How to place a computer desk in the living room. Computer in the kitchen (my option)

When trying to incorporate a desk into your kitchen, it can be difficult to find appropriate place for him. It is also extremely difficult to fit this piece of furniture into the interior in such a way that it not only does not stand out from the general concept, but also emphasizes it favorably.

Most often, the workspace is a certain area where a desk is combined with kitchen cabinets, pencil cases, and hanging storage systems. As a result, this corner absolutely does not fit into the overall ensemble. However, there are several ways to avoid foreignness and successfully introduce a cabinet into the kitchen.

Changing the wall

Cope with challenging task Placing a whiteboard or writing area directly above your desk helps. This makes the space more functional and allows you to establish a relationship with the shelves hanging above it.

The office can be visually highlighted using accents. The contrasting shades of the panels help the space sparkle with new nuances. Using an apron in the form of wallpaper or tiles in this area allows you to not only highlight it, but also save money. The fact is that using such materials around the entire perimeter of the room would be quite expensive.

Placement in front of a window

Location work surface directly under the window is advantageous in several aspects:
  • there is a lot of natural light here, which, without a doubt, is important from the point of view of the functionality of this space;
  • Replacing the window sill with a table saves space and makes it even more functional.

In this case, designers advise placing storage elements at a distance if possible.

Maximizing functionality

If you can't sacrifice an entire corner of the kitchen for use only when you need to work, such a surface can also be used for cooking. All you have to do is swap the computer and food processor or a bread maker. Put the device that is not needed now in the closet and take out the other.

By the way, an island placed in the middle of the room is ideal for this purpose.

Niche arrangement

Often in Russian apartments there are nooks that are difficult to adapt to anything (including in kitchens). This is an ideal place to organize an office. All you have to do is arrange the full-height shelves, connect the sockets - and you're done! If desired, you can even install a sliding door.

Many of us have to work from home. Freelancers, managers and people of other professions have this need. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to equip a workspace in an apartment even if there is no room for an office. Using the advice of designers, you can not only achieve this goal, but also make the room more interesting and advantageous.

Particular attention should be paid to the work area. With proper planning, the work area can be as functional as possible and serve several purposes. These tips will be especially useful for those who have a small apartment.

A work area in the kitchen can become a home office or a children's creativity table. If you place trays for storing stationery near the table, then this place will become even more functional. At the same time, the kitchen will not lose its appearance if you choose the appropriate furniture, for example, a chair that fits into the overall interior design.

You can also set up a women's corner in the kitchen. A mirror, cute trinkets, a bouquet of flowers - and a romantic area has been created, where you can carry out cosmetic procedures, do makeup, etc.

If the kitchen is large then workplace can be equipped according to all the rules using a comfortable chair or office chair. This way, the work area will stand out brightly against the background. general design kitchen interior. It is advisable to supplement this design with appropriate paintings, photographs or posters.

Another option is to use the buffet for other purposes. Just instead of dishes and kitchen utensils Place the items needed for work on the shelves.

To save space, you can equip a mobile work area in the kitchen. In this case, all office supplies are hidden in the cabinet, the keyboard is placed on a pull-out shelf, and the monitor, if necessary, can be easily removed.

In fact, you don’t need to set up a workplace large space. It’s enough to get rid of unnecessary items and surround yourself with only important elements. Minimization requires space organization and neatness.

Setting aside a separate isolated workroom for a home office with the installation of a computer is only possible in spacious apartments. In two-room apartments, three-room apartments, and even more so in one-room apartments, the computer is installed in a room that already has a functional load.

A design project will help you create a competent interior for a room with a computer. The main thing is to maintain the autonomy of the work area, which does not conflict with the design and fits harmoniously into the decor of the room.

Whatever room the computer is located in - living room, kitchen or bedroom, the room space is divided into zones. In accordance with zoning rules, designations are carried out using color palette, lighting, as well as due to the difference in texture and texture of the finishing material.

Choosing a place in the apartment

To install a desktop computer with a system unit, printer and scanner, a significant area is required in comparison with the placement of a laptop. When organizing a home office, it is important to follow technical safety rules when working with computer equipment - grounded sockets in a number equal to the number of working devices, as well as provide a wireless connection for working on the Internet.

Convenience and comfort in the workplace is achieved through furniture designed for these purposes - a separate table or retractable tabletop, paper storage systems, shelves for office supplies, as well as telephone holders.

Installing a computer according to Feng Shui means taking the equipment into a separate room. Ancient Chinese teaching warns against negative stimulation of the mind when installing a system unit in a nursery or bedroom. But if it is impossible to equip a separate office, a desktop computer is installed on the north side of the room and removed from view in a non-working state.

The teaching recommends placing a couple of large crystals near the monitor - both a design technique and cupping negative energies. Cacti and a number of some house plants also grow well near computer equipment, absorbing wave radiation.

Bedroom +

Small apartments. There are many more of them than we would like. Most families are forced to live in modest areas of two- and one-room apartments and ensure maximum comfort by reorganizing the space.

Many people work online without leaving home, and organizing a home office is a pressing issue. This is how a living room or bedroom with a computer appears - an office at home, without which existence today is unthinkable.

In a small bedroom, organizing a workplace involves choosing a place for equipment. For miniature rooms, it is better to abandon a desktop computer and purchase a laptop or all-in-one computer, marking the latter on the wall. During non-working hours, it is used as a TV, fortunately, the functions allow it.

If the bedroom is a little more spacious, use the window sill as a tabletop, placing a storage system on the side of the window and something like a secretary in the lower part.

The biggest disadvantage of placing computer equipment in the bedroom is considered to be not the noise of the processor, but a partner sitting too long at the monitor, as well as children spending a large number of time in the parents' bedroom.

Living room +

Organizing a workspace in the living room is often practiced. Even at the stage of repair work, the location of office equipment is designated. As a rule, a place is chosen near the window. If there are two windows in the hall, computer desk placed between the openings.

Electrical wiring is installed in the work area, the required number of sockets are installed, and space for storage systems is allocated. Installation lighting fixtures is carried out taking into account the fact that a small living room with a computer will be illuminated differently, depending on the functionality of the zones.

The workplace area is provided with strong lighting to prevent eye fatigue and ergonomic furniture to avoid problems with the spine.

The workspace does not need individual decoration. The furnishings become part of the scenery, indicating the functional qualities of the area.

When installing portable equipment, a lot of space is not required. Installing a cabinet with a retractable table top will allow you to place your laptop comfortably. Part of the interior of such a cabinet is used for storage and office supplies.

Children's +

Ignoring the teachings of the ancient Taoists, schoolchildren, and especially teenagers, cannot imagine their own room without office equipment. In this case, even the smallest children's room with a computer is divided into areas for relaxation, sleep, study, and part of the area for communicating with peers.

For children, quality lighting plays a key role. Study and work area with cabinets, shelves and desk should be well lit, and also have additional light sources in the form of table lamps.

In design, it is advisable to adhere to one style direction.

An optimized option for decorating a nursery for a child of any age is considered to be a conservative style in the spirit of modern classics. This is a good one wooden furniture and quality accessories. A refined design acts as an accent detail. computer chair with chrome parts and anatomical seat.

A romantic or ethnic style with abundance will look good in a girl's room. decorative ornaments. The directions are quite similar, and are equally designed to emphasize femininity and girlish tenderness:

For growing boys, rooms are often decorated in high-tech style:

The clarity of lines and shapes, the abundance of metal and plexiglass in the arrangement of your own room, radically influence the formation of character. Having their own equipment, rather than a computer allocated for a while in their father’s office, contributes to the boys’ maturation and self-organization, and also instills a sense of responsibility.

Kitchen +

In conditions small apartments, and the kitchen does not shine in size. If it is impossible to set up a home office in one of the rooms, and if the apartment is one-room, then in the only room, you have to install a computer in the kitchen.

In a small kitchen area, it is better to use compact mobile cabinets and mobile racks for storage systems for office equipment.

On small space It is difficult to create a full-fledged workplace. A more profitable option would be to purchase a laptop instead of a desktop computer with a large and noisy system unit that takes up a lot of space in the room.

It’s good if the kitchen is equipped with a niche in which you can easily organize an office area. Zone delimitation is mandatory. It is generally advisable to erect some kind of partition, since the smells of culinary masterpieces, even with a strong hood, greatly distract from work.

In a rectangular kitchen, a bar counter equipped with transparent or colored glass will perfectly delimit the space by creating work and office areas. Square kitchens are zoned with a plasterboard ledge, behind which office equipment is hidden. When decorating a kitchen in the style of Japanese minimalism, install a beautiful screen, completely hiding work area with a computer.

And a little about the balcony

Organizing a home office in a suspended balcony is associated with specific repair work. For office equipment, high or low air temperatures are not as dangerous as the dampness that penetrates everywhere.

Installing a computer on the balcony means major renovation utility room. Before you let me down power cables, it is necessary to lay waterproofing and insulation along external walls, floor and ceiling, as well as glazing window openings.

Care must be taken to ensure that the monitor does not suffer from direct sunlight, so the windows should be equipped with blinds. To avoid overheating of equipment in the summer heat, it is necessary to install an air conditioning system.

At low winter temperatures, the system unit may also fail. Therefore, the balcony room needs to be heated. In this situation, the system of electric heated floors becomes the rational grain and the only solution, since the removal of radiators central heating Balconies are prohibited.

And one more aspect that distinguishes a balcony room from a room in an apartment. This is the presence of dust. When organizing an office on the balcony, you should take care of powerful coolers for the system unit.

As for the design style of a home office located on a balcony, then style direction depends on the personal preferences of the owner of the work area.

I was recently asked where is the best place to set up a home office in a small apartment? Can you guess what I answered? Wherever there is a place! Let's look at photos today with ideas for compact placement of tables for a computer and laptop in the living room, bedroom, kitchen and hallway.

Many have Personal Computer, but not everyone has their own personal work area in the house to sit quietly with it away from the noise and bustle. In addition, in a small apartment there is not enough space to accommodate several computer tables, and they do not decorate the interior. Here various tricks and multifunctional furniture will come to the rescue.

Work corner in the living room

Of course, I’ll start with my beloved bureaus, which can double as a chest of drawers or just a wonderful interior decoration. You can choose a very tiny office to fit the size of your apartment.

For owners of walls, I can offer this option: a compartment with a hinged door, where a bar is usually made, can serve as a computer desk. In the same way, you can use a sideboard of a similar design or a bookcase.

For those who have a wardrobe in their living room, it’s even easier - you can organize a workplace right inside; this technique is often used by owners of one-room apartments. In general, in any furniture individual project you can provide a place to place a computer or laptop, be it a living room, bedroom, hallway or kitchen

Work area in the bedroom

Choosing for the bedroom dressing table You can provide the possibility of using it as a desktop for a laptop.

In the interior of the smallest bedroom you can always find a corner for such a shelf.

If the bedroom set is made to order, then you can come up with something more interesting than a modest shelf, for example, like in this photo:

Work area in the kitchen

There is no particular need to make a table for a computer or laptop in the kitchen - after all, you can always use the dining table. However, I offer two options for making working corners in the same style with kitchen set. Their advantage is their compactness; perhaps someone will find this idea useful for a corridor or hallway.

Hallway and corridor

I have already mentioned the equipment of the workplace in the closet. Here's another idea: make a table like this for a laptop.

A small cozy work area can be placed in the hallway or in the closet, hiding it behind a curtain.

If there is no storage room and there is no free space in the hallway, a similar idea can be implemented on an insulated balcony. Many people in our country do this, but today I couldn’t find any photographs for example; the design looks like this:

Folding work tables

So we come close to the question - what to do if there is no free space at all? In this case, I can recommend folding and folding tables; Ikea and other furniture manufacturers have several models.

This photo shows a wonderful folding Murphy Desk table, I think a man with “hands” will figure out how to make one himself. Good idea, both for home office and for needlework.

Another example of a folding desk for narrow spaces from the German designer Michael Hilgers; there will certainly be a place for this in your apartment.

Look how many examples of placing a computer desk in the interior of a small apartment I was able to offer today. I hope you liked the photos and found the right idea for creating your cozy home office!

If we exclude apartments where elderly people live, then all other families have at least one computer, or even as many as 3-4 - one for each family member. When you have a separate room where all your computer equipment is comfortably located, it’s just great. But what about those families who cannot afford to have two or three separate rooms? That's right, you need to organize a workplace in the available space. And it doesn’t matter whether you work full-time at home or just use a desk with a computer to communicate in social networks– in any case, the workplace should be comfortable. We invite you, together with the “Dream House” website, to see how you can organize a workplace in an apartment so that it is pleasant to follow the ups and downs of your friends on Odnoklassniki, look at photographs of interiors, or prepare a quarterly accounting report.

Workplace organization ideas photo

Basic conditions for organizing a workplace at home

  • When choosing a place for your desk, you need to analyze whether it will be convenient for you to work there. There is a science called “ergonomics”, which helps to properly organize human activity, in our case, work. It is precisely the principles of ergonomics that you need to be guided by when choosing a work area, that is, so that nothing gets in the way and, at the same time, all the necessary items are at hand (paper, pens, flash drives).
  • The next condition is functionality. The presence of shelves, drawers, hooks, and clips is mandatory for orderliness of the workplace.
  • And the last factor is sufficient lighting and fresh air flow to the part of the room where you are going to work.

Interesting ideas for organizing a workplace in an apartment

Another option for using a compact workstation, for example in one-room apartment- this is with a desktop and shelves. To get to the computer, you will only need to move one door to the side. The rest of the time, a closed cabinet does not bear any mention of the work area located inside.

Approximately the same principle works if you place a laptop in the opening doors of the secretary. True, in this case it is inconvenient to work for a long time due to the fact that there is nowhere to put your feet - you will only have to sit sideways at such a “work desk”.

An unusual workplace can be organized in a cabinet that looks like a huge one, which is placed vertically with the doors open at 90°. On one inner part of such a “suitcase” there is a computer table and drawers, on the other there are bookshelves. Such original furniture will allow you to privacy even in a one-room apartment.

A table with a computer can also be placed in the bedroom, if, of course, your significant other doesn’t mind. But doctors, as well as followers of Chinese teachings, do not recommend turning the sleeping area into a working area. Use this option if others cannot be implemented. In the bedroom, the table can be placed near the wall instead of the ladies' corner, or you can move it close to the bed and place it near the foot of the bed.

In general, in order to arrange a workplace, you can use any free space in the room. For example, one meter between the wall and the closet can already be turned into an office. To do this, you will probably have to make a custom-made table, but you can use the leftover material for shelves and even small bookcases located above the computer. There is also a place for a cork or fabric board, where all important notes are usually attached.

Workplace in a small room

If your apartment has a storage room or, then consider yourself lucky. A separate office with a closing door will fit perfectly into a room that is usually used as storage for unnecessary things. But before you settle down here thoroughly, decide two very important issues - ventilation and lighting.

Look around the room carefully, maybe you can find a free corner? Use it, even if at first glance it seems insignificant. As in the previous case, custom-made furniture will help out, and wall mounts for a monitor and keyboard will certainly come in handy. These are very convenient devices that can save space. Besides, rotating mechanisms allow you to change the angle of the monitor and the height of the keyboard specifically for each PC user.

A home office in the kitchen (next to the refrigerator and kettle) – isn’t this the dream of every office worker? If the dimensions of the kitchen allow, then a small table can be installed somewhere near a window or in the corner of the room. In the end, you can fall into the arms of a soft one, and temporarily use the table as a worker.

Use a wide hallway to create a home office. This is where you can go wild with the length of the table and shelves! Use the space along long wall and install a table-rack there, and attach a couple of the same long shelves on top - and now a chic workplace is ready. Let the table not be too wide, but it will be long, and all the necessary little things will fit on it.

In high apartments, with walls more than 3 meters high, the office is placed under the ceiling. To do this, a small platform is made on the “second floor”, and an elegant staircase is led up to it. But here, as in the case of a home office in a closet, you need to solve the issue of fresh air flow, since it can be hot and stuffy under the ceiling.