What should be the temperature of the water in the heating network. Norms and optimal values ​​of coolant temperature

Russia may be a cold country, but our apartments are warmer than in many European countries. Because there is central heating, subsidized by the state, and the British, Germans, and French, deprived of this luxury, are forced to save money and harden themselves at the same time. This is in theory. But what happens in practice? Is your heating system good and what should you do if not?

Heating standards

Since central heating is a matter of state concern, heating standards in the apartment are determined centrally. GOST 30494-2011 says that during heating season the temperature in living rooms, kitchens and bathrooms should not fall below 18°C. In cold regions, such as Yakutia or the Khabarovsk Territory, the temperature for living rooms is set at 20°C, and for the kitchen and bathroom - at 18°C.

From midnight to five o'clock in the morning, a decrease in these standards by 3°C is allowed. The human body needs less heat during sleep, and heating suppliers are legitimately taking advantage of this to save money.

If the specified GOST is a reference book for designers engineering systems, then all utility workers, without exception, check the hours and degrees with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011. In particular, it establishes the beginning of the heating season. The batteries should be turned on on the sixth day after the temperature outside the window drops below 8°C. By the way, the rule of eight also applies to reverse side: As soon as the spring air reaches an average daily mark of 8°C and can maintain its position for five days in a row, the batteries will be turned off.

Often, the specified heating period limits run counter to our personal comfort. Almost every autumn, utility workers are bombarded with demands to turn on heating in apartments earlier than planned, but they have every right to reject these demands until, of course, the day specified by the Resolution arrives.

How does heating work in apartment buildings?

The heat that goes into our homes is generated at thermal power plants or boiler houses. There the water is heated to be piped into the houses. It must reach the batteries hot, so it must be very hot. Every schoolchild knows that at 100°C water will boil, but this does not happen with water in heating pipes.

A pressure of 7-8 atmospheres is created in the heating pipes, which increases the boiling point of water to 160-170°C.

There are different schemes for the distribution of coolant (as official documents call water in pipes and heating radiators) coming from a thermal power plant. In the most common, so-called independent scheme heating supply, water does not go directly to the apartments. First, it is sent to a heating point located in the basement of a high-rise building, where it passes through a heat exchanger and cools to a temperature acceptable for supply to the rooms. The water in radiators should not be too hot - this is simply dangerous.

Having passed through the heating radiators inside the house, the coolant, already cooled by 25-35°C, returns to the same heating point - to heat up again and enter our homes.

Temperature in radiators

The only rule that directly relates to heating radiators in an apartment building is Maximum temperature coolant. It should not exceed 95°C for two-pipe systems and 105°C for single-pipe systems. It’s easy to find out which system is installed in your apartment: look at your radiator and count how many pipes are connected to it. Two-pipe systems are more widespread - they are more efficient and economical.

The lower limit of water temperature in heating radiators is not officially fixed in any way. The only rule: the batteries must provide the requirements established by GOST 30494-2011 temperature norm in the rooms. It is clear, however, that if the radiators themselves are slightly warm, then they will not be able to heat the room to the 18°C ​​required by GOST. Just a very, very small room.

What to measure and how to measure

So, the desired hour has come, and the heating season has begun, but it is still cold in the apartment. How to proceed?

The first step is to measure the heating in the apartment. In other words, measure the temperature in the rooms and compare it with the GOST standards indicated above (and listed in detail) to make sure that poor heating in the apartment - reality, not your individual feelings.

If you have a base station, then you will see exact indicators air temperature in the form of a graph in your mobile application or web interface.

If all measurements comply with the rules, there is no use in complaining; utility services will simply refer to the same GOST. You'll have to insulate yourself.

However, if the measurements taken indicate that the heating temperature in the apartment does not correspond to the norm, then there are several options for action.

First you need to determine the cause of the thermal problem.
Here is a short list of the most common:

1. Battery plug
Batteries can be cold due to the accumulation of air in the pipes - the so-called air jams. They prevent water from circulating properly and proper heating in the apartment is violated. You can remove the plug yourself by opening a special valve or, as it is also called, the Mayevsky tap. It is usually located near the top corner of the radiator. Be careful, and if you are not sure that you can install the heating yourself, it is better to seek help from a specialist.

2. Large heat losses in the apartment
A common problem in old houses: the radiators seem to be scalding hot, but it’s still cold. It is useless to appeal to utility workers; you need to take care of thermal insulation on your own. Just don’t get carried away with sealing too much, because if you cure one, you can cripple the other. In particular, it often suffers from excessive insulation measures. When installing airtight windows and foaming cracks in walls, think about your rooms.

Most city apartments are connected to the central heating network. The main source of heat in large cities is usually boiler houses and thermal power plants. A coolant is used to provide heat in the house. As a rule, this is water. It is heated to a certain temperature and fed into the heating system. But the temperature in the heating system can be different and is related to the temperature of the outside air.

To effectively provide heat to city apartments, regulation is necessary. Observe set mode heating is helped by the temperature graph. What is a heating temperature schedule, what types are there, where is it used and how to draw it up - the article will tell you about all this.

The temperature graph is understood as a graph that shows the required water temperature in the heating system depending on the level of outside air temperature. Most often, the heating temperature schedule is determined for central heating. According to this schedule, heat is supplied to city apartments and other objects that are used by people. This schedule allows you to maintain optimal temperature and save heating resources.

When is a temperature chart needed?

Besides district heating The schedule is widely used in domestic autonomous heating systems. In addition to the need to regulate the temperature in the room, the schedule is also used to provide safety measures when operating household heating systems. This is especially true for those who install the system. Since the choice of equipment parameters for heating an apartment directly depends on the temperature schedule.

Based climatic features and the temperature chart of the region, a boiler and heating pipes are selected. The power of the radiator, the length of the system and the number of sections also depend on the temperature established by the standard. After all, the temperature of the heating radiators in the apartment must be within the standard limits. ABOUT technical specifications cast iron radiators can be read.

What are the temperature charts?

Schedules may vary. The standard temperature of the apartment heating radiators depends on the chosen option.

The choice of a specific schedule depends on:

  1. climate of the region;
  2. boiler room equipment;
  3. technical and economic indicators heating system.

There are graphs for one- and two-pipe heat supply systems.

The heating temperature graph is indicated by two numbers. For example, the heating temperature graph 95-70 is deciphered as follows. To maintain the required air temperature in the apartment, the coolant must enter the system at a temperature of +95 degrees, and leave at a temperature of +70 degrees. As a rule, such a schedule is used for autonomous heating. All old houses up to 10 floors high are designed for heating schedule 95 70. But if the house has a large number of floors, then the heating temperature schedule of 130 70 is more suitable.

In modern new buildings, when calculating heating systems, the 90-70 or 80-60 schedule is most often adopted. True, another option may be approved at the discretion of the designer. The lower the air temperature, the higher the temperature of the coolant entering the heating system. The temperature schedule is selected, as a rule, when designing the heating system of a structure.

Features of scheduling

Temperature chart indicators are developed based on the capabilities of the heating system, heating boiler, and temperature changes outside. By creating a temperature balance, you can use the system more carefully, which means it will last much longer. Indeed, depending on the materials of the pipes and the fuel used, not all devices are and are not always able to withstand sudden temperature changes.

When choosing the optimal temperature, you are usually guided by the following factors:

It should be noted that the temperature of the water in the central heating radiators should be such that it will warm up the building well. For different rooms Various normative values ​​have been developed. For example, for a residential apartment the air temperature should not be less than +18 degrees. In kindergartens and hospitals this figure is higher: +21 degrees.

When the temperature of the heating radiators in the apartment is low and does not allow heating the room to +18 degrees, the apartment owner has the right to contact the utility service to increase the heating efficiency.

Since the room temperature depends on the season and climatic conditions, the temperature standard for heating radiators may be different. The heating of water in the heating system of a building can vary from +30 to +90 degrees. When the water temperature in the heating system is above +90 degrees, then decomposition begins paint coating, dust. Therefore, heating the coolant above this mark is prohibited by sanitary standards.

I must say that design temperature outside air for heating design depends on the diameter of the distribution pipelines, the size heating devices and coolant flow in the heating system. There is a special table of heating temperatures that makes it easier to calculate the schedule.

The optimal temperature in heating radiators, the norms of which are set according to the heating temperature schedule, allows you to create comfortable living conditions. You can find out more about bimetallic heating radiators.

Temperature graph installed for each heating system.

Thanks to it, the temperature in the home is maintained at an optimal level. Schedules may vary. Many factors are taken into account to develop them. Any schedule must be approved by an authorized city agency before being put into practice.

The heating battery is the main element of the heating system in a city apartment, an effective household device for transferring heat. The coziness and comfort of living of all residents of the house largely depends on the batteries (radiators) and their temperature.

In this article we will tell you: what should be the temperature of the heating radiators in the apartment, what are its standards and whether interruptions in the heat supply are acceptable.

Start of the heating season

The beginning of the supply of heating to residential apartments is indicated in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05/06/2011 N 354. The document states that as soon as the average daily air temperature on the street is below +8 ºС and remains unchanged for 5 days in a row, in heating is turned on in apartments.

In all other cases, the moment of heat supply can be delayed legally. Detailed information about when Which temperature turn on heating in apartments You can read.

Note: heat will begin to flow into apartments no earlier than on the 6th day after the recorded air temperature readings outside.

In the majority regions of the country heating season begins from mid-October and ends in April.

Reasons for the lack of heat in the apartment

Situations are possible when, due to the negligent attitude of the heat supply company to its own responsibilities, heat is not supplied to the apartments. Why? The reasons for the lack of heat include:

  • Breakdown of the heating system of the house;
  • Filling of pipes conducting heat into houses with air;
  • Unfinished renovation work.

If the delay in heating supply is caused by a breakdown of the intra-house system, then it is impossible to correct the situation until the problem is fixed.

If the reason for the delay is in filling the heating supply pipes with air, you must contact the operating organization. The specialist must “blow out” the batteries within 24 hours after the call, and there will be no obstacles to filling them with circulating liquid.

Why is the heat supply to the radiators interrupted?

The beginning of the heating season does not mean its continuity. Sometimes the heating supply is temporarily stopped, which raises a lot of questions and indignation from the population.

It is important to know that legally, interruptions in the heating supply can be:

  • Maximum 24 hours. Provided that the minimum air temperature in the apartment is +12 ºС;
  • Maximum 8 hours. If the temperature drops to between +10 and +12 ºС;
  • No more than 4 hours if the thermometer shows +8 ºС and below.

All downtime periods are indicated in total for the month. If residents notice that these values ​​are exceeded, they should file a complaint with the responsible organization. Familiarize with optimal Temperature indicators in an apartment in winter can be found in .

Heating radiator temperature standards

Heating system apartment building- the result of engineering work. This is a complex mechanism consisting of many elements.

Therefore, it is so important to follow the rules for installing and operating heating radiators in every apartment. Otherwise, the heat will be distributed unevenly, which will lead to the fact that it will be warm in one apartment and cold in the next one.

An important point also is . To avoid such situations, we came up with appropriate valid values(standards).

Acceptable minimum battery temperature

Like anyone else index, important for normal vital activity person (, etc.) battery temperature during the heating season must have acceptable minimum.

However, the minimum temperature of batteries in apartments by law and regulations not registered. This means that the indicator should be such that was preserved permissible air temperature in the apartment (+18 to + 25 degrees).

Obviously, which is unacceptable low battery temperatures, achieve normal air temperature throughout the apartment impossible.

What should the maximum value be?

In contrast to the minimum, the maximum value is precisely specified in SNiP 41-01-2003 “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning”. This document defines the standards established for indoor heating system elements:

  • The maximum permissible standard temperature for radiators in an apartment is considered to be 95°C with a two-pipe heating system;
  • With a single-pipe heating system, the temperature maximum is 115°C;
  • The recommended temperature is between 85°C and 90°C. This is due to the fact that 100°C is the boiling point of water. When this indicator is reached, special measures are applied to prevent boiling;

Note: Despite the fact that the temperature maximum is 115 °C, operating batteries in this mode is not recommended. They break quickly if they work under such increased load.

How to measure battery temperature?

If you suspect that the batteries are not heating well, you can measure their temperature. There are several ways to measure battery temperature, namely:

  • An ordinary thermometer. In this case, to the measured surface index heating device 1-2°C should be added;
  • Using an infrared thermometer;
  • Use an alcohol thermometer to measure the temperature of the battery by taping it tightly to it. For accurate measurement, you need to cover the thermometer with heat-insulating material.

It is important: The device used to measure battery temperature must have a quality certificate. The measurement range should be from 5 to 40 degrees C - this greatly minimizes the measurement error. The permissible error is no more than 0.1 g. C of measurement.

If the battery temperature significantly doesn't reach recommended quantities should be written application to the management company to carry out measurements. Commission in the presence of the apartment tenant will carry out control measuring the fluid circulating in the battery and will establish inconsistency.

Note: Before measuring the temperature of the batteries, measure the temperature of the hot water from the tap. These indicators are interrelated with each other. If the thermometer readings are in the range from 60 to 75 °C, this is considered normal; if lower, this is a deviation from it.

What to do if there is no heating?

If you can’t wait for heating, it’s time to take decisive action. First, we need to understand the reason for what is happening. If it turns out that a breakdown in the heating system of the house is to blame, it needs to be fixed. If the supply company is to blame for the heating delay, you need to prove that the apartment is cold.

To do this, together with a representative of the operating company, it is necessary to measure the temperature in each room. If it turns out to be lower, it is important to record the readings.

Based on the results of measurements, the service company is obliged to take action, correct the situation and recalculate heating fees during periods of discrepancy. If there is no action on the part of the responsible company, it can be held administratively liable for violating public utility rules.

The minimum permissible air temperature in a living room in winter is +18 °C. As soon as an underestimated value of this indicator is recorded, the organization supplying heat is obliged to reduce the payment for it by 0.15% for each hour of violation.

If the recalculation did not motivate the responsible organization to correct the errors, a collective complaint should be filed by the residents of the house about violation of the temperature regime. It will become the basis for going to court. For violations, the organization supplying heat may be seriously fined.

Thus, the temperature of the batteries in the apartment during the heating season must comply with the requirements of SNiP.

Residents of apartments can independently measure the temperature of the batteries to determine whether the standards are being met. Knowing all acceptable normal, boundaries and timing associated with the onset of the heating season gives opportunity protect your rights if they are violated.

The following tells about heating standards in apartments: video:

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Heating batteries today are the main existing elements of the heating system in city apartments. They are effective household devices responsible for heat transfer, since the comfort and coziness in living quarters for citizens directly depends on them and their temperature.

If you refer to the Government Decree Russian Federation No. 354 of May 6, 2011, heating supply to residential apartments begins at average daily temperature street air is less than eight degrees, if this mark remains unchanged for five days. In this case, the start of heat begins on the sixth day after a decrease in the air index was recorded. For all other cases, the law allows delaying the supply of heat resources. In general, in almost all regions of the country the actual heating season directly and officially begins in mid-October and ends in April.

In practice, it also happens that due to the negligence of heat supply companies, the measured temperature of the installed radiators in the apartment does not meet the regulated standards. However, in order to complain and demand correction of the situation, you need to know what standards are in force in Russia and how exactly to correctly measure the existing temperature of operating radiators.

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Norms in Russia

Considering the main indicators, the official temperatures of the radiators in the apartment are shown below. They are applicable for absolutely all existing systems in which, in direct accordance with the Decree of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services No. 170 of September 27, 2003, the coolant (water) is supplied from the bottom up. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the temperature of the water that circulates in the radiator directly at the entrance to the functioning heating system must correspond to the current schedules regulated for a specific room. These schedules are regulated by Sanitary Standards and Rules in the sections of heating, air conditioning and ventilation (41-01-2003). Here, in particular, it is indicated that with a two-pipe heating system the maximum temperature indicators are equal to ninety-five degrees, and with a single-pipe heating system - one hundred and five degrees. These measurements must be carried out consistently in accordance with established rules, otherwise, when contacting higher authorities, the readings will not be taken into account.

Maintained temperature

Temperature heating batteries in residential apartments in centralized heating is determined according to the relevant standards, reflecting a sufficient value for the premises, depending on their intended purpose. In this area, the standards are simpler than in the case of work premises, since the activity of residents is, in principle, not so high and more or less stable. Based on this, the following norms are regulated:

Of course, one should take into account individual characteristics each person, everyone has different activities and preferences, which is why there is a difference in the norms from and to, and not one single indicator is fixed.

Requirements for heating systems

Heating in apartment buildings based on the result of many engineering calculations, which are not always very successful. The process is complicated in that it does not involve delivering hot water to a specific property, but rather evenly distributing water throughout all available apartments, taking into account all standards and necessary indicators, including optimal humidity. The effectiveness of such a system depends on how coordinated the actions of its elements are, which also includes radiators and pipes in each room. Therefore, you cannot replace radiator batteries without taking into account the characteristics of heating systems - this leads to negative consequences with a shortage of heat or, conversely, an excess of it.

As for optimizing heating in apartments, the following provisions apply:

In any case, if something bothers the owner, it is worth filing an application with the management company, housing and communal services, or the organization responsible for the supply of heat - depending on what exactly differs from the accepted standards and does not satisfy the applicant.

What to do in case of discrepancies?

If the operating heating systems of an apartment building are functionally adjusted with deviations in the measured temperature only in your premises, you need to check the internal apartment heating systems. First of all, you should make sure that they are not airy. It is necessary to touch the individual radiators in the living space from top to bottom and in the opposite direction - if the temperature is uneven, it means that the cause of the imbalance is airing and you need to bleed the air by turning a separate tap on the radiator radiators. It is important to remember that you cannot open the tap without first placing some container under it for the water to flow into. At first, the water will come out with a hiss, that is, with air; you need to close the tap when it flows without hissing and smoothly. Some time later You should check the places on the battery that were cold - they should now be warm.

If the reason is not in the air, you need to submit an application to the management company. In turn, she must send a responsible technician to the applicant within 24 hours, who must draw up a written conclusion about the inconsistency of the temperature regime and send a team to fix the existing problems.

If the complaint Management Company did not react in any way, you need to take measurements yourself in the presence of your neighbors.

How to measure temperature?

You should consider how to correctly measure the temperature of radiators. You need to prepare a special thermometer, open the tap and place some container with this thermometer under it. It’s worth noting right away that only an upward deviation of four degrees is permissible. If this is problematic, you need to contact the Housing Office, but if the batteries are airy, submit an application to the DEZ. Everything should be fixed within one week.

There are additional ways to measure the temperature of radiators, namely:

If the temperature is unsatisfactory, you must file a corresponding complaint.

Minimum and maximum indicators

As well as other indicators that are important to ensure the required living conditions for people (humidity indicators in apartments, supply temperatures warm water, air, etc.), the temperature of the radiators in fact has certain permissible minimums depending on the time of year. However, neither the law nor established standards They do not prescribe any minimum standards for residential batteries. Based on this, it can be noted that the indicators must be maintained so that the above-mentioned permissible temperatures indoors. Of course, if the temperature of the water in the radiators is not high enough, it will actually be impossible to ensure the optimal required temperature in the apartment.

If there is no minimum established, then the maximum indicator Sanitary standards and the rules, in particular 01/41/2003, are established. This document defines the standards that are required for an indoor heating system. As mentioned earlier, for two-pipe this is ninety-five degrees, and for single-pipe it is one hundred and fifteen degrees Celsius. However, the recommended temperatures are from eighty-five degrees to ninety, since water boils at one hundred degrees.

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To feel comfortable in an apartment or in own home V winter period A reliable heating system that meets standards is required. IN multi-storey building- this is usually centralized network, in private households - heating system. For the end consumer, the main element of any heating system is the battery. The coziness and comfort in the house depends on the heat coming from it. The temperature of the heating radiators in the apartment, its norm is regulated by legislative documents.

Radiator heating standards

If the house or apartment has independent heating, adjusting the temperature of the radiators and taking care of maintaining the thermal regime falls on the homeowner. In a multi-storey building with centralized heating The authorized organization is responsible for compliance with the standards. Heating standards are developed on the basis of sanitary standards that apply to residential and non-residential premises. The calculations are based on the needs of an ordinary body. Optimal values ​​are established by law and reflected in SNiP.

The apartment will be warm and cozy only when the heat supply standards required by law are met.

When is heat connected and what standards apply?

The beginning of the heating season in Russia occurs at a time when the thermometer readings drop below +8°C. The heating is turned off when the mercury rises to +8°C and above, and remains at this level for 5 days.

To determine whether the battery temperature meets the standards, it is necessary to take measurements

Minimum temperature standards

In accordance with heat supply standards, the minimum temperature should be as follows:

  • living rooms: +18°C;
  • corner rooms: +20°C;
  • bathrooms: +25°C;
  • kitchens: +18°C;
  • landings and lobbies: +16°C;
  • basements: +4°C;
  • attics: +4°C;
  • elevators: +5°C.

This value is measured indoors at a distance of one meter from external wall and 1.5 m from the floor. In case of hourly deviations from the established standards, the heating fee is reduced by 0.15%. The water must be heated to +50°C – +70°C. Its temperature is measured with a thermometer, lowering it to a special mark in a container with tap water.

Standards according to SanPiN

It’s cold in the apartment: what to do and where to go

If the radiators do not heat well, the water temperature in the tap will be lower than normal. In this case, residents have the right to write a statement requesting an inspection. Representatives utility service conduct an inspection of plumbing and heating systems and draw up a report. The second copy is given to residents.

If the radiators are not warm enough, you need to contact the organization responsible for heating the house

If the complaint is confirmed, the authorized organization is obliged to correct everything within a week. Rent is recalculated if the room temperature deviates from permissible norm, and also when the water in the radiators during the daytime is below the standard by 3°C, at night - by 5°C.

Quality requirements utilities, prescribed in Resolution No. 354 of May 6, 2011 on the rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings

Air ratio parameters

The air exchange rate is a parameter that must be observed in heated rooms. In a living room with an area of ​​18 m² or 20 m², the multiplicity should be 3 m³/h per square meter. m. The same parameters must be observed in regions with temperatures down to -31°C and below.

In apartments equipped with gas and electric stoves with two burners, and dormitory kitchens with an area of ​​up to 18 m², aeration is 60 m³/h. In rooms with a three-burner appliance, this value is 75 m³/h, s gas stove with four burners - 90 m³/h.

In a bathroom with an area of ​​25 m², this parameter is 25 m³/h, in a toilet with an area of ​​18 m² - 25 m³/h. If the bathroom is combined and its area is 25 m², the air exchange rate will be 50 m³/h.

Methods for measuring radiator heating

Available in taps all year round hot water, heated to +50°С – +70°С. IN heating season Heating devices are filled with this water. To measure its temperature, open the tap and place a container under the stream of water, into which the thermometer is lowered. Deviations are allowed by four degrees upward. If a problem exists, file a complaint with the Housing Office. If the radiators are airy, the application must be written to the DEZ. A specialist should show up within a week and fix everything.

Availability measuring instrument will allow you to constantly monitor temperature regime

Methods for measuring the heating of heating batteries:

  1. The heating of the pipe and radiator surfaces is measured with a thermometer. 1-2°C is added to the result obtained.
  2. For maximum precise measurements They use an infrared thermometer-pyrometer, which determines readings with an accuracy of 0.5°C.
  3. A permanent measuring device can be an alcohol thermometer, which is applied to the radiator, glued with tape, and wrapped with foam rubber or other heat-insulating material on top.
  4. The heating of the coolant is also measured by electrical measuring instruments with the “measure temperature” function. To measure, a wire with a thermocouple is screwed to the radiator.

By regularly recording the device data and recording the readings in a photo, you will be able to file a claim against the heat supplier

Important! If the radiators do not heat up enough, after submitting an application to an authorized organization, a commission should come to you and measure the temperature of the liquid circulating in the heating system. The commission’s actions must comply with paragraph 4 of “Control Methods” in accordance with GOST 30494−96. The device used for measurements must be registered, certified and undergo state verification. Its temperature range should be from +5 to +40°С, the permissible error is 0.1°С.

Adjusting heating radiators

Adjusting the temperature of heating radiators is necessary in order to save on heating the room. In high-rise apartments, the heating bill will decrease only after installing a meter. If a private house has a boiler that automatically maintains a stable temperature, regulators may not be needed. If the equipment is not automated, the savings will be significant.

Why is adjustment needed?

Adjusting the batteries will help achieve not only maximum comfort, but also:

  • Remove air pollution, ensure the movement of the coolant through the pipeline and transfer heat to the room.
  • Reduce energy costs by 25%.
  • Do not constantly open windows due to overheating of the room.

Heating adjustments must be made before the start of the heating season. Before this, you need to insulate all windows. In addition, the location of the apartment is taken into account:

  • corner;
  • in the middle part of the house;
  • on the lower or upper floors.
  • insulation of walls, corners, floors;
  • hydro- and thermal insulation joining seams between panels.

Without these measures, adjustment will not be beneficial, since more than half of the heat will warm the street.

Insulating a corner apartment will help reduce heat loss as much as possible

The principle of adjusting radiators

How to properly regulate heating batteries? To rationally use heat and ensure uniform heating, valves are installed on the batteries. With their help, you can reduce the water flow or disconnect the radiator from the system.

  • In systems district heating high-rise buildings with a pipeline through which the coolant is supplied from top to bottom, it is impossible to regulate the radiators. The upper floors of such houses are hot, the lower floors are cold.
  • In a single-pipe network, coolant is supplied to each battery with return to central riser. The heat is distributed evenly here. Control valves are installed on the radiator supply pipes.
  • In two-pipe systems with two risers, coolant is supplied to the battery and back. Each of them is equipped with a separate valve with a manual or automatic thermostat.

Types of control valves

Modern technologies allow the use of special control valves, which are heat exchangers shut-off valves, connected to the battery. There are several types of taps that allow you to regulate heat.

Operating principle of control valves

According to the principle of action they are:

  • Ball, providing 100% protection against accidents. They can rotate 90 degrees, allow water to pass through or shut off the coolant.
  • Standard budget valves without temperature scale. They partially change the temperature, blocking the access of the coolant to the radiator.
  • With a thermal head that regulates and controls system parameters. There are mechanical and automatic.

Operating a ball valve involves turning the regulator to one side.

Note! The ball valve should not be left half-open, as this may damage the O-ring, resulting in a leak.

Conventional direct-acting thermostat

A direct-acting thermostat is a simple device installed near a radiator that allows you to control the temperature in it. Structurally, it is a sealed cylinder with a bellows inserted into it, filled with a special liquid or gas that can respond to temperature changes. Its increase causes expansion of the filler, resulting in increased pressure on the rod in the regulator valve. It moves and blocks the coolant flow. Radiator cooling causes reverse process.

A direct-acting thermostat is installed in the heating system pipeline

Thermostat with electronic sensor

The principle of operation of the device is similar to the previous version, the only difference is in the settings. In a conventional thermostat, they are performed manually; in an electronic sensor, the temperature is set in advance and maintained within specified limits (from 6 to 26 degrees) automatically.

A programmable thermostat for heating radiators with an internal sensor is installed when it is possible to place its axis horizontally

Instructions for adjusting heat

How to regulate batteries, what actions need to be taken to ensure comfortable conditions in the house:

  1. Air is released from each battery until water flows from the tap.
  2. Pressure is adjustable. To do this, the valve in the first battery from the boiler opens two turns, in the second - three turns, etc., adding one turn for each subsequent radiator. This scheme ensures optimal coolant flow and heating.
  3. IN coercive systems pumping of coolant and control of heat consumption are carried out using control valves.
  4. Built-in thermostats are used to regulate heat in a flow-through system.
  5. In two-pipe systems, in addition to the main parameter, the amount of coolant is controlled in manual and automatic mode.

A selection of video stories on the topic

What is a thermal head for radiators needed for and how does it work:

Comparison of temperature control methods:

Comfortable accommodation in high-rise apartments, in country houses and cottages is ensured by maintaining a certain thermal regime in the premises. Modern systems heating systems allow you to install regulators that maintain the required temperature. If installing regulators is not possible, responsibility for the heat in your apartment rests with the heat supply organization, which you can contact if the air in the room does not warm up to the values ​​required by the standards.