Amaryllis - the secrets of a proud and inaccessible culture. Amaryllis needs regular feeding during the period of active growth. Flowering and pruning

Amaryllis - popular indoor plant, which is found in the flower collections of many gardeners. Demanded for its beautiful flowers and simple care. To make amaryllis feel comfortable in an apartment, you don’t need to try too hard. This task will be suitable for beginners as well. If you want to have a plant at home with beautiful flowers, but don’t want to do much with it, choose amaryllis, as it is best suited for these purposes.

Conditions for growing amaryllis

For amaryllis, growing conditions differ depending on the growing season. So, at a certain time the plant actively grows, and at another time it begins to rest. Growers need to be aware of the inability of amaryllis to survive in very cold conditions, when temperatures hover near freezing. The opposite situation, when the air is very hot and humid, as in the tropics, will also be detrimental to the plant.

Ideal conditions for the growth of amaryllis in different phases of development.

1. Location:

  • During the growth phase, this window is in the southeast or southwest. You can also place the plant on a south-facing window, if you first shade it from the scorching daytime rays of the sun. Otherwise, the leaves will burn out from intense lighting.
  • During dormancy, the plant is placed in a dark place where the air is slightly cool and well ventilated.

2. Lighting conditions:

  • During the growth phase, the plant should receive 14-16 hours of powerful, diffused sunlight each day. Both the leaves and the peduncle usually reach towards the sun, which means that the pot will have to be constantly rotated so that they grow strictly vertically. You can also equip the plant with special supports.
  • During the dormant period, accordingly, no additional lighting requirements are put forward.

3. Humidity:

The plant loves moisture, so it is recommended to water it regularly with settled water at room temperature, through a tray, from which excess water is drained after 6-8 hours. Make sure that the earthen lump is moist, but there is no need to bring the amount of moisture to excess. During flowering, even more water is needed. If it stagnates, then rotting of the roots, withering of leaves, and loss of flowers will begin. You can also spray the leaves - this will not harm the flowers. Moreover, it is recommended to moisten the buds before flowering. Optimal humidity should be 60-80%.

During the dormant period, watering the plant at this time is prohibited. The soil is only sprayed periodically. Watering is resumed only when a new peduncle appears and grows up to 10 cm. In the place where the pot will stand during the dormant period, the humidity should be 60-70%.

4. Ventilation

Amaryllis needs to ensure regular ventilation of the room, but without drafts.

5. Optimal room temperature:

  • During the active growing season - 22–24ºС during the daytime and 18ºС at night. It is necessary to ensure that the plant does not suffer from constant temperature fluctuations.
  • During the rest period, both day and night, the temperature should be 10–12ºС.

How to plant amaryllis

Choosing a pot

Before planting amaryllis, choose the most successful pot. It must be a heavy and stable vessel. The flower will try to grow a powerful and tall peduncle, as well as a large number of leaves, which means it can topple over itself. In addition, during care, a lightweight pot is more likely to be touched than a massive one.

The size of the vessel is selected based on the parameters of the bulb. Ideally, it should be the main object in the pot. This means that from it to all walls there should be up to 3-5 cm. As for the depth of the pot, it should be maximum, since the plant develops a large root system. You can choose a vessel that is wide at the bottom and gradually narrows at the top.

Soil preparation

It is very fashionable to plant several bulbs in one pot so that their simultaneous flowering is even more spectacular. In this case, the distance between them should be at least 2-3 cm.

Next we move on to choosing soil. The easiest option is to go to a specialized store and buy ready-made soil for bulbs. But any experienced gardener will abandon this idea and go prepare the substrate himself. Do not forget to sterilize the soil: to do this, pour it over with strong boiling water or hold it over hot steam for about half an hour. You can also freeze it in the freezer.

The composition of the substrate, which you can prepare yourself, often looks like one of the following options:

  • turf, garden soil and river sand in equal parts and half of humus;
  • turf, garden soil, humus, river sand and peat in equal parts;
  • humus, turf soil and sand in a ratio of 1:1:2.

It is necessary to fill the bottom with drainage 2-3 cm thick. To do this, you can take pebbles, gravel, expanded clay, accessible brick chips, and small fragments of ceramics. Part of the drainage is mixed with the substrate and distributed over the surface of the pot. A large hole is also made in it to drain water.

The drainage from above is also covered with sand to a depth of 2-3 cm, in order to additionally protect against rotting of the roots due to the accumulation of water.

Planting amaryllis step by step

To plant a new plant, you need to choose the most beautiful ones with a smooth surface and good enough roots. It is necessary to ensure that the bulb does not have cracks, dents, scratches, places of rotting, mold or stains. If the bulb has an unpleasant sweet smell, you should not choose it either.

Amaryllis transplant

How to replant amaryllis at home

Amaryllis is transplanted after it has bloomed, waiting until the peduncle has completely withered.

There is no need to replant the plant every year, and the operation is performed no more often than once every three years. If the amaryllis grows too quickly, you can transplant it earlier.

To renew the soil mixture and give the plant more nutrients, every year replace the top 3-4 centimeters of soil in the pot with new ones.

  1. Before transplanting, water the plant abundantly 4 days before replanting.
  2. On the day of transplantation, carefully remove the amaryllis along with the soil and carefully clear it of it to inspect the condition of the roots. Rotten roots are removed with a sharp knife, and all sections are treated with powder activated carbon or ordinary ash.
  3. Then all bad scales are removed from the bulb and the daughter plants are separated. They are used to plant in new pots. If you understand that the babies are too small to be separated (sometimes they are only a few millimeters), you don’t have to do this. But it should be borne in mind that in such cases the amaryllis may stop blooming in order to grow more children.

Before mature plant plant it in another pot, it needs to be fed. Several sticks of Agricola or other mineral fertilizer are applied under the roots.

Amaryllis propagation

Breeders and flower growers use all three possible ways propagation of amaryllis - by dividing the bulb, children and seeds.

Amaryllis from seeds at home

This is the longest method of reproduction and the least successful. If seeds are collected from hybrid plants, varietal characteristics are not preserved, and flowering appears only after 8 years. The only advantage is the slow aging of the bulbs.

To obtain seeds you need two amaryllis. With a brush, pollen is taken from one and applied to the pistil of the other. As a result, a box is formed in which the seeds will then ripen. Ripening takes at least a month.

  • Seeds are planted immediately, as germination rate drops sharply over time.
  • Before planting, moisten the soil well.
  • Planting depth is 1-1.5 cm.
  • Distance between seeds 3-5 cm
  • Place the pot with seeds in a warm, shaded place.
  • They wait about a month for the emergence of seedlings, and 3 months after that, the seedlings are planted in different pots.

Dividing the bulb

This is the most risky method, as you can be left with nothing.

  • Choose the healthiest onion and divide it into 4-8 shares, without cutting to the end. Make sure that each of them has 1-2 scales and part of the bottom. Be sure to treat the cuts with activated carbon powder or ash.
  • The bulb is planted in the usual way and grown at 25–27 ºС.
  • The first leaf grows on the cuttings. They wait for the second one, and plant the plants in mature soil for bulbous plants, which is mixed with an equal amount of sand.

This video will tell you how to cut an amaryllis bulb:

Many gardeners successfully use bulb division to propagate amaryllis; it is important to just do everything right and not be afraid to take risks.

Reproduction by children

The most successful amaryllis. 2-3 years after planting, the bulb will bloom. Daughter bulbs are planted in the same way as new store-bought ones, but choose a slightly larger pot. This is due to rapid growth kids.

  1. Find small bulbs on the mother amaryllis and separate them from the adult plant. The next step is to plant them in a pot with drainage and soil, placing the bottom down and pressing lightly into the ground. Only part of the onion is left above the surface.
  2. Then lightly compact the soil and water it well. Place new amaryllis in a bright and warm place.
  3. There is no need to organize a rest period. Feeding and watering are not reduced, and the flowers are given rest only after flowering.

Amaryllis - although exotic plant, but quite real in everyone’s home. If you follow the rules for its care, you can often enjoy its flowers.

Caring for amaryllis at home

Watering and fertilizing

During growth, amaryllis is watered carefully. This is done when the peduncle is at least 10 cm high. This flower likes to receive a lot of water, but not in a stagnant state. Sometimes it is better to refuse watering than to flood the plant. It is best to add water to the pot every four days, making sure that the water does not get on the bulb when watering. It should fall purely on the soil around it.

In winter, the plant should not receive so much water. It is enough to spray no more than once a week.

  • Fertilize amaryllis every 12-14 days, starting this process when buds form.
  • With intense flowering, reduce the interval by half. There is no need to specifically select fertilizers. For this, any ready-made products for indoor flowering plants will do - Kemira Lux, Emerald, Bona Forte, Ideal, Ava, Rainbow, Florist, Master Color, Agricola, Living World, Reasil, Bud, Power of Life and others.
  • Fertilizers with more potassium and phosphorus than nitrogen are preferable.

It is possible to use natural organic fertilizers- fresh manure is diluted at a ratio of 1.5 cups per 10 liters of water, and bird droppings - a third of a cup per 10 liters.

When the leaves die completely, feeding stops. It is not carried out during the resting phase either.

Blooming amaryllis at home

Amaryllis in the wild enters the flowering phase in early autumn. IN indoor floriculture There are tricks to change this deadline. The easiest way is to plant the bulbs at a different time. So, when choosing healthy specimens, they begin to grow immediately after planting, producing mature peduncles already in 7-8 weeks. Here you need to observe - if there are more than two peduncles, they are removed so as not to overload the bulb with flowering.

When the first flower appears and blooms, some cut off the peduncle and place it in a vase. Provided the water is updated daily, it can last there for up to three weeks. You don’t have to cut the peduncle, but it will last just as long and will deplete the bulb much more. To maximize flowering time, place the vase or pot of flowers in a cooler, darker location.

How to make amaryllis bloom Why amaryllis does not bloom

You must understand which of the reasons listed is present for you. It needs to be eliminated and the result expected.

Amaryllis after flowering

  1. When flowers wilt, the amount of incoming water and fertilizer is sharply reduced. They completely stop watering and feeding amaryllis when there are no peduncles or leaves left.
  2. All dead leaves are removed, but this should not be done forcibly. If you leave a partially living leaf, it will still feed the plant.
  3. When the resting phase has finally begun, the pot is transferred to the dark. Remember that the roots are still alive, so the soil needs to be irrigated once a week with a spray bottle.

Another care option (but risky) is to dig up the bulbs, clean them and put them in carton boxes for storage. But you can disrupt some process and cause the roots to dry out.

Experienced flower growers know the tricks that make their amaryllis grow twice a year - in early autumn and early spring. To do this, strictly organize a rest period for the bulb to rest and accumulate the necessary nutrients. In January, pots with amaryllis are taken out from their resting place, placed in a bright and insulated place, and watered. Monitor soil moisture. All this stimulates a phase of rapid growth.

Diseases and pests of amaryllis

1. Stagonosporosis (red burn)

  • The bulb is covered with small red spots, the edges of the scales have the same border.
  • Amaryllis is soaked for 2 hours in strong potassium permanganate. purple, after which the largest lesions are cut off and treated with brilliant green. Leave the plant in the air for a week, then plant it.

2. Mold and rot

  • The surface of the bulb is covered with red-gray spots. Then it becomes softer and smells a sweetish type. The leaves are covered with red-brown stripes and spots.
  • The affected leaves are completely cut off, and the bulb itself is sprayed with 0.05% Bordeaux mixture. You can choose Fundazol and HOM in the dilution specified by the manufacturer.

3. Spider mite

  • It feels like the leaves are covered with cobwebs. This leads to their withering and drying out.
  • Amaryllis is treated with Oberon, Kleschevit, Nisoran, Floromite, Neoron.

4. Onion mite

  • The insect attacks the bulb itself, which leads to inhibition of plant development and lack of flowering. Even if there are flowers, they are deformed. And the leaves turn yellow and fall off.
  • The bulbs are removed from the pots and placed in water at 35–40ºC for 5 minutes. After this, they are treated with Keltan and Rogor. There is also a more aggressive method - the onion is closed in an airtight container with a sulfur bomb, which is set on fire. They wait 2 hours, after which they take it back. To achieve the final effect, keep the amaryllis in the fresh air for another day.

5. Trips

  • There are many small brown spots on the leaves.
  • They try to remove all pests from the leaves, wash the plant and replant it in a sterile pot and soil. Then the amaryllis is treated with Agravertin and Fitoverm.

6. Mealybug

  • Dense scales are observed at the bottom of the leaves. They can be almost white and even dark brown. Around them there is a sticky discharge, similar in type to syrup.
  • The sponge is soaked in laundry soap and foamed. The leaves are actively wiped with it.

9. Aphids

  • Yellowness of leaves.
  • All pests are collected by hand, after which the leaves are wiped with soapy water.

10. Springtail

Springtails on amaryllis photo

  • Small white insects are visible on the surface of the soil.
  • The moisture supply is reduced, the top layer of soil is replaced with a new one, and treated with insecticides.

Amaryllis varieties and breeding tasks

Stores sell modern hybrid varieties of amaryllis that are selectively bred. True Amaryllis belladonna is extremely rare and is prized by avid gardeners.

At the moment, breeders are achieving the following tasks:

  • Growing large double and regular flowers. The most beautiful terry type hybrids are The Snow Queen, Macarena, Celica, Pink Nymph, Merry Christmas, Promise. Non-double varieties include Benfica, Moonlight, Matterhorn, Black Pearl, Exotic, Lemon-Lime, Rosalie.
  • Search for unique shades and their combinations. In this sense, Clown, Charisma, Estella, Prelude, Santa Cruz, Neon and other varieties are good.
  • Working with new flower forms. The recent trend in breeding is the breeding of amaryllis with narrow petals that are partially corrugated at the edges. This can be seen in the varieties Evergreen, Night Star, Lima, La Paz, Santana.

This does not mean that classic amaryllis is not in demand on the market. Such standard varieties as Durban (carmine-colored flowers with a white vein in the middle), Pink Gorgeous (pink-white petals), Parker (yellow center and purple-pink edges), Maxima (flowers hot pink color With strong aroma), Hathor (yellow center and white petals) are no less popular.

Hippeastrum and amaryllis differences Plant photos

Amaryllis and hippeastrum from the Amaryllidaceae family. Only in the first kind significantly more plants. At least 90 species grow in the wild alone, and with breeding varieties, the hippeastrum family has up to 2000 varieties. They have a lot in common with amaryllis, so even experienced sellers can confuse these plants.

Differences between amaryllis and hippeastrum

In order not to repeat ourselves, below each first point refers to amaryllis, the second - to hippeastrum.

1. Flowering time:

  • amaryllis blooms in late summer - early autumn;
  • hippeastrum - at the end of winter or beginning of spring.

2. Place of origin:

  • Africa;
  • South America respectively.

3. Saturation of aroma:

  • bright;
  • Hardly ever.

4. Flower size:

  • for amaryllis 10-12 cm;
  • at hippeastrum 6-8 cm.

5. Number of flowers per plant:

  • 4-6, can reach 12 pieces;
  • 2-4, maybe 6 flowers.

6. Natural coloring of wild plants:

  • almost white, pink in different shades, red;
  • red, pink, white, yellow, orange, purple, green and combinations of these colors.

7. Presence of leaves during flowering:

  • no - they germinate only after the peduncle has grown;
  • present during flowering.

8. Characteristics of the peduncle:

  • a dense tube without voids, the color of which is slightly purple;
  • a hollow tube that is easy to crush when pressed, has green color with a grayish-brown tint.

9. Peduncle length:

  • for amaryllis 40-60 cm;
  • at hippeastrum 60-70 cm.

10. Characteristics of the bulb by shape:

  • pear-shaped;
  • slightly elongated or round, slightly flattened at the side.

11. Characteristics of scales:

  • ash-gray in color, have a small fringe on the upper edge;
  • very similar in appearance to the classic edible onion, but have a white or green surface color.

Description of amaryllis

Amaryllis (lat. Amaryllis) is the most common genus of the amaryllis family (lat. Amaryllidaceae). Initially, botanists attributed one plant species to it - Amaryllis belladonna (or Amaryllis belladonna). Over time, approaches to taxonomy changed, and two more species of amaryllis were included here - Amaryllis sarniensis and Amaryllis paradisicola.

Amaryllis belladonna comes from southern Africa. Researchers claim that the plant spread from the Olifants River valley from the Cape Province of South Africa. As for other species, the geography here is wider - South Africa, Japan, Australia, some islands of the English Channel - they can be considered the homeland of plants.

The genus amaryllis was first described by the famous Swedish scientist Carl Linnaeus in 1753, who was engaged in taxonomy. He is responsible for the name of this flower. Before his work, there was an opinion that amaryllis was just one of the subspecies of lilies. They called him lionartsis. Linnaeus realized that this was a separate plant, but made a significant error in the taxonomy by including a number of varieties of hippeastrum in the amaryllis genus. To this day, many people confuse these plants.

The name of the plant first appears in the works of Virgil. In his poetic works you can find a heroine - the shepherdess Amaryllis or Amaryllis. This name means "sparkling" in Greek.

Amaryllis - bulbous perennial flower with dark green smooth leaves. The greenery of the plant is so narrow and long that it looks like a belt. The leaves are arranged in two rows.

The beginning of amaryllis flowering is marked by the growth of a long hollow tube of 40-60 cm - this is a peduncle. The plant produces up to three peduncles. Then the leaves grow. IN wild conditions this occurs in late summer - early autumn. Each peduncle bears 2-12 flowers, depending on the variety. The type of inflorescence is an umbrella.

Amaryllis growing in wildlife, can have flowers with white, pink and red petals of various shades. Breeders have artificially bred many hybrid varieties yellow, purple, orange, green. An individual amaryllis flower is similar to a lily and a gramophone, measuring 10-12 centimeters in diameter.

Despite the apparent cuteness of the plant, amaryllis has poisonous parts. The alkaloid lycorine was found in the bulb. If it gets on your skin, it will cause irritation. All planting operations with the plant should be carried out exclusively with rubber gloves, and then wash your hands with soap. You need to keep the flower away from pets and children.

Amaryllis is a beautiful, majestic flower on a powerful, tall stem. There are myths and legends about this flower. For example, the ancient Roman poet Virgil Maro sang in his poems the beautiful shepherdess Amaryllis, after whom this flower was named. And the myths of ancient Greece say that once upon a time there lived a beautiful nymph named Amaryllis, who had such beauty and charm that all earthly men fell in love with her. And just by looking at her, they immediately forgot other women. The gods of Olympus, seeing such a situation, sent the god of Autumn and withering to earth to punish the coquette and the cruel beauty. But the God of Autumn also suffered the same fate as earthly men - he fell madly in love with a beauty. And in order not to destroy the nymph and her beauty, he turned her into a beautiful one, but poisonous flower and moved it to the desert, where people cannot reach. And even if someone got there, he didn’t pick it up - because he was afraid of death. So people still admire this flower from a distance.

Well, florists all over the world create beautiful compositions and bouquets with these plants for beauty lovers. You can give a flower simply by tying the stem with a ribbon, without any decorative accompaniment - it is so self-sufficient! Its huge flowers, with a diameter of 15 centimeters or more, look stylish and magnificent. The flower is very persistent, its buds bloom slowly and one by one. Bouquets and arrangements with amaryllis are not just beautiful, but chic! Amaryllis pair well with large exotic leaves such as monstera and aspidistra.
Amaryllis come in many colors - white, pink, burgundy, and cream.
The kings among these flowers are, of course, considered red amaryllis. Amaryllis are universal flowers that can be given to both men and women. There are many occasions and holidays when a man needs to give flowers, and then you can order from florists with amaryllis.

But, as beautiful as amaryllis is, it is just as insidious, since it is poisonous plant, as you already understood from the ancient Greek myth! Always remember this and handle it carefully! Especially for those who grow this flower at home. In amaryllis, especially the bulb of the plant is poisonous, and the poisonous juice is also present in the stem and leaves. Its bulb is very similar to an ordinary one onion, which we all eat. This onion is confused with the usual one and therefore severe poisoning occurs. If you have small children and animals, you need to make sure that they do not touch this flower. In such cases, get rid of it altogether. When poisoning occurs, vomiting occurs, and animals often die. Be very careful with

with these flowers, but don’t be afraid of them - wash your hands after touching the cut base of the stem, do not leave water after the bouquet, as small children or pets may accidentally drink it! Follow safety precautions.

A beautiful compositions and bouquets with amaryllis can be presented to our lovely women on holidays such as birthdays. anniversary, March 8, February 14, Mother's Day, for “Last Bell” and school graduation for teachers or kindergarten educators, on September 1 and other wonderful events and occasions! And how great amaryllis look in fashionable hat boxes and drawers! For example, the one you see will please for a long time

the owner, since it is based on persistent flowers, only needs to add water to the floral sponge every day, since the amaryllis with its powerful stem sucks out like a pump

a lot of moisture. And there are corporate or collective orders for employees, when you need to congratulate wonderful people or colleagues. Very often we get orders, for example, what you see - gifts for teachers for the 'Last Bell'. Our teachers deserve gorgeous bouquets!

Best regards, Larisa Kornelyuk!


The perennial bulbous amaryllis plant is great for growing at home. The leaves of the plant have a linear, tongue-like structure. Aboveground part very dense and juicy. Inflorescences form at the end of the peduncle. A mature bulb can produce two shoots at the same time. Flowering usually occurs in autumn. IN favorable conditions can be achieved reappearance buds in early spring. The African heat-loving plant does not tolerate harsh climatic conditions. Breeders have developed a hybrid resistant variety hippeastrum.

For full development, you will need a brightly lit area or room.


Can develop well in direct sunlight and in diffused indoor lighting. Inflorescences do not form in a darkened room.

How to choose a location

Windows on the southwest or southeast side of the building are ideal for growing.

Microclimatic conditions

You will need to ventilate the room daily. The amaryllis flower responds well to good air circulation. In the cold season, when the plant begins active vegetative development, the temperature should be maintained at a level of + 10 to + 15 degrees. During the summer dormancy period, it is enough to provide standard room conditions- from + 18 to + 25 degrees.

Nuances of watering

It is recommended to water amaryllis in the warm season immediately after the clod of earth has dried out. During the resting stage, it is advisable to reduce the frequency of soil moisture. It is necessary to water no earlier than 2 days after the top layer of the substrate has dried.

The ideal place to keep amaryllis in summer is the cellar. Cool temperatures help retain moisture. It is important to monitor the condition of the soil. The soil may become sour or moldy.

Air humidity

IN winter time year, you need to move the flowerpot away from the heating system.

During the growing season, it is recommended to regularly spray water near the plant. Drops of water on vegetative organs do not have the best effect on the development of amaryllis. It is not advisable to keep the flowerpot close to heating devices.

Features of transplantation

The container and substrate should be changed every two years. Experienced gardeners advise replanting amaryllis annually.

Periodic removal of the bulb makes it possible to assess the condition of the modified shoot. Lack of flowering is caused in most cases by an incorrectly selected container. The large diameter of the container does not correspond to the size of the earthen ball. The created space reduces the likelihood abundant flowering. The distance between the tuber and the walls of the pot should not exceed three centimeters. When transplanting, you need to select the previous level of deepening of the bulb - only halfway.

Improper replanting can damage the root system. Therefore, the soil should be evenly moistened within a few hours. When removing, you need to carefully hold both the stems and roots of the amaryllis.

Small bulbs are constantly forming on the mother culture. Planting material convenient to separate at the transplant stage. You can temporarily delay replanting by changing the top layer of substrate or filling the pot with fresh mixture as the soil settles. It is not recommended to disturb the plant until the peduncle has completely dried.

How to trim

Regular pruning is the key to the rapid development of a green pet. A crop without a long dormant period especially needs to remove weakened areas. If the plant does not rest in spring and summer, its decorative effect may be significantly reduced. The leaves become significantly smaller and the stems become elongated.

For rapid growth, you need to periodically prune.

Removal of shoots should be carried out with sufficient sunlight. Stretched stems should be cut off. It is recommended to prune at the end of October. At the same time, sanitary cleaning should be carried out - remove all dried and yellowed areas.

Features of cultivation and care can be learned from the plot:

Amaryllis - outdoor care

Amaryllis can be planted on open area. The flower combines perfectly with coniferous plants. Culture is highly dependent on weather conditions. Therefore, during the period of recurrent frosts in the spring or a sudden drop in temperature in the fall, you will need to cover the amaryllis.

At the end of September, you can dig up the plant's bulbs for storage or replanting in a pot. It is also necessary to focus on the ripening period of the tuber. Amaryllis often form inflorescences in early autumn.

Growing in a container - more safe way. It is not advisable to leave amaryllis in the ground during the winter season. In temperate continental climates, there are known successful cases of growing exotic plants in the garden. Outdoors the flowering is more luxuriant.

Outdoors, amaryllis inflorescences are larger and brighter.

For planting, it is advisable to prepare an area protected from strong gusts of wind and drafts. You should dig a hole on the south side of the building. Recommended for background use decorative stones. The soil should be fertilized in advance. Loosening after fertilizing will increase the breathability of the substrate.

When planting, you must maintain a distance of at least thirty centimeters between the tubers. The planting depth should not exceed fifteen centimeters.

Growing technology


To grow amaryllis, you need to prepare a high-quality soil mixture. The composition should include sand, peat and humus. It is important to maintain an alkaline or neutral pH of the substrate. The drainage layer will help protect the roots from stagnant water.

Top dressing

Amaryllis requires regular fertilization. What components are suitable for an exotic plant? You can feed by special means for indoor crops.

At the final stage of flowering, the frequency of feeding should be reduced. At the dormant stage, you need to give the plant a chance to rest and stop using fertilizers.

How to choose a container

Amaryllis should be planted in a shallow container. A pot made of any material will do. You can install the container indoors, in the garden, on a flowerbed or balcony.

Regardless of the planting location, you need to place the tuber quite shallow. The apical part must remain on the surface of the soil. IN open ground can be protected modified shoot a thin layer of substrate.

For amaryllis you need to prepare a shallow container.

During the winter season, dug up bulbs should be stored in the refrigerator. You can combine planting material with gladioli. Storage conditions are similar. Tubers perfectly maintain germination until next spring.

How to land

For successful cultivation It is advisable to plant amaryllis in small flower pots at the end of November after entering the dormant stage. You can also plant in early spring, after the flower awakens.

Expanded clay, broken crockery shards or pebbles should be placed at the bottom of the container. Then pour two handfuls of sand and prepare the mixture. For indoor growing Suitable substrates include peat soil, leaf and turf soil, and clean river sand.

Before planting, you need to generously moisten the tuber in a weak Humisol solution. If the first signs of growth appear on the bulb, you need to place the flowerpot on a window on the south side of the building. After planting, you need to evenly moisten the soil.

The main problems of the flower

At home, amaryllis is often inhabited by mites, scale insects, scale insects, whiteflies and aphids. Depending on the region, the flower may be affected by a flat red mite or a spider mite.

Folk remedies do not always help amaryllis even at the early stage of infection. The plant quickly loses its decorative effect. As practice shows, “insecticidal” plants and insects also do not guarantee getting rid of pests. You can save the culture with the help of chemicals.

When purchasing, you need to carefully inspect the tubers.

It is advisable to purchase drugs from specialized gardening centers. You can get a non-certified product on the market and in a non-core online store. It is necessary to inspect the packaging for compliance with the original. The kit must include instructions.


Pests live on lower leaves amaryllis. It is quite easy to notice pests on veins and petioles vegetative organs and escapes. The upper part of the leaf plate is covered with small droplets. Scale insect excrement can be an excellent environment for the spore formation of the fungus. Scale insects most often enter the house on new plants.


Red rot

Overwatering amaryllis can cause fungal disease. Most often, red rot of tubers occurs. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the substrate. Plants are especially susceptible to infection under conditions high humidity in combination with excessive watering.

Amaryllis needs careful care. It is much easier to prevent the flower from becoming infected. Treatment often requires several courses of chemicals.

All members of the family belong to the group of plants that are not susceptible to infection by insects through the air or wind. Therefore, the main reason for the infestation of pests is the carelessness of the grower and the purchase of plants from unverified companies.

Preventive actions

It is recommended to inspect your amaryllis regularly. Before planting, be sure to clear the container of any remnants of the previous substrate. It is advisable to prepare a soap solution from laundry soap. The growing area should be treated periodically.

It is advisable to transplant the purchased amaryllis into disinfected soil and container.

Rotting of the root system can be prevented by moderate watering and maintaining moderate climatic conditions. After the first signs of damage, you need to remove the amaryllis and carefully remove the damaged areas. Then you need to sprinkle the cut areas with crushed charcoal. Amaryllis with dried roots can be placed in a disinfected container. The soil must be sterilized for 30 minutes.

Reaction to culture

All areas of amaryllis are characterized by an increased concentration of toxic substances. The alkaloid lycorine stimulates emetic processes. Hit poisonous juice into the body causes swelling, pain in the gastrointestinal tract and mouth, and difficulty breathing.

Blooming amaryllis can lead to allergic rhinitis and skin irritation.

Amaryllis propagation

Bulb division

Amaryllis is fairly easy to propagate. Traditionally, the plant propagates by dividing daughter bulbs. Small tubers can be separated during transplanting. New amaryllis should be planted at a similar depth. After 2 years, the bulbs will reach the size of the mother plant.

Formation of a small onion.

Planting small amaryllis is no different from the procedure for adult plants. The pot can be prepared according to the grown crop. The substrate must contain sand and turf soil.

Plant from seeds

Amaryllis also reproduce by seed. To form fruits, you need to carry out independent pollination. You will need a small brush. It is enough to cross-pollinate at the time of flowering and allow the amaryllis to ripen.

The process may last more than one month. After flowering, seed pods will form. Each fruit contains three compartments. How to determine the readiness of the rudiments? At the ripening stage, the box changes color to yellow-brown. One box contains an average of 55 seeds.

The collected rudiments must be thoroughly dried. To do this, spread a clean cloth on a tray or pallet. You can scatter the rudiments evenly on top. Complete drying will take about one month.

Then the planting material should be placed in a container with water at room temperature. In an aquatic environment, the buds will hatch. After 3 weeks, seeds with sprouts and formed roots can be planted in the ground. The roots are very fragile. Therefore, you should prepare a separate container for each amaryllis.

You can plant dried seeds directly into the substrate. To do this, you will need to prepare a shallow bowl or container. Be sure to make several holes in the container to drain excess water. The substrate can be prepared from sand and turf. The layer of soil in the container should be no more than 10 cm. The seeds should be scattered evenly on the surface.

Fresh rudiments retain germination rate of about 80%. You can extend the shelf life before planting using stratification. It is enough to place the seed in the refrigerator. Seeds can be stored for no more than a year.

After planting, the buds should be sprinkled with a thin layer of soil no more than three centimeters. The substrate needs to be watered. It is necessary to moisten the soil daily. Dry soil can damage seedlings.

To preserve moisture, you need to cover the container with polyethylene. Seedlings should be ventilated every day. After 30 days, under favorable conditions, the first shoots will appear. You can add fertilizer to watering. Fertilizer application should continue until September.

The plant will bloom only after 7 years. When propagated by bulbs, the first inflorescences will form already in the 3rd year of the life cycle.

Why doesn't the culture bloom?

The fastidious amaryllis cannot form buds for several reasons:

  1. small or unripe bulbs;
  2. short rest period;
  3. hot microclimatic conditions during the growing season.

The number of inflorescences and leaves directly depends on the size of the tuber.

How to choose planting material

It is advisable to buy amaryllis from trusted garden nurseries.

The plant can be purchased in bulb form. Planting material should be inspected for signs of pests and diseases. It is not recommended to buy a soft, springy tuber with dark spots.

The average price for an amaryllis bulb is 157 rubles per piece. Blooming amaryllis in a pot is sold for 790 rubles.

Amaryllis is a South African plant that belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family.. Some flowers that were previously included in this genus have been transferred to the genus Hippeastrum. The plant is incredibly similar in many ways to Liliaceae - it reproduces by bulbs, has large funnel-shaped inflorescences and linear oblong leaves.

Amaryllis is native to South Africa, but is also found in nature in Asia, Australia and the American prairies.

You can get acquainted with what amaryllis looks like and study a photo of the plant.

Other names

Amaryllis is often confused with the similar hippeastrum, but this is wrong. Currently, there are more than 200 varieties of hippeastrum, while amaryllis is represented by only two species - Amaryllis belladonna and Amaryllis sarniensis. If we talk about the Russian name, then flower growers call this houseplant amaryllis beautiful.

The main difference between these types ornamental plants is the flowering period - amaryllis blooms in autumn, while hippeastrums enter the flowering period in winter and spring. You will find a detailed comparison of amaryllis and hippeastrum, as well as descriptions of plants and their photos.

Smell and appearance

Amaryllis is bulbous flower, having a leafless peduncle and two rows of dense green leaves reaching half a meter in length. The bulb of a plant up to 10 cm in diameter produces a pair of peduncles up to 60 cm in height in the fall. On each peduncle, from 2 to 12 flowers up to 10 cm in diameter bloom.

The color of the buds varies from white to deep purple. The large inflorescences of the plant emit a delicate and delicate aroma throughout the short flowering period.

Description of types and colors

Because amaryllis is represented by only two species, we’ll tell you about each in more detail.

Amaryllis belladonna

Reproduction methods

There are two ways to propagate amaryllis - seed and vegetative.

More information about the seed propagation method of amaryllis is described in this video:

Diseases and pests

Like any other exotic plant, amaryllis, unfortunately, is susceptible to most fungal diseases. This happens when watering is unbalanced.

  • Anthracnosedark spots with brown streaks on the leaves. Such leaves must be removed and destroyed, and the soil must be treated with a fungicide solution.
  • Gray rot– brown spots on the stems of the plant. Most often, this disease appears due to excess soil moisture.

    Replanting the plant in fresh soil and changing watering conditions can help prevent gray rot.

  • Stagonosporosis– red spots on the leaves or stem of amaryllis. The plant may die from this disease. The reason is also overwatering and sudden changes in temperature. It is almost impossible to help the plant in this case.
  • Root rot– leads to withering of the plant, affecting its vascular system. Excessive watering and temperature changes also lead to the disease. Treatment with Fundazol or another similar drug may help.

In addition to fungal diseases, amaryllis can also suffer from numerous pests.

Content issues

Home the problem of growing this exotic plant at home is. There are several reasons for this behavior and the main ones are:

At all amaryllis is a rather whimsical plant and novice gardeners constantly wonder about the lack of flowering. But almost all problems can be solved, and after eliminating all the shortcomings of home breeding, the plant will bloom without fail. It is enough to inspect the root system, eliminate diseases and pests, and also provide the amaryllis with a sufficient period of rest.

Prices in various regions of Russia

Most likely, you are unlikely to find amaryllis on the Internet. For the most part, Hippeastrum is represented there.

If we talk about cost, then:

  1. for Moscow it is 300-500 rubles;
  2. for St. Petersburg - 400-500 rubles;
  3. in Nizhny Novgorod a flower can be bought for 500-700 rubles;
  4. in Ufa the cost will be 200-300 rubles. per potted plant.

Amaryllis is used to make bouquets and flower arrangements for various celebrations. We talked about in what cases such a gift is appropriate, how long the bouquet will last and what its approximate price is. And you can read the descriptions and photos of popular and relatively cheap varieties of amaryllis.


Amaryllis is a beautiful exotic plant from Africa, with incredible beautiful flowering . Subject to simple rules cultivation and sufficient patience, even a novice gardener can cope with growing this flower. This article will help you understand the basic rules for caring for a flower so that it becomes a real decoration of your home.

text, photo Stan Shebs

Amaryllis beautiful is a spectacular bulbous plant that gardeners also use in the home.

In nature beautiful amaryllis(Amaryllis belladonna) grows in the forested foothills of the Cape Province (South Africa, Africa).
Amaryllis has a large pear-shaped bulb with brown outer scales. Belt-shaped smooth leaves of the plant are up to half a meter long.

The beautiful amaryllis bulb produces a strong, non-hollow peduncle at the end of summer. It is up to 70 cm high, bears 8-12 graceful drooping bell-funnel-shaped flowers at the top.
Fragrant amaryllis branches are usually white or pink. different shades; Red and purple amaryllis are less common.
The diameter of the six-petal flower is 6-10 cm.

When amaryllis blooms, the plant has no leaves (pictured: Amaryllis splendor in bloom at the San Francisco Botanical Garden).

After pollination of flowers, amaryllis produces black, bulbous seeds. They should be sown freshly harvested, otherwise they will quickly lose their viability.

Amaryllis, like its related popular plant (specifically), also deserves wide distribution in floriculture.
Unlike hippeastrum, the amaryllis bulb regularly produces daughter bulbs.

There is a beautiful legend about amaryllis.

The legend of a nymph named Amaryllis

Nymph Amaryllis was very pretty, but this beauty had a cruel heart. And where the light feet of the nymph walked, wonderful flowers bloomed...
Beautiful Amaryllis lived a cheerful life, carefree spending time with her friends. They chatted merrily, bursting into laughter, danced and sang to the melodic sounds of the pipe. Even the birds were jealous of the melodious voice of the young beautiful nymph when she sang while sitting on the bank of the stream.

The charming nymph loved to captivate young men with her beauty. Those who at least once saw this beauty were never destined to fall in love with another girl - they were dying of longing for the unearthly beauty of Amaryllis. And the nymph laughed at the unfortunate young men and shared her next victory with her friends.
The number of such victims of unhappy love for a coquette nymph grew inexorably. As a result, guys stopped getting married, and “earthly” girls did not find husbands. Children stopped being born into the world, and people found themselves on the verge of extinction. But the beauty did not let up - she liked to fatally charm men...

The gods found out about this and decided: Amaryllis must be stopped, otherwise soon there will not be a single person left on Earth. All men will fall in love with the young nymph and die of longing for her. And the God of Autumn and Withering was instructed to punish the nymph-sorceress.
To rid people of a beautiful girl, the God of Autumn descended to Earth. And when he saw Amaryllis, he fell in love with her too!
And then the God of Autumn decided to hide Amaryllis from the gods and people, turning the nymph into a beautiful flower. And then he moved the onion of it unusual plant to the remote desert of South Africa, away from people. And he endowed this flower with deadly power - poison that could kill anyone who would risk picking this wonderful divine creation.

Since then, amaryllis flowers have bloomed in the desert lands of Africa at the beginning of autumn. The flowering of this amazing plant they only admired it from afar, but no one dared to touch it. Blooming amaryllis every year decorated the dull desert with its flowers, delighting the God of Autumn with magnificent blooms.
And in the depths of this plant the soul of the beautiful nymph Amaryllis continued to live, who vowed not to be so cruel, but people were afraid of this plant and avoided it. Amaryllis still hoped and waited that there would be a person who would love her in the image fairy flower, - then the spell of the God of Autumn will subside, and she will again turn into a beautiful girl.

Once upon a time, a young scientist found himself in the region where amaryllis lives and blooms. He was looking for new types of plants to create medicine from terrible diseases.
Seeing amaryllis flowers, the scientist fell madly in love with this plant. The dug up bulb was carefully transported to Russia.
The scientist planted magic flower at home in the most comfortable and well-lit place so that the amaryllis feels cozy.
Every day, the scientist spent hours admiring his favorite plant, patiently caring for the fastidious beauty.

And one day a miracle happened, which the young nymph had been waiting for a long time. Love young man she turned out to be so devoted to the flower that the spell cast by the God of Autumn on the nymph Amaryllis dissipated...
At night, when the whole house was asleep, a beautiful girl came out of the flower. But she was no longer the former frivolous beauty, but a sorceress with a soft heart. Having known all the hardships of loneliness, she did not want to leave her savior to die of longing for her.
When leaving, Amaryllis, in memory of herself, preserved a beautiful flower for people, which to this day blooms in late summer and early autumn...

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