Determining fate and character by the shape of the hand - palmistry. Interesting things on the web

An important role in palmistry is played not only by the main lines and symbols located on the palm itself, but also by the appearance of the hand. The shape of the hand, the size of the fingers, the color of the skin, whether the palm is hard or soft, full or thin - this is important features, which carry information that can tell about a person’s state of health, his past and future. In palmistry, there are several types of hands.

Palm appearance

Information is encrypted in both palms - the left hand will reveal secrets about the upcoming future, while the right hand will tell about the opportunities that a person was able to take advantage of in life. When studying the types of palms, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • appearance (size, curvature and shape of fingers);
  • the size of an individual's palm relative to height;
  • joint flexibility;
  • palm width.

A not very large hand in palmistry is considered a sign weak-willed people who, despite their huge internal plans and ambitions, are unable to bring them to life. They are used to leaving everything halfway.

A large palm is characteristic of people who approach life judiciously: when making any decision, they will think 10 times before doing one way or another. Such individuals have a practical approach to life, preferring “a bird in the sleeve rather than a pie in the sky.”

The shape of a hand tells a lot about a person. An oval-shaped brush can be observed in creatively gifted individuals who are controlled by emotions and passions. Fragile and bony wrists are a sign of grumpy and envious natures.

A wide brush is a sign of a cunning disposition. Owners of such a hand will always find a way out of any situation and will act in a way that is beneficial to them. A short and very wide wrist is a sign of hard work. These are people who are true to their word, accustomed to achieving success in life through hard work.

Depending on temperament, the gestures used in communication also change. Sweeping gestures are characteristic of individuals who easily find a common language with others, easily let new acquaintances into their circle of close people, and without regret part with old connections. The habit of unconsciously fingering various objects in the palm of your hand indicates strong inner agitation.

The way he shakes his hand when meeting someone will also tell you about a person’s character. An overly joyful handshake, accompanied by excessive shaking of the hand, indicates a strong desire to make a complacent impression.

A limp handshake is a sign of a lack of initiative and soft-bodied character, a person accustomed to shifting responsibility onto the shoulders of others. People hurrying through life shake hands quickly. The most important thing for such individuals is their own affairs; they are of little concern about other people’s problems.

Wide swings while walking are a sign that a person’s life is guided by emotions. He easily empathizes with other people and, without hesitation, says what you think.

The habit of clenching your palms into fists indicates a cocky disposition. Relaxed arms while walking are a sign of a calm temperament. You can always rely on such a friend; he will never let you down.

Types of palms in palmistry

Palmists distinguish 7 main types of palms:

  • The elementary hand is a wide and heavy palm, with large, unruly fingers. Such individuals give preference to simple truths, without spending their lives on spiritual quests. They almost completely lack creative imagination, so the main thing for such people is a profession that can provide the needs of life.
  • Practical - a sinewy palm, shaped like a square, ending in mobile, not very long, bluntly outlined fingers. These are pedantic and persistent individuals who are accustomed to showing perseverance and patience in achieving their goals. For such people, debt comes first. They are accustomed to doing work without devoting Special attention your intellectual and spiritual development. Strong feelings and experiences are unusual for owners of such palms.
  • Shovel-shaped - belongs to people who know what they want from life, they always have a clear goal and are not afraid to achieve it. These are intellectuals who constantly work to improve their knowledge and skills and do not like hard physical work. Owners of this type of hand are ambitious and focused on their professional fulfillment. Such people meticulously choose their life partner, trying to build long-term relationships.
  • Philosophical – characteristic of individuals with wide palms and knobby, dense fingers. These are people who are used to weighing, analyzing and analyzing everything down to the smallest detail, they always have their own answers to all questions, and any idea is questioned. Middle and thumb same size- a sign that the will, mind and desire for knowledge are equally developed.
  • Artistic - a thin and flexible palm with long fingers. These are individuals who perceive the world through experienced emotions and feelings. People who are accustomed to expressing their thoughts and views through creative expression: poems, music, books, acting on stage. People with this type are characterized by a desire for changes in their personal and professional lives, travel, and a permanent change of residence.
  • Spiritual is a refined and fragile palm, inherent in individuals who love to dream, but in practice do little to realize their dreams. These are people with high ideals. They place high demands not only on their acquaintances, but also on themselves. In pursuit of spiritual enrichment, very little attention is paid to everyday life and family. They believe in mysticism and like to surround themselves with unusual things.
  • Mixed is the most common type of hand in palmistry, combining the main features of all previous types.

When fortune telling by hand, you need to carefully examine both palms, paying attention even to all the nuances. This will help you get the most complete information.

Palm shape

Our ancestors connected palm fortune telling and astrology. Using knowledge about celestial bodies, palmistry has identified types of hands that distinguish people according to their character traits, which are ruled by a certain zodiac sign - the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

Sunny hand

This is a palm with a long hand and an elongated shape. A person with such a hand is creatively gifted and pays a lot of attention to realizing his talent, but does not have his head in the clouds, but makes a lot of effort to provide himself and his family with everything they need.

This is a person who achieves success in any field of activity, takes into account risks, and is not afraid to realize his goals. A pronounced Mount of the Sun on the left hand of the solar type is a sign of a genius with a special talent.

Moon hand

The hand is wide at the base and gradually narrows towards the fingertips. The shape is typical for women's palms. A person with such a hand is easily vulnerable and susceptible to the opinions of others. Knows how to find an approach to other people, empathizing with their problems and helping as best he can.

He is pleasant and easy to talk to, and knows how to carry on a conversation even with unfamiliar people. He is gentle and caring with his family members, and does not hesitate to show attention and love.

Mercurial hand

A wide hand with long, strong fingers. Such a palm belongs to people who are accustomed to being guided in life by their own mind, without relying on the help of others. Feelings and emotions for such individuals are in second place. Before making any decision, they think everything through carefully. An important role in the lives of such people is played by the accumulated experience and knowledge, which they turn to in a difficult situation.

Venusian hand

A soft and refined palm with elongated fingers that is pleasant to touch. The owners of such a hand are delicate and impressionable natures, accustomed to devoting a lot of time to self-care. They are easy to communicate and very popular with the opposite sex.

This type of palm is characteristic of people who easily fall in love and completely surrender to this feeling. Sentimental and impressionable individuals, for whom family values ​​are of great importance.

Martian hand

The palm is a rectangle - wide at the base and not tapering towards the fingers. Such a hand is a sign of determination, intelligence and resourcefulness. These are strong personalities, accustomed to acting all the time, they make decisions without hesitation and without thinking for a long time, they are not afraid to defend their opinions and easily take responsibility for others.

People with this hand shape occupy leadership positions, which allows them to realize their potential to the fullest.

Jupiterian hand

One of the most beautiful shapes hands, in outline resembling a trapezoid. People with such a palm are friendly and pleasant to talk to, they approach life with enthusiasm, trying to make the most of every day.

These are professionals in their field, lovingly devoting themselves to their chosen profession. People with a similar hand shape make excellent teachers, talented musicians and athletes.

Saturnian hand

Long aristocratic fingers and a narrow palm. This type of hand is possessed by people with a tough character, who are adamant in their opinions and practically do not change their decisions. They take a serious approach to life, strictly observing moral principles, have difficulty accepting changes, and are very skeptical and distrustful.

Types of palms by element

The most ancient divination system based on the type of hand is Vedic, which determines the shape of the hand in accordance with the natural elements. Forecasters used this method of fortune telling ancient China and India.

Palm of the Earth

A wide hand with thick and short fingers, on which the main lines used for fortune telling are poorly defined. These are simple and unsophisticated people, accustomed to thinking about their thoughts for a long time before expressing them out loud. Practical and reliable, holding conservative views. They love to do homework, a jack of all trades.

Despite the fact that such people do not always openly express their feelings, they are caring and attentive towards their partner and are the support of the family. You feel safe next to such a person. The main task of such individuals is to learn not to be constrained by responsibilities, but to open up to new experiences. The most suitable professions are builder, engineer, gardener, accountant, driver.

Palm of Fire

A narrow palm with small thin fingers. Fire people are passionate people: whatever they do in life, they do it emotionally and with all their soul. They cannot live within strict limits, limiting themselves to boring everyday life, so they are always in search of new experiences.

They are proactive and have enormous creative potential, but they are easily carried away and do not always complete their work. final result. The karmic lesson for individuals with this type of hand in palmistry is to learn not to abuse the influence exerted on other people.

Palm of Air

A hand with long fingers is shaped like a square. These are people accustomed to giving instructions and manipulating others. They have a clear goal and motive in life that guides them in making decisions.

Holders of such a palm need recognition and public interest. They are charming in communication, know how and love to conduct an exciting conversation, showing a bright personality. The most successful life union for owners of such hands will be with people of fire. The main life task for such individuals is to learn to work in a team, without pulling the blanket over themselves.

Palm of Water

Features a beautiful rounded toe shape and rectangular shape palms. These are people of mood, capable of adapting to any changes and events. They know how to find an approach to others, trying to get to know a person as best as possible before drawing any conclusions.

Energetic and proactive by nature, it is important for them to find someone who shares their views on life. The most suitable professions for such individuals are writer, journalist, nurse, marketer, designer, PR manager.


Types of hands in palmistry are distinguished by appearance, shape and length of fingers. Hand types will help you obtain the most complete information about a person’s character and temperament, and answer questions regarding the past and future.

When you first meet a person, it is difficult to understand who is in front of you, because most people over the years of their lives get used to hiding their shortcomings and vices from others. But how then to identify a possible psychopath or other unpleasant person, before negative traits will they break out in a powerful, fetid stream?

Length will help you recognize the hidden qualities of a person. The value of this parameter is often underestimated or simply ignored. The reason for this is the countless palmists and other anti-scientific figures who propagate their suspicious teachings.

But the opinion that hands cannot tell anything about a person’s inner world is a big mistake. Psychology claims that hands can well characterize the inner world of their owner; you just need to know what to pay attention to.

Hand behavior

The first thing you should pay attention to is the hand movements of your interlocutor. If he hides his hands behind his back, or tries to hide them in some other way, then this person is definitely unsure of himself or is gnawed by doubts.

Tightly folded hands indicate that the conversation is unpleasant to the interlocutor or that he does not want to share personal conclusions with you or tell anything about himself.

If a person does not know where to put his hands, constantly moves some objects in them, stretches his joints, or simply nervously twitches them, then there is a problem with the nervous system or your interlocutor is trying to hide some strong emotions. If a person actively gestures during a conversation, then this is a sure sign of his disposition and keen interest in the issue under discussion.


Information about the interlocutor can be provided not only by the length of the fingers; the significance of the handshake is also very large. For example, if the handshake is sluggish and weak, then in front of you, most likely, is a weak-willed, spoiled person. An excessively strong handshake is not a sign of a strong and confident individual, but rather an imitation of these qualities in order to hide weakness and insecurity.

Many people are familiar with a sharp, careless handshake, done as if by chance. This is a familiar sign of an indifferent business person, for whom a handshake has no meaning, because he is in a hurry to do important things.

Palm shape

The shape of the palm can tell a lot about a person. Of course, the main attention is drawn to the length of the fingers, the significance of which is very great. But we must not forget that fingers grow from the palm.

The overall shape of the palm can reveal the most striking character traits.

A wide, rustic hand with irregularly shaped fingers often belongs to a person with a low level of intelligence and simple interests.
Such people are sedentary, inhibited and interested mainly in primitive activities. On the contrary, the elongated, graceful shape with a long palm and long, refined fingers betrays a sensual, artistic nature. Usually the owners of such hands are talented or have a penchant for artistic activity.

Sometimes called philosophical, it has long fingers but not a particularly long palm, and can also be identified by its general angularity and unevenness in shape.

A person with such a palm is prone to deep conclusions and looks at the world through the prism of calm and prudence. Such hands often belong to writers, musicians, philosophers, and thinkers.

A square hand shape is often found in reliable, goal-oriented realists. A person with a square palm is persistent in work, diligent and brave. Although his imagination is poorly developed, he is a reliable and loyal friend and ally. Another type, similar to the previous one, is the spade palm. The type of person is also in many ways similar to his square-armed counterpart; he is brave, energetic and reliable.

What does the length of your fingers mean?

The length of the fingers is one of the most important criteria when drawing up a psychological portrait based on the hand of the interlocutor. Psychology has been dealing with this issue for a long time, and a lot of experimental data has been collected on this topic. Research has shown that there are significant differences between people with long fingers and their short-fingered relatives. The differences between these types are so significant that it’s hard to believe. The main properties associated with the length of the fingers will be listed below.

Long fingers

When thinking about what the length of a person’s fingers says, everyone remembers examples from their own life. So everyone has the opportunity to compare generally accepted theses in psychology with their own experience.

Typically, long fingers are endowed with people with an analytical, alert mind, but with some shortcomings. They can be talented and sophisticated individuals, but with a rather bad character. A person with long fingers may be too attentive to little things, even if they have no practical significance.

Also, such people are distinguished by their prudence and balanced decisions. They would rather think again than give in to internal impulses. Sometimes there is an unnaturally long length of fingers. The meaning of this outstanding feature can be quite negative - such hands often belong to an unprincipled businessman who is ready to step over anyone for the sake of profit.

Short fingers

Those with short fingers are impetuous and energetic. Communication with them is simple and pleasant. Kind and open people often have short fingers. The meaning of this type of palm can also be interpreted as a person’s tendency to act rashly and impulsively. However, too short fingers are most often found on the hands of narrow-minded, stupid people. But don’t rush to write down everyone whose fingers seem short to you as fools, because these are just general observations that can sometimes be directly opposite to objective reality.

What does the length of a man's fingers mean?

The length of a man's fingers can tell how much testosterone influenced him during fetal development. Certain behavioral features can be identified by comparing the lengths of some of the fingers with each other. For example, the smaller the difference between the length of the middle and index fingers, the easier it is to build a relationship with a man. The large difference between these fingers indicates a strong influence of testosterone, which makes the subject rougher and more independent. If the amount of testosterone acting was low, then the man will become a caring and sensitive partner. There will be more harmony and tranquility in a family with such a husband, because he is easier to compromise and less aggressive.

The difference between the ring finger and the little finger can tell about a man's fidelity. The greater this difference, the higher the likelihood of cheating, which is also the fault of testosterone. The higher the amount of testosterone that affects a man during the period of development, the higher his sexual promiscuity - as a consequence, the tendency to cheat. But this does not mean that such men cheat left and right, because a person is not a robot, loving husband can easily withstand the power of insidious hormones.

What does the length of women's fingers mean?

The results of studies of the length of women's fingers are not too different from men's. So, for example, if a woman has a long ring finger, then this indicates large quantities sexual partners, but not always.

Scientists have also found that women with uniform finger lengths are more likely to have a strong, stable family and give birth to many children. And women with a long ring finger, in addition to a tendency to cheat, have a high chance of falling in love with non-traditional sexual relationships. And here, as in men, testosterone is to blame, clouding the mind with its harmful influence.

Length of fingers at different ages

Many parents are interested in what the length of their child’s fingers says. Thus, they want to find out the inclinations of their child early in order to provide him with best conditions for development. At the moment, scientists have established that the length and ratio of the fingers can only tell about the effect of testosterone on the fetus during pregnancy. This will naturally leave a corresponding imprint on the character little man, regardless of gender.

Of course, you shouldn’t give up on your baby just because the length of his fingers doesn’t suit you, because in addition to hormones, many other factors influence the formation of character, such as upbringing, first sexual experience, and so on. Therefore, the length of a child’s fingers signals the same thing as the length of an adult’s fingers.

Jewelry on hands

In addition to the physiological characteristics of the palm, the jewelry that the subject wears on the fingers can clarify something. Each finger is responsible for different character traits, so a tendency to decorate certain fingers can provide a lot of information to an observant person. Of course, such information only provides information. That is, you can take this into account, but you should not completely trust such information. We have already learned what the length of a woman’s fingers indicates. What do the decorations indicate?

For example, it speaks of a person’s desire to increase the significance of his “I”. It is not easy to isolate the thumb, so the desire must be very strong. A brightly decorated thumb can indicate an egoist who adores his person and wants to receive more attention and recognition from others.

Excessive decoration of the index finger characterizes its owner as a domineering, stern person.

It is not for nothing that great rulers loved to wear beautiful massive rings on their index fingers, as they tried to emphasize their power and increase the significance of their personality.

The middle finger is an indicator of status in society. Those who like to decorate it try to increase their social status and gain greater influence in society. This is where the offensive gesture came from, when a person shows his middle finger. Thus, he seems to be saying that his position is higher, and the one to whom this gesture is intended is much lower on the social ladder. Massive bright ones emphasize and increase the social status of their owner.

It is not without reason that it is used to wear wedding rings. It symbolizes the sensual component of human nature. Jewelry on the ring finger reflects feelings and emotions and tells about a person’s inner world.

The little finger is usually decorated with quite unusual personalities. This is a gesture designed to emphasize uniqueness and specialness. Many celebrities have adorned this finger to show their difference from the gray mass. However, decorating the ring finger may only mean a desire to stand out, and not the real state of affairs.

Length of fingers, meaning. Psychology

In conclusion, I would like to say that although psychology deals with the issue of the relationship between a person’s palm and character, this area has not yet been well studied. There is no accurate, systematized data on this topic yet, despite the huge number of experiments conducted. Therefore, do not be upset if the shape of your palm communicates something bad about you or your loved ones. After all, the length of the fingers is not so important. The meaning that palmists and some psychologists attach to this indicator should not confuse you. It is much more correct to get to know a person better in order to form an opinion about him, and not to run away from him in horror just because you saw unseemly character traits in his hands.

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There is no limit to the human desire to know oneself. Kay Packard, head of the American Academy of Hand Analysis, says our palms can tell us something about us. And this is not palmistry. Based on their own research, the organization’s specialists came to the conclusion that each finger on our hands has its own meaning.

website introduces you to the researchers' findings.

1. Determine a strong hand

2. Identify strong and weak fingers

Every person has strong and weak fingers. The stronger certain fingers, the more pronounced certain character traits you have. If a finger is crooked, tends toward another finger, leans forward, or cannot perform certain functions, then it is a weak finger. If the finger is long and straight, it is strong.

  • A strong thumb on the leading hand indicates a desire for success in the profession.
  • A strong index finger indicates your interest in power and influence, strength, and insight.
  • Middle finger - responsibility, efficiency, confidence, growth and wisdom.
  • Nameless - creativity, self-expression.
  • Little finger - communication skills.

Example: The combination of a strong thumb and middle finger on your leading hand suggests that you are an effective, responsible and professional person who does not strive to satisfy only his own ambitions.

3. Pay attention to the shape of your fingertips

  • The round shape speaks of your desire to be in harmony with others and the fear of disapproval.
  • The square and flat shape is about the desire for precision and a negative attitude towards uncertainty.
  • A spade-shaped (wide) shape indicates that you love originality and hate routine.
  • The pointed shape signals that you like to give up practical matters for the sake of unusual and mystical ones.

4. Pay attention to the distance between the fingers

Place your hands on a flat, level surface or hold them comfortably suspended.

  • If your fingers are spread wide, you are likely to be independent and like to experiment with new things.
  • If your fingers are close together, you are cautious, cautious, perhaps self-absorbed.
  • If your middle and ring fingers are apart, you are difficult to be influenced by others. If these two fingers are very close to each other, you tend to live up to social expectations and follow social rules.
  • Look at the distance between your ring finger and little finger. If the distance is large, it means that you are avoiding serious conversations and difficult decisions, which ultimately affects relationships at work and at home. If there is an average distance between them (compare with a friend's hand), you are most likely an independent thinker who is not alien to the spirit of adventure.
  • If the finger is slightly bent back and resembles an arc, this sign speaks of the flexible and creative nature of its owner, noble and tolerant. Such people do not like to enter into conflicts; they prefer to prove that they are right peacefully or to give in.
  • Straight finger without bending speaks of assertiveness, certainty and firmness. Occurs in people with leadership qualities. Such people are extremely efficient and can speak freely on any topic. They are ready to defend their opinion to the end and go ahead.

The question of palm types is fundamental, but at the same time very difficult. The fact is that among the so-called pure types there are always mixed ones, when the palm combines several characteristics. In modern classical chirology, two most famous typologies of palms can be distinguished:

  • typology of seven types, then repeated by Lewis Hamon and others;
  • division of all palms into 4 elements.

Typing palms according to conventional elements has gained the greatest popularity among palmists in recent decades due to its greater obviousness and simplicity than the system proposed by Hamon. According to the most popular system, palmists distinguish the hands of Earth, Fire, Water and Air. In practice, we regularly encounter, for example, palms that combine the attributes of Water and Air or Earth and Water in different proportions. However, some palmists consider it necessary to know both systems (and this, of course, is never superfluous). In particular, the reader can find both typologies in the book by S. Fenton and M. Wright “The Secrets of Palmistry.”

The Belarusian palmist Sergei Savoskin decided to go all-in several years ago, making the statement on the pages of his books that the traditional characteristics of the water type are elongated shape palms and long fingers are, in fact, signs of Air. On his website he even wrote the following: “I managed (in my book) to describe the theme of the elements relatively well, so I recommend that everyone who is interested in the theme of the elements read this chapter in my book. Moreover, in the book I drew attention to the long-term mistake of all European authors who, reprinting each other’s books, simply confused the hand of Water and the hand of Air. Why they were confused is quite understandable, but why no one has corrected it yet is more difficult to understand...”

It is not entirely clear how Savoskin came to his conclusion that long palms and fingers are signs of the Air Palm, which is characterized by “real freedom of thought, not limited by matter and emotions,” because the majority of women, for the most part distinguished by emotionality, have an elongated palm and long fingers. Those. Most women, according to Savoskin, are thinkers who are much more characterized by the primacy of rationality rather than emotion? Despite the fact that Savoskin’s thoughts are often fair, here I cannot agree with him. It seems that the reason for Savoskin’s failure in this matter is the very complexity and ambiguity of the topic of hand typology. As noted above, we often meet people with mixed types of hands, when identifying the leading element is difficult.

B. Akimov and R. Krashennikova in their book “Mirror of Karma” write the following: “It must be said that there is no consensus on the shape of the hand of Water and the hand of Air. Supporters of the primacy of Water in the hierarchy of elements believe that the hand of Water has a long palm and long fingers... This is a classic interpretation that we can read in every book on palmistry. Air supremacy supporters long arm belongs to the air element. Let's leave this controversial point..." And although the authors of the quoted fragment did not clearly express their position, further in the text it becomes clear that they agree with the opinion of their Belarusian colleague, as they write: “The longer the palm and fingers, the more likely it is that the owner of this hand is an aerial person.” However, my practice confirms the standard typology of four elements, which is adhered to, in particular, by Evgeny Ostrogorsky.

Famous palmist Louis Hamon, as noted above, divided all existing palms conditionally into seven types without reference to the elements. I said “conditionally” because Hamon’s scheme also includes additional variations of seven types, which only complicates the picture. The English palmist identified the following types:

  • elementary (lower) type hands, characteristic of “uncivilized” peoples, i.e. closest to nature and the “animal world”;
  • square (useful, practical) type, similar in characteristics to the traditional Earth type; however, this typification is complicated by the fact that Hamon also identified subtypes here:
    1. square palm with short square fingers;
    2. a square hand with long square fingers (according to modern typology, here we would most likely have the Air type);
    3. a square hand with knobby or philosophical fingers (this is also typical of Air);
    4. square hand with spade-shaped fingers;
    5. square hand with conical fingers;
    6. square hand with psychic fingers;
    7. square hand with mixed fingers;

  • spade hand- spade-shaped fingers plus a trapezoid-shaped palm (some part of it - upper or lower - is wider than the other); this is a tense, excitable, restless, original and inventive type, this is the “hand of an eccentric”, a person independent in thoughts and actions;
  • philosophical hand- long, angular palm plus long fingers with developed knobby joints; this is a type of deep thinker or scientist, a person “living more in the world of theory than practice” (analogous to the hand of Air);
  • conical (artistic) hand- according to the description, it largely corresponds to the hand of Water;

  • psychic hand- a long and narrow palm plus long tapering, non-knobby fingers and sharp fingertips with almond-shaped nails - a type of extremely idealistic, sensitive nature, a trusting, soft and impractical person, prone to religiosity (according to the description, the type is very similar to the water type, hypertrophied in its qualities to the point of helplessness);
  • mixed hand- such a person is easily adaptable, has varied abilities, but is changeable.

Lewis Hamon's observations generally correspond to reality, but the systematization he proposes is very cumbersome. In most cases, I prefer to type the palm in accordance with the system of four elements, and only if the hand is very non-standard - for example, it is a “shovel-shaped hand” according to Hamon’s classification - do I resort to the meanings of the famous English palmist.

Lewis Hamon, in his book “You and Your Hand,” noted that different nations have their own type of palm. Although mixed marriages, of course, bring their own confusion here. Thus, Hamon attributed the elementary type of hand to the “primitive” peoples of the Far North. The square hand, in his opinion, is common among the Swedes, Danes, Germans, English and Scots. Philosophical - most common among eastern nations. Conical - characteristic of the peoples of Southern Europe. The spade hand leads the way in America. The mental and mixed type is not limited to any one country. It is worth remembering, however, that the famous palmist created his books back in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

We can find a modern view on typing palms from Evgeniy Ostrogorsky in his recent work “Palmistry. Lines of Fate." The author proposes a system of four classical types, giving a brief but meaningful description of them.

Earth type- square, wide palm, short fingers, short head line, minimal number of lines, hard, rough skin, inflexible palm. The prints are usually in the form of an arc or loop. Characteristics: emotionally stable people, physically strong, stubborn, practical. Endowed with the ability to feel nature. They feel best in rural areas. They do not like change and complex intellectual tasks. They are reliable, constant, practical. These are calm and reserved people who are difficult to anger. Easy to communicate with, with a strong will and readiness for action. Such people usually join the internal affairs bodies, rescue teams, and become military personnel. They work well in a team and are prone to physical labor and working with their hands. They usually have great physiological needs. The work of such people is often aimed at the material side.

Fire type- rectangular palm, fingers shorter than the palm, straight line of the Head, large hill of Venus, wide line of Life, well-developed “strike part of the palm” - the Mars zone, “shovel-shaped” nails, clearly defined main and secondary lines. The prints are usually whorled or looped. Characteristics: very energetic, emotional, proactive people who are constantly on the move. Since they are overwhelmed with energy, they need constant changes and active actions in life. They do not tolerate monotony well. To feel comfortable, they need to do something important matter. Ideally, their work should involve movement. These are generators of new ideas, such people are characterized by impulsiveness, sometimes they make hasty decisions. When analyzing hand type, it is important to take into account other details, for example, pay attention to the fingers - “shovel-shaped” fingertips enhance these signs, and “knobby” fingers slow down the reaction of such people. Since such people are very active, they often become various kinds of bosses and leaders; there are many athletes with this type of hand. Practice shows that for the most part they are interested in their career, this indicates that self-realization plays an important role in life for them.

Water type- long, narrow palm, curved line of the Head, many fine lines, soft, moist skin, long fingers. The prints are often looped. Characteristics: very sensitive, emotional, vulnerable people. Well developed imagination, daydreaming, intuition. These are creative people. They often engage in creative activities and try to find themselves in places where there is not much physical activity, their mood changes quickly, and even slight criticism can greatly offend them. Those with “water type” hands worry a lot and stress themselves out. In practice, they are mainly interested in questions personal life. Such people need to learn to control their emotions and have a creative hobby, as well as be wary of cynical people who can use them.

Air type- square palm, long fingers, long, straight line of the Head, presence of curls on the fingers, well-defined main and secondary lines. Characteristics - very inquisitive, intelligent people. They have well-developed logical, rational thinking and a broad outlook. They are sociable, reflective and analytical. A person with an “air” hand lives by his own mind. Any task for the mind brings him joy, not only at work, but also for his own pleasure, because by nature he is endowed with excellent intellect. Such people usually go their own way rather than follow other people's directions, and since they are very sociable, they have a lot to talk about. Long fingers indicate a tendency to delve into details and put everything in order, constantly weighing, thinking about, analyzing or discussing something. These people often become various kinds of researchers, engineers, scientists, analysts, in the field where they can actively use their minds. The work of such people is usually directed towards the intellectual side.

Evgeny Ostrogorsky especially notes that if it is not possible to establish the exact type of hand, you need to pay attention to other signs, for example, papillary patterns on the fingers. If arcs predominate, then such a hand usually belongs to the earth element. Curls are associated with more complex system psyche (Air, Fire). A palm with many lines will most often be a Water type. Shovel-shaped fingertips indicate belonging to the fire element. For a fiery palm type, the straight line of the Head is considered the norm. The water type is characterized by a curved line. The long or double line of the Head is traditionally associated with Air, etc. All features of the hand should be taken into account together.

The author also gives simple examples to understand the difference between the types of hands: “fiery” people are those who usually cannot stand calmly in traffic jams on the road, they constantly honk, they are impatient, they have “a lot to do.” “Earthly” people in such a situation rest, sit quietly, they have nowhere to rush. The “air type” on the highway will calculate all the details; for him the road is like a chess game, he is very attentive. “Water” people will be a little dreamy, thoughtful and inattentive on the road.

Other signs

The main types of signs are: cross, star, square, island. It is impossible to judge accurately by each of the signs. For example, a cross can talk about different events. A cross on a rosette can speak of a future inheritance, and a cross on the head line can indicate a head illness; on the mount of Jupiter there is a happy marriage. A star almost always means good luck, no matter where it is. Squares mean security, preventing problems.

Let's start our study with the shape of the palm. We examined the palms of 25 people (3rd year students at our university).

Palm shape

A person's chirotype is determined by the shape of their hand and the length and shape of their fingers. Therefore, it is defined by chirognomy: the study of the physics of the hand. A person's chirotype can be represented by lines on the palm of the hand, but it is ideal when it is read in conjunction with other factors that determine a complete reading of the hand. There are a number of classification systems used to determine a person's hirotype.

In fact, studying the shape of the hand is even more important than reading the lines of the palm. The shape of your hand is key to understanding your personality; it is the kind of face you present when you interact with other people and deal with various life situations on a daily basis.

Traditionally, fortune tellers claim that there are seven main types of hand shapes. And these seven types traditionally correspond to society and the hierarchy in it - on the one hand, this is the delicate, elongated hand of an aristocrat, and on the other, the rough hand of a peasant, accustomed to hard work.

The number of people with one or another palm shape from our sample is given in parentheses.

1) Clear, rounded, muscular shape, fingers and nails short, wide and strong. The thumb is heavy. All hills in the palm are highly developed.

People with this palm shape live a full, passionate life, but may not know the limits of pleasure, they drink and eat a lot. They devote a lot of time to cheerful friendly companies, but not to the detriment of their family. Routine is boring for them; such people need change and a test of strength. Such people can be reckless and excessively wasteful. Usually they pamper those they love and do not notice the shortcomings of others. (8 people)

2) Long and thin arm, palm shape is triangular. The fingers, as long as the palm, are connected to the palm along an inclined line: the index is higher than the middle, etc.

These hands are believed to indicate a nervous and unconfident person, however, capable of achieving great success in working with people. A career is not important to them, but the need to earn their “daily bread” stimulates their ambitions. They often have literary or mathematical talents. They have a subtle mental organization and a sensitive nature. (1 person)

3) The basis of the hand shape is a triangle: either the palm below the fingers is wide, but narrows towards the wrist, or the palm is wider above the wrist and becomes narrower near the fingers. The toes are usually rounded and convex at the tip.

If your palm is wider at the fingers and narrower at the wrist, you are prone to physical activity, adventure and travel, they are characterized by decisiveness in actions and courage, they are innovators and generators of ideas. If the palm is wider at the wrist and narrower towards the fingers, people are passionate and emotional, they need to find a way to give free rein to their feelings. They love deeply and sensually, family instincts are strong. They are quick-tempered, but quickly move away. (2 people)

4) The palm is graceful and sophisticated. The shape is oval, all curves are even and smooth. The toes are proportional, slightly widened at the base, and the tips are rounded or slightly pointed.

Such hands indicate love for home comfort and comfort. Their owner is ruled by feelings, impulses and impressions. By nature they are kind and generous. Life priorities are friends and family, not work. A vivid imagination, impeccable taste, developed aesthetic perception and intuition make them especially prone to art and creativity. (7 people)

5) The palm is square, including at the junction with the wrist. The fingers are located in a straight line and sometimes also square.

People with such a palm are traditionalists, strictly fulfill their obligations to loved ones and society as a whole, are disciplined and patient. Very reliable, attach great importance to moral values ​​and, above all, sincerity. Sometimes they are withdrawn due to extreme sensitivity and, as a result, touchiness. (4 people)

6) The palm resembles a figure eight, it is usually smooth, long and bony with prominent veins. The fingers and nails are long, and the interphalangeal joints are large.

Such a hand distinguishes thinkers and dreamers, whose urgent need is to know. They have a strong imagination, a receptive mind and intuition. They are ambitious in their desire to win respect and recognition of their achievements. They have an inherent ability for self-denial and sacrifice, which often leads them to religiosity and a mystical perception of life.

7) It is a combination of all palm types. This hand is wide rather than narrow. The thumb is quite long, and all the rest are of different shapes.

People with such a palm are distinguished by generosity, sociability, magnanimity and justice. Adaptable people are able to prove themselves in completely different areas of activity. They are very changeable and find it difficult to devote themselves to one thing. Sometimes they indulge their desires too much (3 people)

Now let's move on to the main lines.

The role of the Life line is important and conveys a person’s love for himself, for life in general and for the world around him. The Life Line can also convey a person’s physical condition and sometimes tell about his illnesses, including chronic ones. There is a very common misconception when fortune telling by hand: the length of this line does not in any way indicate the length of a person’s life!

It must be kept in mind that breaks in the life line do not mean severe illness or even, as some people think, death. This sometimes means a radical change in outlook on life. Often, in places where there is a break on the side of the thumb, there is a duplicate line. A similar line - good feature, it saves a person from unexpected diseases and shocks.

The surface area occupied by the life line in the palm plays an important role. The further the line extends from the thumb, the more vitality and optimism the person has. When the life line is located next to the thumb, then perhaps the person is tormented by nervousness or depression, he lacks vital energy.

1) A long, beautiful, and uninterrupted life line means a long, healthy and calm life, as well as the good character of its owner. (8 people)

2) A thick, short and red life line indicates a strong character, choleric temperament and a strong nature. (1 person)

3) A thin and short life line indicates a painful nature, a tendency towards melancholy and the search for mystical experiences in life. (3 people)

4) A long and curving life line in the middle of the palm indicates a life full of adventures and unexpected events, both pleasant and dangerous. (6 people)

5) A life line running far from the Mount of Venus indicates indifference to sensual pleasures and problems in expressing one’s feelings.

6) The branch of the life line entering the Mount of Venus indicates an amazing sensual disposition of character and passion for the opposite sex. (3 people)

7) A bifurcated life line means a happy and prosperous life, as well as excellent health until old age. (8 people)

The heart line runs under the hills at the base of the fingers, from the index (or middle) to the little finger. It indicates whether a person will be happy in love and marriage. To consider it, it is necessary to take into account the following features:

The complete absence of this line or hints of it reveal a godless and treacherous person, and sometimes foreshadow an unexpected and inevitable disaster.

A pale and wide line is a sign of physical weakness and occurs in people who lead a dissolute lifestyle and do not have enough willpower to become more respectable.

This line carries the main general information about a person and his emotional background. Typically, the heart line begins at the edge of the palm under the little finger and goes in a concave curve to the index and middle fingers.

It is very important where the line ends. The most common ending is between the index and middle fingers. Such people find a compromise in everything. They are quite open to others, friendly, but not intrusive. These people do a lot for others without forgetting about themselves.

A clear heart line starting between the hills of Saturn and Jupiter says that the love of such a person is balanced, devoted and passionate, and also indicates a sincere and constant nature in feelings. (6 people)

The heart line coming from the Mount of Saturn is a sign of a strong sexual impulse; physical contact and sex are more important for such a person than love and affection. (3 persons)

A straight and deep life line indicates fidelity in relationships and respect for a partner, as well as the ability to make sacrifices for the sake of love. (3 people)

The life line emerging from the index finger and crossing the Mount of Jupiter indicates an idealistic and romantic nature. However, excessive obsession with a partner can lead to jealousy of the same intensity. (5 people)

If the heart line crosses the entire palm, this indicates an overly loving and passionate nature. However, there is a possibility that strong feelings will develop into a possessive instinct and, as a consequence, jealousy. (4 people)

The head line indicates the mental life of a person and his intellectual abilities. It usually starts between the thumb and index finger and runs along the plain of Mars and the mount of the Moon.

The line of the mind when fortune telling by hand will show how a person manages his mental abilities given by nature. This line is usually clearly visible and quite clearly drawn, but if it is difficult to find, then this indicates poor development of intelligence or a long period of idle mental activity.

Line of the head (mind).

The head line begins in the crook of the palm under the index finger, but can end in different ways. You need to pay attention: if this line is clear, long, and going down, this does not mean that the person is too smart. This suggests that he is simply very passionate about his work, delves into all the details and does not lose sight of anything. These are the people who are masters of their craft, true professionals in their field.

According to the principles of fortune telling by hand, the amount of bending of the line of the mind itself at the end is also important. The further the line goes down to the wrist, the more developed the imagination of such a person. When the line at the end does not go down, but sharply straightens, then this sign can mean an acute material need that a person will have to struggle with all his life.

In case of bifurcation, a so-called fork is formed at the end. She talks about the many ideas that arise in a person’s head, which he brings to fruition. If the line is short and straight, then its owner trusts only his logic, discarding imagination and unnecessary fantasies.

A long, curved line extending onto the Mount of the Moon speaks of ambition and a sense of destiny. Such a person is endowed with a vivid imagination, loves music, literature, conversations and exchange of opinions. (4 people)

Your line of mind shows that you are quite self-confident, active and involved in life, and at the same time quite cautious. (11 people)

This line indicates great determination and a sense of purpose. Also characterized by extraordinary concentration and the ability to concentrate on achieving a goal. (5 people)

This line indicates an impulsive person who loves to make decisions impromptu. The curvature of the line enhances imagination and love for beauty and art.(1 person)

A fork at the end of the line of the mind speaks of the extraordinary intelligence of its owner and the ability to understand the hidden aspects of life. (4 people)

The fate line runs through the center of the palm from the wrist to the fingers and reports the most important events in a person’s life.

The line of fate is a symbiosis of other lines, indicates a person’s purpose in this world, reveals the whole meaning of his life. The line of fate is unique and not all people have it. This happens because many people simply exist without understanding what and why they live. And those people who clearly know what they want from childhood realize themselves in some area of ​​life and have a smooth and straight line of fate.

For most people, there is no clear beginning to the fate line. It can appear at the age of 40, and, as a rule, the line appears when a person realizes that he has found himself in this world.

It should be said that “fate” in in this case does not mean “inevitability” at all. The line simply indicates trends, what influences a person’s life, but does not necessarily incline him to one action or another. If desired, a person can become the master of his own destiny, and the line will warn him about the dangers that he will encounter on his way. It also hints at periods in which one can take advantage of opportunities and improve one's situation.

A clear and deep fate line indicates great external influence; a person, most likely, will not try to change his fate and will obey external forces. If it is less clear, then it is easier for a person to achieve his goal; but to the same extent that he can reach heights, he can also fall.

palm palmistry fortune telling

If the line of fate reaches the Mount of Jupiter, this speaks of vanity and promises the happy fulfillment of ambitious desires. (4 people)

If the line reaches the Mount of Saturn, then this indicates a tendency to engage in trade and agriculture, and also indicates depth of thought, sometimes foreshadowing success in political activity. (2 people)

If the line starts from the Mount of the Moon, it means that a person will use happy accidents all his life and all important events in it will happen by chance. In other words, his fate will be changeable and uncertain, and its success will depend entirely on other people. The owner of such a line of fate, even with a lack of willpower, will occupy a high position in society if he is patronized. (9 people)

If the line of fate begins below the plain of Mars - between the hills of the Moon and Venus - and reaches directly to the middle finger of the right hand, this foreshadows a long, calm and happy life, and on the left hand it speaks of the desire for such a life. People with this line are good-natured, modest, and honest. (3 people)

If on the left hand the line of fate originates from the line of life as if it were coming out of it, this foreshadows success in all endeavors and indicates that a person will achieve material well-being in life on his own. On right hand it characterizes a person who stops at nothing to satisfy his desires. (4 people)

If the line of fate comes out from the Mount of the Moon and reaches the Mount of Saturn, then the person will be patronized by a very influential person, thanks to whom he will achieve happiness in life.

There is no fate line. (2 people)

Having done the work, we came to the conclusion that knowledge of palmistry helps not only determine a person’s character, but also in the following:

  • 1) learn to deal with your weaknesses, and extract more benefit from your strengths, thus improving your personality;
  • 2) you can determine the time of career takeoff, success or failure;
  • 3) hands are a way of our connection in love, friendship and kinship;
  • 4) the lines on a person’s hand reflect internal and psychological work.