When is the best time to move - favorable days according to the lunar calendar, signs and customs. Moving to a new apartment

There are situations in life when you have to leave your usual place of residence and move to another. This is completely no coincidence, since each of us is looking for something better for ourselves and our loved ones. In this article we will look at which days are favorable for moving in the coming 2017.

The most successful numbers

Every month has favorable days for moving. For example, in January, fate promises good luck to those who decide to move on the 1st, 2nd, 7th, 8th, and 29th. These numbers in February will be 3 and 4. There are also many lucky days in March - 2, 3, 4, 30 and 31. There are slightly fewer periods for change in April. The best day will be the 27th.

From May to August, astrologers do not recommend moving at all. The beginning of autumn, namely the days of September, may not be the best time for change, but there are still several successful periods - on the 3rd, 4th and 30th. And in October, it is best to change your place of residence on the 1st, 2nd, 28th and 29th. There are also few days in November - the 24th and 25th. And in December, the numbers 1, 2, 21, 22, 23, 28 and 29 will be favorable. All other days that are not included in the list are either unsuitable or neutral, so you should not start important matters regarding moving on them.

Change of residence according to horoscope

Aries always strive for something new, so moving for them always ends successfully. This sign moves only if there is a goal, and the coming year of the Rooster is favorable to those who are active and purposeful. Taurus loves consistency, so it is not advisable to start moving in 2017. It is better to direct all your efforts to creating comfort in the home where you currently live. Geminis cannot imagine their life without changes, so in the New Year they are shown moving and new beginnings.

Representatives of the constellation Cancer can plan to change their place of residence only if they do not see further development and prospects in the old one. Leos will be able to feel the fullness of existence, but only if their move is carried out in the north-west direction. Virgos in 2017 can move if they need it to improve their health. The best direction will be south. Libras who dream of finding happiness in personal life, you should move to the East. This move will be successful, since the Rooster gives everyone, without exception, the opportunity to tune in to the wave of love and romance.

If Scorpio feels problems in the financial sphere, you can start packing your bags.

Sagittarius will discover new perspectives for themselves. To do this, representatives of this sign must leave their native lands and go abroad. Capricorns love stability, so moving is, in principle, undesirable for them. And if you decide to leave your home, then it is better to do so for those who are at a young age. Aquarius and Pisces who decide to move will be able to experience significant changes. Their lives will be filled with significant events. It is worth mentioning separately about Pisces, since a change of place of residence should be associated for them with training or subsequent career development.

Any change of place of residence is an exciting event, which is associated with many folk signs and traditions. Perhaps the most famous among those related to moving to new apartment It is a sign to let a cat into the house first. Why did this animal receive such an honor? In Rus', since ancient times, it was believed that the first person to move into a home should soon die. Therefore, in the families of our ancestors, the first person to cross the threshold was either an old man, who had little time left to live anyway, or a cat, whose life was obviously shorter than that of a human. Nowadays, this honorable right has finally been assigned to the cat.

Moreover, not every animal is suitable for such a great mission. You cannot pick up a cat from the street or borrow it from friends - it must be yours. It is believed that animals sense places with negative energy. A dog “knows how” to choose places favorable for humans. If instead of a cat you let a dog into the house first, which is not at all forbidden, then the place where it will lie down will be the best for the bed. The cat, on the contrary, will then, according to a sign, choose one of the “bad” places for itself and sit or lie there for a long time - do not place a bed there, otherwise the sleep will be anxious and restless. It is believed that this place should be left free, because it should belong to the main “owner” of the house - the brownie.

People don't see brownies, but pets do. Have you noticed how Sharik sometimes stares intently into space, without blinking, as if he’s watching someone? Or Murka, playing as if he was chasing someone invisible, trying to catch him? This is what a brownie is. And he is needed in the house! And he monitors cleanliness, and protects things, and protects the home from fire, and helps the owners. And when moving to a new apartment, the signs recommend inviting your brownie with you and managing another home with you. How to do this? Inform the brownie of your intention to change apartment and invite him to come with you. After that, put an empty bag for him, and take it with you on the day of moving. Take a broom from your old apartment - perhaps your brownie will ride on this vehicle. Or leave an old slipper by the stove with these words: “Brownie, here’s your sleigh, come with us,” and then take this improvised transport for the brownie with you.

Moving to a new apartment lunar calendar must be done on certain days. The 5th, 8th, 10th, 21st, 25th lunar days are best suited for this. Then the process itself will go well, and life in the new place will be happy and successful. But it is better not to plan this important event on the 4th, 9th, 15th, 19th, 23rd, 26th or 29th lunar day. Choose a female day of the week, that is, Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. There is also the best day for moving - this is September 14, Semenov's day, when new settlers are protected by higher powers and helped in every possible way. As for the most favorable time, it is advisable to check in early in the morning - from 9 to 11 o'clock. Then you’ll have time to settle in a little and celebrate your housewarming.

By the way, you are supposed to celebrate housewarming twice. The first time is with the closest people, on the day of arrival. And the second time - already in a noisy, cheerful and large company, some time after moving in, when you already feel like real owners within the new walls.

Don't be afraid of moving to a new apartment during a leap year. Although leap year has a bad reputation, many are afraid to change their place of residence (as well as get married, get divorced, make repairs and look for another job) during this period. In fact, housewarming on a leap year does not promise anything terrible. Even Feng Shui experts think so. This Chinese art is quickly gaining popularity in our country and penetrating into all spheres of life. It dictates its own rules to new residents as well.

Feng Shui recommends starting moving to a new apartment in advance - with thoughtful collection of things. Don’t frantically throw your property into boxes, take your time and look at everything you take with you with pleasure and indulge in pleasant memories. Then things will be saturated with positive energy and will bring you a lot of joy in your new place. When leaving your old apartment, leave it in perfect order for the new residents, do not forget to fix the leaking taps and do the final cleaning. Leave a few coins in old apartment- the sign says that this will bring wealth to both you and the new owners. Leave the house in a good mood, remember better days spent within its walls.

Before moving in, Feng Shui experts advise making repairs (the same, however, is required by a long-standing Russian tradition). If you start right away major renovation it won't work, at least arrange it general cleaning. Wipe all surfaces in the house with lightly salted water - it has magical properties and perfectly cleans the space. After moving to a new apartment, Feng Shui strongly recommends repairing all broken things: plumbing and electrical wiring, doors and floors. Once you have moved your things to new house, spend the night there. If for some reason this is not possible, leave instead the clothes you wear at night - pajamas or a nightgown.

The change of home occupies all my thoughts and gives me no peace even at night. It is possible that in anticipation of this grandiose event you dreamed of moving to a new apartment! Such a dream promises new activities, serious changes in life and big troubles (which, however, are the companions of all new settlers). Some dream books prophesy a transition to a new energy level. Much depends on the home where you moved in your dream. If you dreamed of a beautiful, new apartment, then good luck awaits you. A cramped and untidy room promises problems.

However, Muller’s dream book interprets moving to a new apartment a little differently: if a young woman changed her place of residence in a dream, then she will soon get married. But helping someone move in a dream is not very good: you can cause a lot of trouble to your loved ones with your behavior.

Let only good dreams accompany you before your housewarming, and good omens will bring happiness and good luck to your home!

Belief in omens is very firmly rooted in the consciousness of our people. Thus, signs regulate almost any phenomenon or event that can happen in life. They didn't miss the move either. And, accordingly, unfavorable and favorable days for moving. And, perhaps, if you choose the wrong day to change your place of residence, your whole life at the new address will be radically different from the past, and not in better side. Astrologers tell us that best time for moving there will be a period when the Moon is waxing (and several lunar days in phases 3 and 4).

And now everything is in order:

Have you finally decided to move to a new apartment? But you don’t know when is the best time to do this? Many would say yes right away, but someone will think and say, which day is more favorable? There are many signs regarding moving day. Everyone solves this problem differently, some think on which day of the week it is better to move, some on which lunar day, etc.
Consider, for example, signs relating to the days of the week, as we know there are seven of them:

  1. Monday. Monday is considered a difficult day, unfavorable for important matters. It is also especially unfavorable for moving. When moving on this day, you need to be wary of misfortune.
  2. Tuesday. On this day it is very successful to go on a trip or on the road; it is considered the most favorable day.
  3. Wednesday. On this day of the week, under no circumstances should you start any new business, and since moving relates to it, it is better to cancel it too. People say that if you move to a new apartment on this day, you won’t live there for long, and you won’t get guests.
  4. Thursday. This day is neutral, it portends good luck, the move will go off with a bang!
  5. Friday. Friday, like Monday, is a very difficult and unfavorable day. You also can’t start new things, they portend failure and collapse. Friday is unfavorable for moving, traveling, or traveling.
  6. Saturday. It is similar to Tuesday, the day is quick and easy, all matters are resolved on the fly, and everything happens most successfully. On Saturday you can hit the road and move.
  7. Sunday. This day of rest must necessarily be dedicated to God. It’s better not to do any work, but to relax.

There is also the magic of numbers.
Here are the most favorable dates for moving: 2,8,11,14,16,21,25.
Unfavorable: 5, 12, 13, 19, 22, 26, 29.
Lunar days are no less significant when moving. The move is considered favorable when the Moon is in Taurus, unfavorable when the Moon is in Scorpio, Leo and Capricorn.

By correlating all these data and numbers, you can choose the most successful day for moving, and then it will pass without problems and misfortunes.

It is stated that your future in your new home depends on what day you move. Weather is an important factor here. For example, if you move during a snowfall, you will have a lot of money in your new home and will live prosperously. Moving during a full moon will ensure an increase in abundance, and if moving during rainy weather, it will lead to an explosion of diverse emotions."

The day of the week is also considered a very important component: moving to Monday will bring a reduction in nightmares and increase confidence in your own physical abilities. On Tuesday - bestows sharper perception and increased intelligence. While moving to Wednesday intensifies all sorts of passions. If Thursday is chosen for moving, money will flow like a river through the front door, and if Friday, then an atmosphere of love and harmony will reign in the new home. Moving on Saturday is a great day for these purposes: everything will work out. On Sunday - a new house will be conducive to all endeavors.

Here are a few magic rules when it comes to moving. When you vacate your home, always leave money in it, no matter how much. This will bring good luck to both you and the future residents of this home.

Before moving into your new home, put pieces of dirt from your former property in your shoes. Leave it there until you move to a new place and you'll have good times.

Take a shoot, cutting or bulb from some plant in an old house and plant it in new garden. (Transporting domestic plants from an old place to a new one is tantamount to this ritual). To ensure stability among the items brought in first, an item that cannot be blown away by the wind, such as a massive chair, is highly desirable.

To get used to the energy of your new home, light a blue or white candle, burn some sweet-smelling incense, and sit for a while meditating as you walk around the house. Mentally move around it. You can say a few words to the house or simply imagine your life there the way you want. The house you leave needs to be “cleansed.”

In the chaos of moving, such a ritual should be limited to a few brief actions or words. However, with good planning, you can choose the time to carry out the manipulations of cleaning out the old house as soon as the last things are removed from the house. This ritual could be as simple as waving a twig over your head three times in each room. You can also use a “culinary” spell.

As close as possible to the date of your move, prepare something edible - a loaf, a pie, etc. in the shape of a house. Use any recipes you like. The dough can be baked in a mold or you can cut out layers of the pie and shape them the right type and freeze. You can use house-shaped baking molds. No matter how you do it, eat your edible home right before you move, and you'll take the essence of the home with you.

Moving to a new apartment. Signs and customs.

When moving to a new apartment, you can, of course, follow the rules, but naturally, no one will insist on strictly following them. However, many people refuse to enter their new home without following the customs recognized by the people. Among these, the most common is the tradition of letting a cat into the house before entering yourself. Moreover, in the place where the cat lies down on the floor to rest, it is recommended to place a bed - you will have exceptionally good dreams on it. But the most important thing is to enter a new home in a good mood. And everything else will follow.

And now everything is in order:

Moving to a new apartment is a very important event., and as they say, in what mood you step into your new home, with such a mood you will live there. There are many signs and superstitions, probably familiar to all of us, and it’s no secret that a cat should be the first to set foot on the threshold of a house.

Previously, it was enough for her to simply enter first, but now people think about which foot she stepped on, how she behaved, etc. If you are one of these people, then you should probably know the following sign: “in the place where the cat first falls asleep, it is best to place its bed there.” Yes, she miraculously senses where good energy, and where is the bad, and this is true, BUT, there is a very big but, what if she falls asleep in the kitchen, or God forbid, in the bathroom? Why then will you have to writhe and sleep in a bathtub all your life? It's even funny! Know that if she falls asleep, somewhere, in some extreme place, then just don’t pay attention to it, and sleep where you want. But if she still fell asleep in the place where you were going to put the bed, then, of course, be sure to put it up! Also, be sure to make sure that it is a cat and not a cat, it is especially important that it is black. It would be great if the cat were affectionate and kind, then life in your new apartment will be bright and happy.

Previously, our ancestors never moved to a new house without their brownie. By any means they lured him and took him with them. Today, few people do this; they either simply don’t know or have forgotten what their parents and grandparents taught them. There should always be a brownie in the house, a friend to whom you get used to, who protects you and protects you from dangers. If you are friends with your home, then, as a rule, fewer troubles happen, and all this is thanks to it. But when you move, there is no need to offend the brownie, he is your friend, just take him with you. There is nothing complicated about this, there are many ways to do this: firstly, you can put a box of soft things on the doorstep 10 minutes before leaving, he will definitely climb into it and be happy to go on a trip with you. And also, secondly, you can simply take a broom with you, and it will move, along with you, to your new apartment.

Upon arrival at the place, it is not necessary to push the cat with all your might so that he enters the house, he must do it himself, you want your house to be hospitable, and many friends to visit you. The boxes must be opened to let the brownie out. Be sure to put a saucer of milk on the floor for him, because he is very tired on the road.

You can also restore order in the house, here are the most famous signs:

  1. When you arrive at your new home, be sure to do a wet cleaning, even if the apartment is empty, wash the walls and floors. This will help you get rid of negative energy prevailing in this house.
  2. Also for happiness and well-being in the home, above front door you need to nail a metal horseshoe, horns down.
  3. You shouldn’t forget about St. John’s wort either; hang the bunches in the corners, thereby protecting yourself from the penetration of evil spirits.
  4. There is another sign: if you put a knife under the threshold (under the rug), it will protect you from bad people.

By observing these signs and adhering to these customs, your life in your new apartment will be bright and beautiful, and adversity will pass you by.

Sooner or later, moving affects every person. Sometimes this can be an apartment move to a neighboring building, and sometimes a long-term trip to another country. This process is not always easy and simple. It’s much harder to get mentally prepared for a change of scenery than for long periods of getting ready and packing boxes. To experience less discomfort, astrologers recommend listening to the stars. The lunar calendar will help you more easily endure new difficulties and find good neighbors and solve all communal problems. For this purpose, there are favorable days for moving in 2018.

Support of celestial bodies

Modern astrological science can provide answers to various questions. A correctly selected date or an entire calendar period contributes to a joyful outcome of events. The Moon often acts as the main adviser in these matters. Transportation of things and furniture should best take place in its active periods growth. The third and fourth lunar phases are optimal for this.

It is also very important to move in 2018, when the Moon will pass by the constellations Aquarius and Taurus. This is the most favorable period for a successful outcome of a change of residence. Unfavorable in the new year may be periods when the star is in the constellation Leo, Scorpio, Cancer and Capricorn. At this time, the transportation of furniture and personal belongings may result in loss and loss. It is best to postpone such an important event in your life for a more favorable period.

Moving by month

For each individual month, astrologers make detailed forecasts that allow them to assess the situation for each day. Favorable days for moving in 2018 look like this:

  • January - 2, 5, 7-9, 14, 19, 21-26, 29;
  • February - 1, 5, 8-10, 14-18, 21, 27;
  • March - 1-2, 5, 8, 11-14, 20-22, 26;
  • April - 2, 4, 8, 12-14, 19-21, 28;
  • May - 3, 6, 10-14, 19-21, 28, 30;
  • June - 3, 6, 9-13, 17-19, 21;
  • July - 3, 7, 10-13, 19, 21-22, 26;
  • August - 5, 9, 13, 16, 19, 21-25, 30;
  • September - 3, 6, 9, 13-14, 17-18, 26;
  • October - 1, 5, 9, 12-15, 21-23, 30;
  • November - 3, 5, 9, 12-15, 18, 22-23, 28;
  • December - 6, 10-12, 17-19, 23-24, 30.
  • As we see in the year of the yellow dog, it is best to plan your move at the beginning of the year, in spring and autumn. Summer period not the most favorable for a change of scenery. This threatens material losses, depression and nervous shock. Sometimes the move cannot be postponed, so we recommend choosing favorable days.

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    Where in our life without signs? Especially if you have to choose the best day to move to a new apartment. A lot of new and old customs and rituals immediately come to mind. Feng Shui is the most fashionable hobby now related to the home and the furnishings in it. Recommendations from specialists in this area will be useful to you.

    These Chinese rules human interaction with the outside world says that even such a simple thing as packing before leaving should be done slowly, looking at every thing that will go with you to your new home, while indulging in pleasant memories. Then these objects will be filled with positive energy “qi”, which will bring you good luck in another house. This is especially true in 2016 because it is a leap year.

    Moving: rituals And signs

    Many people are afraid of moving in this year. The Chinese are relaxed about changing their place of residence during leap years. They're just different rituals there for such cases.

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