How to make an explosive bomb at home. How to make a bomb at home. What are the main ingredients needed for this?

Every girl knows how to soak up the cold weather in hot bath with your favorite scent, relax and enjoy your vacation. Complete relaxation is possible with a bath bomb. It will fill the water with many bubbles that will slide pleasantly over the body. Not many people know how to make a bomb at home; in fact, it is much easier than it initially seems. Basically, they are quite diverse in shape, color, aroma, size, but in terms of the set of ingredients needed for preparation, they are almost the same; you can buy them in any store. The main effect of the bombs is foaming, releasing a small amount of hydrogen when combined with water.

The base is the main ingredient

To make a bath bomb you need a base. For this purpose, baking soda and citric acid are most often used in a 2:1 ratio. These ingredients make up 60 to 90% of all components. Also as a base instead of citric acid You can choose any other acid that will be harmless to your delicate skin.

Binders and powder ingredients

If you want the product to have a good texture, then powder ingredients will be required, although you can omit them if necessary. It all depends on whether you are doing it for yourself or as a gift, or even for sale.

Homemade bombs at home involve the use of any powder: flour, milk powder, starch or even fine salt - whatever you want, give free rein to your imagination. These ingredients should make up no more than 30-35% of the total mass of the finished mixture.

Binding ingredients refer to special additives that help all components of the bomb stay together and not fall apart. Most often, ordinary aromatic oil or water is used for such purposes. It should be borne in mind that the amount of liquid in the finished product should not exceed 10-15%.

Let's look at how to make a bomb at home using oil binding ingredients. In order for all the components of the mixture to be well bonded to each other, but at the same time, when interacting with water, the chemical reaction we need occurs, it is best to use: shea butter, coconut oil or cocoa oil. They will not only bind substances together, but will also perfectly moisturize your skin. These bombs will be softer than those that use water.

If the binder is water, the product will be very hard and durable. Since water is a catalyst and evaporates quickly, it must be used very carefully, and a couple of drops of alcohol must be added to it.

Are dyes needed?

Whether or not to add dyes to bombs is only your personal wish and decision. You can use any, both natural and artificial, water- and oil-based. It's a matter of taste.

Keep in mind that oil-based or mineral dyes work best with ingredients in which you choose to use oil as a binder. They also work well with any powders added to bombs.

But the dyes on water based Preferably used with aqueous binders. They also go well with powders, including fine salt.

The proportions in which dyes should be added are not indicated anywhere, because it all depends on the size and volume of the bomb at home.

It’s not enough to know how to make a bomb at home; you also need to use the simplest and most necessary tips for making it.

  1. To add fragrance to the product, use aromatic oils.
  2. Do not use two oils aimed at calming and stimulating in one product.
  3. To make the bombs look like some kind of figures, use an ice mold.
  4. Ready-made bombs should be stored in sealed bags in cling film.
  5. If the aromatic oil has faded over time, you can drop it onto the bomb again and after a couple of minutes lower it into the bath.

Cooking process

By knowing how to make a bath bomb at home, you can save a decent amount of money and enjoy every time you soak in the warm water.

  1. First of all, all dry ingredients are thoroughly mixed together. There should be no lumps. The soaps are melted and mixed with the dry mixture. Everything is mixed until smooth.
  2. Now you can add flavorings. Mix again.
  3. The resulting mass is poured into molds by hand and compacted thoroughly. If there are no molds, you can simply roll the balls, slightly flattening them with your palm.
  4. The bombs are dried.
  5. The very last step is to add the dye. This is best done with a pipette, a few drops at a time.
  6. The bombs are ready and can now be used.

Modern life is an endless marathon of affairs, tasks and responsibilities. We are in a hurry to go to work, we are in a hurry to study, we need to submit a report or a session. Don’t forget to take care of your parents, spend time with your children, and also take your pet for a walk and personal life not forget. In all this bustle, it becomes difficult to relax; it is difficult for a person to simply throw all thoughts out of his head. But today you will learn how to make ordinary water treatments not just relaxing, but incredibly useful and aesthetically beautiful.

Bath bombs are small balls that, when they come into contact with water, begin to hiss and emit bubbles. It turns out to be a sort of jacuzzi effect. In addition, bombs can change the color of water, create foam, fill the air pleasant aromas. Depending on the ingredients, you can make bombs that will soften and moisturize the skin.

Bath bombs are also called geysers due to their ability to produce a large number of bubbles. Such a geyser can be bought at any cosmetic store. However, it is not cheap, although it often consists of simple components. In order not to spend money on items that you can make yourself, let's try to make a bomb with our own hands.

Bomb ingredients

In order for the bomb to be not just sizzling, but also safe and healthy, it must be prepared from the right ingredients.

  1. Baking soda. When purchasing, pay attention to the production date of the product. Expired soda may lose its properties and when combined with other ingredients, such soda will not react.
  2. Lemon acid. Soda and acid are two necessary and basic ingredients that give the desired hissing reaction when in contact with water. If you don't have citric acid on hand, you can use fresh lemon juice. But in this case the bomb will bubble a little less, although you will get an awesome citrus aroma. And also, if you replace citric acid with natural juice, you will have to add more dry ingredients to make the mass quite thick.
  3. Starch. It is better to take corn - it dissolves quickly and does not leave particles behind. If you don’t have starch on hand, you can replace it with milk powder. Essentially, starch is just a filler to give the bomb bulk. In addition, starch helps the geyser to bubble longer than usual.
  4. Oils. As you know, any cosmetic oil has a great effect on skin, especially dry and lifeless skin. By adding a little oil to your bombs, you will create a product that is not only beautiful, but also beneficial for your skin. For the geyser, you can use any oil - almond, coconut, peach, flaxseed. Sea buckthorn oil will not only moisturize your skin, but will also give your pale body a slight glow thanks to its orange color. If there are no cosmetic oils, use simple olive or sunflower oil - it is also incredibly beneficial for the skin, giving the epidermis firmness and elasticity. If you don't love oil compositions, make a bomb without them, their use is optional.
  5. Essential oils. Smells are another component for comfortable relaxation. Essential oils can be bought at the pharmacy - there they are presented in a wide range. The aroma of sandalwood will help you calm down, relieve depression, and overcome stress. Rose essential oil will give you a delicate aroma, heal wounds on your body, and after such a bath you will be able to sleep peacefully and for a long time. The smell of orange has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, you can relieve anxiety and improve performance. Bergamot essential oil will not only give you a tart aroma, but will also suppress the active activity of the sweat glands. Choose the bomb oil that you want. Perhaps you'll be working all night today and need an invigorating citrus scent. And tomorrow, tired of working day, you will want to relax and a pine scent bomb will help you with this.
  6. Dye. To make the bomb not only fragrant and healthy, but also beautiful, you need to add dye to it. This can be regular watercolor or gouache, but it is safer to use food paints, since the coloring pigment comes into contact with large area skin. Food paints can be bought at any culinary store; they are quite rich and deep. If you are for naturalness, you can use beet juice, which will give a deep pink tint. Turmeric will give your bomb a golden glow. Purple color can be achieved using blueberry or currant juice. And here green tint made from spinach and parsley juice.
  7. Soap component. To make the bomb interesting, you can add a soap component to its composition. Thanks to this component, the bomb will not only bubble and seethe, it will begin to produce foam. As a soap component, you can use shower gel, bath foam, shampoo or simple liquid soap.

In addition to the main ingredients, you can add anything you like to the bomb. It could be sea ​​salt, which will improve the condition of your skin or a decoction of the string, which will soothe and heal small wounds on the body. Anything that comes to your mind can be part of the geyser. But how to prepare it so that everything works out?

Let's take a basic recipe for making a bomb. For it we need citric acid, soda, starch, mint essential oil, some bubble bath, green dye and a spoon of peach oil.

  1. To prepare bombs, you need to take plastic or porcelain dishes. This is especially true for a spoon - an ordinary metal one can oxidize.
  2. Citric acid, starch and soda must be sifted through a sieve so that there are no hard sticky pieces left in the mass. Mix these ingredients in the following proportions: two parts citric acid, the same amount of soda and one part starch. If you take 2 tablespoons of acid and soda, as well as one spoon of starch, you will get about three small bombs.
  3. Take all the powders and mix them thoroughly. Add a tablespoon of bubble bath, a few drops of dye and essential peppermint oil. Now you should mix everything thoroughly, the intensity of the boiling of the bomb depends on this. If the mass is too thick, add a little more foam; if it is too liquid, increase the amount of starch. Do not add water to the mixture. At most, you can spray the porridge with small splashes from a spray bottle. If you add water, the mass will begin to fizz strongly - the reaction will occur earlier than planned and the mass will not crystallize correctly. After this, it will lose its properties and will not hiss when it gets into water.
  4. Knead the dough from the prepared mass and divide it into several parts. Production bombs are round in shape, but we can make them any size you want. In fact, the shape is not important - you will immediately throw the mass into water, and it will quickly dissolve. To form bombs you can use Silicone forms for cupcakes, plastic containers for freezing ice. To ensure that the bombs leave the mold well after freezing, the container is pre-lubricated vegetable oil. If you don't have molds on hand, simply roll the mixture into balls and place on a cutting board.
  5. When the bombs are ready, they should be sent to the refrigerator, or better yet, to the freezer, where they will set better and, when thrown into water, will take longer to defrost, which means the bubbling process will be lengthy.

This is an easy way to make fizzing bath bombs. But the recipe can be varied, resulting in incredibly beautiful, fragrant and unusual bombs.

What other bath bombs can you make?

There are many variations of this product. Here are a few interesting recipes making geysers that you will surely like.

  1. Lemon bombs. Mix half a glass baking soda with a quarter cup of starch and citric acid. Add yellow dye and lemon essential oil to the mixture. An excellent decorative element can be obtained by adding yellow petals of any flower, for example, narcissus. You can add chopped fresh lemon zest to the mixture. Mix all ingredients and freeze as in the previous recipe.
  2. Caramel bombs. Take the base - citric acid, soda and starch. To give the geyser a cheerful color, you can add bright colors to suit your taste. Use simple vanillin as an aromatic component. In this case, the bomb will turn out appetizing and caramel-like.
  3. Rainbow bombs. To prepare this composition you will need several colors. However, if we add them to one container, they will mix and the result will definitely not please us. Therefore, we make the base from the usual components and divide it into several parts. We add a different shade to each part - red, green, yellow. Then we transfer the three masses into one container and sprinkle with glitter. Stir, but not very intensely, so that the colors differ and do not turn into a homogeneous mess. When you throw bombs into the water, it will begin to bubble in different shades, and sparkles will make the show even more colorful.
  4. Milk rose. These bombs will come in handy during a romantic date. To prepare them, we take a base of citric acid and soda. Instead of starch, it is better to use powdered milk here; it will make the water slightly whitish after dissolving and give it a milky aroma. To enhance the color effect, use white food coloring. For aroma, add rose essential oil. Decorative element– pink or scarlet rose petals. Mix everything and freeze as usual. When it gets into the water, a bubbling will appear, light petals will begin to float to the surface, the water will turn milky, the bath will be filled with a delicate floral aroma - the setting for a romantic evening.
  5. Calming bombs. You will need the recipe for this bomb after a hard day at work, when you want to relax and get rid of all anxious thoughts. Add relaxing lavender essential oil and dried chamomile flowers to the main mass. The oil will relieve nervous tension and stress, and chamomile will calm the soul and body.

Having made these bombs, you will always have preparations in your refrigerator for any occasion.

A bath bomb is unique way relaxation, tranquility, calming thoughts and body. This is both aromatherapy and aesthetic pleasure of seething colors, as well as a small way to introduce something new into your everyday life. daily life. After all, life, as you know, consists of pleasant little things and joyful evenings spent with pleasure.

Video: how to make bath balls from homemade ingredients

Previously, in those days when the fathers and mothers of modern youth wiped their pants at school, a paper bomb was considered a very popular entertainment. This simple craft in those days they were created from drafts and notebook sheets, since children had them in large quantities. A paper water bomb was made in a matter of minutes, and could bring joy for several hours. During the hot season, children threw things like snowballs, accompanying this action with laughter and screams. When it collided with a target, the bomb “exploded”, in other words, burst. In this case, the victim most often turned out to be wet through, but in the summer this circumstance brings more relief than problems.

The elders taught the “trifle” how to make a bomb out of paper. Thus, this technology has entertained more and more generations. But with the advent of computers, everything changed. Today, children prefer to spend time in front of the monitor rather than on the street. They are not at all interested in learning how to make a paper bomb. They rarely walk even in the summer, ideal for swimming in the river and running around the garden.

Nevertheless, any child will probably choose the one that will bring more joy and pleasure from two entertainments. And it is quite possible that if parents show their child how to make a paper bomb and how to use it, then he will prefer a more active activity. It is best to present this material before going to any body of water. This will give your child a great opportunity to practice a new skill and better understand how to make a paper bomb.

But what if adults have forgotten this technology too? Don't despair! Our step by step lesson on how to make a paper bomb will help you brush up on the material and ensure a good family holiday.

For work we need a square sheet of paper. Let's fold it diagonally. Then we'll expand.

Now let's repeat the same with the second diagonal.

Fold the square in half.

And bend the upper corners inward as follows.

Now we perform the following operation on both sides. We bend the lower corners of the triangle so that they touch the upper one.

This step is also performed on both sides. Bend the side corners of the square to the center line.

Now we tuck the tails (4 pieces) into the pockets as shown in the photo.

This is what should happen.

In order to add volume to our model, you need to blow into a small hole located at the bottom of the product.

Our bomb is ready. In order for it to become watery, you need to add liquid to it. This can be done using a thin stream from the tap or using a tube. To do this, you need to insert one end of it into the same hole through which we inflated the figure, and place the other under water.

That's all, now our water bomb is ready for use, and you are ready to active recreation by the pond.

To lie in a warm bath - what could be more pleasant? Maybe a bath with a fragrant bomb. Buying it can be expensive, but making it yourself is quite easy and even interesting. You can make your own bomb exactly according to the recipe or turn on your creativity and create your own unique options: add different aromatic oils and components that are beneficial for the skin: dead sea salts, oils, flower petals and everything like that.

You can find some bomb ingredients right in your kitchen, but if you want something more beneficial for your skin, you'll have to go to the store healthy products or visit a specialized department of body care products.

You can use your creations yourself or make a great gift for friends and family. Try to make a bomb exactly according to the recipe, and when you understand the technology, experiment with the components.

Step No. 1 Equipment

For a homemade bomb you will need:

  • kitchen scales
  • large mixing bowl
  • cold water sprayer
  • latex gloves to protect hands
  • eye protection
  • gauze dust mask
  • sieve to sift the mixture
  • molds for bombs (if you don’t find a spherical mold, you can use any options for baking, for ice cubes, etc.)

Step #2 Ingredients

  • 300 g soda
  • 150 g citric acid
  • 5-10 ml essential or aromatic oil of your choice
  • 5 ml plain butter(this can be sunflower, olive, grape, sweet almond, jojoba oil or others, to choose from)
  • food coloring in desired color

It's better to make smaller bombs because they stick better, but larger ones are more likely to fall apart.

One more thing: start with a small amount, because first you need to find the best consistency. When making bombs, everything is important, including weather conditions - when high humidity need to be added less water, otherwise the bomb will turn into a bubbling mass.

Step No. 3 Mix the ingredients

Sift the baking soda through a sieve into a large mixing bowl to ensure there are no lumps left. Mix baking soda and citric acid in a bowl.

Step #4 Add oil

Add the aromatic and regular oils to the bowl. Most essential oils won't make the mixture fizz, but some, especially citrus oils, will. If this happens, mix them as quickly as possible.

Do not mix aromatics and essential oils- add one or the other.

Step #5 Separate the mixture

If you decide to make multi-colored balls, now is the time to divide the mixture into different containers to color them differently. In the photo, the mixture was divided into three parts.

Step No. 6 Paint

Now we begin to paint the mixture. If you are using food or cosmetic coloring, add it drop by drop to create a desired color. Mix the mixture quickly with your hands to prevent it from foaming.

If you are using powder dye, simply add a little at a time to the mixture and stir until you get the color you want.

Stir until the mixture is uniform and free of blemishes. You need to mix especially carefully if you are using powder dye. It is best to “rub” the mixture between your fingers.

If the mixture becomes wetter, do not leave it or it may settle. On the contrary, you need to do everything as quickly as possible.

Step #7 Add water

Add a little spray water, then stir continuously to avoid fizzing. Be careful not to add too much water - the mixture should still be a little crumbly but hold together if you just squeeze it in your hand.

Step No. 8 Fill out the form

Fill the mold with the mixture. If you are using two halves of a sphere, place the mixture in each half and press them together. Don't twist the halves, just press them tightly together. Wait a few minutes, then carefully remove the sealed mixture from the mold.

Step No. 9 Dry

Leave the finished bombs in a dry and warm place for several hours.

Step No. 10 Use it or give it away

That's it, your fragrant homemade bath bombs are ready. Just drop them in hot water and enjoy.

Remember: the fresher the bomb, the more fizzing it will be, and if you don't package your items, it's best to store them in a dry place. You can wrap them in cling film to keep them fresh longer.

Well, if you decide to give them as a gift, just choose a beautiful package and a ribbon, and the gift is ready.

If you typed the query “How to make a stink into a search engine,” it means that someone really annoyed you and you decided to annoy them or just make a joke. The stink bomb is safe and will not cause mortal harm to anyone. I mainly use the stink bomb in schools, universities or other popular places. Do you need to disrupt a lesson at school? Make a joke on your family or friends? Disrupt the conference? Prank your neighbors? Then you have come to the right place, we will help you do it in the best possible way.

I want to warn you right away, some stink bombs have such a nasty smell that a person can simply vomit. If your bomb is activated in the room where you are, it is better to close your nose tightly. Let's start practicing.

How to make a stink bomb?

Our recipes for making a stink bomb at home:

Stinky (Smoke) from a tennis ball.

Cooking method.

Take a cracked or new tennis ball. Break it into small pieces (the smaller the better). We use any piece of paper from a notebook, book or just A4. We put all our parts in paper, wrap them and wrap them with thread. To use it, just burn the paper well from the edge where our parts are not located and throw it in the right place.

Video - Stinky (Smoke) from a tennis ball.

During recording


1. To get more smoke and flavor you need to use a lot of tennis balls.

2. All the parts need to be folded in the middle or to the side and wrapped well to leave enough empty space in the paper so that when you set it on fire, you can throw it and move away.

3. If you decide to save money and take little paper, or simply set fire to where all our parts are located, there is a high probability that everything will happen in your hands.

Stink from tablets (analgin and hydroperite).

To make stinky tablets we will need:

1. Analgin (painkiller and antipyretic drug, in tablets, price 2.50 UAH).

2. Hydroperite (a common hair dye solvent, freely sold in pharmacies, price approximately 3 UAH).

Proportions: one part hydroperite to two parts analgin.

Cooking method.

We crush the tablets on separate leaves or dishes, just do not mix them, as a reaction will occur and it will immediately begin to smoke and emit an odor. We take two powders in hotel papers and take them to the place where we want to commit a dirty trick. Mix two powders into one leaf. It’s ideal if you attach it to a battery (which heats it up), if not, just heat it with matches or a lighter (the main thing is not to burn the paper). There won't be much smoke, but the smell will be very pungent and will resemble a mixture of rotten onions, ammonia and rotten fish.

Video - Stink from tablets (analgin and hydroperite).

During recording


1. For a sharper sensation, you can add a little potassium permanganate, and the color of the smoke will turn out pink.

2. Do not use too many tablets, the situation may not be expected.

3. To create more smoke, use a 1 to 1 ratio.

4. To make it easier to transfer the stink, it is better to use a rolled up newspaper, glue one edge with tape, fill it with analgin, bend and sizzle the hydroperite, put on an elastic band for money and transfer it to the right place. When you need to use it, just remove the elastic band, unbend it, mix everything together and put it in a secluded place.

Hair stink bomb.

We will need: A simple piece of paper, a bunch of human or animal hair, 5-6 matches or a sparkler, an ordinary rubber band for money.

Cooking method.

Place a tuft of hair in the middle of the leaf, cut off the heads of the matches and place it on the tuft of hair. We bend the paper into a ball, but not too tightly, so that it catches fire later. Wrap it with an elastic band, insert two matches (we will use it as a wick). Choose a convenient place and set it on fire!

Video - Hair stink bomb.

During recording

Egg stink bomb.

For the stink we need: a needle, a closing box and an egg.

Cooking method.

We take the thinnest needle and make a small hole in the shell. We put the egg in a box for a couple of weeks and close it. The longer it sits, the stronger the effect should be, but it may simply dry out. After 2-4 weeks, take the egg out of the box and throw it into in the right place, and enjoy the effects.

Video of how you can play around with a stink bomb:

During recording

Smoke from wet wipes

We take several wet wipes, fold them and wrap them with electrical tape or tape. Choose appropriate place and set it on fire. To be honest, I didn’t succeed, many people say that it works.