Round label in Photoshop. How to make beautiful labels for moonshine with your own hands

I’ll say right away that MK is very simple, no knowledge of Photoshop is needed. However, I tried to describe the process in as much detail as possible))
Open a new Microsoft Office Word document. I have the 2010 version. Insert a table into the document. This is necessary in order to conveniently place labels for further printing. In the "Insert" menu, select "Table" and create a table from the required number of cells (the number of cells depends on the size of the labels, I have 3 columns)

To save even more space on the sheet, we reduce the margins. “Page Layout”, “Margins”, select “Custom Margins” at the bottom. I always set 0.5 cm on all sides. In the first cell we insert any picture you like, which will be the background of our label. We reduce the picture to the required size (to do this, click on the picture and an arrow appears in any corner of the picture, drag it, reducing it)

Next we insert the shape. In the "Insert" menu, click the "Shapes" button and select any one you like (I have an oval). Click on the picture and stretch the figure to the desired size. If you wish, you can skip inserting the shape and go straight to inserting the label.

The figure is inserted, you can choose the desired color. After inserting a shape, the Shape Properties menu appears at the top. In the "Shape Styles" menu, select desired color from ready-made ones, or to the right click “Shape Fill” and select the desired color

The next stage is inserting the inscription. Again in the “Insert” menu, select “Inscription”, “Draw inscription”. In the middle of the figure, insert a field for the inscription and write text

If necessary, in the "Home" tab, adjust the font type and size, the position of the inscription

In the window that pops up on the right, select the line “Fill”, “Solid fill”, look for the desired color (to match the color of our oval, if we do not want the orange oval to have a white field with the inscription)

In the same window on the right, click on the line “Line Color” and then select “No Lines”. So that our inscription completely merges with the oval. In principle, our label is ready, all that remains is to form a sheet for printing

Label on the bottle This is an original and effective gift that is suitable for many occasions. At weddings they often, constantly order the so-called “ Wedding champagne” designed especially for newlyweds. A photo of the bride and groom is inserted into the label, a congratulatory text is written, and the wedding date is added. Traditionally, many competitions are held at weddings and it is popular to give a bottle of champagne as a prize. holiday label. Or for a birthday or anniversary, you can give the birthday person a bottle of cognac or vodka with original cool label made especially for him.

The production of such labels is done in two ways: industrial printing of batches of bottle labels and orders of 1 piece in photo laboratories. Obviously, the label will cost less in printing houses, but they will take on a larger batch. It makes sense for them to take at least 10-100 pieces. In photo laboratories or photo salons, of which there are a lot everywhere, such a service is available and it must be said that it is not cheap. 1 complete set for one bottle costs 500 rubles. Full set The labels are the front part (front), the back part (back), and the top (necklace). The price is a little high considering the obvious ease of making this bottle labels. This cost is not due to the greed of photo salon workers, but rather due to the large amount of time spent on designing such a label and especially on approval by clients. Because most often clients come to order without prepared photographs ( “I put 150 photos onto a flash drive! Let’s take a look and choose which one is suitable!”) and always come without prepared text (“ Oh! And you can also write something on the bottle labels!”). Therefore, clients in photo salons sit for a very long time, select, change and redo the approved label again from scratch many times. This label cost is justified. But you can make the label yourself, for free, paying only for the paper. If you also have a printer for printing photos, then you shouldn't have any problems at all. You can start your own small souvenir business.

For self-made Bottle labels required:

  1. Photoshop program or any other photo editor.
  2. Low to medium skills in Photoshop or any other photo editor.
  3. Glossy self-adhesive paper.
  4. A photo printer or the ability to print on this paper somewhere.
  5. Ready label template:

Creating a bottle label in Photoshop.

1. I recommend immediately buying the bottle on which you will glue the label. You need to know the label dimensions. It will be very sad when the created label cannot be pasted on the bottle or the old label is visible. Ideally, it is necessary that the new one completely covers the old one. Therefore, buy a bottle and take measurements with a ruler. Create a new document in Photoshop. Standard size champagne labels this is 12 cm by 8.2 cm. I recommend making the file a little larger to cover the old label with a completely new one.

2. Fill it with any background and insert a photo.

3. You can find a lot of clipart in png format on the Internet. With a transparent background. And decorate the label by inserting different flowers and frames into it.

4. Add text. You can play with colors and fonts for better readability.

5. For the backdrop we do the same. We come up with an original text. The design can be taken from the front label that has already been made. It’s even better - they should be in the same style.

6. It’s more difficult with a necklace. This is not a boring rectangle and it is already difficult to create a template from scratch. A higher level of Photoshop proficiency is required. You can copy this photo and circle it, and then adjust the dimensions.

I can post a template in psd for creating a necklace from which I make them myself if there are any difficulties in creating it yourself. Write in the comments.

Of course, the label turned out so-so, but I didn’t try too hard. Found an old one.

7. Create a blank sheet of A4 size (21 cm by 29.7 cm). It is important to set the resolution to 300.

Open the finished label and transfer them to this sheet. Here you can check the dimensions, correct them and adjust them one last time before printing.

You can print! Or we save the file in a jeep and take it to the nearest photo studio where you can print it.

Print your own bottle labels.

The label will not be completely free. We need to splurge on paper. We use Lomond glossy paper. The paper is good. The photos come out bright and colorful. I didn't notice any problems when printing. Sold in packs of 25 A4 sheets.

If you have a photo printer, you can print yourself. This is the most convenient option. Otherwise, you will have to look for a photo studio where they will print. There may be problems with this. Firstly, you ask to print on your own photo paper and the “printer operator” may simply send you away and refuse to print on some kind of paper. Secondly, you made this label yourself, and did not order it from a photo studio for 500 rubles. They may not print at all. This is not good, but such things happen.

The only disadvantage of such production is that it is not water resistant bottle labels. It is enough to drop a drink on it and it will immediately spoil. This can be easily resolved. The label must be laminated. Lamination must be done on one side. It is understandable that having laminated it on both sides it is somewhat difficult to stick it on later. You can laminate it with the most ordinary laminate, which most photo salons have, but it is thick and the label will bend under tension. We usually laminate into laminate in rolls. It is thin, perfectly protects the label and does not try to bend it or tear it off the bottle. But to be honest, we don’t laminate labels. I'm more scared. And without lamination, the photo holds up very well.

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Are you thinking about what to give to your friends or acquaintances for the holiday? Present them with a bottle of good alcohol. How to present a gift beautifully? Make your own bottle labels. The result will be not just a gift, but a very original present. Read below for ideas on how to make a label.

Printed picture

The easiest way to make bottle labels with your own hands is to decorate them with a beautiful image. You can draw a picture by hand or print it on a printer. The label should be selected depending on the occasion. If you are going to a girl's birthday party, you should decorate a bottle of wine with an image of flowers. And if the present is made for a man, then you can print a picture of a car or a photo of the birthday boy. Make such a gift for parents too. For example, decorate a bottle with a drawing from your grandson.

Gift for a child

Do you think that only bottles of alcohol can be decorated? Nothing like this. You can even decorate a bottle of soda. You should select the appropriate drawing. A DIY bottle label for children should be made from a bright picture. Choose an image of a cartoon character or a cute drawing of a plush toy. In Photoshop, you can add funny inscriptions to the label or decorative elements, for example, stars or hearts. You should also place the drawing in a beautiful frame.

New Year label

It is not customary to go to visit empty-handed. And even more so. What to give to friends? Give them a bottle of good wine. Doesn't she look very presentable? Complete it with a bottle label. It's easy to make it with your own hands. Select beautiful picture or print one of the options above. Carefully cut out the design and glue it to double-sided tape or PVA. You can complement this decor with colored ribbons, pine cones and other New Year’s paraphernalia.

3D label

A bottle of expensive muscatel can be decorated in an extravagant way. You should make a three-dimensional label. It can consist of either cardboard or birch bark. How to make a bottle label with your own hands? Take the base and cut out a rectangle from it. In the center we lay out a drawing of a grape branch using voluminous beads. Cut out a couple of green leaves from felt and attach them to Right place. All that remains is to glue beautiful ribbons on top and bottom. You can tie a bow out of them. You can attach a label to the bottle using gold fishing line or thin thread.

wedding label

On the most solemn day of your life, you want only exquisite things to be around. Therefore, decor is given Special attention. Today it is fashionable to make beautiful wedding glasses, decorating them with rhinestones, beads and ribbons. It is worth thinking about the champagne label. It's very easy to do it yourself. The label is made as follows. The graphic program combines designs of flowers, rings and other wedding paraphernalia. The names of the newlyweds are placed in a beautiful frame. When the composition is built, all that remains is to print the image. Before gluing a homemade label, it is advisable to remove the one that is already on the bottle.

Original New Year's gift

Making a bottle label is very simple. To do this, print out the template shown above on thick paper. Now it should be cut out and then decorated. What can you put on a label? Yes, anything. You can buy beautiful stickers or dimensional letters.

Small artificial flowers also look original. You can even write a New Year's message by hand. If you're giving away more than just a bottle of alcohol, consider making the label in the same style as the packaging for the main gift. And then your work will definitely not go unnoticed.

Basically, I will show you some of the capabilities of these programs. As practice shows, many are unaware of the resources of these standard assistants.

What will you get as a result of MK:

A Microsoft Office Word document, when printed, you will have an A4 sheet with 10 business cards in your hands, there will also be serifs on the sheet, with which you can easily cut out your business cards (using a stationery knife and a ruler), and they will all be even, neat, same sizes;

Skills in working in Microsoft Office Word and Microsoft Office Picture Manager, with the help of which you can, by analogy, make tags and/or passports for your works and other cute things)))

So, first we need to decide on the size of the business card. I decided to make a business card the size of a standard credit card. A credit card measures 8.5 x 5.35 cm. I round down, my business cards will measure 8.5 x 5.3 cm.

Now we need to prepare the “background” of our business card - we find on the Internet a beautiful picture of a suitable theme, preferably not very bright. The picture quality should be good, I choose more than 1000 on each side. You can also use a photo of your work as a background. I chose this picture, it has a resolution of 1920x1200

The picture is good for everyone, but we still have to “adjust” it to the size we need, so that the aspect ratio is proportional to the aspect ratio of our business card (85x53 mm.) We calculate what resolution the picture should have: multiply both numbers by one number, in my case by 20 , maybe less. I get 1700x1060. To fit the picture to right size, I open it through the editor Microsoft Office Picture Manager(right-click on the picture and select Open with... from the drop-down menu - Microsoft Office Picture Manager.

In the window that opens, click the “Change pictures...” button at the top.

A menu opens on the right. We will use two tools from there: “Crop” and “Resize”. First we press "Change of size".

Another new menu opens on the right. We put a dot in front of the item “Percentage of the original width and height”, and begin to lower the percentage, in my case to 89. If you have a picture of a different size, or you will make a business card of different sizes, then the number will be different. Below are original size And new size Pictures. The new size should be as close as possible to what we need 1700x1060(leave a little more, cut off the excess later). When the percentage is selected, click "OK".

Again, press the button at the top “Change pictures...”, select from the menu on the right "Cutting". A new menu opens again on the right. I need to cut 8 points in height and 9 in width. I cut 8 points from the top and 9 from the right. You can cut from the bottom and left, or you can cut a little on each side - as you like :) The original and new dimensions of the picture are also indicated below. When the new size has become the size we need, 1700x1060, click "OK". Save the changes (the icon is on the top left, I can’t see it in the picture), and close the window.

The first stage is completed, the background for our business card is ready :)

Now we will work in Word ( Microsoft Office Word). We create a new document on our computer - right-click, from the drop-down menu select New -> Microsoft Office Word Document.

Give our document a name and open it. At the top, go to the “Page Layout” tab.

We need to make the document margins 1 cm. By default, margins cost more, they “eat up” a lot of work space. Click the "Fields" button, and from the list select the last option "Custom fields..."

Set all fields to 1 cm, click "OK".

Now we need to make the basis for our business cards - a table. Go to the "Insert" tab.

We will have 10 business cards on the page, two in width and 5 in height. One cell corresponds to one business card. Plus we add one cell on each side of the table for serifs, along which we will cut out business cards. You don't have to do this if you don't want to. I prefer to do it with serifs.

In total, I get a plate of 4x7 cells (if done without serifs, the plate will be 2x5). Click on the "Table" button and select the plate of the desired size.

Now we need to edit our sign so that it matches our needs. Select all the cells, right-click on the selected area, and select Table Properties from the drop-down menu.

A window opens, where we will make changes to the Options and Borders and Fill. Let's go to the parameters.

Another window opens. There, the cell fields are set by default; we need all fields to be equal to zero. We set zeros. "OK".

Now go to Borders and Shading. Another window opens. Change the line width from 0.5 to 0.25. Click "OK". And again "OK".

Outwardly nothing has changed, but changes have occurred. Now we will make noticeable changes. Select the 2nd and 3rd columns. Right-click on the selected one and select Table Properties from the list again.

Go to the Column tab.

Set the column width to 8.5 cm. "OK".

Now select the 1st and 4th columns (first you need to select the 1st column, and then hold down the Ctrl key on the keyboard and select the 4th column), right-click on the selected area and select Table Properties again.

Set the width to 0.5 cm. "OK".

Now select rows 2 to 6, right-click on the selected area, and select Table Properties.

Go to the "String" tab.

We put a tick next to the word Height and set the value to 5.3 cm. “OK”.

Now the internal cells of our table have dimensions of 8.5x5.3 cm. Of course, you can simply Print the necessary information in them, print it on colored cardboard and cut it out. But I propose a more complex and more beautiful option.

Now select the internal cells that have the size of a business card and go to the “Home” tab (top). We find a button in the form of a plate of 4 cells.

Click on the arrow next to this button and select No border.This is so that when printing business cards there is no black frame around it. The borders of the outer cells remain visible and will serve as tick marks for easy cutting.

Now we will make our own business cards. Place the cursor in one of the cells for the business card. Go to the "Insert" tab (at the top). Click on the "Drawing" button.

When you click on this button, a window for inserting a picture opens, there we find the prepared background, select this picture and click “Insert”.

The picture is inserted, but it is larger than we need. At the top right we find the picture editing menu (see photo) and use the arrows to reduce the width to 8.5 cm, the height itself will decrease proportionally.

Our drawing is in a selected state, it is already the size we need. At this point we need to copy it. Press the key combination "Ctrl + C" to copy the picture. Place the cursor in an empty cell for the business card and press the key combination “Ctrl + V” to insert the image. Next, place the cursor in all empty cells for business cards and press the key combination “Ctrl + V” to insert our ready-made background into them.

Now click on one of the pictures LMB (left mouse button) 2 times, it becomes highlighted. Find the “Wrap around text” button, click on the arrow next to it, and select “Behind text” from the drop-down list.

We do these actions with each picture. Now we can write the desired text over the pictures. Attention! If you place the cursor on the first line in the picture and press Enter, the picture will move lower. To get to the second or third line, you need to click LMB in this place 2 times!

The cursor can be placed not only at the beginning of the line, but also in any place. To ensure that the text is positioned strictly in the center, place the cursor in the desired line and press the “Center” button. Nearby are the “Left”, “Right” and “Width” buttons.

To write text in the menu at the top, select the font you like, the desired size, you can make the text italic, bold, or underlined. You can also change the color of the text.

You can also use the button

There are many joyful and long-awaited events in life, in preparation for which we create something with our own hands. So, for a wedding or anniversary, you can make a label for champagne. You can come up with a design that you can then order printed on clothes, for example, a gift for Valentine’s Day. We offer step by step instructions, which is about how to make a label.

Making a label in Photoshop

With the help of the well-known Photoshop program, you can complete the task with imagination and originality. How to make a label in Photoshop - read below.

  • If you do not have the program on your computer, download it from any Internet site. Install it on your computer.
  • Find the graphic structure you need online. There are many options available - from cardboard or crumpled paper textures to landscapes.
  • Let's start creating a new document in Photoshop, where we load the downloaded texture. This texture should be moved to the new image at the same time.
  • Create the label shape on a separate layer. We draw the outline of the shape using the Pen Tool. At the drawing stage, temporarily make the layer invisible.
  • When the outline is ready, select it and, if necessary, give it a different name.
  • On the keyboard, click the U key and draw, with Shift held down at this time, a circle in the place on the label where you can later cut it out to attach the label to the product using a thread or ribbon.
  • Select the Direct Selection tool and select the created path.
  • After this procedure, drag it onto the texture.
  • Select Free Transform - free transformation tool.
  • Hold down the Shift key on the keyboard and stretch the outline along the texture to the required size.
  • Start transforming the path into a selection. We also add a layer mask. After this, you need to go to Layer Style - the layer styles section and set the following parameters:
    • Drop Shadow with Multiply blending mode
    • Bevel and Emboss with Inner Bevel style.
  • Create a new layer and select the Elliptical Marquee Tool from the Tools panel.
  • Create an elliptical selection around the previously created circle.
  • Fill this selection with a suitable color.
  • Now, as previously explained, you need to change the layer blending mode. Select Multiply.
  • After the change, you should reduce the transparency of the layer to 70%.
  • Let's start finalizing the label. You can draw ropes using the Pen Tool and applying the Stroke option to them.
  • Also, do not forget to write any text on the label or insert a logo or photo onto the bottle label that characterizes your products.

Just like making a label for a bottle, you can create a label for any product, children's things. This is especially true for mothers who are preparing their children for kindergarten and faced the problem of labeling all of the baby’s clothes. They and their child can come up with a label for the clothes themselves, and then order the required quantity from the studio. If working in Photoshop is inconvenient for you for various reasons, you can make a label online. Use it, for example, to create your own mood. All the steps you need to complete here will be prompted by the system itself.

Making labels using Microsoft Word

Working in this program is much simpler and clearer than in Photoshop and even beginners can do it.

  • Text type labels are created using a special menu in Microsoft - Tools - Envelopes and Stickers. When you select this path, the Envelopes and Labels window appears. We need to activate the Stickers tab.
  • Using the Print option, you can specify whether it is either a Page with a series of identical labels, or a Single label (set by selecting the Row and Column options).
  • To open the Sticker Options window, click the Options button.
  • Select a printer to print and set the parameters for printing stickers. We make changes to the Address - print the necessary text, send the document for printing.

Order labels for professionals

There are many companies specializing in the design and production of labels of varying complexity and for any occasion. Turning to them for help will relieve you of worries and save time for relaxing with your family. In addition, such professional labels look impeccable and the quality of their production is much better than printing at home. All this will help you adequately prepare for a holiday or other event.