How to make an anchor for a boat with your own hands. Anchor for an inflatable boat: creation instructions, tips and drawings. Advantages of homemade devices

It is very light and just needs to have an anchor, which will allow it to be secured in the right place as much as possible. But it is worth noting that this tool must be very reliable and fix it correctly.

Before you start making a high-quality anchor, you need to familiarize yourself with the necessary literature or simply consult with friends who are well versed in this. It is necessary to remember that it is needed:

  • For fixing water transport on the water;
  • To maintain balance;

At the same time, if you conduct any research, accurately establishing an anchor will contribute to a quick search for answers to the questions posed. A good anchor is a very big advantage, so you need to pay special attention to the selection of this necessary tool.

What characteristics should an anchor have?

  1. Light weight– this is very important, since such a boat is made of very light material and if there is an overload, it will simply capsize. As a result, persons who are there may suffer.
  2. Folding paws– as you know, the anchor has sharp claws that can damage the boat, and it is inflatable, so make sure that it has folding claws. As practice shows, the use of such an anchor is very simple and, despite all the factors, it takes up little space on the boat, i.e. it is quite compact.
  3. High holding force The main task is to keep the boat in a certain place. Thus, this accessory must be made in such a way that it can easily be fixed at depth. In such cases, it is necessary to pay great attention to the material from which the anchor is made. According to experts, foreign ones are more thought out and are very different from ours. True, there are manufacturers who have practically managed to catch up with their competitors.
  4. Corrosion resistance– and again the material plays the most important role, so it must be made of an alloy that is resistant to corrosion despite the fact that it always functions with water. It is worth noting that it needs to be properly cared for. One of the most important is cleaning, since it is fixed at a depth where there is dirt that can destroy the outer layer of the anchor.
  5. Ease of removal from hooks- it constantly clings to the depths of a river or other aquatic environment, where there are many obstacles to returning the anchor. This device it is necessary to choose so that there are paths that will facilitate the return from the bottom.

The most popular types: advantages and disadvantages

  1. Kurbatova is a welded tool that is made of steel rod with a diameter of 10 millimeters and a thickness of 4 millimeters. The main feature is considered to be the presence of only one paw and a forked spindle. Its weight is no more than 2.5 kg. This type of anchor holds well enough at any weight. The disadvantage is the fact that it does not hold well on rocky surfaces, so you will have to carry a blank weighing 4 or 5 kilograms with you.
  2. Mushroom- This is one of the first anchors that has been used since 1850. Its main advantage is to stay afloat. It has special holes through which air passes, thereby allowing the anchor not to move from its fixed place. For PVC boats, a small one with a size of 3.5 kg is used. The disadvantage is that it does not fold and has a considerable weight.
  3. Admiralteysky– The advantage of this type is that it is quite simple to make, since it consists of a spindle and with a thickened part at the bottom. It can be picked up different sizes and from different materials. Its legs are considered a disadvantage, since they do not fold and are sharp themselves, and for a PVC boat this is dangerous.
  4. Danforth– one of the popular anchors, its main advantage is considered to be increased holding force. The point is that when it falls to the bottom, it does not stop and goes straight into the loose layer of soil and reaches a solid base. The extended rod serves as a stabilizer and prevents the anchor from tipping over on its side. This type of anchor is available in different weight categories. It must be said that at low weight it is of little use. In a strong current, such an anchor will drift for a long time and fall in the wrong place where it was planned.
  5. Cat– this type is very good for use on small ships. On large ships it serves as an auxiliary, but not the main one. It is fixed quite well at depth. One of the most inexpensive. Its paws fold and are small in size. If you use it on a boat, you must be very careful, as it has sharp legs that can damage the vessel.
How to increase your fish catch?

Over 7 years of active fishing, I have found dozens of ways to improve the bite. Here are the most effective ones:

  1. Bite activator. This pheromone additive attracts fish most strongly in cold and warm water. Discussion of the bite activator “Hungry Fish”.
  2. Promotion gear sensitivity. Read the appropriate manuals for your specific type of gear.
  3. Lures based pheromones.

Self-production using the Kurbatov method


For manufacturing you will need the usual materials:

  • Rope for forming a spindle;
  • Two mounting rings will serve as a link between other parts;
  • Metal sheets with a thickness of 5 mm and a width of 40 mm.
  • Metal pipe with a diameter of 30 mm and a length of 20-30 centimeters;
  • A piece of hollow pipe 2 centimeters;
  • Steel wire;
  • Steel rod.


From the above material we cut out all the details. This process is best carried out under the guidance of already experienced people. Manufacturing consists of the following steps:

  1. The wire is bent, from which we form a spindle, the ends of which are welded at the edge of the rod. This action allows you to keep the paw in working condition.
  2. When welding is used, a bar is attached to the top of the spindle;
  3. A clamp is attached to the rod. In use, you may need a bar and a washer; they, in turn, help to unfold the anchor arms to secure them in the water.
  4. It is also necessary to weld a rib to the paw.

Methods for determining the weight and dimensions of the anchor rope

By calculation based on formulas

This is a rather complex formula that is as close to ideal as possible:

W=(8÷10)(3rd root of D2) kgf,

W– anchor weight;

D — vessel displacement, tf.

True, there are a lot of other formulas that allow you to determine weight or size.

Before going to sea, you need to carefully calculate all the parameters and only then apply any actions.

It is necessary to pay attention to the depth of the dive, the size of the boat or other vessel, the speed of the current, the type of anchor and how long it should be at depth.

Looking at special tables

Scientists decided to simplify the work of the craftsmen and conducted research that relates to the selection of the right device. These tables allow you to compare all the technical parameters of any water transport and thus you can easily select the one you need without using a lot of formulas that take a lot of time and effort.

It is worth noting that properly made homemade anchors are no worse than factory ones, as the right technology will lead to good result. Before you do, you need to answer the following questions:

  • For which vessel it will be used (in particular, this includes parameters, i.e. weight and volume of the device);
  • Will it harm this type of boat (as is known, there are different materials from which the boat is made, in particular with inflatable ones you need to be careful not to puncture it);
  • Is the material for making the anchor susceptible to corrosion? If you are not sure, consult a specialist so that your work is not wasted.
  • Before you start manufacturing, you need to familiarize yourself with a fairly large amount of literature and you can watch several video tutorials that will allow you to go in the right direction.
  • A certain type of boat corresponds to an anchor that can perform all the necessary functions. If the currents are fast enough, then it is better to take it with more weight - this will help fix the boat in the right place;
  • It is best to store this tool in a case that will protect it from the external environment when not in use. Also will not scratch the surface of the vessel;
  • After use, you should clean it - this will help you use it for as long as possible.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Now I'll show you how to use anchor links on your pages to improve your site's usability and content consumption.

You can see a striking example of such anchor links in almost every article of mine that contains content.

Each link in the content is made using an anchor link. Clicking on each one takes you to a specific part of the page. This type of content will be much more convenient to use than just a list of items, since in the second case the visitor will have to scroll through the page himself and look for the desired item.

In most cases, the user needs a specific answer to a question and needs it right away. And, if we force him to look for the desired item on the entire page, then it is not a fact that he will do it. Thus it will get worse.

By giving the visitor the opportunity to go straight to the desired question, we guarantee our page a good PF, since the user will be able to immediately get to the question he needs and will be more likely to study it.

Therefore, if you are creating your pages that cover many issues, then you definitely need to make the content in the form of anchor links. We will look at how to do this option below. You also need to do this option when there is a large amount of content.

Now let's move directly to the implementation. I start with a video lesson, after which there is a text version to fully master all the information.

And here is the promised text version with all the initial data, which was shown above.

How to put an anchor link in the text?

The implementation of this function is incredibly simple. We need 2 links:

  1. The first is for the link itself;
  2. The second is for the anchor, which will determine the place where you need to move when you click on the first.

Both links contain an identifier that connects both links to each other. If you need to use more than one anchor link on one page, then new values ​​must be set for each link. In the example above, the value is 1. If I need to make a second link, then I can set a new value, for example 2.

This is what I usually do in my content. Each item is marked with a new number.

As for the WordPress engine, it is not necessary to put the first link in a text (html) editor. I make it simpler.

  • First I write all the content points;
  • Then I make them into a numbered list;

  • Next, I simply make each item a link using standard functionality and indicate the URL in the form of identifiers #1, #2, #3 and so on;

  • Then I go to a text editor and insert anchors with the corresponding link numbers in the right places.

I always insert each anchor before each heading, which corresponds to each point of the material. You can see this in the image above.

Also, if the article is very long, then I give you the opportunity to return to the content after each point using the same anchor link.

This is necessary so that the visitor does not bother himself with a long scrolling of the page up.

Everything is done exactly the same. We put an anchor near the content and after each point we put a link to it.

If you don’t want to do this option, then take care of the convenience of consuming voluminous content on your resource. For example, it also helps to quickly move to the very beginning of the content.

At the end of this article, I will give one more tip on when to use these anchor links.

It is advisable to do this in the case when you need to return to some point described above in the text. As a rule, it is always written “Do exactly the same as above...”. You can also make this phrase a link to an anchor so that the visitor immediately moves to Right place. In this case, he will not have to look for the previously presented information himself.

This is where I end the article. I hope that you understand the usefulness of such links in your content on the site and will use them without fail.

See you later!

Best regards, Konstantin Khmelev!

Fishing can be called a favorite pastime of many representatives of the stronger sex. Special attention devoted to fishing on the water. This is due to the fact that to explore deep-sea holes, where a trophy-sized predator may be hiding, you do not need to make long casts.

A necessary equipment for any boat is an anchor, which allows the vehicle to stay afloat in currents for a long time. Boats made of PVC, as a rule, do not have an anchor included. That is why you have to make this simple assistant yourself.

Varieties of homemade anchors

Fishing in deep water without an anchor will not work, as strong winds or currents can carry the boat. There are several options for designing such equipment for water vehicle. Let's look at the details of each design.

Simple collapsible anchor

In order to save space during transportation inflatable boat you can create a collapsible structure. The features of creating such a device include:

The result of the work will be a structure that weighs about 1.6 kg. In order to significantly increase the stability of the boat during a storm, you can pour about 2 kg of metal into the shock.

Kurbatovsky anchor

The Kurbatovsky anchor is also quite popular. To make it you will need the following:

  • sheet metal, the thickness of which must be at least 3 mm;
  • steel wire, the diameter of which must be at least 8 mm;
  • a piece of metal rod about 12 centimeters long.

The design will be non-removable and have a forked spindle and one leg. The weight will be approximately 2 kg, which in many cases is enough to stabilize the boat during wind or strong currents.

All work can be divided into the following stages:

  1. First you need to make a spindle from wire. In this case, a strip is welded to the upper part of the structure.
  2. The next step is to tie the locking bar to the rod. It is this moment that determines that the paw will unfold after lowering to the bottom of the anchor. This moment allows you to ensure stabilization of the boat on the water.
  3. A strip of metal is welded to the ends of the spindle near the rod. This is done in order to maintain the created paws in the working position.

Quite a lot of attention should be paid to the quality of the weld.

When diving, the anchor can hit the bottom quite hard, which can lead to structural damage. Welds are susceptible to impact loads.

Anchor Cat

There are quite a lot of different models of boats, in the manufacture of which PVC is used. For a PVC boat 3-4 meters long, a grapple anchor is an excellent choice. Quite often, a collapsible version is produced. You can change the position of the paws using a coupling, which can slide along the created spindle and lock in a certain position.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective:

  1. Bite activator. Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates its appetite. It’s a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to impose a ban on its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear can be found on the pages of my website.
  3. Lures using pheromones.

You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading our other articles on the site.

Other design features include:

  • to prevent the legs from breaking, they are secured to the rod using cotter pins;
  • if it is necessary to free the structure when it gets stuck, the cotter pins are cut off;
  • The hinged mounting of the paws at the bottom of the structure can significantly increase its compactness.

The design in question has a relatively light weight, which determines the possibility of its use only in calm weather. If there is a strong current or wind, then you have to significantly weight the device.

Pyramid shaped model

When making an anchor pyramidal shape Solid lead should be used. The form in question can be made using sheet metal that is welded together. To significantly strengthen the structure, wire is welded around the perimeter. After this, the created form is buried in a prepared hole in the ground and filled with lead.

The fusibility of lead determines that you can make it ductile yourself using conventional equipment. Until the lead has cooled down, the wire eye is placed. Lead can be collected from old batteries.

Basic requirements for an anchor

There are quite a lot of requirements for the design in question. These include:

At homemade production When anchoring, you should pay attention to the conditions under which the structure will be used: with strong vegetation, clogged bottom, rocky terrain, and so on.

Making your own anchor

To make your own anchor, you need the following materials:

The manufacturing guidelines are as follows:

  1. First, you should develop a design drawing with all dimensions. Please note that some drawings can be downloaded on the Internet.
  2. The next step is to prepare the necessary elements: the metal and rods are cut using a grinder or plasma cutting machine.
  3. After preparing and adjusting all the elements, they are connected by welding.

After completing the work, you should check the strength of the structure, since it will no longer be possible to make changes at the time the anchor is used.

How to protect an anchor from drowning?

To create the design in question, a lot of materials and effort are required. Therefore, you should protect the anchor from drowning. Even when fishing in a familiar body of water, it is difficult to predict what the bottom will be like. That is why you should pay attention to the following points:

It should be taken into account that the cat anchor is sunk more often than others, especially with a rocky bottom. You can avoid this as follows:

  1. A buoy and buoy are attached to the structure. The attachment is made to the junction of the legs and the spindle.
  2. Another ring should be created.
  3. To begin with, the rope is attached to the place of the spindle and the connection of the legs, after which it is tied to the ring.

In conclusion, we note that when creating an anchor yourself, you should use only hot metal that is not susceptible to corrosion. When soft metal falls to the bottom, it can be seriously deformed, which should not be allowed. However, hardened metal is more difficult to use when self-production anchors

In anticipation of the next sailing season, having thought about it in my head or whatever was there, using my hands, which were far from being the straightest, I made an anchor for rubber boat, more precisely for his sailing catamaran, plowing the northern Ladoga expanses with the proud name “Kotya”. I need this accessory, first of all, because when I go on a trip I “park” the catamaran on the water. I’m too lazy to drag it ashore, and most importantly I feel sorry for the PVC cylinders, after all, the stones on Ladoga are like a good grater. Until now I have used a folding “cat” that weighs a couple of kilos, but it doesn’t hold up well on rocks or even on the ground. If it doesn’t catch on a good stone, it breaks off, and, not surprisingly, there are very few good stones at the bottom of the skerries.

If anyone is interested in how make your own Danforth anchor without use welding machine, making do with only commonly available tools - a drill and a grinder, then about this. Well, now we will talk about much more simple version anchors

But to the point. A homemade anchor weighing 9 kg was made in about twenty minutes (not counting 1.5 hours of drying the paint) from automotive junk that was on hand, without any drawings, and the only tools used were a drill. The idea was born and formed in general terms in just a couple of minutes.

What it took

  • an old brake disc from some kind of car;
  • a rusty cover from the brake chamber of some truck;
  • found threaded rod;
  • mounting clamp, also from the brake chamber;
  • castle nut from who knows what;
  • washer d30 or so, it’s not clear why;
  • nut M16 = 2 pcs;
  • bolt M8x40 = 3 pcs;
  • nut M8 = 3pcs;
  • body washer M8 = 3 pcs;
  • a piece of rubber hose.


First of all, after going through the cardboard a little, I removed only a thick layer of rust and painted it (we used paint that can be applied directly to the rust). Next, we connect the brake chamber cover to the brake disc by drilling 3 holes in it (mark it according to the holes on the disc). We take M16 bolts, nuts, washers and twist our pieces of iron.

Screw one nut onto the threaded rod. To prevent it from accidentally unscrewing, I slightly knocked down the thread at the end of the rod.

We throw on the d30 washer and pass the rod into the hole in the chamber cover. We put a castle nut on top (can be replaced simply with a washer) and tighten the resulting structure with an M16 nut.

We put on the rubber hose and screw the fastening clamp. All. We wipe our hands. A homemade boat anchor is ready.

What is good about it, in my opinion, specifically for a PVC boat and specifically for my catamaran, is that it does not have sharp corners. In addition, it can be easily disassembled for transportation. And of course, it’s very nice that not a penny was spent on production.

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A lot of fishermen make their own bait and fishing gear. Such a fishing thing as an anchor is no exception.

An anchor is necessary when fishing from a PVC rubber boat; without it, the boat will be carried away by currents or gusts of wind.

Exists a large number of ways to construct an anchor. It happens that fishermen do without an anchor and use ordinary bricks, bags filled with sand and other things to secure the boat. But there is a big disadvantage here: they are not able to secure themselves to the bottom of the pond properly and you have to adjust the location of the boat (swim up) and periodically transfer the load. And this not only causes discomfort, but also scares the fish. Therefore, we advise you to purchase an anchor in a store, or better yet, design it yourself to save money.

Selecting an anchor and requirements for its structure

The anchor must cling securely and firmly to the ground in order to keep the boat in the desired place for the angler. To ensure that the boat stands very firmly and does not move during high river currents and winds, we recommend using several anchors at once (at least two). One of them will be thrown near the bow of the boat, and the other near the stern. Fishermen say to “stand up on the boat”, which means to secure it with two anchors.

The main disadvantages of using other types of boat reinforcement (stones, bags, bricks):

  1. Large dimensions and weight (it happens that you need to hold the anchor with one hand and do something else with the other, for example, this will not work with a bag).
  2. It is necessary to smooth out the sharp edges of the load so as not to damage the boat (for example, with bricks or rails).
  3. A lot of time is wasted on strengthening the load (it is difficult to firmly tie a large stone or brick).

Of course, alternative anchors can be used, but only on the bottom heavily covered with stones.

The main disadvantages of a store anchor:

  • Of course, the price is high;
  • Purchase of low-quality (defective) goods.

Therefore, a self-made anchor will be the most the best option, if you make it according to all the rules, it will meet the following features:

  • Excellent ability to hold the boat in place. This is affected by the mass of the anchor.
  • Quick and easy way to get rid of snags. So that the anchor does not remain at the bottom.
  • Mobility during transportation.
  • Anti-corrosion abilities.
  • Optimal weight and, of course, comfort when handling it.

Determine the size of the rope and the weight of the anchor

  1. Make the necessary calculations.
  2. Or decide on specialized tables.

Basically, the weight of the anchor is calculated based on one percent of the length of the boat and its own weight. As a result, it turns out that a 420-kilogram boat requires an anchor weighing 4.2 kilograms; in general, five to six kilogram anchors can easily handle boats weighing up to 600 kilograms.

Ropes for tying anchors are divided into:


    Consisting of such material as hemp and the like (rarely found nowadays).


    Consisting of nylon thread or durable nylon (very durable, they are not affected by sunlight and do not rot).

The force to break the rope at the distance from its beginning to the anchor should be seventy times the weight of the latter. It is better to use twisted ropes with a diameter of at least 10 millimeters (smaller ones will damage your hands). The length of the rope should be five times greater than the depth (especially on rivers with large currents).

We construct a typical collapsible anchor

Let's consider the components of such an anchor:

  • A steel tube with a length of 270 millimeters and a diameter of 25 millimeters.
  • A molten piece of lead (about two kilograms).
  • Nut with sleeve M12 (25 millimeters).
  • Steel strip - two pieces (with dimensions 260x40x4 millimeters) and two smaller sizes.
  • Rings made of metal (two pieces).

Now the manufacturing details:

  1. We weld a sleeve to the end of the tube.
  2. We take steel strips and go along the edges with sandpaper.
  3. We make paws from the strips and weld a couple of strips to the beginning of one of them to prevent the structure from twisting.
  4. We strengthen the legs on the rod and secure the nut.
  5. A hole is made in the other side of the anchor and the prepared rings are welded to it with a nut (necessary for comfortable removal of the anchor from the depth and ease of assembly).

To make the anchor more firmly located at the bottom, you can pour molten lead into its rod. Most experienced fishermen prefer an anchor of this design.

Kurbatov method anchor

The Kurbatov anchor is considered the simplest to make, so this anchor, and not the one mentioned above, is more often made at home.

To produce it you don’t need any special material, just a few details:

  • Steel strips with a thickness of three millimeters.
  • Metal rod with a length of 12 millimeters.
  • A wire with a diameter of about eight millimeters (no longer needed).

You can start making:

  1. We take the wire and make something similar to a “spindle” out of it.
  2. We attach strips to the top of the “spindle” using welding (or rope), which will facilitate the rotation of the paw and also provide excellent traction with the soil of the reservoir.

When there are a lot of stones at the bottom, the Kurbatov anchor is replaced with a kind of blank.

Anchor cat and anchor pyramid

If you have a three-meter or four-meter boat, then you can’t do without a cat anchor. An anchor of this structure has the ability to fold and its legs can be positioned at your discretion. They move with the help of a special coupling along the entire “spindle” barrel. They are good in calm moments, but in strong winds the cat will not be suitable; it will slide off the bottom (to prevent slipping, they are weighted with lead).

In conclusion, I would like to tell you about the manufacture of another common type of anchor, which is the pyramid anchor. As you probably already guessed, the name comes from the appearance of its shape. An anchor can be made using two methods.

Method one:

  • To produce an anchor you need lead (solid) and the shape itself is like a pyramid.
  • They take metal sheets and bend them accordingly (so that a pyramid emerges).
  • The sheets are fixed with wire and the desired shape is obtained.
  • Now you can dig a hole in the ground and determine the shape there.
  • All that remains is to fill the mold with molten lead mass.

Before the lead hardens, it is necessary to install a wire ring in the mold (it will serve as a fastener).