What does a pink rose mean in the language of flowers. Secrets of flower bouquets, or Why white roses are given as gifts

All over the world it is customary to give flowers: birthdays, weddings and other holidays are never complete without this attribute. They are particularly solemn; their delicate petals not only have a delicate aroma, but are also able to convey the feelings of the giver, depending on the color or variety. What is the secret of the symbolism of this flower?

Where does the symbolism of roses come from?

This flower is majestic and mysterious, artists saw in its blossoming bud a sign of infinity or development in a spiral, poets sang the combination of delicate petals and sharp thorns. The symbolism of this plant is deeply rooted in history. In Ancient Rome, the flower was considered a symbol of high morality, courage and selflessness.
Much later, in the Victorian era, people started talking about the flower as a symbol of love, passion, and reverent friendship. With the development of selective floriculture, new varieties and colors have appeared, and, accordingly, the possibilities of expressing emotions with their help have significantly expanded.

Did you know? The name of this flower appears about 50 times in the works of William Shakespeare.

What do the colors of roses mean?

The rose is rightfully considered the queen of all flowers, and therefore is the most common flower symbol. Legend says that the flower acquired its thorns after the fall of man and that is why it combines a symbol of purity and tenderness, gratitude, friendship and fidelity, as well as unearthly passion and temptation.
The flower has strict elegance, so it is customary to give it, including to men, on certain special occasions - be it an anniversary or an award ceremony. To the stronger sex It is customary to present bouquets of simple bright colors: burgundy, dark red, scarlet. Delicate, pastel buds of peach, yellow, white shades are best left for the representatives fair sex.

The white buds of the flower symbolize purity and purity; as a rule, they are given to young girls. They can often be seen in wedding compositions, where they mean pure, young love.

Flowers of this shade will be a great way to express gratitude and appreciation without words. Their neutrality allows them to be presented on official occasions as a sign of the completion of an important matter. If a flower is intended for a girl, it is intended to emphasize her modesty.

Yellow roses

Among ignorant people there is an opinion that yellow flowers are given as a sign of separation, but this is not at all true. Solar, bright flower, on the contrary, means strong friendship, sincere affection, respect and admiration that lasts for many years.

The most elegant and insidious shade of roses. Bright burgundy flowers are undoubtedly a symbol of uncontrollable passion and the most ardent feelings of the giver, but dark burgundy flowers are usually presented to older women as a sign of admiration for their unfading beauty.

No other flower is capable of conveying a rush of feelings. No wonder red and scarlet shades are the colors of love. Truly royal flower They give to lovers, trying to express not so much passion as sincere, sublime love and affection. In addition, if red flowers are presented at a business meeting, then, as a rule, this means congratulations on success.

Such flowers are usually given to girls because they are a symbol of tenderness and modesty.

Important!It is necessary to distinguish shades of pink. Bright flowers are more suitable for an official bouquet, but soft pink buds will tell about your sympathy.

This unusual color of the petals has a meaning similar to the previous one - it is a sign of charm, first love. By giving such a bouquet to his beloved, a man shows how fascinated he is by her.

The orange color itself symbolizes cheerfulness and emotional uplift, which is why a bouquet of orange flowers will show your sincere and warm feelings, emphasize a positive attitude and best wishes.

Blue and light blue roses

This is one of the most mysterious flowers. Usually they are given with a certain hint of mystery or secret, and are also presented to extraordinary individuals who are able to appreciate the unusualness of the bouquet.

This novelty in the world of flora, unlike its other counterparts, is not intended to express passionate feelings. Rather, it is suitable for business people who are successful in their endeavors as a symbol of wealth, prosperity and stability.

A gloomy, although elegant, flower is often perceived as a sign of sadness or grief, but this is not entirely true. This is a sign of a new beginning, overcoming obstacles, willpower and spirit.

Did you know? First in the world blue roses appeared in Japan at the Flower Show. Scientists have spent more than two decades on genetic experiments to achieve the natural blue coloring.

Varieties of burgundy roses

It would seem that what is the difficulty of choosing beautiful bouquet? You have chosen traditional red-burgundy tones, however, as practice shows, there are a great many varieties of colors and, in order to decide, it would not hurt to get acquainted with the most popular ones.

Black Prince

This legendary hybrid tea variety, bred back in the 19th century, was until recently considered the darkest colored flower. Its petals look like velvet in a burgundy-black hue with a shimmer. The buds are large, about 9 cm in diameter, with an intense aroma. This variety is resilient and will last in a vase for a long time.

The Grand Prix

Grand Prix roses are perhaps the most traditional representatives of the classics. Their dark red color is emphatically elegant, the buds are very large, about 12 cm in diameter, with velvety petals. They have a delicate floral aroma. This variety will last in a vase for up to 2 weeks.

Astrid Decanter

This is a flower of special, unusual beauty. The bud is bright burgundy in color, densely double, medium in size, with a persistent powerful aroma.

Roses are beautiful flowers that delight with their beauty and aroma. There is a huge variety of its varieties. And each is charming in its own way. Especially The coral rose is striking in its beauty. Its buds are sharp, beautiful shape, amazing coral-orange color with a silvery tint, refined aroma.

Rose - unique flower of a kind. It is fraught with different interpretations. The Greeks considered it a symbol of infinity due to the round shape of the bud.

Many people have heard about the language of flowers and symbolism, but not everyone knows what this or that shade means and how to present a bouquet correctly.

A bouquet of roses is given to both a very young girl and adult woman, they are presented to men and even children. You just need to know the meaning of color and the number of colors in it.

A gift in the form of a well-chosen bouquet will definitely make you smile and bring joy.

What does color mean: the symbolism of white, coral and red, blue flowers

Nowadays you can see roses of unexpected shades in flower shops. Each of them has an interpretation.

Red– great love, boundless passion. They are brought to a person to express their sincere respect. These are the queens of the garden who smell enchanting.

Pink bud signifies the beginning of a relationship. If a person presents them, he wants to express his sympathy and respect that he feels. And this sympathy will later develop into a stronger feeling - love.

Yellow is a symbol of joy, care and concern. Yellow is the color of the sun. Therefore, in order to make peace with loved ones, it is enough to present yellow buds with sincere feelings.

Many people believe that yellow roses bring separation, betrayal and jealousy. But in reality they have nothing to do with negative meanings.

Orange or coral means pride. They are presented to express good and bright wishes.

Blue(blue) means mystery. This beauty was obtained thanks to the work of breeders. Usually such specimens are chosen by interesting, extraordinary people.

Green- a symbol of fertility, harvest and wealth. This type of rose is preferred by wealthy people.

An armful of whites speaks for itself. White color is associated with purity and purity. The same associations apply to the white queen of the garden. It is customary to bring such roses to weddings.

Bouquet of bright roses means loving intentions. Therefore, for work colleagues or acquaintances, it is better to choose plants of subdued tones.

One, five or a hundred: how many to present in a bouquet?

The number of flowers in a bouquet also has a special meaning. It is important to know that it should consist of an odd number of buds, since an even number is brought to funerals.

The negative meaning of an even number of buds has been known since ancient times. Even numbers symbolized evil and death.

Despite this, some people currently give as many flowers for a birthday as the age of the birthday person.

And florists convince us that if the bouquet contains more than ten buds, then it doesn’t matter whether there are an even number or not.

One rose they choose a person to whom they want to hint that he is the only and the best. And also one rose symbolizes modest love. One piece is often given to young girls to confess their sympathy.

If they give three, then in this case they want to express sincere feelings, friendship, joy and respect. This amount suitable color for a friend or just a girl you know.

Five things presented when they want to wish good luck and happiness. A bouquet of five pieces is suitable primarily for work colleagues or acquaintances and friends.

Set of seven flowers collected by people whose activities are related to science. This bouquet is perfect as a gift for a teacher.

Eleven pieces given to married couples - such a quantity confirms the devotion and sincerity of feelings.

Sixteen pieces give to friends and relatives.

Twenty nine roses are given to wives. This bouquet means eternal love.

One hundred and one They give a beauty as a gift if they want to express adoration, admiration and their boundless love. A bouquet of one hundred and one roses is best suited for declaring love, proposing marriage, and also in gratitude for the birth of a son or daughter. This one is considered the most prestigious and luxurious.

In the USA it is customary to present a dozen roses, while in Germany they give a bouquet of 8 flowers. People in these countries give and accept arrangements with an even number of flowers.

The most important thing is not the color and number of flowers, but with what feelings the bouquet was presented. If you present flowers sincerely and from the heart, then only then will it bring joy and positive emotions.


A bouquet of roses is a great gift, which can decorate any celebration. Some people prefer coral, while others prefer white. Some people like huge armfuls, while others are happy with just one little thing.

But no matter how many buds there are in a bouquet, it doesn’t matter what color they are if they give flowers without love.

In addition to the fact that a rose can be a wonderful gift, it is often used in medicinal purposes. Collect its fresh petals, which are beneficial for human body due to the presence of minerals and trace elements.

This plant helps with skin diseases, relieves stress and tension, treats headaches, and also speeds up the healing process of wounds.

Rose - amazing plant , which brings joy and cures many ailments.

In all centuries, a rose, or even a whole bouquet of these flowers, stood between a man and a woman. And this was not just a gift without meaning or hint, but a full-fledged phrase or even a mini-story about the feelings of the giver towards the person being gifted. When it was not customary to talk about love, neither out loud, nor in a whisper, nor even with a glance or a gesture, the queen of flowers herself came to the rescue of the lovers.

Red, white, yellow, pink and other completely unimaginable shades of roses and pink buds brought people together and separated them, gave them incredible happiness and confidence in love for each other, quietly told what was indecent to talk about out loud and directly.

In the end, bouquets, compositions or one flower became symbols that lovers could distinguish and understand like no one else. They, for example, will never confuse what a white rose means and what a red one means; they know how the long-awaited phrase “I love you” sounds in the “flower language”.

How and why the language of flowers appeared

The language of flowers is the language of women, in the sense that the authors of ornate signs and symbols associated with beautiful flowers and wonderful feelings were no less beautiful women. It appeared, like all the most mysterious things in the world, in the East, where both young beauties and middle-aged enchantresses had no right to vote and no rights at all. Sitting locked up in harems, constantly under the supervision of a eunuch, who regularly reported to the owner about the moods and aspirations of his numerous wives, they could not even exchange a frank word. Out of despair, they assigned each flower a meaning, learned it all like twice two, and thus began the exchange of information.

The experience of the khan's concubines was adopted by European lovers, who also had a hard time - two or three centuries ago there could not have been any languid conversations about love between a young lady and a gentleman - it was considered vulgar. And giving a flower is, please. And the lovers gladly took advantage of the opportunity - after all, no one except them could guess what a white rose or a yellow one, or a pink bud, meant. For the uninitiated, the flowers remained mute.

How to formulate a message correctly?

Certain symbolism was assigned to flowers based on legends, myths and ancient half-forgotten stories. To the base (legend) it was necessary to add a little interpretation of the shade of the rose that was “in use” among this or that people, the number of plants, the presence or absence of greenery in the composition - and the symbol was ready.

Oh yes... one more important nuance: the way of presenting a flower to a lady could say a lot. It’s not like now: “He would spend money on an expensive bouquet if he didn’t care about you!” In those days, what was important was not the amount given for the flower, but the feelings that it symbolized.

The gentlemen of that time did not dare to get even a few steps closer to their chosen one, so they always considered their brides to be models of heavenly purity and gave them snow-white bouquets. And the fathers of the brides would hardly allow them to think otherwise. So the grooms sought to somehow express their desire to touch with their souls innocence and perfection - that set of girlish qualities that means the white color of roses.

Christian meaning of white rose

According to one of the Christian legends, the white rose began to symbolize purity and innocence after Archangel Gabriel wove a wreath for the Virgin Mary from these flowers.

Even before this, the Virgin Mary was called the Rose - Without Thorns, Heavenly, Magical, because she is chaste, she is perfect, she is kind, she is merciful. Each of the earthly women honors the Mother of God as her ideal.

What does the white color of roses mean to an ordinary woman? The fact that she is considered too fragile and delicate a creature, constantly in need of protection.

Among other things, a white rose in Catholicism is a symbol of modesty and moderation, which is why churches and roses are decorated with bouquets of these flowers before holiday services. white given to priests.

The bride is an unreal creature with an unreal white bouquet

At no wedding in the classic European style it is impossible to see a bride with red, orange, and purple roses in her hands. White or delicate pink - other colors are simply not considered.

It is very clear what a white rose means in a wedding bouquet - it is not just an addition to the dress, but a sign that they are marrying off a very worthy, gentle, heavenly-pure girl who has captivated the groom with her amazing modesty.

A modern wedding goes somewhat beyond tradition, and the same goes for arranging bouquets. Florists advise “dilute” white roses with pink ones, or add a few red ones to the bouquet: one way or another, there must be passion between the newlyweds.

Roses and girls

It is customary to give white roses to young ladies who have just celebrated their majority or are on the verge of it. A dazzling white bouquet as a gift is appropriate for both a birthday and a graduation; it can be given not on days that are too significant for the young beauty, but just like that, for no reason, to emphasize your charm with the lovely creation.

Although now hardly anyone seriously thinks about what the gift of white roses mean, their meaning remains the same as a hundred or two hundred years ago: I admire your unearthly purity and fragility of soul, which I wish to protect and protect from adversity, if if you please.

Who is he, the giver?

As a rule, a man who gives white roses as a gift is very conservative, respects traditions and expects to get a girl as a wife, as was customary in the old days... He focuses, rather, not on the girl’s age, but on those physiological indicators by which he can determine the virginity of the bride. In his case, this nuance is extremely important.

Any of the potential brides would be interested in what the white roses given by a man mean. And this, no more or less, is a declaration of quiet love, a desire and readiness to take care of and be close.

Usually, givers of white roses are serious people with far-reaching plans, counting on a long-lasting marriage and never being content with fleeting romances.

A bouquet is one of the most desired gifts

Compositions made from white roses amaze with their diversity. And they also mean different things.

A bouquet of three flowers tells about the love of the man who presented it, five roses (and a multiple of five flowers) are given in the hope of building a strong happy family with a girl, a composition of nine white roses means admiration for the beauty of the chosen one, if in a large bouquet one rose is not in bloom , this means that the girl is too young to continue the relationship, and because of her age, unfortunately, it is impossible.

Married couples can exchange bouquets of eleven flowers as a sign of their love, and roses can be presented to both the wife and the husband.

When offering marriage to your chosen one, it is customary to give a bouquet of twenty-five roses.

Analyze your feelings and impulses, give flowers, but don’t forget for a minute what a bouquet of white roses means and don’t confuse the meanings.

The fact that flowers speak the language of human emotions is not forgotten in our crazy age, and perhaps someone is now really waiting for your decisive word, decorated in a beautiful bouquet.

The only one

If a guy gives only one rose, don’t rush to accuse him of being too frugal. He just wants to say that the girl to whom he presents the flower is the only one for him in the whole world and in his loving heart.

What does a white rose mean as a gift - the most necessary thing for every woman. After all, no matter how independent, self-sufficient and independent a young lady is, she still wants to be desired, loved, the only one.

Tenderness in its purest form

If a woman not only wants to know , what does a white rose mean, but to get it, she just needs to be less impudent, less independent, less businesslike and less proud. That is, by and large, to move a little away from the image of a super-modern lady. But this is not as simple as it seems, and not every girl is ready to release a little tenderness.

But those who have not yet managed to hide their true charm deeper are often rewarded with the symbols of true tenderness - white roses. And for some (there are such cases), all seriousness disappeared precisely at the moment when they received a bouquet of these flowers.

And it’s so touching when a thousand percent arrogant and businesslike young lady, in front of an astonished public, turns into a defenselessly tender creature.

White with splashes

Having figured out what white roses mean in the language of flowers, and realizing that this is not exactly what they want to say, romantically passionate men give free rein to their imagination and show courage.

They give their chosen ones bouquets of white roses, complementing them with one red one, demonstrating the transparency of their intentions and ardent love.

The addition of a white bouquet in the form of a burgundy rose means that the guy fell in love at first sight.

Green roses (breeders took care of the most unrealistic flowers) symbolize wealth and prosperity. By presenting such a bouquet, the gentleman hints that he is far from a poor man and the girl will live with him in love and abundance.

Orange roses with white look beautiful - bright and festive, but their meaning can be disappointing for young ladies looking for love. A guy who gives a girl a white and orange bouquet hints that he loves her, but in a friendly way, nothing more.

When you need to show that your thoughts and intentions are pure, and your feelings are as sparkling as fresh snow, turn to white people for help. But the white rose has much more meaning than meets the eye.

White color is a symbol of innocence, the kingdom of the unspoiled and unsullied. The meaning of a bouquet of white roses is chastity and spiritual love. White Rose glorifies love, which is unknown to the temptations of the flesh and which lives exclusively in the soul.

Unlike the red rose, which screams eloquently of passion, the meaning of the white rose lies in pristine purity and simplicity.

The white rose is sometimes called the “flower of light.” One of the symbolic meanings of a white rose is eternal love, which is stronger than death, endures everything and is immortal. The white rose speaks of love, which is closer to fidelity, honor and submission than to passion.

In the sense of honoring someone until death, the white rose represents constancy and devotion that all endure.

The language of flowers is ambiguous and diverse. And the white rose is no exception. It can be seen at funerals and remembrance ceremonies for the dead, as a symbol of respect and eternal memory.

Queen of the wedding

She is the queen of the wedding bouquet. A bride holding a bouquet of white roses in her hands shows by this very gesture that she is pure and innocent to her groom. The symbolism of the white rose can be transferred to, the bearer of such qualities as purity and virginity.

“It’s too early to love me,” says the white rose. Girlhood, immaturity, the age of spring, young and fresh - these are its connotations. A white rose bud signifies beauty, youth and purity of heart, filled with innocent love.

White rose in myths and legends

The most famous meanings of the white rose come from mythology. Many of them are associated with Aphrodite or Venus - the goddess of love. She was born from a sea wave, and where the foam fell on the ground and remained, white roses bloomed.

The myth of the birth of Venus and later myths associated with the goddess point to the dual nature of love. This is purity and innocence, personified by white, on the one hand, and passionate desire and its satisfaction, symbolized by red, on the other hand.

In one myth, Aphrodite runs to help her wounded lover Adonis and scratches her skin on flowering bush white roses Her blood drips onto the flowers, turning them red. The symbolic reading is that the girl's innocence and purity are replaced by experience and motherhood.

IN different cultures There are many myths and legends that talk about how the first white rose on earth magically changes color. In ancient Greek myth, it is the blood of Aphrodite, which turns a white rose red. In other legends, the white rose “turns red.”

Most love unusual flowers. To grow at home rare plant It is important to apply the subtleties of the content. The secrets of breeding most groups of plants are the same. Any blooming creature requires special care. In this article, the authors intended to present a selection of tips to prevent death when breeding an exotic flower. For subsequent procedures, you should clarify what type of flower your flower belongs to.

Symbolic meaning of a rose

“Yellow roses, white roses, red roses - from now on all were only the radiant radiance of their joy, only their diverse smiles.”

There is a certain language of flowers, according to which the color of a rose speaks of certain feelings. These flowers are usually chosen by self-confident people. They stand firmly on their feet and value comfort and stability. The color of this amazing flower has its own associations.

Not a single flower has been endowed with such different meanings and symbols as the rose. The Greeks saw the rosebud as a symbol of infinity, because the rose is round, and the circle has no beginning or end and therefore symbolizes infinity; Moreover, in the bud the leaves are tightly curled, so that it cannot be unfolded. But as soon as the rose opens, its life is short-lived. Its petals fall off or wither after being torn off.

“Rose Virgin” was the name given to beautiful young girls, reminding them that their age of beauty was short-lived. The short-lived captivating beauty of the rose reminded us of the short duration of beauty, the transience of human life.

From the Greeks the rose was transferred to Rome. Here, during the republic, the rose was considered a symbol of strict morality. Roman warriors, when going on a campaign, took off their helmets and put on wreaths of roses - it was believed that these wreaths infused courage into the hearts of warriors. The rose served as an emblem of courage: the famous Roman commander Scipio Africanus allowed his soldiers to carry bouquets of roses in their hands on the day of their triumphal entry into Rome, and to perpetuate the memory of their courage - to emboss images of roses on their shields.

But the rose had another, completely unexpected meaning: it became a symbol of silence. Rose saved the life of more than one chatterbox. During feasts, an artificial rose hung from the ceiling of the hall - it was dedicated to the god of silence, Harpocrates. In Rome during the time of Nero, this was a useful reminder - what a drunken person will not blurt out! And Nero's spies are right there.

In the 19th century the language of flowers attributed to the rose exclusively the meaning of a love confession. But at the same time, roses were distinguished by variety: the Austrian rose meant “with great love,” the Damask rose meant “shy love,” the white rose meant quiet love, and the yellow rose meant infidelity. However, it is also important what flowers the rose is combined with in the bouquet...

A rose without thorns - love at first sight; according to Christian legends, this is a virtue, and it grew in paradise, but this was before the fall of man. After Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, thorns appeared on the rose as a reminder of mortal sin.

Tea roses are a traditional symbol of separation. Their symbolic: “I will never forget you” reminds the giver and recipient of warm and memorable moments of meetings. The tea rose symbolizes constancy. In perfumery, the retro scent of tea rose has always been considered a symbol of beauty, femininity and romance.

The white rose, like the white violet, became a symbol of the innocence, purity and chastity of the Mother of God. The Virgin Mary was called the Magic Rose, the Rose of Heaven, the Rose Without Thorns. Legend tells that the Archangel Gabriel took white, yellow and red roses and made three wreaths from them for the Blessed Virgin Mary. A wreath of white roses meant her joy, red roses meant her suffering, and yellow roses meant her glory.

The white rose symbolizes love, harmony, purity, innocence, and fidelity. By presenting snow-white rosebuds as a gift, the giver seems to want to say: “You are heavenly and pure”; “I admire your unearthly and pristine beauty”; "You are as perfect as these white roses." The white rose is a symbol of eternal love, purer, stronger and stronger than all earthly feelings, including passion. That's why a bouquet of white roses is given at a wedding.

Red roses are a symbol of passion and desire; real love. Many people know that it is the red and pink buds that exude an amazing aroma that express deep love and passion. In addition, red roses have always been given as a sign of respect and admiration for the object for whom these flowers are intended.

White and red roses combined in one bouquet symbolize harmonious love and unity of views, unanimity, union, long and lasting friendship. Moreover, if you choose roses, the white petals of which will be framed by a red edging, such a bouquet will have a similar meaning. In any case, the combination of white and red colors in a bouquet of roses symbolizes loyalty and unanimity, as if confessing to the recipient - “You and I are one.”

Pink roses often symbolize a new beginning in a relationship, a hint of a feeling that, perhaps in the near future, will flare up in full force and strike two lovers in the very heart. The pink color of rose buds and bouquets of these beautiful and noble flowers expresses gratitude and pride, sympathy and sweet thoughts, tender emotions and a feeling of admiration.

Pink has the richest range of shades, the combination of which is used to create complex, promising and often eloquent messages. Pink flowers symbolize politeness, courtesy, courtesy. They are a symbol of elegance and sophistication. You can express your gratitude by presenting roses of bright pink or cherry color as a gift. At the same time, you can express your feelings of sympathy by giving soft pink flowers of unopened roses.

A burgundy rose, like a scarlet rose, means an ardent feeling of love, frantic passion and admiration. A bouquet of burgundy roses seems to be trying to confess: “You are so beautiful that you don’t realize it.” It is noteworthy that this particular color of buds is considered a traditional gift and the most popular means of expressing feelings on Valentine's Day. Burgundy petals with purple or lavender hues speak of charm, splendor and magnetism, but do not at all mean a strong and lasting feeling. If we consider in more detail the symbolic meaning of burgundy roses, we can say that these flowers express charm to the owner of the bouquet and love at first sight. Burgundy roses also have different shades colors meaning various options symbolic meaning.

The dark burgundy bouquet is somewhat gloomy; it is best to dilute it with other shades close to burgundy, such as scarlet, pink or peach. A dark burgundy rose is a rose that is customary to give to representatives of the older generation. This color is of “unconscious” but unfading beauty. It can mean passing passion and aging; symbolizes grief or condolences.

Yellow rose - friendship, happiness, joy; a flower that expresses the most positive emotions; According to the language of flowers, yellow roses have nothing to do with betrayal and jealousy (although this interpretation of their symbolic meaning is very common).

For some reason, the more common meaning among people for yellow roses is separation. However, this meaning does not at all correspond to the real symbol of yellow roses. Quite the contrary, yellow roses are a symbol of friendship and recognition, admiration and admiration, as well as respect. When yellow flowers are given by people who have been married for a long time, they mean the regularity and sweetness of family relationships, but in some situations these flowers can also symbolize infidelity.

At all times yellow meant an active and freedom-loving beginning. Therefore, a bouquet of yellow roses is a frequent guest of various celebrations as an expression of congratulations to the hero of the occasion. Yellow roses are a way to emphasize pride in what has been achieved and open, and to celebrate this event with the recipient.

Few people know about the conciliatory feature of yellow roses. When you see a yellow bouquet of fresh and wonderfully smelling roses in the hands of your significant other, with whom you recently quarreled, know that this means only one thing: “Let’s leave everything behind and start a new page in our relationship.”

The rose has been mankind's favorite flower since prehistoric times. She has appeared in works of art, poetry and culture.

I wanted to know more about these flowers and their history.

2. What do we know about the rose.

2.1. The role of the rose in history.

Roses have a long and colorful history, representing symbols of love, beauty, war and politics. The name of the rose has been sung at all times. Since ancient times, the rose has been a royal symbol; it is called the queen of flowers. The rose is also a flower of royal passion:

The rose was also a religious symbol, and not only a Christian one, although the ancient Christian order of the Knights of the Rose and Cross is best known today

Great Britain.

The most famous roses are perhaps English roses. The white rose was the emblem of the House of York (Fig.), and the red rose was the emblem of the House of Lancaster (Fig.). The War of the Red and White Roses was one of the most difficult in British history. It lasted more than 50 years.

And here's what they say about Rosa Bolshaya Soviet Encyclopedia: Rose (Rosa), a genus of plants in the Rosaceae family. There are about 400 known wild species (rose hips) distributed in the Northern Hemisphere; There are more than 200 species in the USSR. As a result of hybridization and selection, various garden forms of R. were obtained. Many wild species R. whose homeland is: China (R. Chinese - R. chinensis, R. odorata), Asia Minor (R. Gallic - R. gallica, R. damascena), Afghanistan, Iran, Armenia (R. yellow - R. lutea) , Far Eastern region, southern Japan (R. rugosa - R. rugosa, R. multiflora - R. multiflora), etc. From the petals of some types of R. (R. french, R. centifolia, R. kazanlakskaya, etc.) valuable aromatic product - essential oil (rose oil). In the USSR, varieties of R. essential oil were bred: Krasnaya Krymskaya, Festivalnaya, Michurinka, Pionerka, Tavrida. They are cultivated in southern Ukraine, Moldova, Krasnodar region and the Caucasus. (full article)

Until the early 19th century, virtually all roses were colored pink and white; The rich red rose was developed by the Chinese just at the beginning of the 19th century. Later, more non-standard options appeared - first green, then yellow and orange. (rice.)

For many years, gardeners resisted only blue and black colors. As a result, their search was crowned with success. By connecting pink genes with genes from lilac and blue flowers, it was possible to introduce blue pigment into the rose, after which the legendary flower of love can show all shades of blue. (Fig.)

A new unusual flower has appeared in Holland. Rose Tenga-Veng@ makes an unforgettable impression not only thanks to its bright modern name but also thanks to their unusually large, dense buds. Another big plus of this variety is the deep, bright pink color - the wonderful properties of the new rose: it blooms very slowly, In addition, there are practically no thorns on the Tenga-Veng@ stem, And finally, the most attractive property of Tenga-Veng@: when cut they remain fresh for an amazingly long time - 12 to 14 days.

Currently, a huge number of breeders around the world are developing new varieties of roses, despite the fact that there are already a great variety of them: double, painted, striped, bicolor, shrub roses, rosaceae, pompom, flat, etc. The shape of rose petals can also be different, which gives the flowers uniqueness and enchanting grace. This is not to mention the size and length of the flowers. There are also miniature roses (creeping rose - 30 cm.)

There are several types of wild roses (R. Gallica, R. Officinalis, etc.). Garden roses, having thousands of shapes and the same number of shades, strictly speaking, are not “species”. The classification of roses is difficult, especially because today, after the development of many hybrids and crossings between hybrid generations, it is often impossible to determine the basic species.

Garden roses are divided into several groups. Here are some of them.

China rose, Shrub rose,

Roses usually bloom several times a year. Main flowering period: spring or summer, but climbing roses prefer autumn. The height of the bushes can range from 20 (indoor rose) to 180 centimeters ( wild Rose). U climbing roses flowers are smaller, but more abundant.

Hybrid tea roses - with large flowers (10 - 12 cm). up to 40 - 45 petals, and a delicate scent - appeared in France. The first hybrid tea rose - "La France" (1867) was obtained by Guillot the Son by crossing a tea rose and a remontant rose. It is believed that the appearance of the hybrid tea rose caused a revolution; these roses surpassed all other varieties that existed in Europe at that time in their beauty and sustainability.

Polyantha roses, for the first time: Jean-Baptiste Guillot (Guillot the Younger), 1872. Small (3 - 5 cm) flowers, short stems, low bushes, most varieties are odorless, abundant and repeated flowering. They were extremely popular in the 19th century. however, by the 20-30s of the 20th century. were replaced by floribunda roses.

Floribunda rose. a hybrid of polyanthus and hybrid tea roses, variety of colors and splendor of flowers, strong aroma.

Repair roses.

3.1. How are the names of roses born?

Among these hybrids are such beauties as Ulrich Brunner, Paul Neuron, Victor Verdier, American Beauty, Frau Druschki, etc. All these roses received their names from the cities, localities or persons to whom they were dedicated.

Many of them also have their own interesting history.

Take, for example, the lovely pinkish-white rose 'Souvenir de la Malmaison'. This is a memory of a once wonderful garden exotic plants Malmaison Castle, which belonged to the passionate rose lover Empress Josephine, Napoleon's first wife. Abandoned and forgotten by Napoleon, in order to somehow console herself for her grief, she took up gardening. Collecting from all over the world interesting plants, she compiled a collection of flowers in the park that were unknown to Europe until that time. Among them was a rose sent to her from the island of Bourbon, called “Souvenir de la Malmaison.” (Fig. 12) Josephine often wore this rose in her hair.

Figure 12

Remontant rose Paul Neuron juicy Pink colour, turning into crimson, is a memory of a young, promising Lyon medical student, a passionate lover of roses. His neighbor, the gardener Leve, dedicated this wonderful rose to him, having learned that the student had gone to defend the fatherland in the war with Germany. And after his heroic death, Leve dedicated to him another, no less lovely blanc rose, called Souvenir de Paul Neyron - in memory of Paul Neuron.

The tea rose Marshall Niel, unsurpassed in beauty and abundance of flowers, is dedicated to the hero of the Crimean campaign, in memory of his grand opening of the Botanical Garden in Montauban.

The fate of one of the varieties of remontant roses called Rose Chevette is interesting. Chevet, a gardener at Bagnols, in the vicinity of Paris, who lived during the reign of Louis XVI, was a most devoted royalist. He was famous for his art of breeding roses, one of which he named after himself - Rose Chevette. His extensive gardens, replete with the most beautiful roses of the time, constantly attracted the attention of high-ranking public. High French society visited here, even the king himself and Queen Marie Antoinette. Suddenly a revolution broke out. The king died on the scaffold, and Marie Antoinette was imprisoned in the Temple. The thought that the queen he adored was languishing in prison, that she was facing, perhaps, the death penalty, did not leave Sheva for a minute. He is informed of a secret plot to free the queen. But he must find a way to inform her about this. What is Sheve doing? He cuts a magnificent bouquet of his wondrous roses, puts a note in it informing about the hour and method of escape, and, going to the dungeon, throws it to the queen over the fence into the casemate. But the guards are not asleep. The thrown bouquet is noticed. The note has been captured. Sheva is arrested, put on trial and sentenced to death. Already elevated to the scaffold, Scheve in his last word appeals to the judges with a request that one of them, after his death, take charge of his 17 children. The judges decide to give life to the father of such a large family, but on the condition (and this condition resulted from the terrible high cost of food that reigned at that time) that he destroy all the roses in his garden and plant it with potatoes. I had to agree, of course. Thus perished the very beautiful rose that made up his glory.

One of the most beautiful is the tea rose, called “France” - La France. It was an expression of France's sympathy for Russia at the death of Emperor Alexander III - a wonderful wreath of these roses mixed with Le Tzar violets, sent from France, was placed on his coffin. Two years later, the Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna was returning from Nice. She was met in Froire by the French President Faure. In gratitude for the attention shown to the sick Tsarevich Georgy Alexandrovich in Nice, the Empress presented him with a La France rose.

Once upon a time there was a girl named Joelle. She loved roses very much and spent all her time in the small garden in front of the house. Joelle treated the roses as if they were living beings - she caressed the open flowers and talked to them. In 1969, at the age of 10, she died of leukemia. A few days before, when her strength was already leaving her, she told her mother: “I would like to become a rose. A real one, with white or red flowers, so that I could give them all to you and dad.”

The grief-stricken mother told this heartbreakingly sad story in a letter to the president of the French Rose Society, Armand Susi. She wanted to make her girl’s dream come true and asked her to help her find an as yet unnamed hybrid, which would be given the name “Joel.”

And then in 1976 such a rose appeared. It was created by the famous breeder Michel Kryloff. Delicate lines, white, porcelain-like petals with subtle pinkish shading - all this creates an amazing impression of childish fragility and insecurity.

Rose growers in France quickly multiplied new variety and put it on sale, deciding to donate all the proceeds to the National League Against Cancer, which includes leukemia.

More than one variety of French roses is named after actors (but more often than not, actresses).

rose "Louis de Funes". - the name of a famous comedian. The rose is a cheerful bright orange color with an intense aroma.

"Catherine Deneuve", an elegant flower with a delicate aroma.

"Charles Aznavour"

Charles de Gaulle

Cardinal de Richelieu is the darkest of all roses.

Sylvie Vartan


Queen Elizabeth white porcelain color,

In 2000, a variety appeared that immortalized the Moscow Bolshoi Theater - "Bolshoi ®", with golden-yellow petals, dark purple at the edges, with an intense aroma of the richest range.

3.2. Language of flowers.

It was with the help of the language of flowers that brave heroes expressed sincere enthusiasm when they presented touching bouquets to their ladies. Colorful and monochromatic, voluminous and tiny, fragrant - they attract the eye, making you admire and marvel at them, as if they were the best works of world art.

Rose (scarlet) - in the language of flowers, the Persian messenger of love;

Rose (white) - in the language of flowers, purity and innocence, “I am worthy of you,” “You are an angel,” mystery;

Rose (white, limp) - in the language of flowers, a fleeting impression, you did not make an impression;

Rose (white, dried) - in the language of flowers “Better death than dishonor”;

Rose (bud) - in the language of flowers, an innocent heart;

Rose (bud, white) - in the language of flowers, girlhood;

Rose (bud, red) - in the language of flowers, purity, beauty;

Rose (bud, centifolia) - in the language of flowers, a declaration of love;

Rose (wreath) - in the language of flowers “Take care of honor”, ​​a reward for merit, a symbol of the highest dignity;

Rose (hibiscus) - in the language of flowers, fragile, “Beauty”;

Rose (yellow) - in the language of flowers, jealousy, an attempt to preserve feelings;

Rose (red and white together) - in the language of flowers, unity, the emblem of England;

Rose (red) - in the language of flowers LOVE, “I love you”, passion;

Rose (leaf) - in the language of flowers “You can hope”;

Rose (musk bush) - in the language of flowers, charm, enchantment;

Rose (single bloom) - in the language of flowers “I still love you”;

Rose (Christmas) - in the language of flowers, anxiety, “Calm me down”;

Rose (pink) - in the language of flowers the highest happiness, “Trust me”;

White - modesty;

Yellow - joy;

Orange - desire;

Red-yellow - fun and joy;

Other colors are friendship and affection.

wild roses, often called wild roses in Russian, grow naturally in the temperate and warm climates of the Northern Hemisphere. Systematically, the rose genus is one of the most complex in the family. It contains about 250 species, grouped into sections that differ in a number of morphological characters.

Homer says in the Odyssey that the sailors of Ulysses named the island Rhodes because it always smelled of roses (in Greek “rhodon”).

In the 17th century roses were not grown as widely as they are today - park roses, climbing roses and other varieties. They were so valuable that they were used instead of money.

Poets of all centuries sing about her

There is nothing more tender and beautiful in the world

Than this scroll of scarlet petals,

Opened with a fragrant cup

S. Marshak