What color of walls in the bedroom is recommended. Calm and bright colors in the bedroom interior, photo examples

By referring to the works of psychologists, you can find out what colors, according to experts, should be presented in the bedroom. Scientists recommend using light colors, which will help you relax in the evening, and in the morning - set you up for work. Beige, light grey, lavender, smoky pink, pale yellow, peach and pale green - these shades will be appropriate in the bedroom. They give a feeling of comfort and do not cause irritation.

Taste preferences

It’s great if the opinion of psychologists coincides with your taste, however, if you don’t have a soul for light and pastel colors, but, on the contrary, you like bright and flashy ones, it would be right to listen to yourself. You need to approach the design carefully: nevertheless, making the rest room bright red or light green is not very useful. Pay attention to more muted options - burgundy, purple, deep blue. These colors are suitable for decorating the walls in the room.

Try making one of the walls bright, and for the rest, choose a similar calm shade.

Room size

Great if you own large bedroom. In this case, you can experiment with shades and not be afraid dark colors, which, on the contrary, can even make the room more comfortable. It's another matter if the room is small. You will have to choose a paint or wallpaper color that will not narrow the already small room. White and light gray walls will look good in a tiny bedroom. Comfort can be added with furniture and accessories. Buy a bright bedspread and hang curtains in rich colors on the window. You will feel great in such a room.

If your bedroom has a high ceiling, and because of this you do not feel safe, use a color for its decor that is several tones darker than the walls.

Side of the world

Consider also which side your windows face. A bedroom that is located on the north or west side will be quite dark in the morning. This environment is not at all conducive to a cheerful start to the day, so it makes sense to correct it with the help of a good color scheme. Add light using pink, apricot, light beige, and golden shades. Don't be guided by the first impression that wallpaper or paint made on you in the store. Take a sample home, attach it to the wall and clearly see that the shade is suitable. The southern bedroom can get quite hot in summer, so best solution for her these are cool colors: blue, lavender. But a room whose windows face east will become even more comfortable if you use a delicate orange color scheme for its decor.

How annoying it can be when you are very tired, and when you go to bed you cannot fall asleep, or you fall asleep and wake up tired because you were unable to relax and rest properly. These problems may be related to stress and other factors that are not always easy to correct.

What you can do, however, is make sure that color for bedroom chosen correctly, and the bedroom has a calm and relaxing environment.

Very green beautiful colour, a color of freshness that is usually associated with nature, means green can be a great choice. If you decide to paint your bedroom walls green, then choose pleasant shades. Pastel shades Always a good option. But if it's too light a tone, it can make the bedroom look ugly, so try to choose a darker one.

It is important to create a relaxing mood by using calm and soft colors that remind you of nature,

The color blue is usually associated with water or the sky. Even if it is a cool color, it has a very calming and relaxing effect. Blue for a bedroom looks very nice when combined with white, but it is worth adding warm colors such as earthy brown, yellow or red to create a good balance in the bedroom.

You can alternate different shades to avoid monotony

Purple color for the bedroom

Very purple interesting color. It is the result of a combination of blue and red, cool and warm tones, so it is difficult to definitively say whether it is a cool color or not. However, it is a beautiful color that can be soothing and relaxing. For the bedroom, light shades such as purple lilac are suitable.
You can use purple as an accent color for just one wall and you can match the bedding.

The color of the bedroom plays an important role, as does the fact that the room should be clean and spacious. A bedroom in which clothes are scattered on chairs and there is no place for things cannot create a relaxing environment. Therefore, the bedroom should always be clean and organized.

A very light and soft shade of pink makes the bedroom interior bright and warm at the same time. Of course, it is more suitable for girls, but now we are talking about what effect the color pink creates and how it affects our brain.

A pastel shade of pink can be very soothing, it should be a very light color, almost white, but warmer. You can complement the background with a workable accent color of pink, but with a brighter shade.

Lavender is known to have beneficial effects on relaxation, so use this calming scent in your bedroom to help you sleep better. You could try using a lavender spray on your pillowcases or using lavender plants in your bedroom.

It may come as a surprise, but a color doesn't have to be pastel to be relaxing and calming. For example, a very strong color. However, he may be excellent choice, as a color for the bedroom.

It's a warm and bright color that creates a cheerful atmosphere, and it can help you sleep better. You can use different shades of orange and mix them with yellow in the bedroom.

In addition to color, one more important element One thing that can affect the atmosphere in the bedroom and what can make you sleep better is temperature. Perhaps you have noticed that it is better to sleep when the room feels cool than when it is hot.

Ecology of life. Interior design: For a comfortable sleep and good rest It is very important to properly arrange your bedroom. It's no secret that the color of the surrounding space has a significant impact on our mood, health and psychological comfort. If we are talking about the bedroom, then due to the wrong color of the walls and furniture, sleep can be disturbed, well-being worsens, performance decreases and even depression develops.

For a comfortable sleep and good rest, it is very important to properly arrange the bedroom. It's no secret that the color of the surrounding space has a significant impact on our mood, health and psychological comfort. If we are talking about the bedroom, then due to the wrong color of the walls and furniture, sleep can be disturbed, well-being worsens, performance decreases and even depression develops. Therefore, when decorating such an important room as a bedroom, it makes sense to listen to the recommendations of psychologists in order to ensure healthy sleep, mental comfort, vigor and good mood.

Since ancient times, the classic color scheme for the bedroom has been considered pastel shades. This is due to the relaxing and pacifying effect they have on our psyche. If juicy, bright shades activate and strain attention, then gentle pastel colors, on the contrary, calm, set the mood for relaxation, relieve stress and excitement. For almost every color you can find a gentle muted pastel shade and decorate the bedroom in your favorite color scheme, which always pleases and evokes pleasant emotions.

If your life lacks confidence and stability, psychologists advise decorating your bedroom in a respectable classic style , which will give you the appropriate mindset day after day and help you achieve great success. A time-tested, win-win color combination can be an excellent color solution for such a bedroom. Ivory, milky or beige with various shades of gray, coffee and brown.

In the bedroom, the windows of which face the sunny side, it is often too hot and there is not enough air. Delicate shades of cool tones will help create a feeling of coolness, freshness and spaciousness. This is very important for good night, because in a hot, stuffy room it is impossible to fully relax and unwind. Light shades of blue, lavender, lilac, pistachio and sea green in combination with white, cream, light beige or silver gray will help visually enlarge the space and create an interesting design and delightfully fresh, airy interior.

If the bedroom is too cold or there is not enough light, they will come to the rescue warm colors. Moreover, for too dark or small rooms it is better to choose the most pale, delicate shades. And in bright and spacious rooms you can use more saturated ones, but still not too much. bright colors. Delicate shades of beige, yellow, golden, peach, terracotta and Pink colour will give you a feeling of warmth and comfort.

Concerning choice white for the bedroom, here the opinions of psychologists differ: some consider it too cold, joyless and even causing unpleasant associations with the hospital. But in most sources white interior still acceptable, especially if you add pleasant elements to it color accents and diversify the design with original decor.

Modern psychology believes purple bedrooms are unfavorable, causing sadness and depressive thoughts. The same applies to too much dark interiors (dark brown, black, etc.). An excess of dark tones in the bedroom is depressing, causing stress and anxiety. For example, dark brown walls that are fashionable now are not the most the best choice, especially if in such a room you will have to not only sleep, but also spend some part of the time during the day, for example, working on the computer, reading or watching TV.

Our living space in most cases is strictly predetermined. In some rooms we work, in others we cook and eat food, in others we eat water treatments, in the fourth we rest. And each of these rooms has its own unique atmosphere. But it is especially worth highlighting the bedroom - the place where each of us spends a third of our lives. A comfortable stay in the bedroom depends on the intricacies of many factors. Style and arrangement of furniture, Decoration Materials, surface texture and much more. But to a greater extent, our perception of comfort is influenced by the color scheme of the interior. A well-created color scheme for the bedroom interior will allow you to restore strength as effectively as possible and promote healthy sleep.

Combination of colors and shades

The right interior color can visually increase or decrease the volume of the room, bring lightness and light, or, on the contrary, depress us. When creating a bedroom interior, you need to know how to correctly combine different colors to extract maximum benefit from being there.

The color scheme is divided into “warm”, “cool” and “neutral” colors. TO warm include red, orange and yellow, as well as all their shades. TO cold colors include blue, cyan, green, and their shades. It should be noted that green with a predominance of yellow or red is warm. And if green has more blue or blue, then it is closer to cold. Neutral colors are white, black and gray.

As already noted, certain colors can visually increase or decrease the volume of a room. You can visually enlarge the room with the help of receding colors. These include the whole range of cool shades. To visually reduce the room, protruding colors are used. These include the whole range of warm shades. Using the correct color combination, you can highlight or, conversely, distance each element of the bedroom decor, expand its volume or, conversely, reduce it. For example, if the bedroom is small, then the color of its interior can be done in white and blue shades. Namely: blue wallpaper, white furniture with blue inserts, a snow-white bed or a white bed with blue inserts. IN in this case The blue color of the wallpaper for the bedroom will expand its boundaries, and the white furniture and bed will give the room lightness and volume.

When choosing a color scheme for the bedroom interior, it is necessary to meet one more important requirement - color harmony. Color harmony is a certain combination of colors that has a beneficial effect on artistic expressiveness colors. Color harmony can be nuanced and contrasting. The principle of nuanced harmony is to use colors that are close in tone and soft shades. Moreover, if the bedroom uses furniture in dark shades, then most of the planes are painted in light colors. Nuanced color harmony in the bedroom is typical for small spaces and is most often used for bedrooms, children's rooms, and offices.

But in addition to nuanced harmony, there is also contrasting harmony. The principle of contrast is quite simple. It is built on the harmonious use of different colors and shades. It is recommended to use no more than three different colors. Otherwise, the room will look cluttered and quickly tire. Most often, a contrasting solution is based on the use of two shades. For example: orange and blue, yellow and blue, white and black. But it is not at all necessary to use only these primary colors. You can use different shades of them, but only in the range of two basic colors.

Important! When creating color solutions and selecting various colors and shades, special pantones are used. This type of pantone fan can often be seen when purchasing paint or from interior designers. But besides this, there are also special programs by which you can easily select suitable color and avoid many mistakes.

When planning the interior of a bedroom, many people wonder what color the bedroom should be, what color to choose for the bedroom in order to feel comfortable and relaxed. To do this, you need to know and understand how different colors affect our behavior and which ones are best used in the bedroom interior.

Red- this color has always been associated among people with uncontrollable energy; it causes an active and upbeat mood and anxiety. Rooms in scarlet colors irritate the human nervous system and quickly tire it. In addition, excessive use of red reduces productivity. Doctors note that in bedrooms where the color red predominates, blood pressure rises and breathing quickens. Using red in the bedroom requires careful approach and in moderation, best in combination with calmer tones of red. But to create a passionate atmosphere in the bedroom, this color will come in handy.

Orange- this color, like red, is warm and promotes high spirits and a bright atmosphere. But shades of orange, such as peach, are softer and promote a relaxed state.

Yellow- this color stimulates the nervous system, exudes freshness, clarity and warmth.

Green is the color of nature. It promotes calm and relaxation. As opposed to red, green reduces blood pressure and calms. Shades of green have a beneficial effect on hearing and inner harmony. Green color in the bedroom is one of the preferred and favorable colors for a person, but an excess of green can negatively affect the overall atmosphere.

Light blue and blue- these colors and their shades allow you to create a feeling of spaciousness and coolness in the bedroom. For a person blue and Blue colour and are associated with water and heaven, which has a calming effect on our psyche. But shades of blue also stimulate performance, lower blood pressure and reduce muscle tone.

Violet- this color creates a depressing impression, causing a feeling of isolation, heaviness and melancholy. This color should be used in the bedroom very carefully and in certain proportions.

White- this color symbolizes purity, order and infinity. This neutral color is used either alone or in combination with other colors. Unique property white color is to add volume and increase the brightness of other light colors. In combination with dark ones, it softens them and makes them lighter.

Brown and beige- these are the colors of earth and wood. Brown and its shades are more often used in rooms to give them respectability and style. Shades of brown allow you to create a feeling of comfort and security, the warmth of wood and its attractiveness. They promote health, reliability and good appetite.

Today, everyone is trying to create a bedroom interior with the expectation of its maximum impact for the benefit of those living there. For this, we use both traditional images and those that came to us from other cultures. One of the home improvement traditions brought to us is Feng Shui. The interior and color of a bedroom according to Feng Shui is a clever interweaving of various aspects of life with universal laws. Special attention paid to the location of the bedroom relative to the cardinal directions and color scheme. Let's take a closer look at what Feng Shui colors for the bedroom are.

  • For a bedroom oriented to the East and Southeast, green and brown colors are suitable.
  • Brown and dark yellow colors are suitable for the South-West and North-West bedrooms.
  • In a South-oriented bedroom, it is worth using red and its shades.
  • For a bedroom located to the North - blue color and its shades.
  • But for the bedroom in the Western and Northwestern sectors, white should be used.

Bedroom color schemes

Choosing a color scheme for a bedroom can be quite difficult. After all, not everyone has an education as an interior designer and a sense of style. But you can approach this issue from the other side, namely, choose from existing popular ready-made color solutions for the bedroom.

Beige bedrooms are a combination of different soft brown shades. The main colors are brown with a yellowish or grayish tint. Beige bedrooms create an effect of calm and tranquility. In fact, beige color goes with almost all colors. And if you wish, you can bring a little color into the bedroom that particularly appeals to you.

Wenge color is a dark brown-red color, the color of elite African wood. In the bedroom interior it is used in furniture to give the room status and prosperity. But don't be fooled by luxury. A wenge-colored bedroom is a minimalist, strict style of Asian interior design. Wenge color is used most often in the design of contrasting harmony and allows you to combine other brighter colors in the interior.

Gray color is associated with melancholy and inexpressiveness, but this color in the interior allows you to implement sophisticated and aristocratic ideas. Main feature gray is its neutrality, which, depending on the saturation of white or black, makes it possible to visually increase or decrease the volume of the room. In addition, the neutrality of gray is a unique opportunity to introduce other bright warm or cool shades into the interior.

White color in the interior is used to expand the space, creating lightness and transparency. For indoors it is perfect option. But it should be noted that you should not make a sterile white bedroom; it is better to choose one of many shades. For example, milk, cream or ivory. This bedroom will look elegant and sophisticated. Besides white bedroom can be filled with various important accessories to more dark colors, which will make them stand out from the general background.

Purple is quite a difficult color to use and should be used with caution. This especially applies to dark shades of purple. They are dark and depressing. But lighter shades will allow purple color bring some mystery and magical aura to the bedroom. Moreover, by diluting the overall purple palette with white inserts, you can bring lightness to the bedroom and expand its boundaries.

Blue color in the bedroom is one of the most suitable for this room. It has a calming effect and helps you relax. The only thing to consider when creating a bedroom in shades of blue is its lighting. There should be quite a lot of light and it is advisable that the bedroom is located on the sunny side. Also, various white interior items will not be amiss. They will expand the boundaries and add lightness to the entire room.

Green is the color of nature, and besides, this color has the most calming effect on our psyche. The most flattering tones in the bedroom will be muted green shades such as olive, marsh, gray-green and mustard. Having planned to make a bedroom in green, you need to adhere to the natural style in the interior and select other colors and shades accordingly.

Creating a bedroom interior is quite a painstaking task and you have to take quite a lot into account various factors. Not always ready-made solutions ideal for any occasion. But there are a number simple tips, following which you can correctly choose the color for the bedroom.

When choosing color range For the bedroom you need to know how the chosen color will fit into the overall interior.

  • The color scheme of a bedroom interior consists of several parts: furniture, decoration, accessories, curtains, etc. All of them must be harmoniously combined with each other.
  • Harmony in the interior can be achieved by using furniture and accessories in neutral colors.
  • Sometimes, to achieve the optimal color in the bedroom, you just need to use wallpaper or plasters with a certain texture and pattern. After experimenting a little with the images, you can choose the most suitable one.
  • When creating the interior of any room, remember one simple rule - light colors to expand the space, and dark colors to reduce it. So, to increase the height, you can use wallpaper with vertical stripes.
  • In the interior you should use only natural colors that exist in nature. This way you can make your bedroom more peaceful and comfortable.

And finally, remember that you can always turn to professionals with a sense of taste and harmony for help. You just need to describe your preferences to them.

Colors play a huge role in shaping the style, atmosphere and mood of the bedroom; each shade has its own impact on a person, so when choosing a palette, many factors must be taken into account. Everything in this room should contribute to relaxation, quality rest and sleep; flashy and ultra-bright colors in the bedroom interior should be avoided.

Preferably calm shades that help concentrate vital energy and restore inner harmony. Next, we’ll figure out what color the bedroom should be and find out what psychologists, designers and Feng Shui experts advise.

Favorable colors

The segment of the color palette for the bedroom is quite wide: from rich bright to very light, pastel colors, and the choice depends on the design style, geometric features, location of the room relative to the cardinal points, but mainly on the psychotype of the individual.

By general recommendation specialists, favorable colors for the bedroom - a pale, pastel palette: beige, powder, creamy, natural muted palette: sand, blue, green, some shades of brown, yellow and orange. It is better if the main wall decoration is monochrome, using 2 colors, maximum three, with highlighting accent wall beautiful wallpaper, unusual materials or photo wallpapers depicting landscapes or flowers.

Color combination in the bedroom, photo of how to use it correctly different shades one palette segment

Advice: Cool shades will add a cool touch to a sunny bedroom, but even these should be balanced with warm accent colors. For shaded rooms, a warm spectrum is recommended.

How to choose the main color for your bedroom

Designers insist that no more than seven colors should be present in one room, here the following should be taken into account:

  • decoration of walls, floors, ceilings;
  • the whole gamut of textile shades - curtains, bed linen, pillows;
  • color of furniture and accessories.

The optimal solution is to choose 2 conceptual colors, for example, the floor is wenge, the walls are purple, and all other furnishings and decor items are chosen to match, darker or lighter, but in this spectrum of the palette.

So, furniture can also be wenge, curtains and textiles - from pink to purple. To make the bedroom interior more expressive, it is recommended to add several bright or contrasting spots to the monochrome finish, but no more than 10% of the entire surface area; these can be vases, picture frames, a blanket, partial furniture upholstery, a pillow case, colored lamps, etc. etc.

Monochrome color scheme for the bedroom, photo of proper placement of accents

  • loft – white, gray (concrete), terracotta (brick);
  • classic – walls in light colors: beige, very pale green, coffee with milk, in Rococo - white in combination with gold, in classicism - dark brown or black with silver or white;
  • Mediterranean - sand, yellow, white and blue, including rich, azure, turquoise;
  • modern - almost all colors are acceptable, but in the bedroom you should choose a muted segment;
  • high-tech – white, black, here the focus is on the glossy texture of surfaces;
  • minimalism and eco-style – calm natural shades;
  • eastern directions - it is recommended to balance bright colors with a dark background, such design solution suitable for creative people who are not afraid of expression;
  • Japanese – beige and dark brown;
  • Provence - white, very light gray, pale shades of green, pink, blue.

Dark color of the walls in the bedroom, photo example of how to effectively play on contrasts

Important: To decorate small bedrooms, it is better to use a light palette. For low rooms - vertical stripe in finishing, for narrow ones - horizontal.

Psychology and Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui, colors for a bedroom should be soothing, conducive to relaxation and the accumulation of vitality. The best colors for decoration are: beige, cream, pistachio, ivory, gray, for boys - calm light green and blue, for girls - pale pink and powdery.

But calm color solutions for the bedroom, they often seem boring, and modern interiors require the implementation of new original ideas. To decide what colors to use for your bedroom, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of color perception:

  • Red is an aggressive color, suitable for temperamental natures; this color helps create an atmosphere of intimacy. For a bedroom, burgundy is suitable; it is better not to use bright shades and scarlet as the main background, they do not help restore energy, and you will not be able to relax in such an environment.
  • Yellow is an ambiguous color; it increases vitality and promotes the development of creative energy. The best colors for the bedroom are pale and dusty shades of yellow for the main decoration, a bright segment for details.
  • Blue – relaxes and calms, it would seem great option, but it slows down the psychological processes in the body, which does not contribute to sexual energy, so it is recommended to use this palette in doses.
  • Green is considered one of the most harmonious colors for the bedroom; it will create an atmosphere of rest, relax, and help concentrate vital forces. This is the only bedroom wall color that all experts advocate for.
  • Lilac, violet - relieve irritation and anxiety, develop intuitive thinking, suitable for sophisticated and creative people, but with business acumen. Colors reconcile opposites, pacify and encourage inner harmony.
  • Black/white – it is not recommended to use them in their pure form in the bedroom; it is better to dilute them with other colors or use them as accents. Only in rare cases, for extraordinary natures, for example, if the interior is in Gothic or high-tech style.

Even classic interiors will sound new if they are done in extraordinary colors

Good to know: The color is significantly influenced by the texture of the material, for example, a matte and shagreen surface will make the shade softer, while gloss will look cold.

Color combination in the bedroom interior

Absolutely obvious, best colors Everyone chooses for the bedroom independently, guided by the style of the interior and the temperament of the individual. We also found out that the color of the walls in the bedroom should be monochrome, and for greater expressiveness it is recommended to add several accent spots. Here it is important not only the color is correct, but also the tone of the shade:

  • gray is combined with olive, pink, lilac, muted yellow, turquoise;
  • red will look good with warm beige and cream, with gold, or in contrast with white or black;
  • sand, yellow, blue, white, green - the ideal solution for creating light, natural and original styles.