Interior in English style: description and photo examples. English style in the interior of an apartment: a new look at a bygone era

Interior in english style is the general name for various trends in design and architecture that have developed in Great Britain from the Middle Ages to the present day. British style may appeal to its elegant restraint, classic luxury, high quality materials, the presence of many decorative elements in the absence of flashy accents. In its finished form, it is an example of elegance and good taste. But to recreate it in its entirety will require a significant investment.

The color palette usually consists of three or four colors that make the room cozy and inviting. Colors can be either bright or muted. Modern English style in the interior is distinguished by many romantic patterns and floral prints. The British are also fans of muted red. It can be found on large-checked carpets and rugs. White cabinets are quite popular.

Fabric selection

There is an abundance of different fabrics here. Soft sofas upholstered in plush or leather, pillows made of corrugated fabric and lace window curtains look absolutely harmonious. Chintz with floral or printed polka dots and damask are the most popular materials. The interesting thing is that they can all be combined in one room, where large prints are usually combined with small ones.


The classic English style in the interior is represented by Victorian furniture. The predominant material is light or dark wood. It can be painted, stenciled and have an antique look. Tables, chests of drawers and bookshelves are usually made of oak, mahogany or pine. Accents such as drawer pulls can be made from brass. Sofas and chairs are usually low-slung and covered in soft tapestry. Soften the hard appearance wooden chairs and seats with soft cushions.


English Colonial interior design features heavy coat racks, built-in bookshelves and china cabinets throughout the home. They display beautiful objects and family heirlooms. For example, tea sets, straw baskets or photographs in luxurious gilded frames.


Rather, soft, diffused lighting is assumed, rather than the presence of one main light source in the form of a lamp on the ceiling. Therefore, you should make a choice in favor of sconces, table lamps and floor lamps that give soft warm light. You can complement the interior of the hall with candles in elegant gilded candlesticks.

The English-style décor, inspired by Colonial Britain, emphasizes the functionality of furniture and objects that have an antique yet solid appearance. The furniture is decorated with fittings: pilasters, beautiful handles and keyhole shields.

In addition, the design of the rooms will be complemented by:

  • Carpet with a spectacular pattern;
  • Gilded decorative elements;
  • English style tiles;
  • Wallpaper, lamps and windows in English style;
  • Cushions on the window sills;
  • Richly patterned floor;
  • Furniture with curved legs.

This direction is an interweaving centuries-old traditions UK from modern technologies. It will appeal to lovers of home libraries, the comfort of a fireplace, as well as porcelain collectors.

Decorating Tips

  1. Used furniture can be painted and then lightly sanded to give it an antique look.
  2. Covering sofas and chairs is an easy way to recreate the spirit of the region's homes without having to buy new furniture.
  3. Small family photos can be enlarged and hung on the wall. Old faded photographs can be restored by contacting a photo studio.

English style furniture and necessary interior items

To connect successfully modern interior and apartment design in the English style, it is necessary to supplement the space with the following items:


It is difficult to imagine a true British home without the comfort of a burning fireplace. In the original it should be real fireplace, but it can be replaced with a modern electric one. You can convey the spirit of antiquity using natural stone cladding of the portal or brickwork, and also arrange the furniture so that it faces the fireplace. The soft woolen rugs around it will add ambiance.

Chesterfield sofa

The interior of an English-style apartment necessarily includes this piece of furniture. Coming to us from the 18th century, it looks modern, luxurious and fashionable. The sofa can be made in various interpretations: from dark chocolate leather to soft plush upholstery in various color scheme. Often this sofa becomes the most bright accent living room.


Every English home has a place for a collection of books. This can be either a separate room or a wooden shelving that covers the entire wall. It is recommended to recreate the English style in the interior of an apartment in the library with the help of a couple soft chairs, low table and floor lamp.

Staircase in English style

A staircase made in an aristocratic spirit will become a real decoration of the house. It can be made contrasting by painting the railings and the space between the steps in a light shade and leaving the steps themselves the color of wood.

Fireplace chairs

A special piece of furniture is the fireplace chair, upholstered in velvet or genuine leather. An English-style room, as you know, breathes comfort and luxury. Therefore, all furniture must have soft upholstery(can be quilted) and comfortable armrests made of dense high quality fabric.

English-style kitchen - modernity in an old-fashioned wrapper

A kitchen in this direction has a peaceful, comfortable and slightly “old-fashioned” feel. Traditional kitchens sometimes include an English-style cozy chair. A sofa or comfortable chairs provide a place to sit and socialize in a homely environment. Ceiling beams, arched doorways and kitchen islands are typical features of a kitchen in such an interior.


The kitchen interior in a classic English style has the following color schemes: Antique white, light grey, light yellow, soft cream and other pastel shades. Details such as curtains, canopies, kitchen towels, seat cushions and tablecloths provide excellent opportunities to distribute bright color accents.


The most important thing you need to rely on when choosing a material for your kitchen is reliability. Therefore, in order to create a design that will last for many years, it is important to choose high-quality materials. Mainly used a natural stone, wood and marble, furniture and kitchen set of which is decorated with expensive gilded fittings and carvings.

Cabinets and kitchen islands

You can bring the desired “antique” effect to an English-style dining room with the help of glazed kitchen cabinets painted white. A built-in buffet has two functions: it displays beautiful kitchen items and also serves as storage space. Glass cabinet doors and open shelves filled with woven baskets, old teapots, Chinese dishes and other antiques add a special charm and coziness.

English style dishes and accessories

In the kitchen, hang pictures that convey the British spirit. These could be images of picturesque countryside, farm animals or hunting scenes. A great addition would be copper pots, old jugs, collections of teapots, cups and saucers or antique kitchenware located on open shelves and cabinets.

Kitchen designs may include a kitchen island surrounded by chairs with vertical divider backs and woven seats. And for work surface It is best to use granite.

English-style bedroom: an island of calm and comfort in the home

To convey the English style in bedroom interior design, you cannot do without a truly royal bed. Ideal option will become a luxurious bed with a high, upholstered canopy headboard and beautiful carvings, made of natural wood dark breeds. The atmosphere in the bedroom will also be created by the presence of a variety of fabrics: curtains with drapery, bedspreads with embroidered small flowers, checkered blankets and several pillows of different sizes.

Living room in English style - the hearth and soul of the home

The living room in this design is ideal for comfortable rest. Thanks to climatic features region, characteristic feature Such a home is the presence of “insulating” parts. First of all, a fireplace, as well as deep armchairs and sofas with high backs and “ears” that protect the seated person from drafts.

The English style in the interior of the living room is represented by a centrally located dining table and sofa. It should be noted that an important element are bookshelves, which sometimes occupy the entire height and width of the wall. The decor uses an abundance of accessories: pillows, openwork napkins, porcelain objects. As for colors, the British prefer cream, honey, dark red and beige tones.

What materials predominate in a living room with a fireplace? Natural wood is suitable for the floor dark colors or laminate in a large checkered pattern, which will visually expand the room. The walls are treated with exposed varnish wall panels, wallpaper, and also fabric. You can put a light carpet with floral patterns on the floor.

Bathroom in English style

To implement the design idea, it is desirable to have a spacious bathroom. According to the design requirements, pieces of furniture must be arranged so that you can move between them without difficulty, which is difficult to achieve if the bathroom is ultra small.

Traditionally, the bathroom interior is decorated using contrasting black and white ceramic tiles. But this is not the only option. You can also treat walls with wallpaper and wood. In this case, the lower part is covered with wooden panels, and the upper part is covered with wallpaper with a floral pattern. The top should always be lighter than the bottom.

To embody this classic trend, you need a special retro-style bathtub. It should be cast iron, with oddly shaped legs made of forged metal. The use of modern ergonomic appliances in a bathroom inspired by the design of this region is unacceptable.

Entrance hall in English style

The home of the true inhabitants of Foggy Albion can be met in different ways: from a huge empty hall to a small room with a set of the most necessary furniture. Already here you can see the British love for antique things, and the entrances to neighboring rooms are most often draped with heavy curtains.

Children's room in English style

A children's room should ideally be divided into zones: a playroom, a bedroom and a work desk (if the child goes to school). As for the color scheme, you can use traditional tones for decoration: cream, beige, pale pink and white in combination with more saturated shades (burgundy, green, brick color and red).

For a girl, romantic patterns with small flowers are suitable, and for a boy, an adventure or marine theme. A popular solution is also to use the colors of the UK flag. Children's furniture in the English style usually includes a bed with many pull-out shelves underneath and several wardrobes.

English style house

The house in this design seems to have stepped out of the pages of Jane Austen or a collection of fairy tales for children. Typically, it has two floors and is surrounded by a garden. Stone and brick are used for cladding, but they can be combined with wood. These materials provide durability due to their moisture-resistant properties. The facade of the house in the English style is massive, reliable and has high windows. The layout of the house includes a fireplace.

Tudor style house

Such a house is easily recognizable by its symmetrical shape, a tower above the main entrance and a glazed veranda. The basis of the house is a load-bearing beam frame filled with clay, brick or foam concrete. The English style in the interior of a house in the Tudor spirit means the first floor is made of stone, and the second and third are lined with light plaster.

“Country” house

The main feature of a house in the “country” direction is the use natural materials: stone and wood. Most often this is a one-story building of correct proportions with an attic that is reserved for the bedroom. It is characterized by semi-circular roofs, reminiscent of the thatched roofs of Shakespeare's time. The sides of the house can be finished with tiles or stucco. The interior of the house in the English country style includes a fireplace, and from the outside of the house you can see a protruding chimney.

Also watch a video about one beautiful English interior:

The English style used in interior design is characterized by restraint combined with richness. This design direction creates a feeling of stability and prosperity, but at the same time it is not characterized by manifestations of luxury and all sorts of excesses. It is quite difficult to recreate the English style in the interior of a small apartment, because it requires space and good lighting. However there is various ways stylization of premises. They allow you to create a special mood characteristic of this style, while maintaining the functionality of each room.

Distinctive features of the English style

Entering a house decorated in English traditions, a person immediately feels the good quality of the entire environment. This style clearly speaks of the owner’s wealth and his thorough approach to everything. All furnishings and finishing elements are of high quality. The furniture is quite massive, but not without sophistication and elegance. They can be read in light floral patterns, decorative carvings, curved lines of legs and other details.

The classic colors of the English style are red, green and brown. Traditional plaid is often used in upholstery of upholstered furniture. Although, modern stylizations allow the use of a different color scheme if required by the design idea or other circumstances.

Wooden furniture is preferable. The upholstery is most often made of high-quality expensive fabric with a rich texture. Less commonly, genuine leather can be used.

High quality, preferably natural materials, must be used in all finishing elements. So, for the floor it is best to choose parquet or laminate that imitates parquet board. The walls can be painted or wallpapered. The most commonly used are paper or textile.

Large horizontal paintings and porcelain figurines can be used as decoration. A fireplace will look great in an English interior.

interior in beige tones

beautiful interior

Light room

How to recreate the English style in a small apartment?

If the area of ​​your apartment does not allow you to use all the characteristic elements characteristic of the English style, then you can easily apply stylization. To do this, you need to know some techniques, choose the right furniture, work on the color scheme, and use traditional decor.

Selection of colors

To visually enlarge a room, make it lighter, fill it with air, just choose the right color scheme. As for the English style, it is traditionally dominated by calm, moderately saturated shades of red, green and brown. If you apply them pastel shades as the main ones, the room will become brighter and more spacious. To make the interior expressive, add small elements made of natural dark wood. It is best to keep the floor in medium tones, and leave the ceiling white or cream.

small room

living room with fireplace

room with beige furniture

Furniture selection

Applying English style in the interior of a small apartment, pay attention to Special attention to choose furniture. It is important to maintain a “golden mean” here. Furnishings should be of good quality, solid, but moderately massive. So, sofas and armchairs are best to choose rectangular shapes. The English style in them should be indicated by decorative wooden elements, curved legs, small pillows of traditional colors, and upholstery material.

Install light wood cabinet furniture in the living room and office. The English style is characterized by narrow bookshelves reaching the ceiling height. They won't take up much space and will create a special mood. It is better to leave some of the shelves here completely open, and some to be glazed. This way you can create interesting design using classical techniques.

original furniture

As for the bedroom, the bed will help create a special mood. Its size is not important. What you should pay attention to is the style. The headboard must be wooden, with carvings characteristic of the English style. It is a good idea to purchase nightstands and dressing tables to go with the bed.

Kitchen furniture should also be stylized. For a small apartment you can purchase a set standard sizes. It is advisable to give preference to light wood tones. Paneled facades will give the entire kitchen a special English elegance. All that remains is to choose a simple dining table and chairs without unnecessary decor.

antique furniture

living-dining room

bright living room with fireplace

Interior decoration

If the living room area allows, you can install a small fireplace. It can be decorated with carved wood or marble. It is advisable to place shelves for souvenirs above the fireplace. Porcelain figurines will look great on them. Hang one large painting on the wall. This way you can recreate a special mood in a small apartment.

2 armchairs in the interior

Characteristic of the English style and a large number of textiles These are carpets on the floor, rugs, curtains with frills and tiebacks, decorative pillows. All this can be used in a small apartment. However, it is important to remember proportionality. Let the sofa in the living room be decorated with pillows, but there should not be too many of them. You can hang voluminous interesting curtains on the window, but in this case they will dominate. This means that the rest of the interior should be more modest. If the windows are not completely open, then it is better to hang unobtrusive Roman blinds with a characteristic pattern, and use something else as the center of the composition.

sofa as a bright dominant

elegant furniture

stylish design living room

So, the English style in the interior of a small apartment will look quite appropriate if you thoughtfully approach the choice of furniture, decor and finishing materials. Follow the basic rules and you can recreate in your home an atmosphere of understated sophistication, not lacking in... home comfort. But before you choose this style, think it over carefully. Keep in mind that in in this case you will have to use only high-quality materials, mostly natural. This means that the cost of repairs will be very significant.

The English style in the interior is chosen by those who honor traditions and stability.

About the classic English design There are legends: this is the most aristocratic style available, originally created for kings and queens, today it looks so impressive that it will add luxury to even the smallest apartment.

This style is also one of the most ancient - it originated in the 18th century at the court of King George I, therefore another name for this style is Georgian.

The classic English style absorbed not only the history of England, but also of the East: Egypt, India, Mauritania.

This happened due to the sharp development of trade and economic relations with these countries.

In this article we will analyze the main elements that characterize the modern English style in different rooms of an apartment or house and add photos so that you can easily repeat them for your apartment or country house.

English style in the bedroom

The first thing that catches your eye in the design of an apartment or house in the English style is the color combination of walls and floors.

It is characterized by restrained classic colors - brown, dark red, terracotta and the like. They are usually diluted with slightly brighter colors: gold, yellow, cream.

Very good for the bedroom floral motifs. Flowers can be on wallpaper, upholstery, bedspreads and pillows.

At the same time, there can be many colors, and it is not at all necessary that they be combined with each other: for example, the pattern of the carpet and the bedroom bedspread can have completely different floral prints.

But be careful, because combining such bright motifs is not so easy. If you're not too design-savvy, start with colors in one place - it could be wallpaper or some kind of furniture, or a cape on it.

Alternatively, copy the modern English style and bedroom design that you like from the photo.

If you want wallpaper in the English style, then decorate it in plaid. This is the most striking feature reflecting the English style in the interior.

Since the Scottish check pattern is very bright, even slightly aggressive, it is not recommended to glue wallpaper with it throughout the room - it is better to let it be one of the walls.

For a country house in which the area of ​​the rooms allows, you can install a fireplace in the bedroom. It is not at all necessary to choose a real one - an imitation is quite suitable for the bedroom, the main thing is its availability.

You can place photo frames, souvenirs and other nice stylish little things on the fireplace.

A bed for an English-style bedroom should in no case be small, both in height and width.

As a rule, such beds are made with legs, and several feather beds are placed on the frame - they make it not only higher, but also softer.

A bedroom bed can have a canopy, but it usually does not cover the entire bed, but is located only at the head of the bed, performing rather a decorative function.

As lighting for the bedroom, you can choose lamps with soft light, framed by cone-shaped lampshades. This is a classic.

The decor for a bedroom in the English style can be paintings with calm scenes (flowers or nature).

Flowers for the bedroom are not uncommon in English interiors. This refers to fresh flowers in vases. You can put them on your bedside table or shelf.

By consistently implementing all these elements, you will be able to create an English bedroom look. Use the photo to better understand how to arrange decorative elements.

And keep in mind that this style does not go well with others, so if you choose to decorate your bedroom in classic style, then follow it to the end.

English style in the main room

For the living room, the owners try to choose the design especially carefully. Which is not surprising, because this room is the heart of the house or apartment, and it is what guests see most often.

And the heart of an English-style living room is, of course, the fireplace. If this is an optional element for the bedroom, then for the living room it is very, very desirable.

It can be artificial, but you can even make it yourself: buy or make a mantelpiece, install a grate and make something similar to a firebox. Here's a fireplace for you.

There are many options - look at the photo.

The English style in the living room interior suggests the presence of decorative elements on the mantelpiece, such as photo frames, useful trinkets or a beautiful clock.

Life is in full swing near the fireplace in the living room. There are usually comfortable armchairs around, the upholstery of which has a tartan style. Although the floral motifs beloved in England are also suitable.

The British love comfort, so the main rule for the living room in the house is that there is never too much seating. In addition to armchairs, you can put a sofa and several ottomans.

There won’t be much space left, but for the English style this is quite acceptable.

Due to the fact that this style does not require a lot of free space, it can be used to decorate even very small apartments.

If you choose this style for the living room of a country house, then, in addition to decorating the space inside the room, you can also work on the windows.

For a classic English style, windows should be made rounded and high, almost to the ceiling. They are usually draped with heavy dark curtains.

Doors in the living room should be solid and wooden. They are usually made of expensive noble wood.

Wallpaper for the living room should not be chosen bright, with floral prints or the famous Scottish mesh - they will visually reduce the space.

There is not much space in an English-style living room due to the large amount of furniture, and there is no need to reduce it further. This is especially important for small apartments.

Wallpaper in calm shades is best suited: beige, golden, or with small ornaments.

There are enough options for decorating a living room in the English style - they can be chosen for both an apartment and a private country house. Photos will help you make your choice.

How to decorate an office in English style

The English style in the interior is unthinkable without an office - if the area of ​​the apartment or house allows it, then it is better to allocate a separate room for it.

Office furniture in this style is always massive, large, and made of wood. It is not cheap - often such furniture is made to order, choosing suitable options from a photo.

However, you can choose a more profitable option - leather furniture. It should also be massive, with large, stable legs.

There won’t be much furniture for the office: usually it’s only an armchair or a sofa and an armchair, so you shouldn’t skimp on it.

Very important element English office - bookshelf. Large, wooden, most often it occupies an entire wall from floor to ceiling. Like all other furniture, it is monumental.

But if the area of ​​your apartment does not allow you to install a closet, then at least make bookshelves. They will also be able to create the necessary surroundings.

English style furniture colors are usually dark: black or dark brown.

A characteristic feature of an English-style office is its many light sources. These include chandeliers, wall sconces, and floor lamps. Of course, the larger the room, the more sources colors.

For indoors small apartment Overhead and table light will be sufficient.

You can choose different wallpapers for your office. Often, upholstery with fabric with classic horizontal stripes is chosen instead.

But if you just want wallpaper, choose colors in warm shades: lemon, yellow, golden pink. Alternative option wallpaper for the office – bright green.

It will look good in a large room in a country house.

But the photo shows several cabinet design options, they will help you decide on the choice of design for your own.

Several kitchen design options

Decorating a kitchen in the English classic style involves a large amount of wood - the furniture must be made of it.

In general, English kitchens gravitate toward durable, real materials: furniture is made of wood, dishes are made of porcelain or silver, sinks are made of ceramics.

There should be no plastic or other cheap elements of an English-style kitchen.

Kitchen furniture is always large: a huge round table for cooking, a large buffet, massive cabinets for dishes.

In Russian realities, the kitchen must also be a dining room, so you really need a lot of space. For a small apartment, choosing a kitchen in this style may not be the best option.

However, the kitchen can be given the spirit of England with the help of decor.

English kitchens are distinguished by an abundance of large and small shelves for souvenirs, photo frames, decorative plates, beautiful jars for storing cereals, gravy boats and similar little things.

English kitchen-dining rooms are unthinkable without classic upholstered chairs. With their help, you can give the desired atmosphere to even small kitchens in apartments.

For a spacious country house kitchen, you can place a large round table and surround it with many wooden chairs.

For the kitchen in big house you can add another classic English element - stucco.

Such elements are used to decorate the base or frieze - such decor instantly transports the visitor to the Victorian era.

For the kitchens of small apartments, such an element may look somewhat heavy, but for a spacious room in a country house it is just right.

In a small apartment you can convey the mood of England with the help of wallpaper.

Wallpaper is an important element of English kitchens. This style does not tolerate any tiles as the main material - except near the sink.

Wallpaper for the kitchen is usually the same as for the living room - dark, expensive, plain or with a small pattern.

Lighting is another important element. These could be candles standing on dining table or bright overhead light sources.

Massive candelabras on the walls also look good, but in a small apartment kitchen they will most likely look out of place.

The windows are covered with heavy fabric curtains. No blinds or others modern materials Not suitable for English cuisine.

In English kitchens, it is customary to hide everything that reminds us of modernity - ovens and refrigerators are placed in cabinets and closed with doors, electric kettles are abandoned, replacing them with classic ones, which should be heated on the stove.

They try to cover hoods and other similar elements with wooden panels.

Decorating a house or apartment in an authentic English style will not be cheap, but if everything is done correctly, the premises will take on a truly royal look.

If space does not allow, then borrow only the most bright elements in English style - wooden chairs and furniture, decorative elements, curtains - everything that will not be so difficult to add to the interior of an ordinary apartment.

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The English style itself is very cozy and soulful, but if it is also “seasoned” with delicate pastel colors, you will get an interior with a twist. In this house in London with traditional English design, light shades of blue, pink, and light green reign, creating a fresh summer atmosphere in the interiors. all year round. Beauty!

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

This design style is suitable for people who value nobility and sophistication. The main foundations of the English style in the interior of an apartment are furniture made of natural wood, expensive textiles, gilding, and a fireplace as decorative elements. The smallest apartment will become luxurious and emphasize the high status of the owner.

Color spectrum

The design of an apartment in the English style is dominated by rich warm shades:

  • dark gray and brown;
  • burgundy and terracotta;
  • bronze and beige;
  • golden and creamy.

These colors will add aristocracy and comfort to the atmosphere. Found in various combinations.

Wall decoration

The English-style apartment has a discreet interior. Choose plaster and wallpaper for walls in discreet colors. Interesting option - paper wallpaper with an expressive English pattern, hiding possible wall defects. Wallpaper with elegant floral patterns is suitable for the bedroom. For the living room, do not choose bright wallpaper with floral prints or Scottish mesh - they visually reduce the space. Give preference to golden, beige tones or small ornaments. Decorate the lower part of the walls with wooden panels or lining and you will give the room medieval royal luxury. The walls can even be covered with wood, as shown in the photo. Three-level walls are popular:

  • first level - wooden panels at a height of approximately 75 cm from the floor. Lacquered wood or panels are used, painted to match the general color of the room's interior;
  • second level - wallpaper. The pattern is large stripes, with floral patterns and small cute flowers;
  • third level - stucco or carved wooden cornice around the entire perimeter of the room.

Use stucco molding carefully so as not to overload a small English-style apartment with it. A whimsical, complex shape is suitable for antique interior design, while simple shapes look beautiful in a modern setting.

Decoration of floors and ceilings

Cover the floor in the bedroom and living room with laminate or parquet. Expensive parquet will be replaced by imitation wood laminate flooring. The floors are covered with luxurious soft carpets. You can cover the entire room with a carpet or leave narrow strips of flooring around the perimeter of the room.

Use tiles in the hallway, kitchen or bathroom. An interesting option is to lay out white and black tiles when renovating an apartment in the English style in a checkerboard pattern or in complex patterns.

In such an interior, the ceilings are multi-level structures with clear contours. Wooden elements are used - skirting boards, beams and plaster decorative details. Decorate the ceiling with a luxurious chandelier.

Furniture selection

For the English style choose massive wooden furniture carved and well polished. This is both an antique and modern furniture. The upholstery of the sofa and armchairs is made of velvet and other expensive fabrics. A lot of expensive textiles - pillows, bedspreads on the sofa, armchairs, bed. A bedroom would not be complete without a high wooden bed with wrought iron elements and a canopy. The number of furniture items depends on the size of the room.

The main design element two-room apartment in the English style there will be a large fireplace installed in the living room. A wood-burning fireplace is suitable for private homes, while an electric fireplace is used in an apartment. It is placed in the central part of the wall, place furniture around it, and hang a picture or a large mirror on top. By the way, the fireplace can even be artificial.<*p>

One-room apartment in English style

IN one-room apartment In the English style, one can also highlight the peculiarity of the interior. This is a wooden shelf with family heirlooms, a small mirror in a carved frame, expensive textiles, crystal. Of course, wooden furniture. In terms of decoration, there are no restrictions - yellow copper, gilding, a beautiful expensive carpet. In a small bathroom, a lamp with frosted lamps, gilded sanitary ware and black and white tiles will help highlight the style.