Projects of frame houses with a hip roof. Calculation is the most important thing! Features of a hip roof

The aesthetic qualities of the roof play an important role in the image of a residential building. But much more important is the reliability and durability of its design. Careful selection of its type and shape will ensure that the roof meets the needs of the developer.

Hip roofs of private houses have excellent resistance to wind. Looks best one-story houses with a hip roof, because this type is suitable for buildings with a large area and gives them solidity. An individual feature of their complex design is the mandatory presence of dormer and roof windows, providing a good level of illumination and natural ventilation. With an equal area of ​​a private house, the area of ​​the hip roof will exceed the area of ​​the gable roof. This causes an increase in the cost of its implementation for the developer.

In the Z500 catalog for two-story and one-story houses with an area of ​​100 m2 or more, four-pitched roofs of hip-type houses are provided. Such houses are popular among developers, so we regularly add new ones to the collection. standard projects. You can buy our projects at prices that are at the average market level in 2017.

If among those ready architectural projects, offered in the catalog, do not fully satisfy your requirements, then for an additional payment an original one with a hipped roof can be developed. There may also be a layout of houses with a hipped roof.

Project plans for houses with a hipped roof: features of the roof structure

A roof with four slopes can be hip or hip. A hip roof has slopes that converge at one point. The hip roof consists of two triangular slopes and two trapezoidal ones, which are connected by a ridge beam.

When choosing projects of houses with a hipped roof (photos, videos, drawings, diagrams, sketches can be viewed in this section) for turnkey implementation, it is important to take into account such a factor as the angle of the roof.

House plans with a hipped roof: conditions for choosing the roof angle

Since the angle of the slope allows the roof to easily drain precipitation, it is considered the most significant criterion for safety, practicality and aesthetic characteristics. Its value ranges from 15 to 65˚ and depends on:

  • Climatic zone of construction. If it involves a large volume of precipitation, then it is advisable to provide a steep roof, the slope of which will be at least 45°. Less steep slopes are suitable for areas with a dry climate. A flat roof with an angle of inclination not exceeding 30˚ should be installed for buildings exposed to gusty, frequent winds.
  • Roof covering material. For rolled materials, a slope angle of 2-25° should be provided, when using piece elements - from 15°, large-sized elements (metal tiles and slate) are laid on slopes with an inclination angle of 25°ﹾ.
  • Availability attic floor. If the layout of house projects with a hipped roof provides for the presence of this room of this room, then for comfortable living in it it is important to choose the slope correctly in order to prevent a decrease in the area of ​​the attic and the height of its premises in the case of underestimation of its values, and the organization of a large unused space under the ridge due to its excessive increase. In the case of an attic cottage, the roof slope should lie within 38° - 45°. For a roof whose slopes are located at an angle of less than 30°, the best option There will be an attic design.

An increase in the angle of inclination of the slopes and, as a result, the need for more materials arises due to an increase in the length of the rafters and the area of ​​the structure, therefore the estimate for its construction increases significantly.

The roof is the final structure of the building, the installation of which must be approached responsibly and competently. The design of a hip roof, also called a gable roof, has a particularly complex structure: it is distinguished by the presence of two slopes at the ends, which are made in the shape of triangles and are called hips.

Types and features

There are several types of hip roofing systems:

  1. A hipped hip roof is a roof that consists of hips that do not reach the bottom, but only cover the slopes and cover the upper part of the pediment.
  2. A hip roof, which has four slopes of the same size and design. The hips in this design diverge in all directions at the same angle. This type of roofing is used for equipping square-shaped buildings.
  3. The broken roof represents slopes different sizes, which combine with each other at different angles. The design is quite complex and therefore requires competent design.

Where to begin?

A house with a hip roof is a beautiful and harmonious structure. In order for it to serve for a long time and reliably, it is important to correctly approach the design of each stage of construction and, first of all, the roofing system. This design consists of the following elements:

  1. The ridge (ridge beam), located in the center of the structure and is its main load-bearing element, since it is to it that the rest of the wooden parts are attached.
  2. Corner (sloping) rafters. Each rafter is attached to the ridge at one end, and at the other it extends to the corner of the building and even beyond it. The rafters bear the main force load. For their manufacture, timber of the same thickness as in the ridge is used.
  3. Intermediate central rafters. They are located from the ends of the ridge and extend along the slopes and hips to the walls.
  4. Short rafters of varying lengths, which are attached to the corner pieces at the same angle.

Each hip roof project takes into account the accuracy of calculations, markings, and drawings. It is the numbers that underlie the design of a hip roof.

Basic calculations and information

If you want your roof to serve reliably, for a long time and not bring unpleasant surprises, you should pay close attention to the calculations:

  • firstly, the center line is marked along the top of the trim from the end of the building;
  • secondly, half the thickness of the ridge beam is calculated, and then it is marked where the first element of the rafter system will be located;
  • thirdly, the location of the intermediate rafter is determined using a measuring rod;
  • fourthly, the length of the rafter overhang is calculated, again using a lath.

The same actions should be performed at the other three corners - this way we will determine how and where all the elements of the rafter system will be located.

As you can see, installing a hip roof is not easy, so you need to perform each stage with special care. In order not to be mistaken in the numbers, you can use a special table, but first you need to measure the horizontal projection of the intermediate rafter with a rod. Based on the obtained figure, we select the angle of inclination in the table and multiply the two numbers. The length of the overhang is measured in the same way.

Hip roof: how is it constructed?

The hipped hip roof is a complex and unique design. When constructing it, it is important that the material of the same thickness is used to create the ridge beam and rafters. Only this will guarantee the strength and reliability of the entire structure. Any change in thickness will sooner or later affect the deformation of the roof and its destruction. It is important that short rafters are securely attached to the corner rafters, and not to the ridge, and it is important to accurately observe all slope angles.

Hip roof(the photo shows how different designs can have houses with such a roof) can be of any height, but it is worth remembering: a low roof is additional supporting elements that are necessary to hold heavy structural elements. For a hip roof to be reliable and durable, it should be constructed from dried softwood timber. In addition, finished rafters must be treated with special impregnations and compounds.

Why do you need a Mauerlat?

The design of a hip roof, as we have already said, is complex. To begin with, the mauerlat is laid - it is on this that the entire rafter system will subsequently rest. The mauerlat is laid on reinforced belt from reinforced concrete structures. This will make the load-bearing walls stronger and stronger, plus it will create a flat surface for mounting the Mauerlat. For stone and brick walls, you need to make formwork, which will be complemented by a frame made of reinforcement, and then it will be filled with concrete. The main thing is that when pouring concrete, the same horizontal level is maintained throughout the building.

Galvanized metal studs are attached to the installed reinforcement frame - their length should extend beyond the timber Mauerlat. After the concrete has hardened, the upper part is coated with bitumen, and then covered with roofing felt - this will protect the wood from rotting and other environmental influences. The studs are needed to secure the entire structure. As a rule, hip roof rafters are created on the basis of wooden beams.

Hip roof frame

A hip roof is a combination of a number of elements: a purlin, a support board, a mauerlat, sheathing, tie rods, rafters (ordinary, diagonal, slanted). The roof parts form a rafter shape, at the bases of which lie several triangles. In the structure itself, rafter legs are of great importance, which must be installed in accordance with a certain angle of inclination of the roof slope.

Mauerlat is one of the main elements, without which the design of a hip roof is impossible. It is with its help that the mass of the rafter system is evenly distributed onto the load-bearing walls of the building. So what is the role of rafters?

  1. Sliding supports play an important role in achieving roof reliability.
  2. Hanging supports make the hip roof strong and reliable, even if there is too much load on it.

If the house is built on the basis of columnar supports, then layered rafters are installed, which rest on the outer walls with their ends. It is advisable to install this type of support if the distance between the supports is no more than 6 meters. To achieve strength and reliability of the connection, additional screws and bolts are used. And to enhance the strength of slanted rafters, a sprengel is sometimes used.

How are rafters installed?

The hip roof structure is erected in several stages. First, the racks are installed in a vertical position - they should serve as support for the ridge beam. The posts holding the ridge are attached to the central beam with a special system of jibs. Only after this, diagonal rafters from edged boards are used. However, the main elements are precisely the slanted and diagonal rafters, which bear the main load of the roofing system.

Calculation is the most important thing!

If a hip roof is being erected, calculation plays an important role. In this case, certain rules must be observed:

  1. Firstly, the diagonal rafters must have the same length - the roof overhangs depend on these indicators.
  2. Secondly, overhangs should be made at a distance of 50-60 cm, and if the house is built in climatically difficult regions where wind loads are very strong, then overhangs can reach up to one meter.
  3. Thirdly, the diagonal and central rafters must be joined correctly and carefully.

The rafters must be secured with anchor connections, which is important to prevent the roof from being torn off by the wind. Installing racks will reduce the load on the beams. If the roof slope is not very large, then the roof will need to be strengthened using trusses and trusses. Sprengel is a beam that is laid on both sides, and with corners converging at the top.

If you need a roof with your own hands, the hip structure is quite difficult to construct, remember this. To strengthen it, a lathing is required, which is made from bars. It can be solid or with gaps. The sheathing pitch depends on the size and type of roofing material. The popularity of the hip roof is explained by its unusual appearance, reliability, durability and unusual configuration. If you are planning to build an attic floor, this design will be most ideal. The streamlined shape protects the roof from the wind.

Basic calculations

The design of the hip roof is drawn up taking into account the angle of inclination of the rafter system; in addition, the selected insulation plays an important role. In Russia, thermal insulation is most often used mineral wool: it is laid in rolls and does not require adjustment. To calculate the required amount of material, you should find out standard sizes slabs and the area of ​​the roof itself. Often roofing materials form a smaller area than the roof. This affects the consumption of materials. To calculate the roof area, you need to take into account the total area of ​​two hip triangles, as well as two side planes in the form of a trapezoid.

Avoiding mistakes

As we already said, complex design- this is one of the differences that characterizes a hip roof. You can do the calculation yourself, or you can use a calculator. If the construction is carried out with your own hands, then you need to take into account all the features of the hip roof rafter system. The success of construction depends primarily on the correctness of the calculations, the accuracy of the markings and the correct plan. To make the roof reliable, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • avoid possible design errors by using a measuring stick rather than a tape measure;
  • mark the center line;
  • Use the slats to determine the placement of the remaining intermediate rafters.

Pros and cons of the design

A hip roof (the photo shows how diverse solutions can be translated into reality) is a complex structure to install, and therefore requires a professional approach. To the advantages hip design can be attributed:

  1. High resistance to natural influences, which is explained by the presence of pediments and gables - they provide high reliability and strength, protecting the house from the effects of wind.
  2. High rigidity of the structure is ensured by the presence of corner ribs converging to the ridge support beam.
  3. The facades of houses with a hip roof are protected from precipitation thanks to large overhangs along the entire perimeter of the building.
  4. A hipped roof is a harmonious and attractive completion of any country house, which looks solemn and presentable.

On the other hand, the hip roof has a number of disadvantages. Firstly, the complexity of the design, which discourages many from erecting a roof. Secondly, there are high costs for Construction Materials. Thirdly, slopes on four sides will make it inappropriate to use the attic space, so if you plan to build an attic floor, this roofing system will not be suitable.

What other options?

If you plan to use the second floor as a living space, then the classic hip roof will not work. In such cases, it is better to erect a half-hip roof: on top it is traditional design from two slopes, and from below - between the first and second floors - a trapezoid, which allows you to make the roof original and interesting. Moreover, a clearly defined line between floors will be visible. A broken slope is well suited for those projects where the living area is difficult to fit into a standard triangle. Experts advise erecting a half-hip roof on buildings and houses that are located in the area of ​​strong winds.


Whatever roofing option you choose, the main thing is that it is strong and reliable, but in order to achieve these indicators, you need (once again we emphasize) to carry out competent calculations. Only they will become the basis for a clear and correct execution all works.

Home is an integral part of any person’s life. And it doesn't matter where you live own home or rent.

Or maybe you are currently working on it?

For those who decide to build a house themselves, it is important to remember that Special attention should be given to the roof.

This structural element is of particular importance, both from an aesthetic and practical point of view. After all, he will have to protect the entire building from various weather conditions:

  • Rain;
  • Snow;
  • Hail;
  • Wind;
  • Sun.

Therefore, before construction, it is necessary to think in advance what shape the roof will have? What roofing material Is it better to block it? Carry out the necessary work before starting construction so that no problems arise during the overlap period.

It is better to select the shape based on the climate of the region where you live. This determines how effective the protection of the entire building will be at different times of the year.

They are divided into:

  • Flat;
  • Pitched.

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

But in regions with frequent precipitation in the form of rain, snow or hail, it is best to install pitched options.

Thanks to the angle of inclination, precipitation does not accumulate on the plane, but flows down the slopes into special whirlpools. The tilt angles are selected according to the wishes of the developer, starting from 10 degrees.

They are also divided into several types:

  • Steep angle of the gable surface;
  • The flat shape of the gable plane;
  • A broken line with the location of the attic;
  • Hip with four sloped sides;
  • Half-hip;
  • In the form of a tent with four slopes.

When choosing a suitable form, you need to take into account a number of factors: how heavy the rainfall is in your area; whether the winds are blowing and especially how strong and for how long, this is important for choosing a suitable angle of inclination.

Types of roofs

Hip roof - what is it and what types are there?

The main difference between a hip roof and all others is the presence of four slopes. consists of two large parts, which are shaped like a trapezoid, and the small ones are triangle-shaped.

This species was named because of its triangular slopes located on the front side.

To build such a structure, a double screed and beams are required. It is also necessary to arrange for each slope so that moisture does not damage the walls of the house.

When planning the design of drains, you should think about where precipitation will flow; some combine drains with the general sewer system. But here It is important to consider the amount of precipitation in your area.

Hip roofing has many advantages, the main one being wind protection against strong gusts. This design is less subject to deformation and lasts much longer than a gable roof.

  • For – 21 degrees;
  • For – 13 degrees;
  • For – 10 degrees;
  • – 6 degrees;
  • For – 12 degrees, it is necessary to carry out good sealing of the joints;
  • For roll material, if it is laid in two layers - 15 degrees, a three-layer overlap requires 2-5 degrees;
  • For membrane roofing Any angle will do.

Once you have decided on the angle, you should start calculating the gap between the rafter legs. The distance depends on the severity of the roofing material - from 60 cm to 1 m. Afterwards, the amount of material for covering is calculated.

When proceeding directly to installation, you should adhere to some rules:

  1. First you definitely need mark all the details future design.
  2. The structural parts must be fastened in a certain sequence.
  3. Afterwards proceed to connecting all the parts into a single design, using metal corners or plates.
  4. When installing, it is better to use solid rafters for structural strength. If the roof is too long, double beams should be used.

As advice:

  • The structure will be stronger and more durable if well-dried coniferous beams are used.
  • You will avoid inaccuracies in measurements if you use a measuring rod rather than a tape measure.
  • All beams for the structure must be chosen of the same thickness.
  • Take all measurements along the bottom edge of the rafters.

Pay special attention when calculating and designing a hip roof. If you doubt own strength, then consult with professionals.

Hip roof installation

Tilt angles

Hip roof with attic - features

When building a house, an attic is not so much an attribute of practicality as of aesthetics. It's nice to admire the view from the attic windows.

Designing an attic, if you have chosen the hip roof option, is quite complicated. That's why you should carefully carry out preliminary calculations on the drawing.

Markings for the future installation of a hip roof should be made along the lower part, where the attic floors will be located. The center is marked on the end side, this is where the ridge beam will pass.

The main difference in the design is the placement hip rafters. They do not tighten with puffs, as is done, for example, when building a gable roof.

That's why the load will fall on the ridge beam, diagonal and row rafter legs rest on it.

Building a hip roof with an attic will add sophistication to your home, but will require serious energy costs, not to mention money.

Hip roof with attic

Hip roof with non-residential attic - features

If you do not plan to inhabit the attic space of the house, this will simplify the roof design. Since the hip roof has a gentle slope, short rafters can be used for a structure with a smaller cross-section, which will significantly save the construction budget.

A residential attic will require a revision of the design, including changing the shape of the roof or significantly raising it beam floor. A similar solution can be used to build large cottage houses, where the dimensions of the structure allow the attic to be equipped as a room.

Hip roof with attic

Examples of house projects

For the future developer to choose from are offered different variants hip roofs:

  • In the form of a tent- the simplest of all designs. It looks like a pyramid and does not require additional costs and does not cause design problems.
  • With trapezoidal sides roofs. This shape suits longhouses.
  • Semi-oval shape. Quite complex, both in design and financial terms. It requires additional costs. But in terms of beauty and aesthetics it is significantly higher than others.

Projects of one-story houses with a hipped roof:

Project wooden house with hipped roof

Project of a house with a metal roof


If difficulties do not frighten you, then you can start building a hip roof yourself. Thanks to the positive aspects, this roof shape will give you comfort and convenience, as well as attractiveness.

Supporters of the European style in the construction of country real estate in most cases opt for a hip roof, the advantage of which is not only visual appeal, but also the reliability of the structure. By choosing even the simplest option, you can use a lot of interesting elements that can give the structure a special sophistication and uniqueness.

What is a hip roof

The simplest hip roof is made in the form of a frame with four slopes: two triangular end slopes, called hips, and two front trapezoidal planes. All slopes are laid from the ridge element to the cornice, with the front surface having a larger area and length of the slope.

In addition to the standard version, there are half-hip roofs, which are usually used to create designs in Dutch style. This option involves installing the cornices of the front slopes significantly lower than the end ones. It is advisable to erect such a roof when arranging an attic space as a living space.

All four slopes of the hip roof converge on a ridge beam, which is smaller than on gable roofs

Installation of a hip roof is carried out on the basis of an assembly of components and elements that are also present in the structures of more complex roofs.

The main frame of the structure is assembled from the following elements:

  1. For the manufacture of side rafters and intermediate systems, boards with a cross section of 50×150 mm are prepared. When constructing the structure, it should be remembered that the outer rafters should have a smaller angle at the top than the intermediate ones.
  2. Installation of short rafter legs are performed to the corner rafter, and not to the ridge, and their angle of inclination should be the same as that of the intermediate parts.
  3. For ridge elements, select material of the same cross-section as for the rafters.

In the frame of a hip roof, it is customary to distinguish central and intermediate rafters. Central elements are those that are joined at the corners of the ridge beam on three sides. Intermediate rafters are located between the central ones and connect the ridge with the mauerlat, forming a cornice.

The central rafters converge on the ridge element on three sides

Additional, but no less important when building a hip roof are the following factors:

  1. To support the ridge, a stand is usually placed at the junction of the two rafters and the ridge beam. If living quarters are to be built under the roof, the racks can be replaced with supports, and in some cases removed altogether.
  2. To strengthen the structure of the rafters, a tie is used, which, as a rule, also serves as a floor beam.

    The tie rods strengthen the truss and at the same time serve as floor beams

  3. The upper part of the walls and the space under the roof are reliably protected from precipitation thanks to the increased overhang due to the installation of “fillies” at the rafter feet.
  4. On the windy side of the building, a wind beam is attached to the rafters; if necessary, its installation is allowed on both trapezoidal slopes.
  5. The hip roof is the only structure that is equipped with a spigot or a short rafter leg installed to the corner rafter.
  6. Mauerlat, being necessary part of any rafter system, in a hip roof, it is constructed in the form of a bar and attached around the perimeter of the entire building.

    The Mauerlat is fixed at the upper end load-bearing walls along the entire perimeter of the building and serves to connect the frame of the house with the roofing system

  7. To relieve the load on the walls and give the system greater rigidity, a diagonal jumper - a sprendel - is strengthened between two adjacent elements of the Mauerlat.
  8. The angle of inclination of the struts is selected depending on whether the attic space will be equipped for living space.
  9. Diagonal rafters together with the rib can be mounted either on one end of the roof or on both sides, and the choice depends on the structure being built.
  10. Purlin is the gap between the points of attachment of the rafters to the ridge, the size of which is determined by the type of material and the load that the snow masses exert on the house in the region of construction.

Photo gallery: houses with hip roofs

All the vaults of the hip roof of a square house converge at one point. Part of the structure can be brought out onto the slope of the hip roof attic space The house may have extensions covered with a similar roof
The roofs of several equal parts of the house can be combined into a single structure. The hip roof slopes can be made of glass. The hip roof looks great on buildings in the medieval style.

Self-construction of a hip roof: detailed instructions

Do-it-yourself roof installation requires strict adherence to the construction stages, as well as the availability of skills in similar work and a set of special tools.

List of tools and materials for the construction of a hip roof

Installation of a roof frame is impossible not only without high-quality lumber or roofing, but also without the corresponding fastening elements.

Metal fasteners include:

  • nails and screws for roofing work;
  • anchor bolts;
  • steel corners;
  • other details responsible for the reliability and strength of the structure being built.

An important point in the arrangement roof frame is the installation of sliding fastening of trusses both on the ridge and at the junction with the Mauerlat. This method of fixing rafter elements eliminates the possibility of damage to the roofing system due to shrinkage of load-bearing walls and seasonal deformations of the building .

Sliding fastening allows rafter elements to move within permissible deviations with small deformations of the building frame

The rafter structure is assembled from the following materials:

  1. The Mauerlat is made of timber with a section of 100×150 mm.
  2. For the ridge and rafters, a beam with a cross section of 50×150 mm is selected. Experts involved in the installation of rafters recommend using timber or boards with the same cross-section; only then will maximum strength and quality of the structure be achieved.
  3. Rafter system When ready, it is equipped with wooden sheathing with a cross-section of boards of 25×150 mm.

When choosing a roofing material, several options are offered, among which the best is considered soft roof. It is easiest to attach to complex rafter systems like hip . Before installing the covering, a layer of insulation and vapor barrier film should be laid; if necessary, additional plywood can be attached.

Before you begin installing the roofing pie, you should treat all wooden parts of the rafters with an antiseptic.

Installation of the structure will be carried out much faster if you have the necessary tools at hand:

Video: how to cut rafters in a hip roof

What you need to know when designing and drawing up construction estimates

The roof design can be anything depending on the needs and capabilities of the owner of the house. The complexity of the work will depend on the location of the load-bearing walls. As the project becomes more complex, the consumption of materials, labor costs, and order execution times increases for its implementation.

The complexity of erecting a hip roof primarily depends on the size and configuration of the building

It is better to leave the construction of a complex hip roof to professionals who will perform accurate calculations of all elements of the rafter system and will be able to produce the roof in strict accordance with the project. For those who like to try their hand at self-construction Several factors need to be taken into account:

  1. The ability of the structure and foundation to withstand the load of the future roof.
  2. Features of the rafter system - layered and hinged structures have their own subtleties of implementation.
  3. Permissible cross-sectional size of wooden structural elements for given lengths and distances between trusses.
  4. Correspondence of the angles of inclination of the slopes and the rafter purlin when bringing them together at the ridge.
  5. The need to organize additional openings and projections, for example, for chimneys, ventilation, windows and other openings.

When designing a rafter system for a hip roof, many different factors must be taken into account

Step-by-step instructions for installing the rafter system

First, the wood is prepared - it is well dried, treated with antiseptic compounds and dried again. Once the material is ready, you can begin its installation according to the scheme below:

  1. Along the perimeter of the load-bearing base, a mauerlat with a mandatory waterproofing layer made of roofing felt or similar materials is laid and securely fastened.

    The roof Mauerlat is laid on waterproofing material and fastened with studs

  2. The Mauerlat is marked according to the previously calculated dimensions. To make the marks clearly visible, it is recommended to apply them with a bright marker or even drive in small beacons. It is important to maintain identical markings on opposite planes, otherwise the laying of the beams will be uneven.

    The markings must be done very carefully so that roof trusses and the puffs were installed evenly

  3. Installation of floor beams is carried out on a mauerlat or on an additional beam reinforced just below the plane of the walls.

    Floor beams (tightenings) can be mounted on the Mauerlat

  4. To reduce the load from load-bearing frame The Mauerlat is fastened with transverse ties.

    Transverse ties redistribute the load from the roof evenly along the entire perimeter of the rafter system

  5. After completing the laying of the tie-rods on top of the floor beams, it is recommended to build a boardwalk for fastening to the beams. It will be convenient and safe to walk on it when performing further work.

    Temporary flooring is used for safe movement across the entire area of ​​the floors when installing rafters

  6. Next, racks are installed to the tie rods or to the floor beams.
  7. At the top, the posts are attached to the ridge beam. The central rafters from the end of the roof are also mounted on it.
  8. Then the marking and installation of intermediate rafters on the side of the gables is carried out.

    Intermediate rafters are installed from the front side

  9. After this, diagonal rafters are laid, connecting the ridge element of the building with the corners. If necessary, it is possible to install additional racks.

    Diagonal rafters connect the roof ridge to the corners

  10. Short rafters called sprigs are fixed to the diagonal rafters. The distance between them should be the same as between the intermediate elements.

    Narodniks connect diagonal rafters to the Mauerlat

  11. The design diagram may also include other support and reinforcement parts: struts, wind beams, truss system.
  12. If the rafters end on the surface of the mauerlat, they must be extended beyond the building frame using “fillies”, due to which cornices and roof overhangs are created.

Rafter legs can be attached to the Mauerlat using various rigid elements, for example:

The rafter legs are also attached to the beam of the ridge element in several ways:

  1. Connecting the legs above each other and above the beam, followed by bolting.
  2. Creating recesses on the rafters to enhance the rigidity of the connection with the ridge element.
  3. Bringing the rafters to the ridge and then fastening them together using wooden or metal plates.

At the point where the ridge beam is attached to the rafter legs, a rather complex knot is also obtained, and only with reliable mating and fixation of all parts can we talk about the durability of the hip roof. In this case, the ridge beam is laid on top of the posts, after which it is fastened with wooden plates on both sides. Then diagonal rafter elements are cut out, which are attached to the ridge and intermediate rafters. The installation of the second rafter for the other corner of the house is carried out in a similar way.

Video: DIY installation of a hip roof rafter system

Preparing the roof for laying roofing

When the rafter system is completely installed, you can begin preparing the structure for laying the roofing material:

  1. Marking is carried out in the places of planned window and doorways, exits of chimney pipes, ventilation holes, followed by framing the selected openings with wooden slats.
  2. Next, the roofing pie is installed in the following sequence:
    1. A layer of vapor barrier film is stretched and attached to the rafters.
    2. The next layer is the sheathing.
    3. Insulation with wind protection, similar to a polyethylene film, is attached to the spaces between the slats.
    4. Next, the counter-lattice is installed.

The last stage before installation of the covering is directly determined by the selected roofing material. So, if the choice fell on metal tiles, then it can be attached directly to the counter-lattice. If a soft roof is used, then an additional layer of plywood or OSB sheets will be needed.

Installation of a roof ventilation system

To take air from the under-roof space, a ventilation hole is made at the bottom of the wind sheathing, and to exhaust it - at the top of the roof - closer to the ridge element. When creating a binder from wooden planks You can leave a small gap between them, which will allow for better ventilation.

When assembling the filing tightly, it is recommended to make several small wooden grids and lay them out along the entire length of the wind filing in increments of 80 cm. To drill the required hole, you will have to arm yourself with a drill with a cup attachment. The place for the upper air outlet is equipped in the roof itself.

When using flexible tiles, ventilation is performed through a ventilated ridge; ceramic tiles allow air to be supplied through a roof vent. Ventilation of slate, ondulin and other similar coatings is carried out through standard skates. The metal tiles are ventilated using a ridge seal.

Video: hip roof made of metal tiles

Gazebo with hipped roof

A gazebo with a hip roof will become a standard design solution, and subject to proper calculation and arrangement, it will be distinguished by reliability and durability of operation. It will not be difficult to assemble a hipped roof yourself. This design is suitable for a gazebo in the form of a rectangle or square. The first option is an assembly of a hip structure with two triangular and the same number of trapezoidal slopes. The second option is a hipped hip roof, consisting of 4 isosceles triangular slopes.

Hip roof for square gazebo consists of four identical triangular sections

The hip roof is excellent choice when building a gazebo, since it allows the use of any roofing covering, and the convenient design provides a free viewing angle, it can easily be arranged, for example, in the Chinese style, adding length to the overhangs and several curved diagonal rafters.

On preparatory stage work, a drawing of the future roof is made, taking into account the main factors:

  • the weight of all rafters and their additional elements;
  • roofing and waterproofing masses;
  • level of climatic loads, layer of snow masses;
  • the weight of the builders servicing the roof;
  • loads from equipment that is planned to be installed on the rafter system.

The installation features, for example, the spacing of the sheathing slats and rafter system, directly depend on what the slope of the slopes will be and what materials are chosen for covering the roof. And all this affects the overall weight of the building.

Extend service life wooden gazebo it is possible by pre-treating all its elements with special antiseptic impregnations, as well as a fire retardant. All these compounds can be applied quite simply with a regular brush or roller.

support for hipped roof gazebos can be wooden, brick walls or support frame racks. If brick is used in the work, the structure will be capital and will require the construction of a solid foundation capable of withstanding heavy loads. The construction of a hip roof on such a gazebo is generally similar to the installation of a roof on a residential building or other large structure.

Small hip roofs can be assembled on supports made of pillars, which must first be well secured

If the gazebo is installed on wooden poles, then you should first check the strength of fastening of its supports; they must stand strictly vertically, and for the rigidity and stability of the frame, they are tied with jumpers from below. Jumpers are also mounted on top, which will serve as strapping for the pitched structure. Due to the high load, the supports can gradually move apart, so it is recommended to fasten them at the upper ends with diagonal jumpers in advance, and lay wooden or steel pads at the joining points.

Step-by-step instructions for installing a hip roof for a gazebo

  1. First, a ridge beam with special struts and vertical supports is attached.

    Construction of the roof begins with the installation of ridge beams on vertical posts

  2. Next, diagonal rafters are laid to form the roof slopes. This stage involves the possibility of increasing the length of the overhangs with the help of overhead boards - “fillies”, which extend the sloped rafters.
  3. Then the installation of central and intermediate rafters and frames is carried out.

    Diagonal and intermediate rafters connect the ridge beam to the Mauerlat and form a frame for installing the sheathing

  4. To protect wooden elements from moisture, a coating of a waterproofing membrane is laid on top of the rafters.
  5. A sheathing is installed on the waterproofing layer, and if additional ventilation equipment is needed, a counter lath is also installed.

    Installing the roofing completes the process of building a gazebo

A hip roof is assembled in the same way as a regular hip roof, excluding the installation of a ridge beam. In this case, a bunch of diagonal rafters are connected into a ridge unit.

Video: building a gazebo and barbecue with your own hands

A lack of experience in the construction of roofing structures can negatively affect the quality of the future roof and the degree of protection of the entire structure, so it is recommended to turn to professional construction teams to perform this type of work. With the right approach, a hip roof will become an excellent architectural structure for a house, gazebo and any other buildings.

To the most complex types construction work This includes making a hip roof for a house with your own hands. For example, one should ideally know descriptive geometry. In general, the work requires competent construction of a spatial structure.

Unlike other types of roofs, the hip has four slopes of different configurations. In this case, a tent variety can be distinguished. However, its slopes are made in a triangular shape. There is no ridge on such a roof, since there is a single ridge unit. All four planes of the roof converge into it. Thus, the hip is the triangular slopes on both sides of the roof. At the same time, other slopes are made in a trapezoidal shape. DIY hip roofs are very suitable for architectural style Houses. But it is also necessary to remember the practical conditions for construction.

Most often, hip roofs can be found in areas with good wind flow. This roof is very resistant to such loads, unlike a conventional gable roof. Appearance roofing is entirely related to. Trapezoid-shaped slopes are usually created using sloping or hanging rafters. The hip will require the use of sloped rafters and splices.

In Western Europe (Denmark), half-hip roofs have become widespread. Let's look at two of their varieties:

  1. The first one includes several gables at the ends of the roof. Trapezoidal hips fit tightly to their base. You can also find it here. This is some kind of source natural light for the attic. At the same time, the design of a house with a hip roof may also include space for an attic.
  2. The second one includes slopes of different lengths (the hip length is less than the length of the main slopes). Note that the hips are made in the form of a triangle. Under the roof you can find an attic with main slopes instead of side walls. There is also a horizontal ceiling. At the same time, the ends of the hips and vertical side walls are in the form of pediments.

Designing a hip roof with four slopes involves calculating its structural elements and choosing a roof covering. You can also farm out load calculations. This is done by design firms or expert bureaus. They will also provide you with photo and video materials of your home.

Hip roof project

Installing a roof: work order

Hip roof rafter system, detailed in the video:

Hip roof scheme made of metal tiles - to provide an eaves overhang, fillies are installed on the roof trusses. They must be secured in the center of the composite rafter legs. Cutting tiles - in the form of pictures along the length of the slope. Then it is fastened to the lathing, which is laid in advance on top of the rafter legs.