How to cook peas so that they are softened. How to cook polished split peas

09.01.2016 20.04.2016 by gotovlyu v mikrovolnovke

Pea puree is very tasty and healthy dish, which is even served to children in kindergartens. If it is not yet in your diet, then with our tips on how to cook peas, it simply must appear in it. Moreover, it can be used both as a side dish and as a filling for pies, adding sautéed onions, and as a base for cream soup or just soup.

Anyone who cooks peas is well aware of one disadvantage - it takes a long time to cook. It is this minus that we will discuss by examining how to cook dry chopped, ground, pre-soaking or without soaking in the microwave.

But before we start telling and showing how to cook peas so that they are softened, let's learn a little about it itself. It is divided into varieties: sugar, shelling and brain. Peeling is grown both for harvesting in green form and when ripe and dry. Sugar is most often collected along with the pods, which have a sweet taste and are used along with the peas. Marrow is very sweet, the percentage of fructose and sucrose in it can reach 10. Its main purpose is preservation and freezing.

We will cook shelled ripe peas, which in turn can be whole or split. By the way, if the shape of the dish does not matter, then take crushed - it cooks without soaking and quickly.

On sale you can find both regular (hulled) and polished (whole, 1st and 2nd grade, and split) peas.

Interesting: legumes are most valued for their high protein content - 23%, comparable to the content in meat, milk and eggs.

How to cook different types of peas so that they are softened

As mentioned above, chopped can be cooked immediately, without any preparation. It is better to soak the whole one for a while (preferably overnight). Cooking all legumes is almost the same, so you can use the tips from the recipe.

Now on to practice.

Prepared in the microwave with maximum power 700 W


  • 200 g split dry peas;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 3 pinches of salt;
  • seasoning to taste;
  • 200 ml hot water.

You can use carrots and onions for dressing.

How to cook

If time allows, then soak and chop for several hours.

In the morning you will see that almost the entire container will be filled with swollen peas.

Rinse it in water and pour it into a saucepan for microwave oven. Season with salt and add seasonings, such as dried herbs, to taste.

Pour boiling water or hot water.

Cover with a lid and place in the microwave, turn it on at full power for 10 minutes. As it cooks, foam will begin to form in the container - it will need to be skimmed off with a tablespoon and put back in the microwave. Many people recommend adding soda at this stage - the cereal will boil faster. You need it literally on the tip of a knife, but be prepared for very strong foam to rise!

When signaled, remove the container, stir the contents and cook for about 15 minutes, keeping an eye on the liquid level. If necessary, add boiling water to prevent the cereal from burning.

The finished pea puree should have a mild taste. There will be whole peas in it.

To give the dish uniformity and taste, add vegetable oil to it and puree with a blender into a homogeneous mass.

While the puree is being crushed, you can prepare a dressing for it. To do this, peel, rinse and grate the carrots on a fine grater, and peel the onions, rinse and cut into small segments.

Pour everything together into a container and add 0.5 tsp. vegetable oil and a couple of pinches of salt. Place in the microwave and simmer for about 3-5 minutes at highest power.

Let the pea puree cool slightly.

Then place it on one side of the plate, complementing it with roasted vegetables, and serve.

Enjoy your meal!

Peas are cooked in the microwave much faster than the usual cooking method, but even here you need to show maximum attention and patience, because pea cereal is quite capricious :)

Peas (Pisum)

A plant from the legume family. Pea seeds are set in beans, straight or saber-shaped; one bean contains from 3 to 10 seeds. Peas can be oval or round, smooth or wrinkled.


Peas are an ancient plant. Dishes made from it were known to man many thousands of years before our era. In Ancient Greece, peas were the main food of ordinary people. Centuries later in Europe, peas began to be considered a delicacy, and dishes made from them were served at rich and even royal tables.

In Russia, yellow peas have been known since ancient times, and green pea appeared only in the 18th century. It quickly spread and began to be used as an independent dish and as a side dish. Residents of the Yaroslavl region in the pre-revolutionary era dried sugar peas and sent them for sale abroad.

Russia is still one of the leaders in the production of high-quality peas. Along with it, dried peas are exported from France, the USA, Ukraine, Germany, Australia, the UK and Canada. It is grown in Belgium, Morocco, Hungary and Spain.


Shelling pea varieties are very hard and are only suitable for soups and porridges: they hardly boil soft even after prolonged cooking and give the dish a thick consistency and appetizing aroma.

The so-called sugar pea variety, on the contrary, is soft and juicy. It can be consumed fresh directly from the pods. Europeans call the unripe fruits of this variety “mange tout” (from the French mange tout - literally “whole is edible”); In Russia, such peas are called “shovels.” When raw, its fruits, colloquially called “pods,” can be dipped in sauce for a brighter flavor. Asian cooks use this type of “pod” pea as a side dish for fish or add it to various vegetable dishes.

Unripe green peas come from the brain varieties. In this species, the peas dry out and wrinkle and look like small brain hemispheres. It is suitable for canning and freezing.

Ripe peas are firm and yellow color. The grain is either whole or broken in half. Asian chefs prepare this type of peas with spices, resulting in a hearty and warming dish - dal. In English cuisine there is a recipe for pea pudding.

Kissel and cheese made from ripe peas can now be considered exotic dishes, but in Ancient Rus' these dishes were everyday. In Russian cuisine, gruel from pea grains is added to. Pancakes are stuffed with peas.

To cook firm yellow peas, they should be soaked in water for almost the entire daylight hours, that is, for at least 10 hours. Split peas are cooked for 30 minutes, whole ones - longer: up to one and a half hours. Peas should be salted at the end of cooking, otherwise they will become tough.

Beneficial features

Peas are rich in potassium and phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. In terms of protein content, peas can be compared to meat. Peas are very healthy due to their high content of vitamins A, B and C. In addition, peas are an energy source: they contain a large number of carbohydrates.

How long to cook peas

Before cooking, whole peas must first be soaked in water for several hours. Before cooking, drain the water and add fresh peas. cold water. Cook for 1-1.5 hours. You don't need to soak the split peas, but cook them right away. Crushed peas cook a little faster - from 45 minutes to 1 hour.

Calorie content and the nutritional value peas

Calorie content of fresh green peas is 55 kcal, peas (grain) - 298 kcal.

Nutritional value of fresh green peas: proteins - 5 g, fats - 0.2 g, carbohydrates - 8.3 g.

Nutritional value of peas (grain): proteins - 20.5 g, fats - 2 g, carbohydrates - 49.5 g.

- Peas good for health- rich in vitamins (ascorbic acid, beta-carotene, antioxidant protection) and mineral salts (potassium, which ensures acid-base balance), thiamine (improves brain function). Peas contain a lot of vegetable protein.

- Calorie content peas - 310 kcal per 100 grams.

- Price peas in Moscow stores - split from 40 rubles/kg, whole from 50 rubles/kg (as of October 2018).

- Shelf life raw peas - from 12 months to 2 years. Boiled peas can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

When soaking, it is important don't overexpose peas - they can turn sour from prolonged soaking. To be on the safe side, soaked peas should be refrigerated.

If you are sure that the pea cereal is soft, you can add peas to the soup immediately when cooking the meat - then the peas will not have to be soaked and their cooking time will be 1.5 hours (the same as the meat).

In order not to soak the peas, you can add a quarter teaspoon of soda when cooking (per 1 cup of peas) - then crushed peas will cook in 1.5 hours, whole ones in two. Even without soaking (and without soda), cook the peas for an hour and a half or more - it is very important to add water on time and it is important to add it little by little, so that the cooked peas can be immediately used in a dish with all the broth without draining it.

For softness, soaked and then washed peas can be calcined in a frying pan, stirring constantly, for 15 minutes over low heat - then the peas will not form foam during cooking.

When determining the cooking time for peas, it is important pea variety and water hardness- be sure to taste the peas before finishing cooking.

- In a slow cooker Cook peas without soaking for 2 hours on the “Stew” mode, with soaking - 1 hour.

- In the microwave: soak the peas, then rinse and add water, cook in the microwave at 500 watts for 20 minutes, then stir and cook for another 20 minutes at the same power, then cover the dish and cook for another 15 minutes.

- In a pressure cooker cook peas for 15 minutes.

Simple pea soup recipe

Ingredients for making pea soup
peas - 1 cup
potatoes - 2-3 potatoes
smoked pork ribs - 300-500 grams
carrots - 1 piece
onion - 1 piece
Salt - teaspoon
Ground black pepper - half a teaspoon.

Making pea soup
Coarsely chop the smoked ribs, place in a saucepan, add water and bring to a boil. Add washed peas and cook over medium heat for 25 minutes. Then add finely chopped potatoes and cook over low heat for another 15 minutes. Fry grated carrots and finely chopped onion. Add carrots and onions to the pan and cook for another 7-10 minutes.
Your classic pea soup is ready! Serve with crackers and fresh herbs.

How to cook pea porridge

Products for pea porridge
Dried split peas - 1 cup
Vegetable oil - 5 tablespoons
Cream 10 percent - 200 milliliters
Onions - 1 head
Carrots - 1 piece
Red Bell pepper- 1 piece

Pea porridge recipe
Soak the peas for 10 hours, wash and cook.

Grind the boiled peas using a blender, add cream, bring to a boil, add salt and cook for another 10 minutes over low heat.
Peel the onions and carrots, remove the seeds and stems from the sweet peppers. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots, chop the pepper. Fry the onion in a frying pan, then add carrots and peppers, fry everything together, stirring, for 10 minutes.
Serve pea porridge with fried vegetables on top. You can also add lard, bacon, stewed meat, and minced meat to the frying.

But the amazing times when green peas were in short supply ended long ago. Peas are available, now also in frozen form, and people's love does not diminish. We add bright, cheerful peas to salads, vegetable soups, stews, or simply use them as a side dish for meat dishes.

New “heroes” have also appeared - chickpeas, for example. Dry peas, from which porridge and delicious soups with ham ribs are cooked, enjoy slightly less success. But we also know about it that it is healthy and simply must be present in the diet. Thus, the sugar content in it is lower, and there is more protein and starch than in green peas. Peas are an extremely interesting product, of any variety and type. Therefore, I propose to deal with it properly.

What are peas

Peas are an annual herbaceous plant, belonging to the legume family. Its fruits are pods with spherical seeds - peas. True, many experts consider green peas to be a vegetable, not a bean. Depending on the structure of the bean valves, there are peeling and sugar varieties peas

The shells of peeling varieties are very hard and inedible. These peas are collected, dried, peeled and polished. Sugar snap peas are often sweeter. Its soft pods can be eaten whole. There are also medium or, in other words, “semi-sugar” varieties of peas, the leaves of which in an unripe state are soft and edible, but as they ripen they become unsuitable for consumption.
Dried peas are used to produce cereals: whole polished shelled peas and polished split peas of yellow or green color. Pea chaff is not used for cooking, but flour from this product has found its place in many delicious and unusual dishes different countries.

The benefits of peas. Beneficial and preventive properties

Pea cereal is an easily digestible product. It normalizes metabolic processes in the body, has a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels, reduces the risk of cancer, heart attack, hypertension, and stops aging of the skin and the entire body. In addition, thanks to the carbohydrates in its composition, peas are an excellent supplier of energy.

Calorie content of peas. 100 grams of dry split peas contain 149 kcal; the calorie content of boiled peas is almost half that.

Peas are valued for their vegetable protein content, which is similar to meat protein. It contains a number of essential amino acids. Peas have a high concentration of ascorbic acid. It contains sugar different types, PP vitamins, B vitamins, as well as starch, carotene, fiber. Plus, peas are rich in macro- and microelements. Dried peas are an excellent source of molybdenum. It contains enough potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese and iron.

Composition of peas. 100 g of product contains 8 g of protein, 20 g of carbohydrates, 8 g of fiber

Medicinal properties of peas

Peas and the digestive system

In terms of fiber content, legumes occupy leading positions among food products. Like other legumes, peas are rich in soluble fiber. Soluble fiber forms gel-like substances in the digestive system that bind bile and remove it from the body. One serving (200 grams) of cooked peas provides 65.1% of the daily value of fiber. Its insoluble fibers are necessary for the prevention of constipation and digestive disorders.

Peas against diabetes

The fiber in peas effectively fights diabetes mellitus, preventing fast growth blood sugar levels after eating food. Researchers compared two groups of people with type 2 diabetes who ate different amounts of high-fiber foods. One group ate the Standard American Diabetic Diet containing 24 grams of fiber/day, while the other group ate a diet containing 50 grams of fiber/day. In the group that received more fiber, the researchers noted more low levels both blood sugar and insulin (a hormone that helps lower blood sugar). And also their level of “bad” cholesterol decreased by almost 7%, the level of triglycerides - by 10.2%.

Peas for Heart Health

It contains virtually no fat, but it contains fiber that reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. In a study that examined diet and its associated risk of death from coronary disease hearts, involved more than 16 thousand middle-aged men in the USA, Finland, the Netherlands, Italy, the former Yugoslavia, Greece and Japan over 25 years. Initial data: more high level consumption of dairy products in Northern Europe; higher consumption of meat in the US, higher consumption of vegetables, legumes, fish and wine in Southern Europe, and higher consumption of cereals, soy products, fish in Japan. The study showed that eating legumes can reduce the risk of death from heart disease by 82%!

The potassium in peas reduces the growth and development of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels and is also essential for reducing high blood pressure. A serving of cooked peas contains 20.3% daily requirement body in potassium.

Peas contain pyridoxine (vitamin B6), which is involved in the breakdown and production of amino acids. A lack of this vitamin can lead to dermatitis and cramps.

Peas as an anticarcinogenic agent

The most controversial issue. The findings require further research. It is believed that magnesium, zinc and selenium, which peas are rich in, actively resist cancer cells. In addition, the product contains phytoestrogens, which reduce the risk of certain diseases, including male prostate cancer and breast cancer in women.

How to select and store

High-quality dry peas are medium-sized, 3-4 mm in diameter. It is distinguished by its bright yellow or green. Larger peas are a sign of the forage variety. When choosing split peas, give preference to a product packaged in durable packaging that protects it from the negative effects of moisture. Half or whole peas should not be damaged by pests. The presence of debris or a large number of crushed pieces indicates poor quality of the cereal.

Dry peas do not lose unique properties for several months if stored in an airtight container (such as glass jar) in a dry place. You can place a small cloth bag with a small amount of salt at the bottom of the container to prevent the peas from getting soggy.

New varieties and innovative production technologies of pea cereal can reduce its preparation time to 35-40 minutes. It is recommended to keep washed whole or very dry peas in cold water for 2-4 hours. In addition, to reduce the cooking time of the product, you can add cold water to the boiling water with peas several times.

Peas are one of the main ingredients vegetable soups. It can be used as a side dish, as a filling for pies, or as a snack. It is used to make noodles and pancakes. There are many recipes for new and classic dishes from different countries using peas and flour.

See also:


Dried peas contain natural substances called purines. In some people, the kidneys are unable to remove the breakdown product of purines, uric acid, which leads to an increase in its levels in the body. With prolonged and excessive accumulation of uric acid, a disease such as gout occurs and kidney stones form. For this reason, such people should limit or eliminate their intake of foods containing purines. However, recent research shows that purines in meat and fish increase the risk of gout, while purines in plant foods have little or no effect.

From the history of peas

Modern varieties of this plant are believed to be descended from peas, which were native to Central Asia and Europe. This product has been consumed since prehistoric times - its fossilized remains were found by archaeologists during excavations in Switzerland. Peas are mentioned in the Bible and were highly valued by ancient civilizations. And if in Ancient Greece peas were used for food, as a rule, simple people, then several centuries later in Europe it acquired the status of a delicacy and took pride of place in the royal menu.

Peas were brought to Russia in ancient times. In the 6th century, more delicate varieties of these beans appeared, and people began to consume them fresh. Peas came to the United States shortly after colonists settled in this country. The plant was grown for household use. Mass cultivation of peas as a field crop began only in the 18th century.

In the 19th century, during the early development of genetics, peas played a very important role. The basic laws of inheritance of traits were discovered by Gregor Mendel as a result of research carried out on this plant.

Today, the largest commercial producers of dried peas are Russia, France, China and Denmark.

Peas are an excellent source of vegetable protein, and the dishes made from them are delicious. However, many housewives cook peas very rarely. And all because there is a lot of hassle with peas: they cook for a long time, sometimes they burn, sometimes they remain hard, sometimes they turn into mush. Some useful tips will make it easier for you to communicate with peas.

If you are going to cook peas

Soak it overnight. The peas should sit in clean, cold water for at least six hours. But very long time There is no need to soak, otherwise your peas will begin to ferment. If it seems to you that the peas, despite the long soaking, have not swollen enough, drain the old ones and pour in fresh cold water - let them sit for a while longer. And don’t forget to sort the peas before soaking, just in case.

After the soaking time is up, drain the water, rinse the peas and refill with cold water. For 300 g of peas you need to take two to three liters of water.

Place the peas on low heat and let them cook there. Ideally, the peas in the saucepan should slowly fall and rise as they cook. There is no need to cover the pan with a lid. Be sure to descale. Since the water will boil away, add a new portion every half hour cold water. In this way, the peas are boiled within a maximum of 1.5 - 2 hours, but usually faster.

Oil, spices and salt are added to the boiled ready-made peas. Do not cook peas in salt water - this will make them “tanned”.

If you want to cook peas faster, use crushed or split peas.

Do not add peas to the water in which you cook them. baking soda. In such water, the peas may boil a little faster, but problems with their digestion inside, in the stomach, will invariably overtake you. The fact is that peas contain substances that slow down digestive processes. And in order to remove these substances from peas, you need long soaking and long cooking.

Peas and modern kitchen gadgets

In fact, you can avoid the hassle of cooking peas by cooking them in a pressure cooker. To do this, soak the peas for two hours (just remember to sort through the peas so that you don’t accidentally get any pebbles). The washed peas are placed in the pressure cooker, the lid is closed, and the pan is placed on the fire. About 20 minutes after the water has boiled, the pressure cooker can be removed from the heat, but not opened, but let stand for about 10 minutes.

It is also convenient to cook peas in a slow cooker: sort through, soak for 2-3 hours, rinse, add water, select the “stew” mode, press “start” and forget about the peas for an hour and a half. This is if you need pea puree. If you are making pea soup with smoked meats, soak the peas for an hour in hot water. Cut all the ingredients - potatoes, carrots, onions and ribs - and place them along with the washed peas in the multicooker bowl, add salt and add water. An hour in “soup” mode will be enough. For this recipe, per liter of water take 300 g of smoked meats, 80 g of dried peas, carrots, potatoes and onions.