Long-burning solid fuel boilers - how to choose the best? Long-burning heating boilers using solid fuel: distinctive features, features, advantages

Every owner of a private home is faced with the need to choose a heating system. And for many, this question can transform into a problem. It is impossible to do without a heating system, but not everyone can take into account all the features of a particular building and be as efficient as possible.


It has long been known that good decision is the creation of a water heating system located in the house, which works by circulating the coolant in radiators using a branched pipe system. In most cases, its central element is a gas boiler. But it is not always possible to install a boiler of this type, which is why you have to choose an electric option. But this option is significantly more expensive, and there is a high probability that it may work intermittently, which, in general, negates any advantages of this design. And in this case, the so-called long-burning boiler can be a very worthy alternative.

It is designed so that firewood can be loaded into it on average twice a day, and some models can work up to 7 days without additional loading of wood. At the same time, there are models of this type that make it possible to use coal, pellets, European firewood, peat or, in general, liquid fuel. There are options that work on sawdust, which allows each homeowner to find a solution that best suits his interests.

Long burning boilers have whole line features that quite significantly distinguish them from all other solutions present on the market:

  • combustion technology is that the material does not burn from bottom to top, as in most solid fuel boilers, but just the opposite, which allows increasing the time of fuel burning and heat release;
  • the recuperator supplies heated air into the chamber in clearly defined doses;
  • a telescopic boiler, which is the most efficient, makes it possible to supply heated air into the combustion compartment through the so-called divider;
  • such a boiler practically does not depend on how wet the solid fuel is; Before serving, it is heated with heated air and undergoes a drying procedure;
  • the fuel combustion chamber in units of this category is completely sealed;
  • Thermomechanics are responsible for regulating the temperature of the coolant, so the lack of electricity is not a reason to stop the boiler from working;
  • such devices are reliable and maximally safe in terms of fire hazard.

If we talk about the advantages of this category of boilers, we should mention the following:

  • simple and at the same time reliable design devices;
  • many models do not depend on electricity supplies at all;
  • the cost of such solutions is not much higher than other types;
  • can use one load of fuel for up to a week.

Disadvantages should also be mentioned, such as:

  • quite impressive dimensions;
  • The boiler needs regular cleaning due to the fact that when smoldering it emits quite a lot of soot and burning.

Principle of operation

Solid fuel boilers appeared quite a long time ago, but had one drawback - fuel had to be constantly added as it burned. It was not very economical, so the effectiveness of such a device was questionable. Only in 2000 was a solution found that made it possible, in essence, to create long-burning boilers anew. The principle of their operation is to some extent similar to the operation of pyrolysis models. The bulk of the heat does not depend on whether coal or wood is burned. Its effectiveness is affected by the gasification of the solid fuel.

Since the combustion process is carried out in a completely enclosed space, the so-called wood gas is released through a special telescopic tube. It goes into the heating nozzle, where it mixes with secondary air. Wood gas is pumped into the device using a special fan. And this happens until the moment when the solid fuel burns out completely. The combustion temperature in this case can reach more than one thousand two hundred degrees Celsius. The effectiveness of this technique lies in the slow consumption of fuel, which maximizes the efficiency and economy of such a heating device.

Long burning boilers have a very high efficiency, amounting to about 95 percent. Burnout does not occur immediately of the entire wood stack, but only of its top layer. This is possible due to the fact that the supply of air masses occurs from above, and not from the bottom. When the top layer completely burns out, the air supply is activated, and exactly as much air enters as is necessary for the combustion of the top layer, which makes it possible to significantly increase the burning time and maximize control over this process. It is worth noting that such heating devices should be used exclusively as elements of the heating mechanism. If you need to make a system for heating water for domestic purposes, then this option is definitely not suitable, but it is an ideal solution for heating a large house.

Security measures

In order for the long-burning boiler to serve as long as possible and work stably, without causing injury to any of the residents of the house, Several operating rules must be followed.

  • Do not allow the system to overheat. One of the characteristics of such a boiler is that it cools down very slowly, which is due to the high heat inertia characteristics. For this reason, it is important to ensure that the temperature does not exceed a certain level. You should be very careful if the pipes are made of plastic or metal-plastic. At an output temperature of +105 to +120 degrees, serious problems may arise in the form of melting pipes. For this reason, the switching valves and cooling heat exchangers should be installed during the installation of the heating system.
  • It is prohibited to install a shut-off valve on the pipeline between the boiler and the expansion tank.
  • It is worth installing a good ventilation system in the room for constant provision air flow.
  • Do not start the boiler if there is no water in the expansion tank.
  • Do not place on the device various kinds items that are quite flammable.

By observing such precautions, you can be sure that the operation of a long-burning boiler will be safe and long-lasting.

Manufacturers and reviews

Today on the market there are a large number of various manufacturers of long-burning boilers. Their characteristics are quite similar, which is why making a choice can be very difficult.


The model range of the Lithuanian manufacturer Liepsnele includes equipment whose power ranges from 10 to 40 kilowatts.

Long-burning boilers operate on the following types of fuel:

  • coal;
  • shavings;
  • sawdust;
  • firewood;
  • briquettes;
  • fuel pellets.

Design features These boilers can be called classic. They can be classified as so-called top-burning shaft models. This line of long-burning boilers is energy independent and has high efficiency– more than 90 percent, in any operating mode and when using any type of fuel. Such a mine boiler is perfect solution for the owner of any private home.


The Ukrainian company SWaG produces universal long-burning boilers of a shaft design, which have an electronic control system, which makes it possible to regulate combustion modes as accurately as possible. All models of this manufacturer have a power from 10 to 50 kilowatts. Their distinctive feature is the presence of a turbine that supplies air to the combustion compartment, which significantly increases the efficiency of the device when igniting in the system heating mode.

It is worth noting that all boilers of the Ukrainian manufacturer have safety devices, which include the following elements:

  • thermometer;
  • air vent;
  • pressure reduction valve.

SWaG models are suitable for heating houses with area from 120 to 550 square meters. They can operate continuously for 12 to 36 hours using wood and three to six days when using coal as fuel. You can load from 70 to 400 kilograms of fuel at a time. By the way, when it comes to fuel, models from SWaG are quite unpretentious. You can use wood chips, straw, sawdust and even waste if mixed with coal or wood. But it is better not to use coal that is prone to coking.


The Bulgarian company Stropuva produces long-burning shaft-type boilers, which can be used for heating both industrial and residential buildings. All models of the Bulgarian company are equipped with a traction regulator, which makes it possible not to connect the model to the power grid, thereby ensuring its energy independence. Stropuva models have power from eight to forty kilowatts. They can be used to heat buildings ranging from 30 to 400 square meters. They can work with wood for up to 32 hours, and with coal for up to five days. At one time, you can load from thirty to eighty kilograms of wood or from 70 to 180 kilograms of coal inside. Such solutions are highly safe and resistant to water hammer, since the deformation will be directed inward.


Boilers from domestic company“Week” can work up to a week on one load of coal. They are distinguished by a high efficiency rate of 92 percent. And the presence of automation makes it possible to accurately regulate the water temperature and microclimate in different rooms. It is very easy to recognize this boiler - it has the shape of a rectangle with a fuel loading door located in the upper plane. The type of combustion in the models of this manufacturer is top, and smoke circulation is also provided.

The heat exchanger of such a boiler has several strokes, which allows heat to be removed from the hottest places. The firebox is equipped with a grate type grate, as well as two doors for cleaning. Through the first door, which is located in the fuel chamber, combustion products are removed from the combustion chamber, and through the second - from the ash pan. This boiler also received a special control unit, which is based on a special microprocessor that allows you to control the forced-air fan. It allows you to adjust the air supply to the chamber and the fuel combustion mode.

If the boiler turns off, it goes out, but as soon as the power supply is restored, it can heat up again without human help. In boilers from this manufacturer you can burn almost everything: wood, coal, pellets, wood chips and even construction waste. It should be said that the models from this manufacturer do not set any special requirements for the quality of coal due to the presence of effective supercharging. Such boilers can be used to heat private houses with an area of ​​100 to 600 square meters. The price of boilers is up to 220 thousand rubles.

  • German boilers are the most reliable. Compared to all manufacturers from Germany, the products of Viessmann and Buderus stand out. All models from these manufacturers are fully automated and have economical fuel consumption.

  • Austrian boilers occupy second position in the user rating, as their quality is almost identical to units from Germany. Among the advantages of Austrian heating devices are the presence of a security system consisting of many levels, as well as full automation of boilers. The most interesting will be the products of the Wirbel and Froling brands.

  • The third position in the ranking went to models from the Czech Republic. The most popular boiler manufacturers are Atmos and Opop. These manufacturers specialize in creating entire stations of a universal type that can operate on various types fuel. Interestingly, the best-selling Czech boilers are those with a cast iron exchanger.

  • The next position is occupied by boilers from Latvia, which are represented by products of the Stropuva brand. Their main positive feature is the long operating time from one fuel fill. In autonomous mode, such a boiler can operate for more than two days. The models of this brand have such a simple design that you can even assemble it yourself according to the diagram.

  • Russian boilers occupy the penultimate position in the user rating, since the first models of long-burning boilers from Russia were, frankly speaking, unsuccessful. But now all the errors have been corrected, and the popularity of domestic heating equipment of this type has increased significantly. At the moment, the products of Burzhuy-K, Trayan, Teplodar and others are popular. A very popular model of a domestic boiler called “Tundra”, produced in Novosibirsk.

  • Polish boilers are in last place in the ranking. Equipment from SAS, Wichlacz or Defro is an excellent solution for any private home. All models from these manufacturers are analogues of products from Austria and Germany, but their cost is significantly lower. The only problem that determined the last position of boilers from Poland in the ranking is that there are difficulties with the supply of spare parts for boilers.

Products from a country such as Slovakia were not included in the rating. It is worth talking about it separately because the model called “Bear” is considered one of the most popular among owners of domestic private houses.

How to choose?

Today, high-quality long-term heating boilers are offered by both domestic and foreign manufacturers. But their designs, as well as technical and thermal characteristics, are very different from each other.

When choosing such a boiler, you should pay attention to such characteristics as:

  • design features;
  • manufacturer;
  • country of manufacture.

If the country of manufacture was mentioned above, then it is necessary to dwell on the first two factors in more detail. It's worth starting with performance calculations. If the boiler of the type in question is selected correctly, then it can easily heat a private house with an area of ​​400–500 square meters. When selecting such a device, you should definitely take into account the performance of the heat generator.

  • the total area of ​​the building is calculated;
  • the required boiler power is calculated, which can be done by using the formula where one kilowatt is equal to ten square meters;
  • if the boiler design has a hot water supply circuit, then 15–20 percent is added to the resulting figure, which is higher.

Important. The resulting calculations will be suitable for buildings that have average thermal insulation characteristics and are located in mid-latitudes, and the ceiling height will be no more than two meters and seventy centimeters. If the room has serious deviations from these parameters - its configuration is more complex or the number of window and door openings is too large, then it is better to carry out calculations using calculators available online.

It is worth taking a closer look at the second criterion, which influences the choice of device - this design features and characteristics. Today there are several categories of boilers of this type.

They usually differ in several characteristics.

  • Number of circuits. For example, single-water solutions for long-burning wood heating do not have a built-in hot water coil. In this case, heating of ordinary water is done by connecting an indirect type heater. Of course, these are additional costs for purchasing a tank and installing it. And if the boiler is double-circuit, then it can easily heat both water for domestic needs and the coolant at once.

  • Automation. As a rule, the operation of such boilers is regulated using a damper - manual or mechanical. If the boiler version is automatic, then there must be a mechanism for forced air injection, as well as removal of combustion products. Typically, the autocontroller is connected to room regulators heat. In this case, the error when heating the coolant will be no more than 1–2 percent. But you should not forget about universal boilers with a built-in boiler storage tank. In such models there is only one storage circuit, but they are intended for heating as hot water, and the thermal carrier.

  • Design of the combustion chamber. Today there are two solutions: vertical and horizontal. A vertical firebox is a good option for boilers of this type, where raw wood is used. The solution would be the bottom combustion principle. The damp wood on top will dry while the bottom layer burns. This solution is used in the German Visman models, the domestic Kholmova boiler and other analogues.

There is another algorithm for selecting such a device.

The choice must be made based on several points.

  • Type of fuel. The efficiency of the heating devices in question depends on the category of fuel. Not every fuel can be used for long-term combustion. For example, wood is most efficient at the start of combustion. And peat briquettes can give off heat for quite a long time, thereby maintaining a certain temperature. But the best solution is a universal model into which you can load several various options fuel.

  • Boiler material. Usually it directly depends on the type of fuel. For example, if you use coal, then a steel boiler will be the best choice, and if you use firewood, then you should give preference to the option made of cast iron. The weight of the entire structure also depends on the material used. For example, a cast iron apparatus will be about twenty percent heavier than a steel solution.
  • Power. This parameter depends as much as possible on the physical dimensions of the loading chamber. The larger it is, the more long time the boiler will be able to operate at one load.
  • Product price. This parameter is conditional due to the fact that you should not save too much, because the boiler is the main source of heating, and the performance of the device directly affects the creation of a comfortable environment in the building. You should definitely look at the technical data sheet of the device to familiarize yourself with the technical specifications.

Connection diagram

Before purchasing the type of boiler in question, you should determine where it will be installed. For this purpose, a furnace is usually installed in the house. But most often there is not enough space in it, since usually there are already elements of gas or other heating in this place. Therefore, the installation of a solid fuel solution in a private building can be done in an extension behind the firebox wall. It is necessary to install the frame from metal structures. Usually it is sheathed using sandwich panels or corrugated sheets with insulation. This option would be a good solution for those who plan to heat their house with coal.

It is better to install low-power options directly on a rough floor screed. They are lightweight and do not vibrate the base, since they do not have a fan or other screw-type conveyor that feeds pallets. Before installation, it would not be superfluous to measure the dimensions of the boiler and, in general, see whether it will look normal in the place where it is planned to be installed. It should be understood that it must be positioned in such a way that it can be easily approached and conveniently serviced if any breakdown occurs. If the unit has a power of more than 50 kilowatts, then it requires a concrete foundation. The foundation should be good soil, including a backfill of crushed stone. Such a foundation is also necessary for long-burning boilers, where there is a mechanism for raising and lowering something heavy.

It happens that project drawings for private buildings provide for the construction of a chimney shaft in the thickness of the wall with a pipe exiting through the roof. If there is no mine or it is occupied, then you will have to install a chimney separately for a similar solution that runs on solid fuel. In such a situation, it is better to use double-walled solutions with insulation. They are quite easy to assemble, simply attach to the wall, and also come in a wide variety.


Installation of a long-burning boiler consists of several stages. First you need to determine where the boiler will be located and prepare the room. If previously there was no other model where it will stand, then it is necessary to consider the mechanism for removing gases in the building and its location. The room where it will be located must be non-residential. Before installing the boiler, its location should be covered with a metal shield, and the dimensions should be more than a quarter larger than the dimensions of the device itself. For powerful models, a foundation should be made from a concrete-based screed. Its height should be no more than 10–15 centimeters.

Before installing the boiler, you should check the inclined level of the foundation, which must be level. After this, you can begin installing the boiler. First you need to mark its location. You should know that according to SNiP the boiler must stand at a certain distance from the walls, and the distance from the firebox door to the wall must be one meter and a quarter. On the sides and rear, the distance between the boiler and the walls should be at least 70 centimeters. The wall in front of the boiler must be protected with an additional layer of plaster two and a half millimeters thick. It would also not be superfluous to install a sheet of metal at a level just above the boiler - 20–30 centimeters.

The next stage is the strapping, which is considered the most difficult part. There is a harness with natural and forced circulation. The heating system can be either open or closed. In the case of the natural option, water flows through pipes under its own pressure. If we consider the option with forced circulation, then it is necessary to install a pump that will create pressure.

The selection of the connection mechanism depends on the following factors:

  • device location;
  • number of floors and rooms;
  • area of ​​the house.

For example, a circuit with natural circulation suitable for one-story buildings, because for multi-storey buildings it is ineffective. Depending on which system is chosen, certain elements will be installed, so this point should be omitted.

The next step is to connect the structure to the chimney. All boilers must be connected to a pipe that will allow smoke to escape. If the house already has a brick pipe, then it is enough to connect the boiler to it. Otherwise, you should understand how the output will be carried out - through the wall or through the roof. To do everything correctly, you should know that the channel between the chimney and the boiler must have a distance of at least a meter. This is very important for the high performance of the device, as well as for the safety of residents. It is best if there are as few bends as possible in the chimney, because an additional bend is another obstacle to the natural draft of gases, which can reduce the performance of the boiler.

If we talk about connecting the chimney in more detail, we should talk about the slope of the horizontal section of the pipe that leads from the boiler. Its slope should be 45 degrees. If this cannot be done, then the ideal solution is a range from fifteen to thirty degrees. This area should not be made level, as normal traction will be impossible. To connect the boiler to the chimney, be sure to treat the joints of all parts of the chimney with sealant, which will prevent smoke leakage. First you need to connect the first part of the pipe to the pipe located on the boiler. The diameter of this pipe should not be less than the diameter of the boiler pipe itself. If we omit this feature, then throughput pipes will decrease significantly.

Now you need to install the security group. Its main task is to relieve pressure in the network if it has reached a critical level. It is installed directly at the outlet of the supply pipe. If we talk about normal pressure, three bars is considered ideal. If this value is exceeded, then safety valve should work. Safety system components usually include a pressure control device, an air vent and a pressure gauge.

The last stage remains - connecting the entire structure to the heating system. Before starting the boiler operation, a hydraulic pressure test should be carried out for a day. It is necessary to open the shut-off valves and all taps and connect the water. Next, you should raise the pressure to 1.3 atmospheres to make sure there are no leaks in the system. Then you need to start the boiler and close the doors tightly. When the fire becomes stable, they can be opened and loaded with firewood. When starting up for the first time, you can feel a characteristic chemical smell - this will be the burnout of the remaining factory oil. After some time the smell will disappear. If during the testing process any problems or malfunctions were identified, the boiler should be turned off, allowed to cool, and then the problems should be eliminated.

In general, the process of choosing a long-burning boiler is very responsible and must be carried out in compliance with all the rules and subtleties. In addition, the installation of such a device must be carried out exclusively in compliance with all SNiP standards. If you decide to install such a device yourself, then before doing so it would not be a bad idea to consult with a specialist who will tell you how and what needs to be done.

To learn how to properly connect a long-burning boiler, see the following video.

Warmth in the house and saving on fuel used are two indicators that owners of private houses want to achieve when it comes to the heating system. And if the heating unit in the house runs on wood or coal, then perfect option for this purpose - so-called solid fuel boilers with long burning. The name already speaks for itself.

Everyone knows that conventional wood heating boilers have many advantages. But they also have disadvantages. And one of them is the rapid combustion of solid fuel in the firebox. That is, the owner of a private house has to periodically add firewood or coal, before cleaning out the ash pit. The frequency depends on the type of fuel used. For example, coal burns three times longer than wood. But it is not mined in all regions, so most often you have to deal with wood-burning boilers.

Principle of operation

The operating principle of long-burning boilers is based on the pyrolysis process. This is the decomposition of any substance under the influence of temperature with a minimum supply of oxygen. In fact, the same wood or coal in the combustion chamber does not burn, but smolders. In this case, the so-called pyrolysis gas is released, which burns in an additional furnace, where a certain volume of oxygen is supplied.

At the beginning of operation for the first time combustion chamber where fuel is loaded, oxygen is intensively supplied. It is necessary to warm up the entire system well. After which the supply is reduced to a minimum, and the pyrolysis process begins to operate in the first furnace.

Any long-burning boiler consists of two chambers. In the first, firewood is smoldered, in the second, pyrolysis gas is burned. At the same time, both fireboxes emit thermal energy, so the efficiency of this type of equipment averages 85%.

This indicator can be adjusted in the range of 50-105% depending on the operating mode settings of the device. Or more precisely, from the adjustment of the air (oxygen) supply to both combustion chambers.

Note that conventional solid fuel boilers and stoves operate with an efficiency of no more than 70%.

Configuration and internal design

The design of long-burning units may vary in purely structural design. They can be rectangular or round, the fireboxes can be located one above the other or next to each other in a horizontal plane.

The ignition zone can be located on top of the fuel filling or below, oxygen is supplied from the side or jet from below through a special pipe device with holes.

Types of units

As with any heating equipment, the choice of device is always based on the power of the unit. And in this regard, there is considerable diversity.

A popular representative of long-burning boilers is the Stropuva model. It has an original design in the form of a vertical pipe, inside of which a press in the form of a metal pancake is installed. A pipe is connected to it, through which fresh air (oxygen) enters the unit. This is the so-called telescopic system. The press is installed on the fuel deposit.

There is a gap between the walls of the boiler body and the press (pancake), through which the pyrolysis gas enters the second part of the furnace body. This is where its combustion occurs. The gradual smoldering of the fuel lowers the press lower and lower, while the gap between the firewood and the press remains the same. Long burning boiler

“Stropuva” can work for a very long time with one load: on wood for up to 70 hours, on coal for up to seven days.

The structure of this model is almost the same as that described above. This design was developed by Russian craftsmen, slightly simplifying and improving it. A distinctive feature is the combustion zone, which is located in the lower layer of fuel. Ignition is carried out from the side of the ash pan, for which a small fire is lit on its lower surface or a container with liquid fuel is installed.

The two models have one very serious drawback - the difficulty of choosing the correct cross-section of the chimney and installing it correctly. Without knowing the laws of heating engineering, it will be difficult to independently select the pipe cross-section. Lack of traction or its excess is harmful to proper operation heating device.

Therefore, my advice is that if there is any doubt that the cross-section of the chimney is chosen incorrectly, it is necessary to install a damper on it. Within several hours of operation, it is necessary to set it so that the traction is optimal. True, there is a better way - installing a bimetallic traction control. This is an automatic valve that operates without electricity.

And second. The first part of the chimney pipe from the boiler must be horizontal (minimum 3 m), a slight slope is possible, but not very strong. Then you can lift it vertically.

Gas generators

Modern long-burning solid fuel boilers are units operating on the principle of pyrolysis, with additional functions. These are actually wood burning stoves made of metal. They operate on coal, wood, pellets and other solid fuels.

Manufacturers today offer heating boilers with automated loading. True, in this case you can use pellets or fine coal. A container and a screw are added to the design of the unit. This complicates it, makes it more voluminous, increases the weight and price of the equipment, but at the same time the process of supplying fuel to the combustion chamber is simplified to a minimum. For example, pellets are poured into a container, and from there they are fed into the firebox by an auger.

It should be noted that although gas generators belong to the category of long-burning furnaces, they cannot boast of the same burning time as that of the Stropuv. The maximum period of fuel combustion in them is 10 hours. After which, if there is no automated bookmark, you will have to do everything manually, not forgetting to clean the ash pan from soot and ash.

Advantages of long-burning boilers

First of all, it is necessary to indicate two main criteria that formed the basis for the high popularity of these heating units:

  1. Reducing human presence during operation and maintenance.
  2. Increased work efficiency.

It is the second criterion that determines the economic side. That is, a wood heating unit consumes a minimum of fuel, while releasing a large amount of thermal energy.

One of the advantages is the fact that a long-burning boiler operating on wood and coal practically does not emit carbon oxides into the atmosphere, which pollute environment. The thing is that the fuel burns almost completely. Pyrolysis gas (also known as carbon dioxide) burns with all fuel particles. An insignificant amount of harmful substances is released into the atmosphere.

Plus everything thermal energy almost 100% remains inside the unit. A small amount comes out through the chimney. In addition, the temperature of the exhaust gases does not exceed +50 °C.

Long-burning units and water heating

All of the above models are ordinary stoves that radiate heat from their body, thereby heating one or two rooms ( small house). In this category there are models that are also used for water heating. In this case, the design of the unit itself becomes more complicated, but not much.

Design Features

To heat the coolant, a water jacket is installed in almost all models for a water heating system. For example, the Stropuva boiler. Its body consists of two cylinders, between which the coolant moves.

In a group of gas generators, a water jacket is installed around the combustion chamber. There are models in which a heat exchanger is mounted in the form of an additional tank at the back or side of the firebox.

All boilers of this type operating on heating system houses are provided with good thermal insulation. This is another plus for heat conservation and energy saving.

Model differences

About some design differences has already been written above. But there are other features. Long-burning solid fuel boilers can be single- or double-circuit. They are made of steel or cast iron.

The supply of oxygen to the combustion chamber can be natural or forced (using an installed fan). With automatic adjustment of temperature conditions or completely without automation. That is, the choice is so huge that today every consumer can easily select the necessary model to suit his needs and requirements.

Heating options for a private house or country house building quite a lot, one of which is the use of solid fuel, that is, firewood and coal. This method quickly warms up the room, but it is cost-effective to install it only if the material itself for combustion is easily accessible. You can save on purchases and make your own long-burning wood-burning boilers. Loading for 24 hours or more is considered optimal, so let’s look at it in more detail.

Model of the finished unit

The operating principle of the units is reduced to the processing of pyrolysis gases. Solids smolder with a very small supply of oxygen, while breaking down into various components, the main one being pyrolysis gas. That is, during operation, the fuel burns first, then the released gas, which makes it possible to increase the efficiency by 20-25% and the time of laying the next batch of wood.

A large number of units are made from cast iron and steel, where the structure itself is made of the second material, and the chamber is made of the first. Only an open combustion chamber is used, where oxygen is taken from the room. A damper is installed to control the flame level. The coolant circuit runs around the chamber.

The following can be used as solid fuel in such units:

  • firewood is the most common option;
  • wooden pallets (wood processing waste);
  • coal briquettes.

Advice! If you have installed a wood-burning boiler for heating a private home, load the fuel vertically to increase the burnout time.

Related article:

Firewood is not the only solid fuel. There are units that can operate on several types. Let's talk about them!

Equipment Variations

All solid fuel units are conventionally divided into homemade and purchased. The former do not have much functionality and are made from improvised materials, and their use requires control, and the efficiency level reaches only 60%.

Industrial options are equipped with various devices that facilitate operation. They can be divided into subgroups:

  • with a built-in electric heating element (maximum 2 kW), which allows you not to cool down the equipment during complete combustion of the fuel;
  • with rotating air nozzles, which serve to burn associated gases;
  • with chamber cooling, that is, an emergency circuit is installed to increase safety;
  • with adjustable door pressure, extending service life.

The efficiency of purchased equipment can reach 85%, which significantly saves fuel resources.

Positive and negative aspects of long-burning boilers up to 7 days or less

The price of long-burning wood heating boilers varies and depends on the brand, power and other parameters. Moreover, such equipment has advantages and disadvantages. The first include:

  • high efficiency rate;
  • saving energy costs;
  • various fuels can be used;
  • ease of operation;
  • quick space heating.

There are also quite a few disadvantages that should be considered before purchasing equipment:

  • there is no emergency immediate stop in case of an emergency;
  • there is no way to adjust the heating level;
  • the cost of the units is high;
  • it is necessary to clean the tar;
  • there is often a discrepancy between the data specified in the equipment passport and the actual time costs for heating;
  • steel cools quickly after stopping work.

Solid fuel boilers are chosen because they do not require special installation permission and are not difficult to install. Moreover, you can not only buy a unit with a long burning life, but also assemble a long-burning wood-burning boiler with a 24-hour load with your own hands.

It is not difficult to assemble a boiler with your own hands, and it is easier to make it in a round shape. First you need to select the correct equipment drawing and prepare everything you need.

Options for drawings of a long-burning pyrolysis boiler for DIY assembly

If you are well versed in assembly and have everything necessary tools at hand, you can use more complex drawings, of which there are quite a few options.

If you still plan to assemble a simpler round model, then you should select the appropriate drawing.

Let's sort it out step by step instructions the first widespread scheme.

Related article:

In a separate publication we will talk about self-production first-class boiler. Read!


Collect everything necessary materials and tools are a preparatory and very important stage of work. Prepare:

  • empty gas cylinder;
  • metal pipes;
  • sheets of metal;
  • grinder and grinding disc, as well as a metal disc;
  • welding;
  • drill with drills.

When everything is assembled, we move on to the assembly itself.

Step-by-step instructions with photo examples

The design of long-burning wood-fired boilers with a load of more than 24 hours, made by yourself, is quite simple, but you need to approach each stage carefully so that you don’t have to redo everything all over again.

If during preparation you did not find an empty cylinder, you can use a steel pipe with dense walls (height - 850 mm, diameter - 300 mm).

ActionsPhoto example
Weld a pipe in the upper part of the cylinder, but of a smaller size (diameter - 100 mm, length - 400 mm).
Install the piston necessary to put pressure on the logs and limit the access of oxygen. It will require a pipe (diameter - 60 mm, length - slightly longer than the base).
At the bottom of this pipe, weld a steel disk with a smaller diameter (270 mm).
Mount the blades in the form of an arc on the disk, and a small washer with which you make a 20 mm hole to limit the flow of air.
On top of the boiler you come up with a removable lid.
Now you need to install the water circuit. It can be done in two ways. 1 – a water jacket is made around the combustion area, according to the principle of a thermos, where water circulation occurs between the inner and outer walls.
2 is more complex, since water must be supplied to the piston. It is used much less frequently, as operational difficulties may arise.
The work is completed (inside view).

We invite you to watch a more detailed video on assembling a homemade long-burning boiler.

Video: do-it-yourself long-burning boiler

Price for wood-fired pyrolysis boilers in stores

To understand how much you can save on self-assembly of equipment, let’s look at the TOP 3 wood-burning models with consumer reviews:

NameImageSpecificationsprice, rub.
power, kWt10-20 80000
Thermal power using wood, kW16
Fuel consumption, kg/h4,2
Water temperature, ⁰С65-90
Heating power, kW20 90000
Firebox volume, m³200
Burning time, h31,5
power, kWt24 55000
Boiler materialcast iron
Heating area, m²240
Dmitry, Obninsk:“I bought a Buderus Logano G221–20 for the dacha, I don’t use it often, so the heating is quite enough. Firewood burns out quite quickly, so additional loading is required.”
Marina, Samara:“We needed heating for the winter in a private house, there were no communications except light, so we bought Stropuva S10. I worked one winter with good results, I’m satisfied.”
Mikhail, Bryansk:“I bought a Viadrus Hercules U22D-4 two years ago, I’m very happy with my choice. At first I was confused by the modest dimensions, but the boiler gives its performance in reality.”

Exist different models and variations of solid fuel heating equipment. By assembling it yourself, you can save a lot, but also reduce general indicator Efficiency

If you need to create a heating system in a private house or country house, carefully choose the boiler option. You can assemble a model that runs on solid fuel yourself or purchase it in a store.

This heating method is perfect if there are no communications to the house, and if making the right choice You can avoid additional fuel loading for up to 7 days.

One of the popular units for creating a heating system for a private home remains a long-burning solid fuel boiler using wood. It is especially convenient for heating a large building to which it is impossible to supply main gas.

Modern units with a long-burning design are able to operate autonomously for many hours, which simplifies the operation of the heating system. But in order to choose the right boiler that will fully meet your heat needs, you need to at least roughly understand its structure and operating principle. In addition, when choosing, many specific criteria are taken into account, which are also important to remember.

Why is a wood boiler sometimes the best option?

Of course, gas units are recognized as the best option both in terms of ease of use and cost of energy. But, unfortunately, not all populated areas of the country (and this is especially true in rural areas) are covered by gasification. In addition, supplying gas to a house, even if there is a central pipeline, is a rather difficult and costly task associated with the preparation of numerous documents. Obtaining all permits and approvals, drawing up a project, as well as purchasing everything necessary for connecting an individual gas supply line will require a lot of time, nerves, and money.

Electric heating units, it would seem, can be used to heat any building to which electricity is supplied. Such boilers are easy to install, adjust and operate. However, their use also has its pitfalls.

For example, to install high-power devices (above 7÷9 kW), a three-phase power line is required. And this is again trips to the authorities, drawing up a project, its approval, approval and other “joys”. Another factor that cannot be ignored is the high cost of electricity, and it is growing every year. Therefore, paying for heating using an electric boiler can become an unbearable burden for the family budget.

In addition, it is necessary to remember that if during an emergency there is a power outage, the house will be left not only without light, but also without heating.

The logical conclusion is that if it is impossible to use gas, a solid fuel boiler is more reliable and profitable for heating a private home. Moreover, heating homes with wood has been traditional for many decades, since there is no shortage of this fuel. Particularly problems do not arise in regions rich in forests, where there is always enough dead wood. Yes, and the purchase of ready-made firewood on a scale heating season will cost much less than paying for electricity.

That is why, even after installing gas heating equipment, many owners of old houses are in no hurry to get rid of stoves and fireplaces, which are maintained in working order “just in case.”

However, a stove is not an option that can heat large areas of the house. Therefore, in order to achieve comfortable temperatures, several stoves had to be installed in the building, which were heated several times a day. Of course, this is not only difficult, but also extremely uneconomical.

This discomfort is eliminated by creating a full-fledged heating system powered by a long-burning solid fuel boiler, which allows the entire house to be supplied with heat from one place. Unlike a conventional stove, such units are capable of operating from one load of fuel for up to 12 hours or even more. Thus, such a boiler will require attention twice a day, when the required amount of firewood is put into the firebox.

By the way, there are also models of solid fuel units that can operate on one load of fuel for a day or more.

The advantage of solid fuel boilers is that almost all models can operate not only on wood, but also on other types of solid fuel. For this purpose, pellets, peat briquettes, as well as so-called “euro firewood” are produced from wood waste on an industrial scale.

Some types of coal are also used as fuel for these units, however, not all models are designed for it. Therefore, if you plan to use coal for heating, you should choose the appropriate model after studying its characteristics when purchasing.

Design and operating principle of long-burning heating boilers

To understand how the boiler functions, as well as to facilitate the process of its future maintenance, you need to familiarize yourself with the design and principle of operation.

The principle of long burning is that, firstly, such boilers have a very voluminous firewood loading chamber. And secondly, that fuel combustion does not occur immediately, but is broken down into two stages.

  • Firewood (or other solid fuel acceptable for this model) is placed in the combustion chamber. This compartment should be filled to almost its entire volume. Only at the very loading window do they try to lay out thin logs, wood chips, branches, etc. – to facilitate initial ignition.

  • Next, using a torch or paper, the fuel supply is ignited. At this stage, a sufficient amount of air is supplied into the chamber, necessary for intense combustion to occur.
  • Once the fuel has ignited, the air supply to this primary combustion chamber is reduced to a minimum. Thanks to this, the usual active burning of firewood stops and goes into the stage of thermal decomposition, in other words, smoldering.
  • Under such conditions, smoldering wood, during its decomposition, releases very significant volumes of combustible gases with high energy potential. This process is called pyrolysis, and the gases themselves (which are dominated by methane) are accordingly often called pyrolysis.
  • If in conventional furnaces the resulting pyrolysis gases simply go into the chimney, then in long-burning boilers they enter a specially designed afterburner chamber. Here under the influence high temperature and an excess of supplied oxygen (air), the gas mixture ignites and completely burns out with a very significant release of heat. As a result of the full cycle, there is practically no waste left from the firewood, since its solid component is destroyed by smoldering to the smallest ash, and the gaseous component burns out intensively in the afterburner. This in total determines the high heat transfer of the boiler and its high efficiency.

It is the formed pyrolysis gases that are the main source of thermal energy, and it is their afterburning chamber that accounts for the main part of the water circuit heat exchanger. Although, of course, heat extraction begins in the primary combustion chamber.

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To make it more clear how such boilers are approximately arranged, you can consider the following diagram:

1 – boiler body with a reliable layer of thermal insulation.

2 – firewood loading window with a tightly closing door.

3 – chamber of primary thermal decomposition of wood (pyrolysis).

4 – ash pit in which unburnt waste is collected.

5 – channel for dosed supply of primary air necessary to ensure smoldering of firewood

6 – channel for supplying secondary air, necessary for complete afterburning of bleached pyrolysis gases.

7 – afterburning chamber of pyrolysis gases.

8 – pipe for connecting the boiler to the chimney to remove combustion gases.

9 – pipe for connecting the return pipe of the heating circuit.

10 – pipe for connecting to the heating circuit supply pipe.

11 – additional heat exchanger, which is often used to connect the indirect heating boiler of a home’s hot water supply system

Of course, such a scheme is not at all some kind of dogma. The number of models offered for sale is large, and the layout can have very significant differences. In particular, the structure of the loading chamber, the direction of combustion of the fuel fill, and the location and design principle of the secondary afterburning chamber of pyrolysis gases may differ. Each model has its own “water jacket” design or additional heat exchangers. But the principle of operation of the boiler still remains similar.

Before you start using the selected model, you must carefully study the diagram of its design, which is necessarily included in the documentation accompanying this heating device.

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Types of designs of long-burning solid fuel boilers

From the information presented above, it is already clear that the main task when operating boilers of this design is to achieve the correct dosage of air flows: primary air entering the fuel chamber, and secondary air, which is responsible for the high-quality complete combustion of pyrolysis gases.

In models different manufacturers these problems are solved in various ways. That is, the design of boilers can be equipped with additional devices that balance the processes taking place.

Forced air boilers

One of the design options is boilers with a built-in fan, which is used to pump air. The distribution of air flows among the chambers through internal channels is carried out using an automatic control unit.

Almost all boilers equipped with fans are arranged in such a way that the main loading chamber is located in the central part of the structure.

Thanks to the presence of a fan, the fuel quickly flares up, and the heat-resistant materials with which its internal walls are usually lined (ceramic concrete or fireclay) perfectly accumulate heat. The draft created in the firebox constantly supplies the pyrolysis gas released by the fuel to the afterburner chamber, which in some models is located at the bottom. At the entrance to this space, special ceramic nozzles are installed that can withstand temperatures reaching up to 1000 degrees.

When burned, pyrolysis gases heat the pipes of the water jacket. In turn, installed in the heating circuit and also connected to the automatic unit, it ensures the required intensity of coolant movement throughout the entire heating system.

In some models of solid fuel boilers, the afterburner may be located in the rear or upper part of the boiler structure.

If the afterburner is located at the rear of the boiler, it has sufficient complex design heat exchange elements, which contributes to rapid heating of the coolant. Thanks to this, high efficiency of the device is achieved, sometimes reaching 90–95%.

Such designs of electronically controlled boilers have a large number of advantages, but they also have their own significant drawback- this is energy dependence. In the event of a power outage, the fans, pump, and naturally, the entire automatic unit do not function, which leads to a suspension or complete stop of the movement of coolant through the heating circuit. If power outages are not uncommon for the area where the house is located, then it is necessary to have an autonomous power supply system - this could be an electric generator, which must always be kept in a state of full readiness. UPS, uninterruptible power supply units specially designed for this purpose, help prevent infrequent and not too long interruptions.

Another serious disadvantage of a boiler with an electronic control system is its high sensitivity to voltage changes. Therefore, it is necessary to provide them with protection by installing a separate voltage stabilizer.

Voltage stabilizer - guarantees correct operation of the boiler electronics

You shouldn’t waste money on this device - its cost is not comparable to the cost of a boiler full of electronics, and skimping on such precautions can result in much higher costs! How to choose - read in a special publication on our portal.

Non-volatile heating devices

To avoid dependence on the stability of the power supply, it is worth choosing long-burning units with natural air draft and equipped with a mechanical control system. There are many such models on the market. For example, these are familiar boilers from a domestic manufacturer called “Bourgeois-K” or “Trayan”.

These devices have a volumetric fuel chamber located in the lower part of the structure, under which there is a blower, which simultaneously serves as an ash pit. The damper for air access, located at the bottom of the door, is connected by a chain to the thermostat.

When igniting firewood loaded into the firebox, it is necessary to open the damper as much as possible to ensure active combustion of the fuel and start the pyrolysis process. To achieve it, a temperature of at least 200 degrees is required.

After a fire, the damper should be closed, reducing to a minimum the access of oxygen to the fuel chamber, transferring the combustion to the smoldering stage. Further, as already described above, pyrolysis gases are released, which enter and ignite in the afterburner.

Thanks to this design, the heating device is completely energy independent, so even in the absence of electricity, the house will continue to be supplied with heat.

This type of boiler is inferior in efficiency and fuel economy to energy-dependent devices, however, it is its independence from the availability of electricity that makes it popular among consumers. In addition, you will also not have to pay for energy consumption, which will also help save on the operation of the heating system as a whole.

Solid fuel boilers with top combustion

Another design option for heating units is the original technological systems with the direction of wood burning from top to bottom. A similar principle is used not only in many models of solid fuel boilers, but also in stoves operating on the principle of long combustion.

Boilers with top ignition, as a rule, have the shape of a cylinder located vertically. Almost all types of solid fuel are suitable for this type of heating units - firewood, briquettes, coal, wood chips, sawdust, etc. The chamber in such boilers has a very large volume, which allows them to operate on one fuel load for a long time: this duration depends on the specific model and fuel type. For example, some of them are capable of working with wood from 24 hours to three days, and when using coal - even from three to seven days.

The operating cycle of such a boiler can be represented in the following order:

So, such a boiler has a cylindrical vertical body (item 1).

Through a special door (item 2) the selected fuel (item 3) is loaded into the chamber. At the very bottom there is a door (item 4), which serves to clean the chamber from ash before the next loading.

If firewood is used for heating, then large-diameter logs are laid down and in the middle of the stack, and wood chips are loaded around them and on top. Then, using paper, the top thin wood is ignited. To ignite fuel, you can use liquids specially designed for igniting stoves.

In the upper part of the housing there is an air supply channel (item 5) to the boiler, equipped with a valve. The valve can be manual or semi-automatic, operating on the principle of changing the configuration of a bimetallic plate under the influence of temperature. Air from this channel enters the heating chamber (item 6), where it is heated under the influence of the heat generated by the boiler.

As soon as surface burning of the wood begins, a special air distributor (pos. 7) is lowered onto the stack. This is a rather massive part made of a metal profile, inside of which there are channels for uniform distribution of air over the surface of the burning fuel. With its weight, the distributor rests on the burning bookmark, and as it burns out, it gradually falls down. To do this, it is connected to the air heating chamber by a pipe of a special telescopic design (item 8).

The air heating chamber has a damper (pos. 9), which regulates the flow of secondary air into the upper part of the combustion chamber (pos. 10).

Pyrolysis gases released during the smoldering of the top layer of the fill rise to the upper part of the fuel chamber, where they meet the flow of hot secondary air coming from above. That is, everything is created the necessary conditions for their complete afterburning with a large release of heat. After this, gaseous waste is discharged through the pipe (item 11) into the chimney.

The generated heat is transferred to the water jacket of the boiler (item 12), which is connected to the heating circuit of the system through the return (item 13) and supply pipes (item 14).

As you can see, in fact, in this design there is no obvious division into a chamber for preliminary combustion of wood and final combustion of gases - the total space is divided into these zones by the position of the air distributor, and the sizes of these zones change as the unit operates.

Such boiler models can also be equipped with a built-in fan, which provides forced air supply. However, even their work can be carried out in the presence of only natural traction. Therefore, the heating of the house will work even in the absence of electricity.

This design has shown its effectiveness, so some home craftsmen take it as a basis when creating their own products. A striking example of this is the popular wood-burning stove with the unusual name “Bubafonya”.

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A short overview of long-burning solid fuel boiler models

This section will consider several popular models of solid fuel boilers among Russian consumers, which have proven themselves to be reliable and easy-to-use heating devices.

Solid fuel boiler “Stropuva S40P”

The heating boiler “Stropuva S40P” is a model of the Lithuanian company “STROPUVA”, designed for heating fairly large areas and capable of burning coal, wood, as well as wood and peat briquettes.

The boiler has a top-burning design and consists of two cylinders, one of which is located inside the other. The space between the cylinders is, in fact, a water jacket, that is, a heat exchanger for the coolant of the heating system. The inner cylinder contains a volumetric combustion chamber, into which air, which supports surface combustion of the fuel fill, is automatically supplied through a telescopic distributor. As the fuel burns, the distributor lowers, creating optimal conditions for its smoldering. In the upper part of the chamber, the final combustion of pyrolysis gases occurs.

The boiler has a cyclic operating mode; fuel is loaded into the combustion chamber manually.

Due to its shape, the unit has compact dimensions in plan, but has a considerable height - 1900 mm. Therefore, the room for its installation must have a sufficiently high ceiling.

Technical characteristics of “Stropuva S40P” are determined by the following parameters:

Parameter nameIndicators
Boiler type
Type of fuel usedfirewood, coal, briquettes, Eurowood, pellets
Number of circuitsone (heating only)
power, kWt40
Efficiency, %85
Presence of a fan for air injectionThere is
Built-in circulation pumpNo
Chimney diameter, mm200
ThermometerThere is
Control typemechanical
Energy dependenceYes
Availability of safety valveThere is
Device weight, kg308

The average cost of the device for 2018 is 105,000 ÷110,000 rubles.

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Solid fuel boiler "Buderus Logano G221-20"

The Buderus Logano G221-20 model is a solid fuel boiler made in Germany, characterized by high stability and operational reliability. The heating device can operate on different types of fuel - wood, coal, briquettes and coke. The use of more heat-intensive types of fuel is permissible, since the boiler is equipped with a cast iron heat exchanger.

The features of the solid fuel boiler “Buderus Logano G221-20” include the following:

  • Large loading volume of fuel and ash chamber.
  • The ability to reinstall the firebox door to the other side - sometimes this needs to be done for ease of use.
  • Easy access to cleaning the combustion chamber and ash chamber.
  • This boiler model can be easily integrated into an already existing system heating, for example, as a backup heating source.

A whole line of solid fuel heating devices “Buderus” of the “Logano G221” series with different technical characteristics is supplied to the Russian market. Therefore, from them you can choose a unit that has the required heating power for both residential and industrial buildings.

The technical characteristics of the Buderus Logano G221-20 are as follows:

Parameter namesIndicators
Boiler typelong burning solid fuel boiler
Type of fuel usedfirewood, briquettes, “eurowood”, coal, coke.
Number of circuitsone (heating)
power, kWt20
Maximum heated area, m²200
Efficiency, %78
Coke consumption, kg/h3.9
Coal consumption, kg/h3.6
Firewood consumption, kg/h5.6
Maximum coolant temperature, ˚С90
Maximum pressure in the heating system circuit, bar4
Primary heat exchanger materialcast iron
Chimney diameter, mm150
Thermometer, pressure gaugeThere is
Control typemechanical
Energy dependenceYes
Device weight, kg210
Linear parameters (height, depth, width), mm1370×820×605

The average cost of such a device for 2018 is 110,000÷115,000 rubles.

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Solid fuel boiler “Protherm Beaver 50 DLO”

"Protherm Bober 50 DLO" is a long-burning boiler made in Slovakia, made of cast iron. The device is intended for heating both residential and industrial facilities.

Efficient operation of the heating device is guaranteed when quality implementation its installation, as well as during regular maintenance throughout the entire period of operation. The Protherm Beaver 50 DLO boiler is designed to operate in a system with both natural and forced coolant circulation. Therefore, this model may well function with complete absence energy supply.

Thanks to the cast iron heat exchanger, the sections are heated evenly, which increases the boiler efficiency to 90%.

The housing is equipped with a cooling circuit that prevents the coolant temperature from rising above 110 degrees.

Foil-coated mineral wool was used as housing insulation, which helps to increase the heat capacity of the unit and the safety of its operation.

The device is equipped with a special thermostat, the regulator of which is located on its cover. Installation of the necessary temperature regime done manually...

Technical characteristics of "Protherm Beaver 50 DLO" are shown in the table:

Parameter namesIndicators
Boiler typelong burning solid fuel boiler
Type of fuel used
Number of circuitsone (heating)
power, kWt35
Maximum heated area, m²265
Efficiency, %90
Maximum coolant temperature, ˚С85
Minimum coolant temperature, ˚С30
Maximum pressure in the heating system circuit, bar4
Primary heat exchanger materialcast iron
Chimney diameter, mm150
Thermometer, pressure gaugeThere is
Control typemechanical
Energy dependenceNo
Device weight, kg380
Linear parameters (height, depth, width), mm935×740×440

The average cost of the device for 2018 is 95,000 ÷ 105,000 rubles.

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Long-burning solid fuel boiler "Teplodar Kupper OK30"

The unit produced by a domestic manufacturer is especially popular for use in residential buildings private sector with a small area. Its demand is explained not only by its high technical characteristics, but also by its affordable price.

“Teplodar Cooper OK30” has compact dimensions, so it does not take up much space, and you do not have to build a separate spacious room for it. The device is able to effectively heat the coolant within 20 minutes from the start of the fire, which ensures that the rooms reach a comfortable temperature in a short time. The advantage of this heating unit is that it can operate on any solid fuel, and if necessary, it can also be converted to electricity or natural gas– the possibility of installing standard modules is provided.

In practice, it has been verified that the optimally long operating life on one bed of this model is achieved by using two types of fuel simultaneously. For example, firewood is first placed horizontally into the combustion chamber, it is ignited, and then coal is added through the upper loading channel.

The technical characteristics of Teplodar Cooper OK30 are summarized in the table:

Parameter namesIndicators
Boiler typelong burning solid fuel boiler
Type of fuel usedfirewood, briquettes, “Eurowood”, coal.
Number of circuitsone (heating)
power, kWt30
Maximum heated area, m²300
Efficiency, %90
Water circuit volume, l50
Maximum coolant temperature, ˚С95
Minimum coolant temperature, ˚С30
Maximum pressure in the heating system circuit, bar2
Primary heat exchanger materialsteel
Chimney diameter, mm150
Thermometer, pressure gaugeThere is
Control typemechanical
Energy dependenceNo
Device weight, kg145
Linear parameters (height, depth, width), mm1000×645×420

The average cost of the device for 2018 is 24,000 ÷ 30,000 rubles.

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To summarize - a few words about the advantages and disadvantages of wood-burning boilers

So, despite the wide range of appliances that use other types of fuel, wood boilers do not lose their popularity. Manufacturers are constantly improving their products, supplementing them with innovative solutions that simplify the operation process and increase the efficiency of the units. Thanks to this, many of the models can compete with electric and gas appliances.

Advantages Such equipment can be considered the following:

  • Long-burning solid fuel boilers have a high efficiency, which in some models reaches 95%, since thanks to the afterburning system, the loss of the energy potential of the fuel used is practically reduced to a minimum.
  • The devices can be called environmentally friendly, since they are fired using Natural resources, emissions from which are well processed by plants.
  • The autonomy of most boilers makes them independent of the availability of electricity.
  • When installing units of this type, there is no need to go through lengthy procedures to obtain various permits and approvals.
  • Solid fuel boilers can also have a double-circuit circuit, which will not only heat the premises of the house, but also supply the family hot water. If this function is not provided for in the design of the unit, then it is easy to connect an indirect heating boiler to it.
  • These devices are designed for a very long service life, measured in decades. They are unpretentious in operation and maintenance.

TO shortcomings solid fuel heating devices include the following factors:

  • The devices require constant monitoring of operation, as well as timely loading of fuel into the combustion chamber.
  • Mandatory cleaning of the fuel and ash chamber from combustion products is required before the next operating cycle.
  • The need to arrange high-quality ventilation system in the room where the boiler is installed, a well-thought-out chimney design.
  • Almost all wood-burning boilers are large in size, so it is necessary to equip them separate room or allocate quite a lot of space in one of the non-residential premises of the house.
  • In addition, you will need an equipped place for storing solid fuel. Before each loading, firewood stored outside must be brought indoors to dry for a certain period. Fuel that is too wet will significantly reduce the efficiency of the boiler, since the pyrolysis process may be incomplete.