How to choose a brand of kitchen knives. How to choose the right kitchen knives: tips and tricks

A knife for hunting is an absolutely irreplaceable thing. Butchering a shot carcass, walking through dense bushes or cutting small branches - all these are tasks that cannot be done with an ordinary penknife. At the same time, choosing the right tool is quite difficult, especially for a beginner in this business. Avid hunters say that the best knives come only with experience.


Blades in hunting are divided according to their purpose. There are quite a few of them, since the operations they must perform are different.

In general, all types can be divided into two large categories:

  1. General use, needed to finish off an animal. They have a straight blade without any grooves, firmly built into a simple handle equipped with a stop.
  2. A hunting knife designed for a specific function, for example, specifically for skinning or separating meat from bones, butchering an animal.

Hunting knives can also be divided according to the type of blade:

  • the top edge is straight;
  • drop point - a sharp hunting knife in which the upper edge is rounded from the middle to the tip, with the tip located in the center of the blade;
  • at trailing-point, the upper edge, on the contrary, rises, and the tip is located at the top of the blade;
  • in clip-point there is a smooth upper edge, which sharply rounds below the tip;
  • the skinner has a straight spine combined with curved cutting edges;
  • a blade resembling a dagger in which both sides are sharp and symmetrical.

Also, hunter's knives can vary in length, weight, balance, and so on. Here it is worth considering specific models.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is worth understanding that the ideal knife is a non-existent concept. There is no universal option, since it cannot be completely tailored to all the hunter’s needs. However, you can choose an individual one, best option. Such a blade will perform the main functions and, if necessary, it will be possible to perform auxiliary ones.

Each specific hunting knife has advantages and disadvantages. If it is convenient to finish off prey with a sharp long blade with protection, then it will be inconvenient for them to carry out small and lengthy work on cutting up the carcass. The narrower the specificity, the less suitable the product is for other work.

If everything is quite transparent with finishing, the names of knives intended for cutting are usually divided into the following types:

  • The classic version has 12-13 centimeters, its blade width is 3-3.5, and its weight ranges from 120 to 180 grams. It's lightweight and convenient option for long and painstaking cutting with excellent balance, which makes work easier.
  • A large product from 13 to 17 centimeters will be useful for chopping blows and careless cutting; it will be difficult for them to carry out delicate work. Weighs from 180 grams, is quite heavy and clumsy, but quite durable.
  • The folding model can be used for short cutting, but does not have balance, so you won’t be able to work with it for a long time.

As for the advantages over kitchen and other format products, then:

  • The variety of models will allow you to find the best blade for a specific situation or activity. There is no need to adapt, you just need to select the product according to the purpose of use.
  • These are practical and durable blades that are needed specifically for work, and not to show off to friends, although this is also possible if you buy a collectible model, but the most beautiful knife is usually far from practical.
  • Comfortable handle, made to be easy to hold in your hand, not slip, and protect your hand from cuts.

Hunting knives also have disadvantages:

  • The best, really high-quality blades are expensive. Sometimes, it is even prohibitively expensive, and this is in the context of the fact that it is desirable to have several of them - for different purposes.
  • Without knowing the nuances, it is difficult to choose the right, suitable blade.
  • They often require careful care, as do all expensive and good things.

A correctly chosen tool will have no drawbacks (except perhaps except for the price), so it’s worth understanding the topic very carefully and spending your money really usefully. The most beautiful knife is not always the best.

How to choose the best

The best knife for hunting is the one that is convenient and easy for a particular person to work with. To put it simply, it is different for everyone. In some ways, this is a matter of habit, in some ways it is a conscious choice, but in any case, you need to adhere to several rules that will allow you to choose the ideal option.

In order to choose high-quality knives, you must first look at the geometry of the blade. It is this factor that ensures the most efficient performance of the main task of the tool - cutting.

The most sensible option is a wedge-shaped thin blade. It cuts well, but gets dull very quickly due to its small thickness.

In order to increase the “life” of sharpening, the geometry is changed slightly, thickening the metal. A hunting bladed weapon must be not only sharp, but also durable.

The handle is also important.

A hunting knife should:

  • Do not slip in your hand;
  • To be safe means to have a limiter;
  • The handle must be strong so that the blade does not fly off at the wrong moment;
  • The blade should fit tightly and securely into the handle;
  • It is worth remembering that the most beautiful knife with an elaborate handle is usually only suitable for symbolic collections, and not for long-term work.

Steel knives can be equipped with a handle made of any material. Some hunters like wood because it quickly warms up in the hand in the cold, it is pleasant to the touch, beautiful, and some like metal because it is reliable. Each specific handle, depending on the numerous ways it is created, may have its own advantages and disadvantages, so information needs to be clarified about a specific model.

Please note that a folding knife for hunting must have a high-quality mechanism. To check this, you need to try to “shake” the blade. If it deviates slightly, even if it is barely noticeable, the product is not of high quality and will most likely quickly fail. In addition, the mechanism itself must securely fix the blade so that the buyer does not lose his fingers one day, and it is also important that it opens and closes easily enough.

The best folding knife in the world is the one that was bought at the right time. They will not be able to cut up a carcass for a long time or perform other specific work on an ongoing basis, but this is a universal and compact product that will cover and help in case of need.

Let's look at how to choose the right knife:

  1. First of all, you need to start from what exactly you plan to do with the tool.
  2. A high-quality product will be more expensive, but compared to consumer goods, it will last much longer - this will pay off.
  3. You need to immediately think about where and how it will be worn; the best hunting knife should not fall out of your pocket while running or rattle annoyingly in your backpack against a cup.
  4. First of all, look at the geometry of the blade, and only then at the steel.
  5. For work, buy a comfortable knife, not a fashionable or the most beautiful one.

That's all the basic rules for choosing a good hunting blade.


After the buyer has figured out the geometry of the blade, the handle and other nuances, he needs to pay attention to the steel. This, of course, is not a primary factor, but still far from unimportant. The most beautiful knife in the world, if we consider the blade, is a product made of Damascus steel. Made from a bunch of metal rods, it ultimately creates numerous iridescences on the blade.


There are many different metals. They can be used to create homemade hunting knives and professional products. It is believed that the most durable knife is made from high-carbon raw materials. It doesn’t matter what will be made from it - a hunting dagger or a drop point, if it’s done well, it will last a long time.

In order to decide which steel is best for a hunting knife, you need to know its types and methods of manufacturing the product. For example, Damascus and damask steel are durable and high-quality, but quite expensive. It is much easier to buy cheaper and almost the same parameters steel of a simple sample. Although it is worth repeating that the most beautiful knife can be made from these two expensive options.

For a beginner, it is enough to know two high-quality types that are widely popular all over the world. A hunting dagger, like any other blade, will be of the same quality.


The best steel for a hunting blade in the hands of a beginner is X12MB. It has a high density, resists corrosion well, is quite viscous, and has excellent temperature resistance. It makes a durable product that makes it easy to skin the carcass. It also makes excellent forged hunting knives.

An important factor in hunting conditions will be the long “life” of the sharpening of this tool. Tools made from this steel are perfect for long-term use in extreme conditions.


This carbon steel has a diamond additive. This adds hardness to it, which improves the cutting function of the product. When deciding which knife to choose, you should pay attention to this type of raw material. It is of high quality and will allow the tool to last for a very long time and, at the same time, there will be no need to sharpen it often.

However, steel knives of this type have one drawback. Steel can quickly corrode if the blade is not cleaned and maintained after each use.

Attention to the blade

Don’t chase a high price, choose a steel that you don’t mind spending money on. In order to butcher a chicken once a year, it is not necessary to buy a combat blade or product self made made of damask steel or Damascus steel.

In general, you should choose steel for hunting knives based on the area of ​​use. Take into account your laziness, even if the steel grade of the knife is the best, it will quickly deteriorate and become corroded from lack of care.

Remember, even the sharpest knife will eventually become dull and will have to be sharpened. There is no such thing as an eternal sharpening that will last for years with constant use.

Weapon care

Regardless of what steel the blades are made of, they need care.

It is essentially simple:

  • Once you use it, wash it, because even the most beautiful knives can quickly lose their appearance and worse, their practicality.
  • Lubricate the blade regularly with gun oil to prevent corrosion.
  • If the handle is wooden, also periodically treat it with oil to prevent it from drying out.
  • Store and carry your hunting blade in a sheath or a special case if it is a folding product.
  • Don’t do what the blade is not supposed to do by its nature - don’t chop wood, don’t pick holes in the fence, and so on.

Also, one of the main rules of care is to constantly improve your skill in use; hunting knives are loved by professionals.

Choosing good steel knives for hunting is difficult, however, if you understand the topic a little and make an effort, everything will turn out as good as possible. The main thing is to weigh your decision well before making the final purchase.

Manufacturer selection

To learn how to navigate models and prices, it is worth getting acquainted with the highest quality models on the market. The best hunting knife is chosen not only intuitively, but also with knowledge of the offer.


Foreign production of top quality knives is located in Finland, China and the USA. The latter are especially famous, since a significant part of the population is fond of hunting, which means there is a great demand and an improving supply.

Here you can buy unique knives for a lot of money with excellent properties, or you can buy very modest ones, but only slightly inferior in quality. It doesn’t matter whether you choose the most beautiful knife or a very ascetic model for any purpose, choose first good manufacturer. This will save you a lot of problems and frustrations. This does not mean at all that you need to choose the most expensive knives in the world and the most reputable authors of such options. However, the seller, like his products, must inspire trust.


Manufacturers of top quality knives also exist on the domestic market. The buyer can be sure that Russian versions will be in no way inferior to foreign ones in terms of characteristics. Moreover, you can buy not only ordinary copies, but also the coolest knives you can imagine.

A short list of worthy domestic brands, the production of knives in which can easily outshine foreign ones:

  • LLC PP Kizlyar;
  • Air Chrysostom;
  • BASCO;
  • Northern Crown.

On the market you can find forged hunting knives with the personal markings of the handmade master. With a skilled craftsman, they are not only on par with branded ones, but even outshine them. Which knives are the best - handmade or not - should be chosen based on money and parameters only if you trust the craftsman.


The strongest knife steel is the one that contains the most carbon. Damascus steel is considered one of the record holders. It is forged from a bundle of rods of different levels of carbon saturation. Do not believe in supernova impurities; the hardness of a knife is determined by this parameter. All other additives protect against corrosion, make it more flexible, and so on.

Anyone who decides to buy such a product will have to choose: buy the largest knife or a miniature one, choose a hunting dagger or a practical folding version. The main thing is that you should not rely on “experienced advisers”, since what may be convenient for one person may seem like real torture to another.

Hunting knives, like your lifestyle, need to be chosen according to your character!


The Russian population, tired of disposable Chinese counterfeits, is ready to pay more to kitchen knives purchased for more than one year, answered modern requirements. Japanese kitchen knives compare favorably with all others.

They are made of high-tech anti-corrosion steel and have double-sided sharpening on water stones. Razor-sharp Japanese kitchen knives are a hit at home and on the global market.

A good choice is a set of 5 knives, which occupies one of the leading positions in the rating. Lightweight, made of single-layer solid steel. The set includes knives of the required length: 99 mm for slicing vegetables, 150 mm - a universal knife, 161 mm, 175 mm, 208 mm - so-called chef knives: for cutting steaks and working with large pieces of meat and fish. They fit very comfortably in the hand, are sharp and light. You can purchase such a set on the website

Tojiro. Chef's knife TJ/F-811

Unsurpassed classics are Japanese kitchen knives, included in the ranking of the best kitchen knives for the home. Everyone knows that a good knife must be made of high-strength steel, but experts know that this is only half the battle. A quality manufacturer combines corrosion-resistant steel with a nickel alloy in its products. The blade of Tojiro knives undergoes highly professional processing with manual sharpening.

The TJ/F-811 chef's knife with a hard, wear-resistant blade is recognized even by professionals. Even with the most intensive work, he will not soon need a sharpener. The sharpener found in every home is not suitable for straightening it. The quality of a knife requires the help of a professional. Don't try to chop their bones. The highest quality requires respect. The knife handles are made of ergonomic steel. The knives are not only functional, but also pleasing to the eye with their design: they are made of patterned metal consisting of 37-layer Damascus steel. To sharpen such knives, use a sharpener on water stones or a sharpener with high-quality musat. Professionals, assessing the quality of the chef's knife in this series, call it the king of the kitchen.

Tamahagane SNMH-1108

Quite expensive and very high quality kitchen knives. They are the best in this price segment. The manufacturer draws attention to the inadmissibility of washing knives in dishwasher. In order for kitchen knives to serve faithfully for many years, immediately after use they should be washed by hand and wiped dry, otherwise the blade will darken. To prevent damage to knives, it is better to store them separately from all other utensils.

Despite the fact that stainless steel is used in the manufacture of knives, the manufacturer warns against using them when chopping meat and poultry; there are special knives for this. You should also not bend them or try to open bottles with them. It is better to use wooden boards made of soft plastic for cutting food. Knives are sharpened by hand; a primitive sharpener should not be used to sharpen the knife. You need to entrust this matter to a professional.

Winner WR-7322 zirconium ceramic set

They are very difficult to buy, they are very popular and sell out instantly. The rating of kitchen knife manufacturers from 2015 to 2017 identifies these products as the best. Knives are also successful because they do not require a sharpener when sharpening them. They don't require sharpening at all! The convenience of these knives is appreciated by beginners and professionals.

Ceramic knives do not oxidize food, thereby preserving it beneficial features. Try cutting an apple or potato with it: the product will not darken as if using a metal knife. The set includes 5 items: a chef's knife, a universal knife, a vegetable peeler, a vegetable peeler, and a stand on which the knives are mounted. The knife handles are plastic with a rubberized coating. Attractive design that can decorate any home. You just have to look at the photo to be convinced of this.

Samura Bamboo

The rating of Japanese kitchen knives has deservedly increased with the advent of the Samura Bamboo collection with a stand. Knives are made in Japanese style, handles stylized as bamboo stem, will decorate your home. The 5 knives in the set are made of durable stainless steel. A high rating is the key to its popularity. These are the best knives of the 2015 collection.

Kanetsugu 5007

The best Japanese kitchen knives presented on the Russian market in 2017 deservedly include the Kanetsugu PRO-S 5007 knife in their collection. High-carbon steel at the level of world standards will be appreciated by aesthetes. The knife has a flat and at the same time convex blade, which ensures impeccable cutting properties.

Samura Mo-V SM-0031/G-10

This knife is the undisputed king of your kitchen, essential for cutting steak. It makes sense to buy a set of these knives to serve guests at the table when serving meat dishes.

Great design a budget option and weighs only 73 grams. Your home needs this purchase. A set of 3 kitchen steel knives Samura Okinawa SO-0110/SO-0129/SO-0174 deservedly tops the rating of kitchen knives in 2017. They are made in the Japanese style from corrosion-resistant molybdenum-vanadium steel, appreciated by the Japanese themselves, as well as Russian lovers of Japanese and European cuisine.

The modern market is represented by a large number of high-quality Japanese products. This is a reliable manufacturer. It is up to the buyer to decide what to choose for the home: knives made of Damascus steel or ceramics. After studying the rating, everyone will choose a model to suit their taste and budget. You can be glad that purchasing the necessary kitchen accessories is no longer a problem, and products from a world-renowned Japanese manufacturer are now available in our country.

Choosing a kitchen knife for professional chefs is a whole science with its own terminology, secrets and rules - after all, for them, a knife is almost an extension of the hand. We, ordinary people, do not need to understand all the intricacies of this science and have a full set of tools, but everyone can learn to distinguish good kitchen knives from bad ones and correctly create their own “chef’s troika.”

Briefly about the main thing

If you don’t want to dive into a short course on choosing knives and you just need one high-quality multi-purpose knife, then we offer the following solutions:

  • Best choice for a man: the so-called "chef's knife" (chef's knife, French knife) from of stainless steel 20-25 cm long (universal length is 21 cm or 8 inches). This tool can do 80% of all work: cut, cut, chop, shred, beat. Manufacturers: the most expensive and best - old brands Wusthof and Zwilling J.A. Henckels (pictured below), mid-price category - "Victorinox" and "Arcos", from the budget - quite decent "Tramontina" (pictured below) and "Opinel".
  • Best choice for woman: in overwhelming numbers female hands Universal “kitchen bars” 13-16 cm long (or 5-6 inches) fit best. This knife is a cross between a classic chef's knife and a slicer, and it does an excellent job with most types of work.

Manufacturers: top ones - the same Wusthof, Zwilling J.A. Henckels, as well as F.Dick, Shun, etc., the mid-price category - "Victorinox" and "Arcos", from the budget - quite decent kitchen knives "Tramontina", Trupperware or "Opinel" made of carbon steel (pictured below is model no. 102 with a blade 10 cm long).

Opinel, model no. 102, 10 cm

  • Set of basic knives “kitchen three”: A kitchen or chef's troika is a set of three knives that are most often used at home. Typically this is:
  1. Chef's knife for general use - since this is the most important knife in the kitchen, we will consider the question of how to choose the right quality copy below in more detail;
  2. Serrator for cutting bread, as well as puff pastries, vegetables, fruits 20-26 cm long - the knife has a serrated blade and is a bit like a saw. It cuts bread perfectly without allowing it to wrinkle, and delicately cuts the skin of tomatoes and other fruits and vegetables with thin skins. There is no need to spend a lot of money on buying such a knife, the main thing is to find one so that the teeth on the serrated blade are not too large or too small. For example, this Victorinox model has a medium tooth size, but finding more affordable analogues will not be difficult.

  1. A knife for peeling vegetables, chopping garlic and other “small” work, 8-10 cm (3-4 inches) long – spending a lot of money on buying this knife also doesn’t make sense, so take the one that you like in appearance and price.

Some more useful information

How to choose the right chef’s knife that can serve you for many years, read in the next chapter or watch in the video clip of authoritative enthusiast and specialist Andrei Kozlovsky.

8 Tips You Need to Know Before Buying a Chef's Knife

First let's formulate General requirements for good kitchen knives:

  • The blade remains sharp for a long time;
  • The knife cuts food easily and quickly;
  • The handle fits comfortably in the hand and does not slip.

How can you understand which kitchen knife meets this requirement and which one does not? Here are 8 tips for choosing a versatile chef's tool.

1. Evaluate your old knife

The concept of a “good knife” is partly subjective, because while one person may like a knife, another person may find the same tool unsuitable for their cutting style. Therefore, first you need to understand and formulate for yourself what you like and don’t like about the old instrument.

  • Disadvantages may be the following: too heavy/light weight, too long/short blade, the blade quickly dulls or rusts, the spine rubs your finger when cutting for a long time, the handle or the cut itself is not very comfortable, for example, the knife does not completely cut food when chopping, etc. .d.

2. Select the type of steel

The ability of a knife to remain sharp for a long time depends on the type and quality of steel from which the blade is made. Kitchen knives are made from the most different types steel, but most often it is:

  1. Stainless Steel is the most common material and is more suitable for the modern average user. Stainless steel dulls quickly (stainless steel kitchen knives are usually sharpened once every 1-1.5 months), but does not require special care;
  2. Carbon steel (Carbon knife) - this alloy cuts better due to its hardness, the blade remains sharp for a long time, but at the same time it is more fragile, quickly rusts, reacts to acids and becomes covered with a patina, so it requires special care and careful handling. But many professional chefs prefer this type of steel. The next photo shows what a new carbon steel knife looks like and a darkened knife covered with patina, which, by the way, does not affect the quality of the cut in any way, but on the contrary makes the blade more hygienic and, in our opinion, more noble in appearance.

  • Is it worth buying Ceramic knives? In our opinion, this is just an addition to the basic set of steel knives - although they remain sharp for a long time, their blades are too fragile, and if they do become dull, it will be almost impossible to sharpen them at home. However, it makes sense to buy inexpensive ceramic knives that can be replaced periodically.

3. How to inspect blades

  • So that you can chop well, cutting vegetables/fruits to the end, and also in order to save the main part of the cutting edge when chopping bones, choose a knife with an open heel, that is, when the blade is sharpened from the tip to the very heel of the bolster. On the other hand, most chef knives come with a closed heel and for many it does not bother them. The photo below shows two types of chef's knife - with a closed and open heel.

with open bolster heel

with closed bolster heel

  • The thicker the blade, the better it is;
  • The blade of a good chef should be smooth, and in high-quality stainless steel knives it should be completely mirror-like;
  • Pay attention to the quality of processing of the butt - it should be smooth so that your finger does not become calloused during long cutting.

4. Handle inspection

  • The highest quality tools are forged from a single piece of steel that runs through the entire knife - from the tip to the end of the handle. Thus, part of the steel is inside the handle between two plates. This fragment is called a full shank. If the steel does not go all the way to the handle, then it is called a half shank. Tools with a full shank are better balanced, this is truly an indicator of quality, but they are significantly more expensive.

  • The handle of the knife must be solid, tightly welded, strong - there should not be the slightest gaps or traces of welding at the joints of the parts. A poorly welded handle will become loose over time, and cutting the knife will become less effective due to a decrease in the force of pressure on it; in addition, dirt will begin to collect at the joints of the handle.
  • Also keep in mind that the material should not be slippery or become slippery due to oil getting on the handle.
  • As for the material of the linings, today the most commonly used materials are plastic, wood or rubber. Perhaps plastic, a composite of plastic and wood, and hard rubber are the best options.

5. Balance test

If you're looking to buy a new, high-quality knife, try using your old chef's example (if you have one) to figure out what kind of knife balance you want—one with a heavier handle, one with a heavier blade, or one with a balanced blade and handle. It is believed that a balanced knife is more convenient to use, and yet this is a very individual indicator. And, unfortunately, a balanced knife is not so easy to find even among expensive items. To test the knife, you need to place the knife with a bolster on your finger as shown in the photo below and try to “catch” the balance. If the knife does not fall off, then most likely it is a great specimen. (be careful, keep in mind that an inexpensive knife will fall right away).

6. How long should the blade be?

  • How bigger hand cook, the larger the blade size he can afford, and vice versa, the smaller hand- the smaller the tool should be, although this, of course, is not a rule, but rather a recommendation for non-professional cooks;
  • Small kitchen knives are safer, but larger ones can cut more food at once;
  • Keep in mind that most often the blade length of European knives is measured in inches. Chefs are typically 8, 10, and 12 inches long.

7. Japanese or European?

Chef's knives are divided into three groups: Japanese, European (Western) and knives made in Japan, but adapted for the “European”. In this photo you can see the difference between the hybrid (Misono) and the typical Euro-chef from Henckels.

  • At home, it is preferable to have a European (Western) type chef, since chopping vegetables or, for example, cutting up chicken is much more convenient for them due to the rounded shape of the cutting edge and the blade sharpened on both sides.
  • Traditional Japanese knives are more suitable for true connoisseurs of knife art and lovers of Japanese cuisine. The classic “Japanese” has a one-sided blade sharpening, a very thick spine, the shape of the cutting edge is almost straight, and it can only be sharpened on water stones. The main way to work with it is vertical movements, that is, practically chopping. In general, this instrument cannot be called a generalist.
  • But another category of Japanese knives, that is, Western-style hybrid knives, have gained popularity all over the world and are valued for their very high quality steel, which holds an edge for a long time. But they have one big disadvantage - they are still very demanding in terms of care. The most famous Japanese knives are made by Misono (pictured above) and Shun.

If the topic of Japanese knives interests you, we suggest watching a video review of a European chef and a Japanese hybrid in a Western style.

Every housewife knows how much things work out when there are good knives in the kitchen. Balanced, sharp, comfortable in the hand - it’s a pleasure to work with them. Our rating will tell you about the brands that offer the most reliable ones, and you can buy them profitably in the kitchen knife store


  • These Japanese forged knives are a real work of art, which, nevertheless, can be purchased for your kitchen. Most of the work is done by hand, as evidenced by the engraving on the blade. Knives could be seen in the hands of actors from the films “Terminator” and “Rimbaud”.
  • Any chef will tell you that humanity has not yet come up with anything better than forged products, which is why these knives are in first place in such ratings.
  • The Hattori line of kitchen knives consists of several series. In the KD collection, the knives have composite blades, a core made of Cowry X steel and a lining made of 63 layers of Damascus. These are the most expensive knives in the collection and in our rating - their prices start at $800 for a 10.5 cm long blade.
  • The very thin blade at the base of the blade has excellent cutting properties, but is not capable of rough work. The handle is made of stabilized composite material(micarta), which does not swell or shrink.
  • The HD series is more affordable in price. The blades have 62 layers of nickel damascus and a VG-10 steel core. The handle is made using pakka wood technology (laminated plastic made from valuable wood species).

Sabatier Lion

  • Another premium segment knives made of forged and alloy steel from the German manufacturer Thyssen Krupp. Almost the entire design of Sabatier knives is classic - with brass or steel rivets, and only a small series is produced with cast steel handles.
  • There are Sabatier knives with mirror polishing. The quality of the cutting edge has a hardness of 48-52 HRC and such a knife is quite capable of serving for 20 years without frequent sharpening.
  • Balanced and lightweight handles made of stabilized wood and polyoxymethylene (scratch-resistant material).
  • The price for the cheapest steel knife is 7,700 rubles for a 10 cm blade. Forged ones start from 10 thousand. For a lower price you can easily find a replica made in China (Sabatier international).


The Japanese company Yoshikin came up with the idea of ​​producing kitchen knives from solid stainless steel. And the blade itself is an internal layer of Cromova 18 and softer Sus 414 steel, which protects the knife from chipping and rust.

With intensive use, knives require sharpening at least once every 8-10 months. The handles on Global knives are perfectly balanced with sand, making them easy to use with both dry and wet hands.

The price starts from 3660 rubles.


These knives are of Brazilian origin. The company is over 100 years old and today its products are represented in 120 countries. In addition to all kinds of household utensils, the brand has a very big choice all kinds of knives: for fishing and hunting, professional and hatchets.

The Century series is a professional set of knives with forged blades (providing the finest sharpening) and hardening up to 56 units. The handles are made of fiberglass and polycarbonate. The manufacturer guarantees that the steel will not tarnish or darken over time.

Knives sold individually are notable for their rubber strips on polypropylene handles (Multicolor series, price from 350 rubles and AMALFI, price from 100 rubles). In general, the range of kitchen knives is large and you can find both a highly specialized knife (for steak, tomatoes, meat and vegetables) and a universal one (more than 22 items), the price starts from 400 rubles for a wooden handle.


Judging by the name, such samurai knives can only come from Japan. Harakiri, Bamboo, Shadow - there are a lot of collections, some made from zirconium ceramics, ceramic titanium and 67-layer Damascus steel. The latter are the most expensive, but also the most impressive. Steel knives can be either single-layer or multi-layer; there are also highly specialized and universal knives.

Handles also offer a wide variety - made of fiberglass, artificial stone and steel. You can purchase knives from this company on the official website of Samura knives

Sets start from 3 thousand rubles, fruit knife - from 530, a little more - from 720 rubles.

Zwilling J.A.Henckels, SOLINGEN

The German company Zwilling J.A. Henckels from Solingen, Germany has been selling kitchen knives on the Russian market for a long time. Only the price for them is steep - it starts from 11 euros for a small blade. On sale in markets you can often find Chinese fakes that completely copy the shape of Solinger knives. Of course, they cannot counterfeit high-quality sheet steel and non-melting plastic.

There are a lot of knives: kitchen knives, for ham, for beefsteak, steak, bread, for bones and separating meat from bones, for vegetables (separately for tomatoes) and cheese. There are only 8 types of bread knives, and 5 types of vegetable knives.

There is a forged professional knife with a very wide blade (70 euros). Its ergonomic handle made of fire-resistant plastic is thought out to the smallest detail and fits perfectly in the hand.

The warranty against manufacturing defects includes a free replacement, albeit after an examination.


  • Largest producer kitchen utensils, which produces a large range of kitchen knives made of high-quality x30Cr14 stainless steel.
  • The steel blades are sharpened by hand and have a special mark. There are also ceramic blades (with a satin polish) and Teflon coating.
  • Plastic handles are balanced, there are forged and made of synthetic materials, with special recesses for better grip. Many models come with polypropylene sheaths, which further preserve the sharpness of the knife.

A wide range of knives from this company are presented on the official website

The price per unit starts from 300 rubles, for a set - from 800 rubles.


A German company that sells sets and individual knives. There are 3 collections: de luxe, premium, classic. Moreover, the last two consist only of sets of classic design.

The first series, De luxe, is distinguished by a contrasting decor - a white stripe on a black or red plastic handle with a rubberized coating. Some blades have a Nano Resin ceramic coating that won't allow any food to stick to it.

Sets from this series are different great design, thanks to the Xynflon color coating - bright, colorful, with a pattern. These are the knives that will attract attention first in the kitchen. They have the same stands - futuristic and high-tech.


Another global tableware manufacturer is Austrian, which has factories in China. Peterhof has the most bright design kitchen knives. The only thing is that the brand has few products sold individually (price - from 470 rubles). But when choosing sets, your eyes just run wild.

Blades with Teflon or non-stick coating, stainless steel, zirconium ceramics. Looks very nice titanium coating blades, with a smooth transition from light to dark (Peterhof PH - 22348/49/50).

Handles: combination of stainless steel and bakelite, colored silicone, antibacterial coating. There are even soft handles (Peterhof PH-22424), ergonomic and very comfortable. The price of the sets starts from 500 rubles, but the quality of the steel still remains high (18\10).


This Danish company sells a wide range of household goods, but they don't have a lot of knives. The handles are made of non-slip materials and bakelite. Stands are made of wood and acrylic.

Blades are made of multi-colored ceramics and stainless steel. Some models have a Teflon coating that protects the product from oxidation.

The price starts from 180 rubles.

Any restaurant begins with the kitchen, and the kitchen itself begins with the tools the cooks use. Buying high-quality knives is not only a great way to increase productivity, but also an opportunity to improve appearance dishes.

Buying good knives for the kitchen worries both restaurateurs and ordinary housewives. If chefs and restaurateurs need the best steel for knives, ideally adjusted dimensions, blade shape and optimal balance of blade with handle, then in everyday life they can limit themselves to just a good model from a well-known manufacturer. However, all categories of “kitchen cooks” should think about which types of these tools are most needed in the kitchen, and which ones can be neglected.

Chief (CHEF's)

The most important knife in the kitchen. Without exception, all well-known brands of knives with several “Chef” models at once. Blade length varies from 6 to 12 inches (15-30 cm). However, products shorter than 8-9 and longer than 10 inches are rarely found on sale. Most European Chiefs have a blade length of 6, 8 or 10 inches. Medium sized handle. The dimensions are chosen in such a way that the tool is convenient to use for people with different hand sizes.

Santoku bōchō

The Japanese equivalent of "Chief". Its name is translated into Russian as “three ways of use.” This suggests that the Santoku performs well three main functions: chopping, slicing and crumbling food. Unlike the “Chef”, the blade of this knife has only a slightly rounded shape. However, it does not interfere with quickly shredding and cutting food - the main thing is to get used to the features of the tool.

Small knives

This class includes instruments with a short blade and a small handle. The shape of the blade can vary from slightly rounded to claw-shaped (rounded into reverse side). Small knives of traditional shapes are perfect for those jobs where a large “Chef” or “Santoku” would look awkward. Tools with a claw blade are most often used for peeling round vegetables and some types of delicacies.

Gastronomic knife (SLICER, CARVING)

Gastronomic knives are great for slicing a variety of foods into thin slices. They have a long, stiff and rather narrow blade. The functionality of the “slicer” depends on the quality of the steel and sharpening. Cheap brands of kitchen knives tend to offer tools made from materials that are not hard enough and are not suitable for fine slicing. Therefore, as with a chef's knife, it is recommended to choose a slicer made from high-strength stainless steel, despite the fact that the price of such products can be quite light on the pocket.

Which knife steel is best? Brand rating

When developing materials for kitchen knives, the main difficulty lies in optimal combination hardness and strength. Durable steel is resistant to chipping and crumbling, but it loses its edge very quickly. Solid, in turn, under the influence of external forces is not subject to such strong deformations, but easily breaks and crumbles under strong impacts. Also, when compiling the rating of the best steel grades for knives, we took into account corrosion resistance, because it is unlikely that anyone would want to buy a tool that constantly rusts.

M390 - Contains vanadium and chromium, due to which it can boast high wear resistance and good anti-corrosion properties. This grade of steel is preferred by many European manufacturers due to its ability to quickly sharpen and long-term preservation of the original sharpness of the blade.

VG-10 is a Japanese development, which, like M390, contains chromium and vanadium. Blades made from it are distinguished by high strength and long-term retention of sharpness, however, they can crumble when working on hard cutting boards.

ZDP-189 is another Japanese high-strength steel, which, unlike the previous brand, has good ductility. Many well-known brands make chef knives from this material that are highly polished and have excellent cutting properties. The only drawback of the ZDP-189 is some fragility, which manifests itself upon strong impacts against a bone or hard surface.

CPM S35VN is considered one of the best grades of American steel. It is an improved version of the CPM S30V, to which the famous master Chris Reeve added a little niobium. Due to this, CPM S35VN has become better at holding an edge compared to its predecessor, without losing any hardness or ductility.

The following grades of steel for making knives can also be classified as the highest class:

  • D-2 - hard steel, which makes sharpening the blade more difficult;
  • Elmax is a brand with high wear resistance and anti-corrosion properties;
  • 154CM is a very hard steel, but not suitable for use on hard surfaces;
  • BG-42 is difficult to sharpen, but the blade holds its acquired sharpness very well.

Kitchen knife brands - rating

Dick kitchen tools are considered the most reliable and wear-resistant among products from German manufacturers. Over the years, the company has developed a wide range of special models for bakery products, meat, vegetables, seafood, etc. Universal chef knives are made of high-strength Damascus steel, which can go without sharpening for months, even with intensive use.

The Brazilian company Tramontina ranks second in the ranking the best manufacturers kitchen knives. Unlike many products with big names, these knives are truly suitable for professional use. The main advantages of Tramontina tools are the ability to choose among several models of handles and the use of high-quality steel grades: DIN-1.4110, AISI 420 with the addition of molybdenum and SAE 1070. The handles are made from both ergonomic artificial and more expensive natural materials.

Our rating of the best knife manufacturers available in Russia is completed by the Giesser company. This is a well-known German manufacturer of professional kitchen knives and accessories for Food Industry. secret High Quality is a special composition of steel with the addition of chromium, molybdenum, and vanadium. All tools are distinguished by an optimal ratio of hardness and strength, and easily withstand exposure to acidic and alkaline environments.

The knife handles are made of wear-resistant plastic with anti-slip and antimicrobial properties. Some models are available with a handle made of precious wood. Gisser knives are considered one of the best on the market in terms of ease and durability of sharpening, ergonomics, cutting properties and ease of maintenance.

A kitchen knife should be convenient and reliable so as not to let its owner down at a crucial moment. Therefore, when choosing, you should give preference to brands with a good long-term history.