Winter pomegranate: planting and growing dwarf cherries. The best low-growing cherry varieties

All varieties of cherries differ from each other in various ways, be it ripening time, fruit size or region of growth. The most frost-resistant cherries are those grown in northern regions (Ob, Ashinskaya, Metelitsa), but the most productive and sweet varieties grow in the south of the country(Lyubskaya, Shpanka, Garland). Cherries, with early maturation the most stable, but their taste has much more sourness (Shokoladnitsa, Molodezhnaya), medium ripening varieties are the golden mean (Vladimirskaya, Zhukovskaya, Turgenevka). Another sign is the presence of flowers of both sexes, that is, self-fertility (Aphutinskaya, Memory of Enikiev). To choose which one is the most suitable variety cherries, you need to know all their characteristics.

Self-fertile cherry varieties

Self-fertile varieties include those cherries that no additional pollination required, and they independently set both male and female flowers.


A medium-sized tree that produces large and delicious fruits heart-shaped. The Apukhtinskaya variety begins to bear fruit already in the second year after planting, refers to late ripening, harvest ripening occurs in mid-August. The tree has good resistance to frost and drought, but it is also susceptible to fungal diseases.

Cherry variety Apukhtinskaya

Memory of Enikiev

The tree grows up to 3 meters in height, the crown is medium dense, spherical in shape. Fruit weight reaches 5 grams, so they can be considered large. The shape of the berries is oval, the color is dark red. The pulp of Pamyat Enikiev cherries is very tasty and juicy. The variety is distinguished by the presence of a large seed. The tree begins to bear fruit already in the 3-4th year of life, the period of full ripening of the crop falls at the end of June. You can harvest up to 15 kilograms of fruit from one cherry. Has average resistance to frost and drought.

Cherry in Memory of Enikeev

Self-fertile cherry varieties also include Garlyanda, Brunette, Cinderella, Shokoladnitsa, ErdiBetermo, Ksenia, Nochka, Vstrecha, etc.

Early varieties of cherries

Cherry varieties that ripen between early June and mid-July are called early. Their berries are less sweet, and the trees have good frost resistance.

Chocolate girl

This cherry tree is of medium height, with a crown shape resembling an inverted cone. The berries have a sour taste and dark burgundy color. The flesh is rich red in color, dense, with an easily separated seed.. The Shokoladnitsa variety tolerates frost and drought well, is resistant to many diseases, and is self-fertile. Brings a stable harvest.

Cherry Chocolate Girl


This variety is a cherry-cherry hybrid. A tall tree with freely growing branches is shaped like a ball. In addition, the attachment of the branches to the tree is quite weak, so when the harvest appears, there is a risk that they will begin to break. The taste of the berries is sweet and sour; on average, their weight is 4 grams. The color of the fruit is dark red, the shape is rounded and flattened. Shpanka brings the first harvest at 6-7 years of age, but at the age of 20 years you can get up to 60 kilograms of cherries from a tree. Fruiting occurs from late June to early July. The variety is highly resistant to frost and drought and needs pollinators.

Shpanka cherry variety


Bush cherry, with a low, slightly drooping crown. The fruits of the Molodezhnaya variety are large in size, their weight can reach up to 4.8 grams, the skin and pulp have the same dark burgundy color. The stone separates well, and the taste of the cherries themselves has a slight sourness; such berries are perfect for canning and freezing. The first harvest appears on a 5-year-old tree; fruiting mainly occurs on last year's wood. Molodezhnaya is a frost-resistant variety. Has average resistance to diseases.

Bush self-fertile cherry variety Molodezhnaya

Miracle cherry

Tree-like cherry with medium vigor. The crown of the tree needs constant shaping; with a free form of growth, it looks like a cone, and the fruits will accumulate at the very top. The taste of the berries is dessert, sweet, in all their external characteristics they resemble cherries, can reach a weight of 9.5 grams. The variety is self-sterile and requires pollinators. The tree begins to bear fruit at the age of 3, bringing a large, stable harvest. The fruits can be collected as early as early June. Miracle cherry is resistant to frost and most diseases.

Variety Miracle cherry


The tree is of medium height and spherical in shape. It bears beautiful fruits of dark red color with a pleasant sweet and sour taste; the stone is easily separated from the pulp. The shape of the berries is round, evenly flattened, weight reaches 5 grams. The Malyshka variety is characterized by good transportability, immunity to fungal diseases and frost resistance. Productivity is inferior to other varieties, from one tree you can get 17 kilograms of cherries. Their full ripening occurs at the end of June.

Cherry variety Malyshka

There are also other varieties of cherries with early ripening. For example, Memory, Bulatnikovskaya, Enikeeva, Bagryanka, Saniya, Vasilyevskaya.

Medium ripening cherry varieties

Mid-early cherries are those that ripen in mid-summer; they have the best taste.


Vladimir cherry fruits

Vladimirskaya- one of the oldest varieties grown in the central regions of Russia. Bushy tree, grayish bark. The branches grow downward, which is why the crown shape is called weeping. One inflorescence contains 5-7 delicate flowers white. The leaves are a matte green shade, elongated in shape, gradually becoming sharper towards the base and apex, the edge is double-serrate. The fruits are sweet and sour, slightly fibrous, well suited for any form of processing. The skin color is dark red, almost black, the weight of the berries does not exceed 3.7 grams, the shape is rounded and flattened. The first fruiting occurs in the 3rd year of life, cherry ripening occurs at the end of July. This variety It tolerates winter cold well, but spring frosts can completely destroy the inflorescences, and accordingly the entire harvest. It grows best in central Russia, with good care can bear 25 kilograms of fruit. In the northern regions, the yield drops significantly to 6-7 kilograms. Vladimirskaya needs pollinators and additional protection from diseases and pests. If the berries are not picked in time, they will begin to crumble very quickly.


Cherry variety Zhukovskaya

Cherry grows up to 2.5 meters, the crown of the tree is spreading, but sparse. The leaves are narrow, oval, dark green. Forms inflorescences of 3-4 flowers, medium in size with rounded petals. Fruiting occurs on last year's one-year-old wood. Most often the berries are arranged singly, sometimes in twos. Cherries of the Zhukovskaya variety are medium in size, up to 4 grams, dark red in color, core shaped. The pulp is tender, juicy, with a dessert taste. Disease resistance is average.


Cherry variety Kharitonovskaya

The tree grows to medium size, the flowers are large and white. The berries themselves are evenly round, the skin is bright red, and the flesh is orange. They have a sweet and sour taste, the stone is easily separated. Good immunity to various diseases, frost resistance is normal. The Kharitonovskaya variety needs additional pollination.


Turgenevka cherry variety

A cherry tree of this variety grows up to 3 meters and forms inflorescences of 4 white flowers. Fruiting occurs on bouquet twigs. The berries are broadly heart-shaped, large in size, weighing up to 6.5 grams. The skin color is dark red, the flesh is juicy, sweet and sour, the taste rating is normal. The first harvest ripens at 5-6 years of age, with full ripening of the fruits occurring in early July. Turgenevka tolerates well winter frosts, but may die when spring frosts appear. It is highly resistant to diseases and needs pollinators. The variety produces a good, stable harvest.


Cherry with fruits Morozovka variety

The tree grows of medium size, the crown is wide and spreading. Fruiting occurs on bouquet twigs, the berries are round in shape with a hole at the stalk, the weight can reach 5.5 grams. The skin is dark burgundy in color, the flesh is juicy, dessert taste with an easily separated pit.. Such berries are suitable for both fresh consumption and processing, and are easily transported. The tree begins to bear fruit in the 3rd year of life; the ripening of the fruits of the Morozovka variety occurs at the end of July. The harvest is stable, up to 500 kilograms per hundred square meters. The variety is resistant to frost, drought and disease. Requires pollinators.

The varieties Radonezh, Vstrecha, Igrushka, and Nochka also have an average ripening period.

Late cherry varieties

Late varieties ripen the very last, in late summer-early autumn.


Harvest of Lyubskaya cherry variety

The variety is intended for cultivation in central and southern Russia; it is very demanding on soil fertility and quality of care. Forms large harvest with blood-red, transportable fruits with mediocre taste. These berries are ideal for processing. The tree is self-fertile, but with additional pollination it produces larger crops. young tree bears up to 26 kilograms of fruit, and an adult up to 60. Lyubskaya is not frost-resistant and is often susceptible to various diseases.


Cherry variety Shchedraya

Bush cherry with shoots raised upward. The weight of one cherry is approximately 4 grams, the shape is round, the color is bright red. The pulp has a good taste and the stone comes off easily. The presentation of the berries is at top level, they are resistant to cracking. The Shchedraya variety gives an annual, abundant harvest, ripens in the fall. The tree produces its first cherries at the age of 3-4 years. Shchedraya is highly frost-resistant and can easily tolerate even spring frosts; the variety is also resistant to pest attacks and tolerates drought well. Susceptible to diseases, especially fungal ones.


Cherry variety Malinovka

A tree of medium height with a spherical crown. Leaves with a wide plate, glossy, green, crenate edge. Cherries are small, on average the weight of one berry is 3-3.5 grams, round in shape. The taste is sweet and sour, pleasant, the flesh is dense. The variety produces an annual, abundant harvest, which ripens in early August. The robin needs additional pollinators and protection from diseases. Frost resistance – average.

Other varieties of late-ripening cherries are Zhuravka, Polevka, Rubinovaya, Lotovaya, Rusinka, Gorkovskaya.

Large varieties of cherries

Cherry varieties with large dessert berries are not inferior in taste to sweet cherries. But compared to other varieties, they are demanding in terms of climatic conditions and quality of care.

Consumer goods Black

Cherry variety Consumer goods Black

A low-growing tree with very tasty berries with dark, almost black skin. The pulp is juicy, tender, with an easily separated stone. The fruits of Chernaya Chernaya consumer goods ripen in early June, the harvest of the variety is moderate. Has poor resistance to frost. The tree needs additional pollination.


Cherry Volochaevka

A medium-sized tree is capable of producing an annual harvest. The berries are sweet, juicy with dense pulp and an easily removed pit. Ripening occurs in mid-July. The variety does not tolerate frost well; in the rainy season there is a risk of rot. Volochaevka forms both female and male flowers, self-fertile.


Cherry variety Meeting

A low tree whose fruit weight exceeds 10 grams. The berries are bright red, with tender and juicy pulp. The harvest of the Vstrecha variety is stable and annual; ripening occurs on the 20th of June. The variety tolerates frost and drought well and is resistant to fungal diseases.

Also, to varieties with large fruits You can include Youth, Morozov's Dessert, Enikeev's Memory, Podbelskaya, Minx, Igrushka, etc.

Varieties of low-growing (dwarf) cherries

Trees of such varieties grow no higher than 2.5 meters. They are very convenient for growing and harvesting, which is why they are very popular among gardeners.


Common Cherry Anthracite

Bush-shaped cherry with a wide crown, its maximum height is 2 meters. The skin of the berries is dark, almost black, the flesh is blood red.. The weight of the fruit is 4-5 grams, taste qualities good ones. Cherries ripen in mid-summer and are well transported. The Anthracite variety is resistant to frost, drought and fungus.


Low-growing cherry variety Bystrinka

The small tree forms a spherical crown. The berries are burgundy in color, with pulp of the same color, their weight ranges from 3.5-4.2 grams, and are easily transported. The taste is sweet and sour. The harvest period falls at the beginning of July. The resistance of the Bystrinka variety to frost is average. There is a risk of damage from moniliosis.


Cherry variety Mtsenskaya

The tree rarely exceeds 2 meters in height, the crown is oval in shape. Average, one berry weighs 4 grams, the skin color is dark burgundy. Most often, the fruits of the Mtsenskaya variety are processed. The trees are characterized by good resistance to frost, drought and most diseases. They also have an attractive appearance, which is why they are often used in landscape design.

There are many low-growing varieties of cherries, these include Lyubskaya, Molodezhnaya, In Memory of Mashkin, Shokoladnitsa, Vladimirskaya, Tamaris and Saratov Baby.

The best varieties of cherries for the southern regions of Russia

These varieties are distinguished by excellent taste and low or medium frost resistance. Their cultivation is possible only in warm climates.


On average, the tree grows to 3-4 meters, the foliage is average. Fruiting occurs on annual shoots. The fruits are large, juicy, red. They have excellent taste. The Sashenka variety is frost-resistant and rarely susceptible to disease.. The first fruiting occurs in the 5th year of life, the ripening period is early.


Cherry variety Garland

The tree grows 3 meters, and forms on its branches. a large number of foliage. The Garland variety is distinguished by the presence of inflorescences, from which 5 fruits appear. The berries are very large, juicy and tasty, the color of the skin is slightly darker than the pulp. The first harvest can be harvested in mid-June already in the 3rd year of life. The tree does not need additional pollination.

Also suitable for the southern regions are varieties such as Lyubskaya, Shpanka, and Shokoladnitsa.

The best varieties of cherries for the northern regions


Cherry variety Ashinskaya

It is considered the best variety for the northern regions. A low-growing shrub, whose height does not exceed 1.5 meters, can tolerate frosts down to -55 degrees. Also has drought resistance. The berries are dark in color, with dense pulp and a slightly astringent, sweet and sour taste. The bone is small and easy to remove. Flowering occurs from the beginning of April; the shrub produces its first harvest at 4 years of age.


Cherry Ob

A low shrub whose height is only 130 centimeters. Fruiting occurs on annual growths. The berries are small, dark red in color, with good taste and a small, easily separated seed.. Fruit ripening occurs in mid-July. The Ob is able to withstand severe frosts and drought, but is highly susceptible to attack by pests. The variety is self-fertile and does not require pollination.

Altai swallow

Cherry variety Altai swallow

A low-growing bush, no more than 150 centimeters high. The berries are round in shape and medium in size, with excellent taste and juiciness.. Fruit ripening occurs in mid-July. The yield of the variety is very different from trees growing in southern regions, and is only 5 kilograms. The Altai swallow tolerates frost and drought well and is immune to many diseases. It is also a pollinator for many cherry varieties.

For the northern regions, the Novoaltaiskaya and Metelitsa varieties may be suitable.

The most delicious varieties of cherries for Siberia and the Urals

These cherry varieties adapt well to the changeable climate of Siberia and the Urals, and are also distinguished by good yield and taste.

Ural ruby

Cherry bush Ural ruby

A shrub whose height is 1.5 meters, the crown is wide, the branches are weeping, growing in a downward direction. The leaves are wide, shiny, dark green in color, their shape resembles a boat. The fruits weigh only 3-4 grams, round in shape, dark red, juicy, taste sweet and sour. Ripen in mid-August. The variety is self-sterile, but has a stable and good yield, mature tree brings up to 10 kilograms of berries.


Siberian cherry variety Mayak

Lighthouse- a bush 2 meters high with a wide spreading crown and leaves folded into a boat. The Siberian variety is self-fertile, but when planted next to varieties such as Polevka and Shchedraya, it produces the most abundant harvests. The fruits gain weight up to 6 grams, are dark red in color, and have a sweet and sour taste. Harvest can be harvested in early August On average, one bush produces from 5 to 15 kilograms of fruit.

Also suitable for these territories are the varieties Standard Ural, Shchedraya, Sverdlovchanka, Zagrebinskaya and Gridnevskaya.

The best varieties of cherries for the Moscow region, description and care

The varieties that are best suited for the Moscow region should have good resistance to frost and be unpretentious to the composition of the soil, a description of which can be found below.

Early varieties

Among mid-season varieties we can highlight Turgenevka, Excellent Venyaminov and Griot Moscow.

Griot Moscow

Cherry for the Moscow region Griot Moscow

A tree with a spherical crown and matte leaves. The berries reach a weight of 3.5 grams, the taste characteristics are at the highest level, the fruits are suitable for various types of processing. This variety ripens in mid-July, the yield is above average, you can get up to a ton of cherries per hundred square meters. Resistant to winter cold and excellent against return frosts. Subject to coccomycosis and monial burn.

Late varieties

Among late ripening varieties Zhukovskaya has proven herself to be the best.

Low-growing (dwarf) cherry varieties for the Moscow region include Molodezhnaya, Mayak, Tamaris, Bystrinka, Pamyati Mashkina and Malyshka.


The crown of the tree is small and round. The fruits are dark red with rare brown dots. The pulp of the berries is juicy, the taste is sour. Cherries can be used both for fresh consumption and for various processing, fruit transportability is average. Harvest can be done as early as early August. The variety has good resistance to frost and drought.

In memory of Mashkin

Cherry variety In memory of Mashkin

The crown of the tree is spreading, drooping, spherical in shape. The fruits are large in size, growing up to 5 grams, with their own dessert taste, they often become a decoration of any garden. Ripening occurs in mid-July. Frost resistance and immunity to vomiting are average.

Self-fertile varieties

The most popular self-fertile varieties for the Moscow region are Apukhtinskaya, Lyubskaya, Zagoryevskaya, Volochaevka, Shokoladnitsa, Vstrecha, Garlyanda and Zolushka.


A medium-sized tree that produces fruits weighing 4 grams, round-oval in shape and light red in color, with a sweet and sour taste. Harvest ripening occurs in mid-July from one tree you can get up to 15 kilograms of berries. The frost resistance of the tree itself and the flower buds is excellent. The variety does not require additional protection against fungal diseases.

Breeders have developed a huge number of cherry varieties, which makes it possible to grow this crop in all corners of Russia. For the most part, all trees have good or average frost resistance and bear sweet and sour fruits. Each gardener can choose and plant the cherry tree that will decorate his particular plot.

More than two thousand years have passed since cherries took root on the European continent. Today there are a huge number of varieties of this popular crop. How do they differ, which varieties can be called the best?

Description of cherry varieties

Cherry varieties

Like any berry crops, cherries can have different terms maturation. Early cherries are pleased with the harvest of berries already in the first half of June. The following varieties can be distinguished: Pamyat, Bulatnikovskaya, Enikeeva, Bagryanka, Saniya, Vladimirskaya, Vasilievskaya.

Average ripening cherries produce a harvest in early July. Popular varieties: Zagoryevskaya, Molodezhnaya, Radonezh, Vstrecha, Igrushka, Nochka. Late ripening is considered to be the period from late July to early August. Popular varieties in this category: Zhuravka, Turgenevka, Voleka, Rubinovaya, Lotovaya, Rusinka, Gorkovskaya.

The indicated ripening dates are relative - they shift in one direction or another depending on climatic conditions (in the south, berries ripen earlier, and in the north - later).

All varieties of cherries can be divided into two groups - bushes and trees. Bush-like forms form dense growth and have a spherical crown. The harvest is mainly produced by annual branches. The height of the bush-like forms does not exceed four meters. Popular varieties: Bagryannaya, Vladimirskaya, Lyubskaya. The bush bears fruit for about twenty years.

Tree-like forms produce crops on bouquet branches. Popular varieties: Rusinka, Bulatnikovskaya, Turgenevka, Nord Star. Tree fruiting period: about thirty years.

Self-fertile cherry varieties

In many cases, cherries are self-sterile (plants require proximity to pollinating varieties). There are also self-fertile varieties (without the participation of a pollinator, such plants are able to set a certain percentage of fruits). If pollinating varieties are planted next to self-fertile varieties, the yield will increase. Popular varieties: Garland, Brunette, Cinderella, Shokoladnitsa, Erdi Betermo, Ksenia, Nochka, Vstrecha.

Cherry variety Molodezhnaya

The late variety, Molodezhnaya cherry, has proven itself well (the fruit ripening period is the end of July). The self-fertility of this variety is at the level of 18%. The percentage of fruit set increases when adjacent to such varieties as Meteor, Nord Star, Turgenevka. This variety can also be planted next to cherries. Plants are characterized by high productivity and good frost resistance. This variety is not afraid of drought. The berries are large in size (average weight - 5-6 g). They withstand transportation well. The fruits are tasty, juicy, with dense pulp and a pleasant aroma. The plant is weak-growing, with a weeping crown. It can be a pollinator for many late varieties.

Cherry varieties grown in the Moscow region are characterized by a high degree of resistance to low temperatures and diseases (mainly coccomycosis). The most popular varieties: Lyubskaya, Turgenevka, Apukhtinskaya, Coral, Bagryannaya, Vozrozhdenie, Volochaevka, Igrushka, Zhukovskaya, Crystal, Molodezhnaya.

Varieties for the Urals and Siberia are characterized by high resistance to frost. In these regions, high-yielding early-fruiting varieties are grown, such as Zagrebinskaya, Sverdlovchanka, Gridnevskaya, Polevka Michurina, Standard Ural.

In conditions of a temperate continental climate (in central Russia), the following varieties are recognized: Turgenevka, Morozovka, Lebedyanskaya, Zhukovskaya, Dessertnaya Morozovoy, Vladimirskaya, Apukhtinskaya. All these varieties are adapted to moderately frosty winters and humid summers.

The best varieties of cherries

The best varieties of cherries are those that are characterized by high yields and good taste of the fruit. The rating of people's favorites includes the varieties Turgenevka, Molodezhnaya, Nefris, Expectation, Nochka, Biryulevskaya, Malyshka, Alpha, Hortensia.

Cherry variety Griot Moscow

The Griot Moscow variety is of great interest. The fruits of such cherries are suitable for any type of processing. They can also be consumed fresh. The variety is self-sterile - pollinators are such varieties as Sklyanka rozovaya and Vladimirskaya. The variety is fast-growing, the berry ripening period is July 15-20. Productivity is above average. This cherry is not afraid of frost. The plant has an average height (2-2.5 m). The fruits are large, round, juicy, quite dense, dark red, sweet and sour.

The sweetest varieties of cherries

Cherry varieties bred by crossing with another popular cherry are characterized by the greatest sweetness. berry crop- cherries. Hybrid varieties adopted from their “parents” useful characteristics: large-fruited, frost-resistant, disease-resistant. The category of sweet berries includes varieties such as Igrushka, Vladimirskaya, Pink Flask, and Meteor.

Variety Miracle Cherry

Miracle cherry is one of the most famous varieties. It is characterized by resistance to fungal diseases, good winter hardiness, and large berry weight (10 g). The fruits are juicy and sweet. They are painted dark red. The average yield is 15 kg per tree. Ripening period is average.

Large varieties of cherries

Berries that weigh more than 5 g are considered large. This category includes the varieties Volochaevka, Black Large, Molodezhnaya, Dessertnaya Morozova, Pamyat Enikeeva, Podbelskaya, Shalunya, Igrushka.

Cherry variety Meeting

The Vstrecha variety has proven itself well. The height of the plant does not exceed two meters. The crown is thick and drooping. The variety produces large yields of berries. Plants are resistant to drought and cold, as well as to diseases (coccomycosis, moniliosis). The average weight of the fruit is 8.6 g. The shape of the berries is flat-round, the color is dark red. The variety belongs to the category of partially self-fertile. To increase the yield, it is worth planting varieties such as Shalunya, Primetnaya, Samsonovka nearby.

Varieties of low growing cherries

The height of a dwarf cherry (shrub or tree) usually does not exceed 1.7-2.5 m. However, in terms of productivity low-growing varieties are not inferior to their tall “relatives”. They have a lush, spreading, fast-growing crown. The average weight of the berries is 5 g. Their color and shape depend on the specific variety - the berries can be either dark or light red. Plus low grades is that they are not afraid of winds (branches break less). Low trees are easier to care for and harvesting is not difficult. Dwarf cherries are unpretentious to growing conditions and are not afraid of frost. The berries, as a rule, have dense pulp, which allows them to be transported. Popular low-growing varieties: Lyubskaya, Mtsenskaya, Tamaris, Bystrinka, memory Mashkin.

Cherry variety Shokoladnitsa

The Shokoladnitsa variety is widely known. The weight of the berries of this variety is 3.5 g, they are colored dark red, almost black. The fruits have moderate sourness (sweetness is felt more). The yield is high, the ripening period is average (mid-summer).

Cherry varieties: reviews

Judging by the reviews, low-growing, high-yielding varieties are of greatest interest. Of course, not all berries have ideal taste characteristics, but finding the variety that is optimal in all respects is not difficult at all.

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Many people are accustomed to the fact that cherries are sour. But not everyone knows that there are varieties with very juicy and very sweet fruits. Try them - and you will forever change your attitude towards cherries for the better!

It is noteworthy that these varieties were appreciated not only for the sweet taste of rather large berries. They are also distinguished by high yields and excellent presentation. These plants can be cultivated in central Russia and enjoy delicious fruits every year.

1. Volochaevka

It's a hybrid popular varieties cherries - Lyubskaya and Vladimirskaya. At proper care per plant, you can annually collect about 15 kg of juicy berries from one tree.

The tree is medium-sized, with a rounded crown of medium density. The leaves are dark green and shaped like an inverted egg. The fruits are medium size, deep red in color. Sweet to taste, with a slight sourness.

There is a small seed inside the berry, which is easily separated from the very juicy and aromatic pulp, which has an excellent dessert taste.

This variety has a drawback: it has average frost resistance and unfavorable conditions growths can be affected by fungal diseases. In rainy summers, he often suffers from coccomycosis.

2. Zhivitsa

This is a hybrid of cherry and sweet cherry, bred in Belarus. The mid-early variety Zhivitsa is loved by many gardeners for its excellent frost resistance and plant resistance to coccomycosis and monilial blight.

The tree is medium-sized, with a rounded crown. The fruits of the so-called cherry are medium-sized, round, dark red. They have a small stone, which is easily separated from the juicy dark red pulp with a pleasant sour-sweet taste. The juice also has a rich color and good taste.

It is thanks to crossing with cherries that this hybrid has sweeter berries than ordinary cherries. And besides, they contain many useful organic acids.

3. Tamaris

The closest relative is the Black Cherry, which also has good taste. However, this variety is self-sterile (does not pollinate on its own) and produces a small yield.

Therefore, Tamaris is a more advanced option, which differs quite large berries oval in shape with very juicy and tender pulp (with slight sourness) of dark red color.

The tree itself is not tall, but has a spreading crown of an inverted pyramidal shape. For this reason, the plant is easy to care for and there is no need to build a high stepladder when harvesting. Another advantage of this variety is that it is resistant to frost and coccomycosis.

Despite the fact that the Tamaris variety is self-fertile, it is recommended to plant pollinating varieties such as Turgenevka, Zhukovskaya, Lyubskaya next to it. This will significantly increase productivity.

4. Chocolate girl

This variety got its name for the very beautiful, chocolate color of the berries. The plant quickly gained popularity not only for the excellent taste of the fruits and their attractive appearance, but also for its good winter hardiness and short stature.

But keep in mind that a rich harvest can be reaped if the tree receives enough light. Therefore, it is best to choose a place for a seedling on the south side of the site and not “settle” tall trees nearby that will create shade. Then from one adult cherry tree you can collect about 12 kg delicious berries.

The fruits of the Shokoladnitsa variety have a round shape and a dark burgundy (almost black) color with a glossy sheen. The pulp is red, juicy, sweet and sour. At the same time, it has a cherry flavor.

To get more bountiful harvest, Shokoladnitsa should be planted next to the Griot cherry or Vladimirskaya and Sklyanka cherries. This will improve tree pollination.

5. Shpanka

Shpanka is a hybrid of cherry and sweet cherry, which has several varieties. The most popular are Shpanka dwarf, Shpanka early, Shpanka large-fruited, Shpanka Kursk, Shpanka Shimskaya, Shpanka Bryansk and Shpanka Donetsk. These are mainly zoned varieties, which practically do not differ in their characteristics. In central Russia, Shpanka large-fruited is usually grown.

This is a vigorous tree with a dense crown of reverse pyramidal shape. The fruits have a round, slightly flattened shape and a dark, burgundy-brown color. They, like cherries, hang on the tree in garlands or along the entire annual growth. The pulp of the berries is sweet, with a hint of sourness, light yellow color. The juice is almost clear.

Shpanka tolerates harsh winters with frosts down to –35°C and drought. And, as a rule, he does not suffer from coccomycosis.

This variety is considered self-pollinating, but the level of self-fertility is no more than 10%, therefore, to increase productivity, it is recommended to plant pollinating varieties nearby.

We hope our detailed description will help you choose the right variety of sweet cherry, because according to reviews experienced gardeners All of the plants listed are good. And with proper care, the tree will certainly respond with a rich harvest of tasty, juicy, aromatic and sweet berries.

Cherry is a very healthy berry, rich in vitamins and minerals. It is used for freezing, processing and fresh consumption. If you have even a small summer cottage, you can grow a tree yourself, but do not rush to plant the first variety you come across. Select the best cherries, which will produce maximum yield and adapts perfectly to your climate.

Which high-yielding cherry varieties are best to grow?

When purchasing a seedling, pay attention to its yield. Gardeners have identified several varieties that, in their opinion, are the most productive in private farming:

· “Night”;

· “Black large”;

· "Toy".

The Nochka variety is considered the highest yielding. From one mature tree you can collect up to 70 kg of berries. The harvest ripens at the beginning of summer, the return is friendly. The berries are dark red, large, fleshy and sweet. The variety is notable not only for its stable yields, but also for its high winter hardiness and disease resistance. Recommended for cultivation in the Moscow region and central Russia.

The “Igrushka” variety has excellent productivity. The tree is vigorous, often exceeding 7 m in height. It begins to bear fruit three years after planting. The average yield of mature cherries is up to 50 kg. The berry is large, dark in color, with pleasant sweet and sour pulp. The skin is thin, the stone is easily separated. The variety has a high threshold of winter hardiness and is not susceptible to drought, but flowers and buds may suffer in a prolonged spring.

No less popular is the “Large Black” cherry. The tree is medium-sized, bears fruit in mid-summer in the third year after planting. The berries are large, dark cherry color, soft and pleasant to the taste. The variety is self-sterile; with good pollinators, the yield reaches 30 kg per tree. The advantage of the variety is its high frost resistance; cherries can withstand temperatures down to -35 °C. With proper agricultural technology, it can be grown in the northern regions of the country.

The best self-fertile cherry varieties for the garden

Recently, self-fertile tree varieties have become especially popular. They allow you to significantly save space in the garden and at the same time get good harvest. Gardeners should pay attention to the following varieties:

· "Garland";

· “Youth”;

· "Cinderella".

The “Garland” variety is considered one of the earliest, suitable for growing in the northern regions of the country. The tree is completely self-fertile with good yield and can withstand temperatures down to – 35 °C. On average, from 10 to 20 kg of cherries are harvested from it per season. The berries are large, dark in color, dense, but juicy. The crop tolerates transportation well and long time does not lose its presentation.

The “Molodezhnaya” cherry variety is not only self-fertile, but also low-growing with a drooping crown. The height of an adult plant does not exceed 2.5 m. The berries are red, sweet and sour in taste, with a small seed that separates easily. The advantage of the variety is increased winter hardiness and disease resistance. The tree tolerates temperature drops down to -30°C painlessly. The yield of the variety is up to 10-12 kg per tree.

Among the mid-season self-fertile varieties, the “Cinderella” cherry stands out. With good care, you can collect up to 15 kg of cherries. The berries are medium-sized, bright red, and taste sweet and sour. The tree does not need treatment against pests and diseases and tolerates low temperatures in winter.

The best of the low-growing cherry varieties

Low-growing varieties of cherries have always been prized among lovers. The following varieties are especially popular:

· “Chocolate Girl”;

· "Lighthouse";

· “Brunette.”

The “Shokoladnitsa” variety is notable for its dark chocolate-colored fruits. The tree does not exceed 2.5 m, completely self-fertile. The berries are medium in size, very tasty, sweet. The pulp is dark red, the stone is small and easily separated.

Bush variety "Mayak" is used for industrial cultivation. The plant does not exceed 2 m, but requires enough space. Its crown is spreading and dense. The berries are large, dark burgundy, the skin has a characteristic shine. The taste of cherry is delicate and sweet. Productivity up to 15 kg per bush. The berries ripen in early August. The variety is designed for cultivation in Siberia.

The “Brunette” cherry is popular not only for its small tree height, but also for its early fruitfulness, self-fertility and regular harvests. In addition, this is a variety with a high threshold of winter hardiness and is recommended for cultivation in the central regions. The berries are dark, medium in size, ripen in mid-summer, and have a sweet and sour taste. Suitable for processing and fresh consumption. Productivity up to 10 kg per tree.

The most winter-hardy of the best cherry varieties

Varieties for the northern regions and Siberia are chosen especially carefully. Gardeners in this area will like the following varieties of cherries:

· "Ashinskaya";

· "Altai Swallow";

· “Generous”;

· “Sverdlovsk”;

· "Blizzard".

The Ashinskaya variety is rightfully considered the best among winter-hardy varieties. The shrub tolerates frosts down to – 55 °C. Its height does not exceed 1.5 m, flowering and fruiting occurs in the fourth year of cultivation. The berries are dark, with a specific astringent taste, with a small seed.

The Altai Swallow variety, although it does not produce large yields, tolerates the harsh climate of this area well. The shrub grows up to 1.5 m, bears fruit in mid-summer, and with good care, up to 5 kg of berries can be harvested from it. The cherries are of excellent taste, medium in size, dark.

The bush-type “Generous” cherry is very popular. The plant reaches 2 m in height, is unpretentious, bears fruit on last year's growths and bouquet branches. The bush has a medium flowering period and begins to bear fruit after 3-4 years of cultivation. Productivity has been stable for many years. The bush is self-fertile. Frost resistance up to – 45 °C. The berries are bright red, sweet and sour, and do not crack on the branches. Suitable for all types of processing and fresh consumption.

TO mid-late varieties refers to the Metelitsa cherry. The bush grows up to 1.5 m, begins to bear fruit early, and the yields are stable. The berries are medium in size, red, with tender and juicy pulp, with a sour taste. The yield is average; with good agricultural technology, up to 5 kg per bush is harvested.

Among the late-ripening varieties for Siberia, the Sverdlovchanka cherry stands out. The tree begins to bear fruit early and produces stable harvests every year. Flowers and shoots are not susceptible to return frosts. The tree does not exceed 2 m in height, blooms at the end of May, and is partially self-fertile. For better yields, pollinator varieties are grown nearby. The berries are large, dark cherry color, sweet, with thick skin. They tolerate transportation well and do not lose their presentation. The variety is intended for all types of processing.

Low-growing varieties that are at the same time easy to care for are very popular among gardeners today. They bear fruit well. And thanks to their small size, they occupy a minimum of space in the garden area and allow maximum efficiency use the available garden space. We offer you a description of the characteristics of dwarf varieties that are popular among domestic gardeners.

Description of dwarf varieties

The low Anthracite variety was obtained by selecting seedlings from the Chernaya Chernaya variety. As a result, in the early 2000s, Anthracite cherries were developed, which today, due to their excellent yields, have become popular among gardeners. The height of this low tree no higher than two meters, while the crown of medium density is extremely spreading. Cherry trees are low-growing, bear fruit well, allowing the gardener to obtain large-sized berries weighing up to 5 grams. The fruits become almost black after ripening. The pulp is extremely tasty and juicy.

The best pollinators for this self-sterile variety will be the dwarf cherry varieties Samsonovka and Shalunya.

This variety is easy to care for and productive. Among the disadvantages, we can note mediocre resistance to fungal diseases.

Low-growing Moscow is a dwarf species, no more than two meters high. The crown is spherical, dense, requiring mandatory pruning in the spring. The fruits are medium in size, weighing no more than 4 grams. The taste is sweet with a pleasant aftertaste. This variety is early bearing, so harvesting is usually done in mid-July.

We also note that this is a self-sterile variety, for which the best pollinators are Pink Flask and Vladimirsky.

Thanks to its excellent combination of yield, ease of care and compact size, the bead is widely used among domestic gardeners. Trees of this variety are low-growing, no more than 2 meters high, with a slightly drooping, rounded crown. Ripe berries usually weigh no more than 3 grams. The color of the fruit is dark or red. The pulp is extremely juicy.

This variety is primarily intended for processing into compotes with jam. We note the excellent productivity, which allows small tree remove ten kilograms of delicious fruits. The variety is self-fertile, winter-hardy, resistant to various fungal diseases.

Rubinovka is a dwarf cherry hybrid. This variety is characterized by the large size of the fruits, the weight of which can reach 8 grams. Berries with a sweet juicy taste and a dessert purpose. Harvesting usually takes place at the end of June. This is partly self-fertile variety, so it needs pollinating trees nearby. If there are such pollinators nearby, Rubinovka will produce a stable harvest, and the gardener will be able to harvest 15 kilograms of tasty fruits from one tree. We note excellent transportability and drought resistance.

Dwarf cherry Standard is a dwarf variety that is zoned for cultivation in the Siberian region. The trees are low, no more than one and a half meters high. Quite often, such cherries grow in a bush form. This is a fast-growing variety that begins to bear fruit in the fourth year after planting. Such dwarf varieties can bear fruit for 15 years, providing excellent harvest. Let us note the excellent winter hardiness of this variety. Medium-sized fruits weighing no more than 4 grams. Ripening usually occurs in early August.

Vita is an early ripening dwarf variety that produces fruits weighing up to 6 grams. The ripe crop is dark and red in color, with a pleasant, refreshing taste. The trees themselves are low-growing and grow in a bush form no more than 2 meters high. Vita is a self-fertile variety, so it will need early flowering pollinators nearby. We note the excellent resistance of such varieties to fungal diseases.

Bagryannaya is a dwarf variety obtained by crossing Shubinka and Vladimirovskaya. Trees of this variety usually have a height of no more than two meters with a dense, rounded crown. The fruits are medium-sized, weighing no more than 4 grams. The taste of the ripe crop is extremely sweet and refreshing, the pulp is juicy. This variety has an average yield, allowing you to get about 7 kilograms of berries from one tree. This is a self-sterile variety. Of the best pollinators, we note the varieties Sklyanka, Griot and Shubinka. Among the advantages, we note resistance to moniliosis, as well as early ripening in the first half of July.

Latvian is an ancient variety of Baltic selection, which is zoned in Lithuania, Latvia and the Moscow region. This is a dwarf bush-type variety that has a dense spreading crown. Latvian is a fast-growing variety that can bear fruit for up to 25 years. Flowering later. The variety is self-fertile, so it will not require any pollinators. Berries usually ripen in mid-July, with harvested can be used for making jam and compotes. The yield is high, which allows you to get up to 30 kilograms of berries from one small tree. Among the shortcomings, we note only mediocre resistance to coccomycosis.

Dwarf cherry Winter pomegranate is a young variety that is self-fertile and does not require additional pollinators. Such cherries are resistant to unfavorable growing conditions and are able to bear fruit well even in harsh winters and hot summers. Winter pomegranate is an unpretentious variety that is resistant to pests and diseases. The height of such trees usually does not exceed 180 centimeters, and a gardener, even with minimal care, can get up to 10 kilograms of delicious berries. The ripened harvest has a sweet taste and slight sourness. We recommend this variety to beginning gardeners.

Dwarf Shpanka was obtained by crossing cherries and sweet cherries. Among the advantages we can note excellent taste and excellent resistance to cold. This variety bears fruit well in the Moscow region and in the northern regions. The height of trees usually does not exceed two meters. High-quality grafted varietal seedlings begin to bear fruit no earlier than four years after planting. This is an undemanding crop that only needs to be planted in a well-lit place with fertile soil, which will allow you to get an excellent harvest.

Many residents of big cities know how pleasant it is to take a break from the hustle and bustle at their summer cottage. And we are not talking about a picnic or barbecue at all... In nature, a person feels reunited with nature. Therefore, many hobbyists become avid gardeners and gardeners.

And what is a summer cottage without fruit trees? You can’t do without them, because having a good, well-kept garden is the key to a large, high-quality harvest. Of course, a large garden also needs a vast land area, but, unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to acquire such a suburban area.

If the garden area is small, it is irrational to place large trees on it. But there is a way out - dwarf trees and shrubs. Every year the popularity of dwarf fruit representatives increases. Among them, dwarf cherry is also relevant.

How to choose the right seedling and plant it? What kind of care is needed? We will try to answer all these questions.

Features of dwarf cherry

Dwarf cherry is a low-growing tree or shrub 1.5-2 m high. At the same time, the plant produces a good harvest of berries. Low-growing cherries are used not only by gardeners and summer residents. The varieties are actively used in commercial cultivation.

Varieties of dwarf cherries have a lush, fast-growing, spreading crown. The maximum height this tree can reach does not exceed 2.5 m.

The productivity of the plant is high, from one tree with good care and in good season you can collect up to 20 kg of berries per season. The weight of the berries is 5 grams. They are located densely on the branches. The color of the berry depends on the variety of dwarf cherry. Gardeners can find crops that are both light red and very dark, chocolate.

The berries have a sweet and sour taste. The shape is different, can vary greatly, depending on the plant variety.

The harvest of low-growing cherries can be used both fresh and for preservation (compotes). Berries are often frozen. They are widely used in confectionery products.

Advantages and disadvantages of the plant

Dwarf cherry is a plant that is present on personal plot every amateur gardener. And there is an explanation for this. After all, it has many advantages. Even from a photo of a dwarf cherry, you can be sure that this variety will be indispensable in your summer cottage.

  • High yield. Compared to ordinary cherries, the number of fruits in the plants is approximately the same.
  • Actively used in areas with windy climates. The branches of a low-growing plant practically do not break, and in case of strong wind the crown will not be damaged.
  • An extensive root system that does not reach groundwater.
  • The plant grows faster than an ordinary fruit tree.
  • An easy, simple way to harvest.
  • Easy care.
  • Fruiting occurs much earlier than with ordinary cherries.
  • Takes up little space on the site.
  • The plant is unpretentious to moisture and undemanding to soil.
  • Frost-resistant.
  • The harvest is easy to transport.

The disadvantages of this plant include:

  • Smaller berry size than regular cherries.
  • The taste of the berries is less sweet. There is more sourness.
  • Some varieties are characterized by a tart taste.


The tree loves light very much, so it must be planted in an area well lit by the sun. The soil for planting can be any. It takes root well in areas with densely planted trees.

Dwarf cherry seedlings take root quickly. They also produce rapid growth within a minimum time. Before planting, you should inspect the roots of 1-2 year old seedlings. They must be intact, not affected by diseases and pests. If there are such areas, they should be trimmed. The roots should be placed in water for several hours.

In autumn, the soil is fertilized with manure, potassium and phosphorus. In spring, urea (nitrogen) should be added.

The hole for the bush should be deep enough so that the wind does not damage the plant. Optimal size– half the length of the seedling. To the center landing pit They drive in a peg to which the seedling is subsequently tied. The hole is filled with earth and compacted. It is necessary to make a small depression around the trunk for watering. After planting, you immediately need to water the seedling with 2 buckets of water.


Dwarf cherries have many varieties. Therefore, when choosing a specific variety for your garden, you should take into account the characteristics of the selected plant. In addition, you need to familiarize yourself with the climatic conditions in the region and the location of the site.

Winter pomegranate

The dwarf cherry variety Winter Pomegranate is a young one, but already well recommended by gardeners. The variety is self-pollinating.

The height of the dwarf tree reaches 1.8 m. During the fruiting period, the compact small bush is literally strewn with berries. Dwarf cherry Winter pomegranate is recommended to be grown in the northern regions, because the plant is highly frost-resistant. In regions where there are hot summers and harsh winters, this fruitful tree will delight you with a good harvest. Some gardeners claim that even in harsh conditions you can get a good harvest from this plant.

Cherry fruiting dwarf Garnet occurs in the 3rd year, and by the fifth year of life you can already get a full harvest. The fruits are sweet and sour, tasty. The same taste qualities are characteristic of almost all varieties of dwarf cherries. In 1 season, you can collect up to 10 kg of crop from one tree. The excellent taste of the berries allows you to make delicious jams, juices, compotes and any other dishes. Culinary dishes made from these berries are tasty and juicy.

The plant is unpretentious and resistant to many pests and diseases. Harvesting is convenient due to its low height and compact arrangement of branches.

The dwarf tree of this variety is highly decorative. It is especially beautiful in spring period when the cherry blossoms bloom with pinkish and white flowers.

Anthracite Dwarf Cherry

This variety of dwarf cherry has the shape of a bush, reaches a height of 2 m. The crown is wide, there are many berries on the branches. The harvest is almost black, the flesh is dark red. The shape of the berries is beautiful, weight - 5 g. The taste of the berries is delicate, with a pleasant sourness. The harvest is harvested in mid-summer.

This variety is also characterized by frost resistance, high yield and resistance to many pests and diseases.

Saratov baby

This variety of dwarf cherry was obtained by crossing Duke and Early cherry. Gardeners often call this variety simply Malyshka. This is a small shrub that does well in various climate zones. Characterized by high yield and winter hardiness.

The berries are bright red, beautiful, smooth. The taste of the fruit is slightly sour, pleasant. The harvest can be harvested at the end of the first month of summer. You can collect up to 15 kg of berries from one bush.

Malyshka is a self-sterile variety, so pollinators must also be planted with it. It is better to use the Lyubskaya, Nord Star or Turgenevka varieties.

The variety is resistant to diseases.


Dwarf cherries should be fed 3-4 times per season. In the spring, the trunk must be treated with whitewash. This will protect the plant from pests. Dry shoots and diseased branches are also pruned. This way the plant will receive more nutrients, pest infestation will stop.

If the bush is healthy, then in the fall you can collect fallen leaves and use them later as humus. The plant is propagated by rootstock.

Preparing a plant for wintering involves performing the following procedures:

  • Pruning.
  • Clearing old, dried bark.
  • Cleaning the crown of leaves.
  • Wetting and disinfection of wounds with special solutions.
  • Burning old branches and leaves.


Dwarf cherries are an ideal tree for a good harvest. The plant is undemanding, unpretentious, and frost-resistant. With good care and favorable weather conditions it produces an excellent harvest.

Choosing cherries for the Moscow region: dwarf varieties

Growing dwarf cherries - perfect solution for gardeners with relatively small land plots. Unlike large-fruited varieties, it does not take up much space, but brings a good harvest by the beginning of summer. It is unpretentious to growing conditions and resistant to various weather conditions.


The dwarf cherry is a small but lush bush, with an average height of 1.5 to 2.5 m depending on the variety. It is characterized by fast growth and high productivity. In one season, a tree can bear up to 20 kg of cherries.

Low-growing cherries are winter-hardy and tolerate drought well and are not susceptible to the development of diseases. It is relevant for growing not only in the garden, but also on large plantations for sale. Its fruits are strong and tolerate transportation well. It is found in central Russia, the Moscow region, the North Caucasus and Western Siberia. A tree lives for 20 years.


All varieties of dwarf cherries are slightly different from each other both in appearance and in taste, but have common features.


  • a wide, dense crown of a spherical bush, the branches are brown, with small yellow patches, and have a red tint;
  • The leaves of low-growing cherry varieties have small pointed ends. Their size is 3x2 cm, the surface of the foliage is rough, longitudinal grooves gray located with reverse side;
  • in spring, during flowering, cherry has a strong pleasant aroma, flowers reach a size of up to 2.5 cm, collected in an inflorescence or arranged singly, bloom for 1-2 weeks in May.


The tree bears fruit every year in late summer or early autumn, depending on the variety, the process begins by the 5-6th year of life. Its appearance and color of berries are also influenced by the peculiarities of caring for the plant. Fruit picking is not special labor due to the small growth of the cherry tree.

Description of berries:

  • color varies from light pink to dark;
  • the berries are small, sweet and sour, watery, the fruits of some varieties differ from others in their tartness;
  • are located densely along the entire perimeter of the bush;
  • Most often they are consumed fresh, also added to compote or used for baking.

Proven varieties

There are about 150 varieties of low-growing cherries. To choose the right option, you should consider the features local climate. Let's consider the varieties of dwarf cherries, which are classified as well-tolerant of the weather conditions of the Moscow region.

  • Tamaris. The berries of the tree are juicy, dark red with brown dots, and slightly sour. The variety is used in cooking and is often consumed fresh. The harvest is harvested in early August.
  • Quickie. The tree looks like a ball due to the position of the branches. The berries, weighing 3.5-4.2 g, are burgundy in color. Solid, tolerate transportation well. It is distinguished by good early yield - the berries will ripen in early July. Prone to moniliasis.
  • In memory of Mashkin. The fruits of the tree ripen in mid-July. They grow up to 5 g. The pulp is tender, sweet and sour. It is not particularly winter hardy or immune to disease.

There are varieties for Siberia and the Urals.

  • Ural ruby. The height of the bush is on average about 1.5 m, the branches grow downwards. The leaves are boat-shaped and dark green in color. The berries are sweet and sour and very juicy, weighing up to 4 g. Brings up to about 10 kg of harvest per season. Ripens in August.
  • Lighthouse. Relatively tall bush (up to 2 m). Self-fertile, but more harvest brings in the vicinity of such varieties as Vole and Generous Cherry. The fruits are dark red with a sweet and sour taste, weigh about 6 g. Fruits in late July - early August. One bush can produce up to 15 kg.

We will consider varieties for the northern regions below.

  • Winter pomegranate. Despite its name, it is a type of low-growing cherry. Unpretentious in cultivation, feels great both at very low and high temperatures. Resistant to pests. Winter pomegranate is great for a novice gardener because it does not require special care and has excellent yield. In one season it can produce from 10 kg of cherries.
  • Businka is a type of dwarf cherry that is particularly winter hardy. The fruits are usually bright red and small. This species is rarely eaten fresh. Most often used for canning, jam, compotes and other culinary delights. It is characterized by frost resistance, fruitfulness, and resistance to all types of pests.
  • Ob. It is distinguished by its very small growth - only 1.3 m in height. The berries are small, tasty, dark red. It begins to bear fruit a year after planting. Consumed fresh, used for culinary dishes. It tolerates low temperatures and heat well, but does not tolerate pests well. Cherries do not need pollination

The key to success in growing low-growing varieties of cherries is making the right choice its varieties. An unsuitable climate dramatically reduces the likelihood of successful tree development. The plant can be propagated by cuttings or layering. Such methods can be used only after the first harvest and 2-3 years before the end of the plant’s life.

The following rules should be followed:

  • The planting site should be on the sunny side of the yard, other trees should not block the rays of the sun;
  • you should not plant cherries next to coniferous trees, they can cause the development of infectious diseases;
  • the soil must allow moisture to pass through well, be loose so that air can circulate, these include sandy loam, loamy soil subject to frequent fertilization, clay soil with the addition of sand, black soil;
  • It should be planted on a small hill so that groundwater does not come into contact with the roots.

Preparatory stage

One- or two-year-old plants are best suited for planting. This age is the most favorable, because the trees are still very young and can easily adapt to transplantation. During this time, they have already managed to get stronger and get used to the climate.

Dry roots should be immediately removed using pruning shears and inspected for pests. If necessary, carry out treatment and place the root in water for 7-10 hours.

The soil should be prepared in advance. In the fall it needs to be dug up and fertilized with phosphorus and potassium. Then dig it up again and leave it until spring.

Planting stages

The hole for a dwarf cherry tree should be half the size of the seedling to protect it from the wind.

Landing sequence:

  • drive a wooden peg into the center of the hole and tie a seedling to it;
  • cover the top tightly with fertilized soil;
  • make small depressions around the tree for watering;
  • water with 1-2 buckets of water depending on the dryness of the soil.

Rules of care

Dwarf cherry trees do not require special care, but they do require regular pruning.

Watering should be regulated depending on weather conditions. During the rainy season, you should periodically loosen the soil around the plant to remove excess water; no need to water. In dry weather and during fruit ripening, watering should be carried out regularly.

In spring, it is recommended to whitewash the tree trunk with lime to avoid exposure to pests. You also need to trim branches damaged after winter and treat them with ash. If the cherry tree has stopped producing fruit, you can try to attract bees for pollination artificially. Some varieties of cherries cannot pollinate on their own; in this case, you need to spray the twigs and flowers of the cherries with a weak solution of syrup.

After planting, before the first flowering, the plant should be fertilized with mixtures containing nitrogen. In summer, the tree should be fed at least 2 times with a break of at least 3 weeks.

After harvesting, care should be taken to winterize the tree. At this time, it needs to restore the content of phosphorus, calcium and potassium. If these measures are not carried out, this may affect the further development and fruiting of the tree. Premature shedding of fruits and ovaries may begin.

Diseases and pests

Weevils can appear in cherry pits, and worms in berries. Cherries are also not immune to aphid attacks. In such cases, sprayers designed specifically for these types of pests are most effective.

Another common disease of dwarf cherries is monoliosis. It is caused by the development of a fungus that causes leaves to wilt prematurely and fall off.

The most the best solution Damaged areas of the plant will be pruned. They must be burned so that they do not provoke the appearance of symptoms in healthy areas of the tree.

In the spring, it is necessary to treat the infected tree even before flowering with preparations containing 3% Bordeaux mixture, copper and lime. Spray 4-5 times every two weeks.

To prevent the occurrence of diseases in dwarf cherries, it is best to feed them with mineral and organic fertilizers based on potassium, manganese, boron and zinc.

If no remedies help and the disease does not recede, then it is best to uproot it and burn it so that the fungus is not transmitted to other plants growing in the garden.


Cherry will fit well into any garden due to its beautiful appearance. To have one at home, it is important to choose the right variety in accordance with the climate and personal preferences. Following the instructions and proper care of the plant will help you grow a beautiful fruit-bearing tree.

Dwarf cherry - varieties with photos

Sometimes a gardener is faced with a difficult task: he wants to plant a garden, but the plot is small. Dwarf trees and shrubs will help out. Lately they have been gaining more and more popularity. In particular, dwarf cherries have many advantages over other fruit trees.

Low-growing cherries have many advantages:

  • takes up less space;
  • grows faster;
  • bears fruit earlier than conventional varieties;
  • much easier to harvest;
  • easier to care for;
  • suitable for windy climates as branches are less likely to break;
  • small roots will not reach groundwater;
  • produces the same amount of fruit as a large tree.

Among the disadvantages: smaller berries of different taste. They are not as sweet as regular cherries, they can even be tart.

Among the types of cherry dwarfs there are the following: Chinese, Vladimir, Saratov baby, chocolate, youth, quick, Japanese, and others.

Low-growing cherry is a dwarf bush. Spreading, lush, fast-growing, very beautiful. The maximum height is 2.5 meters, the average is 1 meter 70 centimeters. Begins to bear fruit faster than usual. High yield - 10-20 kilograms of berries per season. The fruits are small or medium - up to 5 grams in weight. They are located densely on the branches. Color: from bright red to dark. Taste: sweet and sour. The berries of some varieties have an unusual, bizarre shape. For example, look at the photo of the fruits of dwarf cherries.

Other characteristics include: frost resistance, excellent adaptability to various weather conditions. What is important is that the crop is suitable for long-term transportation.



Caring for and growing dwarf cherries does not have any special features. The main thing is to choose the right variety for the climate. For harsh northern weather, only cold-resistant varieties are taken. In the southern regions of Ukraine, Crimea, and Kazakhstan, trees with average resistance to frost are planted.

If the type is selected incorrectly, then fruit plant may not take root. For example, low-growing sand cherry from North America has not found wide distribution in our latitudes. Therefore, such varieties can only be found in nurseries.

Site, soil

The only feature that needs to be taken into account when planting a dwarf cherry is its short stature. Since this is a light-loving plant, make sure that it is not shaded by other trees. So choose the south side garden plot. It is desirable that there are no other plants on this part. Especially conifers, since they are carriers of infectious diseases for fruit trees.

The soil is sandy loam. It perfectly allows moisture to pass through, allows air to circulate well, and has sufficient looseness. Loamy soil will do. However, this will require more care, in particular fertilizers. Clay soil is too heavy for dwarf shrubs. You need to add sand to it.

The relief is a slight hill. Dwarfs have short roots, so groundwater will not reach them.


1-2 year old seedlings take root quickly. They also give rapid growth. Before planting, inspect the roots: there are no affected areas or pests. Delete if present. Soak them for 7 hours.

In autumn, the ground for cherries is fertilized with manure and chemical fertilizers (phosphorus, potassium). In spring, nitrogen (urea) is added. The earth is carefully dug up.

The hole for the dwarf bush should be large enough so that the wind does not damage the plant. Optimally - almost half the growth of the seedling. It is tied to a wooden peg, which is driven into the center of the planting hole. Cover with fertilized soil, compacting it. Small depressions are made around the trunk for watering. Immediately after planting, water with 1-2 buckets of water.

Feeding, disease prevention

Feed the cherry bush 3-4 times per season. In the spring, the trunk is whitened - prevention from pests. It is necessary to prune dry shoots and diseased parts before flowering. This way the plant will receive more nutrients, and the number of harmful insects will decrease significantly.

If the bush is healthy, then in the fall you can remove fallen leaves and branches to later use them as humus. The plant can be propagated by rootstock: using the stem and root.

Proper care will delight you with a rich harvest. And picking it from a dwarf cherry tree is a pleasure!

Video "Low-growing felt cherry"

The video will introduce you to the low-growing cherry variety - Felt

Dwarf cherry

The low Anthracite variety was obtained by selecting seedlings from the Chernaya Chernaya variety. As a result, in the early 2000s, Anthracite cherries were developed, which today, due to their excellent yields, have become popular among gardeners. The height of such a low tree is no higher than two meters, while the crown of medium density is extremely spreading. Cherry trees are low-growing, bear fruit well, allowing the gardener to obtain large-sized berries weighing up to 5 grams. The fruits become almost black after ripening. The pulp is extremely tasty and juicy.

The best pollinators for this self-sterile variety will be the dwarf cherry varieties Samsonovka and Shalunya.

This variety is easy to care for and productive. Among the disadvantages, we can note mediocre resistance to fungal diseases.


Low-growing Moscow is a dwarf species, no more than two meters high. The crown is spherical, dense, requiring mandatory pruning in the spring. The fruits are medium in size, weighing no more than 4 grams. The taste is sweet with a pleasant aftertaste. This variety is early bearing, so harvesting is usually done in mid-July.

We also note that this is a self-sterile variety, for which the best pollinators are Pink Flask and Vladimirsky.


Thanks to its excellent combination of yield, ease of care and compact size, the bead is widely used among domestic gardeners. Trees of this variety are low-growing, no more than 2 meters high, with a slightly drooping, rounded crown. Ripe berries usually weigh no more than 3 grams. The color of the fruit is dark or red. The pulp is extremely juicy.

This variety is primarily intended for processing into compotes with jam. Let us note the excellent yield, which allows you to harvest ten kilograms of tasty fruits from a small tree. The variety is self-fertile, winter-hardy, resistant to various fungal diseases.

Rubinovka is a dwarf cherry hybrid. This variety is characterized by the large size of the fruits, the weight of which can reach 8 grams. Berries with a sweet juicy taste and a dessert purpose. Harvesting usually takes place at the end of June. This is a partially self-fertile variety, so it needs pollinating trees nearby. If there are such pollinators nearby, Rubinovka will produce a stable harvest, and the gardener will be able to harvest 15 kilograms of tasty fruits from one tree. We note excellent transportability and drought resistance.


Dwarf cherry Standard is a dwarf variety that is zoned for cultivation in the Siberian region. The trees are low, no more than one and a half meters high. Quite often, such cherries grow in a bush form. This is a fast-growing variety that begins to bear fruit in the fourth year after planting. Such dwarf varieties can bear fruit for 15 years, providing an excellent harvest. Let us note the excellent winter hardiness of this variety. Medium-sized fruits weighing no more than 4 grams. Ripening usually occurs in early August.

Vita is an early ripening dwarf variety that bears fruits weighing up to 6 grams. The ripe crop is dark and red in color, with a pleasant, refreshing taste. The trees themselves are low-growing and grow in a bush form no more than 2 meters high. Vita is a self-fertile variety, so it will need early flowering pollinators nearby. We note the excellent resistance of such varieties to fungal diseases.

Bagryannaya is a dwarf variety obtained by crossing Shubinka and Vladimirovskaya. Trees of this variety usually have a height of no more than two meters with a dense, rounded crown. The fruits are medium-sized, weighing no more than 4 grams. The taste of the ripe crop is extremely sweet and refreshing, the pulp is juicy. This variety has an average yield, allowing you to get about 7 kilograms of berries from one tree. This is a self-sterile variety. Of the best pollinators, we note the varieties Sklyanka, Griot and Shubinka. Among the advantages, we note resistance to moniliosis, as well as early ripening in the first half of July.


Latvian is an ancient variety of Baltic selection, which is zoned in Lithuania, Latvia and the Moscow region. This is a dwarf bush-type variety that has a dense spreading crown. Latvian is a fast-growing variety that can bear fruit for up to 25 years. Flowering later. The variety is self-fertile, so it will not require any pollinators. The berries usually ripen in mid-July, and the harvested crop can be used to make jam and compotes. The yield is high, which allows you to get up to 30 kilograms of berries from one small tree. Among the shortcomings, we note only mediocre resistance to coccomycosis.


Dwarf cherry Winter pomegranate is a young variety that is self-fertile and does not require additional pollinators. Such cherries are resistant to unfavorable growing conditions and are able to bear fruit well even in harsh winters and hot summers. Winter pomegranate is an unpretentious variety that is resistant to pests and diseases. The height of such trees usually does not exceed 180 centimeters, and a gardener, even with minimal care, can get up to 10 kilograms of delicious berries. The ripened harvest has a sweet taste and slight sourness. We recommend this variety to beginning gardeners.

Dwarf Spanka

Dwarf Shpanka was obtained by crossing cherries and sweet cherries. Among the advantages we can note excellent taste and excellent resistance to cold. This variety bears fruit well in the Moscow region and in the northern regions. The height of trees usually does not exceed two meters. High-quality grafted varietal seedlings begin to bear fruit no earlier than four years after planting. This is an undemanding crop that only needs to be planted in a well-lit place with fertile soil, which will allow you to get an excellent harvest.

Not all gardeners are lucky enough to have a large garden. Nevertheless, I want to plant more and more of everything, including fruit and berry trees and bushes. In such cases, low-growing varietal trees and shrubs come to the rescue. Low-growing cherry varieties, despite their compactness, are almost as productive as their tall competitors.

Description of culture

The dwarf cherry is a squat, branched, beautiful bush that grows very quickly. Its height is 150-170 cm, but sometimes it grows up to two and a half meters. Branches Brown with a reddish tint.

Low-growing cherries are winter-hardy and have high yields. It bears fruit much earlier than the common one. Although it is small, this does not affect the yield in any way - 10-15 kg of berries from one tree per summer, sometimes up to 20. The fruits are small, sometimes of a bizarre shape, located on the branch very close to each other. When the bush blooms, you can’t even see the leaves - just one white cloud of flowers with a very pleasant aroma.

The color of the berries ranges from red to almost black; they taste sour-sweet, sometimes tart. The leaves have a pointed shape with a jagged edge, the surface is slightly rough. The bottom of the leaf has a grayish tint. And on top it can be green, orange or red, depending on the time of year.

Note! Berries are not afraid of long transportation.

This cherry is very tasty in compotes, jam, jelly, pies, and also fresh.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • The tree is not afraid of drafts and winds. It has very strong branches and a dense crown;
  • The root system is located in the upper layers of the soil, so it will not reach groundwater.
  • A small tree forms faster and therefore begins to bear fruit faster.
  • The harvest is no less than from ordinary cherries;
  • It has a small height, so it is easier to harvest, no ladder or stepladder is needed;
  • Not very picky about soil type;
  • Does not require additional shelter for the winter, since the tree is very cold-resistant;
  • The fruits tolerate transportation well.

With all the advantages of this type of cherry, there are also disadvantages. True, there are not many of them. The berries are still smaller in size than those of their tall counterparts. And they taste sour.

Types of cherries

There are many popular varieties of low-growing cherries.


Grows in the form of shrubs. Height is about two meters. Needs pruning, it is necessary to form a crown. Anthracite is not very frost-resistant, so it is preferable to plant it near buildings. The berries are small, almost black in color - hence the name. The pit is easily separated, which is why Anthracite is often compared to a cherry. It begins to bloom in mid-May, and the fruits begin to ripen at the end of July.

Bystrinka is a low-growing cherry that is also very productive; up to 20 kg can be harvested from a tree per season. It has a spherical crown of moderate density. It blooms in mid-May and ripens in early July. The tree begins to bear fruit at the age of four years. Bystrinka's fruits are oval-shaped and dark red in color. The disadvantage is considered to be susceptibility to fungal diseases. Bystrinka is a good variety for middle zone Russia.


Like all low-growing cherries, Molodezhnaya has a short stature and a moderately rounded crown. The berries are relatively large, weighing about 5 g, oval, dark burgundy in color. Productivity 10 - 12 kg per tree.

Note! The tree of this variety does not depend on the activity of bees. It pollinates itself perfectly. The disadvantage of Molodezhnaya is its mediocre resistance to fungi, as well as a very noticeable sourness of the fruit. This variety has taken root well in the Black Earth Region.

Cherry Gnome is a late-ripening self-fertile variety. It has round fruits weighing up to 4 g and bright red color. The seed is small (8% of the berry weight) and brown in color. This species is characterized by increased cold resistance and resistance to pests, but low resistance to fungus. Another disadvantage of Gnome is the uneven ripening of fruits.

Winter pomegranate

Dwarf cherry Winter Pomegranate is a hybrid of Canadian and sand cherries. It was developed specifically for areas with cold winters. The seedling begins to bear fruit already in the second or third year, although the yields are small: up to 2-4 kg. In the fifth year, the yield will increase to 6 kg, and in the sixth - eighth year, from 10 kg per tree. Cherry Winter Pomegranate has good immunity to pest attacks. Very winter hardy. Tolerates low temperatures, down to forty degrees.

The berries weigh 3-4 g, the color is initially ruby, but as they ripen they become rich burgundy. The berries have a very small seed. Ideal for cooking compotes, preserves, jams. And also for making homemade wines, tinctures, liqueurs.

Chocolate girl

This variety appeared by crossing Lyubskaya with Cherny consumer goods. The result was dark burgundy, almost chocolate-colored berries. The crown of this tree is not very dense and has a pyramidal shape. Chocolate-colored bark with erect shoots. The leaves are oval and have a bright green color without shine. Blooms in early May.

Chocolate girl has fruits small size, similar in shape to cherries, their color is dark. The berry has dense pulp, which is very easily separated from the small yellow seed. It ripens in the second half of July.

Miracle Cherry refers to early ripening varieties. By the end of June the berries are already ripe. small tree which needs constant pruning. Miracle Cherry differs from its other small relatives in the size of the berry, which reaches 9-10 g, and the high sugar content in the fruit; the sourness is almost unnoticeable. This baby is self-fertile, so it needs pollinators. It gives a harvest already from the third year of life. Very resistant to cold and many diseases.

Agricultural technology

You don’t need to have any special skills to grow such a crop, but it is important to choose the right varieties. For the southern regions, individuals with low frost resistance are suitable, for the northern regions - more cold-resistant ones. Cherry loves sunlight very much; when choosing a site for it, do not forget about this.

It is also advisable to protect the cherry tree from the wind. A chilly winter wind can freeze the bush, and a spring wind can damage the stamens of flowers, resulting in a reduced yield.

Cherry loves soil that is quite loose, with increased air circulation. Therefore, it must be planted in sandy loam soil.

After planting the plant, you need to make a furrow about 10-15cm deep around it and water it thoroughly. You need to pour out about two buckets of water.

Important! When choosing a seedling, you need to inspect root system. There should be no rot or pests on it.

For preventive purposes, you can immerse the roots in water for five to six hours.

In the fall, it is advisable to fertilize cherries with manure and potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. In spring, it is useful to apply urea and carefully dig up the soil.

It is necessary to fertilize three to four times a year.

In the spring, the trunk of a tree (and not only cherry trees, but also all fruit trees) must be whitened with a lime solution. Dry branches must be removed in the spring. This way the plant will receive more nutrients and there will be fewer harmful insects.

If the cherry is not affected by any pests (aphids, weevils, etc.), the leaves can be used for humus. In other cases, it is necessary to dispose of them (burn, remove).

Low-growing cherry varieties are propagated by rootstock. Planting shoots will not bring the desired results.

With proper care, dwarf cherry varieties give an excellent harvest.

Low-growing varieties of cherries are becoming increasingly popular today. And no wonder: bonsai It takes up minimal space in the garden, does not require much effort in care, and at the same time produces a rich harvest. A description of the main characteristics of the most popular varieties of dwarf cherries can be found in this article.

This low-growing cherry grows in the form of a small shrub, reaching a height of no more than 2 m. The crown is spreading, the fruits have average weight 5 g - almost black in appearance, sweet and sour in taste and very juicy. The species has become very popular among gardeners due to its extremely high yields. Minimal maintenance required. The only drawback is the high susceptibility to fungal attacks.

Low-growing Moscow

Another type of cherry up to two meters high. The crown is spherical and very thick, requiring some care (pruning is necessary in the spring). Harvesting can begin in mid-July, since the species is classified as early-bearing. The berries are small in size, maximum 4 g, but quite sweet with an unusual aftertaste. The best pollinator will be Pink Flask.


Businka is considered one of the best varieties of cherries. The trees are low-growing with a spherical crown, slightly pubescent downwards. The weight of cherries does not exceed 3 g, most often they are rich red in color. The variety is not created for consumption in its pure form; it is grown for preserving cherry juice, jam, and cooking compotes. This dwarf cherry is characterized by frost resistance, fruitfulness, and resistance to all types of pests.


Rubinovka originated from the cherry tree and is therefore considered a hybrid. The peculiarity of the variety is its huge fruits weighing up to 8 g. Harvesting begins at the end of June. In a good year, the tree can bear up to 15 kg of juicy berries. Since the variety is partially self-fertile, it will be better if pollinators such as Lyubskaya cherry are planted nearby. The advantages include resistance to dry periods and excellent safety during transportation.

Dwarf cherry Standard

The dwarf cherry Standard was bred specifically for cultivation in the Siberian regions of the country. Usually the tree grows like a bush and reaches a height of only one and a half meters maximum. 4 years later, after the rootstocks were planted, the tree begins to bear fruit. Good yields are observed for another 15 years, with medium-sized berries (weighing 4 g). The collection takes place in early August. This cherry variety is frost-resistant.


Vita refers to early varieties dwarf cherries, the first berries appear at the end of June.

With a small height (2 m), it has large cherries of bright red color, weighing 6 g, and the pulp has a refreshing taste. It is a self-fertile variety and therefore needs pollinators planted nearby. Only in this case you need to take into account that they should also be early flowering. It tolerates fungal diseases very well and rarely becomes infected with them.


A variety bred by crossing two types of cherries - Vladimirovskaya and Shubinka. The trees reach two meters in height and have a spherical dense crown. The fruits are small - 4 g, but with very juicy and refreshing pulp. The yield, unfortunately, is small: in a fertile year it will be possible to collect no more than 7 kg of berries. The variety is characterized by early ripening and resistance to moniliosis.


An ancient variety bred by Baltic breeders. Currently distributed in the Moscow region. A dwarf tree with a wide spreading crown. It begins to bloom very late, but bears fruit for as long as 25 years. It does not need any pollinators, since the species is classified as self-fertile. Fertility is very high - from one such tree you can collect up to 30 kg of cherries, which are most often used for preserving jam and compotes. The only negative is the average resistance to coccomycosis.

Winter pomegranate

Winter pomegranate is a relatively young cherry species that does not require special pollinators. A huge advantage is that the tree will bear fruit even in the most unfavorable growing conditions. He is not afraid of cold winters and hot summers. Pomegranate is also unpretentious to pest attacks. This variety is ideal for beginning gardeners. With minimal care, the tree produces 10 kg of sweet and sour berries.