Styling a document in MS Word. Using visual styles when formatting a document

Many people hesitate to start because of the problem of choice. The variety of styles often leads to a dead end. Which interior will be comfortable to be with your family, and which will encourage you to make important decisions? When choosing, you need to take into account the different interests of the whole family. It’s quite difficult to settle on just one thing on your own. In today's review we have collected 39 luxury styles in the interior with photos and descriptions.

The choice of design is determined based on the personal preferences of the owners. The style will depend on Finishing work, and , furniture, and the choice of color design for the room. Therefore, any person who plans to transform their home needs to learn about the main trends in the decoration of living space. To do this, you need to study the styles and their characteristic features, in addition, you can familiarize yourself with examples of work and look at the photo gallery. This will make the decision-making task much easier.

There is no need to accept the main trends in design as dogma. All styles set the basic design rules, within the framework of which the creative fantasies of designers or homeowners develop. They are the ones who give any design the character traits of the owners.

Main directions of design in apartments

All interior styles are classified into 4 main groups. These are enlarged lists of interior design styles, each of these groups has one common characteristic, but inside all the styles are different in a number of ways.

Classic styles

The second generalized concept is historical styles. Any of their directions will be associated with the history and architecture of a certain period of time. To recreate classic design you need to study the basic concepts characteristic of a particular era. Not all premises can be decorated in this direction. It is important for him to fulfill the following conditions:

  • the room must have a large area;
  • The budget for repairs will need to be quite high.

Finishing materials that are used for decoration in the classical direction have only natural compositions, and decoration is only elite. The classics are chosen by conservative people who value solutions proven over generations. The main emphasis is on luxurious fabrics and finishing materials. The decor in the design does not attract attention, but plays only a secondary role. The classical style includes the following areas:

  • rococo;
  • baroque;
  • Gothic;
  • modern and many others.

Modern styles

TO modern styles Interior decoration can be attributed to the last century. They may contain non-standard experiments with shades and shapes in combination with classical elements. The design has absorbed practical ideas from different style directions. As a result, the room acquires functionality along with a high aesthetic perception.

Modern style design is, first of all, practicality, aimed at creating maximum comfort for residents. It includes the following styles:

  • minimalism;
  • neoclassical:
  • grunge;
  • and many others.

In our gallery you can see interesting designs interior of 18 meters in modern style.

Ethnic styles

Decorating a home in an ethno-style is based on the specifics that are characteristic of a particular territory. This design includes the following areas:

  • Japanese;
  • Chinese;
  • Moroccan;
  • and many others.

Decoration in ethnic style is based on the decoration and materials that were used in these countries. In practice, it is almost impossible to completely return a certain time and direction. Therefore, ethno-design does not occur in its pure form.

Just like the culture of peoples, the style of that era mixed more than once. For example, there are notes of Moorish style. But even mixed design looks quite expressive nowadays. The main emphasis in the design is small parts. In order for the ethno-style to look natural, you need to become a little familiar with the characteristics and traditions of the country.

Mixed styles

All directions that are not included in the first three types of style design should be combined into a mixed design. From the name it becomes clear that different directions are mixed within one room or space. These include:

  • kitsch;
  • fusion;
  • eclecticism.

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In our review we offer you simple recommendations, how to properly make a design project on your own, as well as how you can independently bring original ideas to life.

Basic styles in the interior: detailed descriptions and photo gallery

Design in a certain style includes not only the culture of different nationalities, but also a combination of modern design projects. To determine which direction is closest in mood and spirit, you need to familiarize yourself with each style and the basic rules for its creation, the choice of material, decor, etc. As with any creativity, repairs also need to be approached creatively based on personal feelings. Our gallery presents photos of apartment interiors in different designs, including modern ones.

Loft style in the interior: photos of interesting designs

An industrial style interior is a real trend in interior design. First used by artists who decorated gray walls with your art. On the floor in those days, as a rule, lay carpet covering. Abandoned garages or workshops are often decorated in this direction. It combines old designs ( concrete walls, ceiling beams, pipes) in modern processing using the latest technology, furniture and decorative items. The result is an interesting and stylish harmony. There are several characteristic features of an industrial interior:

  • no internal ;
  • high ceiling;
  • zoning is highlighted by coloring;
  • the presence of pipe junctions, electrical cables, ventilation shafts characteristic of a factory workshop;
  • walls - concrete or rough;
  • floor - ceramics.

Zoning is also done with furniture. This design is suitable for large rooms with high ceilings. Some of the wall surfaces are cleaned before the initial masonry, some can be covered with rough, some part of the wall is painted with paint with a lead tint. Thus, on one surface three different sections are obtained, with the help of which.

All protruding pipe elements are painted with silver paint. The filling of furniture should be minimal; an area for free movement is required. The interior can be complemented with metal and office chairs. The walls are decorated with posters, graffiti or huge photographs. can be mounted on tripods or simply placed against walls.

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How did this style appear, how to independently design a residential and non-residential premises in a given style, choose the right furniture for your home and apartment - you will find all this and much more in our material.

Provence style in the interior

Interior design with French notes occupies a leading place in the design ranking. Amazing combination in village house with graceful gallantry - practical romanticism with modest decoration. The style is characterized by the following main features:

  • the walls should be a corn, milk or caramel shade;
  • imitation of slight negligence or cracks is allowed on the plaster;
  • high ceilings, under which it is advisable to install wooden beams;
  • bags of herbs and bouquets of dried flowers are hung on the beams;
  • boards or stone can be laid on the floor;
  • decor made of chintz or cambric with small flowers. Air curtains that let in the sun's rays;
  • wicker or painted, in chests of drawers the main part is open, the surfaces can be decorated with monograms, inlaid inserts and decorative legs.

Clay dishes, earthenware bowls, handicrafts, and antique irons are used as additional interior decoration. Numerous photographs of the family, including antique ones, can be placed on the shelves, candlesticks and decorative boxes can be placed on the walls, flower herbariums or butterflies can be placed in frames.

Country style in the interior

  • creamy;
  • linen;
  • forget-me-not color.

The room can be divided into zones with wooden panels. For the floor, wood or the colors of pine, linden or alder are used and imitate the natural structure. The decor can be clay dishes, crafts or baskets made of wicker. Flowers in vases are a must, and there may also be dried flowers.

The furniture is small but functional with linen, leather or suede finishes. Linen capes and patchwork blankets are acceptable. On the windows there are roller shutters or translucent light curtains. And be sure to have seascapes or photos on the walls. This trend places an emphasis on family roots, so a large number of family photographs is important. The photo gallery shows the interiors small apartments, issued in Scandinavian style.

Art Nouveau style in the interior

The peak of Art Nouveau came at the end of the 19th century, but even today there are many of its admirers. This is an abundance of luxury, precious wood, curved, graceful lines, rounded doorways, bas-reliefs in the form of flowers, dragonflies, ornate forging and stained glass. Wood and moldings are used to decorate the ceiling.

Wooden panels with silk trim are also used for wall cladding. Paintings made from parquet boards are laid on the floor. Furniture made from natural wood is compact, decorated with decorative and inlay. Basic colors of modernism:

  • pearl;
  • sky blue;
  • ash pink;
  • pastel lavender.

The interior is complemented by textiles with patterns of flowers or peacock feathers. The main ones are necessarily complemented by sconces. The decoration is completed with luxurious frames, antique clocks and vases.

Neoclassicism in the interior

  • the walls are decorated in rustic style, can be covered with ceramic plates;
  • the floor is tiled;
  • ceiling surfaces are simply painted and can be used as decoration decorative beams;
  • , preferably made by hand, let’s say decor from forged elements;
  • decorated with tiles;
  • The items contain an abundance of lacquered details.

As a decoration, clay dishes must be decorated with paintings in the form of a bunch of grapes or peaches. The main palette is allowed in both cold and warm shades. This can be a combination of white, blue, yellow, pink shades. Even on one wall you can paint using the entire palette in the form of a fresco.

The addition of interior fabric is minimal and only with natural composition. Bedspreads and pillowcases can be trimmed with lace self made, elements of marine paraphernalia are required: shells, sea ​​stars, unusual stones. The decoration should be completed by arranging large ones in clay tubs.

Contemporary design

You should know this! The main principle of contemporary art is moderation. For decoration, a small amount of souvenirs from other styles is appropriate, the main thing is that they are combined with each other.

Baroque style in the interior

The Baroque style is a luxurious and whimsical classic, it has been known since the time of King Louis XIX and is still loved by many designers. This direction is characterized by the following features:

  • theatrical luxury;
  • curved lines;
  • play of light and shadow:
  • objects of impressive size;
  • mirrors and carpets.

To decorate the ceilings, they choose those complemented by stucco. The walls can be finished with wood panels or fabric. The use of leather and cheap and modern finishing materials is strictly prohibited. This is the style of high society, so it contains a large number of armchairs and sofas with high backs.

The furniture is installed on legs imitating the paws of a lion, the decoration is pompous, in light colors. The decoration of the room contains a lot of textiles: these include curtains with lambrequins and canopies decorated with large bows. Main colors: ruby, gold and emerald green. The interior has a lot of crystal in lamps and floor lamps. Be sure to have paintings in rich frames, elaborate sets and elegant vases decorated with gilding.

Chalet style

The chalet style in the interior is a French mountain house that can be a shelter for hermits. The main features of the direction are a fireplace, natural wood trim, the presence of stone and fur in the decoration. The main motto of the style is to be able to enjoy the little things and appreciate real estate that can be passed on by inheritance. Many hotels at ski resorts and private boarding houses are decorated in this design. An analogy can be drawn with country style, but not in a rustic, but in a mountain version. For finishing you can use:

  • tree in decor in the form ceiling beams, stairs and furniture;
  • stone is used to decorate the fireplace;
  • the walls can simply be whitewashed.

In the interior, it is advisable to install homemade furniture with clear lines, rectangular cabinets and cabinets. Simple, at first glance, interior design country house in the chalet style, homespun napkins and tablecloths will be added; photo examples are presented in the gallery. Despite the special provincialism, the design of the chalet is considered quite expensive due to the abundance natural materials. To reduce the cost, many use artificial compounds that imitate wood or stone.

Fusion style in the interior

This style is a holiday for which there are no specific rules. It is created on contradiction at the will of emotions. The main goal is to achieve a bright picture, and it does not matter what materials and colors the interior decoration and decoration will be made of. Furniture can be different forms, but not at all budget-friendly. Floral notes are used as decoration, for example, figures of animals emerging from the jungle.

The main emphasis of the design is on all kinds of textile decoration of the room. These can be carpets and animal skins, patterned pillowcases, rugs made in fancy, or, on the contrary, tasteless. For lighting use ordinary, capped, ornate chandeliers or.

It is important! Antique art objects collected from different styles are suitable as decor for the fusion style.

Grunge style

Grunge style in the interior is also called the ragamuffin style, or an escape from the bustle of the city to the countryside. At the origins of the trend are rich people from France, who increasingly fled to remote villages. Thanks to its simple design, the design is still in good demand today. However, you need to know that its implementation requires large areas.

Wall surfaces are often left untouched or with. Sometimes a regular board is used for cladding. Ceiling surfaces are decorated with careless decorative beams of different widths. All elements of decoration contain handicraft, the first impression of the interior is as if it was just yesterday, in which furniture was installed today.

Textiles for decoration are made from natural materials with soft patterns. But the furniture is chosen from reputable brands, elegant, with smooth lines; preference is given to shelving instead of cabinets, and sliding structures instead of dining tables. The interior contains many bleached decorative elements with aged abrasions; the mirror frames should have a patina. The decoration will be complemented by forged elements, animal figurines, bright pillows and a blanket made using the patchwork technique.


The basic rules for interior design in the minimalist style are precision, minimum furnishings and complete absence decor. The area can be carefully thought out multi-level. The color palette is as natural as possible, and there is a lot of metal in the design. The finishing can be ordinary brick, wood, concrete surfaces or simple. When decorating an interior in a minimalist style, they are often chosen in the form of modular groups of clear geometric shapes. Textiles are not used on windows, replacing them with curtains or curtains.

Eco-style in the interior

Ecology is now in first place, and it is quite appropriate to devote the design of your home to this topic. Moreover, not everyone can regularly travel to nature. Eco-style is characterized by the following features:

  • used for finishing only natural materials;
  • a lot of natural and artificial lighting;
  • fabrics with natural composition;
  • abundance of decor in green tones.

A good addition to the design would be the use of wood, stone or ceramic elements. For example, wall panels, bamboo wallpaper, rough or even. The ceiling is covered with ordinary whitewash, without modern designs.

For the finished floor, be sure to use parquet or a regular board. On top, for decoration, it can be covered with mats or paths imitating grass. Furniture can be selected from wicker, bamboo or regular wood. It is acceptable to make some details in the interior from natural stone, for example, coasters for a coffee table or window sill.

You should know this! An eco-style interior must have a lot of vegetation. In addition, it would be appropriate to place mini-gardens in bottles - florariums.

Art deco design

To describe the style in a nutshell, it’s luxury and bohemianism. It is suitable for people who crave to enjoy life and love to learn new things and progress. The main qualities include:

  • multi-level;
  • patterns in the form of geometric shapes;
  • parts made from rare materials, for example, crocodile skin, can be used, Ivory, animal skins on the floor;
  • furniture with glossy or varnished surfaces;
  • sun-shaped mirrors;
  • expensive textiles and plenty of lighting.

In interior design in the Art Deco style, the use of chrome or nickel-plated surfaces is acceptable; in the photo gallery you can see examples of designs. The floors are usually covered with parquet or ceramics, and the walls are painted in bright contrasts. Surfaces are also pasted over with geometric patterns. Ceiling surface can be either white or dark colors using . Art objects, figurines or trinkets that were purchased while traveling are suitable for decoration.

French style in the interior

The French style combines different elements of historical eras. From the basic basis we can distinguish:

  • light or white paints are used for walls;
  • floor – light parquet;
  • interior design in a pastel palette;
  • furniture with aged elements, matte surfaces;
  • Furniture legs can be carved, and mosaics are used to decorate tabletops.

A tea table must be placed in the center of the living room. A fireplace must also be installed in the room. For decoration use mirrors in frames with gold trim and candlesticks. This is the style of reserved and business people who value comfort above all. All items are selected out of necessity, and not for decoration. Slight untidiness and romance are acceptable in the design.

Interiors in vintage style

This design is also called the setting of the past. A person can choose the design of what period he wants to see. There are several characteristic features of vintage style design:

  • wood, forged elements and ceramics are used in decoration:
  • black and white photographs and rare objects, for example, a gramophone, old books or children's toys of those times;
  • many fresh flowers in flowerpots.

Clear requirements for finishing materials and no work. The only thing that is not allowed is the use of modern technologies. For the walls, you can use wallpaper in light shades or neutral paint, and lay carpet on the floor. For spot lighting, old table lamps, sconces and floor lamps are used. The bedroom has a large one with a high back.

As decoration, you can use wooden elements and objects processed using the decoupage technique. If you still have a sewing machine on the table, you can make a wonderful art object out of it. You can also place some old poster or poster on the wall.

American style in the interior

This direction is characterized by the unification of spaces. This open plan, she reminds with quite large area. Only 2 rooms are fenced off: the bedroom and. All life in the room revolves around a central point, however, for each family member, depending on their interests, a certain area is zoned. Basic style palette in pastel shades:

  • beige;
  • sand;
  • lactic;
  • chocolate.

Red, blue, cyan and white shades in contrast can also be used. The walls are painted or pasted over; wooden or stone inserts can be used. Ceilings are usually painted with plain light paint; decorative beams or moldings can be installed for decoration.

For finishing, only natural compounds and materials are used. The furniture must be of high quality, wicker sets are allowed, and ethnic patterns serve as decoration. The main design palette is light; excellent lighting is required.

Victorian style

Victorian style in the interior begins with the reign of Queen Victoria. During that period, production flourished. All this is manifested in the design of the premises of that time. The style combined classic, baroque and colonial exoticism. As an example, we can consider the design of one room in the Chinese style; the rococo direction was chosen for the bedroom. The main palette of the Victorian style:

  • bright shades of brown;
  • ripe cherry color;
  • young and muted greenery;
  • lavender;
  • almond.

Matte wooden panels will look organic on the walls; you can choose wallpaper with the outlines of exotic birds or flower arrangements, or, as an option, fabric canvases. On the floor, parquet or ceramic with imitation wood is preferable. For the living room, it is advisable to choose antique furniture; you should definitely arrange a green corner with living plants. An indispensable attribute– a fireplace, suitable for decoration forged grille. Availability required large mirrors in baguette design, as well as desk.

Italian style

Motto Italian style in the interior - simplicity combined with sophistication. Only natural compounds and materials are used in decoration; this emphasizes the unity of style with nature. The highlight of the design is the highlighting of focal points. Only 1 accent stands out in each room. For the bathroom it could be a mosaic panel depicting a sea harbour, for the living room it could be a luxurious chandelier or a wall painting. In the recreation area you can install a rare bookshelf with inlay with precious metals. Knowledge of history and a little creative imagination will greatly help in interior design.

Empire style

The second name for the Empire style in the interior is palace, it is easily recognized by the painted ceiling. In addition, the floor covering is also made with an interesting pattern. The rules of palace etiquette are used to arrange furniture. Large mirrors and military regalia are a must. The following materials are used for finishing:

  • noble wood;
  • tile;
  • expensive and heavy textiles.

It is important! In the Empire style, it is strictly forbidden to use plastic parts, paper wallpaper and untreated stone.

As an addition, you can decorate the walls with stucco, install figurines of goddesses, arrows, stars and elements of the family coat of arms on the cornices. The priority is gold, white, amethyst and sapphire shades. All majestic furniture must be made of the same type of wood. It is imperative to place a table with a round top on a carved leg in the room.

Glass display cases can accommodate porcelain dishes. Carpets and carpets of bright wine color are allowed. All other textiles should emphasize the luxury of the main design. And two more important details: the interior should have portraits of ancestors and huge lamps.

Moroccan style

National interiors in Morocco are quite original, which is why they have been identified as a separate style. The main difference between the popular direction:

  • the use of colors characteristic of Arab and Asian peoples;
  • ornate patterns;
  • arched ceilings.

The Moroccan style palette in the interior is based on contrast: ultramarine and strawberry color, gold and purple, turquoise and copper. The floors are of rough stone or untreated wood, numerous. If tiles are used, they are laid out in the form of a mosaic - this is also one of the features of the style. Wall surfaces only, but in the bathroom or hall they are finished.

The main idea is ceilings, they are covered with glaze, as an option - wooden multi-layer structures. The lamps are installed in special niches and covered with carved panels or grilles. Doorways made in the form of an arch and decorated with artistic forging. Dark wood is used to make furniture.

The interior has many benches and footrests. A canopy must be installed above the sleeping area. The decoration is completed by an abundance of cushions, ceramics and trays and copper teapots.

Gothic style

Gothic style, or mystical interior design, is a religious mystery or majestic fear. In residential premises, the main emphasis is on the following materials:

  • stone;
  • wood: oak, pine or cedar;
  • mosaic floors;
  • – screw;
  • stained glass.

The furniture must have secret drawers; chests with leather decor can be placed in the room. The interior contains many forged elements as independent objects or overlays on furniture. The color palette is brown, blue and yellow.

If the height of the room allows, decorative beams or their imitation, decorated with carvings, can be installed under the ceilings. When decorating the walls, stone or wood panels can be used. Tapestries can be hung as decoration. The floors are mostly mosaic. Lighting is often disguised behind stained glass inserts.

Sea style

IN nautical style You can decorate a living room, a children’s room, a bathroom, and even a bedroom. The space in the shape of a ship will especially appeal to young children. Main color palette allows not only the presence of blue and white shades, but also sand, emerald, and turquoise. If desired, you can complement the interior with other colors, but not neon shades.

When decorating an interior in a marine style, only natural materials in light or bleached colors are used. You can place shells on the walls or decorate them with clapboard. Be sure to have an abundance of lighting - this is the main part of the interior. Elements are used as decoration marine theme: steering wheel, compass, ropes and anchors.

Hygge style

The warm and comfortable hygge style for interior design came to us from Denmark. This is a leisurely style home comfort. The main features include:

  • only natural materials;
  • the interior is made in light, cool shades;
  • floors and furniture only made of wood;
  • plenty of lighting, floor lamps, lamps and candles;
  • a lot of textiles, including rugs, pillows, carpets;
  • the style does not allow the use of synthetic materials.

Furniture must have a large dining table, behind which large companies can gather. Furniture should preferably be handmade with finishing elements in the form of worn leather.

East style

Identity oriental style The interior combines the design of many Eastern and African countries. Each of them has its own characteristics, but it is definitely suitable for those who want to fill their lives after minimalist interiors. The luxury of the East, ornate patterns, rich decor, bright colors can be afforded by true connoisseurs of culture.

Greek style

Greek style is a majestic interior design that can also be described as simple expressiveness. Color design performed in the following scale:

  • cornflower;
  • citric;
  • walnut;
  • green.

Greek style will look great in an interior with high ceilings. You can complement the design with stucco and install supports in the form of columns. For wall decoration it is used with imitation of marble masonry. As a decoration, you can paint surfaces on the theme of mythology.

All openings are designed in the form of arches; baguettes or pilasters are used to decorate them. Unglazed tiles imitating small pebbles or sand are laid on the floor. The decor may include sheep skins and homemade runners. Furniture in this style is installed on curved legs. All surfaces are made of light materials and can be complemented with forged decor.

You should know this! IN greek style A large kitchen table of simple and modest shape is a must.

Russian style

The Russian style in the interior is characterized by several directions. The first is the design of the premises is similar to a Russian hut. This is a small Russian fairy tale, which is emphasized by the textured, roughly processed wood. This design can only be fully revealed over large areas. Metal is used as additional decoration.

A more modern version is a tower, in which all surfaces are already well sanded and can be varnished. Parquet boards can be laid on the floor. Ornate carvings or ornaments serve as decoration, and there is also mosaic on the walls and floor. There is a lot of gilding in the design, embossing is made from metal, which basically decorates the entire home.

Textiles in the interior are decorated with embroidery, to which gold or silver threads, pearls or beads can be added. The room can be filled with modern but simple furniture with modest upholstery. Hand painting is appropriate in the design, including on the ceiling, as well as stucco. A mandatory attribute of the Russian style is the presence of a good-quality carpet on the floor.

Retro direction

The retro style in the interior takes us back to the last century. Each decade was characterized by its own trends in design; they are also called subdirections of retro design. However, there are few differences: the furnishings of the apartment, the color palette and decorative items.

Rustic style

Rustic style is the most natural design of a room. It combined the country style with the Russian original system. The main goal is the maximum use of combined natural materials with minimal processing in conjunction with the achievements of scientific progress.

On the one hand, the brutal design, on the other, the stunningly harmonious and comfortable interior attracts with its tranquility. It's a good place to take a break from the city rhythm of life. The rustic style will organically fit into city ​​apartment, and in a private house.

Pop art style

This is a holiday style, it is suitable for interiors inhabited mainly by young people. Main focuses of the direction:

  • plenty of gloss;
  • color design in contrast;
  • acid shades;
  • the presence of posters and posters with autographs of idols;
  • lighting in the form of diode or neon strip, spotlights can be installed;
  • art object - empty cans or bottles as vases.

Multifunctional furniture, most often used. Leather is preferred for sofa upholstery, but synthetic fabrics are preferred for ottomans and armchairs. It is necessary to have small oval or round tables in the interior. As a final accent, you can throw a few acid-colored rugs on the floor.

Design styles

As is known, paragraph– this is the part of the text between two presses of the Enter key, i.e. any heading is a paragraph. The paragraph has several settings and, of course, it would not be rational to repeat all the settings from the beginning every time you type a new heading. For this purpose, Word introduced the concept of design style.

Design style– this is a named set of settings for design parameters (font, paragraph).

When it is necessary to format a paragraph, a ready-made style is most often used. This speeds up the typing process and ensures consistency across all paragraphs in a given style. A number of style presets can be seen in the Style combo box on the Formatting toolbar. To format one paragraph by style, just place the cursor anywhere in the paragraph, open the “Style” list and click on the selected style. When formatting multiple paragraphs, you need to highlight them.

If the listed styles in the “Style” field are not enough, you can use the FORMAT STYLE menu, which will bring up a style selection dialog box. In the “Styles” list, select the required style (in the same window there is a description of the style and a sample).

You can create your own style based on one of the selected ones by clicking the “Create” button, which will open the “Change Style” dialog box. In the “Name” field, enter the name of the style to be created, and in the “Based on style” field, indicate the style on which it is based. Specify the style of the next paragraph and, by clicking the “Format” button, specify the parameters of the font, paragraph, border, frame, etc.

The created styles are saved with the document. If they were successful, it makes sense to save them separately from the document as a template. Then they can be used in other documents. You can create a template based on a finished document by saving it using the FILE SAVE AS menu and selecting “Document Template” in the “File type” combo box.

Word 2000 has special remedy registration Topics. The theme combines the following design elements:

· background pattern;

· styles of headings and body text;

· style of design of bulleted lists;

· style of graphic elements (lines).

The menu is accessed using the TOPIC FORMAT command.

Creating formulas. The Word word processor is equipped with the Microsoft Equation 3.0 formula editor, which allows you to create formulaic expressions and insert them into text. The formula editor is launched through the INSERT OBJECT menu, and the Microsoft Equation 3.0 object is selected in the window that opens. The familiar screen view changes to the formula editor menu and the Formula toolbar.

Setting the formula editor style parameters is done by the STYLE DEFINE menu command, which opens a dialog box in which format settings (typeface, bold, italic) are set for text, functions, symbols, numbers, etc. If the body of the document is developed based on the “Normal” template, then a good appearance formulas are obtained when setting sizes using the “Default” button.

To set formulas, use the “Formula” toolbar (Figure 4.7.)

Rice. 4.7. Formula Toolbar

As you can see, it has two rows of buttons: the top row - mathematical symbols, the bottom row - formula templates. Templates provide input fields into which the required text or symbols are typed from the keyboard.

Working with tables, pictures, drawings

Table is a collection of data organized into rows and columns. The table element at the intersection of a row and a column is called cell. Tables in Microsoft Word are a very convenient and visual way to present data. Tables make organizing information into columns easier than using tabs, and improve the appearance.

To work with tables, it is convenient to use the “Tables and Borders” toolbar; the easiest way to access it is by clicking on the button on the “Standard” panel. The content of this panel partially overlaps the content of the Table menu.

Creating a table. To create it, you need to place the cursor in the place where it will be located, go to the “Table” menu and click on the “Add table” line. Use the pointers to select the size of the table, for example, 4 rows and 3 columns. It also gives instructions on the linear dimensions of the cells; they can be set manually or automatically - by default (“Auto”). In this case, the width of the columns will be set depending on the contents of the cells.

It is rational to create tables of complex shapes based on a simple table, then editing it using the drawing method. To do this, the “Border Tables” toolbar has the following tools: “Draw Table”, “Eraser”, “Line Type”, “Line Thickness”, “Border Color”, “Borders”, “Fill”.

To place the keyboard cursor in the table, click on the desired cell, after which you can enter text into the table cells. You can move the cursor between cells using the cursor keys or the mouse by clicking on the desired cell.

Editing and designing a table. To edit a table, you must first select one or more cells where changes will be made. You can select the entire table or part of it by moving the mouse over them with the left key pressed, or in the “Table” menu select the desired selection option.

To change the column width, place the mouse cursor on the column separation line (the cursor will take the form of a double-headed arrow) and drag it along with the line to the desired location. Similarly, you can change the height of the cells.

To clear the contents of a row, column, or individual cell, you need to select them and press the Delete key.

To delete a row, column or individual cell, you need to select them and click on the corresponding row in the “Table” menu to perform the operation.

You can merge cells by selecting them, and in the “Table” menu, click on the “Merge Cells” line. You can split one or more table cells like this:

Select it;

Click in the “Table” menu on the “Split cells” line;

Set the breakdown options and click OK.

Once your table is created, you can add new cells, shading, borders, and other formatting to it.

Sorting data and calculations in tables. You can sort data in a table by one or more columns. When sorting, column headers are usually not involved in the process. Click on any cell of the column by which you want to sort. In the TABLE SORT menu we will enter additional information about the nature of the sorting. Click OK and the action will be completed.

In tables you can add, subtract, average, and perform other mathematical operations. The most common one is to calculate the grand total for column or row data. The “AutoSum” button on the “Tables and Borders” toolbar allows you to automatically calculate the sum of the data located to the left or the sum of the data located above the specified cell.

The table can be convert to text, setting certain separators between the data from the former columns. In this case, the TABLE CONVERT TO TEXT menu is used.

Creating a drawing. Word lets you create your own drawings. The means for their creation make it possible even for a person without artistic abilities to decorate their documents with hand-drawn illustrations and drawings. To work with vector drawings and drawings in Word, a number of tools have been developed, combined in the “Drawing” toolbar. It can be called either as usual through the TOOLBAR VIEW menu, or by clicking the icon on the “Standard” toolbar.

The process of creating a vector drawing consists of three main steps:

1. insertion into the document of drawn objects from a set of graphic primitives, combined in the “AutoShapes” icon (these are lines, arrows, shapes);

2. moving drawn objects around the document, changing their sizes;

3. modification of drawn objects, for example, you can change the line thickness, text color, proportions and shape of primitives.

In order to draw an object, you need to click on its button on the “Drawing” toolbar, then use a drag to expand the object in any area of ​​the drawing being created. To select the newly drawn object, simply click on it. Size markers will appear around it.

You can quickly move the selected object using drag and drop or the cursor keys; more precise movement in small steps is obtained if you combine the cursor keys with holding the Ctrl key.

To change the color of an object's lines, click on the "Line Color" button list on the "Drawing" toolbar and select a color; to change the object's fill color, click on the "Fill Color" button list and select a fill color.

To change the thickness or line style of an object, select the object and then click on the “Line Type” or “Stroke Type” button, respectively.

To add an inscription, click on the “Inscription” button. Then click in the place in the document where the inscription will be located, enter the text in the text window, and when finished, click the mouse somewhere in the document outside the text window.

Another useful property provides the “Object Format” icon. By selecting an object and clicking this button, we call up the “Format AutoShape” dialog box.

In it you can set the fill color, make it translucent or abandon it altogether, i.e. get only a line along the contour (for example, there was a circle - it will become a circle). You can set the color and thickness of the line, or you can abandon it altogether, which is often used in inscriptions so that they do not end up in frames. The “Size” tab shows the dimensions of the object when printed to a printer. By changing the size values ​​in "AutoShape Format", we change the object, and this makes possible creation small drawing to scale.

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Elabuga branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education

"Kazan National Research Technical University them. A.N. Tupolev - KAI"

Course work

in Computer Science

On the topic: Styling documents

Completed by: student of group 22177

Cheburakhtin A.V.

Checked by: Mironova Yu.N.

Yelabuga 2015


Computer science is an applied technical science that systematizes the methods of creating, storing, reproducing, processing and transmitting data (information) using computer technology, as well as the principles of operation of these tools and methods of managing them.

The main task is to study document design styles and automate document text editing

The purpose of systematization is to identify, implement and develop advanced, most effective technologies, to automate the stages of working with data, as well as to provide methodological support for new technological research.

The main tasks of computer science include the following areas for practical applications:

Techniques and methods for editing documents intended for automatic data processing;

Generalization of techniques, creation of styles and information.

The purpose of this work is to study the creation of stylistic design of documents.

Achieving this goal involves achieving the following tasks:

Acquainted with various types document text styles and methods for editing them

The basics of modern information technologies (collection, processing, storage and transmission of information) and trends in their development;

To form general ideas about the possibilities of using computer technology;

Applying styling in Word 2010.

Creating a style

When creating documents, you need to use text styling as much as possible. This allows:

- draw up documents in a single manner;

- speed up the processing of documents;

- quickly change the design of documents

Styling has a number of advantages over manual design:

- Saves time. Applying a style as a set of design elements is much faster than applying them one by one.

- Promotes uniformity of document design. When manually formatted, sections that are identical in design may differ in their formats, but the use of a style introduces rigor into the design of the document.

- Allows you to quickly change the appearance of individual elements throughout the document. In this case, it is enough to make changes to the style, and the design will take effect throughout the document.

There are two types of basic styles in MS Word:

- paragraph style;

- symbol style.

Paragraph style - is a group of formats that affect the entire paragraph as a whole: paragraph font, alignment, indents, etc.

Character style - includes the design that can be applied to characters using the commands in the Format - Font window.

If a style needs to be applied to one paragraph, then just place the cursor anywhere in this paragraph or select the required fragment.

MS Word allows you to apply styles with predefined names to special text elements.

Thus, headings should be described with the styles Heading 1, ..., Heading 3, headers and footers are automatically assigned the style names Footer and Header, etc.

Thus, you can choose a style, change the font, frame option, etc., but it is better to describe the element with a typical name. This is due to the service when working in MS Word.

Styling documents

editing document word style

A style is a named description of the format of paragraphs or characters of text. Instead of manually formatting each paragraph, you can define a style and customize the settings you want. You can then apply this style to any block of text; as a result, the style parameters will be transferred to a specific fragment of the document.

Any text character always has two styles: paragraph and character. By default, MS Word assigns the paragraph style to the text. Regular and character style Basic paragraph font.

By preparing custom styles for certain text elements (such as figure captions), you can customize the format of all captions by simply adjusting the appropriate style. Using styles, you can perform any text formatting. In the absence of sufficient experience, this approach will require additional time, but by learning how to change the design of documents by manipulating styles, you can save many hours.

Most often, new documents are created based on a template that already contains predefined styles. Let us list the groups of these styles.

Heading style. To support the multi-level structure of the document, headings of various levels are used. In order to be able to automate the compilation of a table of contents or table of contents in the future, headings must be formatted using styles, observing the hierarchy. The heading is treated as a paragraph.

Text style. The most common styles are Normal and Body Text, as well as their modifications.

List style. Allows you to quickly design bulleted and numbered lists. The standard set consists of a fairly limited set of such styles, but it can be expanded with custom styles.

Hyperlink style. The Hyperlink style is used to design links to web documents.

Since heading styles are arranged in a certain hierarchical structure, style design can be used when building the structure of a document, giving the styles appropriate names that determine their place in the hierarchy. To design paragraphs and their fragments, you can also build a hierarchy by building the necessary styles and giving them appropriate names.

In addition to standard styles and their redefinition, the user can create his own, either based on existing ones or completely, from start to finish, designing the elements himself. Typically, you have to resort to this technique in cases where there is a need to frequently use the same character and paragraph formatting that is not provided for by the styles offered by Word.

In the Create Style dialog box (Fig. 1), you must specify the name of the style, whether it is a paragraph, character or table style, what style it is based on (or indicate the absence of a base style), and what the style of the paragraph following this style will be. Then the necessary formatting elements are indicated: font, size, effects, etc.

Figure 1. Creating a style

Custom styles are applied in the same way as standard styles.

Styles can be included in a template if you select the appropriate checkbox when creating a style. In addition, the style can be edited directly by opening it in MS Word and making the necessary changes in the same way as editing a document.

Word 2010 Document Styles: Convenient, Fast, Effective

In previous versions of Microsoft Word (up to and including 2003), styles were not given enough attention and were probably unheard of. In Word 2007 and 2010, styles are placed on the main tab, and it is impossible not to notice them (Fig. 2). Why are they so remarkable, and how to work with them?

Figure 2. Styles on the main tab

Imagine that you are working on a fairly voluminous material of ten pages or more. Having formatted the text, but were dissatisfied with the chosen font, color scheme etc. Scroll through the entire document and manually change the design? A very unpleasant procedure.

But if you use styles for design, you won’t have to do such tedious work. It is enough to change several parameters of one header so that they all change in accordance with the new requirements.

Styles are convenient when designing a large number of documents of the same type. Perhaps use them within an organization to create a “corporate standard.” In addition, using styles, you set the structure of the document, making it easier to navigate and build a table of contents.

Let's look at working with Word 2010 styles using the example of a document with the text of the law “On the Legal Protection of Programs”.

1. Without any registration;

2. Marked up with standard styles;

3. Marked up with custom styles.

To get started, we need the first document. The rest will be needed to demonstrate the results during the story.

Markup with standard styles

First, we'll look at using standard style sets. Everything is quite simple here. Select a piece of text and click on the button for the corresponding style. See the whole set (Fig. 3).

Figure 3. The entire set of styles

As you can see, there are several levels of headings, quotes, paragraphs, names of various objects, etc. The Normal style is the default for text. You don't need to assign it specifically, but you can apply it to text to remove the specified design. Alternative option return to regular style- key combination . This way you can quickly clear the entire document of structure and design elements. Clicking , return the document to the standard set of styles, removing manually added formatting.

When marking titles and headings, do not pay attention to the appearance of the text fragments for now. They may look bulky, but we'll work on that later.

It would be quite logical to define chapters in the text as headings of the first level, and articles as headings of the second. Some paragraphs can be formatted as a bulleted list, and terms can be highlighted in a strict style or simply in bold.

After marking the structure, the document looks much better than solid text, but the same effect can be achieved by setting specific design parameters. It would just take more time.

Now you can see how easy it is to completely change the design of a document by changing only a set of styles (Fig. 4). Changes are displayed immediately as soon as you hover over the new menu item.

Figure 4. Selecting a new set of styles

Similarly, you can change the colors, fonts, and paragraph spacing for the current style set.

Creating your own set of styles

If you are not satisfied with any of the standard sets, you can create your own. It's not at all difficult to do this.

Click the button to open the styles window (marked in Fig. 2) to access the settings (Fig. 5). In the Styles window, you can choose between displaying titles and titles with art by checking or clearing the Preview check box.

When changing the Title style, do not make it less cumbersome. This can be achieved in two main ways.

Method 1. Format the title fragment according to your preferences using the font and paragraph settings of the Home tab, then in the Title style menu (Fig. 5) select Update Title to match the selected fragment. The style will be updated and all other titles, if present in your document, will also change their appearance.

Method 2: Hover over the line with the name of the style and click the drop-down button that appears on the right. In the menu, select Edit (see Fig. 4). Please note that if you click on the line itself, the corresponding style will be applied to the selected fragment, or to future text from the current cursor position, if the fragment is not selected, a menu button is needed.

Figure 5. Style menu

A window will open (Fig. 6), where you can select a style from another set or configure many parameters yourself, for example, change the font size or text color. Notice the Next Paragraph Style list. If you specify the same style that you are setting up now, then a new paragraph (after pressing the key ) will be decorated the same way. When setting up headings, it is better to specify Normal here, because in the vast majority of cases, the heading is followed by ordinary text. But, for example, for a first-level heading, you can also specify a subheading here.

Figure 6. Style change window

If one of the styles may seem unnecessary for a particular style, it is possible to remove it from the menu (Fig. 5), but you should not always abandon it completely. Uncheck Add to Quick Styles to remove the extra button from the Home tab, keeping only the styles you use most. The rest can be accessed by opening the floating window.

By checking the Update automatically checkbox, the style and, accordingly, the design of all text fragments using it will change each time you apply a new setting to the text (automatic analogue of the first method).

In general, there are not as many settings on the change window as can be found on the Main tab. To access the rest, click the Format button and select the group of parameters you need from the list (Fig. 7).

Figure 7. Style formatting settings

For example, by clicking on the Border item, the standard Borders and Fill window will appear (Fig. 7). Here you can add an underline to the title along the left and bottom edges.

Figure 8. Borders and fills

Thus, when using styles, you significantly increase the efficiency of your work. They not only allow you to quickly change the design of documents, but also determine the structure used when reading, searching, and creating a table of contents. It’s not for nothing that in Word 2010 styles are given such a prominent place in the interface.

Comparative characteristics in Microsoft Word 2007 and 2003, design styles

Have you ever come across a book without a table of contents? Well, let’s say that sometimes such a move is justified in fiction books... But what if this is a textbook on quantum mechanics?

So, let's start the comparative analysis - let's start creating a table of contents in Microsoft Word 2007 and 2003.

Before you create a table of contents for a document, you need to format its contents. And not just like that, but with the help of design styles. Why is this so? Because, having set formatting standards once, we can apply them at any time to each part of the text - headings, subheadings, main text, etc.

We won’t have to remember on page three hundred how we designed a similar paragraph on page fifty-four; we’ll simply select the text and click on the style we need. There will be no need to go back to page 54, remember formats, go back to page 300 and perform a bunch of unnecessary actions.

The structure of the text in this example will be as follows: Section - Subsection - Main text.

To create an automatic table of contents, we will first need to assign styles to each text element. It's pretty simple.

Word 2007: in the Home tab, in the Styles block, click on the arrow icon in the lower right corner:

Figure 9. Word 2007 Styles

Word 2003: in the Format menu, click on Styles and Formatting:

Figure 10. Word 2003 Styles

Now the Styles menu appears on the right side of the window. First you need to create a new style to design our main text - by clicking on the Create style button in the lower right corner of the Styles menu:

Figure 11. Creating a Word 2007 Style

In the Create Style dialog box that opens, set the basic parameters for the main text.

Name: Paragraph

Style: Paragraph

Based on Style: Regular

Next paragraph style: Paragraph (or your choice of style name)

Font: Times New Roman (this is a matter of taste)

Size: 14 pt

Alignment: Width

Interval: One and a half

Figure 11.1 Creating a Word 2007 Style

But that's not all, you need to set the paragraph parameters. To do this, in the lower right corner of the Create Style dialog box, click on the Format button and select Paragraph:

Figure 12. Paragraph

In the Paragraph dialog box that opens, in the Indents and Spacing tab, set the necessary parameters.

Figure 12.1. Paragraph

Click OK in this dialog box and again in the Create Style window.

Now you need to apply it now.

Select part of the main text and in the Styles menu, click on the Paragraph style:

Figure 13. Applying styles

Pay attention to Figure 13, the text has taken the form that was previously set for it in the style parameters.

Everything is ready to automatically create a table of contents. First you need to number the pages of the document.

Word 2007: going to the Insert tab and in the Header and Footer block, clicking on the Page Number button. By selecting the menu item at the bottom of the page and clicking Simple number 2 in the drop-down list (Fig. 14):

Figure 14. Page Number

After inserting the numbers, click the Escape button on your keyboard or on the toolbar, click the Close Header and Footer Window button to return to normal mode:

Word 2003: In the Insert menu, click on Page Numbers. In the dialog box that opens, you must set the following parameters:

Position: Bottom of page

Alignment: Center

Figure 15. Page numbers

The table of contents is placed at the beginning of the document, so it is necessary to allocate a separate page.

Word 2007: you need to place the cursor before the beginning of the text, Insert tab and in the Pages block by clicking on the Page Break button:

Figure 16. Page break

Word 2003: you need to place the cursor before the beginning of the text and select Page Break from the Insert menu. In the dialog box that opens, select Start new page and click OK:

Figure 16.1. Page break

Word 2007: Going to the Links tab and in the Table of Contents block, you must click on the button of the same name. In the drop-down menu, select Auto-assembled table of contents 1:

Figure 17. Contents

Word 2003: in the Insert menu, select Links and in the drop-down list, click on Table of Contents and Indexes. In the dialog box that opens, go to the Table of Contents tab and click OK:

Figure 18. Table of contents and indexes

Firstly, the contents of the table of contents can be edited completely freely.

Secondly, it happens that after creating the table of contents, we needed to change something in the text of the document. Naturally, after such a procedure, the pages may shift, and perhaps for some reason they were forced to change the heading names.

The contents of the table of contents do not change automatically, but we can tell it that it would be nice to show up-to-date information about the contents of our document.

This is done very simply. You need to right-click anywhere above the table of contents and select Update Field from the context menu that appears:

Figure 19. Update field

In the dialog box that appears, we are offered two options to choose from:

Update page numbers only - should be selected if you made changes only to the main text, did not change the heading names, and did not add new sections, subsections, etc.

Update entirely - should be selected if changes were made to the names of the headings, new ones were added or old ones were deleted, etc.

Thus, we carried out comparative analysis styling in Microsoft Word 2007 and 2003.


Thus, having considered the topic “Styling of documents” we can draw the following conclusions:

A style is a named description of the format of paragraphs or characters of text.

Styles are convenient when designing a large number of documents of the same type.

By preparing custom styles for specific text elements, you can customize the format of all captions by simply adjusting the appropriate style. Using styles, you can perform any text formatting. In the absence of sufficient experience, this approach will require additional time, but by learning how to change the design of documents by manipulating styles, you can save many hours.

Paragraph style, character style, and manual formatting can be applied to the same text. They are arranged in a certain hierarchy: manual formatting takes precedence over character formatting, and character style takes precedence over paragraph style.

Each template or document stores only those styles that were created or changed when working with this particular document or template. Changing the style in the current document does not affect other documents in the same style. But sometimes you need to copy a style from one document to another. You can do this as follows.

When using styles, the efficiency of your work increases significantly. They not only allow you to quickly change the design of documents, but also determine the structure used when reading, searching, and creating a table of contents.

In addition to standard styles and their redefinition, the user can create his own, either based on existing ones or completely, from start to finish, designing the elements himself.

A well-thought-out template with styles will help increase the efficiency of work and your colleagues, as well as bring many similar documents to a single design standard.


1. Computer science: textbook. manual / L. S. Taganov, A. G. Pimonov; Kuzbass. state tech. univ. - Kemerovo, 2010. - 330 p.

2. Kudinov Yu. I., Pashchenko F. F. K 88 Fundamentals of modern computer science: Textbook. 2nd ed., rev. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Lan", 2011. - 256 p.

3. Mironova Yu.N. Computer science. Tutorial. Elabuga: EF KSTU named after. A.N. Tupolev, 2010 - 164 p.

Posted on Allbest.ur

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In the modern world of design, there are many interior design styles, ranging from minimalism to luxurious baroque, each of which is famous for its individuality and history of origin.

This is why it can be very difficult for us to determine the most suitable style for decorating our home. To help you cope with this task, in our article we offer you a brief description of the most popular home decor themes.

Classic interior design style

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Modern interior design style

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Interior design styles - Rococo, Baroque, Renaissance

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Interior decoration in Provence style

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Competent document design involves designing it using styles. Concept style includes a set of text design parameters - paragraphs, font, framing, etc. By formatting a paragraph with any style, you can, in one step (one action), apply to this text a whole group of previously specified formats for the design of all its elements. Styles help ensure consistent formatting and allow you to quickly update the appearance of your document without manually reformatting text.

In a programme Word for Windows has a standard set of styles with which you can format both simple paragraphs and headings, captions under pictures, table of contents elements, etc. Default when typing Word applies the Normal style Normal ). When creating text elements such as headings, footnotes, and tables, you can also apply one of the standard styles available in all documents Word , for example any of the header styles. Styles can be used in their standard form, i.e. As they are, you can change any components of standard styles or create your own styles.

Word processor Word comes with pre-formatted document models, or templates, which help in creating common types of documents. When a new document is created, all the basic styles are copied into it from the template on which it is based.

Applying Standard Styles

In order to format a piece of text with any style, you need to select it or place the cursor in a paragraph if only one will be reformatted, and select the required style from the Styles group on the Home tab. After this, the paragraph in which the cursor is located, or a group of selected paragraphs, is reformatted, subject to the parameters of the selected style.

You can assign a style to a paragraph using the Styles panel (it appears when you click the Styles category button on the Home tab). The list of available styles can be expanded or changed. To do this, click the arrow next to the Edit styles button and select the desired set of styles. You can also open the Styles toolbar by clicking on the Styles group button and select the desired style from this list.

Editing styles

Program Word for Windows allows you not only to create, but also to edit your own and standard styles. It is important to remember that the names of standard styles cannot be changed.

There are several methods for editing styles in the new version of the program. The simplest is to point to the name of the style to be edited in the list of styles in the toolbar, then click on the drop-down arrow on the right and select the Edit command, then in the dialog box that opens, click on the Format button and, selecting the desired parameters, change them. Note that a style change can only be saved for this document or for newly created documents based on a template attached to the document.

Create your own styles

When editing a document, you may need to create your own design styles. You can create your own style by clicking the Create Style button on the Styles panel. In the Create Style dialog box New Style), you must assign a name to the new style, while defining the base style (the Based on style field, English. Based On) and the paragraph style that will be created after pressing the key Enter while typing (Next paragraph style field, English. Style for Following Paragraph) .

In the Create Style dialog box, click the Format button. Format ), then the style formatting parameters are sequentially selected (Font, English. Font, Paragraph, English Paragraph; Border, English border, Tabulation, English Tabs etc.) and their values ​​are determined.

In order for the created style to be available for all documents based on the current template, you must select the In new documents using this template radio button. The style creation process is completed by clicking OK in the Style Creation dialog menu. Please note that after the style is completed, the paragraph in which the cursor was positioned is reformatted with the created style.

If in the program settings (menu section File - Options - Advanced - Save) the Request to save template Normal switch is selected, then in order to save style changes in the template, you must answer affirmatively to the system's request to save changes in the template.

You can create a new style using the example of an already designed paragraph. To do this, you need to select a paragraph, the design of which is supposed to be saved as a new independent style. In the Styles category on the Home tab, select Save Selection as a New Quick Style. In the dialog box that opens, enter a name for the new style. If necessary, enter the style created using this method into the template using the Style – Edit command and selecting the In new documents that use this template switch.

Renaming, copying and transferring styles

While editing a document, you may need to rename user-created styles. To do this, click the Manage Styles button on the Styles toolbar. In the dialog box that opens, click on the Import / Export button and in the Organizer dialog box that opens, you can copy, delete and rename document styles.

In Draft view of a document, you can display style names in a special style area. To do this, in the menu section File - Options in the Advanced category, Screen group, select the command Width of the style bar in draft and structure modes and set the width of the style bar (1.8 cm).

The program distinguishes between paragraph and character styles; when creating a style, you can specify that created style will be a character style, not a paragraph style, and use it to format individual characters. The program can provide consistent formatting by using character styles to highlight individual words or phrases. You can use the Theme command from the Page Layout tab to see how using a different theme will change the look of your document.

For reference

When working with paragraph styling, it is important to follow certain rules.

  • 1. You should not apply paragraph formatting through the Format – Font and Format – Paragraph menu sections if the paragraph has already been assigned a specific style. Otherwise, the program will consider that manual formatting has a higher priority than style formatting, and in the future, if the style is changed, the manually reformatted fragments will remain unchanged.
  • 2. If during your work manual formatting was applied to a fragment formatted with styles, and then it became necessary to restore the standard formatting with styles again, you need to redefine this style again. Please note that for Word 2003 in this case the following actions are performed:
    • a fragment is highlighted;
    • assigns the same style to the fragment;
    • When asked by the program Override style, select the answer option Override – Format the selected fragment using this style.