How to develop your attention - effective tips. Attention training: rules and exercises

Let's imagine that one day you suddenly began to remember where you put your keys, who you needed to call, and your friend's new hairstyle. You were able to get everything done without making a single mistake, you left work on time, you noticed the expiration date on your milk, and you texted your parents. In addition, you remember all the things you need to do today, and your brain is not tormented by constant anxiety and dissatisfaction. Do you like this picture? But how close is it to reality? If you still have something to strive for, read this article carefully.

Let's remember the situations in which you are told about poor attention. Most often, associations come from childhood, when our parents reproached us with or without reason. By the way, this may be one of the reasons. In children, attentiveness is developed at a minimal level, which is why they are capable of making many stupid mistakes. It's not their fault, because that's how our brains work. The development of attention at this age begins with the simplest games, where the child needs to find the right path out of a maze or match shapes by color.

However, already in adulthood, people often face the fact that they are accused of inattention. Most often I hear about such cases from guys. Girls love to reproach their boyfriends for not noticing the new nail polish or slightly changed lipstick color. Of course, we are not talking about all representatives of the fair sex. Bosses can reproach subordinates, teachers can reproach students, and so on. All this confirms the high number of questions about how to develop attention.

But before continuing the conversation on this topic, let's decide on some points. First, measure the level of attention. One can only say that it has become better or worse. As a rule, this term refers to a person’s capabilities for stability, concentration and patience. Some draw an analogy with willpower, although these are different things. Secondly, you won’t be able to reach a certain level in this matter and then stop practicing. If you stop developing attention, it will eventually return to its previous level.

Attention is inextricably linked with discipline. If a person cannot control himself, he is unlikely to become mindful. As mentioned above, a lot depends on stability and concentration. How can a person concentrate on a task if he is constantly distracted? Only self-discipline can force him to return to his usual work routine. Try to understand the significance of this process before you begin to take real action.

It should also be noted that development will occur extensively if you find yourself an incentive or motivation for such activities. That is, you must clearly understand why you need it. I can only give a few advantages that are significant for me. You will have to figure out the rest yourself, since each person’s priorities are significantly different. I used to want to know how to become attentive to increase labor efficiency. I wanted to notice all the details of the actions performed in order to achieve best results. Even now I continue to develop attention, because I want there to be more little things in my life, which, as we know, make up the truth.

Passive observation will not help. You can read a lot of articles, see hundreds of exercises, but if you don’t take action, it will never lead you to the desired result. You can put things off for a very long time and torment yourself for not completing the task. Very soon this will lead to self-disrespect and a decrease in self-esteem. Do you think such a person is capable of achieving the desired heights in life? I think no.

So start taking action right away. By the way, this is one of the exercises for developing attention. When making any decisions, you unconsciously shift your attention. To achieve maximum effect in this field, you need to transfer your concentration and stability from a spontaneous mode to a voluntary one. Choose something, set yourself the task of doing it as efficiently as possible, concentrate and start doing it. This will be the first step in developing mindfulness.

What interferes with mindfulness?

Anything can interfere with the development of attention, but let's focus on the main irritants. You want to understand how to become more attentive? Then be prepared to make some sacrifices. I am sure that if you are a person who thinks rationally, then it will be quite easy for you to get rid of such ballasts that drag you down. If you think that you literally depend on these things, then it’s time for you to read the article “How to become smarter” on my blog.

So, let's look at the modern realities of life. Many books on self-development write about this, perhaps the right things, but they are too outdated. I offer an updated list of what may interfere with your attentiveness:

  1. Mobile phone comes first. I don’t know why it is given such importance in our country, but in the West, a telephone call has long ceased to be a reason for abandoning business. Unfortunately, in Russia, even if you are having dinner with your family, a phone call ruins all our plans. It can destroy working time, pleasant rest and moments of physical development. Try to put your phone on silent. It's even better if you train yourself not to pay attention to it.
  2. TV Recently he has been losing his position, but his very presence already indicates the presence of problems in the area of ​​attention. Yes it good way relax, but it should be turned off all the time when you are doing your business. It is not surprising that this technical unit is capable of completely absorbing attention. A minute ago you were working on an important project, but then someone turned on the TV and that’s it, your attention is now scattered. Only a person with very great internal discipline is able to calmly ignore such an irritant. The best way to get rid of this irritant is to go somewhere where you can't hear it or ask your family not to turn it on while you're working.
  3. Social media is the real enemy of modern productivity. Do you want to know, How to develop attentiveness in a child? Try simply closing access to social networks. You will be surprised, but its productivity will immediately increase significantly. The same thing happens with adults. Look at the data on how much work time is wasted due to employees frequently logging onto social media. But this article is not about performance, although it directly addresses this issue. It is very difficult to concentrate on any task if you are constantly checking “what’s new in the feed.” As a result, you can’t even do the work properly, and, in fact, you won’t learn anything new. It’s another matter when social networks are your job, but for this you need to know.
  4. The last point can include all external stimuli that you either cannot influence, or you can, but quite insignificantly. For example, if a structure is being built on the street, an important meeting is taking place behind the wall, and so on. During such moments, it is better to imagine that you are training your self-discipline. Set it for yourself. For example, working as efficiently as possible for an hour, despite extraneous noise and without missing a single detail. Another option is to go to a place isolated from noise, if possible.

By the way, working in complete silence is also not always what you need. A study was conducted when one of the reading rooms in the library was made completely soundproof. As a result, it turned out that working in this mode had a negative impact on people’s well-being, and productivity was noticeably lower. Some people have talked about tinnitus and headaches, so a little natural noise is still needed.

This could be ordinary city noise or birds singing outside the window. Even a small conversation in the next room can create a positive atmosphere. If all this does not suit you, then put headphones in your ears and turn on your favorite calm music. For example, I prefer to listen to classical performers, and my attentiveness at such moments reaches its maximum.

How to develop attention: exercises

Now let's look at some exercises. I recommend them to anyone who wants to understand how to become more attentive. Try each of them, and then choose the most effective ones and focus on them:

The road there and back. This exercise must be done every day. It will allow you to notice more little things in your life and achieve real results. On the way to work/school, try to notice as many interesting details as possible. For example, some interesting outfit the girl is wearing, how children behave on the road, and what kind of music is playing at bus stops.

If you prefer to get there by car, then remember what colors were on at the traffic lights, what cars overtook you, and so on. This should be done only when traveling to the place; on the way back, on the contrary, try to concentrate as much as possible on the path and not be distracted by anything (just be careful at intersections). When you get home, write down all the interesting things you came across. In the first days, you probably won’t remember even 80% of what you saw, but the experience will soon come.

Focus on your breathing. Once I was doing yoga (those were the days, I need to go back) and in one of the breathing complexes there was such an exercise. You need to close your eyes and concentrate as much as possible on your breathing. Your brain will constantly be forced to think about any events, and your eyes will want light. But your main task is to monitor your breathing. Monitor how evenly it turns out. Try to make it perfect. Believe me, it's really difficult. This exercise will help you understand how to become more attentive at work. It will only be difficult at first. Essentially, it's no more complicated than .

Leaving for lunch. Every day when you leave for lunch, close your eyes for a few seconds and take a deep breath. After that, open your eyes, look around your office for 10 seconds, and then turn around sharply and leave. During lunch, try to remember your office in every detail. Where exactly were the papers, where did you attach the pieces of paper with the goals, and how much water was left in the cooler. This exercise will teach you to notice things that previously seemed natural to you.

Pay attention to the stimuli. Every time something distracts you, focus on that object and literally put it out of your mind. That is, you need to imagine how you catch this object with your hands, break it and throw it away, and continue to work with a proud head. This should take you no more than 10 seconds. The most important thing is to remain productive and efficient. Keep doing the activity even after you get distracted.

Musical concentration. Turn on the music as quietly as possible and try to hear it well. Remember unusual words and interesting moments in musical accompaniment. You must fully concentrate on the task, even though you will be distracted by a lot of things. Remember everything carefully and then try to remember. It will be quite difficult, but you will notice the effect immediately. Another variation of this exercise is to listen to the lecture until the end and not get distracted even once. If you succeed on the 10th try, you are a genius.

On this road, friends, that’s all I have. I hope you understand how to develop attention. By the way, reading carefully can also be considered advice, so if you misunderstood something, re-read it again. And don’t forget to subscribe to comments to be the first to receive interesting articles on the psychology of typical people. Bye!

This article will talk about how to develop attention. On the Internet you can find many articles on this topic and a lot of useful exercises for developing attention. To bring something new to this topic, I will approach the problem of focusing from an angle that many information sources do not emphasize, but which, nevertheless, is an important component of the ability to focus attention.

I used to think that attention was like some isolated muscle. Or you have developed it, and you can direct your attention to the desired point at any time and keep it there. Or it’s not developed for you, and you’re constantly distracted and you can’t keep your attention on one thing for a long time.

I think this is a pretty popular opinion. And people who want to learn how to concentrate better think that all they need is to just train this muscle with all sorts of exercises.
Exercise is undoubtedly good, you need to train your attention. But this is not enough. I will tell you what else needs to be done in this article. This is my “new” view of the problem of attention.

What does your attention depend on?

Attention can truly be compared to a muscle. Only this muscle is not isolated; its work is very dependent on the work of other “muscles”. And it is very difficult to strain the attention muscle and use it in work when the other muscles are not in good shape.

For example, it is difficult to concentrate when you are excited and nervous about something, when you have strong desires that distract you from work, when you are too stressed or tired, when you have not thought about an important problem and thoughts about solving this problem creep into your head...

Attention depends on many things, not just how trained this “muscle” is. And the problem of attention needs to be approached comprehensively, which is what I will try to do in this article.

For good concentration, the following conditions must be met.

Method 1: Let your thoughts and experiences digest

Sometimes I wake up on a day off in the morning and, after doing exercises and taking a shower, I immediately pick up a book. This book may not be the most interesting and exciting, but, nevertheless, reading is easy in the morning, and I am not distracted.

But if I start reading right after I've been doing something else that requires a lot of involvement in the process (for example, writing an article, responding to comments, texting a friend, playing poker on the computer, etc.), I have a hard time concentrating, especially if the book is boring.

Why does it happen that at one time it is easier to concentrate, but at another it is more difficult to do so? This happens not only because in the morning the brain is fresh and rested and ready to absorb information.

The fact is that in the morning the head, as a rule, is not yet filled with any thoughts and worries. And therefore, nothing distracts from activities that require concentration. But, if the brain has already started processing some information and has not finished it, then “unprocessed” thoughts and experiences will constantly distract you from reading, work and other activities.

Therefore, before starting, for example, reading after I have been continuously writing an article for two hours, I spend 10–15 minutes in peace and let the information “digest” a little. Otherwise, I won’t be able to read normally and will be constantly distracted by thoughts like: “how poorly I structured the article, I need to redo it,” “here in that part of the text I could have written better,” “this is unnecessary, I need to remove it,” “and this you can add”, etc. and so on.

Creating articles is a rather labor-intensive process in terms of mental expenditure. When I do this for a while, my brain switches to a certain mode that corresponds to this activity. And it takes time for him to come out of this mode and think about those things that he did not have time to think about during this process.

Therefore, I allow my brain to rest a little so that all the “undigested” thoughts can be assimilated, and then I can start reading normally.

You will not be able to concentrate on any process if there are a lot of suppressed emotions, unprocessed information, and “hanging” problems in your head that you have not paid enough attention to. For many people who live at an emergency pace, have little rest, are rarely left alone with themselves, and abruptly jump from one process to another - this is a constant problem.

They receive a lot of information, and the brain does not have time to digest it, because it is simply not allowed to do so.

Therefore, take frequent breaks from work, during which try not to do anything. It is not necessary to purposefully evoke some thoughts that you want to think through to the end. Just relax. Thoughts that your brain wants to think about and that may subsequently create problems for you with concentration will come to you on their own.

The same applies to emotions. If something is bothering you, try to understand the reasons for your emotions and solve unresolved problems. Otherwise, repressed feelings will bother you and interfere with your concentration. Even if you understand that you cannot solve a problem, then devote at least some time to it. Let the emotions that have awakened inside subside a little, give them a little time, instead of immediately pushing them deeper, turning away from them, being distracted by something else.

If some emotions or desires still don’t go away, just sit quietly for a while. While you sit, try to be aware of these desires without getting involved in them. For example, sexual desire prevents you from concentrating. Any thoughts about work are constantly interrupted by all sorts of fantasies and pictures in my head.

If you simply push these thoughts away, they will come back like a boomerang and can become even more annoying. Instead, just observe the desire that arises from the outside. At the same time, try to think less about something and imagine something. Just watch the desire arise and slowly disappear. Give it some time and attention without giving in to it, and then it will go away.

I understand that sometimes this can be difficult to do. Often, instead of continuing to work and trying to bring attention to focus, giving our head a rest, we begin to get distracted by something: going on social networks, chatting with friends on Skype, or doing all sorts of nonsense. And the work will stand still and will not budge. The brain definitely needs to rest, but for some reason it doesn’t always want it. Some kind of intense work seems to introduce him into a certain rhythm, and he wants to stay in this rhythm and continue to chaotically absorb information, instead of resting.

At such moments, it is better to break away from the activity that “sucks” you into itself. If you are sitting at the computer, step away from it, take a walk, stretch your muscles, take a few deep breaths, let your brain calm down and “digest” all the information.

And when you return to work or study after this, it will be much easier for you to concentrate, you will see. You don't need to spend too much time on "raw" thoughts, otherwise you won't have time for everything else. Just give them a little attention every day.

In an article about attention deficit disorder (this article and the article you are reading now complement each other), I advised practicing meditation to improve concentration. Practicing meditation actually helps you train your “attention muscle.”

But this is not the only benefit for concentration. During meditation, you try not to think about anything, but thoughts usually come to you anyway. Some people believe that the main goal of meditation is to completely get rid of these thoughts.

But it is not so. As I wrote above, in the modern and intense urban pace of life, a person receives a lot of information every day. And often, the brain does not have enough time to process this information. Therefore, in moments of peace you are always thinking about something. And that's okay.

It’s easy to completely get rid of thoughts if, for example, you live somewhere in a monastery, don’t watch TV, don’t go online, don’t communicate with a bunch of people, don’t have a large number of worries and plans. But in the conditions of modern life, this is not so easy to do: there is too much information! And meditation gives great opportunity the brain to “digest” a huge array of impressions. The fact that a modern city dweller has a lot of thoughts during meditation is not always a bad thing.

Sometimes, this “inner dialogue” is simply the noise of undigested information that is currently being processed and clearing your mind of itself. This can be compared to the characteristic “crackling” sound of a computer’s hard drive when the system accesses it, for example, loading an application.

So meditation plays several roles in developing concentration. First, it exercises your concentration muscle. Secondly, it allows the brain to process the data. Thirdly... I will talk about several more roles of meditation later in this article.

If your head is full of thoughts and you can't concentrate on anything, try at least 10 minutes. And then, try to concentrate again. You will see that this has become much easier to do. Your own experience will be much more convincing than all my explanations!

Method 2: Focus on one task at a time

Scientists have proven that multitasking (a process in which a person performs several tasks at the same time) harms the performance of each individual process included in a number of tasks performed by a person.

For example, drivers who talk to passengers while driving are much more likely to make mistakes than drivers who do not.
Each process, according to research, is slower and less efficient if you try to do several of them at once. Therefore, it is a mistake to think that if you do several things at the same time, you will do them faster and better.

In my opinion, multitasking can have a negative impact on concentration. There may be times when your brain can't stay focused on something because it gets bored, not because it has poor concentration ability.

Many people are afraid of boredom and therefore they listen to music when playing sports, talking on the phone while driving, being distracted by communication in in social networks while working. Their brains get used to multitasking, and it becomes even more difficult for them to concentrate on any one process. long time.

To stay focused, you must train your brain to stop being afraid of boredom. If you constantly switch from task to task or perform them in parallel mode, then the moments of rest will become even more unbearable for you, and you will strive to fill the resulting free “information window” with something.

You should adhere to “information hygiene,” the main stages of which I have tried to describe here. Some of my advice can be attributed to memory development. It is very difficult to remember some information if, after receiving it, you immediately start doing something else and don’t let it “digest.”

The ability to concentrate is a very important skill. It helps not only to do your work better or read books more carefully. Concentration implies the ability not to pay attention to extraneous thoughts, goals, tasks, desires!

If you want, then you really need to keep your attention on your goal (get rid of addiction, become healthy, etc.), and not be distracted by temporary discomfort in your body associated with nicotine withdrawal or all sorts of extraneous thoughts (“not Should I smoke my last cigarette?

If you need to learn how to speak in public, attention will come in handy in order to stay focused on your presentation rather than thinking about thoughts like “what does the audience think of me.”

If you want to date a girl and step over, then it’s better for you to think only about your goal, without being distracted by fear.

Such concepts as “willpower”, “self-control” are, from a certain point of view, a reflection of the ability to maintain attention on one goal, cutting off everything unnecessary. Even if it is impossible to indicate complete identity between these concepts, then we can definitely say that they are very strongly interrelated.

Concentration is the ability of a person to concentrate on a specific activity, as well as retain certain information in the reserves of short-term memory. If this property has certain violations, then the person becomes distracted and uncollected.

What is attention like?

Attention is one of the most important characteristics of human mental activity. By its nature it can have the following varieties:

  • voluntary is a conscious and purposeful concentration of attention on any object or action that is associated with interest, professional activity, training or other necessity;
  • involuntary - occurs unconsciously, in connection with some non-standard event or entering a new environment;
  • post-voluntary - occurs automatically when concentration on any object occurs at regular intervals (work, study, etc.).

Speaking about the types of concentration, we can say that they completely duplicate the classification given above.

Impaired concentration

It is not always possible for a person to concentrate on performing any action, even if this is an objective necessity. This can certainly be considered a violation. A decrease in concentration leads to absent-mindedness, which can be of several types:

  • True - attention constantly switches from one object to another, without staying for a long time (the case when this condition is caused by nervous or physical exhaustion, as well as severe stress, is called prostration).
  • Imaginary - arises as a result of concentration on some personal thoughts, as a result of which concentration on external objects is not possible
  • Student - quick switching from one process to another (most typical for schoolchildren and students, which is where its name comes from).
  • Senile - slow switchability (caused by disturbances in mental processes associated with age).
  • Motivational-conditioned - we are talking about consciously turning off attention from a particular object or process that causes unpleasant or unwanted associations.
  • Selective - over time, familiar things cease to attract a person’s attention (we can talk about processes in the body or everyday phenomena).

How to develop concentration

Observing the process of a child growing up, we can conclude that the concentration of attention becomes stronger with age. Based on many years of research, standards were drawn up that determine the duration of school lessons, and later university classes. Nevertheless, even after reaching a certain age, some individuals find it quite difficult to focus and maintain attention on the same object or activity for a long time. IN in this case the development of concentration will require some effort both on the part of teachers (if we are talking about a child) and on the part of the subject himself (if we are talking about an adult).

Improvement in concentration abilities is achieved through continuous and diligent training. Concentration in children most often develops on its own. Even those children who find it difficult at first to get used to long and monotonous activities eventually get used to it. The educational process is aimed at ensuring that, upon completion of education, a person is ready for work not only from the point of view of fundamental knowledge, but also from the point of view of self-discipline. If, with age, a person does not acquire such abilities, he needs to resort to training through special exercises.

How to improve your concentration

High concentration is achieved not only by diligent training, but also by creating comfortable conditions. The fact is that any little thing (extraneous noise, a phone call, etc.) can bring a person out of a concentrated state, after which returning to the previous mode of work will not be so easy. Thus, if you want to concentrate on your work, resort to the following practical tips:

  • Keep a notepad or piece of paper with you with your current action written on it. Every time you get distracted by something, this tip will help you get back on track.
  • Choose a quiet place to work, so that outside noise is inaccessible to you. If you work at home or in a crowded office, then there is nothing wrong with using earplugs.
  • On your desk there should be only the most necessary items for work. Remove anything that might distract you - souvenirs, photographs, etc.
  • The key to effective work is a feeling of comfort and wellness. Yours workplace should be equipped with comfortable furniture, and also be located in a well-lit and ventilated room with a comfortable temperature. Also, do not forget that the body constantly needs to be replenished with food and liquid.
  • Always make a list of tasks that you need to complete. At the same time, it is important not to be distracted by anything, and most importantly, not to put off what you started until later.

Concentration - exercises

Sometimes, in the course of their professional, creative or everyday activities, people discover that they are absent-minded and restless. In this case, there is a need to develop and train such properties as concentration. Exercises offered by psychologists allow you to develop the necessary qualities:

  • For the first exercise you will need a pencil and a piece of paper. Start drawing a line, trying to concentrate all your attention on it. When you realize that you are distracted, draw a zigzag. You will get a drawing that is somewhat reminiscent of a cardiogram, which will help you assess how distracted you are.
  • If you have a long bus ride or stand in line, make the most of your time. Choose an object for yourself (a poster, a window, a door, etc.), set a certain time on the timer (a couple of minutes will be enough to start with) and try to look and think about it exactly until the alarm goes off. Each time you manage to complete this task without being distracted for a second, increase the time period.
  • It often happens that while reading a book (even a very interesting one), we are distracted by extraneous thoughts and reflections. Therefore, always keep a pencil with you. When you notice that you are thinking about something other than the plot, make a note in the margin opposite the place where you finished your conscious reading. Also, when you finish a page, mentally review its contents.

Tests to determine concentration

Concentration and stability of attention are important characteristics not only for professional activities, but also for other areas of human life. In order to evaluate these characteristics, psychologists have developed special tests that are used during interviews in large companies. You can also go through them yourself to determine your level of concentration:

  • The Munsterberg test allows you to determine the level of attentiveness. The subject is given a sheet of paper on which many letters are printed without spaces, including both chaotic combinations and congruent words (23). In two minutes, a person must find them all and highlight them with a pencil, after which the result obtained is compared with the correct answer.
  • The Choulier test is a table of size 5 * 5, in the cells of which numbers with values ​​​​from 1 to 25 are placed in a chaotic order. The subject must point sequentially to each of them as quickly as possible. At the same time, it is prohibited to make any notes. Results are assessed based on the time spent completing the task.
  • The “10 words” test involves reading a certain sequence of words to the test taker. They are not related to each other either in meaning or grammatically. Next, the individual will be asked to reproduce these words. Their sequence does not matter much.

Attention training

Training concentration is an objective necessity for those who want to work effectively without being distracted by extraneous activities. The following techniques are perfect for this and can be used during breaks between performing your work duties:

  • Learn to relax. To do this, set the timer for 5 minutes and take a comfortable position (sitting or lying down). During this time, your body should not make a single movement (even involuntary). If this experience was successful for you, then gradually increase the period of such beneficial rest.
  • Sit up straight and extend your arm to the side. Turn your head and look at your fingers for a minute. At the same time, you should have absolutely no extraneous thoughts in your head.
  • Fill the glass almost to the brim with water. Extend your hand with the vessel forward and concentrate your attention on it. Your task is not to splash the water for a minute.

The given training method allows not only to improve concentration, but also to balance the nervous system.

Exercise for the brain

High concentration is the result of active brain function. Just as the body needs morning exercise, the human mind has the same need. When getting ready for work in the morning, or while on transport, do the following set of exercises:

  • Count from one to 100 and back (over time, the task can be complicated by saying, for example, only even numbers, or those that are divisible by three).
  • Select any letter from the alphabet at random and remember all the words that begin with it (if you speak a foreign language, you can take advantage of this when completing the task, and you can also introduce restrictions on parts of speech).
  • Without hesitation, name 20 names (further complicate the task by choosing only male or female).
  • Choose any letter of the alphabet for which you will need to name the masculine and female name, settlement, animal, bird and product (this is not just good gymnastics for the mind, but also great idea in order to usefully pass the time with the child).

Please note that all of the above exercises must be performed as quickly as possible, without thinking too long.

Physiological aspects

Concentration of attention is not always related to a person’s mental abilities and psychological characteristics. The physiological component also plays an important role in this issue. That is why improving concentration is inextricably linked with normalizing lifestyle and daily routine:

  • Make it a habit to get adequate sleep. If you fall asleep late and get up early, then you are unlikely to be able to give 100% of your mental or creative activities. Let 8 hours of rest become your unshakable rule.
  • Pay attention to your diet. Try to include complex carbohydrates that are processed slowly, constantly nourishing the body in general and the brain in particular. Also before starting working day Be sure to drink a cup of coffee or eat some dark chocolate.
  • Make time for activities that make you happy. This could be a walk, shopping, hobbies, fitness, watching movies, listening to music and much more. Positive emotions contribute to the production of the hormone dopamine, which has a beneficial effect on attention.
  • If none of the listed methods has had the desired effect on the process of concentration, then you need to consult a doctor who will recommend you special medications.

Developing concentration is possible not only through special exercises or techniques, but also through constant self-control. So, wean yourself from biting your nails, knocking on the table, actively gesturing, or swinging your legs while sitting.

An important step on the path to high concentration is gaining emotional balance. Try to protect yourself from negativity and stress, and also get plenty of rest. Make it a habit to listen to calm instrumental music. Also surround yourself with objects of colors that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and emotional state (for example, green and blue). Also try not to watch TV shows that have a negative connotation.

For high-quality mental work, it is necessary to develop both hemispheres of the brain. To do this, it is very useful to periodically change hands when performing any ordinary tasks. So, taking a toothbrush or spoon in left hand(and for left-handers - to the right), you will cause activity in those parts of the brain that were not previously involved.

What is the best way to develop attention?- interesting exercises and educational games are best suited for developing attention, because they are easy, understandable and exciting. It is the gaming method of training and learning that is increasingly gaining popularity both in the West and in Russia.

In this article we will look at many interesting online and desktop exercises that will help develop and maintain concentration And attention. Let's tell you more about what attention is, how it is related to our memory, what you need and what you don't need to do in order to develop excellent attention.

About the game method of developing attention

Scientists proved back in the last century that game-based learning is many times more effective, since the brain does not get bored, it is interested. Look at children, they love to learn something new through play! And they quickly get to the bottom of things and grasp all the rules.

Try to find the cat in this picture:

Is it really addictive?

That is why in this article we have selected several games and exercise machines for you, by playing which for at least a few minutes a day you will already provide your brain with a workout.

The games are very short, and the time of one game is only one and a half minutes! It is in these one and a half minutes that you need to do as many correct actions as possible. After which you can take a short rest or continue playing.

It is very useful to do small 5, 10, 20 minute workouts between tasks to take a little break from work or difficult tasks.

Trainers for developing attention online

Reading by sighting

We have also developed another useful simulator that is suitable for both developing lateral vision and developing speed reading. When you click on the "Random phrase" button, the simulator displays a random sentence for 1-2 seconds. Try to look at the entire line:


Games to develop attention and concentration

Below you can see games that will help you develop your attention. Each game has its own peculiarity, and the more diverse the games, the more effective your development. You can train your attention whenever and wherever you want. Just have access to the Internet and that's it!

Game "Space"

The game "Space" will be a good trainer of your attention. A rocket will be drawn in the picture, and you will need to indicate where it is flying. The game is limited in time, this is the point, because you will have to answer as quickly as possible in order to score the most points! Can you train your attention and become one of the top players?

Game "Flank task"

The game "Flank Task" is similar to "Space", but it will be a little more difficult. The picture shows a flock of birds, and you will be required to indicate the direction of flight central birds. At first, you may be confused, but then it will be better, because this is already the beginning of the development of attention. Here we go?

Visual search

  1. Develops voluntary attention
  2. Improves concentration
  3. Improves attention span

Figures will appear on the screen, among which you need to choose a unique one that is in no way similar to other figures. Some figures may differ in just one small detail, which you need to learn to quickly find. With each successful round the difficulty increases and more points are given :)

Memory games

It’s just good to practice, but it’s better to play and develop! We present to you games that will help change your memory in better side. The games are very interesting and useful, and the competitive mode will only add interest!

Game "Super Memory"

  1. Trains visual memory
  2. Increases memory capacity
  3. Improves memory accuracy

With each move, one new picture appears on the screen. You need to quickly find it and click on it to score as many points as possible in 1.5 minutes. The first 5-7 moves are very easy, and then it becomes noticeably more interesting and difficult.

Speed ​​Comparison Game

  1. Develops memory
  2. Improves attention
  3. Speeds up reaction and thinking

In this game you need to compare the figure shown on the screen with the previous one as quickly as possible, answering the buttons “Yes” - similar or “No” - not similar.

Thinking games

Games to develop thinking, what could be better? By playing, you develop your thinking. Before you know it, it will become easier for you to solve everyday problems, come to a good and quick answer, and find a rational solution. Interested? Then go ahead and train!

Game "Letters and numbers"

  1. Trains concentration
  2. Improves reaction speed
  3. Develops logic and intelligence

Immediately after the start, one of the four windows will show one letter and one number, for example, “U6”. And under the letter with the number a question will appear, for example, “Is the number odd?” or “Is the letter a consonant?” You need to answer questions as quickly as possible.

Color matrix game

The “color matrix” game will also be an excellent trainer for your thinking. A field of cells will open in front of you, each of which will be painted in one of two colors. And your goal will be to indicate which color is more on the field at the moment, 1st or 2nd. The game, of course, is for a while and therefore you have to try. As the game progresses, the field will expand, that is. the game becomes more difficult.

Development of attention in children and preschoolers

The attention of children of this age is very important during development. The child needs to be taught to be attentive. The development of attention is based on three main skills, which you see below:

1. Making tasks more difficult

The child cannot complete some tasks, so it would be best to split the task into tasks. Explain each task so that he understands. Thus, the complexity and volume of work increases.

2. Memorizing explanations during class

It will be useful for the child if he repeats what is said to him during the work, pronouncing each action. This will allow him to represent the entire chain of actions, control the progress of work and implementation. There is an additional explanation from an adult; it will not be superfluous.

If a child prompts or explains to one of his friends, this will consolidate his knowledge, because such an action indicates that he has figured it out.

3. Development of self-control skills

While engaged in any task, the child preschool age wants to test himself, he tries to show and tell his assignment to his peers. An additional incentive for a preschooler will be the competitive process, when children complete tasks on their own, they need to be encouraged. Self-control is one of the criteria for assessing the work performed by a preschooler.

Development of attention in primary school

For school-age children, attention is one of the most important qualities, because the child will need attention in learning in order to perceive information, not miss anything important, and solve the tasks assigned to him carefully and correctly. The following exercises will help your child train his attention:

1. Attention span

Prepare a number series of 10 numbers on a piece of paper. Then give the child one minute or half a minute to memorize. Then the child must reproduce them. You can also let him remember the order, and then ask him to arrange them as it was at the beginning. The task should be repeated 12 times, increasing the number of numbers. This activity is ideal for children aged 7-8 years.

2. The missing element

A great exercise for developing attention! Prepare a series of numbers, letters or pictures. In the same way, give time to memorize all the presented elements of the chain, and then, while the child does not see, remove one of the elements and mix the remaining ones. The child's goal is to determine what was removed.

The task is ideal not only for children from 7-8 years old, but also for children from 4-5 years old and adults. The task can be completed with any number of cards. The images on the cards can be of varying complexity. For example, for children 4-5 years old, the simplest and most understandable drawings, such as a car, bus, tree, house, mom, dad, and so on, are ideal.

Development of attention in adults

Developing attention in an adult is a mandatory procedure! Because without attention, it is very difficult for a person to remember anything, the person becomes absent-minded, less concentrated on his work or daily affairs, and makes many small mistakes.

Developing attention will definitely be beneficial, and huge. Attention can help you navigate a difficult and dangerous situation, when a decision needs to be made instantly, when you need to pay attention to something from which you will need to build when solving a problem.

Therefore, we will describe several exercises that will help train attention in an adult:

1. A special walk down the street

For example, while hurrying somewhere, you walk past the lawn and don’t notice anything around you except general details. Have you tried to look at every flower in the flower beds, every bird flying past?

This exercise will help train the volitional effort of concentrating your attention on certain moments, details, things. It will also allow you to develop involuntary attention, that is. then you will be able to notice details without much effort.

And what’s most interesting is that by doing this exercise you can learn a lot of new and interesting things.

2. Start to be interested in some additional things

Start reading books, watching movies, or reading genres of books you haven't read before. Listen to the radio, watch educational TV programs, documentaries, note what other people like, what you weren’t interested in before.

3. Well-being

Pay attention to the state of your body, to the sensations. Notice how your body reacts to the weather, changes atmospheric pressure By paying attention to these things, you can disconnect from bad and sad thoughts, which often lead to some kind of illness.

4. Memories

Don’t forget about your memories, preferably good and kind ones. You can find something useful in them, or maybe, thanks to your attentiveness, you will find the answer to a question that has been tormenting you for a long time. The answers to the future lie in the past.

Development of thinking

Thinking is a tool that every person who decides has various tasks in life. Thinking can be developed, its speed, depth, freedom, and meaningfulness can be changed. Also, thinking can become more specific and positive.

Speed ​​of thinking

Each person has his own speed of thinking, and therefore each person copes with a task differently. There are techniques for increasing your thinking speed:

  1. Do facial exercises, that is. normal warming up of the facial muscles.
  2. Stop being lethargic, sleepy and with an expressionless face. The more alive you and your facial expressions, the more alive your thinking!
  3. Increase the speed of internal reasoning and thoughts. This will help speed up your thinking.
  4. Try to massage your head regularly. Massage stimulates the blood vessels in the brain, which improves their functioning, and at this moment great thoughts may come to your mind.
  5. Speed ​​reading training. By perceiving text faster, you not only improve your reading speed, but also your thinking speed. Indeed, if you read faster and remember what you read, then your thoughts also speed up.

Speed ​​reading development course

Would you like to quickly read books, articles, newsletters, etc. that interest you? If your answer is “yes,” then our course will help you develop speed reading

Meaningful thinking

The most common type of thinking is internal chatter - this is negative thinking, it “seems to fill” the spiritual emptiness, it is an illusion. This kind of thinking is also called internal dialogue - which is a problem, an obstacle to concentration on any task.

1. Take notes and drawings

Get into the habit of expressing your thoughts in writing or drawings. Some people, when explaining or telling something, not only speak, but also draw, that is, they give you a picture and clarify the situation.

By learning to sketch your thoughts, you will also learn to visualize them better, and soon you will not need sketching. You will be able to master images perfectly and visually understand everything you need. This is a very powerful, bright and useful skill.

2. Share your thoughts

It will be useful to express your thoughts to others who will be really interested in it. By telling this to someone you can receive feedback. Another plus is that the more you tell your thoughts, the more clear they will be for you (if there were any points that were not clear).

3. Discuss

Discussing thoughts is quite an effective thing. The main thing is that the discussion does not turn into a quarrel. If you suddenly do not agree with your interlocutor’s thesis, then make up your own, but do not start a heated argument, but have a calm conversation.

4. Watch your speech

Thinking and speech are closely related to each other. Therefore, in order to contribute to the development of thinking, it is worth constructing your speech correctly. Advice: exclude the words “problems”, “horror”, “difficult”, include “interesting”, “goal”.

Why are speech and thinking closely related? Thinking is fleeting and difficult to remember, but speech is a different story. Speech is remembered and easier to follow.

Want to improve your thinking? Pay attention to your speech.

5. Pay attention to other people's speech

It’s easier to monitor someone else’s speech than your own. Because someone else’s speech is something new and all the shortcomings and failures in logic can be heard in it. Studying the mistakes of other people's speech will help you find mistakes in your own speech.

6. Improve your skills in working with texts

Analyzing a text can be compared to listening to someone else's speech. In both cases, you look for mistakes, roughness and take notes. Improved thinking depends on word processing skills.

Depth and freedom of thinking

People use their thinking in different ways and with varying degrees of freedom. It all depends on the position of perception. In the fourth, freedom of thought reaches its maximum:

  1. Template thinking, as a rule, this is the view of an egoist: “Forgot - it means he doesn’t respect”, “Didn’t kiss - it means he doesn’t love” and so on.
  2. My interests: Does this concern me and my plans? “I was cooking dinner, but he didn’t distract me - oh well. If I wanted to kiss, then that’s exactly what I wanted, which means I’ll kiss when he comes.”
  3. Interests of loved ones: "He was in such a hurry that he even forgot to kiss me. I love him :)"
  4. Objectivity: “The world is a stream of neutral events, nothing serious happened, it was just in a hurry.”
  5. Systemic view: He ran to work, takes care of us! My love!
  6. Angel Position:: My husband works for people, and this is very important. I'm proud of him!

Efficiency of thinking

To create more effective thinking, you need to master meaningful thinking, and then master areas for increasing the efficiency of thinking:

  1. Move from your worries to specifics.
  2. Replace negative thinking with positive thinking.
  3. Find the bridge from right thinking to productive thinking.

Attention management

Attention management is primarily related to the development of thinking and higher functions of human psychology, the development of will and attention.

It happens that useless and unnecessary thoughts are spinning in your head that you want to discard. Don't bother trying to eradicate them, but try:

  1. Think positively and constructively
  2. Do something so that your thoughts are involved in this activity.
  3. Start remembering fun moments, positive stories and pleasant things that will create a good atmosphere.

Exercises to develop attention and memory

Among the exercises, we will consider the most popular and accessible to every person. Such exercises will help you develop without interrupting your work.

1. Reading

Every day, preferably before going to bed, develop the habit of reading at least 30 pages before going to bed. When reading the text, try to remember it as accurately as possible. In the morning, try to remember what the book and the pages you read are about, remember every detail as much as possible.

2. Going to the store

While shopping in a store, you can also train your memory and attention, you just need to know how to do it. Under no circumstances take with you a piece of paper that says what you need to buy. Remember all goods and products. You may forget some things at first, but over time you will begin to remember the entire list with ease.

3. Communication

When communicating with people, listen carefully to everything they say to you, do not let a single word pass your ears. Pay attention to appearance interlocutor. Remember the color of his eyes, clothes, hairstyle, facial features, and so on... This exercise will help you develop visual and auditory memory.

Courses to develop attention and concentration

In addition to games, we have interesting courses that will perfectly pump your brain in the following interesting areas:

Speed ​​reading in 30 days

Would you like to quickly read books, articles, newsletters, etc. that interest you? If your answer is “yes,” then our course will help you develop speed reading and synchronize both hemispheres of the brain.

With synchronized, joint work of both hemispheres, the brain begins to work many times faster, which opens up much more more possibilities. Attention, concentration, speed of perception intensifies many times over! Using the speed reading techniques from our course, you can kill two birds with one stone:

  1. Learn to read very quickly
  2. Improve attention and concentration, as they are extremely important when reading quickly

Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

The course includes 30 lessons with useful tips and exercises for children's development. In every lesson helpful advice, several interesting exercises, an assignment for the lesson and an additional bonus at the end: an educational mini-game from our partner. Course duration: 30 days. The course is useful not only for children, but also for their parents.

Super memory in 30 days

As soon as you sign up for this course, you will begin a powerful 30-day training in the development of super-memory and brain pumping.

Within 30 days after subscribing, you will receive interesting exercises and educational games in your email that you can apply in your life.

We will learn to remember everything that may be required in work or personal life: learn to remember texts, sequences of words, numbers, images, events that happened during the day, week, month and even road maps.

Secrets of brain fitness, training memory, attention, thinking, counting

If you want to speed up your brain, improve its functioning, improve your memory, attention, concentration, develop more creativity, perform exciting exercises, train in a playful way and solve interesting problems, then sign up! 30 days of powerful brain fitness are guaranteed to you:)

We speed up mental arithmetic, NOT mental arithmetic

Secret and popular techniques and life hacks, suitable even for a child. From the course you will not only learn dozens of techniques for simplified and quick multiplication, addition, multiplication, division, and calculating percentages, but you will also practice them in special tasks and educational games!

Bottom line

In this article, we looked at many interesting online and desktop exercises that will help develop and maintain concentration and attention. Tell us more about what it is attention how it is connected with our memory, what you need and what you don’t need to do in order to develop excellent concentration.

  • Exercises to develop attention
  • Child's attention

In our fast-paced times, it is difficult to focus on anything specific. Our attention is blurred, we do not have time to remember the most basic things. Everything around is seething, “cooking”, there is bustle, noise, and din everywhere. Of course, it is not surprising that we are having a hard time. It’s impossible to remember important things and focus on something specific. We are taught how to develop attention on various platforms, offered tests, games, puzzles, etc. But let's try to use a new method and find out how to develop attention and what it depends on.

What is attention

In childhood, we believe that everything we feel can be grasped with our hands. The same was believed with thoughts, memory, and attention. For us it was something specific, like a muscle, and if it is not fully developed, then the attention is poor. But, unfortunately, this is not the case. Otherwise, we could replace it with another muscle and live happily ever after. In fact, all our mental abilities are the result of the activity of brain cells, neurons, and neurotransmitters.

In scientific terms, attention is the direction of our consciousness, focusing on certain things, objects, stimuli. Simply put, our brain receives various signals from the world around us, leaves some of them, and filters others. Their condition depends on various factors.

The problem with mental abilities may be congenital. It’s difficult to fix anything here at all; dementia is often the cause of poor attention. These are two related things. But if this is not a genetic, congenital defect, then you can perfectly develop the ability to concentrate on important things. And put aside the non-essential ones. And it won’t be a problem to focus on the main thing even in those moments when you are very nervous and worried. After all, that same muscle of attention will be trained thanks to our own actions.

Why do we need to develop attention?

We have various mental phenomena, but attention is a special type. This property cannot be separated from others; everything is interconnected. By highlighting different impressions from the variety thanks to attention, we improve our memory and ability to think. If we are not careful, we can very successfully destroy any task, even a simple one. This is easy to note in the case of a child. When his memory and attention are occupied, he immediately shows better results.

As for adults, problems with memory and attention make it difficult to get a job or graduate from college. For example, one of my friends wanted to get a highly paid position, but the conditions for admission were modern and demanding. She had to pass an IQ test, which she failed. And the reason for this is poor memory and attention. When she complained to me, we decided to go through the test ourselves again. And what’s surprising is that she answered all the questions without any problems.

It turns out that something was preventing her from concentrating her attention. When she went to work, she was nervous, worried and could not, as they say, pull herself together. And this, unfortunately, is the norm. When we are stressed, we are unable to perform basic tasks. But if you knew in time that there is an opportunity to improve your attention, then the majority would receive Good work and salary. To get started, you need to study the issue deeper.

Types of attention

Attention can be different: voluntary, involuntary and post-voluntary.

  1. The voluntary depends on the will of each of us. For example, we can force ourselves to do our homework, despite external interference.
  2. The involuntary arises regardless of our desire for new factors, the power of which overshadows other moments.
  3. Post-voluntary is made up of two components: initially there is no attention, but then, when interest arises, attention moves to the voluntary stage.

In our lives, all three types of attention are necessarily present in each of us. For example, school lessons cause boredom in children and voluntary attention, which becomes a cause of irritation. To activate the child, teachers have to use various methods to arouse interest in learning. And he develops involuntary attention, and his performance in subjects improves.

To get the maximum effect from your activities in any area, you should combine all three types of attention. For example, in order for a child to do his homework, he should be interested. He has involuntary attention, and when checked, voluntary. And for him to rest, his parents should give him a break, allow him to rest.

Properties of our attention

These include a sense of stability in which we can maintain and maintain our attention. This moment depends on various factors: our age, motivation, general condition of the body. For example, if a student, while performing homework He gets distracted every now and then, puts off doing things, and has unstable attention. And when concentrating his attention, a person focuses on specific things.

We are also able to switch our attention - that is, from one object, phenomenon to another. Thanks to this, we can combine various tasks. For example, many of us easily cope with washing dishes and then talk on the phone. Milk may escape, and we switch to this process.

This is how attention is distributed, which depends on how a person manages to switch from one to another. Each of us has our own attention span, in which we contain a certain amount of information. According to scientific research, at a certain moment we can be attentive to 7 objects at the same time. This can be easily checked. After communicating with a person, try to remember what his facial features are. You will remember about 7 signs.

Under what conditions does attention develop?

In history lessons we were told about the amazing attention abilities of such rulers as Caesar and Marcus Aurelius. They could do different things at the same time: speak, read, answer, give instructions to their servants, etc. The famous psychologist Polan read poems and immediately created new ones, which shocked the audience.

The same is true for psychologist Gorny, who performed 10 actions simultaneously. But it cannot be said that these people were born with colossal abilities. Yes, they really had innate talent, but they developed it to such a state, worked on their attention and memory. Can we do the same, are there proven ways to develop attention? Yes, and we suggest you study them carefully.

Ways to concentrate

  • Don't give up on thoughts

If something happens in your thoughts, don't throw it away, let it digest. Imagine the morning of your day.
You got up, drank some coffee, took a shower, and then decided to read. It goes easily, you literally absorb what is written.

Or the second option: first, after the morning activities, we sat at the computer, wrote an article, read a lot of news, and then sat down to read a book. In this situation, the book will be much more difficult to read, and the information presented in it will be poorly absorbed. It’s simple, it goes better in a “clean” head than in a busy one.

It is for this reason that people study and work in the morning, and not in the afternoon. They visit school in the morning, college, and work too. There is a place for information, and people learn new things more easily. Also, after sleep, a person gains strength and is able to concentrate. But if we interrupt the flow of information with other things, it does not have time to be delayed. And those that remain unprocessed continually do not leave us alone.

Important: you should not perform complex processes that require concentration one after another. Give your body and brain a break, at least 20-30 minutes.

Why do you need to develop attention? Is it really impossible to live without this? This question is often asked by those who do not take their poor memory and concentration seriously. If you do not address this issue, then failure awaits you. He will not be able to normally fulfill his obligations, remember tasks, drive a car, or cook food. In short, the process of mindfulness accompanies us in all areas of life.

  • Develop your attention

Turn on willpower - each of us has it. To develop, use all proven methods - solve riddles, puzzles, answer crosswords, take various IQ tests. But the most important way is to do the work with full concentration of your attention on it.

And if external irritants arise during the process, get rid of them and focus on the task at hand. Test the method on a simple task - washing dishes. Carefully examine the patterns on the plate, watch the flow of water and the movements of your hands. Act as if you are in the operating room performing surgery on a person. In this process, attention must be colossal.

In order not to lose attentiveness, you need to follow simple rules.

  • Learn to relax

To keep your attention on something specific, you need to be able to relax, not strain your body and mind. You should also eliminate strong emotions that interfere with concentration. But if you think it's easy, you're wrong. Just at the moment when you want to concentrate, a person tenses up, fearing that he will not succeed. So let's learn together.

If you feel that tension is preventing you from getting down to work, stop the work process. Move away from your desk, lean your head back in your chair, and take up to 10 deep breaths. At the same time, you also need to focus on your breathing, which will lead to complete calm and relaxation.

  • Take your time

If you rush and in moments of tension still try to work, nothing will work. Don't be afraid and take a break, then catch up. Your 10 minutes of relaxation and rest will be beneficial, but if you refuse to relieve stress, your work will still not work out.

  • Keep your body toned

It is impossible to talk about concentration without a normal routine and lifestyle. , alcohol, smoking, and especially drug use will never allow you to concentrate on something specific and conscientiously perform your tasks. Improve your health, drink more clean water, walk in the fresh air.

  • Healthy eating

There is no need to brush aside this moment. Junk foods: fatty, smoked, sweet, salty, fast foods, energy drinks, sweet sodas disrupt digestion. Hence the general deterioration in health, metabolism, metabolic processes. Of course, all this affects the brain, more precisely, the work of cells and neurons. The severance of their connection is the source of loss of memory and attention.

  • Eliminate irritants

We cannot fully concentrate on something important if there is extraneous noise. If they bother you, remove them. You can hear the roar of a neighbor's motorcycle from the window - close the window, the TV is playing loudly in the next room - close the doors, ask them to turn it down.

Advice - how to learn not to be distracted? Everything is very simple. Think about how important the process is to you, to which you need to pay maximum attention. Once you realize the significance, you will eventually learn not to hear, see or feel extraneous stimuli. And if you get distracted, return to the interrupted point or start over. By the way, the latter will make a person forget about external factors. For example, you were writing an article and distracting thoughts began to arise. Sometimes it's easier to get up and do what's keeping you from working. Then, with peace of mind, you can continue writing your article.

When our attention is disrupted

If you periodically have problems with attention, don’t worry, this is common to everyone normal people. We want to embrace everything that happens in us and around us, and it is quite natural that this does not always work out. In addition, factors such as fatigue, prolonged overexertion can interfere with the concentration of our thoughts. But they do not last long, they take a short time. If they last longer, then a certain type of disorder is present:

  1. Absent-mindedness. With weak concentration, an involuntary, easy switching of human attention occurs. This is more common in preschool children, students junior classes. There is everything in their head, but not the main thing.
  2. Absent-mindedness of scientists. Pundits, as a rule, concentrate their attention on something specific, their teaching, science. They are not able to quickly switch to other things.
  3. Absent-mindedness is age-related. Old people suffer from this disease; they forget everything and are unable to concentrate on specific positions. The cause is age-related diseases, problems with memory, and brain activity.
  4. The attention span is reduced due to other significant factors and events. People in moments of grief or great happiness can be absent-minded and inattentive.
  5. Attention fatigue – occurs due to depletion of concentration when working on a specific task for a long time.

If brain diseases are present, a person may develop serious problems with concentration and other, more complex diseases.

Exercises to Improve Mindfulness

Many experts offer excellent exercises that can help you develop your mindfulness. We offer the best of them. Let's start with Wujek Tom's gymnastics, for which you need to set aside a lot of time.

  1. Place a watch in front of you and track the movement of the hand for two minutes. Concentration should be on the second hand. Something got in the way and you were distracted, return to the starting position and repeat the exercise again.
  2. The second step is the same, but with the TV on. Choose a gear that interests you and fully concentrate on the second hand. If you get distracted by a show or a movie, start over.
  3. The third, more difficult option is to watch the second hand and mentally count the even numbers. If you get lost, start over and continue for two minutes.

These simple at first glance, but complex exercises must be repeated every day in brief minutes and in complete solitude.

There are also a number of exercises in which you need to concentrate your attention on new objects. This is the second option - remember the situation. If there is someone in the room, they are making noise, making noise, nothing will work, the process requires complete silence. Then, you need to fully describe their characteristics. Usually, as we already know, people remember up to 7 moments. Psychology experts ask to describe not only large, but also small details.

For example, enter a new room or room and carefully examine it for one minute. Try to remember as much as possible. Then, get out of it and write down on a blank piece of paper everything you remember.

The next step is to turn the process into a game. Ask a friend to rearrange something when you leave the room. Go back and think about what is out of place. This could be either a piece of furniture or something from his own clothing. That is, you will have to switch your attention and rummage through the annals of your memory. This is an excellent exercise to help you concentrate and develop your attention.

Most affordable way develop memory and attention - handicrafts. Knit, embroider. Painstaking work that requires concentration of our attention also has a great effect on brain activity, because it involves fine motor skills. Pay attention to which old women think better: those who sit with their hands folded or those who knit or embroider something every now and then.

Exercises for developing children's attention are reflected in puzzles like: “Find 5 differences.” First, the kids are given simple problems, then the number of differences in the pictures increases. Then you need to distinguish colors and small details.

The next way to help your child is after visiting a certain place, for example, a circus, a zoo, ask him to draw what he saw.

Place several items in front of your child, for example, place an apple, pear, plum, peach, grape in a row. Let him look carefully at these objects, close his eyes, and you remove something from them. Opening his eyes, he should show what is missing in the fruit row.

Developing a child’s memory and attentiveness will be the key to his success in school. This means that an excellent platform for a promising future will be formed.

How to maintain developed attention

It is not enough to develop your attentiveness; if you do not maintain it, then very soon your ability to concentrate will dry up. It is necessary to create a favorable atmosphere so that problems do not arise.

  1. Don't overload yourself with information. Memory is not limitless, and having received a new dose of news, it pushes aside important points. Rest, don't jump from one to another. Study everything carefully, in detail, do not miss small points.
  2. Concentrate your attention on what you are doing. Don’t get distracted, and if something becomes a hindrance, return to the main process again. Spraying on all sorts of little things is our main mistake, which interferes with the quality of life of every person.

For example, we cannot get rid of bad habits because we do not concentrate our attention on them. If you want to quit smoking, think about it and while smoking, think about how smoke enters your lungs and destroys all living things. This will help you hold on to your goal and take the plunge. And don’t even try to switch to thoughts like: “others also smoke, and that’s okay!”, “I’ll quit smoking after the weekend!” etc. That is, concentration of thoughts and attention does not allow us to be distracted by “excuses” and to reach our goal to the end.

Qualities such as self-control and willpower play a big role in this. You understand that there is a close connection between them. If there is no willpower and self-discipline, then we will not be able to focus on the specific, we will be slack and absent-minded. It is necessary to concentrate, which will allow you to realize your goals and desires, and achieve results. This means that attentiveness must be cultivated from childhood, develop it and the child’s future will be more than successful.

Bye everyone.
Best regards, Vyacheslav.