Using design styles when formatting a document. In the dialog box that appears, we are offered two options to choose from. Loft interior design style


Some input errors can be corrected automatically if you use auto-correct (see Tools - Auto-replace) by checking the appropriate boxes. For example: replace a lowercase letter at the beginning of a sentence with an uppercase one, cancel the effect of accidentally pressing Caps Lock while typing, set the fragment to a bold font, if framed with "*" symbols - asterisks (or italics, frame the fragment with underscores _) When autocorrecting, the main dictionary is used for corrections for spell checking and a built-in list of autocorrect elements. You can add new items to the AutoCorrect list or remove unnecessary ones from it.

Cross-references can only be created to elements in the same document. To cross-reference an element in another document, you must first merge the relevant documents into the main document ( Main document. A container document that combines several separate files (so-called subdocuments). Using a master document, you can create and edit complex documents that have several parts, such as books divided into chapters.) To create a cross-reference to objects such as a title or bookmark, they must be present. For example, you should insert a bookmark first and only then create the corresponding cross-reference.

Styling a document in MS Word

general information

It's no secret that professionalism is the ability to easily do what others think is impossible.

One of the steps to professional use of the MS Word text editor is to master the correct style of documents created using this software product.

A common method among users is when the entire document is generated using one style (“Normal” or “Body Document Text”). Subsequently, formatting is performed by selecting a certain element of the text and changing its display (for example, font typeface - Arial, style - italics, point size - 10 pt., alignment - width). This method is called manual formatting.

This way of working with a document is simple and straightforward - there are explicit tools on the toolbar that you can use.

This method is suitable for formatting small-volume documents, but if we are talking about large-volume documents (such as a thesis or dissertation, an agreement or a legal act), then this method of text formatting will be of little use - it will require large amounts of both manual labor and and time.

One of the solutions for formatting large documents seems to be the use of styles for various document blocks.

A style is a set of formatting options that is applied to text, tables, and lists to quickly change them appearance. Styles allow you to apply an entire group of formatting attributes at once, including determining the level of structure for a paragraph, in one action.

MS Word defines the types of styles that you can create and apply.

A paragraph style completely defines the appearance of a paragraph, that is, text alignment, tab stops, line spacing, and borders, and may also include character formatting.

A character style specifies the formatting of a selected piece of text within a paragraph, defining text parameters such as font and size, as well as bold and italic styles.

The table style specifies the appearance of borders, fill, text alignment, and fonts.

The list style applies the same alignment, numbering marks or bullets, and fonts to all lists.

Applying styles in MS Word

It should be noted right away that the algorithm for applying styles in different versions of MS Word is not the same. This is due, first of all, to the change in the program interface starting from MS Word XP - a new “Task Area” element has been added, which allows you to present the contents of the clipboard, text formatting and much more in a more convenient form.

A common method for setting styles for different versions of MS Word (from the sixth to the eleventh) can be considered assigning a style by selecting it in the “Style:” combo box of the “Formatting” menu bar (see Fig. 1). In this case, the selected style will be applied to the current paragraph or selected text fragments.

Applying styles in Word XP

In the “Format” section of the main menu, select “Styles and Formatting”.

An element called “Task Area” will appear on the right side of the window (Fig. 3), which will display the formatting of the current piece of text and the styles that can be applied to it.

To apply specific formatting to selected text, select the appropriate style from the style list.

Applying styles in Word 9x - 2000

In the "Format" section of the main menu, select "Style...". As a result of the command, the “Style” window appears on the screen (Fig. 2).

Select the appropriate style from the list of styles.

As you can see, everything is simple to the point of banality...

Please note that with any formatting option, you should consider what type the required style is. So, for example, paragraph styles will change the styles of all characters within the paragraph, and character styles will only apply their effect to characters within the limits limited by spaces (words)

Styles and Formatting in the Task Pane

Using the “Styles and Formatting” section in the Task Area, in addition to a convenient presentation of the style of the document, also allows you to quickly change any of the existing styles and create new ones.

Through the “Select All” element it is possible to select all text fragments that have the same style as the current fragment. Which is convenient if you need to change the text’s affiliation from one style to another.

Creating styles

Activating the “Create Style” element displays the style creation window.

Creating a style is absolutely not difficult.

In the Name field, specify a unique name for the style being created. It should be kept in mind that you cannot use the names of already existing styles for the created style. The program will report an error for such actions.

Determining the properties of text style: typeface, font style, justification and paragraph leading is practically no different from standard text formatting. There are both icons for setting parameters and menus for “advanced” formatting.

Some style-specific properties to note:

The “Style” field specifies the type of style to be created - paragraph, character or table

In the “Based on style” field - sets the parent style for the created style.

Changing the properties of a parent style will cause corresponding changes in the created style for properties that were not changed when created.

For example, if when creating the style “Style1” based on the “Normal” style, the font size was changed (from 12 pt. to 16 pt.), and the typeface was left the same, then when changing the typeface in the “Normal” style (for example, from Times New Roman to Arial) in the “Style1” style, the typeface will also change (to Arial), but the font size will remain the same (16 pt.)

In the “Next paragraph style” field - sets the style of the paragraph following the paragraph to which it was applied created style. By default, the style of the next paragraph determines the style that is created.

9)Word (Tables)

Menu Table - Add - Table.

A table consists of rows and columns of cells that can contain numbers, text, pictures and are used to organize and present data, allow you to arrange numbers in columns and then sort them, and also perform various calculations.

Table Components

Borders and grid lines

The table has a thin, solid black line border that remains when printed, and grid lines that appear on the screen if the border is removed. Removing (restoring) a border is done by the Format / Borders and Fill command on the Borders tab or by the External Borders command on the toolbar. Grid lines are not printed, but they can also be deleted (restored) using the Table / Hide grid (show grid) command.

Trailing characters

The cell symbol and the row symbol are non-printing characters that indicate the end of a cell and the end of a row, respectively.

Cell margins and cell spacing

Cell margin is the distance between the cell border and the text inside the cell. The spacing between cells and cell margins can be changed in the Table Options dialog box, which can be called by the Table / Table Properties command by clicking the Options button.

Move handle and table resize handle

The table move handle allows you to move the table to another location on the page, and the table resize handle allows you to resize the table.

Creating a table

Creating a new table can be done in three ways:



Creation based on existing data (text, numbers)

1. Draw (create) a table

To create a table with a complex header, it is advisable to use the Draw table method by selecting the Table / Draw table command. The floating Tables and Borders toolbar appears, allowing you to create a table and edit and format it.

2. Inserting (creating) a table

To quickly create a simple table, you need to use the Table / Insert / Table command. The Insert Table dialog box appears.

In this window, you can set the size (number of columns and rows), set Automatic column width, and select one of the Autoformatting options. By selecting the Default for new tables check box, you can save the selected format and use it as the default in the future.

3. Convert existing text into a table

When you convert text to a table, you must specify where each column should begin. To do this, use delimiter characters. The delimiter can be a paragraph mark, a tab, a semicolon, or another.

Entering text into a cell

To enter text into a cell, you must click on the cell and enter the text from the keyboard or paste from the clipboard while copying the text. If the text does not fit on a line, it wraps to another line and increases the line height.

To change the orientation of text in a cell, place the cursor in the cell and select Text Direction from the Format menu. To change the alignment of text in a cell, on the Tables and Borders toolbar, select the Vertical and Horizontal alignment option.

To move, copy, or delete text in cells, you must select the text. Selected text can be deleted using the Delete or Backspace key, as well as copied and moved either using the clipboard or by moving it with the mouse (while pressing the left or right key).

Formatting text in cells is done using formatting methods plain text. You can add text before the table at the beginning of the page by placing the cursor at the beginning of the first line and pressing the Enter key.


Table editing operations include:

Insert and delete rows and columns

Merge and split cells

Split table

To edit elements (cells, rows, columns), you need to select these elements and then use the Table menu or the context menu.

To format a table, use the AutoFormat command in the Tables menu, as well as the Tables and Borders toolbar.


Using tables, you can solve some problems that are typical for spreadsheets. These tasks include various calculations and sorting of table elements. These tasks are performed by the Sort and Formula commands on the Tables menu.

Let's look at the calculation methods

1. Sum of a row or column of numbers

Select the cell in which the amount will be displayed

If the selected cell is at the very bottom of a column of numbers, Word displays the formula =SUM(ABOVE), and if the selected cell is at the right edge of a row of numbers, Word displays the formula =SUM(LEFT).

2. Perform calculations

Select the cell in which the result will be placed

In the Table menu, select the Formula command

If Word offers a formula that is not suitable for calculations, then it must be removed

From the Insert Function list, select a function. To refer to cells, enter the addresses of these cells in brackets in the formula, for example, to sum the contents of cells B5 and C7, enter the formula =SUM(b5,c7).

When cell references change, calculation results can be refreshed by highlighting the field and pressing F9

10)Word (diagram, formula editor)

Formula editor

The need to have a means for entering mathematical expressions into a text document is typical for scientific and technical documentation. In a programme Microsoft Word such a tool is the formula editor Microsoft Equation 3.0. It allows you to create formula objects and insert them into a text document. If necessary, the inserted object can be edited directly in the document field.

Launching and configuring the formula editor

To launch the formula editor, use the Insert –> Object command. In the Insert Object dialog box that opens, select Microsoft Equation 3.0 - the Formula control panel shown in Fig. 1 will open. 4.46. In this case, the word processor menu bar is replaced by the formula editor menu bar (Fig. 4.47).

Before using the formula editor, you must configure it. The setup consists of assigning fonts to the various elements included in the formulas. It is performed in the Styles dialog box, opened by the command Style -> Define.

The formula editor toolbar contains two rows of buttons. The buttons on the bottom row create unique templates containing fields for entering characters. So, for example, to enter a common fraction, you should select the appropriate template, which has two fields: numerator and denominator. Filling out these fields can be done either from the keyboard or using the top line controls. Transitions between fields are performed using the cursor keys.

Entering and editing formulas is completed by pressing the ESC key or closing the formula editor panel. You can also left-click anywhere in a document field outside the formula entry area. The entered formula is automatically inserted into the text as an object. Then it can be moved to any other place in the document via the clipboard (CTRL+X – cut; CTRL+V – paste). To edit a formula directly in the document, just double-click on it. This automatically opens the formula editor window.


A diagram is designed to display information graphically. You can create it in several programs. But today I want to write about how to make a diagram in word 2007 version. So.

At the very beginning, you should launch a text editor. To do this, go to “Start” – “All Programs” – “Microsoft Office” – “Word 2007”.

Then go to the “insert” tab and click on the button called “diagram”.

A window will appear in front of us in which we should select the right type diagrams. In my case, I select "circular" and click on the first option. Then click “OK”.

An additional window from the Microsoft Excel program will appear on the screen, where all the data should be entered. In the left column we enter months or other information, and on the right the quantity (for example, sales).

We close the Excel program, and our diagram appears in the text editor. To change the parameters, select the picture and click on the “work with charts” button, and then select the desired color, shape, or change the data.

To delete, select the diagram with the mouse and press “backspace”. This is where I end this article, good luck.

11+12) Microsoft Excel (application, capabilities, advantages)

Scope of Microsoft Excel

The scope of Excel is wide:

due to the fact that an Excel sheet is a ready-made table, Excel is often used to create documents without any calculations, simply having a tabular presentation (for example, price lists in stores, schedules);

you can easily create in Excel different kinds graphs and diagrams that take data for construction from table cells (a graph of body weight loss for a specified period from the start of sports);

it can be used by ordinary users for basic calculations (how much you spent this month, what/to whom/when you gave/took);

Excel contains many mathematical and statistical functions, thanks to which schoolchildren and students can use it to calculate coursework and laboratory work;

Excel is intensively used in accounting - in many companies it is the main tool for preparing documents, making calculations and creating diagrams. Naturally, it has the corresponding functions;

Excel can even act as a database. Although, of course, it is far from a full-fledged database;

Excel can be used as a form to present the processed data.

13) Excel (tabular processor objects, absolute and relative addressing of cells)

The $ sign here has nothing to do with monetary units; it is just a way for Excel to indicate the type of link. Difference between different types Links can be seen by dragging the autofill handle of the active cell or range of cells containing a formula with links.

If you put an "=" sign in a cell, then left-click on a cell, Excel inserts a relative reference to that cell after the "=". This link "remembers" at what distance (in rows and columns) you clicked RELATIVE to the position of the cell where you put the "=" (offset in rows and columns). For example, you clicked on a cell 3 columns to the left and 2 rows above. If, after pressing Enter, we drag down the autofill handle, this formula will be copied to all the cells that we dragged through. And in each cell, this link will point to a cell located 3 columns to the left and 2 rows up RELATIVE to the position of the link. You can check this by double-clicking on one of the copied formulas, or selecting it and pressing F2. For a better understanding, remember how a chess knight moves. He moves with the letter "G" and hits 8 squares from the center of the board. Let's "simplify" the knight's move rule a little: imagine that he can only move with one letter "G" - 2 squares forward and one to the right. Whatever square of the board we place on horse, each time it calculates the offset in rows and columns RELATIVE to its position - 2 rows up and one column to the left. Relative links work in exactly the same way, only the rule for their “move” is set by the user Each time we pull the autofill marker, the formula. containing relative links, Excel recalculates the addresses of all relative links in it in accordance with their “move rule” (each relative link in a formula can have its own “rule”).

As mentioned above, if you drag the AutoFill marker on a formula that contains relative links, Excel will recalculate their addresses. If the formula contains absolute links, their address will remain unchanged. Simply put, an absolute reference always points to the same cell.

To make a relative reference absolute, simply put a "$" sign in front of the column letter and row address, for example $A$1. More quick way- select the relative link and press the “F4” key once, while Excel itself will add the “$” sign. If you press “F4” a second time, the link will become mixed like A$1, if the third time, it will be like $A1, if the fourth time, the link will again become relative. And so on in a circle.

Microsoft Excel spreadsheet processor

· What tasks are spreadsheet processors designed to solve and what advantages can data processing using spreadsheets provide compared to manual processing?

· How to use Excel help.

· What is an Excel cell, sheet, workbook.

· Methods for entering and editing data in table cells.

· Purpose and methods of specifying functions.

· Purpose of diagrams, order of their use.

· Procedure for exchanging data between Excel and other Microsoft applications.

· Use Excel to process data organized in lists.

· How to create and use templates in Excel

· Using macro commands to automate data processing.

· How to change Excel settings.

14) Excel (cell types, error in formulas)

Description of formats:

"General" format

Format "Numeric"

you can configure the number of decimal places automatically added after the decimal point;

you can configure whether or not to separate triads of digits (hundreds, hundreds of thousands, etc.) with a space;

You can customize the format for displaying negative numbers:

black with a minus;

red without minus;

black with minus and indentation (right);

red with minus and indentation.

Attention! Despite the fact that when you change the number of displayed decimal places, the number visually changes, the cell still stores an unrounded number and operations will be performed with it. For example, let the number 1.23456 be entered in a cell. The user left only 4 decimal places. The cell will display the number 1.2346. But when multiplied by 100,000, the result in the cell is 123,456, not 123,460! When making calculations, use the ROUND function if you need to work with a rounded number.

"Cash" format

The same settings as in "Numeric" (except for disabling the separation of digits), plus the choice of a monetary unit. By default, the currency specified in the "Control Panel" -> "Regional and Language" settings -> "Regional Options" tab is displayed.

"Financial" format

The same settings as in "Currency" (except for choosing the format of negative numbers: it is always black with a minus and indentation). The differences from the "Cash" format are minor. They will be especially visible if you first design the cells in the “Cash” format, select banknote"$", enter negative numbers into the cells, increase the column width and then convert them to the "Financial" format. The cells will be indented to the right (like Money), but the "$" and "-" signs will be aligned to the left. Obviously, this design standard has been adopted somewhere.

Date Format

Typically, the dates themselves are entered into the cells manually (see Automatically changing the cell format after entering data), and then the desired type of date representation is selected in the "Format Cells" window. You can also change the current date format to a format accepted in other countries.

Time format

Typically, times are entered into cells manually (see Automatically changing cell format after data entry), and then the desired type of time representation is selected in the "Format Cells" window. You can also change the current time format to a format used in other countries.

Format "Percentage"

In the "Percentage" format, all numbers are multiplied by 100 and a "%" sign is added. You can also adjust the number of decimal places after the decimal point.

Fractional format

In the Fractional format, Excel attempts to convert decimals to fractions. For example, "1.2" (one point two tenths) would be converted to "1 1/5" (one point one fifth).

"Exponential" format

The Exponential format is useful for representing very large (distance to the Sun in meters) or very small (mass of a hydrogen atom in kilograms) numbers. For example, the number "299,792,458" (the speed of light in meters) is converted to "3,E+08" in this format. The "+" sign here means that the comma needs to be moved to the right, and "08" - by how many digits. You can also adjust the number of decimal places.

"Text" format

Values ​​in cells formatted in this format are displayed exactly as they are entered. They are treated as strings regardless of their content. For example, if you write "1.2.3" in a cell formatted as Text, Excel will not attempt to convert it to a date.

Entering the first character " " " into a cell (the "E" key of the Russian keyboard) automatically converts the cell contents to text format. The " " " symbol is not displayed on the screen.

"Additional" format

In the "Language" drop-down list, select "Russian". The following options will appear in the "Type" list: "Postal code", "Zip code + 4", "Phone number", "Personnel number". Try formatting the cell as “Phone number” and enter a 10-digit number there. I think there is no need to explain. Other languages ​​may display different options.

Item "(all formats)"

At this point, you can create your own format (for example, “pcs,” “kg,” “m/s,” etc.), which is not among the standard ones. For this purpose, a special format description language is used. In the text field at the top, describe it and press "Enter". To delete a format, select the “desired” format and click the “Delete” button. It is not possible to remove an embedded format. (Tip: formats are stored in the workbook; it is convenient to complete the removal of unnecessary formats with Cancel, so as not to “ruin” the format of the current cell.)

15) Excel (formulas, copy and paste, auto-format)

Formulas in Microsoft Excel

General information

Excel is a programmable spreadsheet calculator. All calculations in Excel follow formulas. Excel considers everything that begins with a "=" sign to be a formula. If you simply write "1+1" in a cell, Excel will not calculate this expression. However, if you write "=1+1" and press Enter, the result of calculating the expression - the number 2 - will appear in the cell. After pressing Enter, the formula does not disappear, it can be seen again if you double-click the cell, or if you select it and press F2 or just press Ctrl+Apostrophe. You can also see it in the “Formula Bar” toolbar, if you again select the cell. After double-clicking, pressing F2, or after clicking in the formula bar, you can change the formula and press Enter to finish.

In the formula you can use Various types operators (arithmetic, etc.), text, cell references or range of cells, parentheses, named ranges. Naturally, the priority of operations is observed in the formulas (multiplication is performed before addition, etc.). Parentheses are used to change the order of operations.


Formatting in Excel is used to make data easier to understand, which plays an important role in productivity.


Sample- this is a special file containing document formatting parameters and all the tools necessary to perform the corresponding auto-formatting. The template contains various elements Defines the formats of the main document elements that are available in all documents created based on this template. Changes made to templates are automatically transferred to documents created based on them.

Word has a large list of ready-made templates for standard documents such as: memos, reports, business letters, resumes, etc.

You can view the content and appearance of a document based on a specific template by clicking the Style Library button in the Theme command dialog box of the Format menu.

The Style command of the Format menu connects elements of other templates to the active document or template. By clicking the Organizer button in the command dialog box, you can copy, delete, or rename various format elements.

Style is a description of the design of document elements, which is stored under a specific name.

Using styles, text is automatically formatted, which significantly saves time on design and ensures a standard level. There are two types of styles:

  • Paragraph styles store information related to paragraphs of text: line spacing, first line position, alignment, etc.
  • Character styles store information about individual characters: fonts, styles, colors, etc.

These styles are applied only to selected text.

Viewing, changing and creating new styles, as well as applying them to selected text, is carried out by the Style command of the Format menu. After executing this command, the Style dialog box appears on the screen.

All styles are usually divided into three categories:

  • everything available in the document template;
  • used in the document;
  • custom styles created by the user. You can select a style category in the drop-downlist in the Style dialog box. A style of a certain type is selected in the Styles list, and an example of the design of a paragraph and characters is shown in the demo field of the dialog box, and a verbal description of the style is given below.

The Apply button assigns style settings to the active document.

The New button creates a new paragraph or character style. For a new style, the format of all its elements is set (Format button).

A style can be included in a document template and thus become available to all documents created based on this template. You can make the necessary changes to an existing style using the Edit button. The delete button deletes the selected style.

The Organizer button opens a window for copying styles (from a document to a template, from one template to another), as well as for deleting styles in templates and documents.

Clicking the Style Library button in the Theme command of the Format menu displays the dialog box of the same name. This window allows you to change the formatting of the active document by copying styles from the selected template, and see what the document would look like if it were formatted with the styles of the specified template. If you double-click the template name, the styles will be copied to the template attached to the active document.

Styles are a convenient, practical and effective tool for laying out web pages and designing text, links, images and other elements. Despite the obvious advantages of using styles, let's consider all the advantages of CSS, including those invisible at first glance.

Distinguishing between code and design

The idea of ​​keeping HTML code free of design elements like setting color, font size, and other parameters is as old as the world. Ideally, a web page should contain only logical formatting tags, and the appearance of elements is specified through styles. With such a division, work on the design and layout of the site can be carried out in parallel.

Different designs for different devices

Using styles, you can define the appearance of a web page for different output devices: monitor, printer, smartphone, tablet, etc. For example, display a page in one design on the monitor screen, and in another when printing it. This feature also allows you to hide or show some document elements when displayed on different devices.

Extended ways of designing elements compared to HTML

Unlike HTML, styles have much more more possibilities on the design of web page elements. By simple means you can change the background color of an element, add a frame, set the font, define dimensions, position, and much more.

Speed ​​up site loading

When storing styles in a separate file, it is cached and when accessed again, it is retrieved from the browser cache. Due to caching and the fact that styles are stored in a separate file, the code of web pages is reduced and the loading time of documents is reduced.

A cache is a special place on the user’s local computer where the browser saves files the first time the site is accessed. The next time you access the site, these files are no longer downloaded over the network, but are taken from the local disk. This approach can significantly increase the loading speed of web pages.

Unified style for multiple documents

A website is not just a set of interconnected documents, but also the same arrangement of main blocks and their appearance. The use of a consistent design for headings, body text and other elements creates continuity between pages and makes it easier for users to work with the site and perceive it as a whole. For developers, the use of styles greatly simplifies the design process.

Centralized storage

Styles are usually stored in one or more special files, a link to which is indicated in all site documents. Thanks to this, it is convenient to edit the style in one place, while the design of elements automatically changes on all pages that are associated with the specified file. Instead of modifying dozens of HTML files, you just need to edit one style file and the design of the necessary documents will immediately change.

editing document word style

A style is a named description of the format of paragraphs or characters of text. Instead of manually formatting each paragraph, you can define a style and customize the settings you want. You can then apply this style to any block of text; as a result, the style parameters will be transferred to a specific fragment of the document.

Any text character always has two styles: paragraph and character. By default, MS Word assigns the text a paragraph style, Regular and Character style, Basic paragraph font.

By preparing custom styles for certain text elements (such as figure captions), you can customize the format of all captions by simply adjusting the appropriate style. Using styles, you can perform any text formatting. In the absence of sufficient experience, this approach will require additional time, but by learning how to change the design of documents by manipulating styles, you can save many hours.

Most often, new documents are created based on a template that already contains predefined styles. Let us list the groups of these styles.

Heading style. To support the multi-level structure of the document, headings of various levels are used. In order to be able to automate the compilation of a table of contents or table of contents in the future, headings must be formatted using styles, observing the hierarchy. The heading is treated as a paragraph.

Text style. The most common styles are Normal and Body Text, as well as their modifications.

List style. Allows you to quickly design bulleted and numbered lists. The standard set consists of a fairly limited set of such styles, but it can be expanded with custom styles.

Since heading styles are arranged in a certain hierarchical structure, style design can be used when building the structure of a document, giving the styles appropriate names that determine their place in the hierarchy. To design paragraphs and their fragments, you can also build a hierarchy by building the necessary styles and giving them appropriate names.

In addition to standard styles and their redefinition, the user can create his own, either based on existing ones or completely, from start to finish, designing the elements himself. Typically, you have to resort to this technique in cases where there is a need to frequently use the same character and paragraph formatting that is not provided for by the styles offered by Word.

In the Create Style dialog box (Fig. 1), you must specify the name of the style, whether it is a paragraph, character or table style, what style it is based on (or indicate the absence of a base style), and what the style of the paragraph following this style will be. Then the necessary formatting elements are indicated: font, size, effects, etc.

Figure 1. Creating a style

Custom styles are applied in the same way as standard ones.

Each template or document stores only those styles that were created or changed when working with this particular document or template. Changing the style in the current document does not affect other documents in the same style. But sometimes you need to copy a style from one document to another. You can do this as follows.

Styles can be included in a template if you select the appropriate checkbox when creating a style. In addition, the style can be edited directly by opening it in MS Word and making the necessary changes in the same way as editing a document.

Competent document design involves designing it using styles. Concept style includes a set of text design parameters - paragraphs, font, framing, etc. By formatting a paragraph with any style, you can, in one step (one action), apply to this text a whole group of previously specified formats for the design of all its elements. Styles help ensure consistent formatting and allow you to quickly update the appearance of your document without manually reformatting text.

In a programme Word for Windows has a standard set of styles with which you can format both simple paragraphs and headings, captions under pictures, table of contents elements, etc. Default when typing Word applies the Normal style Normal ). When creating text elements such as headings, footnotes, and tables, you can also apply one of the standard styles available in all documents Word , for example any of the header styles. Styles can be used in their standard form, i.e. As they are, you can change any components of standard styles or create your own styles.

Word processor Word comes with pre-formatted document models, or templates, which help in creating common types of documents. When a new document is created, all the basic styles are copied into it from the template on which it is based.

Applying Standard Styles

In order to format a piece of text with any style, you need to select it or place the cursor in a paragraph if only one will be reformatted, and select the required style from the Styles group on the Home tab. After this, the paragraph in which the cursor is located, or a group of selected paragraphs, is reformatted, subject to the parameters of the selected style.

You can assign a style to a paragraph using the Styles panel (it appears when you click the Styles category button on the Home tab). The list of available styles can be expanded or changed. To do this, click the arrow next to the Edit styles button and select the desired set of styles. You can also open the Styles toolbar by clicking on the Styles group button and select the desired style from this list.

Editing styles

Program Word for Windows allows you not only to create, but also to edit your own and standard styles. It is important to remember that the names of standard styles cannot be changed.

There are several methods for editing styles in the new version of the program. The simplest is to point to the name of the style to be edited in the list of styles in the toolbar, then click on the drop-down arrow on the right and select the Edit command, then in the dialog box that opens, click on the Format button and, selecting the desired parameters, change them. Note that a style change can only be saved for this document or for newly created documents based on a template attached to the document.

Create your own styles

When editing a document, you may need to create your own design styles. You can create your own style by clicking the Create Style button on the Styles panel. In the Create Style dialog box New Style), you must assign a name to the new style, while defining the base style (the Based on style field, English. Based On) and the paragraph style that will be created after pressing the key Enter while typing (Next paragraph style field, English. Style for Following Paragraph) .

In the Create Style dialog box, click the Format button. Format ), then the style formatting parameters are sequentially selected (Font, English. Font, Paragraph, English Paragraph; Border, English border, Tabulation, English Tabs etc.) and their values ​​are determined.

In order for the created style to be available for all documents based on the current template, you must select the In new documents using this template radio button. The style creation process is completed by clicking OK in the Style Creation dialog menu. Please note that after the style is completed, the paragraph in which the cursor was positioned is reformatted with the created style.

If in the program settings (menu section File - Options - Advanced - Save) the Request to save template Normal switch is selected, then in order to save style changes in the template, you must answer affirmatively to the system's request to save changes in the template.

Create a new style You can use the example of an already designed paragraph. To do this, you need to select a paragraph, the design of which is supposed to be saved as a new independent style. In the Styles category on the Home tab, select Save Selection as a New Quick Style. In the dialog box that opens, enter a name for the new style. If necessary, enter the style created using this method into the template using the Style – Edit command and selecting the In new documents that use this template switch.

Renaming, copying and transferring styles

While editing a document, you may need to rename user-created styles. To do this, click the Manage Styles button on the Styles toolbar. In the dialog box that opens, click on the Import / Export button and in the Organizer dialog box that opens, you can copy, delete and rename document styles.

In Draft view of a document, you can display style names in a special style area. To do this, in the menu section File - Options in the Advanced category, Screen group, select the command Width of the style bar in draft and structure modes and set the width of the style bar (1.8 cm).

The program distinguishes between paragraph and character styles; when creating a style, you can specify that the created style will be a character style, not a paragraph, and use it to format individual characters. The program can provide consistent formatting by using character styles to highlight individual words or phrases. You can use the Theme command from the Page Layout tab to see how using a different theme will change the look of your document.

For reference

When working with style design paragraphs, it is important to follow certain rules.

  • 1. You should not apply paragraph formatting through the Format – Font and Format – Paragraph menu sections if the paragraph has already been assigned a specific style. Otherwise, the program will consider that manual formatting has a higher priority than style formatting, and in the future, if the style is changed, the manually reformatted fragments will remain unchanged.
  • 2. If during your work manual formatting was applied to a fragment formatted with styles, and then it became necessary to restore the standard formatting with styles again, you need to redefine this style again. Please note that for Word 2003 in this case the following actions are performed:
    • a fragment is highlighted;
    • assigns the same style to the fragment;
    • When asked by the program Override style, select the answer option Override – Format the selected fragment using this style.