Strong smell from the refrigerator what to do. How to remove bad smell from refrigerator

An unpleasant odor inside the main food storage in the kitchen is a serious and annoying problem, it will ruin your mood and kill your appetite. With NameWoman you will learn how to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator. We offer almost two dozen proven methods and means.

An unpleasant odor may be present inside not only an old, but also a new refrigerator. That is why, before you start using your useful purchase, you should thoroughly wash it using detergents, wipe it dry and let it air out for several hours before turning it on.

How to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator: we act in stages

1 . The first step of the housewife to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator: defrost it and wash it thoroughly, then wipe it and let it “rest” like a new refrigerator for several hours. NameWoman reminds you that the refrigerator is often, no matter how incredible and terrible it may sound, the dirtiest place in your apartment, successfully competing with the toilet and computer keyboard. Arrange in the refrigerator general cleaning recommended once every six months. Every month, or even once every two weeks, it is advisable to wash all the shelves and cells, wipe the door and the rubber attached to it.

2 . In a clean refrigerator, thoroughly wipe the walls, shelves, and drawers with moistened soda powder, and wipe everything again with a dry cloth.

3 . An alternative remedy is ammonia (especially recommended for a new refrigerator), after which open refrigerator must be ventilated for at least 24 hours.

4 . Carefully examine your refrigerator for the source of the odor. A very common problem is clogging of the tubes for automatic defrosting, as well as the holes for draining water during forced defrosting. They need to be thoroughly rinsed with clean melt water; you can use cotton swabs at the entrance for cleaning.

Unfortunately, it also happens, especially if the unit is not new, that the musty amber remains even after defrosting and washing. In this case, we move on to the subsequent tips in our article on how to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator.

5 . Modern approach To get rid of the smell in the refrigerator involves purchasing special anti-odor products for the refrigerator. These can be ionizers-fresheners or, for example, small boxes with absorbers of unwanted odors. They are also bought as prophylactic agents. You can buy such a device at almost any hardware store or hypermarket, or order it online. For example, you will be redirected to an online store offering a set of 3 Fridge Balls for only 204 rubles. One such ball retains freshness and effectively eliminates unwanted odors in the refrigerator for 2-4 months (depending on the presence and degree of the problem of unpleasant odor).

Folk remedies for getting rid of unpleasant odors in the refrigerator

6 . Try wiping the walls and shelves of the refrigerator with a vinegar solution. Ratio 1:1 – vinegar and water. After such wiping, use additional measure to eliminate unpleasant odors. Place a saucer or bowl with a large piece of cotton wool soaked in table vinegar in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours.

7 . Instead of vinegar solution, you can use fresh lemon juice diluted with water in a 2:1 ratio.

8 . Classic recipe our grandmothers and great-grandmothers: half a raw onion, peeled, is placed on the refrigerator door or on one of the shelves. The bulb needs to be replaced approximately once a week.

9 . You can also get rid of the smell in the refrigerator using half an apple (place cut side up) or raw potatoes. Replace such a natural odor neutralizer better time in 3-5 days.

10 . Similar to the previous two points, you can use a piece of charcoal.

11 . A piece of charcoal can be replaced with regular activated carbon tablets. It is advisable to first crush it and put a saucer with powder of about six to ten tablets in the refrigerator for a day.

12 . Another option for an odor absorber is a couple of handfuls of dry rice grains.

13 . Another old folk remedy for odors in the refrigerator is to place pieces of black bread on shelves for a day or two.

14 . Dry aromatic spices and herbs can remove minor bad smell in the refrigerator, and also used for preventive purposes. Suitable: cinnamon, cloves, vanilla pod contents, turmeric, thyme, basil, tarragon. Place 1 or 2-3 absorbers in an open salt shaker on 1-2 shelves of the refrigerator for 2-4 days.

15 . Good odor neutralizers include coffee beans and dried orange and pomegranate peels.

16 . Let's move on to life-saving liquids. To get rid of the smell in the refrigerator, place a bowl or glass of lemon juice or lemon water in the refrigerator, you can also place lemon slices on the shelves for 1-3 days.

17 . A small open container with water and baking soda helps in the same way (the mixture can be prepared relatively thick; to do this, add just a little water to a glass of soda to moisten it). By the way, to prevent the occurrence of an unpleasant odor in the refrigerator, you can place a container with holes in the lid with dry soda in it for 2-3 months, then replace the soda.

18 . Instead of soda, sugar or salt can also act as odor absorbers.

Preventing unpleasant odors in the refrigerator

It would be better, of course, not to set yourself the task of how to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator, but for this you should be careful.

19 . All prepared foods and dishes, especially flavored ones, should be stored covered or wrapped. Use containers with lids, bowls covered with saucers, containers, special bags, cling film and foil. Raw meat, fish, and poultry must be wrapped especially securely. The contents of the boxes for vegetables and fruits must be dry; wipe the fruits with a napkin or toilet paper before placing in the refrigerator.

20 . Monitor the humidity in the refrigerator. Excess condensation (water on the walls) promotes the growth of mold and the development of microorganisms that cause an unpleasant odor.

And, of course, make sure that the shelf life and expiration dates of the products are observed and do not forget to regularly wash and defrost the refrigerator, do not wait for a musty smell to appear.

Anna Arkhipova

Before eliminating the stench, find and eliminate its source. Throw away spoiled food or identify any damage, and then proceed to wash the camera. At the end of the treatment, go through soda, vinegar, lemon, ammonia, potassium permanganate or beer.

Separately soak and wash trays and shelves. Wait until completely dry before loading food. You can also spray on surfaces special means: Topperr, Electrolux, Luxus, Magic Power, Top House, Sano Refrigerator Cleaner, Bon, Sidolux Professional.

To prevent the situation from repeating itself, put ready-made or homemade unpleasant odor absorbers inside. Buy absorbent napkins Potter, Top House, Topperr, capsules with absorbent substance Topperr, Barrier;, Fridge Balls, Helfer, OdorGone, Electrolux, Breesal, Zumman or air ionizers Super Plus;, Tinydeal, Air Comfort, AirTec, Neotec.

Keep soda, rye bread, Activated carbon, coffee grounds, tea bag, citrus peels, boiled rice, spices or essential oils.

The source of stench in the refrigerator is not always spoiled food. Proper care Maintenance of equipment and timely repairs will prevent the appearance of odors. Established amber will be removed by industrial products and traditional methods. Let's find out more about how to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator.

Causes of unpleasant odor in the refrigerator

Odors in the refrigerator most often appear due to improper storage of food.

Missing food is one of the first causes of unpleasant odors.

Expired milk, stale chicken, soup that has turned sour in a pan, or moldy berry compote become a source of unpleasant stench, which “healthy” foods also absorb.

First, find and eliminate the source of the stench. Conduct an audit of stored products. Throw away spoiled food. Wipe down shelves: Spilled liquids can also give off a rotten smell.

Subtle and rare causes of stench

If the food is thrown out, the shelves are wiped down, the freezer is cleaned to a shine, but the smell still gradually accumulates inside the refrigerator, call a professional. Most likely, the reason is the incorrect operation of the equipment. What could have happened:

  • the freezing system is broken;
  • the compressor does not work;
  • the drain is clogged;
  • The thermostat is not set correctly.

If the refrigerator does not freeze well, ice accumulates inside. a large number of condensation and increased humidity. Because of this, the food goes rotten and starts to stink. Besides, high humidity– a good environment for mold growth. A technician will help you find and fix the problem.

An unpleasant smell from the refrigerator, which can be weak or very strong, is familiar to every housewife. At the same time, all products stored inside absorb this unpleasant aroma, after which they have to be thrown away. It is necessary to find out what the reason is and get rid of the amber as quickly as possible. Simple tips housewives will help to quickly eliminate the smell in the refrigerator.

The main reasons for the appearance

There can be many reasons for unpleasant odors in the refrigerator:

New Appliances often emits various metallic or plastic odors. It's easy to get rid of them - just wipe the equipment with a damp cloth. Thoroughly wipe the outside and all internal parts of the device.

Ways to get rid of odor

To decide how to remove an unpleasant odor from a refrigerator, the first step is to determine the cause of its occurrence. Using household chemicals, folk remedies, or simply washing the refrigerator compartment will help solve the problem:

Folk remedies

Expensive and unsafe household chemicals are mainly used for complex and neglected contamination. You can eliminate an unpleasant persistent odor using folk remedies who will do their job just as well household chemicals. The most common recipes:

Special neutralizers

You can refresh the air in your refrigerator using odor absorbers or air purifiers. These are small devices similar to an air filter. The device draws in air and passes it through the filter. At the same time, up to 96% of various microorganisms, toxic fumes and musty odors are destroyed. Types of odor absorbers:

Store-bought odor absorbers can easily be replaced with natural sorbents. These include activated carbon, lemon, coffee and much more:

Do not forget that it is better to eliminate the cause than to disguise it.

If carried out on time preventive measures How to care for your refrigerator, you can prevent the appearance of unpleasant odors. At proper storage products and equipment operation, harmful bacteria will not be able to multiply. Consequently, this will protect the refrigerator from the development of specific odors.

Adhere to the following rules:

When leaving home for a long period of time, leave a minimum amount of food in the refrigerator. And some housewives prefer to turn off and defrost the equipment. It is washed and left open.

What to do if the smell is not removed

What to do if all the products have been checked, the equipment has been defrosted and cleaned, but the smell does not go away. Perhaps the reason is that the refrigerator is not working correctly. To fix the problem, you can invite a specialist or fix the equipment yourself. The culprit of the smell may be:

To avoid having to think about how to remove the smell from the refrigerator, you need to regularly inspect the drain system for blockages and carry out preventive cleaning on time.

How to get rid of unpleasant odor in the refrigerator and prevent it reappearance?.

If the refrigerator is new...

The refrigerator, like any new household appliance, has its own smell. To prevent it from mixing with the aroma of your favorite food, the smell of a new refrigerator must be eliminated before use.

Use a warm solution of water with baking soda or any detergent for this. Don't forget to wash the outside of the refrigerator as well. Then wipe all surfaces dry and leave the door open for a couple of hours to ventilate the working chambers. After this, you can safely load the refrigerator with food.

...and if old

Even if you tightly close all jars and containers of food, over time the symphony of aromas from your refrigerator ceases to please the sense of smell. Unidentified food objects fill it with dubious notes. This means it’s time to wash the refrigerator or at least clean the special drain hole inside the chamber (it tends to get clogged). Manufacturers usually recommend doing this procedure once a year.

Folk remedies will help get rid of the acquired smell.

1. Vinegar: wipe the walls of the refrigerator with a cloth soaked in a vinegar solution (diluted 50 to 50 with water).

2. Baking soda: Wash the refrigerator with a water solution of soda. And then put an open container of soda in it and change it every 3 months. Baking soda perfectly absorbs odors.

3. Ammonia: will help in the most severe cases, when the refrigerator is cleaned but the smell remains. Rub the inside of the refrigerator walls ammonia and leave the door open all day.

4. Charcoal or activated carbon. Grind a handful of coal, pour it into a saucer and leave it in the refrigerator for a day.

5. Lemon juice . Wash the inside of the refrigerator, or at least wipe it with a damp cloth with a drop of lemon juice.

Operation Prevention

To prevent the smell from happening in the future, food absorbents will help. Choose the one you like from the list and let it be registered in your refrigerator.

1. Rye bread: cut regular black bread into pieces and place on several plates. Place one on each of the refrigerator shelves.

2. Rice grains: place on a saucer and place in the refrigerator.

3. Cut onions, apples and potatoes also absorb odors perfectly. Only such natural absorbents will have to be changed every few days.

4. Aromatic herbs and spices: storing basil, turmeric, cloves, tarragon, cinnamon, celery, thyme in the refrigerator, you thereby prevent the formation of unpleasant odors. Vanilla extract will also help - if necessary, wipe the shelves with a cotton swab soaked in aromatic liquid.

5. Orange, lemon: you can use orange peels or lemon slices as an air freshener.

6. Salt, sugar: just put an open container with salt or sugar in the refrigerator, and very soon there will be no trace of the unpleasant smell.

Greetings, dear blog readers! I think every housewife knows that in any closed room, sooner or later a specific smell appears. The refrigerator is no exception.

But before you start rubbing the unit with all available detergents, you need to figure out what is the source of the “aroma”. This will make it much easier to deal with the problem, and it will also save you from some troubles. Therefore, I propose today to talk about what to do if there is a smell in the refrigerator and how to get rid of it quickly.

So, let's imagine that you just bought new equipment. As soon as you take your purchase out of the box and install all the shelves and drawers, you will definitely smell the plastic. This is normal, because before this all the plastic parts were closed and did not have access to air. To eliminate this problem, you need to thoroughly rinse the new unit.

Attention! You need to wash it before turning it on. And after you finish, leave the doors open for a couple of hours to ventilate the technical insides as best as possible.

How to clean a new refrigerator? You can do this either with regular dishwashing detergent, or use soda diluted with water or a weak solution of ammonia (a few drops per liter). It is advisable to use both products to ensure that you get rid of odors, germs, and stains. Because the technique is not dirty, it will be quite simple and quick to do.

After you have treated all the walls, fixtures, containers and shelves, rinse off the cleaning solutions with clean water and wipe with a dry cloth, then leave to air for several hours.

BUT! If you have been using the refrigerator for some time and suddenly notice that there is a distinct chemical smell in it, then immediately remove the food and call a specialist!

It is possible that some kind of breakdown occurred that led to penetration chemical substances into your device. This is very dangerous and can have an extremely negative impact on your health!

How to deal with food odors

Even if the refrigerator is regularly washed and defrosted, an unpleasant odor may still appear in it. The fact is that some products themselves have a strong odor. For example, garlic, fish or strong marinades. How to remove them, especially if the flavors are mixed? There are several folk remedies:

  • Vinegar. Make a solution of 9% vinegar (a tablespoon per glass of water), wet a clean cloth and wipe all the insides of your device.
  • Lemon. Squeeze the juice of one lemon and wipe everything inside (especially the shelves). Then, cut the whole lemon into 3-4 parts and leave it in the refrigerator for several days.
  • Rye bread. After washing the device, place pieces of rye bread in the corners (on a saucer or napkin). This method will absorb all unpleasant odors! Also, they cope with this task perfectly raw potatoes and rice Just leave them inside for a few days.
  • Activated carbon. This method also allows you to collect all the “flavors” from the air. To do this, you need to crush 40 charcoal tablets (4 packs) and leave it on one of the shelves.

What to do to avoid smelling like a pharmacy

Many housewives store medicines in the refrigerator. And even if all the packages are closed and are in a strictly designated place, then all the same, both the equipment itself and the food stored there one day begins to smell strongly of all this pharmacology. What to do?

  • Place an open pack of baking soda in the refrigerator to help absorb medication odors.
  • Place cat litter on one of the shelves.
  • Take advantage purchased product– in hardware stores there are quite strong and safe absorbents intended specifically for this equipment.

This was the situation with my grandmother's refrigerator. Various bottles of medicine were stored on the side of the flap, and although they were closed, over time an unpleasant odor appeared. Thoroughly cleaning the refrigerator did not help for long, the technician came several times, they thought there was some kind of leak. In the end, he recommended removing all medications, and after some time the smell completely went away!

What if the smell is very strong?

Sometimes the refrigerator can develop not just an unpleasant smell, but a real stench. For example, you left for several days, and at that moment your electricity was cut off and all your food spoiled. Or you accidentally left a large piece of blue cheese uncovered.

Sometimes the smell is so unbearable (especially from rotting fish or meat) that simple remedies, which we use at home, will not save us. We will delete it like this:

  1. Rinse the refrigerator several times with dishwashing detergent. It is advisable to take it with a refreshing effect.
  2. We wash it as thoroughly as possible, without missing a single shelf, container or fastener.
  3. Afterwards, we rinse our device with clean water and dry it with a dry cloth.
  4. Wipe everything inside with lemon juice.
  5. We ventilate for a day, or maybe two.
  6. Thoroughly wash all dishes that were near the source of the “aroma.”
  7. We place the odor absorber described above on one of the shelves.
  8. After a few days, you can replace it with a natural flavor (coffee, orange peel, gauze swab soaked in aromatic oil, etc.).


I think you will agree that it is better to prevent a problem than to deal with its consequences. How should you store food?

  • When putting food in the refrigerator, make sure all lids are tightly closed.
  • Try to pack food in foil or bags.
  • By the way, foil perfectly replaces the lid (if suddenly there is none).
  • Defrost and clean your refrigerator regularly (even if you have the No Frost function).
  • Don't forget to wash the rubber bands and drain.
  • If the product begins to deteriorate, it is better to get rid of it immediately.
  • Try to leave free space in the freezer so that air can circulate freely.
  • When planning a trip, it is better not to leave food in the freezer. Try to use them as much as possible, and it’s better to give away the rest.

As you have seen, there are many ways to get rid of unpleasant odors in the refrigerator. The main thing is not to forget to regularly care for your equipment, and it will serve you for a long time and reliably. Do you know any other methods to solve this problem? I'm waiting for you in the comments!

Until we meet again,

Anastasia Smolinets