How to customize the left toolbar in Photoshop. Adobe Photoshop: basic tools. Coloring Tools

We continue to study the Photoshop program. Many novice users often have difficulty working with one of the most important panels of the program - the toolbar. Difficulties arise because it’s hard to remember everything the first time Photoshop tools what they do, what they are used for and what they look like.

Therefore, especially for my readers, I created detailed diagram toolbars. You can download this diagram to your computer and return to it as needed. The diagram shows what the tool looks like, its name and where it can be found.

Photoshop Tools

If a tool icon has a small black triangle in the lower right corner, that means it has a tool submenu. To view a tool's name, its hotkey, and other submenu tools if there is one, simply hover your mouse directly over the tool.

Advice: If you accidentally closed the toolbar and don’t know how to get it back, here’s a solution for you. Go to the top menu of the program Window\Tools. Now the toolbar is back with you. See the picture below.

Bringing back the toolbar

Now let's explore Photoshop tools more details. For ease of understanding, I have divided them into groups. Logically, they can be combined into 5 large groups:

Selection group

Framing group

Retouching group

Coloring group

Text and drawing group

Selection tools:

The tools in this group are designed to quickly select and move areas of the most different forms, both regular and irregular forms. Having mastered these tools, you will be able to reactively select and move areas of the most complex shapes and create beautiful compositions.

Subgroup of tools “Area” (Marquee Tool). Using these tools, you can select any areas: oval, square, vertical, horizontal, etc.

Move Tool. With this tool, you can move layers, guides, selections, effects, etc. as you wish.

Subgroup of Lasso tools (Lasso). They will help you select areas manually by tracing with the mouse, polygonal areas and areas snapped to the boundary of the edge of the object.

Quick Selection Tool. With this tool, you can quickly and easily paint a selected area by adjusting the round size of the brush.

Magic Wand Tool ( Magic Wand) . This tool will allow you to select different areas of different shapes with the same color.

Crop Tools:

This group contains all the tools for changing the image size, the shape of areas and creating fragments.

Crop Tool. With this tool, you can carefully crop images as you need.

Slice tool. This tool will allow you to create various fragments from images and photographs. This tool is very popular among web designers; they use it to cut layouts to create websites.

Slice Select Tool. With this tool you can select fragments and work with them.

Retouching tools:

These tools are designed for image editing. Using them, you can correctly remove defects, adjust saturation, sharpness, tone, blur in images, etc.

Spot Healing Brush Tool. This tool will help you remove blemishes and small unwanted objects from an image and restore small elements.

Healing Brush Tool. With this tool, you can easily and quickly eliminate minor image defects by painting over them with the samples or patterns you choose.

Patch Tool. This tool is somewhat similar to the Healing Brush tool. It will help you select an editable area in the same way as the Lasso tool and eliminate defects on it using samples or patterns.

Red Eye Tool. With this tool you can quickly get rid of the red-eye defect that often appears when photographing using flash.

Clone Stamp Tool. One of my favorite instruments. With it, you can draw according to the selected sample, which is taken from the image.

Pattern Stamp Tool. Similar to the previous tool, with this tool you can draw from an image using a pre-taken sample. The sample can be taken not only from the original image, but also from the pattern palette.

Eraser tool. Using this tool, you can erase unnecessary pixels from an image and, if necessary, restore them to the state of the last save location.

Background Eraser Tool. With this tool you can erase areas of an image by dragging. The trick of this tool is if you hold down the ALT key », a dropper appears, you can use it to choose a color that will not wash off.

Magic Eraser Tool. With this tool, you can easily and quickly erase the monochromatic parts of an image with one click.

Blur Tool. This tool is designed to soften the sharp edges of an image by blurring.

Sharpen tool. This tool is the opposite of the previous tool. If the edges of your image are too soft and blurry, sharpen them in a few clicks using this tool.

Smudge Tool. With this tool, you can blur areas of the image.

Dodge Tool. This tool gives you the ability to lighten any areas you choose.

Burn Tool. The complete opposite of the previous tool, with this tool you can darken any areas you select.

Sponge Tool. With this tool, you can change the color saturation of the area of ​​the image over which you moved this tool.

Painting Tools:

This group includes all the tools that can be used to colorize images, replace colors, and stylize images.

Brush Tool. One of the very first tools in Photoshop. With this tool, you can draw and apply strokes across the image by adjusting the size and hardness of the brush.

Pencil tool. The name of this tool speaks for itself. With this tool you can easily draw lines with clear edges.

Color Replacement Tool. This tool will help you select a color and replace it with any other you wish.

History Brush Tool. With this tool, you can return the image to its original or previous state, but not everything is as complete as when you click CTRL+Z(return the action), and the current part of the image you selected.

Art History brush tool. With this tool you can paint with stylized strokes or strokes that imitate different artistic styles, using a selected state or a snapshot of a specified image.

Gradient Tools. With this tool, you can easily and quickly create various, correct transitions between colors. Transitions can be straight, radial, vertical, mirror, cone-shaped and diamond-shaped.

Paint Bucket Tool. One of the most popular Photoshop tools. With it, you can quickly fill the desired areas with the color of your choice.

Drawing and Text Tools:

This group contains tools responsible for working with text, creating and editing various shapes, creating and highlighting contours.

Path selection tool. With this tool you can select shapes based on the anchor points that you have fixed.

Text Tool (Type). One of the most commonly used Photoshop tools. With this tool, you can add horizontal or vertical text to images.

Type mask tool. With this tool, you can select areas in the form of text directly on the image, in order to further process it as you need.

Pen tool subgroup. With this tool you can easily and quickly draw precise contours, adjusting the curves as you need.

Subgroup of “Shape” tools (Shape). With this tool you can draw lines and shapes, selecting them from a ready-made list, editing their size as you need.

Custom Shape Tool. This tool will help you draw custom shapes that are already present in Photoshop, plus those shapes that you downloaded yourself.

For those who use the English version of the program, I post 2 tables with translations of tools from English into Russian. Perhaps they will be useful to someone. I’ll say right away that the signs are old, not all the tools are there, but just the basic ones. So save them to your computer and use them.

Tables of tools with translation from English into Russian:

Translation of Photoshop tools from English. into Russian. Table No. 1

Translation of Photoshop tools from English. into Russian. Table No. 2

That's all for today. If you liked my article, like, write comments, subscribe to the free newsletter to be the first to receive the latest, useful Photoshop tutorials. See you in the next posts.

Adobe has released a beta version of the graphics editor Photoshop CS6. While beta testing is underway, the new Photoshop can be used for free. Versions of Photoshop CS6 for Windows and Mac OS X are available for download on the Adobe Labs website.

The computer on which the new Photoshop will be installed is required to have a processor with a frequency of at least 2 GHz, a gigabyte of RAM and a gigabyte of hard drive space for the program itself.

The first thing that catches your attention in Photoshop CS6 is the interface. Now it is designed in a stylish dark gray color scheme, however, the user can change it if desired. color design to the more familiar light gray tones characteristic of Photoshop CS5.

Early versions of Photoshop did not have an original interface and users were often confused by the many bright panels and buttons. To get rid of this misunderstanding, Adobe turned to interface development specialists, after which Photoshop finally acquired its “face”. Panels began to be located in convenient places, access to tools became easier, and the color design of the editing window acquired a strict gray color and no longer distracted the user’s attention.

By the way, in the new Photoshop you can change color scheme interface “on the fly” - using the context menu, choosing one of the four available shades of gray.

In addition to changes in appearance, Photoshop CS6 has acquired many new tools and functions.


Photoshop CS6 uses the Mercury Graphics Engine, which significantly improves program performance. Now complex image editing operations occur almost in real time. If earlier, when using a brush with a size of more than 1500 pixels, the program began to slow down, now you can safely set the brush diameter to 15000 pixels - there will be no lags.


The Crop tool has become more intelligent. During cropping, the image can now be scaled, rotated and aligned to the horizon. In addition, when cropping, you can now use the golden ratio rule, and the crop area can be automatically centered.

Working with RAW

The Adobe Camera Raw 7 plugin, built into the new Photoshop, allows you to work with digital images in RAW format and achieve incredible results in tone correction, adjusting the shadow and highlight areas of your images, as well as performing local corrections for shades, noise and color temperature using brushes.


You can now use styles in the design of paragraphs and individual characters. To do this, use the new Character Styles and Paragraph Styles panels. A nice bonus for users is the Lorem Ipsum generator, which allows you to quickly create texts that do not carry any semantic load, being used in layouts only for clarity.

Depth of field

The new group of Blur Gallery filters is designed to simulate defocus of part of the image. It includes Field Blur, Iris Blur and Tilt-Shift filters that allow you to quickly and easily extra effort change the depth of field in photos interactively.

Black magic Content-aware

The new Content Aware Patch and Content Aware Move tools use black magic. There is no other way to call it. Using Content Aware Patch, you can replace some image fragments with others, and Content Aware Move allows you to move selected objects - for example, you can select a human figure in a photo and move it to a new location. And no one will suspect that a photoshopper worked on the photo.

Adaptive Wide Angle

The Adaptive Wide Angle filter can “straighten” images taken with wide-angle lenses. Photoshop analyzes the metadata of the image, finds in it the type of lens with which the photo was taken and allows you to remove distortions in the image, eliminating the fish-eye effect.


Photoshop CS6 has acquired video editor functions. Now you can edit video in it, providing this video with sound, text and transition effects. Many video formats are supported - WMV, MOV, MP4, MPEG, FLV, AVI, etc. The position, transparency and effects of animated layers can be changed on the timeline using keyframes. Ready project You can save as a PSD file or export the video to QuickTime, DPX or H.264 formats.


The new Photoshop has significantly improved automatic image correction functions. To do this, Adobe used the work of hundreds of specialists who manually corrected thousands of photographs. The company collected their work, analyzed it and created software algorithms for automatic color and tone correction.


Edited files are now automatically saved every 5, 10, 15, 30 or 60 minutes. Many users who work with Photoshop have more than once found themselves in a situation where hours of work on a project went down the drain because the program crashed. In such cases, Photoshop CS6 allows you to restore automatically saved work in a few seconds. Autosave does not load your computer's system resources - if you save a multi-layered file in earlier versions of Photoshop high resolution led to temporary blocking of the program, now automatic saving processes do not in any way prevent the user from continuing to work on the project.

Other useful things

Photoshop CS6 has improved working with layers - you can now filter them by name, effects, color and other parameters.

If you often work with photographs of people, you will definitely like it new technology skin discharge.

Also greatly improved Liquify filter and tools for working with 3D, the Properties and Adjustments panels have become more convenient, and the brush settings panel can now be called up by simply clicking on the image while holding down the Ctrl button.

In this tutorial we will look at the Photoshop Tools palette. In cases with a sliding menu, the tools will be listed in the same order as in the menu.

Selection tools

1. Rectangular area (hotkey: M)— selects a rectangular (square when holding down the shift key) area;
Oval area (M)— selects oval (round while holding down the shift key);
Vertical line— selects a line of pixels;
Horizontal line— selects a column of pixels.

2. Lasso (L)— selection of free-form areas;
Straight Lasso (L)- intended for highlighting areas in the image limited by polygons made up of straight line segments free form;
Magnetic Lasso (L)- used to create selections around objects. The boundaries of the area “cling” to the edges of the object, at which the color tone and saturation change;
(to complete the selection using the lasso, you must close the area).

18. Move (V)— used to move selected layers, objects, guides. While holding down the Shift key, the movement will be strictly horizontal or vertical.

19. Magic wand(there will also be a “quick selection” in the sliding menu) (W) - Selects areas based on the similarity of colors of adjacent pixels.

Tools of the "Fragment and Frame" group

17. Cutting (K)- creates a slice for picture maps used in HTML documents;
Slice selection (K) – selects a slice and edits it;

20. Frame (C)— cuts out a selected area from the image, cutting off unnecessary fragments.

Tools in the Retouching group

3. Spot Healing Brush (J)- uses pixels based on an image or pattern and compares their texture, lighting, transparency and shading with the corresponding parameters of the corrected pixels;

Healing Brush (J)- uses pixels based on an image or pattern and compares their texture, lighting, transparency and shading with the corresponding parameters of the pixels being corrected (the difference from a spot healing brush is that you need to select the area from which the pixels will be copied);

Patch (J)- serves to correct defects. It is necessary to construct a selection of the donor area that matches the defect in its geometry and microstructure, and drag the selection with the tool onto the damaged fragment;

Red eyes (J)- Used to remove red eyes in photographs.

4. Stamp (S)— copies pixels from one area to another;

Pattern Stamp (S)— copies the selected area as a pattern.

5. Eraser (E)— paints objects in the color of the previous layer;

Background eraser (E)— replaces the image background with a transparent area;

Magic Eraser (E)— removes similar colors located in the brush area.

6. Blur (R)

Sharpness (R)- imitates the filter of the same name in Photoshop;

Finger (R)— shifts pixels, simulating strokes.

13. Clarifier (O)— brightens a separate area of ​​the image (can be used to create a vignette);

Dimmer (O)— darkens a separate area of ​​the image (can be used to create a vignette);

Sponge (O)— increases or decreases the saturation of a separate area of ​​the image.

Tools in the Draw group

14 . Gradient (G)— allows you to fill the selected area with a smooth transition from one color to another;

Fill (G)— allows you to paint homogeneous pixels of the selected image area with the selected color.

15. History Brush (Y)— paints with strokes created based on the previous version of the image;

Archive Art Brush (Y)— draws with artistic strokes created on the basis of the previous version of the image;

16. Brush (B)- the main tool for drawing, has many varieties;

Pencil (B)— draws lines in a primary color with hard edges.

Tools in the Drawing and Text group

7. Contour tracing (A)— selects a Bezier curve;

Partial selection (A)- used to adjust the contour by moving the node points;

8. Pen (P) - used to draw Bezier curves and contours along anchor points;

Free pen (P)— randomly draws Bezier curves;

Add an anchor point— adds a new anchor point in a path or Bezier curve;

Delete anchor point— deletes the selected anchor point in a path or Bezier curve;

Convert Anchor Point- converts a corner point to an anchor point and vice versa (again in Bezier curves or paths).

11. Rectangle (U)— draws a rectangle;

Rounded rectangle (U)— draws a rectangle with rounded corners;

Ellipse (U)— draws an ellipse;

Polygon (U)— draws a given polygon;

Line (U)- draws a line;

Free figure (U)— draws an arbitrary figure.

12. Horizontal text (T)— adds horizontal text to the image;

Vertical text (T)— adds vertical text to the image;

Horizontal/vertical text mask (T)- used to create a selection in the form of text characters.

The figure below shows Photoshop CS5 graphics editor tools with their modifiers. Tools are divided into logical groups by horizontal lines. Most of these tools and their modifiers are included in older versions of this program. Each new version of Photoshop is supplemented with new tools and/or modifiers, and some “old” tools may also be improved. We will not consider all the tools with their modifiers in this series; we will only talk about the main Photoshop tools and their modifiers, which are most often used for photo editing.

The toolbar is the main panel in this graphic editor. Almost every processing step is not complete without one or another tool from this panel. The panel can be attached to the right/left border of the Photoshop desktop. It can also be detached from the border and placed anywhere on the graphic editor desktop, see the screenshots below.

In order to move toolbar to another location, move the cursor to the top of the panel, press the left mouse button while holding the key pressed, move the panel to your chosen area of ​​the editor's desktop, see the screenshot above, or attach the panel to the opposite border of the desktop, see the screenshot below.

To change the appearance of the toolbar, move the cursor to the top of the panel and click on the arrows, the panel will become a little shorter and wider, see the screenshot above. To move the panel, press the left mouse button, while holding the key down, move the panel to the desktop area of ​​your choice, see the video below.

When can such manipulations with the toolbar come in handy? For example, you have a small monitor, but you need to open the file being processed to the entire desktop so that you can enlarge the file to one or another peak of the optimal scaling percentage.

You can close the toolbar completely by clicking on the cross in the panel header, or uncheck the box next to the “Tools” item in the “Window” menu.

To call the toolbar, you can use hot keys by first specifying the combination in the “Keyboard Shortcuts” settings. You can enter the keyboard shortcut settings menu using the “Edit” menu, or by typing the key combination “Alt+Shift+Ctrl+K”. In the “Keyboard Shortcuts” settings, select the “Window” item, and in it edit the “Tools” item.

Now that we've sorted out the toolbar, in the next article we'll take a detailed look at some of the tools on this panel. Let's start our acquaintance with Photoshop tools, from instruments and modifiers of the first logical group -


Next lessons on working with the program Adobe Photoshop we will devote to tools.

The toolbar plays an important role in working with Photoshop. Some commands can only be performed from the toolbar, for example, working with text, or with drawing tools.

Let's look at the tools. The first group, selection tools.
1.Rectangles Marquee Tool– (Rectangular selection). Selection is made by moving the cursor while holding down the mouse button. If we select an area and then try to select another area, the old selection will disappear. In order to add a new selection to the old one, before starting the selection, you need to press and hold the key Shift. To subtract a new selection from the old one, press and hold the key Alt. If you hold down a key together Shift and Alt,this will lead to the fact that the selected area will be the area combining the old and new selection.
Elliptical Marquee Tool(Elliptical selection) – allows you to select an elliptical area. Keys Alt and Shift, are used similarly to rectangular selection.
Single Column Marquee– selecting a column of pixels.
Single Rou Marquee- selecting a line of pixels.

2.Lasso Tool (Lasso)– allows you to make a selection of any shape. Selection is made by dragging the cursor while holding down the left mouse button. Once the area is defined, you can subtract a specific area from it. If you hold the button Alt pressed, you can select another selection area within the first block. Key combination Shift+Alt– to set the selection area.
Polygonal Lasso Tool(Polygonal lasso). Let's say we need to select a triangle. Press the left mouse button and move the cursor to the base, then release the mouse button again, click again and select the base of the triangle, release it again and press the button, select the second side until the selection reaches the first side. Double-click with the left button to activate the selection.
Magnetic Lasso too l – (Magnetic lasso). Allows you to make a selection along the contrast boundaries. Let's say we need to highlight light on dark. Choose a tool magnetic lasso and move the cursor to Right place of your image and with the left mouse button pressed, start selecting. Photoshop It will look for areas with maximum contrast and will draw a selection outline along them. During the selection process, the program automatically sets anchor points. By pressing a key Backspace, you can delete the last anchor point and continue the selection. Pressing this key multiple times will remove anchor points step by step.

17.Magic Wand– (Magic Wand) – a tool for selecting solid areas filled with one color. Select the magic wand tool and move it to the desired area of ​​the image. Click with the left mouse button and you will have a section of one color selected. The Alt and Shift key combinations work the same as with rectangular selections.

16 .Move(Move). Once an area is selected, it can be moved. Select a tool move and move the cursor to the selected area. With the left mouse button pressed, drag your area where you want it. If you hold down the key Alt, a copy of the moved area will be created. If you need to move the selected area strictly horizontally or vertically, then hold down the key Shift. Also, if you need to precisely place the selection at a certain point, you can use the arrow keys on the keyboard; when you press the key, the selection moves by 1 pixel, and if you hold down the key Shift, then the movement will occur in increments of 10 pixels.

3.Crop(Cropping), is intended for cropping the raster area of ​​documents, followed by cropping those parts of it that are not included in this rectangular area. Select a tool Crop and move it to the desired part of the image, and while holding down the left mouse button, select the desired area. You'll see that the selected area is lighter in color than the rest of the image, and that's the area that will remain. Once you have set the desired selection, press Enter and the conversion will be done.

18.Slice Tool(Cutting), designed to form a rectangular cut of a certain shape. Used on the Web to reduce file size, i.e. you can cut the image into three, four, etc. parts, and apply a different format to each part.

19.Brush Toll(Brush), is the main drawing tool, draws lines with soft edges. We draw by moving the mouse with the left button pressed over the image. Before you draw, you need to set the tool parameters. You can select the brush diameter, color, transparency, and pixel blending mode.
Pencil Tool(Pencil), produces lines with sharp, jagged edges. Has the same settings as the brush tool.

20.History Brush Tool(History Brush) - allows you to return to any previous state of the image, undoing one or more editing operations. Before use, in the history palette you need to check the box in front of the item you want to return to. Using a brush will erase all history items that are below the checkbox.

7.Blur Tool– (Blur). To blur local areas of the image. Place the cursor at the desired location in the image and activate the blur tool. Select the desired size in the options bar, and while holding the left mouse button, blur the desired area using circular movements.
Sharpen(Sharpness), for local image correction. Increases the sharpness of processed image areas. Works the same as the blur tool.
Smudge Tool(Finger). The operating principle is the same as the first two tools.

22.Dodge Tool(Brightener) is designed to locally brighten the image. The work occurs when the tool is moved around the image with the left mouse button pressed.
Sponge Tool(Sponge) - designed to reduce or increase the color saturation of image areas processed by tools. In the attributes line you can select parameters for this tool diameter brushes, Flow– impact force, Mode-Saturate– increase in saturation, Desiderate– decrease in saturation. All the same, with the left mouse button pressed, we move over the desired areas of the image.

5.Clone Stamp Tool(Clone Stamp), allows you to copy one part of an image to another. It is necessary to determine the area of ​​the image that will be copied. To do this, press the key Alt and while holding it, click the mouse in the right place, after which you can release the key and start drawing as if with a brush in the right place, only the drawing will be carried out with an image taken from the copied area.
Pattern Stamp(Pattern stamp), the stamp works similar to the cloning stamp. Just first you need to determine the pattern. This is done in the attribute line, in the column Pattern.

6.Eraser(eraser), designed to remove part of an image, regardless of color.
Magic Eraser– allows you to erase an area filled with one color with one click. The color on which the mouse was clicked will be erased. The actions of this tool are similar to those of magic wand, only the eraser does not select, but erases the image.
Background Eraser(background eraser), removes everything but leaves the background if the option is enabled Protect Foreground Color.

21.Paint Bucket–(Fill) paints an area of ​​the image with the color you specify. The foreground color is used. Select a tool, select a color. Then move the cursor to the place that needs to be filled, the cursor will take the shape of a bucket, and click the left mouse button. If there are no selections, the entire document will be flooded. To fill with texture, select Pattern(Texture).
Gradient Tool(Gradient) – this tool produces a fill with a smooth transition of colors. Maybe like two basic colors, and more. First, select the gradient type in the attributes panel by left-clicking on the desired type. Then select the gradient fill method, these are the five buttons next to the gradient type list. To fill, place the mouse cursor in the desired location and, while holding down the left mouse button, move the cursor to the desired distance; when you release the mouse button, the image area will be filled with the selected gradient.

4.Spot Healing Brush(Spot Healing Brush), works the same as the clone tools. But unlike a stamp, the Healing Brush tool takes into account the structure, lighting and shadows of the image area being processed. Select the Healing Brush tool, click Alt, holding the left mouse button at the location you specify in the image. Drag the tool over the areas of the image that require restoration. For example, this tool is good for removing shine from some parts of the image.
Patch(Patch) – allows you to restore a selected area by cloning pixels taken from another area or sample. To get high-quality results, choose small areas for correction.

9.Pan Tool(Pen) - allows you to draw paths, i.e., anchor points are created, which Photoshop automatically connects with segments.
Freeform Pan Tool- (Free pen).
Add Anchor Point Tool–(Add anchor point).
Delete Anchor Point Tool– (Delete anchor point).
Convert Point Tool- (Corner).

24.Tools for constructing figures:
Rectangle Tool- rectangle.
Rounded Rectangle Tool– a rectangle with rounded corners.
Ellipse– ellipse.
Polygon Tool– polygon.
Line Tool– line.
Custom Shape Tool– arbitrary figure. Allows you to create a variety of shapes that are immediately filled with the foreground color. To create all shapes except an arbitrary shape, you need to select a shape, place the cursor in the desired area of ​​the image, and while holding the left mouse button, create the shape by moving the cursor. If, after the shape is created, you press the spacebar, the shape can be moved to any point in the image. If you hold down the key Alt When creating a figure, the figure will be created from the center. To create a custom shape, you need to select it in the tool settings line in the item Shape. To change the radius of the curves of a rectangle shape with rounded edges, in the same settings line, set the desired value in the Radius item.

8.Path Selection Tool–(Outline selection).
Direct Selection Tool– (Direct selection).

23. Horizontal Type Tool– (Horizontal text). To enter text, select a tool. Place the cursor at the desired location in the document. Click the left mouse button, a flickering cursor will appear. Enter text using the keyboard.
Vertical Type Tool–(Vertical text) is the same, only the text will be entered vertically. In the options bar you can set the font typeface, text size and paragraph formation mode, text color and format.

25 .Eyedropper ( Pipette ) transfers the color of the image area where we clicked the mouse to the color fields of the toolbar, or displays digital color values ​​in the palette Info.

Color Sampler(Color comparison), allows you to set up to four points from which color values ​​will be read. These values ​​are displayed in the Information palette Info, For each new point, a new field opens in this palette into which the values ​​for this point are entered. In order to delete all points, you need to click the Clear button in the settings line.

Measure Tool(Ruler) – designed to measure distances and angles in an image. Click on the starting point of measurements, drag the cursor to the end point of measurements, on the palette Info The distance between the start and end points will be displayed.

10.Notes Tool-(Notes).
Audio Annotation Tool–(Sound annotation).

11.Hand( Hand ) – if the image does not fit into the screen frame, we can drag it.

26.Zoom Tool(Scale), if you hover the cursor over the image, it takes the form of a cross in a circle, and with each left click the image will be enlarged. If you press the key Alt, then with each click, the image will become smaller.

13.Quick Mask–(Quick mask mode).

12.Color squares- main and background colors

14 Document viewing modes. The first, standard mode, is set by default, the second is full screen with a menu bar, the third is full screen. You can also switch between modes by pressing the key F.

15. Transferring images to Image Ready and back.

In the next article on Adobe program Photoshop, let's look at the line of settings and tools.