20 kg of cherries are harvested from one tree.

Cherry variety Ovstuzhenka

Cherry Ovstuzhenka

Ovstuzhenka cherry is a mid-season variety, the berries weigh 6-7 grams, very juicy and sweet. The variety is suitable for cultivation in the south of the Non-Black Earth Region.
Features of Ovstuzhenka cherries:
- berries are not prone to cracking;
- the variety is quite frost-resistant and not susceptible to diseases;
- relatively low yield - no more than 15 kg per tree;
- are not capable of self-pollination (it is recommended to plant in pairs with Tyutchevka, Revna, Raditsa, Iput).

Cherry variety Leningradskaya pink

Leningradskaya pink cherry – mid-season variety Guinea group. The berries are quite small, about 3.5 grams, the pulp is very tender, yellowish, the skin is yellow with a ruddy side. Leningrad pink is suitable for growing in the northwestern and central Non-Black Earth Region.
Features of the Leningradskaya pink variety:
- the tree is quite tall with a lush crown;
- not capable of self-pollination (it is recommended to plant in pairs with Chernyshevsky memory varieties, Pink Pearl, Rechitsa, Adelina);
- average yield - no more than 15 kg per tree.

Cherry variety Tyutchevka

Cherry Tyutchevka

Cherry Tyutchevka is a mid-season variety. The berries weigh about 5 grams, the stone is difficult to separate from the pulp. The tree is of medium height, extremely resistant to diseases and cold. Cherry varieties Tyutchevka are recommended to be grown in the south of the Non-Black Earth Region.
Features of the Tyutchevka cherry variety:
- average yield - up to 15 kg per tree;
- well suited for transportation or freezing;
- are not capable of self-pollination (planted in pairs with Ovstuzhenka, Iput, Raditsa).

Cherry variety Revna

Cherry Revna

Cherry Revna is a mid-season variety. The berry has a dark red, almost black color, weighs 4.5-5 grams, the stone separates well from the pulp, and the pulp is quite dense. The height of the tree is average. Revna cherry feels good in the south and center of the Non-Black Earth Region of the Russian Federation.
Features of Revna cherries
- a partially self-fertile variety, but for abundant fruiting it is necessary to plant in pairs with Tyutchevka, Iput, Raditsa, Ovstuzhenka;
- winter-hardy variety, not susceptible to diseases;
- excellent for transportation and freezing;
- excellent, abundant fruiting - up to 30 kg of fruit from one tree.

Cherry variety Iput

Cherry Iput

Cherry Iput belongs to the early ripening varieties of the Gini group. The fruit weighs 5-5.4 grams, the sweet pulp is difficult to separate from the seed. A tree of medium height with a wide crown. Iput cherries are recommended for cultivation in the south and center of the Non-Black Earth Region.
Features of the Iput cherry variety:
- fantastic yield - up to 30 kg of fruit per tree;
- extreme frost resistance - can withstand up to -32 degrees of frost;
- resistant to fungal diseases;
- partially capable of self-pollination. For a regular and good harvest, you need to plant the varieties Ovstuzhenka, Raditsa, Revna, Bryanskaya rozovaya next to the cherries.

Cherry variety Fatezh

Cherry Fatezh

Cherry Fatezh belongs to the mid-season varieties of the Bigaro group. The berries weigh about 4.3 grams and are sweet and sour. A tree of medium height with a spherical crown and beautiful drooping branches. Fatezh cherries are best grown in the south in the center of the Non-Black Earth Region.
Features of Fatezh cherries
- the buds are not very frost-resistant, unlike the trunk and branches;
- yield can reach 30 kg per tree;
- not susceptible to diseases, in particular rot;
- a self-sterile variety, you should choose Ovstuzhenka, Iput, Raditsa as neighbors.

Cherry variety Bryansk pink

Bryansk pink cherry

Bryansk pink cherry belongs to late-ripening varieties bigarro groups. The berry weighs about 5 grams, the pulp is sweet, Pink colour, the small bone does not separate from the pulp. Bryansk pink cherry feels good in the central part of the Non-Black Earth Region.
Features of the Bryansk pink variety:
- the buds are not resistant to frost, but the trunk and skeletal branches are resistant;
- due to the features of the crown, the tree practically does not need;
- high yield – up to 30 kg per tree4
- berries are not prone to cracking.
- not capable of self-pollinating, Ovstuzhenka, Revna, Tyutchevka, Iput should be planted in the neighborhood.

Of course, this is far from full list, but we have considered the most popular varieties cherries. We hope that the description of cherry varieties with photos will help you make your choice. We remind you: when choosing a cherry variety, be sure to ask whether it is self-fertile or not, and what varieties of cherries it should be planted with. Only in this case will you receive excellent harvest cherries, which we wish for you with all our hearts!

Tatyana Kuzmenko, member of the editorial board, correspondent of the online publication "AtmAgro. Agro-industrial Bulletin"

The variety was bred in the Rossoshan zonal experimental station gardening A.Ya. Voronchikhina by sowing seeds of Denissen cherry, yellow from free pollination. Since 1987, the variety has been zoned in the Central Black Earth and Lower Volga regions. It enjoys some popularity among amateur gardeners in the south of the Central Black Earth Zone.

Tree medium-sized, at 10 years of age the height is 4-5 m, with a rounded spreading crown of medium density, good foliage. The bark on the trunk is gray with a cherry sheen, slightly flaky, slightly or moderately rough, with weak or medium longitudinal cracking; There is no curliness. The lenticels are convex, elongated-oval, from short to very long, wide, and densely arranged.

Escapes straight, rather thick, with long internodes, greenish-brown at first, then becoming silver-gray with age; lentils are small, from round to oval, whitish, densely arranged. Vegetative buds are very large, 6-7 mm long, conical with a gradually sharpening apex, spaced apart. Generative buds are smaller, 4-5 mm long, ovoid or elongated-ovoid, with a pointed apex, spaced or protruding. The leaf blade is oval, oblong-oval or oblong-ovate with a gradually pointed apex and a rounded or arcuate base, length 15-18 cm, width 6-7 cm on annual shoots; dark green above, almost smooth, glabrous, slightly concave along the central vein and sometimes slightly spirally turned around it, matte; below is light green, weakly and sparsely pubescent, with fleecy pubescence along the veins; The serration on the edges is large, double-toothed, the plate is elastic. The petiole is very long, 30-50 mm long, of medium thickness or thin, glabrous, slightly tuberous, with a faint yellowish-brown anthocyanin color. Glands 1-2, medium in size, light-colored. Stipules are absent. The inflorescence usually contains 2-3 flowers with a diameter of 30-35 mm, broadly cup-shaped in shape; petals are round or round-oval, closed or almost closed, snow-white; the pistil is flush with the stamens, the length of the stamens is 7-13 mm, the pistil with the ovary is 15-17 mm. The calyx tube is elongated bell-shaped, smooth, the sepals are rounded-lanceolate, entire, bent back and pressed against the calyx tube, half as long as the tube, tube length 7-8 mm, sepals 3-4 mm; the tube and sepals are light green, uncolored. Flowering occurs early, the variety is self-sterile.

Fruit average weight 5.0 g, height 21 mm, width 23 mm, thickness 19 mm; shape from obtuse-cordate to round-oval, slightly flattened laterally, funnel small and narrow; the apex of the fruit is rounded, the remainder of the pistil is in the form of a point, lies in a very small and narrow hole. The main color of the fruit is creamy-yellow, the outer color is a fiery red blush over the entire surface, the attractiveness of the fruit is high, especially in those well lit by the sun. The pulp is creamy, tender or medium density, closer to guineas than bigarro, very juicy, colorless juice. The taste is sweet with slight acidity, simple; for large, well-developed fruits, dessert with a tasting score of 4.5 points; small, poorly lit fruits deep in the crown taste much worse - low in sugar, bland. The fruits contain 13.4-19.3% soluble solids, 10.7-13.3% sugars, 0.44-0.62% titratable acids, 5.5-11.5 mg/100g ascorbic acid. The stalk is 35-45 mm long, about 1 mm thick; in fully ripe fruits the tear is almost dry, in unripe fruits it is wet. The seed has an average weight of 0.46 g, which is 9.2% of the weight of the fruit, oval, the apex is rounded, the base is rounded, the color of the fresh seed is brownish-yellow, it is separated from the pulp in a medium manner.

The fruits ripen early, in the south of the Central Black Earth region in mid-June, but not at the same time - small, poorly sunlit fruits deep in the crown ripen much later. The fruits are resistant to cracking during heavy rains during the ripening period, are well preserved on the tree and, when overripe, only improve their taste, becoming more sugary; but due to the delicate pulp and their light color, they are not easily transportable - they wrinkle heavily, flow and become covered with dark spots. Therefore, this variety is more suitable for home gardens.

Trees grafted on antipka begin bearing fruit in 4-5 years and quickly increase their yield. The average yield for the first eight years of fruiting was 27.0 kg/tree, in the most productive years it reached 40.0 kg/tree. In 2003, individual 15-year-old trees produced up to 70 kg/tree.

Trees of the Early Pink variety are highly winter-hardy: the overall degree of freezing after the harsh winters of the last 50 years did not exceed 2.0 points. The safety of trees 16 years after planting was 100%. The winter hardiness of flower buds is good, but lower than that of the Julia variety. After frost to -34.0° on December 17, 1997. 88.3% of flower buds died. In the unfavorable winter of 1993-94, when in early February the temperature dropped to -32.5°C after a strong and prolonged thaw in December-January, the death of flower buds amounted to 78.6%. Resistance to coccomycosis is good; no damage to moniliosis was observed.

Disadvantages of the variety: smallish fruits with poor transportability, uneven ripening.

For a long time, cherries were considered a traditionally southern crop, which significantly limited the geography of its cultivation.

Breeding by breeders relatively adapted to harsh natural conditions for culture has made possible cultivation cherries in the gardens of the Moscow region. This article provides a detailed overview the best varieties cherries for the Moscow region, including self-fertile and columnar species.

Cherry is less winter-hardy and more heat-loving crop than other representatives of the Plum family. Therefore its basis successful cultivation - right choice varieties. Varieties that have proven their positive characteristics over the entire period of cultivation are popular among gardeners in the Moscow region.

People's Syubarova

This type of cherry has good performance in the Moscow region. It is characterized by high survival rate and plasticity to the climatic and soil conditions of the region.

This is a tall tree with a powerful trunk and strong branches that can withstand heavy loads of winter precipitation and squally winds. The average yield is 35-50 kg and is stable over many years. Fruits in the second ten days of July. The fruits are dark red in color with an average weight of 4.6 g.

And the way

Gardeners fell in love with this type of cherry for the commercial attractiveness of cultivation, which is ensured by the ratio of stability and volume of fruiting. - resistance to fungal diseases and winter hardiness, which greatly facilitates tree care.

This is a medium-sized tree with a wide pyramidal crown. Fruit ripening is early - June 15. Fruit weight up to 9 g, color dark red, almost black when fully ripe. Productivity 30 kg.


The popularity of this species is based on the special quality of the fruit, high yield and compact crown, which allows cherries to be grown in limited areas. In addition, cherry fruits are distinguished by good transportability and pleasant taste.

Frost resistance of the tree is down to -31°, winter hardiness is good. Fruit ripening is early - June 20. Productivity from 16 to 30 kg. The color of the fruit is red, the pulp is juicy and dense, weight is 4-7 g. The tree is resistant to moniliosis and coccomycosis.

Cherry variety Ovstuzhenka


This cherry owes its popularity to its high yield. Given a combination of favorable factors, up to 50 kg of fruit can be collected from one tree. The appearance of the fruits is also different; on a red background you can see yellow spots on the sides. The fruits are sweet with slight acidity with an average weight of 4.2 g.

This is a medium-sized tree with a spherical and drooping crown. The level of winter hardiness is above average, disease resistance is good.

The popularity of these species in the Moscow region is based on adaptation to regional climatic conditions, plasticity to the characteristics of the winter season and rapid establishment.

The choice of cherry variety for cultivation in the Moscow region must be approached with full understanding and responsibility. This is an important criterion when southern crops are grown north of their native range.

Growing winter-hardy varieties

Winter hardiness of a tree - ability to tolerate unfavourable conditions winter season. These are the effects of thaw, soaking, ice crust and damping off. The winter hardiness of certain cherries is due to the individual organization of the body and adaptation to living conditions in winter conditions with slow metabolism and dehydration.

To assess winter hardiness fruit trees A seven-point scale is used, where trees with 6-7 points are considered winter-hardy.

The climatic features of the Moscow region have undergone some changes since the middle of the last century. Winter comes later, temperatures are lower than average, and there are frequent thaws. This is due not only to natural disasters, but also to the activities of the metropolis. In general, conditions for growing cherries are favorable.

Varieties with good winter hardiness:

  • Fatezh,
  • Valery Chkalov,
  • Raditsa;
  • Ovstuzhenka;
  • Chermashnaya;
  • Victory;
  • Bryansk pink;
  • Tyutchevka;
  • Revna;
  • People's Syubarova.

After studying the economic and biological characteristics, the best winter hardiness indicators were observed in the Fatezh and Chermashnaya varieties. In terms of early maturity, quality and volume of the harvest, Pobeda turned out to be the best.

Winter hardiness of cherries is not only varietal characteristics tree, but also the location of the site, the readiness of the plant for winter and the timely provision of nutrients.

Review and planting of cherry varieties by ripening time

When planting an orchard or selecting a new tree to be adjacent to existing crops, it is important to pay attention to the timing of fruit ripening. This will help increase the period of fresh harvest consumption and rationally distribute the supply of fruits for storage or harvesting.


Cherry ripening occurs in the third decade of June.

Main varieties:

  • Raditsa,
  • Ariadne,
  • And the way,
  • Gronkavaya,
  • Motherland,
  • Early pink.

The variety “Iput” is distinguished by the earliest fruit ripening - June 15. In addition, this variety has the best performance in terms of harvest volume, the average is 30 kg. The variety is also characterized by high levels of winter hardiness and resistance to fungal diseases. The “Rodina” variety has the most delicious and high-quality fruits, almost similar to southern varieties.

The attractiveness of early types of cherries is the supply of fruits to the diet when there is an acute shortage of fresh fruits.

Growing mid-season varieties

Fruit ripening in the Moscow region begins in mid-July.

  • Revna,
  • Fatezh,
  • Ovstuzhenka,
  • Veda,
  • Raditsa,
  • Orlovskaya pink,
  • Tyutchevka,
  • Rechitsa.

These types of cherries have undergone practical testing in the climatic and soil conditions of the Moscow region. The varieties “Fatezh”, “Revna”, “Tyutchevka”, “Ovstuzhenka” have the best winter hardiness indicators. The Raditsa variety has a compact crown and is convenient for growing in small areas.

Late ripening varieties harvested in autumn

The fruits ripen in early August.

Main types:

  • Bryansk pink,
  • Red dense,

“Bryanskaya Pink” has the best characteristics, which was tested in the Michurinsky Garden. It has proven resistance to fungal diseases, winter hardiness and frost resistance. Productivity is 20-30 kg, fruit quality is high.

Almost all varieties of cherries are self-sterile, so you need to take care in advance about the mutually beneficial proximity of plants. To do this, you need to plant at least three varieties in one area, taking into account biological compatibility and flowering time.

Good types of cherries with yellow fruits

The red shades of cherry fruits are attractive to birds, especially rowan thrushes, which can destroy an entire crop in a few hours. Early ripening cherries most often suffer from damage, so it is recommended to cover them with a net. Yellow the fruits do not attract birds, and the harvest is completely preserved.

In addition, with heavy and prolonged rains, red fruits crack and lose commercial quality. Yellow fruits have a more plastic shell, so they are slightly damaged.

Main varieties:

  • Homestead yellow,
  • Chermashnaya,
  • Drogana yellow,
  • Red dense.

The Drogana Yellow variety is distinguished by the highest adaptability to the climatic conditions of the Moscow region. This is the most productive variety of all presented in this category, which is stable for 25 years.

In terms of winter hardiness, the Chermashnaya variety has the best indicators. The remaining varieties have average winter hardiness and require more careful preparation for the winter period.

Disadvantages of cherries with yellow fruits: low transportability, frequent cherry fly damage.

Yellow fruits are especially good for culinary preparations: compotes, preserves and jams, but are not suitable for freezing.

Bookmark orchard always accompanied by a painful choice of varieties or a particular crop. Growing cherries compares favorably with similar crops in their high yield and resistance to many diseases.

Despite the appearance of zoned species, the lifespan and health of a fruit tree depends entirely on the gardener. And you need to lay the foundation for this when choosing a variety.

And in the end short video on the topic of how to plant cherries, as well as care for the tree in spring and autumn:

These sweet berries are visually similar to cherries, but their taste characteristics are quite different from them. The variety of cherry varieties is amazing - every gardener can choose the most interesting option for himself.

Cherry varieties by ripening time

Early pleases a bountiful harvest sweet berries already at the end of May. The fruiting season lasts until the first days of summer. Early varieties include: Valery Chkalov, Rannyaya Duki, Melitopolskaya, Skorospelka, Rannyaya Marki, Priusadnaya Mayskaya.

At the end of June, mid-season cherries produce a harvest. Here you can highlight such varieties as Donchanka, Yaroslavna, Silvia, Ugolek, Orlovskaya rozovaya.

Towards mid-July, late cherries ripen. These fruiting periods are characteristic of such varieties as Izyumnaya, Leningradskaya Chernaya, Amazonka, Romantika, Bryanskaya Rozovaya, Drogana Yellow.

In the Center of Russia good harvests produce such varieties as Rechitsa, Leningradskaya Chernaya, Chermashnaya, Iput.

The varieties Crimean Chernaya, Assol, Saniya, Malinovka, Zagoryevskaya, and Yulia are suitable for the South of Russia, Crimea and Central Black Earth Region.

The best varieties of cherries for the Urals are Lyubimitsa Astakhova, Ovstuzhenka, Odrinka, Fatezh, Raditsa. All these varieties tolerate frost well, but for the winter they need to be insulated with covering material.

Yellow cherries: varieties

Most varieties with sunny berries produce rich harvests. The most popular varieties of yellow cherries are Priusadubnaya yellow, Amazon (with a red barrel), Snegurochka.

The Drogana yellow variety enjoys great recognition. The berries of this cherry are quite large in size and weight (6.5 g). The dense yellowish pulp of the fruit has a sweet taste. The berry is covered with a thin skin (the juice is almost transparent). The elongated stone is medium in size and difficult to separate from the pulp. The fruits are not transportable. This late variety characterized by good winter hardiness.

Pink cherries: varieties

Pink cherries are widespread. The most famous varieties: Early pink, Moldavian pink, Pink pearl, Valeria, Orlovskaya pink, Napoleon pink, Leningrad pink.

The Bryansk pink variety deserves special attention. The fruits are of average size and weight (about 4 g). They are characterized by a round shape. The pink skin covers the yellowish, dense and sweet flesh. The juice is almost colorless. The egg-shaped stone is not very well separated from the pulp. The berries do not crack. The fruits ripen in mid-summer. The variety tolerates low temperatures well during wintering.

Black cherries: varieties

Dark cherries are famous for their intensely sweet taste (at least most varieties do). Well proven: Black Eagle, Melitopol black, Leningrad black, Early black, Daibera black, Tatar black.

Recently, there has been a noticeable increase in interest in the Napoleon black variety. This mid-late variety tolerates unfavorable winter conditions well. Sweet fruits with dark dense pulp are suitable for different types processing and withstand transportation well. Each berry weighs on average 4.5-5 g.

The best varieties of cherries

The best cherry varieties are considered to be those that have optimal winter hardiness and produce medium or large fruits that do not crack when ripe. It is worth considering the taste of the fruit - some varieties have a slight bitterness. So, in the rating of people's love there are such varieties as Chermashnaya, Raditsa, Iput, Ovstuzhenka, Fatezh, Bryanochka, Lena, Bryansk pink.

The late variety Tyutchevka has good recommendations. The weight of the berries can reach 7.4 g. The pulp of the fruit is dense, juicy, sweet, dark red. The fruits tolerate transportation well. Maximum yield – 40 kg per tree. Winter hardiness indicators are good.

Large-fruited cherry varieties

Cherries that produce fruits weighing 7-15 g are considered large. The following varieties have earned good recommendations: Yulia, Bull's Heart, Italian, Daibera black, Donetsk Beauty, Melitopolskaya black, Druzhba, Regina.

A mid-season variety with the eloquent name Krupnoplodnaya has become widespread. It is grown in the southern and central parts of Russia. The dark red fruits are high quality(their average weight is 10.4-12 g). At good conditions the weight of the berries can reach 18 g. The skin of the fruit is dense, although thin - the harvest can be transported over long distances. The berries are juicy, but gristly. Their taste is sweet and sour. Berry pit of this variety It is large, but it separates well from the pulp. The purpose of the fruits is universal - they can be eaten fresh, as well as prepared in any way.

Self-fertile cherry varieties

Self-fertile varieties are good because they can partially pollinate themselves without the participation of other varieties. But it is worth considering that 100% self-pollination does not happen, and self-fertility is also unstable (indicators may change from year to year). There are few self-fertile varieties of cherries. It is worth paying attention to such varieties as Narodnaya Syubarova and Ovstuzhenka.

Particularly noteworthy is the Revna variety. He has late dates maturation. The average weight of the berries is about 5 g, their color is black, and the taste is very sweet. The fruits tolerate transportation well. The dense pulp can be easily separated from the stone. The yield can reach 20 kg from each tree. The variety has high winter hardiness. It is partially self-fertile. To increase productivity, it is recommended to use the varieties Iput, Venyaminova, Kompaktnaya, Raditsa.

What varieties of cherries are best? This question can be answered only by planting several varieties of seedlings on your site. You need to focus on your own criteria (some people are attracted by large fruits, others by winter hardiness or the taste of the fruits). IN different regions the same variety can manifest itself in different ways.

When copying site materials, keep an active link to the source.

Sweet cherry, or bird cherry, is one of the most ancient and beloved fruit trees by gardeners, having a very small distribution region, limited to the regions of southern Europe with temperate climate, Asia Minor and the Caucasus. It is quite demanding in care, but it grows very quickly and begins to bear fruit early. The fruits ripen at the very beginning of the season (May - June) and are distinguished not only by their wonderful taste, but also by a rich set of vitamins, organic acids, micro- and macroelements.

As a result of centuries-old selection, which took place spontaneously for a long time, more than 4 thousand varieties of bird cherries were obtained, so it is quite difficult for a novice gardener to navigate such diversity. All existing varieties are traditionally divided into early, middle and late. Among them there are self-sterile and self-pollinating varieties, with different resistance to natural vagaries, significantly different in appearance and quality characteristics of fruits. At the beginning of the last century, Russian scientists began breeding winter-hardy cherries that can withstand the frosts of the middle zone.

Which early varieties are worthy of attention?

Sweet cherries are one of those berries that we can try in late spring by planting one of the early ripening varieties. At proper care Already at the end of May, a vitamin dessert appears on our table and not only pleasantly diversifies the menu, but also helps the body quickly cope with spring vitamin deficiency. Most early-ripening varieties are characterized by increased resistance to return frosts, and the juicy and tender berries are very tasty fresh, but do not tolerate transportation well.

And the way– a productive self-sterile variety, zoned in the Central and Central Black Earth regions. Medium-sized trees have good winter hardiness, especially flower buds, and high resistance to fungal diseases. They form an early harvest of dark red heart-shaped berries above average in size (up to 10 g), which become almost black when overripe. Tender and juicy, but dense pulp has an excellent moderately sweet taste. The harvest is universal in use.

Ovstuzhenka– self-sterile early ripening cherries, recommended for cultivation in the central regions. The variety forms compact, low trees that are resistant to winter freezing and return frosts in the spring. Tall and stable yields Sweet and juicy dark raspberry berries of medium size (up to 6.5 g) and universal use make the variety popular among gardeners. An additional advantage is good immunity to coccomycosis and moniliosis.

Fairy tale- not the most productive self-fertile variety, loved by gardeners for its large size (up to 12 g) and excellent commercial qualities of very sweet berries with dense pulp. They do not crack during the rainy season and withstand transportation well. Cherry Skazka is not afraid of winter frosts and has high immunity to most fungal diseases.

Chermashnayahigh-yielding variety very early ripening, forming medium-sized, winter-hardy trees that are practically free from fungal diseases. Very tender, juicy berries of small weight (up to 4.5 g) and amber color have a sweet, dessert taste with a light refreshing sourness. The fruits are good straight from the branch, but are not suitable for storage, making jam or juice.

Mid-ripening cherries - the best varieties

Typically, medium varieties produce a harvest starting in mid-June. They tolerate return frosts less well, but compared to early cherries they have better marketable fruit qualities.

Annushka– mid-season sweet cherry, recommended for cultivation in the North Caucasus region. The variety forms vigorous trees with a spreading crown and large (up to 10 g) berries of a dark garnet hue. Very decorative, round-shaped fruits are distinguished by an excellent sweet taste of dense and juicy pulp, which is not lost even in unfavorable weather. The plants tolerate winter frosts and summer drought well, but are not sufficiently resistant to fungal diseases and cannot boast of high yields.

Adeline– a high-yielding and frost-resistant variety that ripens in the second or third decade of July. Medium-sized trees begin to bear fruit in the fourth year of the growing season, forming medium-sized coral-red berries (up to 6 g) with very tasty, elastic and juicy pulp. The Adelina cherry tree resists quite well such common diseases as moniliosis and coccomycosis, but is not capable of self-pollination (self-sterile).

Teremoshka– a self-sterile variety of average winter hardiness, which begins to bear fruit in the fourth year of the growing season. Low, neat trees with a spherical crown resist winter cold and return frosts well, and have a fairly high immunity to fungal diseases. Dark cherry berries of impressive size (up to 7 g) are valued for their excellent honey taste, elastic and juicy pulp, and good transportability.

Donetsk beauty– mid-season sweet cherry, bred by Ukrainian breeders. The variety is valued for its excellent yield, as well as for its beautiful and very delicious berries impressive size (up to 10 g) and dessert taste, having a noble shade of red wine. In addition to the obvious external advantages, the variety has high immunity to coccomycosis.

Gastinets– a very tasty variety of Belarusian selection, distinguished by excellent tasting qualities of medium-sized amber berries (up to 6 g) with a rich carmine blush. Self-sterile trees of average yield are very decorative during fruiting, resistant to fungal diseases and produce the first harvest already in the third year of development.

The most large-fruited and productive late varieties

At a time when the entire harvest of early cherries has already been eaten and processed, late-ripening varieties begin to bear fruit very opportunely. The berries on such trees ripen towards the end of summer, and the most frost-resistant of them produce a harvest in the last ten days of August.

Exhibition– an incredibly productive variety that ripens in July. Tall trees produce many large (up to 8 g) and very beautiful oval-shaped amber-carmine berries with wonderful taste qualities. Exhibition cherry is distinguished by its increased frost resistance of flower buds, but is not capable of self-pollination. The best pollinators for it are the Recordistka, Cassini rannyaya and Rynochnaya varieties.

Bryansk pink– a late-ripening, self-sterile variety with good yield, valued for its low and compact trees, highly resistant to fungal diseases and winter frosts. The medium-sized (up to 5.5 g) berries of a beautiful light scarlet hue with dense amber pulp are distinguished by their sweetness and juiciness, and in addition, they hardly crack and are perfectly preserved during transportation.

Napoleon- a very old and excellently productive variety of European selection, released in Dagestan at the beginning of the last century. Tall trees delight with large (up to 7 g) almost black berries and a very good, sweet taste of dense pulp, diluted with light sourness. Napoleon cherries are universal in use, resistant to winter frosts and fungal diseases, and have excellent shelf life and transportability.

Regina- self-sterile late cherry, characterized by compact, low trees with very high frost resistance and good yield. Large (up to 10 g) berries of a very beautiful dark garnet color delight with their bright taste and excellent transportability. The fruits are able to remain intact for a long time after ripening and not crack during the rainy season. An additional advantage of the variety is its early fruiting: the first harvest ripens already in the third year of the growing season.

Regional preferences

Cherry is a capricious tree that loves warmth and fertile, slightly alkaline or neutral soils. That is why it feels best in the south of Russia and in the Central Black Earth region. However, there are unpretentious and frost-resistant varieties, which can be cultivated even in the Urals and Siberia. With good and proper care, even in these regions experienced gardeners get good harvests of tasty berries.

Here are some suggestions for growing in middle zone conditions.

Gronkova– a self-sterile early-ripening variety recommended for cultivation in the central regions. Tall, very productive trees are resistant to winter frosts and damage by pathogenic fungi. In the fourth year of the growing season, they bear fruit for the first time, forming dark scarlet berries of medium weight (up to 4.5 g) with an excellent taste of sweet and juicy pulp. The best pollinators are Zhurba, Krasavitsa, Narodnaya.

Large-fruited- time-tested variety early dates fruiting, incapable of self-pollination. Fast growing trees of medium height with a compact crown tolerate winter cold and summer drought, are not afraid of fungal diseases, and are especially resistant to moniliosis. Very large (up to 12 g) pomegranate-colored berries delight with a very rich taste of dense and sweet pulp. Varieties for pollination - Surprise or Francis.

Revna– a late-ripening, self-sterile variety that forms rapidly growing trees of medium height. The fruits are impressive in size (up to 7.7 g), have a wide-round shape and a dark cherry, almost black, color. The dense pulp has an excellent sweet taste and juiciness. Revna cherries tolerate frost well and are not afraid of fungal diseases. The best pollinators are Ovstuzhevka, Raditsa, Iput, Compact.

Fatezh– self-sterile, productive variety with mid-early fruiting. Low trees with a compact, spherical crown produce elegant berries small size(up to 4.6 g), amber in color with a scarlet blush. The sweet and sour pulp has a pleasant, dense structure. Sweet cherries are resistant to the most dangerous fungal diseases and tolerate frost well. The varieties Chermashnaya and Iput are suitable for pollination.

For the regions of southern Russia and the Black Earth Region the choice of varieties is much larger. The best representatives are Ariadna, Poetry, Orlovskaya pink.

Poetry– high-yielding mid-ripening sweet cherry, forming low self-fertile trees with a raised pyramidal crown. Amber-scarlet berries for dessert use and medium size (up to 5.6 g) are distinguished by the excellent taste of sweet, dense pulp with refreshingly sour notes. The variety has sufficient winter hardiness, which is quite suitable for the mild climate of southern Russia. Immunity to fungal diseases is quite high.

Ariadne– an early ripening variety with high and stable yield. Vigorous trees form impressive (up to 5.4 g) and very delicious fruits. Dark pomegranate berries are distinguished by the excellent sweet taste of their dense and juicy pulp. Ariadne cherries have practically no drawbacks, since they are not only tasty and productive, but also frost-resistant and do not get sick at all.

Orlovskaya pink– a mid-season and high-yielding variety that forms medium-sized and frost-resistant trees. Small (up to 4.0 g) yellow fruits with a scarlet blush have a sweet, slightly sour, dessert taste of juicy, medium-dense pulp. Cherry is characterized by good early fruiting (fruiting in the third year) and is relatively resistant to fungal diseases, but is self-sterile.

Rechitsa– self-sterile sweet cherry of medium ripening with good yield. Fast-growing trees of medium height with a spreading crown are distinguished by excellent frost resistance and high immunity to fungal diseases. Large (up to 5.8 g) almost black fruits have a remarkably sweet taste of juicy pulp. The best pollinators are Ovstuzhenka, Odrinka, Iput.

For the regions of the Urals and Siberia With their harsh winters, such a parameter of trees as frost resistance is especially important, which should largely relate to flower buds. Besides, sharp fluctuations day and night temperatures, especially at the end of winter, often lead to burns of skeletal branches and trunk. All these features were taken into account by breeders who obtained such winter-hardy varieties as Tyutchevka, Odrinka, Veda, Bryanochka.

Tyutchevka– a late-ripening, highly productive variety, partially capable of self-pollination. Medium-sized trees and flower buds have good winter hardiness. Dark pomegranate fruits of impressive size (up to 7.4 g) are distinguished by the excellent taste of dense, sweet and juicy pulp. They are well stored and transported. Cherry is practically not affected by moniliosis and is quite rarely susceptible to other fungal diseases.

Odrinka– self-sterile cherries of medium late ripening form low trees with a pyramidal crown, which practically do not get sick, have high winter hardiness and are not afraid of sunburn. Flower buds also tolerate frost well. Very large (up to 7.4 g) and remarkably sweet fruits of a dark crimson color with elastic and juicy pulp have a universal area of ​​application. The most suitable varieties for pollination – Rechitsa, Revna, Ovstuzhenka.

Bryanochka– a self-sterile late variety, characterized by high winter hardiness and productivity. On medium-sized trees, very elegant and impressive (up to 7.1 g) fruits of a dark beet color ripen. Their remarkably tasty pulp is juicy and high in sugar. Sweet cherries have high immunity to coccomycosis and good immunity to other fungal diseases. Pollinator varieties – Veda, Iput and Tyutchevka.

Veda– frost-resistant table variety late maturation. Medium-sized trees are characterized by high productivity, forming large (up to 7.0 g), juicy and very tasty berries of a dark cherry color. Cherry Veda has increased immunity to coccomycosis and other fungal infections and is not capable of self-pollination. The best partner varieties are Tyutchevka, Revna, Bryanochka, Iput.