How to lay tiles on walls. The correct technology for laying tiles on the wall. Main stages of installation

The construction market offers a variety of colors and decor for finishing rooms using tiles. No problems keeping places clean high humidity makes these facing materials irreplaceable. Masonry work requires accuracy and patience. Everyone can do it, those who know the subtleties repair.

How to properly lay tiles on a wall

Are you interested in knowing how to lay tiles on a wall? Then use the following tips. Follow all steps sequentially:

  • count the number of tiles;
  • select size and decor;
  • make a layout of the elements on paper;
  • prepare the right tool;
  • purchase glue and grout;
  • prepare the room for work;
  • install necessary equipment(plumbing, sockets);
  • prepare the surfaces.

You will make your work easier if you make preliminary markings. Focus on the following points:

  • in kitchens, tiling should begin 2-3 cm below the level of the countertop - this will reduce costs;
  • if you also need to do the floor in the room, then it will be less likely that you will ruin it when you start working on the walls;
  • It is better to place it from the top rows so that the fit can be made near the floor;
  • There should be solid tiles in visible places, and it is better to do the addition in unnoticeable places.

Laying tiles on the wall with your own hands

You need to start by choosing tiles. The variety of colors and sizes can confuse the most picky buyer. Smooth and matte, plain or with an ornament, made in the form of a mosaic, tiles must meet the requirements:

  • suitable for wall cladding;
  • be resistant to chemicals;
  • differ in quality;
  • match the color to the room;
  • have the appropriate size - less adjustment work.

At the same time as you go shopping, start calculating the quantity of ceramic tiles. Many specialized departments have designers on staff who, taking into account the size of your room, will lay out tiles according to the size of the surfaces. You will receive an accurate calculation of the quantity, this is especially convenient when there is a combination of several types of ceramic finishing material. For self-calculation required:

  • determine places for special fitting (sockets, switches);
  • measure each wall with a simple or laser tape measure;
  • count the total area;
  • add 10% for defects and adjustments.

So that the question of how to properly lay tiles on a wall does not take you by surprise, prepare in advance Consumables: glue, grout, plastic joint crosses. Choose the tools for the job. You will need:

  • level;
  • spatula with teeth;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • marker;
  • dowels;
  • Bulgarian;
  • wooden or rubber mallet;
  • tile cutter or glass cutter;
  • rule;
  • rubber spatula.

Preparing the walls

The technology for laying tiles requires a well-prepared surface. It should be free of cracks, clean and even. To achieve this result, you should:

  • get rid of the previous finish;
  • remove dirt, dust, debris;
  • fill wall cracks;
  • plaster uneven surfaces;
  • waterproof the bathroom;
  • Cover the walls with a primer for better adhesion of the finish.


If you leave the surfaces without leveling, you will get a sad result: the tile will show all the wall defects. To eliminate this, you should use a plumb line and a level to determine the places with protrusions and recesses. You can align them using:

  • plaster - in living rooms;
  • cement mixture - in the bathroom, in the kitchen;
  • plaster - on top of brick and concrete;
  • drywall - for large surface defects.


To make the work go quickly:

  • determine which wall you will start laying from;
  • determine the visible angle from which you will glue;
  • evaluate obstacles (sockets, faucet in the bathtub) and how you will avoid them;
  • have a layout diagram at hand;
  • lay the tiles in a stack in the order in which the pattern is supposed to be laid;
  • Make notes on it so as not to confuse the top with the bottom.

Make markings to carefully lay out the wall tiles. It’s more convenient to start working from the bottom - at the top it should stand exactly under the ceiling:

  • start making markings from the top, taking into account the size of the tile and a gap of 3 mm;
  • the first row should begin with an indentation of one element from the floor - for adjustment;
  • draw the bottom line, secure a wooden or plasterboard wall profile under it with dowels, aligning it horizontally;
  • Using a long level, mark the wall with a marker.

The process begins with preparing the glue. It is advisable to lay it horizontally in the following sequence:

  • apply glue to the wall with a notched trowel - over a small area;
  • place a portion on the bottom of the tile;
  • spread with a notched spatula, removing excess;
  • press against the wall, aligning it with the mounting profile;
  • When installing the next element, insert crosses that regulate the distance.

For everything to turn out beautifully and neatly, it is important:

  • check the level every two tiles, adjusting them with a wooden or rubber hammer;
  • use the rule for adjusting the tiles in a plane;
  • repeat the operations until you reach the top;
  • remove the mounting profile and make adjustments at the bottom;
  • repeat the whole cycle technological process for other walls.

How to lay tiles in corners

Corner elements indoors attract attention. It is important to know how to properly lay tiles on the wall in these places. There are types of connections:

  • perpendicular arrangement – ​​the seam is visible, ease of implementation;
  • the end is cut at an angle of 45 and joined - very labor-intensive;
  • use a special profile to cover the joint;
  • corner tile elements are used.

Grouting joints

A day after you have finished laying, remove the crosses between the seams and clean these places of dirt and debris. The grout is a special composition and can be the same color as the tiles or contrasting in color. Your actions:

  • dilute the grout following the instructions;
  • rub it into the seams using a rubber spatula;
  • periodically wipe the surface from excess;
  • after a day, wash the seam with a damp sponge;
  • In the bathroom, apply sealant to the grout.

Methods for laying tiles on the wall

How to lay tiles on a wall to make it look beautiful and original? Use different ways. Popular options:

  • straight rows vertically and horizontally - a low-waste option that requires good markings;
  • offset masonry - similar to brick: vertical flaws are not visible;
  • facing diagonally - a lot of waste;
  • herringbone parquet laying is labor-intensive, but looks original;
  • modular - involves repeating blocks with complex masonry.


Not all novice craftsmen know how to lay tiles on a wall, but they strive to complete this work on their own, without the help of qualified specialists. Wall cladding with ceramic tiles is not one of the most complex manipulations carried out during renovation, however, failure to comply with certain rules and requirements can lead to the entire cladding falling off the wall surface. This can only be avoided if all work related not only to laying tiles directly, but also to preparing the surface, is carried out accurately, correctly and consistently.

Features and types of facing material

The beginning of work on installing tiles on the walls is associated with the choice of finishing material. The final result depends on the quality of individual products. First of all, you need to decide on the choice of tile quality:

  1. Tiled.
  2. Ceramic.

There is no particular difference in the strength of the products, but tiles, thanks to the application of glaze, look more aesthetically pleasing, although it is more difficult to work with, since the glaze coating is quite fragile and, with the slightest carelessness, the products will crack and break. Ceramic wall tiles are highly durable and are more often used to decorate bathrooms or bathrooms.

Laying tiles on a wall with your own hands begins with a detailed study of the material. It is important not only to choose the most attractive products in appearance, it is also necessary to check the geometry of each individual part.

Even slight unevenness of the ends or minor defects on the surface can cause cracking during installation. Laying tiles on a wall requires great care and utmost attention. This is especially true for pruning. Fragile components must be cut carefully and accurately; cutting or leveling twice to eliminate inaccuracies is strictly prohibited. Products cannot withstand such treatment and crack.

How smooth the surface of each tile is is equally important. Minor deviations (convexity) within 1 mm are not visible at first glance, but when laying tiles on the wall, all defects sometimes appear with unexpected force. You can avoid such troubles by choosing more expensive imported products, but if you cannot spend a lot of money when purchasing facing material, you will have to adapt to less expensive, but also lower quality types.

The next step is checking the corners. Their value must strictly correspond to 90 0, otherwise the seams will diverge, which cannot be aligned using crosses and changing the distance between the tiles.

The so-called calibration is also important. The length and width of all individual tiles from one batch must completely match, otherwise the novice master will again face a discrepancy along the seam.

The thickness of the tiles must be checked in the store by opening each package. Despite the fact that, in accordance with existing standards, differences in thickness between individual products of up to 2 mm are allowed, working with such parts will be quite difficult. When purchasing facing materials, you should try to choose those whose thickness difference is minimal (no more than 1 mm).

What to put it on

Modern manufacturers offer to use a variety of adhesive compositions for laying tiles on the wall, differing in the quantity and quality of the components included in their composition. However, all marketed compositions are divided into:

  1. Mastics. Ready-made mixtures, packaged in buckets and having certain period shelf life after opening the container.
  2. Dry mixtures that require independent preparation. They are strongly recommended to be used when laying tiles on the wall by qualified craftsmen.

Dry mixtures have a number of advantages. They are prepared in the right quantity, they retain elasticity longer, but most importantly, using such a composition, you can correct (correct) minor defects on the surface of the walls.

If there are small voids or gaps and cracks no more than 2-3 mm deep on the walls, such a surface should not be plastered. These flaws can be eliminated using adhesive composition prepared from a dry mixture. In those places where minor unevenness is found, the glue is applied in a thicker layer, then, controlling the level, they achieve a perfectly flat surface.

The technology of laying tiles on the wall requires the use of a ready-made mixture or adherence to exact proportions when preparing the adhesive solution with your own hands.

When choosing adhesive for tiles, you need to pay attention to the features of its composition and purpose. Some mixtures are created specifically for laying tiles on walls in rooms with high humidity, and others are intended to perform finishing works in conditions of constantly changing temperatures. The choice depends on the characteristics of the room in which the walls will be tiled.

Preparing to start work

Preparatory work is the most important stage. How well the surface is prepared will determine how long the tile cladding will last on it. The surface preparation process is lengthy and requires not only patience, but also a certain skill:

  1. Work begins with removing the old decorative coating. If there was wallpaper on the walls of the room, then it must be removed without leaving any residue. Even the smallest pieces of paper should not remain on the surface. If you do not pay attention to them during the preparation process, after applying the adhesive composition to the surface, such islands of paper will absorb moisture and begin to peel off from the wall. They will, as they say, “pull” the mortar along with them, and the tile will move away from the wall.
  2. Cleaned walls are treated with a primer using a deep penetration composition with the addition of antiseptics. This will not only strengthen the walls, but also protect them from the appearance of fungus and further mold growth.
  3. After the soil has completely dried, you can begin leveling the walls. To do this, you first need to make sure that there is no blockage. If it exists, you will have to plaster the walls, creating an even and regular plane.

If the tiles are to be laid on smooth but painted walls, then before tiling, notches must be made on their surface to ensure high level adhesion. Final stage preparatory work- priming. The primer chosen is the “Concrete contact” type. After it has completely dried, the surface of the walls is covered with protective film, and it becomes slightly rough, which guarantees high-quality adhesion of materials.

Applying a primer is a mandatory procedure. Otherwise, there will be no high-quality adhesion of the tile adhesive to the wall surface and no protection from negative impacts moisture, mildew and mold.


In accordance with the technology developed for wall cladding with ceramic tiles, you can begin laying tiles after full, accurate markings have been completed. When starting marking, you should decide what you need to achieve in addition to creating a pattern or design. Laying technology ceramic tiles There are two marking options on the wall:

  1. Using small trimmings.
  2. With minimal tile consumption.

In the first case, only solid tiles are first laid and only at the last stage are trims laid, closing the remaining small space between the last row of parts and the corner. In the second, before laying the tiles on the wall, they measure the area of ​​the surface to be decorated and cut the tiles in such a way that there are no small undercuts at all.

The rules for laying tiles require determining the height of the first row. If we are talking about work in the kitchen and installing an apron above work area, then, having marked the lower border for the tiles of the first row, a line is drawn strictly according to the level, which will later serve as a guide for attaching the metal profile. This profile will serve as a support for the tiles that will make up the first row.

Laying tiles on the wall in a bathroom, toilet or other room begins from the floor. From this point the markings are made. In accordance with the height of the individual parts and the width of the seam, the number of rows to be laid and the size of the trims are determined.

When marking, take into account the size of the crosses, which will help maintain the same width of seams between the rows on all surfaces.

Tile crosses are not always used during installation. Facing tiles can be laid using a seamless method, joint to joint. It all depends on the pattern being created, the preferences of the owner of the room or the designer’s decision.


Having figured out how to properly lay tiles on the walls, you can begin to carry out the work. Start from the bottom marking line (start line) and the middle of the wall. It is on this that the central seam should fall, which always catches the eye and attracts attention. Trimmings should be left for laying in the most remote corners, where they attract the attention of strangers.

  1. Tile adhesive is applied to the wall surface with a wide spatula, covering a space slightly larger in height than the size of one tile, and 3-4 parts in width equal to this parameter.
  2. Remove excess glue with a comb spatula.
  3. Glue is applied to the tile so that the layer thickness at the edges approaches 0, and in the middle it is at least 3 mm.
  4. Using a notched trowel again, remove excess glue.
  5. The tile is applied to the wall, leaning on the starting line ( metallic profile or gender).
  6. Now you need to tap it with a rubber hammer, leveling it.
  7. Lay the second tile in the same way, inserting tiled crosses between them in the upper and lower corners.

Thus, all rows are raised, leaving space from the last tile in the row to the inner corner. It is laid last, after a special decorative strip is installed in the corner.

Completion of installation - laying of trims. They are left until the last minute, since this work requires special patience and diligence. Small pieces of tiles must be laid in strict accordance with the created pattern or design, using tile crosses and checking the correct installation with a level.

And the last manipulation is grouting the seams. To do this, use dry mixtures, which are prepared in the required quantity, adding cold water and bringing it to the consistency of thick sour cream. Place the grout into the seams between the tiles with a soft rubber spatula, moving across the seam. Having filled the space between the tiles with a grout mixture, wipe the lined surface of the wall with a dry soft cloth, removing excess grout and cleaning the surface.

More details on the process in the video:

You can carry out all the work on laying tiles on the walls yourself; it is only important to follow the sequence of manipulations, carefully and seriously approach the choice of products and strictly follow the recommendations of professionals.

The cost of high-quality installation of one square of tiles is close to the price of the finishing material itself. Consequently, many people are interested in how to lay tiles on floors and walls on their own.

Having completed a bathroom renovation, a person is sincerely happy, because now everything in the room is new. Over time, he begins to notice that the sink is covered in rust and limescale, the shower leaks, and the tiles are faded, cracked, or falling off. As a result, thoughts about updating the renovation appear.

Trying to reduce the cost of bathroom renovations, they want to know the secrets and subtleties of laying tiles. Anyone can master the skill of tiling. If in doubt, read the article where you will find general information for laying tiles.

Tile cladding creates a durable and beautiful decorative coating. Upon completion of the finishing work, you will get an ideal surface.

  1. Seams. In case of wall tiles seams can be horizontal or vertical. When it comes to the floor, perpendiculars and parallels come to the fore. The width of the seams should be the same. Small plastic crosses help achieve this effect. same size.
  2. It is customary to check the verticality of the seams with a plumb line. The size of the maximum deviation of the seam from the vertical axis should not exceed 1 mm. If the deviation is large, the first row is to blame.
  3. The width and verticality of the seam is determined by the skill of laying and the quality of the tile. Ideally, the size should match in height, width and diagonal. Despite the fact that at enterprises the material is collected in calibrated bags, differences in size cannot always be avoided.
  4. The plane of the tiled surface should be as flat as possible. This is easy to check - attach a building level to the plane and slide it under it banknote.
  5. Novice tilers laying tiles on a vertical wall, break the ranks. Closer to the top, the layer of glue increases and can crack and the tile fall off. In this case, one can only dream of an ideal plane. Pre-leveling the wall will help avoid this.
  6. In some cases, the material is not flat. Consequently, at the very end of the facing work, “Amur waves” are formed. To check the quality of the tile plane, it is very simple to take two tiles from the same package and attach them to each other. If there are gaps between the faces, this indicates an unsatisfactory plane. It is customary to check the plane vertically and horizontally.
  7. The tiled surface must be level. As the theory goes, the tiles are laid on the most flat surface possible. That is why uneven floors and walls are first leveled with screed and plaster. Uneven walls cannot be leveled with a layer of glue. The result will be a thick layer of the substance, which will negatively affect the strength.
  8. The tiles are laid flat so that the adhesive layer does not expand too much.

When laying tiles, be sure to maintain plane, horizon and level.

Video tips

If the walls in the bathroom are uneven, pay attention to alignment.

How to lay tiles on the floor

There is an opinion that laying tiles on the floor yourself is a labor-intensive and complex procedure. People who hold this opinion are very mistaken.

  1. First, let's prepare the floor. Remove dirt from the surface, moisten with clean water and level with the solution. Prime the floor and let dry.
  2. There are two ways to lay tiles on the floor. The first involves the use cement mortar, the second - special glue.
  3. Take four tiles and place them in the corners of the room. They serve as guides when laying other tiles.
  4. Lay the tiles parallel to the window line. The laying of the first row starts from the first one, located in the corner. Be sure to level.
  5. In the case of cement, it is recommended to seal the tiles to the floor. If using adhesive, apply to the tile and apply to the surface.
  6. When laying the second tile, press it tightly against the first. Remove excess adhesive mixture and separate with plastic crosses. The result will be a seam.
  7. Sometimes a whole tile doesn't fit. In this case, trim using a special tool.
  8. After completing installation, wait a day. After the deadline, we proceed to the seams.
  9. If the tiles are laid on cement, remove excess mortar and after 48 hours fill with cement laitance. After two days, remove the cement, leaving only the seams.
  10. In the case of glue, after drying, seal the seams with grout using a flexible spatula.

After completing installation, be sure to wash the surface. If the tiles are laid on cement, use of the room is allowed after a week. In the case of glue - after 48 hours.

It is recommended to decorate walls in rooms with high humidity with ceramic tiles. The result is an excellent waterproof coating that will last for many years. The surface of the material is not susceptible to chemical attack, so a variety of cleaning agents are used for cleaning.

Step by step plan on laying tiles on walls will help you avoid common mistakes and unnecessary costs.

  1. Calculate the number of tiles. Using a tape measure, measure the width and length of the walls and calculate the area. Add another square to the resulting value.
  2. Choose tiles carefully. The surface must be smooth, without flaws or kinks.
  3. Plan your placement on paper ahead of time so you know where you'll need to trim.
  4. Prepare the walls before installation. According to the rules, they should be leveled and primed. The quality of installation depends entirely on the evenness of the walls. Plasterboard or plaster will help to level out crooked walls.
  5. Having completed the work of leveling the surface of the walls, proceed to installation. It is recommended to use special glue and a tile cutting device.
  6. Attach tiles to the wall to lay out the first row as evenly as possible.
  7. Using a notched spatula, apply the adhesive to the tiles and spread over the surface. If the wall is flat, the thickness of the adhesive layer is within 5 mm. If there is a curve, the layer thickness is increased to eliminate the deviation.
  8. Place the first tile against the rail and corner of the room. Glue the next one horizontally. Using a level, check the vertical and horizontal.
  9. Crosses are inserted between the tiles to create an even seam.
  10. Lay the tiles row by row. After 5 rows, pause to let the glue dry. Remove the adhesive mixture that comes out through the seams.
  11. After finishing work, wait 24 hours. Then, without fear, rub the seams with a special compound. It is recommended to apply the grout using a flexible spatula.

Training video

After carefully reading the information, proceed to laying the tiles. If the result of your work turns out to be far from ideal, do not be discouraged, because the savings and precious experience are worth it.

Laying tiles on drywall

In rooms with high dampness and temperature changes, plasterboard is used to level the walls. This construction material by leveling the wall, it is used to construct structures that cover wiring, sewerage and water pipes.

Special rules have been developed for preparing the surface and laying tiles on a wall made of plasterboard.

  1. Create a sheathing underneath the drywall. The base is mounted using timber or metal guides. The wood must first be coated with a special moisture-resistant impregnation.
  2. Screw drywall onto the sheathing. The distance from one screw to another does not exceed 20 cm. As a result, the drywall will not warp under the weight of the tiles and the masonry will remain intact.
  3. Apply primer. If you prime the walls with a roller, use a special form to squeeze out excess liquid.
  4. Apply primer to drywall in two coats. After completing the procedure, wait a bit for the surface to dry.
  5. Putty the joints and screw heads. Use gypsum plaster and a narrow spatula.
  6. Wait for the plaster to dry and remove any uneven surfaces using sandpaper. Prime the sanded areas.
  7. Lay out the tiles on a piece of paper to calculate how much finishing material is needed. Buy tiles in a store with a supply.
  8. Prepare the glue. As part of a simple procedure, it is important to adhere to the proportion indicated on the bag. Using a drill and a mixer attachment, stir the mixture.
  9. Ready mix Apply to the wall in an even layer using a spatula. Then a special scraper is applied to the area, resulting in furrows. In this case, the material will adhere well to the drywall.
  10. Start laying from the bottom row. Check verticals and horizontals with a level. Tilers recommend using plastic crosses to achieve even seams.
  11. After laying 5 rows, take a break. While you are resting, the tile will stick to the base.
  12. After finishing laying the tiles, wait a day. After this, apply a special grout to the seams with a small flexible spatula. Remove excess grout immediately with a sponge.

If it seemed that laying tiles on drywall was a complicated undertaking, believe me, it is not so. Have confidence and patience and get to work. After a few hours of practice, your actions will become more confident. The main thing is not to rush.

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Many companies offer a turnkey bathroom service. The service is worthy of attention, but it is not cheap. It is more profitable to learn how to lay tiles yourself at home.

Before starting the main work, work with a pencil and ruler. Based on the measurements obtained, create a surface plan and determine the location of the tiles. Be sure to mark the location of friezes, borders and other decorative elements.

Try not to have narrow strips of tiles in the corners of the room, as this will look unsightly. Also decide on the styling option and size. Having completed the calculations and calculations, get to work.

  1. Prepare the walls by carefully leveling them. A smooth surface largely depends on the initial condition.
  2. If the wall you intend to tile has been previously painted, remove the paint completely. The glue does not adhere well to painted surfaces. It is recommended to knock down paint using a hammer drill with a special attachment. Using the tool provides high speed work. True, it is accompanied by noise. If you don’t have a hammer drill, use a grinder with a special attachment.
  3. If you can’t mechanize the work, a hatchet or spatula will come to the rescue if the paint layer is weak.
  4. Remove any debris from the wall and prime it twice for added durability.
  5. Before starting tiling work, resolve the issue with communications. We are talking about sewerage, wiring and water supply. An impact drill will make the task easier. The indoor temperature should be above 8 degrees.
  6. Start preparing the glue. Pour the dry mixture into a bucket of water in small portions and stir with a mixer. See the proportions on the packaging.
  7. To ensure that the glue sticks well, soak the tiles in water for 10 minutes.
  8. To obtain the most even masonry, it is recommended to use a level. Install plastic crosses between the tiles. They will help make the seams extremely even.
  9. To ensure evenness and quality when laying tiles, lay out the first row correctly. A water level and a metal profile attached along the marks will help with this.
  10. Having leveled and primed the surface, begin installation. Apply the adhesive mixture to the wall and spread using a spatula with teeth. Then attach the tiles to the wall.
  11. The tiles are placed on the wall from bottom to top. Having laid the first row on the installed profile, proceed to the second row and so on until the ceiling. Check the flatness of the surface with a level, as well as the verticality of the installed tiles.
  12. The tiles on the floor are laid according to a similar principle. It is recommended to start from the far corner and slowly move towards the door. To increase the convenience of masonry, use construction thread.
  13. After completing the installation, leave the work for 2 days. Then start rubbing the seams.

If you're renovating your bathroom without help, don't be afraid, be patient and move forward. Remember, all the great masters in the past started the same way. With a little practice, you will get better at it and improve your skill level.

How to lay tiles in the kitchen

Everyone has to renovate their kitchen. The best material Ceramic tiles are used for tiling kitchen surfaces. Its service life is calculated for decades, and after cooking pork and beef, cleaning the kitchen is much easier.

True, almost always a person finds himself at a crossroads. One way involves attracting a master, and the second - independent work. Since the second option is cheaper, most people prefer it.


  1. Prepare the room. Remove old coverings from all walls and tear off wallpaper. Remove layer oil paint from the wall is almost impossible. In this case, make notches along its surface and prime it several times.
  2. Solve the wiring issue. Install sockets at a height of 90 cm.
  3. Determine the level in the horizontal plane. It will help determine where to lay the tiles on the wall.
  4. Having received the markings, secure a flat strip or metal profile.

Without tools, the problem cannot be solved. To lay tiles you will need a drill, a mixer attachment, two spatulas, crosses, a cutter and a flexible spatula, and a sponge. The list of materials includes tiles, adhesive and grout.


On back side tiles from the factory are marked with an arrow or a special icon. Place them so that the arrows or icons point in the same direction. As a result, the discrepancy will be insignificant.

  1. Glue the tiles to the wall, installing them on the previously nailed strip. Align vertically using a level.
  2. Glue the top tile, which is similarly aligned to the plane. To control seams, it is customary to use crosses, the size of which depends on the desired width.
  3. The remaining material is laid in the same way to the corner of the room. The bottom row is immediately placed, then the top row, with crosses between them.
  4. In the corners, tiles are cut using a grinder with a special circle or a tile cutter.

Holes for switches and sockets are cut using a drill and cutter. There is no need to rush to solve the problem.

For interior decoration for various purposes A common material is tile. The popularity of the coating is explained by the possibility of installation in rooms with high humidity and ease of maintenance. In this article we will tell you how to correctly lay tiles on a wall, and what sequence should be followed when performing tiling work.


To figure out how to glue tiles to a wall, let's first talk about the material itself. Tile facing material consists of square or rectangular ceramic plates. Tile is used to cover the surfaces of walls and floors in rooms for various purposes.

The tiles are made from clay and additional components. Tile cladding is considered one of the most popular cladding materials due to the following advantages:

  • strength, increased wear resistance;
  • is not afraid of moisture, so can be used in rooms with high humidity and temperature changes;
  • not afraid of exposure to chemicals;
  • does not fade under sunlight;
  • easy to clean using various means, including chemical compounds;
  • It is considered the best facing material when installing heated floors for a bathroom or kitchen.

Tile coating can be used to solve any design issues, or used as decorative elements. All this is possible thanks to a variety of color shades cladding and various forms.

Like any material, tiles have some disadvantages:

  • rigid structure. So, if the kitchen floor is tiled, then when the dishes fall on such a surface, only fragments will remain;
  • polished tiles are considered to be quite slippery.

Tile cladding also differs in the production method, and comes in the following types:

  • pressed(ceramic granite). Thanks to its dense structure, it is one of the most durable types. Most often used for flooring in bathrooms, kitchens or hallways. Installation of heated floors is also carried out on porcelain stoneware;
  • extruded(clinker) is made from heterogeneous clay mixtures. Clinker can be glazed or unglazed and is characterized by a reduced porosity and high strength. Clinker is used mainly for finishing walls, floors and facades. It is clinker that is used to line swimming pools and stairs. The main advantage of clinker cladding is the ability to give the material the desired shape;
  • glazed A type of tile is a coating covered with a layer of multi-colored glass. This variety is used to decorate walls;
  • unglazed the variety is not used for decorative processing and has the same structure throughout its entire thickness.

The listed types of coating differ in their area of ​​application:

  • tiles intended for wall cladding have good moisture absorption. The material can also be used for decorative purposes. Suitable for cladding various rooms, and for any interior style;
  • floor tiles are considered a more durable material that can withstand heavy loads;
  • facing tiles for swimming pools can withstand constant exposure to moisture;
  • the façade version of the material is used for finishing external surfaces;
  • paving slabs also have moisture-resistant properties.

When choosing cladding, you need to take into account the purpose of the room, as well as the duration of exposure to moisture and various temperature conditions.

Methods for laying tiles

To properly lay tiles on the wall, you first need to choose a laying option, and then follow the step-by-step instructions as you work.

The following installation methods are available:

  • seam to seam;
  • diagonal;
  • take-off run;
  • herringbone;
  • chess.

The simplest and most common method is to install tiles seam to seam. During the work process, little waste is left, which allows you to save money.

You can lay the tiles using a method reminiscent of bricklaying. This type of masonry (in a running motion) is performed horizontally. By laying tiles diagonally you can create a pattern, but such installation will generate a lot of waste.

Installation stages

  1. measure the surface area for cladding and count the number of tiles;
  2. decide on the size of the tiles and the presence of decor in the coating;
  3. create on paper a layout plan for the facing elements;
  4. prepare necessary tools;
  5. prepare glue and material for grouting;
  6. prepare the work surface;
  7. installation.

Any construction and renovation work start with preparation work surface.

Preparing the surface for cladding

To properly lay tiles on the wall, you must prepare the work surface. Further installation, as well as the result of the facing work, depends on how competently the preparatory measures are carried out.

Preparing the surface for cladding includes the following points:

  1. carefully inspect the wall covering;
  2. for minor defects, you can limit yourself to one or two layers of plaster. Leveling the surface is done using a level and spatulas. You can level the surface using various materials, depending on the purpose of the room. Thus, for residential premises, gypsum-based compounds are used; in rooms with high humidity (bathrooms and kitchens), cement-based compounds are used for leveling. Plaster is used for concrete and brick bases. If the height differences on the working surface are too large, plasterboard slabs are used to level the coating;
  3. before eliminating defects, it is necessary to remove the layer of old coating, then remove dust and dirt;
  4. before finishing installation, the walls must be primed;
  5. After priming, the coating must be treated with an antiseptic composition.

After completing the preparatory activities, you can begin laying the tile material.

Surface marking

Preliminary marking of the surface will help to correctly lay the tiles on the wall. Using a level, you need to mark a line that will indicate the height of one facing element relative to the floor. You can lay tiles starting immediately from the second row. In this case, a metal block or profile is fixed on the drawn line to support the tile.

You can glue tiles to the wall after tiling flooring. Then the installation of tiles begins from the first row. Laying tiles from the second row is carried out when the installation of the cladding begins from the wall.

Choosing tiles

Having figured out how to quickly lay tiles on the wall, you need to understand that quality installation also depends on the right choice facing material. You can choose any tile (smooth, plain, with matte surface, with ornaments), but the material must meet the following requirements:

  • be of high quality and durable;
  • correspond general style premises;
  • have the right size.

When calculating the amount of tiles for cladding, you need to take another 10% additionally in case of defects or adjustments during the installation process.

Necessary materials with tools

To properly lay tiles on the wall, you need to prepare the necessary tools and materials for tiling work. Check out the list of main tools:

  • adhesive composition;
  • spatulas (regular, serrated and rubber);
  • brushes;
  • primer;
  • composition for grouting joints;
  • building level;
  • roulette;
  • plastic crosses for setting the width of the seams;
  • rubber hammer;
  • pencil;
  • tile cutter (manual or electric).

The materials and tools are prepared, the surface is prepared, and installation can begin.


Before you begin installing the cladding, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the video below on how to correctly lay tiles on walls, as well as the following recommendations:

  • After marking, you need to fix the support bar at the level of the second row of tiles. This action is necessary to prevent the upper rows of facing elements from sliding;
  • The adhesive, ready for use, can be applied directly to the wall or to each tile separately. The applied composition is leveled using a spatula with serrated edges;
  • installation of the facing coating can be done from the center (for complex installation) or from the edge (simple installation);
  • solid elements are laid first, threaded elements - after installation is completed;
  • after applying the adhesive, lightly press the tile for better adhesion to the surface, then tap it with a rubber hammer;
  • if it is necessary to make adjustments to the laid tile element, then this must be done before the solution has hardened;
  • to determine equal intervals between seams, special plastic crosses are installed;
  • The bottom row of tiles is installed last. The lower row may contain threaded elements (if necessary).

During the installation process, do not forget to check every two laid tiles using a level. If necessary, adjust the laid elements with a wooden hammer.

It is worth paying attention to this important point when laying, like installing tiles in corners. The following connection methods are distinguished:

  • perpendicular, when the seam is visible;
  • labor-intensive, in which you need to cut the end at an acute angle (45 degrees); then they are joined;
  • the joint is closed with a special profile;
  • In the bathroom, sealant is applied to the grout joints.

Depending on the method of installing tiles on the walls, a certain amount of waste remains. With the simplest installation, when rows of tiles are laid horizontally or vertically, a minimal amount of waste remains. Diagonal cladding leaves, on the contrary, the most a large number of waste. The most difficult tiling method is considered to be laying tiles in a herringbone pattern.

You can lay the tiles so that the wall looks like brickwork. In this case, offset laying of tiles is used. Which option to choose for installation depends on tastes and preferences in each specific case.

Errors may occur during operation. So, if an uneven surface is noticed during installation, it can be corrected using tile mortar (but not too thick a layer). The resulting chips during installation can be hidden when filling the seams with a fugue at the end of the work. Small defects can be covered with borders, or choose another decorative design(can be in the form of film).

Properly executed cladding, in compliance with installation rules, will delight you with a long service life.

After installation is completed, one more part of the work needs to be done.


It is necessary to correctly glue tiles to the wall, observing each stage in the technology of facing work. When laying the tiles is completed, you need to wait until the mortar has completely dried. Plastic crosses, to determine the width of the seams, must be removed before the solution dries.

The grout for the joints should match the color of the tiles. But, if desired, you can make the seams, on the contrary, contrasting. The grout is applied using a rubber spatula. To avoid leaving gaps between the seams, you can treat the edges with a more liquid fugue solution. By the way, grout allows you to close small defects after laying the facing coating.

Pay attention to the final stage of the work. When the seams have lightened, you can begin to clean the tiled surface. The excess fugue is washed off, and the tiles are rubbed to a shine.

Archaeologists claim that laying tiles on the floor and walls, decorating a home or room, began in ancient Babylon. The beautiful tiles that were used to decorate the halls of the ancient kings never cease to amaze the scientists who made these finds. Each tile had its own manufacturing technology. Each particle played a big role in the final pattern. No generation will remain indifferent when they see this beauty, and the complexity of the work is admirable. Modernity makes this work easier by allowing you to purchase already ready-made options. Its production is simpler, the work is done faster, and the possibility of replacing defects is much higher. How not to make a mistake when choosing materials, what tools are used, the work algorithm will tell you the material below.

Dear craftsmen, it may not be useful if you maintain the correct sequence of preparing the coating for laying the tiles yourself. Costs will be minimal. And if you calculate the price of tools and the materials used, you can save a lot. If you still decide to lay ceramic tiles yourself, then you need to adhere to certain rules. They are designed to be able to maintain the attractiveness of the final work and its longevity.

You need to lay the tiles following the sequence:

  • Prepare the surface;
  • Mark the position of the initial row and set support restrictions;
  • Lay the first row;
  • Fill the entire surface with solid tiles;
  • Cut and arrange the remaining pieces;
  • After everything, sand the seams.

By preparation we mean: plaster the walls and get rid of the remnants of the previous coating. Remove all baseboards and clean the wall from dust and dirt. If the floor is being laid, it is necessary to form a screed. If this is a room with high humidity, you need to add a layer of waterproofing.

Before laying the tiles, markings are made.

A plastic corner is placed at the bottom of the wall, onto which the first tiles are oriented. A line is required to control vertical laying. The floor, unlike the wall, starts from the far corner. Lay out a complete line at the door so as not to lose the drawing later. Having completed all the work with solid tiles, you should start cutting the missing pieces and laying them. It is better to place them after they are completely filled in solid pieces. After waiting for the adhesive solution to dry, you can remove all the crosses and rub the seams. Any grout can be selected: with a cement base, silicone or epoxy. Before grouting, you need to thoroughly clean the laid tiles and the seams between them with a vacuum cleaner.

How to lay tiles correctly

To choose the right tile, you need to take into account its characteristics: moisture resistance, price, resistance to large temperature changes, composition.

The sequence of work on laying tiles:

  • Starting point;
  • Laying the adhesive composition;
  • Laying tiles with glue;
  • Trimming;
  • Grout.

In order to start laying tiles, you need to decide on the pattern and the number of elements on the surface. After this, it is necessary to prepare the surface of the tile and apply the required amount of adhesive. The adhesive is applied to the surface using a spatula and leveled until a uniform layer is formed. The tiles are laid using glue.

Horizontalness is checked with a level.

In order to level the tile, use a rubber hammer: you need to knock on its plane. Crosses are placed between the tiles, affecting the thickness of the seam. If necessary, the tiles can be adjusted to size by cutting them with a grinder or other tool. The final result can be seen in a couple of days, this is the time the adhesive needs to harden.

Do-it-yourself high-quality tile installation

The characteristics of the selected tile depend on the room in which it will be used. Therefore, it is necessary to select tiles that will meet the criteria of the room where they will be used. Rooms that are “friendly” with tiles - bathroom, kitchen, bathhouse, hallway.

Tools required for laying tiles:

  • Cutter;
  • Saw;
  • Glue;
  • Level;
  • Gloves;
  • Yardstick;
  • Scraper;
  • Primer;
  • Container for liquid.

For rooms with a high degree of humidity, it is worth choosing tiles that are more resistant to this criterion. If this is a room with the possibility of repeated use (hallway), you should choose tiles that will not show signs of wear. For a bath it is better to use tiles that are resistant to high temperatures and with a matte finish to prevent falls. For the kitchen, you need to choose tiles that are highly resistant to impact and heat, as well as chemicals.

In order to properly lay tiles without screeds, you need to prepare a solution. Do not use a special mixture of ceramic glue. It is better to use a cement-based mixture with the addition of sand and PVA glue.

It must be taken into account that when adding liquid and glue to this mixture, it must be made not liquid, but thick.

Mixing can be done on the floor. Laying is done on this mixture. Levelness is checked using a level. After this, the tile is removed and the surface on which it was glued is additionally moistened with water, bringing the solution to a more liquid consistency. Next, you should finally lay the tiles in the place where they were previously. After carrying out such manipulations, the solution is saturated with water and has all the necessary qualities. Upon completion of installation, it is necessary to give the solution a few days to dry.

Materials used:

  • Ceramic tile;
  • Cement based mortar;
  • Leveling tools;
  • Water.

This method is suitable for people who have experience in construction work. Before laying tiles using this method, it is worth reading the long instructions and list of materials, the sequence of performing such work.

Handmade correct laying of tiles on the floor

Correct installation depends on several elements. When choosing tiles for the floor in our home, we are guided by its location in the apartment. If a tile is chosen for a balcony or hallway, its size should be taken into account. Large tiles are more suitable for these rooms. A bathroom or kitchen needs small tiles. There is a trend to tile the kitchen various types and drawings. It is important to select tiles for the bathroom with an original design that will fit well with the water theme and give the room its own zest.

To be able to correctly lay tiles on the floor, you must follow the following sequence:

  • Preparing the floor for installation;
  • Applying the solution to the surface to be laid;
  • Leveling the solution on the surface;
  • Installing tiles on the surface;
  • Checking and adjusting the horizontal position of the tiles using tools and dismantling defects;
  • Filling the seams after blowing them with a vacuum cleaner.

Regardless of the location of the tile and its properties, the installation is as consistent as possible. Materials and tools are selected depending on budget and convenience. It is also worth paying attention to the class of the tile and its quality, because modern times rich in materials and binders for them.

Too porous tiles are not at all suitable for a bathhouse, but will serve well in the hallway.

Professional answer: how to lay tiles (video)

If there are children in the house, then the cleanliness of the floor and walls will fade into the background, since the tiles are easy to clean and do not dry for long. It is a fact that tiles do not retain heat well. This is its disadvantage. Therefore, it is worth having heated floors or a nice rug. Over time, abrasions form on the tiles, and they appearance fades. It is worth taking a responsible approach to caring for tiles. A steam cleaner takes excellent care of it. After exposing the tile to steam, you need to wipe it with a dry cloth. When buying tiles, you should take them with a reserve in case of mechanical damage.