Experience a volcano at home for children. Experiments and experiments (senior, preparatory group) on the topic: Experimental activity “Volcanic eruption

With an active volcano. The craft is made entirely from waste material.

One of the most interesting elements in the world of dinosaurs is the volcano. It’s real, Anya really likes it when we launch it. True, she hides the dinosaurs in caves in advance so that they do not die.

And today I want to tell you how to make a home volcano. By the way, the volcano is interesting not only from the point of view of play, but also from the point of view of child development. When you launch a volcano, you spend a small chemical experiment showing your child how baking soda and vinegar can interact together. You can tell an older child that the bubbles that come out are carbon dioxide.

First, I'll tell you how to make a reusable volcano that can be launched repeatedly. It will take some time to create it. At the end of the article I’ll tell you about one more thing - fast way creating a home volcano.

To create a volcano you will need:

  • plastic bottle 1.5 l.;
  • a plastic lid (for example, from sour cream, mayonnaise, or from a regular plastic disposable round jar);
  • masking tape and regular tape;
  • gypsum plaster (or salt dough);
  • acrylic paint (or a mixture of gouache and PVA);
  • base for the volcano (we use a plastic cookie base);
  • paper or old newspapers;
  • foil.

1. Cut a plastic bottle to the desired height, place it in a plastic cap and secure with tape.

You can do it solid foundation for the volcano.

2. Attach the future volcano to the plastic backing using tape. You can also use a piece of plywood as a base.

3. Shape the bottle into a cone.

To do this, we tore off small pieces of paper, crumpled them and laid them around the volcano and secured them with masking tape, gradually moving up. To prevent the paper from getting wet from the plaster, cover it with foil (we also secure the foil with masking tape).

4. Thin the gypsum plaster to the consistency of very thick homemade sour cream and cover the volcano with it. Try to give relief to the volcano: make something like grooves through which lava flowed and ledges.

Instead of gypsum plaster can be used - just cover the base of the volcano with it, giving the desired relief.

As an option, you can cover the volcano with paper soaked in glue using the papier-mâché technique.

5. Wait for the volcano to dry and paint it. Use different shades brown paint. Use red paint to paint traces of lava.

The volcano is ready!

For a volcanic eruption you will need:

- a teaspoon of soda;

- a drop of dishwashing detergent;

- red paint or red food coloring;

Let's get to the fun part! Inside the crater of the volcano, place a teaspoon of soda, add red food coloring or red gouache (we used gouache), add a drop of dishwashing detergent. You can pour a little water, but we did without it.

Carefully pour into the crater of the volcano table vinegar and the eruption begins!

Dishwashing detergent makes the chemical reaction more active - you get a lot of beautiful red foam (lava).

And as promised, a simpler option for creating a volcano.

How to make a volcano from paper and plasticine

Roll a sheet of cardboard into a cone shape and cut off the top. This will be the shape for your home volcano. Cover it with plasticine on top so that the cardboard looks like a mountain. It is better to place the volcano on a plate or baking sheet so that nothing gets dirty during the eruption.

Place a jar (for example, baby food or soap bubbles) inside the cone. First put the lava mixture (soda, paint, food coloring) into the jar.

That's it, the volcano is ready. This volcano is very quick to make, it is convenient when you want to show your child a real volcanic eruption right now.

We took the second option for creating a volcano from the book "".

Now you know how to make a volcano. You can conduct experiments!

Have you heard the joke that soda is a once-in-a-lifetime product? So, this is a joke for the lazy, because people, in tune with the times, have long been using such a miracle remedy not only for cooking, but for treatment, for entertainment and teaching children chemistry and physics. Did not know? Then try a soda volcano first; not only the children, but also all the adults in the household will be delighted.

How to make a volcano from soda

If you're ready to experiment, then it's time to cook. Consumables and work miracles.

Soda volcano - an interesting chemical experiment for kids

What will you need for the experiment?

So, to carry out the experiment you will definitely need soda, the volcano will only work with it, this is the basis of the experiment.

In addition to this component, stock up on the following:

  • Vinegar or its acid (it is permissible to replace it with citric acid, but then in the form of an aqueous solution).
  • Plasticine (ordinary plasticine for children will do). It can also be replaced salt dough(but more on that later).
  • Water (they say that carbonated water enhances the reaction, which means the experiment will be brighter).
  • Plastic bottle (1 or 1.5 liters) of any shape.
  • A palette of paints (any dye, gouache, even Easter paint will do).
  • Foil (you can replace it with paper, but thick paper - it’s better to take cardboard).
  • Double-sided tape.
  • Jars or glasses.
  • Stand for the volcano (can be a tray or an unnecessary lid from a plastic bucket).
  • Detergent.
  • Rubber gloves for work.
  • Rags and water in case of injury - lava burn.

And, of course, it takes time and imagination, but such a childhood experience can become the highlight of the matrix of memories in adult life.

Recipes for experiments: TOP 3

Video bonus: another version of the volcano

It’s worth trying several proven technologies, especially since such a toy will cost you pennies.

Preparing a volcano from salt dough: step-by-step instructions

The “origin” of such a volcano is from dough, which allows it to be made to “erupt” repeatedly when other recipes are only suitable for one show.

Step 1. Base. For this method, you will need an empty liter bottle of any drink. The only requirement: plastic. The container must be cut approximately in half. Then, using strips (foil or paper), strengthen the body of the volcano by wrapping it. They say that foil holds its shape better, which is a guarantee for reusable use.

Vinegar is the second most important component, without which the show will not take place.

Step 2. Fixation of the structure. Attach the base to the tray or plastic lid with the wide side down using double-sided tape.

Step 3. Mountain slope. Our salt dough will act as such a natural component. Just stick the base on top of the foil, dividing the dough into several parts for convenience.

Step 4. Filling the volcano. Through the neck, alternately place a tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate and detergent inside the structure (the brand does not matter).

Step 5. Volcanic eruption show. When you are ready for the spectacle, pour a glass of vinegar into the mouth. The reaction, as well as the delight of the kids, will not take long to arrive.

Is it possible to enhance such an enchanting focus? Difficult, but still real. Just cover the structure different colors, and the lava can be made in the shade that you or the little ones like.

Worth paying attention! The dough can be replaced with plasticine. Used will also work.

Before modeling the volcano, divide the dough into parts - this will make it easier to form the base

Express method: colorful soda volcano

How to make a volcano from soda and vinegar, even if it’s a one-time thing, but instantly, without special purchases and modeling? It's very simple! Although such a show only works once, you will see a mega colorful and impressive in its scale volcano crater.

Take jars or glasses, different color paints, vinegar and soda - where would we be without it, and let's get started!

So, place the jars on the tray, you can start with one - for the purity of the experiment. Some people attach them with double-sided tape, but this measure is only necessary if you plan to move your volcanoes around the house.

Place the jars at some distance from each other so that they do not touch.

Pour vinegar into the container - approximately up to half the jar in volume. Then add paint, gouache or other dye that you find around the house. And finally, add a spoonful of soda, which will cause a neutralization reaction and, in fact, a volcanic eruption. Be prepared to run out of baking soda and vinegar in the house, because kids love this technology, it's fast and fun.

Experienced parents say that the ideal container for a volcano is a baby food jar, check it out!

Long live lava: combine baking soda and citric acid

And finally, the third recipe, a kind of “golden mean”, will take more time than an express one, but much less than a reusable design. However, don’t get tired of experimenting, the kids will appreciate it, you’ll see for yourself!

Again, jars or glasses will come into play, which, if desired, can also be attached to a tray or other surface with sides using tape at some distance from each other. But then the technology is different.

Roll soda and gouache into balls, one per container. Of course, make them colorful, it will be more interesting! Choose bright shades.

Then fill the cups with water. Experienced experimenters say that the carbonated version will improve the reaction, but this does not required condition. Dissolve citric acid in water (a couple of soup spoons for each container).

Then throw a ball into each glass and admire the colorful lava.

By the way, when different shades from the volcanoes on the tray are further mixed into a kaleidoscope of colors, the next show called “rainbow” begins.

Whatever container you plan to use to revive the volcano, think about a lava stand

How it works

What makes it possible to achieve the volcanic effect? What is the secret of such an experiment?

Ordinary chemistry: soda is an alkali, vinegar is an acid, which, when combined, give a violent reaction, decomposing into carbon dioxide, salt and water. During this reaction, you will hear a hiss and notice abundant foam - why not a mini volcano?!

By the way, if you want the “eruption” to be longer and more violent, increase the dose of sodium bicarbonate.

Didn't work out for you? There are usually 2 reasons for this:

  1. You added the sodium bicarbonate too slowly. To see where the failure was, just take 2 glasses of vinegar and pour soda into one gradually, and into the other - in one fell swoop. You will see with your own eyes that in the second case the “eruption” was more powerful and, therefore, more spectacular.
  2. You mixed citric acid and sodium bicarbonate, forgetting about water, then, alas, there will be no “eruption” at all, the “work” can immediately be recorded under the heading “dead volcanoes”. For these two components to react, at least one of them must be in aqueous solution.

Worth paying attention! If you want more foam when spewing, always add a little liquid detergent into the solution (the brand doesn't matter).

Add some color to your experiment

Video: making colored volcanoes

Precautions when working with chemicals

The components for experimentation, as you already understood, are the usual “inhabitants” of the kitchen for us, familiar from a young age, however, this is not a reason to forget about safety precautions - so that the fun does not turn into an accident and children’s tears. Soda lava, although not real, can also be hazardous to health.

So, basic rules during the creation of volcanoes:

  • Adults should instruct children that all experiments should take place with their participation (at least passively - if the child is ready to make an “eruption” himself, just watch if he is doing everything as it should, correct if necessary).
  • It is recommended to carry out experiments wearing rubber gloves and, if possible, glasses.
  • During the reaction, you should not come close to the vent, or stand directly above it, otherwise it may result in a burn, since the volcano sometimes produces quite caustic splashes that bounce far away.
  • If an injury does occur, immediately wash the affected area of ​​skin with plenty of water.
  • At the end of the show, do not forget to wipe everything thoroughly so as not to damage the furniture, objects, or even the skin later, when you put your hands on the table while eating.
  • Do not throw used structures into the trash until all liquid has been drained into the sink. If you used glasses/jars, wash them thoroughly.
  • Always hide all the ingredients so that children are not tempted to repeat the experiment on their own.

Add some color to your experiment
Sometimes the colored volcano balls turn out so beautiful that it’s a shame to dissolve them

Such simple rules will help you make fun memorable in a positive way, rather than in a negative and dramatic way.

Soda is your ally, helping to entertain and develop children, unobtrusively introducing them to chemistry, which you cannot avoid studying at school.

The home volcano is not only similar in appearance, but also can erupt lava. Creating such a miracle develops the child’s creative abilities. In addition, this mini volcano is suitable for school projects. It will also serve as a visual aid in studying chemical reactions without the help of textbooks. You will find how to make a model of a volcano from various available materials in this article.

Paper volcano: materials

To build a fire mountain we will need:

  • sheets of newspapers, magazines;
  • a piece of cardboard or plywood;
  • double sided tape;
  • plastic bottle;
  • flour;
  • watercolor or gouache paints;
  • scissors;
  • tassels;
  • vinegar;
  • baking soda

Paper volcano: progress

1. We gather the children around us and begin creating the shape of a home Vesuvius. Place the plastic bottle in the center of the cardboard and tape it to the base. Run strips of adhesive tape from the neck of the bottle to the cardboard diagonally, forming a cone.

2. Now old newspapers are used. We crumple them into balls and insert them between strips of tape to give volume and density to the foot of the mountain. The next step is to cover the cone with paper strips. We cut the newspaper into wide, long pieces and glue them as shown in the picture.

3. Now we will compact the body of the volcano. To do this, prepare a sticky mixture of flour and water in a ratio of 1:2. While the parents are busy with the dough, the children cut strips of paper. We advise you to stock up on rags for wiping your hands while building the volcano model. We dip strips of newspaper into the finished paste and tightly glue the entire structure to the very mouth of the fiery mountain. The work is completed, we are waiting for the model to dry completely. If you want to speed up the drying process, then place your homemade volcano in the oven.

4. It's time to decorate the mighty mountain. Children will especially enjoy this moment. It will help you develop your creative abilities and get great pleasure from the results. Primary colors are brown, gray, green, red. We give the base and cardboard the color of the vegetation. In these same places you can draw a river. Paint the body of the fire-breathing handsome man in shades of brown and gray. Throw streams of lava along the hillocks and depressions.

5. The most interesting and exciting moment has come - a little magic and the volcano’s mouth will begin to erupt lava. Let's prepare a magical mixture. Pour into the neck of the bottle warm water, mixed with liquid soap or dishwashing detergent. Add 2-3 tbsp there. soda Take a glass of vinegar, preferably tinted red with food coloring or gouache, and pour it into the bottle. The best option: half a bottle of water, 2-3 tbsp. soda and 150-200 ml of vinegar.

6. The sounds of hissing, seething can be heard from the home volcano and... after a couple of seconds, the mouth of the fiery mountain erupts with a fountain of lava! We watch what is happening for a couple of minutes and rejoice at the enthusiastic, children's screams.

DIY volcano made from dough

Continuing the topic of how to make a volcano with your own hands from improvised means, we offer a creation from dough.

Dough volcano: materials

To work you will need:

  • flour - 400 g;
  • salt - 200 g;
  • water – 150 ml;
  • watercolor paints or food coloring;
  • glass cup or plastic bottle;
  • vinegar, baking soda;
  • a piece of thick cardboard or plywood.

Dough volcano: progress

1. Knead the stiff, salty dough. Ready option It should be very dense, not stick to your hands, but easily take the desired shape.

2. Place a glass in the center of the base of the volcano and cover it with dough, forming a model of the mountain. For greater plausibility, create strands of a mountain range and a lake at the foot. “Plant” trees by sticking them into the dough artificial plants for aquarium. Leave the finished layout to dry. Due to the influence of the surrounding nature, drying takes a couple of days, so we put the volcano in the oven and lightly bake it.

3. It's time to draw. Armed with a brush, paints and a glass of water, we begin to revive the mountain. Make the top white with snow or red with lava, or maybe there are gold veins in its rock. Your volcano is your fantasy.

4. To make the fire-breathing vent start to “spit” lava, pour water and dishwashing detergent into a glass covered with dough. Add a couple of tablespoons of soda and pour vinegar over the entire mixture. After a couple of seconds, the lava will rise and begin to flow down the rock slopes.

Using the same analogy, a volcano is made from plasticine

To make it you will need:

  • cardboard sheet;
  • small, plastic bottle;
  • plasticine;
  • thin plywood or plastic;
  • soda, vinegar;
  • food coloring.

The skeleton of the mountain will be a cardboard cone, which is cut out taking into account the size of the bottle placed inside. Then this structure is covered with colored plasticine. The product is placed on plywood taking into account the protection of furniture from “lava” stains and aesthetic completeness. You can attach it to the base using plasticine or cement mortar.

When the model is completely ready to erupt, fill half the bottle with water and liquid soap. Pour soda into the crater of the volcano and fill it with red-tinted vinegar. Streams of lava will begin to erupt from the depths of the mountain.

You can even make a home volcano out of sand and soil by simply forming a slide and placing a test tube with a reactive mixture there. Whatever option you choose, children always watch what is happening enthusiastically and ask to repeat it. So stock up on baking soda and vinegar right away. When the experiment is completed, the homemade volcano can be washed with a damp sponge and left until next use.

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Most likely, I won’t be mistaken if I say that the “Volcano” experiment made from soda and vinegar is one of the most spectacular and favorite experiences among kids. Children can repeat it endlessly. But I don’t want to do it using the same template every time. As it turned out, with the same ingredients - soda, vinegar (citric acid) and water - you can come up with quite a few variations of the well-known experiment. We'll tell you about them.

Required Ingredients

Just in case, let me remind you of the ingredients that will be needed to conduct the “Vulcan” experiment:

Ingredient ratio:

  • 100 ml water, 1 teaspoon vinegar, 1 teaspoon soda;
  • 1 glass of water, 2 teaspoons of soda, 1 teaspoon citric acid.

I often use citric acid, since it has no odor, and conducting experiments with it is much more comfortable and safer.

There are several secrets on how you can add variety to the reaction:

  • To make the experience more vigorous, you can use sparkling water instead of water.
  • To delay the onset of the reaction slightly, do not mix water and citric acid directly. First dissolve citric acid or vinegar in water, and first wrap the soda in a paper napkin or paper towel.
  • The reaction will be more effective if you add dye to the ingredients (you can use gouache, but dry food dyes for Easter eggs or liquid dyes for homemade soap are more suitable).
  • For thicker and more stable foam, add a drop of detergent to the volcano.
  • Also, the reaction will be more interesting if glitter or small sequins are added to the volcano mixture. The foam coming out of the volcano will also pull out the sequins. In the same way, lava coming out of a real volcano brings stones from deep within to the surface of the earth.

Although the Vulcan experience is the same ingredients each time, albeit in different containers, there is something to think about in each case. I have divided questions that you can ask your child or think about together into “Things to Think About” blocks.

Classic volcano - almost like a real one

The easiest option is to make a volcano from plasticine or salt dough. It is not at all necessary to use new plasticine; plasticine that was used previously, but has now turned into a gray mass, is quite suitable. We added sequin stars to the volcano you see in the photo below. To bring them to the surface, we had to awaken the volcano several times, each time increasing the amount of ingredients. In the end, everything turned out with 3 teaspoons of soda and 1.5 teaspoons of citric acid. And another tip: it’s better to pour the sequins last. And if you have them under the reagents, after adding water, quickly stir in the crater of the volcano with a wooden stick.

Another option is a glass or plastic bottle with a tall, narrow neck (I prefer glass as it is more stable). It is very interesting to watch how the foam rises up the narrow neck from the inside, and then flows down the walls of the volcano.

Having carefully examined our kitchen, we noticed that the funnel was very similar to a volcano. The lower part of the funnel should be covered in several layers with cling film. The top of the funnel can also be covered with a layer of foil. And to avoid surprises, it is better to place the funnel covered with film on a tray.

Something to think about. If you don't skimp on the ingredients and the reaction turns out to be violent, you'll end up with a spitting volcano. Discuss with your child why? What makes a volcano spit in a crater?

Answer. The neck of the funnel is narrow, carbon dioxide is released rapidly and in large quantities. In a hurry to leave the funnel, carbon dioxide takes water with it.

If you don’t have a funnel at hand, you can use the top from it instead. plastic bottle: cut off the top part of the plastic bottle (the cut part can be 7-10 cm high), cover the bottom in several layers with cling film or foil. The volcano is ready - you can make the filling.

A volcano in a glass, or how to make water boil without heat

If you don’t want to sculpt a volcano, but you don’t have a funnel or a plastic bottle at hand, you can make a volcano in an ordinary glass or jar and play with it in an interesting way. For example, tell your child that you can make water boil without using an electric kettle or stove.

Dissolve 2 teaspoons of baking soda in 1 glass of water (the glass should not be filled to the top, otherwise your volcano will burst its banks). Pour 1 teaspoon of citric acid into a glass. The water in the glass will “boil” - it will begin to bubble. Invite your baby to touch the glass. Is he hot? Is the liquid in it hot?

Instead of soda water in this experiment, you can make a solution of vinegar or citric acid (for 0.5 liters of water - 2.5 teaspoons of citric acid or vinegar). Then you will not add citric acid or vinegar to the glass, but soda.

Things to think about 1. Now pour water into another glass and add 1 teaspoon of citric acid. Nothing will happen. Let the child express his guesses as to why this happens and what the magic of water is in the first glass.

Add 2 teaspoons of soda to the second glass, now the water will “boil” in this glass. Discuss with your child what is happening, what reaction makes the water “boil”.

Answer. When found in water, soda and citric acid interact. This releases carbon dioxide. Since gas is lighter than water, gas bubbles rise to the surface of the water. Here they burst, thereby causing the water to “boil”.

If, before putting a spoonful of citric acid into glasses of soda water and ordinary water, you pour a little liquid from each glass, you will have another way to show that the liquids in the glasses are different - add red tea to them. In a glass of regular water, the tea will become a little paler, and in a glass of soda water it will turn blue.

Something to think about 2. Mix baking soda and citric acid in a cup. Watch, is anything happening? Nothing.

Answer. To start a reaction between soda or citric acid, the presence of water must be present, or one of the components must be in the form of a solution.

Things to think about 3. Pour the same amount of citric acid solution into two glasses. Place the entire spoon in one glass, and carefully pour the soda from the spoon into another glass. In which glass will the volcano be more violent?

Answer. The volcano in the glass where you lowered the entire spoon with soda will be more violent, since in this case a larger number of molecules meet, combine and react at once.

You can also compare volcanic eruptions based on soda water and lemon water. Given the same amount of ingredients, which one will be more stormy?

Boiling Lake

What I especially like about this option: you can give your baby two teaspoons, a container of soda and citric acid, and give him the freedom to experiment for a while.

You will need: a bowl of water, citric acid, soda, 2 teaspoons and a larger spoon for stirring. Let the water in the bowl be a lake. Show your child that if you add a little soda and citric acid to the lake, the lake will boil. Repeat and let the baby try it himself. And I assure you: until the containers with soda and citric acid are empty, the baby will be busy, and you will have time to do some of your business.

Something to think about. Try stirring your lake with a spoon or a stick. Will the lake boil more or less?

Answer. A volcano that is disturbed erupts more strongly, because by mixing the water in the lake, we help the molecules of soda and citric acid meet faster.

Something to think about. Add citric acid and soda to the water not at the same time, but one after another. Let's start with citric acid, then add soda. The lake will boil and stop boiling. Add a little more soda - nothing happens. What should I add? Citric acid. Added. The lake is boiling again. It stopped. Let's add more citric acid. Nothing. What should I add? Soda. Added. The lake is boiling again, etc.

Answer. Only a certain amount of soda and citric acid can meet and react. If there is too much soda in the water, after the eruption ends, the excess will settle to the bottom. If there is too much citric acid in the water, the lake will eventually fall asleep too. To “wake up” the lake again, you need to add what is missing.

Rough River

We had a boiling lake. Why not create a boiling river? Ideally suited for this purpose are the Fun Coaster construction kits from Bauer or Marbutopia. This will be the river bed. If you don’t have such a constructor, you can cut either a plastic or foam pipe lengthwise. Let's set the bed of our river in a basin or bathtub.

Prepare a mixture of baking soda and citric acid (ratio 2:1) and a jug or bottle of water. You can add dye to a mixture of soda and citric acid or water. We pour this mixture into the bed of our river, then begin to pour water from above. The water moves down and the river begins to rage.

If you close the bathtub opening with a stopper in advance, you will get a colored lake below. Let it be blue, for example. Follow it with a red river and your lake will turn purple.

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?


Bombs are balls made of soda and citric acid that begin to bubble when dropped into water. Except

  • 4 tablespoons of soda,
  • 2 tablespoons citric acid

to make bombs you will need

  • 1 teaspoon oil (sunflower or olive),
  • water in a spray bottle.

You can add dry or liquid dye.

Mix the baking soda and citric acid well, add the oil and mix again. Flakes will appear. Try making bombs; if they don’t form well, lightly spray the mixture with water from a spray bottle. A reaction will begin, but it's not scary. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of water, otherwise an active reaction will occur and your bombs will turn out to self-explode.

We make bombs with our hands. If you want to make large bombs, snowballs or transparent blanks for creating Christmas decorations.

Bombs made from soda and citric acid explode in ordinary water.

By the way, these bombs can also be used for playing in the bathroom. And if you add to the ingredients sea ​​salt and a little bit of your favorite essential oil, you can arrange a bath with bombs not only for your baby, but also for yourself.

You can make bombs simply from soda with the addition of oil or plain water. As you understand, such bombs will explode only in water to which citric acid or vinegar has been added.

Something to think about. Make bombs with your baby from soda with the addition of oil or plain water. Place two containers of water in front of the baby, add vinegar or citric acid to one of them in advance (for the cup we have, I added 2 tablespoons of vinegar or 2 teaspoons of citric acid).

Throw bombs into two containers at once. The bob will explode in only one of them. Ask your child why? You can ask the question differently. For example, like this: “Although the liquid in both cups looks the same, in fact, different liquids are poured into the cups: one contains water, the other contains a solution of citric acid. Can you determine what is in each cup without testing the water? Bombs will help you."


By the way, do not rush to pour out the water into which you dropped the soda bomb. A soda solution will come in handy when washing dishes!

Ice volcanoes

Did you know that ice volcanoes were found on one of the moons of Saturn, on one of the moons of Pluto and other objects in the solar system? (If you want to learn about ice volcanoes and much more, come with us to .) To see ice volcanoes, you don’t have to fly that far on a spaceship. Everything can be done at home.

Prepare a soda solution in advance and freeze it in small cubes. You can add dye. Before starting the game, prepare a lemon solution and a syringe. Place a few soda cubes on a flat plate and pour lemon water over them from a syringe. The ice will melt with hissing and bubbles. You can do the opposite: freeze lemon water and pour water from a syringe.

Something to think about. Do not reveal to your child the two main secrets about what water the ice cubes were made from and what water the syringe is filled with. If you've played with volcanoes before, your 5-year-old can probably figure it out on his own.

Something to think about. Before freezing soda or lemon water, add coloring to it. It’s very good if you get cubes of red, yellow, blue, white flowers. When placing ice cubes on plates for your baby, place yellow and red, yellow and blue, red and blue next to each other. When the volcanoes melt, pay your child’s attention to what color puddles are left behind.

As you can see from the photos, we had clear, blue, and red soda water cubes. While watching the volcano erupt, we saw pink, yellow colors and a lot of green. These are the miracles! and that's all!

You can also create an ice volcano in a glass: pour water into the glass (not to the very top, otherwise the volcano will immediately overflow its banks), add citric acid or vinegar, throw a cube of frozen soda water into the glass. (You can freeze lemon water and make soda in a glass.) The eruption will begin immediately and will continue for quite a long time - until the entire soda cube has melted. If you make cubes soda ice in color, the eruption of an ice volcano will become clear. Don’t forget to draw your child’s attention to how the color intensity of the liquid in the glass changes as the ice volcano erupts.

The duration of the eruption and visibility are the main advantages of an ice volcano compared to the method when we simply add soda to a solution of citric acid, or vice versa.

You will find more experiments with ice in the article.

Rainbow volcanoes

Volcanoes look very impressive when there are several of them and they are colored. It is convenient to make such volcanoes in containers same size. We fill them with a solution of vinegar or citric acid, add dry or liquid dye, a drop of liquid detergent for a thicker and more stable foam, add soda and observe.

How can a child talk about what a volcano is in an accessible and interesting way? You can, of course, arm yourself with books with cross-sectional pictures of a volcano and try to explain in words how magma is thrown out. Or you can make a volcano yourself at home. You will not only satisfy the curiosity of the young researcher, but also awaken interest in various sciences: geography, chemistry and geology.

Making a volcano at home is very easy. Simple products that can be found at home, and simple detergents allow you to create beautiful effects. It is recommended to conduct similar experiments with children six or seven years old: at this age they will be better able to understand the essence of the action taking place. Although such a spectacular spectacle will be interesting for both children and adults.

Purpose of the experiment- to form in children a basic understanding of natural phenomenon“volcano”, clearly show the interaction of alkali with acid (neutralization reaction).


  • explain how volcanoes work and what danger they pose;
  • tell what an acid-base environment is;
  • arouse the child's interest in research;
  • develop self-learning skills;
  • tell children about the existence of an acid-base environment.

Materials and tools:

  • flask or bottle;
  • cardboard for making a “mountain”;
  • plasticine to give the volcano its shape;
  • water;
  • soda;
  • lemon acid;
  • orange or red food coloring or gouache;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • container for mixing ingredients and spoon;
  • stapler;
  • Plastic container;
  • small figures (different types of animals, trees, stones).

Progress of the experiment

1. Let's make a volcano.

First you need to find a suitable container. You can use either a flask or a small juice or yogurt bottle. To give the bottle the appearance of a mountain, we make a blank from cardboard. Cut out a circle and make one cut along the radius. Fold the circle into a cone and secure it firmly with a stapler. Cut off the top of the cone.

We insert our container inside the figure - we get the frame of a volcano. Using plasticine, you need to give the volcano a shape: coat the cardboard with plasticine, make a “crater”, masking the neck of the container.

We place the volcano blank in a plastic container (or in a basin). We create an environment using different types animals (dinosaurs, animals), trees, stones. We pour stones at the foot of the volcano, arrange trees, arrange animals.

2. Prepare 2 lava solutions

First solution: fill the container 2/3 full of water, add food coloring (or gouache), a few drops of dishwashing detergent (so that there is a lot of foam) and 5 tablespoons of soda.

Second solution: dilute citric acid (recommended ratio - 5 tablespoons to 1.5 cups of water).

3. Let's start the eruption

Mix the mixture thoroughly in the volcano container. Slowly pour the citric acid solution into the mouth.

Watch the magic happen: a dormant volcano awakens and turns into a fire-breathing mountain!

Experience result

Fiery red foam erupts from the crater of the volcano.

Volcanic eruption (no dye)

Scientific explanation

The volcano erupts as a result of the interaction of two substances - soda and citric acid. In chemistry, this process is called a neutralization reaction. Acid and alkali (soda) neutralize each other, releasing carbon dioxide. CO₂ foams the mixture poured into the crater and causes the mass to overflow over the edges of the crater. Dish soap makes the lava bubble more. We recommend conducting another experiment with a volcano, but this time with glowing lava.