Sample certificate of pressure testing of the heating system. Hydraulic test report of the heating system

Water heating systems are the most popular. However, their main drawback lies in the possibility of depressurization and leakage. To protect against this, after assembling the circuit, before its first start-up, pressure testing of the system is carried out. After successful hydraulic tests, a heating system pressure test certificate is issued. Preventive pressure testing of already operating systems is recommended to be carried out periodically after completion of heating season.

Pressure testing means a set of test measures to assess the tightness of the heating system.

Similar tests are carried out in the following cases:

  1. After assembling a new one heating system before putting it into operation. IN in this case the act is a permitting document for starting to use the networks.
  2. On previously installed and operating networks, hydraulic tests are carried out before the start of the heating season or immediately after completion.
  3. If preventive or repair work was carried out on the heating main, then hydrotesting is carried out upon completion.
  4. Mandatory pressure testing is carried out before replacing individual elements and equipment of the system, repairing radiators or pipelines. In this case, the measures taken make it possible to identify weak points in the system, which allows them to be replaced or repaired in a timely manner without waiting for an accident.

To carry out hydrotests, water or air is injected into the network under pressure. For this, a hydraulic or pneumatic pump is used. As a result, it is easy to identify areas and places with broken tightness of components and connections. If air is used, a characteristic whistle will be heard, and when pumping under water pressure, leaks will be detected. We can say that during hydrotesting, situations are artificially created that arise during water hammer, or during a critical increase in pressure in the line.

If the circuit elements and devices have a sufficient margin of safety, then increasing the pressure for half an hour will not harm them and will not affect their service life. But during this period of time, with high blood pressure you can easily identify weak areas, depressurized components and connections.

If the apartment has an autonomous heating system, it is recommended to periodically check it using a compressor. Such pneumatic pressure testing will protect against flooding of the lower floors while reducing the safety margin of the system.

Sequence of work

  • circuit layout;
  • characteristics of pipelines (material, service life, wall thickness);
  • number of storeys of the building;
  • peculiarities shut-off valves.

After assessing and taking into account all parameters, tests are carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Prepare the necessary equipment.
  2. Drain the old coolant circuit from the circuit.
  3. Pump test fluid into the network and create the required pressure in the circuit.
  4. After this, the heating line is washed and filled with standard coolant.
  5. A report is drawn up on the work performed and the condition of the heating system.

If during the course of the activities, flaws in the system are identified, the pressure testing is stopped and the pipelines or equipment are repaired. After sealing the circuit, the crimping is repeated. The heating system is considered suitable for use if no damage is detected during testing.

The need for pre-flushing of the pipeline

Before carrying out all activities, the heating networks of the house are disconnected from the heating main and the coolant is drained. If the heating circuit has been in use for some time, it must be flushed before pressure testing.

Washing can be done in several ways. Its purpose is to clean pipes from scale, salt deposits and rust. The appearance of various deposits on the inner diameter of the pipeline interferes with the normal circulation of the coolant, increases the hydraulic resistance in the system and reduces the heat transfer of heating radiators.

Important! Deposits 1-1.5 mm thick on the inner walls of pipes reduce heat transfer by 15%.

Due to various deposits and deposits, the flow diameter of the pipeline decreases, which increases the load on pump equipment And heating boilers. All this contributes to excessive energy consumption and adversely affects the efficiency of the home heating system.

That is why pipes are flushed regularly. Otherwise, this will affect the comfort of staying in the premises of the house and the heating costs for which residents pay. Even in a separate room, radiators can warm up unevenly, so the room will be noticeably colder.

Another reason why pipe flushing is so necessary is due to the fact that deposits containing sulfur, magnesium, zinc, potassium and copper over time destroy and thin the metal walls of pipelines. As a result, they become vulnerable to high blood pressure coolant in the circuit.

Attention! There is no point in performing pressure testing on uncleaned pipes, since the test results will be unreliable.

To flush the line, use a manual or electric compressor. If flushing is performed for preventive purposes, then the frequency of such a procedure is once every 4-6 years.

Washing methods

There are several washing methods. Each of them uses different equipment:

  1. Pneumatic shock method consists of using the so-called “shock wave”. It causes plaque to peel off from the inner surface of the pipes. After the pneumatic impact, a routine flushing with water is performed to remove loose deposits.
  2. Hydrochemical washing performed using special chemical compositions, which dissolve salt deposits. However, it is not used as an independent method, because it does not allow removing silty deposits in the lower parts of the circuit. Usually, hydrochemical washing used in conjunction with other activities.
  3. Pneumohydraulic flushing method also called bubbling. During the procedure, a comprehensive effect on deposits is carried out. To do this, compressed air and water are simultaneously supplied to the system under pressure. The technique is very effective because it allows you to clean the pipes from any deposits.
  4. Complex washing is considered the most effective, during which several methods listed above are used at once. It is usually used in pipelines of small diameter and with heavy contamination.

Hydropneumatic tests

As a rule, control pressure testing and washing are recommended to be carried out at the end of the heating season. If at this time it is possible to identify weak points and defects in the system, then there is a whole season ahead without heating, when repair work can be carried out. After carrying out capital or current repair work The networks are filled with water again and pressure testing is carried out again. This is usually done in the fall.

Hydropneumatic tests are carried out in the following sequence:

  • At the end of the heating season, the condition of shut-off valves, thermal and elevator units, as well as heating risers.
  • Preventative flushing of pipelines is carried out to clear various blockages.
  • During flushing, the entire line, equipment and components are inspected for leaks. If any are identified, urgent repairs are carried out.
  • The condition of thermal insulation of open sections of pipelines is checked.
  • Then they carry out pressure testing and fill the networks with standard coolant so that they are completely ready for the new heating season.

To carry out hydropneumatic testing, the circuit is filled with water, then an electric or manual pump is connected, and the pressure is raised to the required level. Pumping equipment must be equipped with a built-in pressure gauge.

Important! The main pipeline is tested at a pressure of at least 16 kgf/cm² for 5 minutes. After this, it is reduced to the operating value and the networks are inspected for leaks.

To check the intra-house network, the pressure is increased 1.5-2 times, starting from the operating value. When testing old networks, it is enough to increase the pressure by 25-50% of the operating parameter. The test pressure indicator depends on the limit value that the devices installed in the network can withstand.

Crimping certificate

Pressure testing can only be carried out by authorized licensed organizations that service heating systems of residential buildings. In apartment buildings, these events are carried out by the service office. Upon completion of the tests, a corresponding document is issued. The form of the act for pressure testing the heating system is given below.

The document must contain the following mandatory items:

  1. The name of the system or section, as well as its length.
  2. Testing instruments and instruments used to carry out the tests.
  3. Duration of crimping and pressure created.
  4. Values ​​on instruments that were obtained during the activities.
  5. The act is signed by the customer, the foreman who carried out the crimping, and the person accepting the work. The certificate of the specialist responsible for conducting the tests must be indicated.

The person responsible for carrying out work in apartment building is utility service. When conducting hydrotests in a private house, the owner of the house is considered the responsible person.

Crimping price

The total cost of the work is calculated in the final estimate, which indicates all the activities and tests carried out. It is impossible to indicate the exact amount, since much depends on the type of wiring, the state of the system and other parameters.

When calculating the final cost of work, the following is taken into account:

  • The volume of work carried out depends on the size of the house and the branching of the network.
  • Condition of the heating system. It is cheaper to test on a new system or networks that have been serviced not long ago. If you have to deal with old networks that have not undergone preventive maintenance for a long time, the price will be higher.
  • The number of flaws and damages, as well as the complexity of repair and restoration work are taken into account.

If, after hydrotesting, leaks and parts that need repair or replacement are identified, then repair operations are carried out by a qualified specialist. The cost of these works is also included in the total estimate. After repair and restoration activities, repeated pressure testing is carried out. All work performed is included in the total cost of testing activities.

After completion of work related to pressure testing of the heating system, a special document is drawn up confirming that the heat supply structure is ready for winter. A special form is provided for this. It is called the act of pressure testing the heating system.

The main task of this type plumbing work– this is a test of the quality of the pipeline assembly, determining how ready it is for operation, checking the tightness of all joints. If defects are identified that were not visible during external inspection, they should be eliminated.

Crimping is considered important stage arrangement of heat supply in buildings for various purposes.

This work is performed in certain situations:

  • before the start of the autumn - winter season;
  • after completing the installation of the new heating circuit;
  • when the repair or reconstruction of the entire heating main or its section is completed;
  • after construction work held in the building.

Types of crimping

This process is a test of a heat supply system, which involves increasing the pressure in the pipeline by injecting air or liquid, distinguishing between:

  1. Hydraulic pressure testing performed using pumps that supply water to the system. As a result, information is obtained regarding its strength.
  2. Pneumatic testing, which allows you to evaluate the tightness of the joints of the structure as a whole. It is performed using electrical or hand pumps, forcing air into the pipes.

The most dangerous of them is considered to be a pneumatic test, and this circumstance must be taken into account, since the injected air, in the presence of any damage, will not only begin to quickly escape, but there will also be a possibility of gusts. Experts advise not to exceed the supply air pressure above 0.15 MPa.

According to technical standards, when using the hydraulic method, the discharge pressure cannot exceed the working pressure by 20-30% and by 40-50% during pneumatic testing. This figure is indicated in the certificate of pressure testing of the heating system.

Pressure test sequence for the heating system

This type of work must be planned in advance and therefore, before carrying out the work, appropriate documentation is drawn up:

  1. The work order is a permit signed by the responsible person of the organization servicing the heating network.
  2. A diagram of the sections of the heating main where the test will be carried out, indicating the pressure release points.
  3. List of employees authorized to conduct tests, including the responsible official.
  4. A diagram of the location of specialists in the area being inspected, indicating the means of communication between them.
  5. Description of the testing methodology and processing of the obtained data.

Before starting the pumping equipment, perform a visual inspection of the connections and the condition of the shut-off valves. Also, in order to isolate the heating system from the water supply pipeline, plugs are installed.

Then, according to the procedure, the heating boiler and expansion tank are turned off, and the pipes are flushed to remove deposits and debris no more than once every 4 to 6 years. This procedure must be performed, otherwise, due to the presence of a thick layer of plaque on the inner surface of the pipeline, its thermal conductivity is significantly reduced. Washing is carried out different ways depending on the technical condition heating structure.

When carrying out hydropressure testing, the flushed system is filled with water, after which a compressor is connected to the drain valve. The pressure is raised to the required value and the readings on the pressure gauge are observed. When there are no weak points in the pipes, which usually immediately leak, significant pressure fluctuations will not be noticed on the device. If this indicator drops significantly, you should find the location of the leak, which is not difficult to do.

Pneumatic pressure testing is performed using a special pump. To make it easier to find defects at the joints, you need to apply a soap solution to them before testing. The pump is connected to the system and air is forced into the pipes. Subsequent actions are similar to those during hydropressure testing. At the same time, it is necessary to remember to comply with safety precautions.

When breaks or loose connections are detected, the defects should be repaired and then checked again. This procedure is repeated until the system becomes completely sealed.

Pressure testing is carried out by specialists from organizations that have access, appropriate knowledge and skills. They must be able to follow the sequence of work activities while ensuring safety. Finally, fill out the heating system pressure test form.

Documentation of the work performed - act

The pressure test certificate is an official document with legal force confirming that:

  • tests were carried out in full according to the program developed by the engineer, in accordance with current standards;
  • the heat supply system is in working order and prepared for operation;
  • in case of an emergency during heating season one or both parties will be liable for it, and the culprit will pay compensation for the damage.

In the form of an act for hydraulic testing of the heating system, there are columns that must be filled out completely and as accurately as possible.

They indicate:

  • name of the object being checked;
  • date and time of the pressure test;
  • the tested area, which can be, for example, a heating main or a separate unit;
  • devices used;
  • results visual inspection connections, seams, etc.;
  • the magnitude of the operating pressure and load on the system and the duration of the tests;
  • values ​​on the pressure gauge at the end of the test;
  • the magnitude of the pressure drop;
  • information on eliminating leaks and other defects;
  • conclusion that the system is ready for operation;
  • signatures of authorized persons.

The heating main pressure test certificate is signed on the day the system was tested. This document must be endorsed by the responsible persons of the enterprise that carried out the work, as well as the technical supervision body and the management company.

The heating system is important element any home. Therefore, it is extremely important that it works flawlessly. The most common heating system today is a water circuit. To avoid various unpleasant moments, you should carefully monitor the serviceability of the pipeline.

To do this, before putting the house into operation, after heating repairs and every time after the heating season in the warm season, the entire heating system must be checked for its correct and reliable operation: are there any hidden defects, are all connecting fittings and butt joints in working order and other. This test is usually called pressure testing of the heating system.

Pressure testing of the heating system

The pressure testing process first of all involves checking the system with high pressure. After this they do the following types of work:

  • hydropneumatic check;
  • chemical flushing of heating pipes;
  • hydrostatic tests (direct pressure testing);
  • repair of pipes and radiators;
  • preventive and preparatory work.

After carrying out all the above procedures, an official document is drawn up: a pressure test certificate for the heating system. The sample looks like this.

System pressure test certificate No.___

Tests must be carried out in accordance with SP 40-102-2000

An object: _____________________

Developer: _________________

City: _________________, street, house: _____________________

System: (check as appropriate)

water supply, heating, underfloor heating, wall heating, cooling

Maximum operating pressure _____ bar, maximum operating temperature ______ C

Preliminary test completed

1. Fill the system with water and leave for 2 hours

2. Set test pressure (1.5 x working pressure) _____bar and maintain it for 30 minutes

3. Reduce test pressure to design pressure

4. Inspect the system (the pipeline cannot have any leaks)

5. Maintain the pipeline under operating pressure for about 30 minutes

6. Inspect the entire pipeline after preliminary testing

The Ultimate Test

7. Set the hydraulic design operating pressure in the system

8. Maintain operating pressure for 2 hours

9. Bring the pressure to the test level (no more than 10 minutes)

10. Maintain test pressure for 2 hours

11. Inspect the entire system after the final test


The hydraulic test was carried out in accordance with all regulatory requirements to this procedure. At the same time, no leaks were detected and no changes in the shape of the pipeline elements were noticed.

Date of: ______________

Developer: __________________

Representative of the installation organization: ___________________

It should be noted that hydraulic test reports may differ from the provided sample, but it also contains The following points should be noted:

  • length of the heating system;
  • a detailed description of the area where the tests were carried out;
  • a listing of all the tools and equipment used to carry out all the work;
  • all measurements and readings obtained during the test are entered;
  • at the end of such an act, the signatures of all members of the commission are affixed: the customer, the work inspector (representative of the company that carried out the pressure testing) and the responsible specialist, and the number of his certificate must be indicated.

The crimping certificate is an important legal document, so you should fill it out carefully and avoid any blots or corrections. In the event of a heating emergency, it will be possible to prove the guilt of the company that checked the system and receive compensation for the damage caused.

The relevant authorized services that are directly involved in servicing houses in the area must draw up a pressure testing report. this area. In cities for pressure testing apartment buildings Specialists are hired to service this public utility.

Owners of private houses will have to contact district offices organizations involved in heat supply. Alternatively, you can use the services of private companies. But since responsibility for correct work is very serious, then the work must be entrusted to competent, certified professionals, whose professional suitability is confirmed by the relevant documents on admission to such work.

You can carry out all the work to check the heating system yourself if you are confident in your capabilities, but you will still have to carry out a control hydraulic check in the presence of an inspector who is authorized to draw up this report.

Hydrostatic or pressure testing of the heating system (pressure testing) must be carried out by the organizations responsible for the operation of the building or the contractors who installed the heating installation. When passing, for this event, they are presented.

Important! Self-checking is allowed heating equipment private home only.

All technological operations must be performed by trained personnel with established qualification tolerances, using certified equipment.

To do this, employees are required to undergo training (a special training course for six months) and certification of knowledge of the rules of operation of thermal installations and safety equipment (at least once every 3 years, and for personnel directly involved in testing, adjustment and maintenance of equipment - once every year).

After completing the training, an extract from the employee testing protocol is issued. It is provided for admission to personnel of the organization performing operation, maintenance and pressure testing of thermal installations.

Extract from the employee testing protocol.

The corresponding columns indicate:

  • Full name of the employee;
  • date of previous inspection;
  • date of current inspection;
  • Assessment of knowledge;
  • employee signature;
  • date of next certification;
  • Full name of the members of the selection committee of 3 people (including the Rostechnadzor engineer) and their signatures.

The employee is issued a qualification certificate with stamps and marks indicating that he has been trained.

The results of the training are displayed in the log of personal checks of the employee of the organization allowed to perform hydrostatic or manometric tests.

When tests are carried out and their results are confirmed

Pressure testing of heating systems is carried out:

  • in the preparation of buildings before the start of the heating season;
  • after replacement (repair, modernization) of part of pipelines, radiators, other devices and equipment;
  • upon commissioning of the facility.

The document confirming the readiness of the systems for operation is a hydrotest or pneumatic test report (hereinafter referred to as the “Cert”) completed in accordance with national requirements. It is drawn up at the final stage of technological testing activities, which help to identify defects in pipelines and equipment, confirming its standard performance.

What should be in the Act

The Report displays the results of the following actions of the personnel responsible for the verification procedure:

  • water or air, using special equipment, is pumped into pipelines until a certain pressure is reached;
  • the system is carefully inspected, especially the joints of its elements, to detect leaks, as well as other defects that can cause interruptions in the operation of thermal equipment;
  • activities carried out to eliminate defects (if any were identified).

The regulations for hydrotesting of thermal installations are prescribed by the standard SP 73.13330.2012 “Internal sanitary systems of buildings.” In accordance with it, test operations are performed as follows:

  • The supply of working fluid to the pipelines of the heating system is carried out in stages, with a stepwise increase in pressure, until it reaches the established threshold value. It is recommended to pump coolant at intervals of 10 minutes until all air pockets are released.
  • The test pressure, controlled by a pressure gauge, is maintained for at least 10 minutes. The test pressure should be 30-50% higher than the working pressure (depending on the wear of the system), but not higher than the minimum permissible pressure one of the devices. For example, if the building has cast iron radiators, the pressure should not exceed 6 MPa, if steel radiators 10 MPa.
  • If pressure testing is carried out in a residential building, the residents of the house are warned about the work.
  • Characteristic indicators of leaks are a sharp drop in the pressure of the working fluid or its gradual decrease by more than 0.2 kg/cm2. As a rule, coolant losses occur at threaded or flanged connections, which must be tightened, repacked, or gaskets replaced. If it is impossible to eliminate the defect, the unit is rejected and replaced.

Important! Pressure testing is carried out after flushing and hydropneumatic purging of the system. Otherwise, deposits inside the pipes can hide possible leaks. Also, it is worth considering that if you do not take measures to clean the pipes from deposits, the heat transfer coefficient of the system will significantly decrease.

Rules for filling out the Act

The heat supply organization is responsible for filling out the pressure test report.

A cap

  • filling out the header of the Act begins with indicating the exact name of the thermal system being tested (this information is contained in its working documentation, project);
  • The full name of the object served by the thermal installation is entered. It can be found in the building permit or in its design and estimate documentation;
  • information about the locality, the date of testing/approval of the Act is entered (if no defects are identified and the documentation is drawn up on the day of the test events).

Composition of the commission

The details of all members of the selection committee are indicated. It includes representatives of the general contractor, the customer and the organization that carried out the work. The representative of each party must provide information about the name of his organization, the position he holds in it, as well as his last name and initials.

Examination and results

  • The data of the design organization and the code of the project according to which the structure was erected and utilities were installed, in particular, the heating system, are entered.
  • The test method is indicated - hydrostatic or manometric (pneumatic pressure testing). Next, data on operating parameters: pressure in the pipeline (in one of the units of measurement - MPa or kg/cm2), the time during which the system was under excess pressure.
  • The value of the pressure drop during the test period is entered (in MPa or kg/cm2).
  • The absence or quantity, as well as the location of defects identified during the test or after it, are indicated. Instructions for eliminating defects are entered directly into the act or in addition - into the accumulative sheet.

Commission decision and signatures

Based on the information received selection committee makes a decision whether it is compliant this system heating industry standards and design indicators. A conclusion is drawn whether the system passed the test or not. Based on identified defects, an order is given for their elimination, indicating the time for completion of repair measures.