Children's slide dimensions drawing. Photo gallery: different slide designs. Construction requirements

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All children love to play open areas equipped with swings and sandboxes, but perhaps the most favorite attraction is metal, plastic and wooden slides. And if you have your own country house, and also have children, then you have probably thought about purchasing such an exterior item.

We hasten to please you - you can make a slide yourself, while saving on builders.

Independent production and installation of children's slides made of wood

Nowadays, municipal services are everywhere setting up children's playgrounds in parks, squares, and local areas. For installation, they use small forms ready-made from the manufacturer, forming them into play complexes.

Many people remember how activists and local craftsmen in every yard made homemade wooden children's slides and other simple devices for local children.

Of course, it would be reasonable to argue that there are a myriad of options for children's play equipment on sale in a wide range:

  • From a wide variety of materials.
  • Various configurations.
  • Play complexes with age restrictions.
  • Individual elements (swings, slides, etc.).

But still, someone will be attracted by the option - children's wooden slide with your own hands. This article is aimed at them.

General requirements for gaming equipment

Having decided to set up a children’s island for playing outdoors on your own, first take ready-made drawings of a wooden slide - copied with your own hands or downloaded from the Internet. The basic conditions for creating children's attractions will help you avoid mistakes when developing a project.

Attention! Whatever the manufacturer’s plan for the playground, the main requirement for it is safety.

The instructions for constructing any equipment and devices for children, including children’s slides made of wood, are based on this basic condition:

  • Regardless of the age of the child for whom the slide is designed, it must be equipped with railings and fences. A child who is carried away by a game weakens his attention and may lose his balance. The enclosing elements of the slide will come to his aid.
  • The structure of the building should not contain partitions with cracks or any kind of gaps.. This can lead to serious injuries if parts of the child’s body get into them while running or descending. All elements of the structure must be calculated down to the smallest detail.

Now to the question of why wooden outdoor slides are best suited:

  1. The main time spent on the playground is spent in the hot summer, so a metal slide is less preferable. When its parts become very hot in the sun, they can cause burns in children. IN cold season the metal will freeze, which is also unpleasant.

  1. Execute wooden product Almost anyone can do it on their own. Moreover, at the numerous modern sawmills you can order the production of individual elements of any complexity. All that remains is to assemble and install the structure.
  2. The materials from which it is planned to build a play structure are subject to no less stringent requirements:
    • Environmentally friendly.
    • Fire safety, etc.
  3. The price of lumber is quite affordable.

Assembling a wooden slide

You can start building the slide when everything preparatory stages passed:

  • The drawing was created according to all the rules.
  • All structural parts and fasteners have been prepared.
  • The necessary tools have been collected.

Now directly step-by-step assembly according to the drawing:

  • The descent element is assembled first. It is made from several boards of the same length and width. Of course, the wood base should be carefully sanded for better and safe sliding. The boards are sewn together from below using connecting bars.

Advice! Optimal parameters descent: angle of inclination -55 degrees, length - 1300 mm. This is exactly what factory-made slides are like.

  • We attach the side structural elements to the assembled descent. The side boards are secured on both sides of the descent with self-tapping screws. They should have a slight allowance in length; this allowance extends to the platform for gripping by hand before lowering. The width of the board should provide a kind of sides along the entire length, directing the descent only downwards, preventing the child from falling down the slide halfway.
  • The side parts, as well as the descent, are carefully polished with preliminary cutting (rounding) of all sharp corners and parts. This will protect the hands of children holding onto the sides during the descent.

Depending on the project, the slide is stabilized in several ways:

  1. If the structure is collapsible and portable (to a more convenient place at the moment, for storage during the cold season), then it is a complex of spacers and racks.
  2. Stationary winter wooden slides are installed on supports fixed in the ground, backfilled or even with a light foundation (it all depends on the type of soil).

The slide can be a simple structure, equipped only with a staircase and a platform with fences and railings, or it can have additional structures in the form of:

  • House.
  • Pavilion.
  • A bridge with a whole complex of loopholes, slides, swings, etc.

It’s up to the master to decide what kind of children’s wooden slide it will be like.

And of course, the scope of the imagination of a private manufacturer depends on:

  • The area that can be used for a children's playground.
  • Financial opportunities, etc.

Finishing work

It is very important to implement a set of protective measures wooden structure from:

  • Impacts environment(precipitation, temperature changes, etc.). A primer and coating with paints and varnishes can handle this.
  • Damage and mold, fungus - for these purposes it is first treated with antiseptic compounds.
  • Possible fire. It is good that the final coating layer is non-flammable, you can impregnate the wood with fire retardants before treating the paintwork.
  • Since the product will be located outdoors, choose Decoration Materials with high levels of protection from all external influencing factors.


As you can see, making wooden slides for children on your own site does not require any special construction skills from you. As for tools, you can rent everything you need from a hardware store. If you are confused by a drawing you drew yourself, then the easiest way is to copy from a finished drawing or take our version () as a basis.

In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

In the courtyard of a private house or in a country house, the best entertainment for a child is a children's slide. Playground with a descent, suitable for children from 2 to 7 years old and older. Implementing such a design is not difficult, knowing how to make a children's slide with your own hands, how to ensure safety and what to pay attention to during manufacture. The simplest, fastest and most inexpensive option for a summer residence is a wooden slide, the construction of which will be discussed in this article in the form step by step instructions for beginners without construction experience.

DIY children's slide

Types of children's slides

The location of the slide (in the house or on the street) will determine its dimensions and material of manufacture. From this position, two types are distinguished:

Indoor slide for a child in a house/apartment

Usually, small size, installed in the child's bedroom. Any materials (chipboard, plywood, laminate) are suitable for production, since the negative influence of the environment is excluded. A do-it-yourself indoor slide for children is made according to the same principle as an outdoor one, but in a more compact size.

There are such slides in the courtyard of almost every high-rise building. Residents of the private sector have to take care of their installation themselves.

Types of slides depending on the material of manufacture

Available for sale ready-made slides from different materials (the most popular is plastic), for self-made usually wood or metal is used. Nevertheless, short review will give an idea of ​​the advantages of this or that material for the slide. The list is in order of ease of installation and duration of operation:

Inflatable slide

Made from PVC (laminated PVC fabric). Suitable for little ones.

It is easy to assemble (inflated manually or with an electric pump), compact, and has a short service life.

Plastic slide

Designed for children 3-5 years old. Plastic allows you to make slopes of various shapes: pipe, spiral, wave.

A PVC slide takes up little space, is easy to clean, safe, and has a sliding surface. You can go down the slide at any time of the year; the plastic slope has a high heat capacity (it does not overheat in summer and does not cool in winter). Making a plastic slide with your own hands is quite simple - connect the parts according to the instructions.

The main disadvantage is the fragility of the plastic (inherent in cheap Chinese-made models).

Metal slide

Reliable, durable, with proper care it can be ridden by two or three generations. There is an opportunity to do different heights and different lengths of the slope (descent).

The disadvantage is the high thermal conductivity of the metal (it’s very cold to go down in winter, and very hot in summer). In addition, the metal slide needs maintenance, and the steel slope is susceptible to corrosion.

Wooden slide

Wood is a natural and affordable material.

The wooden slide is environmentally friendly, lightweight, comfortable, suitable for installation in any place and use in any weather.

However, wooden slides need permanent protection(wood is subject to rotting and deformation).

A wooden children's slide for a dacha is the most popular and simplest option for making your own, due to the availability of wood, maintainability and the ability to complete the work without the involvement of specialists (welding, using a welding machine, etc.).

How to make a children's slide out of wood with your own hands

1. Design

3D projects, drawings, slide diagrams allow you to get a holistic idea of ​​the configuration and dimensions of the future structure, and will also significantly facilitate the manufacture of parts.

Development of a slide project for children (what to pay attention to):

  • child's age. The baby will need a flat, low slide. So that he himself or with the help of adults can go down it. Older children will be more interested in the presence of turns or bends on the descent;
  • height. Allows you to select the required height of the stairs (the taller the child, the greater the distance between the steps should be) and the steepness of the flight. In addition, determine the installation location of the handrails;

Note. For small children, it is imperative to install a flat staircase; for older ones, a vertical one is acceptable.

  • slide dimensions. Dimensions are needed to calculate the width of the slope (descent) and the height of the enclosing sides;
  • installation location. It is necessary to leave free space in front of the slide for a safe descent;
  • the angle of inclination of the stairs and slope so that they are safe for ascent and descent;
  • the wishes of the child and your own abilities.

A drawing of a simple wooden slide is shown in the figure.

2. Material for children's slide made of wood

As an example, we provide a list of lumber for a wooden slide with a slope length of 3000 mm and an upper platform size of 500x500 mm.

Material prepared for the website

No. Material Purpose Quantity
1 wooden beam 100*100*1500 mm. For supports 4 things.
2 wooden beam 20*40*500 mm. To strengthen the upper platform (stiffening ribs) 2 pcs.
3 wooden beam 30*30*500 mm. For fencing the upper platform 2 pcs.
4 wooden beam 30*30*1500 mm. For railings 2 pcs. if necessary
5 board 20*100*500 For connecting supports from below (giving structural strength) 4 things.
6 board 25*100*500 To cover the floor of the upper platform 5 pieces.
7 board 25*100*300 For arranging steps 6-8 pcs. (depending on the child's height)
8 floorboard, 3,000 mm or moisture-resistant plywood, at least 20 mm thick. or factory plastic slope For the ramp device 2 pcs. The number of pieces and their length depends on the specified length of the slope and its width
9 board 25*100*3 000 For installation of ramp guards (+ stiffener) 2 pcs.
10 screws, anchors For fastening Use galvanized hardware to avoid corrosion. It is better not to use nails
11 lumber for arranging stairs: board or timber For stringer/stringer of stairs 2 pcs.

Advice. Under the upper platform you can make a box for storing sports equipment or toys.

The tools you will need are a tape measure, a hammer, a level, a drill, a plane, a saw.

3. Preparing material for a children's slide

Please note that only well-dried wood is used in this work; this will reduce the likelihood of deformations. All lumber must be processed (planed) with an electric planer to eliminate nicks and knots. And also sand and chamfer (round) to eliminate all possible wood defects.

Treat the bottom of the support pillars with any material that will prevent rotting (waterproofing mastic, waste machine oil, resin, etc.).

4. Preparing a place under the slide for children

Level the area allocated for the hill and mark the location of the supports. In our case, this is a square of 500x500 mm. In the corners of the square, use a drill to deepen holes of 500-600 mm. Pour crushed stone-sand mixture down. The pillow will serve as additional protection for the support posts.

Note. If you plan to develop a complex playground, more free space should be provided.

5. Installation of supports for a children's slide

Supports are installed in the prepared places (No. 1 from the table with a list of materials) and securely fixed with concrete.

To make the structure stronger, its bottom is “tied”. To do this, grooves are made in the racks (with a chisel or a router) 20 mm deep. The supports are connected to each other using a planed board (No. 5), inserted into the prepared grooves. It is better to fasten with self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws.

Note. Installation of the slide is possible without digging in; in this case, guy ropes are provided.

6. Installation of the floor (top flooring) for a children's slide

The work uses elements No. 2 and No. 6. The timber is laid out parallel to each other, and boards prepared for the floor are attached to it.

Advice. A gap of 5-7 mm should be left between the boards to allow water to drain.

7. Making a ramp (slide) for a children's slide

If there is a plastic slope, it is simply installed and secured to the existing structure. When making a ramp with your own hands, elements No. 8 and No. 9 are used. The floorboards are fastened together, and enclosing sides are installed along them.

The place where the ramp is attached to the floor of the upper platform can be made in two versions:

  • by forming the desired angle (usually 45°) and attaching to the base;
  • by sawing the grooves, as shown in the photo.

Please note that the bottom of the slope is also sawn at an angle to ensure its stability when going down the hill.

The main rule here is that the boards that make up the slope are carefully polished after the shield is formed - this will eliminate the smallest imperfections of the boards and prevent the appearance of splinters and abrasions in the child.
After construction, the slope is painted.

What to make a ramp for a children's slide?

Summarizing the user experience, we can highlight the most popular materials for the release device:

  • plastic sheet. It has best characteristics slip, but is prone to cracking, and also makes the structure expensive;
  • galvanized steel sheet with a thickness of at least 0.5 mm;
  • thin plywood;
  • linoleum;
  • wax polish applied to wood;
  • On the contrary, it is not recommended to lay laminate, because it deforms under load and under the influence of moisture.

Laid on top of durable wooden flooring, these materials make the slide for the children's slide more slippery, which means the descent will be faster.

A drawing of a children's slide slope is shown in the diagram.

An older child will be interested in a slide that has a spiral slope rather than a straight one. In this case, you need to take a more careful approach to the design of the gutter, and its additional coating is mandatory.

Advice. Any unevenness of the slope, sharp corners, or metal parts can cause injury, so the places where the screws are attached are sanded, and the slope is painted or varnished.

8. Making a ladder for a children's slide

A mandatory element of a children's wooden slide is a staircase consisting of at least several steps.

Structurally, the staircase can be made on a bowstring or on a stringer. An example is shown in the diagram.

Note. Round steps can be made from available materials, for example, from cuttings of garden tools (shovels).

9. Fencing the stairs and the floor above the landing

Guardrails for the stairs and upper landing depend on the height of the slide, the age of the child and other factors.

Despite its apparent simplicity, a wooden children's slide requires compliance with certain rules during construction:

  • flexible plywood can be used to make a rotary ramp;
  • each element of the ladder must be securely fastened;
  • It is advisable to paint the finished wooden slide not with ordinary oil paint, but with acrylic paint, or even better with high-quality varnish. In any case, the most exploited surface is the slope. The decorative coating is applied in several layers with mandatory drying of each layer;
  • Over time, the coating on the ramp will wear off and will therefore require maintenance. Users advise that each time before painting, sand the surface, eliminate possible deformations of the board, fill the cracks with putty, and only then cover with a new layer of paint.

Safety when using children's slides

  • the slope should rest against the mat (or sand mound) - this will ensure a soft landing;
  • A wooden slide needs periodic inspection for cracked joints or deformed boards. Especially relevant after winter;
  • It is better to install a wooden slide in the shade, in a place that is clearly visible from the window;
  • There should be no thorny bushes, poisonous plants (datura, foxglove) or allergenic plants near the installation site. Honey-bearing flowers are also not the best neighbors - they will attract bees;
  • there should be enough space for several children to be near the slide;
  • Electrical cables, pipes, and hoses should also be located away from the slide.


A short guide will help you make a wooden slide with your own hands. In the future, it can be supplemented with other elements of the play complex: swings, sandbox, sports equipment.

Children carry a powerful charge of energy, so a playground is an indispensable attribute of any summer cottage, where there are children.

Absolutely any number of entertainment items can be installed on the site. It all depends on the financial capabilities and wishes of the owners.

You can also please your children by doing some entertainment with my own hands. As an example, a children's slide. Absolutely simple to construct, and will delight you for many years if you take the process seriously.

The process of creating a slide and final result will serve as an additional source of joy at minimal cost. The children's slide at the dacha will become best entertainment children.

Wooden slide

Such a building can even be placed inside the house, if the size of your area allows it. When building a slide, it is important to remember that you need to use environmentally friendly raw materials, since the child will be in direct contact with it. A children's slide made of wood is best suited for such entertainment.

But if you decide to build from other materials, then make sure that there are no harmful components.
This also applies to the bright colors that are usually used to decorate the slide.

It is important to control such inserts both for the content of harmful substances and for resistance to fire.

Install strong railings regardless of your child's age. In any case, this will protect you from unwanted injuries and falls. The railing will also act as a support for the child’s balance.

Wooden slide safety

A children's wooden slide should first of all be a safe object for play. It will fit perfectly into any exterior and interior of the house thanks to its calm style decision. It will not be the first to catch your eye, but will only emphasize the previously created style.

In the summer, in the sun, a wooden slide heats up slowly, without burning the child on contact, like, for example, slides made of metal. This is a big plus when children often play outside.

Such a slide can be installed anywhere on the site, and not just where there is always shade and coolness. The child will get burned on the metal, and the wood will only become warm in direct sunlight.

Even if a plastic outdoor slide is more convenient, its weak frame will not serve you for long. It will crack, and the child may get injured from riding such a slide.

Location of the slide on the site

The slide must be located away from extraneous buildings and trees. This precaution will not be superfluous, because it will make your baby’s games more comfortable.

You can also dot the perimeter around the slide with grass or cover it with a special artificial turf. The descent from the slide will be softer in the future and the child has a minimum chance of falling.

The base is best secured or concreted. Even if the child cannot move the structure with his own hands, then from frequent rolling it may itself tip over.

The height of the structure should depend on the age of the child. It is advisable not to exceed more than 2 times the height of the person who will use it. There should be no cracks, openings or holes in the structure.

Take this seriously, as children, while actively moving, do not notice small obstacles. The child may get caught or stuck.

DIY slide

If you are interested in the question of how to make a high-quality children's slide with your own hands, then you need to follow all these tips. Then the child, while riding down the slide, will be completely safe and will remain without unwanted injuries.


If we are talking about a wooden structure, then you can develop drawings for a children's slide yourself. Choose the color, texture and even shape at your own request or use an already ready photo children's slide to complete the picture.

The materials you will need are nails, boards, slats and wooden beams. Also make sure you have a hammer, saw and plane. These are the most basic tools for the job.

You can simplify your construction using a hand or electric drill. When assembling the structure, carefully check that there are no nails sticking out anywhere.

The stingray may be from plastic material. After all, over time, a wooden slope can develop clues if it is not treated with anything.

But with metal slide everything is much harder. Here you will already need a machine for welding metal. If you decide to make the slope metal, then paint it with a special paint that will prevent it from heating up quickly.


Photo of a children's slide with your own hands


Children's slide for the dacha: the product we will talk about in this article on the website. Drawings photo and video instructions will help you build DIY children's slide. A children's slide is probably one of the mandatory elements of any summer cottage if you have children. Any number of structures can be installed on the playground various types: sandbox - the choice depends on your desires and financial capabilities. Most items for the playground can be made independently. For example, children's slide It is constructed quite simply, and has served as a source of children's joy for many years.

The main requirement for children's slide at the dacha is safety

Mandatory conditions for a children's slide in the country

Children's slide at the dacha can be installed both indoors and outdoors. It is worth understanding that the slide is for a child (whether it was built for a home or for an outdoor in this case does not matter) must meet certain requirements:

  • For construction, you need to use only environmentally friendly materials that are safe for the health of the child. It doesn’t matter whether you are building a slide from wood, metal or plastic, the material should not contain harmful elements. The same goes for paint and varnish materials, with which you will open the structure. Another important point both for a children's plastic slide for the home and for a wooden structure - it is fire resistant;

The most popular materials for slide construction– wood and metal

  • be sure to use structural elements such as railings and fences. They will not only help the child maintain balance while climbing the slide, but will also protect him from falling during games. Railings on a slide for a child in the country should be installed regardless of the age of your child;
  • It is best to use wood to build the structure. Children's wooden slides for the home are more pleasant to use due to the natural origin of the material. IN street conditions Wooden slides do not heat up as quickly as metal ones, so they can be installed in any place convenient for you, and not just in the shaded part of the site. A child can easily get burned on hot metal, but wood does not heat up to a dangerous temperature;

Metal slide with a wavy slope covered with acrylic paint

  • plastic children's slide easier for the street than wood or metal. It can be easily moved from place to place and transported if necessary, but the material itself is less durable and can easily crack;
  • slide should be located away from trees, lamps, outbuildings and other structures. This is done so that the baby does not get hurt when going down the slide. The surface around the hill can be sown lawn grass or use a special rubber coating. Remember that the main thing is the child’s health, so any street children's slide for the garden must be safe;

Slide must be installed on open area which will help minimize possible injuries

  • the base should be strengthened with a metal support or concreted. You should not rely on the fact that the child will not move the structure from its place - even the most durable slide can tip over as a result of children's games;
  • an important point is the height of the structure being constructed do-it-yourself children's slide for the dacha. It must be appropriate for the child’s age, for example, the height of a slide intended for younger children school age, should not exceed 3.5 m.

Wooden slide with two slopes, a house and a swing, built in the courtyard of a private house

Helpful advice! The design of the slide must have no gaps or openings, otherwise the child may get stuck or be seriously injured during the game.

DIY slide construction: materials and tools

How build a slide at your dacha with your own hands without special labor? If we are talking about a wooden structure, you will need several wooden beams, planed boards, slats, lining and fiberboard. You can connect the elements together using nails, anchor bolts and screws.

Process construction of a children's slide made of wood

The list of tools needed for construction is very simple:

  • wood saw, manual or electric;
  • hammer;
  • hand or electric drill;
  • plane;
  • tape measure and level;
  • drill.

A slope for a slide can be purchased from a factory or you can make it yourself

By the way, it is not necessary to use a wooden ramp - cracks may appear on it or chips may break off, which can injure the child. You can buy plastic slides and install them on a wooden structure.

In the case of a metal structure, everything is a little more complicated. You'll need it here welding machine and Bulgarian. All seams and joints in wooden and metal structures should be carefully sanded so that the child does not accidentally get hurt during play. Metal ramps for children's slide should be painted with a special paint that will absorb sunlight and prevent the metal from heating to high temperatures.

Drawing of a wooden slide device for babies

How to build a children's slide at the dacha with your own hands

If you decide build a slide for a child on your own, you should follow a certain sequence of actions:

  • first of all you need to prepare construction plan. You can take a ready-made one from the Internet or draw your own. Ready drawings of a children's slide made from wood with your own hands are good because they indicate the exact proportions of the elements and the sizes of individual parts;
  • Referring to the diagram, it is necessary to cut the boards, slats and beams. In addition, they must be sanded so that splinters cannot get under the child’s skin. Using a plane, the beveled edges of the corners of the parts are removed, which will further increase the safety of the structure;

Wooden structures are environmentally friendly and quite easy to install

  • markings are carried out in the designated area. It is worth allocating a site with a reserve if you are going to build a children's slide along with it. sports complex for the dacha. Optimal size for a structure without additional extensions - 2 by 2 m;
  • Under the supports, recesses of approximately 60 cm are dug. Wooden beams are inserted into them, the ends of which should be covered with a special waterproofing mastic. This is done in order to extend the service life of the supports. Grooves are cut into the racks into which connecting wooden boards are inserted. The elements of the resulting frame are connected to each other using bolts or self-tapping screws;

Drawing of a wooden slide for a children's playground in the garden

  • then the floor is installed. At building a slide at the dacha with your own hands remember: it is important that the floor is as strong as possible, so thick boards are selected for it, which are connected to each other with self-tapping screws and screwed to the frame using metal corners. If you do not want water to accumulate on the floor of the slide, you should leave small gaps between the boards, but not enough for the child to stick his finger into them;

Railings and fences – required elements designs children's slide

  • A ramp for children's slides is being manufactured. Its width should not exceed 80 cm. The surface of the slope is covered with linoleum, galvanized sheet or plastic. Linoleum is the cheapest option, but is easily warped and torn. Metal coating It heats up noticeably in the sun and can also bend. The most reliable option is plastic slides for children's slides. Plastic does not overheat, does not rust or bend, but is more expensive than linoleum or metal coating;

Drawing of a slide structure for a children's sports complex

  • a ladder is being installed. The optimal size of boards for its manufacture is 20 mm. After installing the main part, the side part is installed. To do this, a board sawn at an angle of 45° is attached to the racks with screws. Then the bars are screwed to the board, onto which the steps are mounted. Photos of do-it-yourself wooden children's slides on the Internet clearly show how exactly the elements of the stairs need to be attached. After installing the steps, balusters are installed on which the railings are attached;

Photo: the sandbox can be arranged both at the base of the slide and at the end of the descent

Helpful advice! Railings must be made in any case, regardless of the height of the slide or the angle of inclination of the stairs. They serve not only for safety, but also to make it easier for the child to maintain balance when lifting.

  • Grooves are cut out in the side of the racks into which side walls made of plywood or fiberboard are installed. The walls can also be made of small boards or have some original look;
  • All protruding corners, heads of nails and screws are removed, all surfaces are carefully sanded and coated with paint or a special protective varnish.

Drawing of a children's slide for a summer residence. Overall dimensions: length - 3020 mm; width - 890 mm; height - 1800 mm. Maximum user weight - 100 kg, minimum child age - 3 years

An interesting modification of the design could be a slide - a sandbox for children. In this case, the sandbox is organized either at the base of the slide, or you can build a reservoir with sand at the end of the descent.

Materials for building a children's slide

If you are in doubt about what material to use to build a house with a slide for children or another similar structure on personal plot, you should familiarize yourself in detail with the features of buildings made of the two most popular materials - wood and metal.

Wooden children's sports complex for a summer residence with a slide

Features of a wooden slide

Wooden structures for playgrounds have proven themselves several centuries ago. All children's slides made of wood with their own hands are built according to a classic layout, which includes a ladder and a ramp, a base, upper platform and protective part. In addition, often standard project add additional elements, for example, an internal labyrinth, a sandbox, additional descents and much more. Since such a design can be made quite simply, everything here depends solely on your imagination.

Photo: installation of a plastic descent – best option when constructing a slide intended for small children

One of the significant advantages of creating a wooden slide for children in the country with your own hands is the low cost of production. The material itself is relatively inexpensive, and specialized tools are also not needed to process it. In addition, building a structure from boards and timber does not require any special construction skills and abilities from you - sometimes it is enough just to strictly adhere to the diagram found on the Internet.

Another advantage of this design is its environmental safety. Wood does not cause allergies and does not emit harmful substances when heated. The only controversial point here is the paint and varnish coating of the structure, so be sure to read the instructions when purchasing varnish or paint to cover the slide.

Photo: simple design children's slide made from tree trunks

Helpful advice! The wood for the slide must be High Quality, dry and well sanded. Choose the strongest types of wood, and to increase resistance to humidity or temperature changes, the boards must be coated with a special compound.

An element that should be given special attention when installing a wooden structure is the descent. It is best not to take risks using planed boards yourself, but to purchase factory-made material for the ramp. It can be linoleum, a sheet of stainless metal or plastic.

Photo: children's playhouse wooden with plastic slide

Features of a children's metal slide

Metal slides for children used to be in every yard and, with proper care, could last for decades. Photos of children's slides with their own hands made of metal show that in appearance they are not much different from their wooden counterpart.

A significant advantage of a metal structure is its strength. No iron structure required special processing and care, withstands temperature changes, high humidity, large mechanical loads. The only thing that needs to be done periodically with a metal slide is to renew the paint and make sure that the paint coating does not peel off as a result of corrosion.

Strength and durability are the main advantages of metal structures

How make a slide for children with your own hands made of metal? To do this you will need ready-made elements, a grinder and a welding machine. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the seams, as they are potentially dangerous for the child. The quality of welding is also of fundamental importance: the higher it is, the stronger the structure will be.

Flaw iron slide– quick warming up in the sun. If you install such a structure where the sun's rays constantly fall on it, your child can easily get burned. Therefore, if you decide to build a building from metal elements, you should select a place for it in the shade or make a special one.

Photo: metal slide with plastic slope installed by the pool

At building a slide with your own hands it is not necessary to use only wooden or metal elements. These materials can be combined in different proportions, thus obtaining an original, reliable design.

Of course, one can always wonder where buy a children's slide for the dacha. This can be done in any specialized store or online. But remember that only a design made by yourself will satisfy all your requirements and allow you to realize your design fantasies.

Even a factory-made slide can be supplemented with independently created elements

There are a number of points that are worth considering to ensure that the design is reliable and safe:

  • for additional stability of the balusters, the staircase of a wooden structure should be further strengthened with the help of planks;
  • drawings, videos, photos of children's slides at the dacha with their own hands show that the grooves and slats inserted into them, when bolted together, form a light, but strong and stable structure;

At construction of a children's slide in the country the height of the structure should be carefully calculated

  • an excellent option for painting a structure - acrylic paint. It is safe for the child’s health and protects the tree well from various types of negative impacts and looks attractive. Acrylic is also famous for its durability and does not lose color saturation even with prolonged exposure to direct sunlight;
  • a convenient type of covering for use under the slide - artificial grass or rubber. This does not require special care, does not change its properties depending on the time of year or weather, and creates a safe surface under the slide that will protect the child from injury if he falls from the slide.

The surface around the slide for children should be as traumatic as possible

Plastic slide for children purchased in a store or construction market is not always the best option. Yes, you save time and effort by building, but wooden or metal structure may not only cost less money, but will also allow you to create a full-fledged sports complex for your child, consisting of large quantity elements. By the way, even a plastic slide for children can be supplemented with homemade elements and turned into a complex and exciting structure for games.

A high-quality and reliable slide is not only good way keep your child occupied during their stay country house, but also the opportunity to develop it physically.

Skiing down the mountain is a favorite pastime for children of all ages, and only adults can provide them with convenience and comfort in this activity, and they will have more than enough fun and enthusiasm. A slide can be built from a variety of available materials, and which ones will be discussed in this article.

What do you need for a slide?

In order to make a slide with your own hands, you can use metal, plastic, wood, as well as scrap materials left over from an old cabinet and desk. With even a little imagination, you can build a real miracle from them and place them in the corner of the children's room to the delight of your baby.

You can make a slide for your child from an old desk.

For this you will need:

  • varnished cabinet door;
  • plywood sheet;
  • small boards, which can be pieces of a shovel handle, legs from a table or chair.

Manufacturing stages:

Making a snow slide

Making a mountain out of snow with your own hands is very simple. The main thing is to wait until the temperature outside approaches about 0 ᵒC. And, of course, it is important to have enough snow.

You will also need:

  • shovel made of metal or plastic;
  • construction spatula, scraper;
  • bucket or watering can;
  • warm mittens.

Manufacturing stages:

  1. The primary task is to determine the location of such a homemade attraction. To minimize injuries, it is imperative to ensure that you roll out onto a level area so that
    the child could roll evenly until it came to a complete stop.
  2. The height of the slide is determined based on the age of the skaters. For children under 3 years old, a rise of 1 meter in height will be enough, and for older children you can build a higher slope, the main thing is that the slope does not exceed 40 degrees.
  3. Roll several large balls and form them into a foundation. future construction. If you plan to make a fairly high slide, then you should think about how the children will climb it. The problem can be solved by making the same snowballs, which can be laid at the foot in the form of steps.
  4. Use a spatula and scrapers to level the surface of the steps and leave the structure until cold weather sets in.
  5. The slide should be filled in cold weather. It is not recommended to use buckets or a hose for this, as there is a high risk of large holes forming. It is better to use a regular garden watering can or the one that housewives use to water indoor plants.
  6. Using a piece of plywood or a shovel with a wide working part, slowly pour water onto the structure. Or you can cover the raised area with a large piece of fabric and pour through it - this will help the liquid to be distributed more evenly over the snow.
  7. If you don’t have anything at hand except a bucket, then you need to mix the water in it with snow and cover the surface with this very slurry, leave it to freeze overnight, and repeat the procedure in the morning.
  8. That's it, the slide is ready. If necessary, potholes can be smoothed out with a spatula.