Ylang-ylang: sadness with the scent of love. Culinary properties of ylang-ylang

Briefly: Seed collection September 2017. Description Cananga Odorata Ylang Ylang or Ylang-Ylang or Perfume Tree - this is a dwarf form of Ylang-Ylang, an evergreen exotic beautiful tree or shrub of the Annonaceae family with very fragrant fragrant flowering and perfect naturally rounded forms, in room conditions grows from 1-3 meters. Natural habitat - Philippines, Indonesia, Burma. Widely cultivated throughout tropical Asia.
The leaves are alternate, two-rowed, with distinct pinnate veins, clearly visible on both sides. Beautiful flowers collected in panicles, 5 to 7.5 cm long, intense yellow color with a greenish tint, hanging in clusters of 3-6 flowers each. The fruit is a juicy multi-leaflet, consisting of 7-16 fruitlets about 3 cm long.
The deep and rich scent of Ylang-Ylang flowers is reminiscent of jasmine and neroli. Ylang-Ylang essential oil is widely used in perfumery to create oriental and flower arrangement, in aromatherapy, in cosmetics, in cooking. The world famous perfume Chanel No. 5 is based on Ylang-Ylang extract.
Ylang-Ylang is the flower of seduction and pleasure.
The aroma of Ylang-Ylang is a powerful aphrodisiac, has a relaxing effect on the nervous system, normalizes high blood pressure, and helps with skin problems. In Indonesia, not a single wedding ceremony or religious ceremony is complete without Ylang-Ylang flowers.

Sowing Ylang-Ylang Seeds:

The seeds are soaked in warm water for 6-8 hours, to speed up and improve germination, you can add stimulants (Epin, Zircon, NV-101, Ribav-Extra, etc.). Sow in sterile, light, air- and water-permeable soil, deepening to 1 cm. Approximate soil composition: universal soil for indoor plants or coconut substrate 50% + 50% rippers (perlite, vermiculite, fine expanded clay, charcoal, etc.). The soil is moistened, the crops are covered with film and allowed to germinate in a bright place at a temperature of 28-35ºC. In summer - in the sun, in winter you need to use lower heating and additional lighting, otherwise it will be difficult for the seeds to germinate. Shoots appear from 2 weeks to several months. Seedlings are planted on two or three pairs of true leaves. You should be very careful when transplanting, because... root system sensitive.

Ylang-Ylang Care

Watering: Abundant in summer, winter period- moderate, with drying out of the entire earthen coma. How older plant, the easier it tolerates drought. The roots do not tolerate stagnant water.

Humidity: Any tropical plant needs to high humidity air, so frequent spraying is recommended. On hot days sunny days It is better to place it on a tray with wet expanded clay or pebbles.

Lighting: Prefers a bright place - bright, diffused sun, but tolerates partial shade, however, in this case, the tree develops few branches, the trunk is not as hardy as in the light, and flowering is poor.

Temperature: In the warm season, it grows better outdoors, in winter time optimal temperature content 15-20ºС, in this case it is necessary to place the plant in the brightest place. Withstands short-term frosts down to 0ºС.

Soil: Neutral, loose, with a large amount of inert disintegrants (vermiculite, perlite, charcoal, river sand, etc.).

Transplantation: The plant is large, so it needs to be replanted annually, especially at a young age. The landing container must be deep, because Kananga has a taproot system.

Flowering: First flowering at proper care begins already in the third year of life and lasts almost all year round.

Pruning: To give the plant the desired shape, pinching and pruning are necessary, this is done in early spring, at the beginning of the growing season.

Fertilizer: Ylang-Ylang is fed from March to August with any fertilizer for ornamental flowering plants. In winter, feeding is stopped. Remember - fertilizing begins only 2-3 weeks after transplantation, otherwise you can burn the roots!

Reproduction: mainly by seeds, less often air layering and cuttings; cuttings also require lower heating; rooting occurs in approximately 2-2.5 months.

Diseases and pests: if the air is too dry, it can affect spider mite and scale insects.

Island melodic name of the plant ylang-ylang Many people know, and many have a rough idea of ​​what ylang smells like in fragrances: captivatingly sweet, yellow, sunny, juicy, with a hint of fruit and wood, very feminine and very dense. Describe the smell flowering tree even more difficult, because we try to describe it with the help of fruits and flowers that are familiar to us, but it is simply from another, tropical world, familiar to the inhabitants of Southeast Asia as well as the smell is familiar to Europeans blooming linden. Do not judge it strictly by the available pharmacy oil. Everyone has their own perfume ylang ideal. I remember with pleasure the already rare Amarige Ylang-Ylang de Mayotte 2006 from the annual vintage series, in this fragrance the ylang is very yellow and juicy, subordinate to the main line of the Amarige fragrance. If you are chasing the most natural, beautiful and, as a result, expensive ylang in modern perfumery, then for myself I found it in Ylang Ylang Nosy Be Extrait Perris Monte Carlo, the same aroma in Eau de Parfum, although not bad, does not give me goosebumps causes.

Reading about Guerlain's own ylang plantations, I had no idea what they looked like, and only found myself in a warm climate to fill my gap. Having planted “less exotic” flowers, I got to the treasured ylang. It turned out that it is not so easy to purchase; the main obstacle to keeping it in nursery stores was its incredibly fast growth rate. In just three years, ylang grows into a shade tree of decent height.

Elena Knezhevich founded Fragrantica together with Zoran Knezevic in 2007. Since then Elena has taken care of its design and content as the Editor-in-Chief.

Elena was born in Russia, studied Slavic languages ​​and literature in Moscow, and lived in Sarajevo and Belgrade, where the idea of ​​Fragrantica was born. Now she resides in California.

"I have had a nomadic life style since I was born, changing homes, cities and countries. I love having this island on the Internet that I built myself, to reach from everywhere and feel at home."

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Once upon a time, in distant times, when people still freely communicated with the gods, there lived a married couple. Life gave them everything except one thing - they had no children. For many years they prayed that heaven would send them a child, and one amazing warm night the gods appeared to them in a dream and promised them a daughter, but on one condition - the girl would not have to touch a man when she became an adult.

They had a daughter, Ylang ("Flower"). She grew up and became simply beautiful, many young men were in love with her and dreamed of her love. And then, in order to fulfill the condition of the gods, her parents had to lock her in the house. One evening, when her parents were not at home, Ylang went out into the garden to pick flowers. Suddenly a young man appeared in front of her, who had long been in love with her. Grabbing her hand, he said: “I love you! Become my wife!”, and before he had time to catch his breath, the girl disappeared, turning into a beautiful tree with delicious fragrant flowers. "Ylang!... Ylang!..." the young man shouted after his beloved. And since then this tree has been called that, in memory of the miraculous disappearance of the beautiful Ylang. And the young man to this day walks through the magic garden and is sad about his beloved, sometimes calling her by name in the hope of finding his never-found love...

Beautiful, isn't it? This Philippine legend poetically tells us about the birth of a wonderful tree with flowers that exude an amazing aroma that can be felt at a distance of 30-40 meters, and with a light blow of wind - much further.

In Tagalog (one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the Philippines, the second most widely spoken Asian language in the United States after Chinese), “ylang-ylang” (more precisely, “alang-alang”) means “flower of flowers.”

Ylang-ylang is a tropical tree that reaches a height of up to 20 meters and has large, fragrant flowers in pink, blue or yellow. It is believed that the most best oil obtained from yellow flowers. It grows in tropical areas of Asia, the Philippines and Indonesia. The oil is made in Madagascar and the Comoros Islands. The tree exists in two forms, from which two types of oil are obtained. One form is Canangium odoratum Baill. f. Macrophylla grows only on the island of Java and cananga oil is obtained from it by steam distillation. Another form is Canangium odoratum Baill. f. Genuina grows in Madagascar, the Comoro Islands and the Philippines and is used to produce more expensive essential oil ylang-ylang.

The Annonaceae family, to which ylang-ylang belongs, consists of more than 130 tropical and subtropical species.

Ylang-Ylang is grown from seeds, which bloom within 3-4 years. The flower itself matures in about three weeks. The tree blooms almost all year round, the branches are often completely covered with flowers, which are replaced by dark green small oval fruits, collected in so-called clusters, which darken as they ripen to a deep black color. However, these fruits are not used for food, unlike many representatives of the Annonaceae family, although they are quite edible. The flowers have long, narrow, hanging petals up to 5 cm long and resemble exquisite earrings. The branches of the tree are an object of admiration even outside the flowering period. The characteristic cascading shape, dark green leaves arranged in pairs resemble a spruce branch.

Ylang-Ylang has a younger brother - it is a dwarf variety of Fruticosa, which is similar to small tree or bush and reaches 1.5-2 m in height. The plant begins to bloom with only 20-30 cm in length. Although the scent of Fruticose flowers is not as strong as that of its older brother, it is very popular among gardeners northern latitudes. It is easy to grow in greenhouse conditions and its leaves are even more graceful than those of Ylang-Ylang, and the tips of the leaves are slightly curled inward and resemble the tentacles of a mollusk.

Since ancient times, Filipino girls have decorated themselves with ylang-ylang flowers. In the Philippines, it was believed that the flowers of this tree ward off evil spirits, and in Indonesia they are considered an aphrodisiac, so branches with flowers were scattered on the newlyweds’ bed on their wedding night. In Arab countries, women in harems were recommended to rub oil into their skin to increase attractiveness, and Chinese nobles and rich people sprinkled their clothes with Ylang-Ylang oil before putting them in their chests for a long time.

In addition to being used in the perfumery industry, the oil of the flowers of this tree has been and is being used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. In the Philippines, crushed flowers are made into a paste that is used externally for snake and insect bites. The oil is actively used for skin and hair care. Today in aromatherapy, oil is used to relieve stress, anxiety, treat tachycardia and high blood pressure, facilitate breathing, improve blood circulation, improve potency and sexual longevity, and much more.

It is known that the aroma of ylang-ylang flowers is part of the “ideal scent for a woman,” Chanel No. 5. In addition, the aroma is used in other perfumes such as "Aqua di Gio", "Giorgio Armani" and others.

Yang Ylang flowers are pollinated by night moths and their most intense aroma comes from evening to early morning. Therefore, flowers are collected at dawn to create perfume. Ylang-Ylang flower concentrate for perfumery is obtained by distillation. Preparation of the distillate lasts 14 hours and begins early in the morning with the collection of ripe flowers. In a closed copper vessel, 100 kg of flowers are filled with 50 liters of water. As a result of distillation, about 1-2 liters of oil with the most intense odor is obtained, which is called “Ylang-Ylang Extra”. Then the distillation process is repeated, and this time a weaker oil is obtained, called "Ylang-Ylang Oil", of various gradations of aroma concentration: 1, 2, 3. And finally, the last distillation produces the oil "Kananga Oil", which is used to produce the fragrant soap

You can successfully use Ylang-Ylang oil at home in aromatherapy. For example, here are the following recipes:

  • The easiest way is to add 1-2 drops to the bath for a calming effect. Another option is 3 drops of lavender, 2 drops of Ylang-Ylang, 2 drops of grapefruit.
  • You can also add 1-2 drops to unscented massage oil. A more sophisticated recipe recommends using an additional 5 drops of sandalwood oil, 4 drops of rose oil and a drop of patchouli. Give your partner a massage and a wild night is guaranteed.
  • To relieve fatigue and stress, we recommend making the following mixture: 8 drops of Ylang-Ylang, 8 drops of lemon, 8 drops of basil. Add a few drops of the mixture to an aromatherapy diffuser.
  • Mix 5 milliliters of alcohol (or vodka) with distilled water to obtain a 50% concentration. Add 12 drops of patchouli, 3 drops of geranium, 2 drops of Ylang-Ylang, a little cinnamon leaves (or bark) and you will have a wonderful cologne.

Potpourri - in a glass container with an airtight lid, mix: a little Ylang-Ylang oil (or flowers), a little dried tangerine/orange/lemon peels, cinnamon tree leaves or bark, a mug bay leaf and clove leaves. Keep closed for three to four weeks, shaking the container periodically. After this, the resulting tincture can be used to scent linen.

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Many of the cultivated plants are divided into classes. Some can only be grown in the garden. Certain plants can only be grown at home without unfavorable environment. The main growing conditions consist of controlling the moisture content of the atmosphere, the amount of moisture delivered to the ground and controlling the required temperature. The presence of sun is one of the critical factors. There are plants that will grow well in unpretentious conditions- even in the warmth, even in the cold. Understanding which family the plant belongs to, it is easy to provide the required care.

Ylang-ylang - “flower of all flowers” ​​(flower of flowers)

Very diverse healing effect ylang-ylang essential oil. It not only has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, restoring strength and relieving irritability, but also strengthens memory and helps cope with depression. It can be used to reduce arterial pressure. It is used for loss of appetite and bloating. Inhaling the aromas of ylang-ylang essential oil helps normalize breathing and heart rate... It is also used to relieve emotional stress and get rid of feelings of fear, anger and anxiety. The aroma of ylang-ylang gives confidence in own strength, love, stimulates creativity, intuition, gives a feeling of serene calm.

It is also important to know that ylang-ylang essential oil, having too thick rich aroma can cause not only dizziness, but also headache, so use it especially on initial stages needed in small doses. People with low blood pressure should completely avoid using ylang-ylang essential oil due to its ability to lower blood pressure.

General Information about the Ylang-Ylang Plant

fragrant cananga, or YLANG-YLANG (lat. Cananga odorata) - in its homeland in Indonesia, as well as the Philippines and the Polynesian Islands, this is a large evergreen very beautiful tropical tree with drooping branches and fragrant flowers, up to 30 m in height, of the Annonaceae family ). The leaves are large, dark green, arranged in pairs on the branch. Long, narrow petals up to 5 cm long, gracefully hanging down, are more reminiscent of a ceremonial decoration - pendants. Each flower lives for about three weeks, changing color from pale green to yellow-green, lemon, then rich yellow. In nature, the aroma of flowers is felt at a distance of 30-40 m, and with a light breeze - much further.

The plant blooms almost all year round, the branches are completely covered with flowers. Sometimes they are replaced by dark green small oval fruits, collected in small clusters, which darken as they ripen. The fruits of ylang-ylang are not used for food, but they are quite edible and have a tart pleasant aroma, reminiscent of juniper conifer.

Ylang-ylang has a positive effect on the nervous system, relaxes, eliminating anxiety and tension, anger and fear. Effective for depression, fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, PMS.

The healing effect of this oil is fully manifested in cardiovascular diseases. It lowers blood pressure, calms shortness of breath and palpitations. Regular use of ylang-ylang oil improves blood supply to the heart muscle and reduces angina. Strengthens the immune system. This is a good anticonvulsant. Ylang-ylang oil effectively helps with spastic intestinal disorders.

Ylang-ylang oil has a universal effect on the skin, positively affecting both dry and oily skin, helps eliminate acne, and is beneficial for irritable and damaged skin. Helps with insect bites. This oil gently disinfects and tones, stimulates blood circulation in capillaries and perfectly nourishes skin cells. It is also very useful for hair care, especially weak and damaged hair. This is one of the intimate cosmetics.

As an aphrodisiac, it has a stimulating erotic effect, increasing sexual desire. The aroma of ylang-ylang creates a slight euphoria and liberates sensuality. This is one of the most erotic and romantic oils. Helps with frigidity and impotence. Middle note oil. Oil of “delights”.

The energy of the oil is an ancient essence of fumigation, attracts love and positive energy of the world, aligns the energy shell, restores symmetry, promotes the development of high chakras.

Basic properties:

Stimulates the nervous system - antidepressant

Relieves feelings of fear and anxiety. improves sleep

Aphrodisiac - has a stimulating erotic effect

Antiseptic with bactericidal action

Antispasmodic, tonic

Reduces blood pressure

Indications for use:

Depression, insomnia, stress

Asthenoneurotic conditions

Obsessive Obsessive Syndrome

Arterial hypertension

Cardiac ischemia

Mixed skin type

Impotence in men, frigidity in women

Dry, sensitive, irritated skin

Vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypertensive type


Too much ylang-ylang scent can cause dizziness and headaches: use minimal doses

Directions for use:

Aroma lamp: 2 drops per 5 square meters. meters of room area

Aroma bath: 4-7 drops per emulsifier

Nail polishing: 10 drops of ylang with 10 drops of jojoba oil, apply to the nail plates and massage.

In Tagalog (one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the Philippines), “ylang-ylang,” or more precisely, “alang-alang,” means “flower of all flowers.”

A Filipino legend tells of a married couple who had everything in life, but no children. One day, in a dream, the gods appeared to them and promised to send them a daughter - however, on the condition that the girl, when she grew up, would not have to touch a man. The girl was named Ylang (“Flower”). She grew up to be a beauty, and she had no end to suitors. But her parents had to lock her within four walls so as not to violate the orders of the gods. One evening her parents were not at home, and Ylang went out into the garden to pick a bouquet of flowers. Suddenly a young man appeared before her, who had long been in love with her and dreamed of proposing to her. He grabbed her hand and said: “I love you, become my wife.” And at that very second the girl disappeared without a trace, turning into a beautiful tree with amazingly fragrant flowers. “Ylang!.. Ylang!..” was all the young man had time to exclaim. This is what this beautiful tree has been called ever since, in memory of the magical disappearance of the beautiful Ylang. And the young man, as legend says, still wanders through the magical garden and yearns for his chosen one, calling her name drawn out through the depths of centuries...

The aroma of this delicate flower- the smell of love. Ylang-ylang is considered one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs.

In Indonesia, newlyweds are still decorated with fragrant wreaths of ylang-ylang. Its aromatic smoke is used to fumigate the home to protect against quarrels and discord. Polynesian women use it as a perfume. In the Moluccas, an ointment using the oil of this plant is used to treat infectious diseases, such as malaria, as well as various skin infections. In the Victorian era, this oil was part of a balm for hair growth.

This warm, floral-fruity aroma relieves emotional stress and stimulates creativity and intuition. For women it adds sensuality and confidence in their attractiveness.
By the way, ylang-ylang is one of the main components of the world famous Chanel No. 5 perfume.

In Asian countries, ylang-ylang essential oil has been used for medical and cosmetic purposes since ancient times.
Ylang-ylang oil relaxes the nervous system, relieves headaches, improves sleep, normalizes the menstrual cycle, gives skin elasticity, strengthens hair and nails.
Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is suitable for all skin types.

Essential oil can be added to creams, masks, care products, in the bath, or dripped onto a comb to strengthen hair.

The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of oil. Because too thick a scent can cause dizziness. The oil is contraindicated for pregnant women and those with individual intolerance.

When I first tried to add oil to the bath, I overdid it with the number of drops and was very surprised. The smell was very pungent! I even thought that this was not my scent. But when it started to fade, I was lost)) And I fell in love with this scent forever with a tender love.
Now I often take baths with it, add a few drops to my hair conditioner, and scent my rooms after cleaning. Especially on Friday. Very Friday, Venusian smell))