Roses in a greenhouse are an excellent solution for the soul and for business. Greenhouses for growing roses

How to grow roses in a greenhouse? The main advantage of growing roses in a greenhouse is that the plants will no longer depend on a certain season year, weather, etc. These flowers are always popular and in demand, therefore, if there is a market, they can bring their owner a very good income.

But not everything is so simple when growing roses in a greenhouse. all year round. After all, not every variety will produce high-quality harvest in greenhouse conditions , and when building a greenhouse, you need to meet some requirements:

  • You will need a tall and spacious greenhouse. The distance from the upper shoots to the ceiling must be at least two meters;
  • she must have a strong structure, since it will have to stand for several seasons in a row and will not collapse from various weather conditions (an excellent choice of material for construction would be, which is very easy to handle);
  • for better lighting, the greenhouse must have transparent walls and ceiling;
  • the building must be well insulated so that external weather conditions do not affect the internal microclimate;
  • the greenhouse must contain some specialized equipment: as well as artificial lighting to simulate the natural level.


Let's see what a greenhouse with flowers looks like in the photo below.

As for the choice of roses for planting, here it is best resistant varieties are suitable to common rose diseases. Great option roses will be grandiflora, floribunda, miniature and hybrid tea varieties (for example, Queen Elizabeth or Rose Gaujard).

Species that are better suited for planting in winter are: not needing a lot of lighting: Zorina, Geheimrat Duisberg and Better times. For growing Dutch roses in greenhouses, varieties such as Aqua, Freedom, Magic, Versilia and a number of others are suitable.

Preparation and planting of seedlings

Even if you created everything the necessary conditions and acquired the seedlings themselves, then don't rush to start right away for their disembarkation. During transportation and long-term stay in refrigeration chamber they lose a lot of moisture. Therefore, before planting, the seedlings are left in water for about one day.

If your roses have been transported for too long, then when planting them you only need to dig them in lightly so that there is free space left in the air for grafting, and all the soil is in the ground. root system.

In cases where planting material you were provided with peat in a package, then it must be removed when planting, and the plants themselves quickly place in the ground or pots, and then water only lightly.

There are no specific dates for planting roses in a greenhouse. The only exceptions are January and February, in which there is very little sunlight. The technology for growing roses in a greenhouse is as follows: before planting, make sure you have dug a sufficiently spacious hole. The roots of the seedlings should lie evenly on its bottom and not cling to the edges of the hole.

However the main thing is not to overdo it If the hole is too large, the roots of the rose will begin to rot. Greenhouse soil should be treated in advance with rotted manure and pus, superphosphate and ammonium sulfate. These substances will ensure the active formation of shoots. The soil itself should also be warmed to 12°C.

After planting the seedlings, they should be evenly moistened so that not a single tip of the shoots dies. Optimal temperature level air temperature for young plants is about 18°C.

As for the density of bushes in the greenhouse, it will be slightly higher than in normal conditions. And it will be 10 flowers per one square meter . In this case, you should also take into account the variety of your rose, because some of its species have a high density of greenery.

If the bushes are lush, then the frequency of planting should be slightly reduced. After the first year of life, especially large bushes can be thinned out. When planting roses in pots from grafted seedlings aboveground part trimmed by about 60 percent. Loamy soil mixture with humus is used as soil mixtures.

They should be kept at a temperature of only 6°C and increase it by 2 degrees every ten days up to 12°C. Just at this time flowers are very demanding of moisture, do not forget to water them constantly.

How long does a rose grow in a greenhouse? If everything goes well, the first buds will appear in a little less than a month. After they appear, the temperature in the greenhouse should be increased to 20°C, and then lowered again to 16°C after the buds acquire color. You need to understand that the productivity of roses in a greenhouse depends on many factors.

Care and cultivation

How to grow roses in a greenhouse? In order for your roses to grow beautiful and bright, they will have to be supported at all times. life path. Therefore, here we can highlight a few highlights that a young gardener should remember:

  1. Roses should be watered daily using a drip method. With this method, water will get not only under the bush itself, but also on the leaves;
  2. Fertilizing should be carried out monthly, the most suitable: fermented infusion of chicken manure, complex fertilizers, infusion of ash and manure;
  3. The soil around the roses should be loosened from time to time so that it allows air to pass through better;
  4. Keep your beds free of weeds and maintain needed by flowers microclimate. The soil temperature should be 12 °C and the air temperature 22 °C;
  5. In the greenhouse for roses needs to be supported not only the temperature climate, but also air humidity. It should be at around 70%.

    Air humidity is especially important for young plants, whose roots cannot yet absorb the required amount of moisture. In this case, regular daily spraying will do;

  6. Flowers in a greenhouse must grow in conditions good lighting, approximately 16 hours a day. In the cold winter and autumn period when alone Sunlight is no longer enough, the previously mentioned artificial lighting systems are used, namely phytolamps. In summer, the greenhouse should be covered with roller shutters or very thin woven materials to prevent the sheets from burning;
  7. No less important are pruning shoots and cutting buds. These procedures lengthen the flowering period and contribute to the rejuvenation of the bush.

On the last actions worth going into more detail, because with them everything is not so simple.

Whatever variety you shorten the shoots, the minimum length of the latter should be at least 30 cm and from 7 to 12 buds on each.

To prevent the depletion of bushes, roses lateral flower stalks should be removed(they are weaker), leaving only the central ones. Then the bush will concentrate on fewer buds, which will make them larger and brighter. And immediately after their removal, the rose will prepare for the next flowering.

All cutting accessories should be pre-process disinfectant solution so as not to infect your rose. Tools must be perfectly sharpened and their blades must not have nicks or irregularities.

Looking at everything possible difficulties and costs, necessary to build a greenhouse and provide all the conditions important for the life of roses, it may seem that this is a costly undertaking that is not worth all this effort.

However, with a careful and adequate approach, roses can become an excellent source of income for you, which will make you happy not only monetary profit, but also its beautiful view.

Watch a useful video about growing roses in greenhouse conditions:

Agree, having your own rose garden is wonderful. A fragrant garden can be maintained not only during the warm season, but also during the cold season. To do this, they choose to grow roses in a greenhouse. Artificially created conditions contribute to the comfortable development of flowers from the rosehip genus, when natural conditions The flowering period of plants has ended. This way you will have decent interior decoration, a wonderful bouquet for a gift and additional profit from the sale of bouquets.

Growing roses for sale is a profitable business

Before you purchase seedlings and start planting them, you need to learn a few rules on how to grow roses in a greenhouse:

  • Initially, you must take into account that not every variety is suitable for a greenhouse. There are specially bred and adapted species for this purpose. There are a lot of them, so you will have plenty to choose from;
  • Having determined the variety, you need to decide on the type of cultivation;
  • the next factor is the presence suitable soil. It must be fertilized as the flowers grow and before planting;
  • It is important to plant the seedlings correctly. The correctness of forms and development will depend on this;
  • Don’t forget about timely watering;
  • roses need to be provided with careful care and attention: pruning bushes, shortening shoots.

Greenhouse propagation on an industrial scale

Varieties of greenhouse roses

The varieties considered most suitable for growing in a greenhouse are: Grandiflora, Floribunda and Hybrid Tea. They are loved by gardeners for their magnificent appearance, increased winter hardiness and prefabricated quality.

Grandiflora variety - beauty without aroma

The Grandiflora variety was obtained by crossing the Tea rose and the Floribunda variety. It has a certain growth pattern. The stems of roses are strong and straight. The height can reach 2 m. Grandiflora is an extremely winter-hardy variety, it is less susceptible to diseases such as powdery mildew.

The buds of this variety are bright. Predominant shades: red, pink and white. Flowering is lush and abundant. It begins in June and ends by the end of September. Terry buds contain up to 40 petals. They are 10 or even 15 cm in diameter. Characteristic feature Grandiflora when flowering is the absence of floral aroma.

It is customary to propagate Grandiflora roses by cuttings and grafting. If you plan to achieve high yields, then you should choose the first method.

Among the Grandiflora varieties, gardeners distinguish the following successful varieties:

  • Gold Medal;
  • Love;
  • Queen Elizabeth;
  • Stella;
  • Komsomolsky Ogonyok;
  • Sonya.

Magnificent Grandiflora

The Floribunda variety is an unpretentious beauty

Floribunda variety. Initially, it had no aroma, but later breeders obtained species with a subtle, subtle odor. Rose Floribunda is highly frost-resistant; if it happens that the shoots of the flower freeze, they quickly recover. In addition, the variety has high resistance to fungal diseases, for which it has received recognition from gardeners.

The plant reaches a height of 120 cm. Its shoots are slender. Rose bushes can be spreading. There are also compact, erect subspecies of the Floribunda variety, which are chosen specifically for greenhouse cultivation.

The buds are filled with different shades depending on the chosen variety. Predominant colors: red, yellow, orange, pink. The shape of the flower can be either flat or goblet-shaped and even bowl-shaped.

Gorgeous Floribunda

Rose Floribunda grows in inflorescences. It does not grow alone. Depending on the variety, the petals can be simple or double. It is noteworthy that this plant It removes the faded bud itself. As soon as the greenhouse flower has stopped blooming, it drops it to the ground.

It is customary to propagate Floribunda roses in a greenhouse by cuttings and grafting.

The most valuable greenhouse varieties are:

  • Kimono is an old variety. One bush can grow 20 pink flowers;
  • Nina Weibul - an old variety with dark red flowers in one bush up to 10 pieces;
  • Rumba - beautiful aromatic variety with red-yellow flowers. Up to 15 flowers can grow in one bush;
  • Iceberg – White color roses are known all over the world;
  • Circus - has densely double buds, a fragrant aroma and high resistance to disease and frost;
  • Freesia – popular variety yellow flowers;
  • Deutsche Welle - has a rare color - lilac;
  • Sangria is another winter-hardy variety suitable for greenhouse cultivation;
  • Prince's Anniversary of Monaco is a very beautiful variety with a combination of several colors from cream to burgundy;
  • Carte Blanche - white roses are ideal for greenhouse cultivation;
  • Magenta Diodem - has pink, densely double flowers.

Charming Floribunda Deutsche Welle

Hybrid tea rose

The hybrid tea rose received its name in the course of evolution, artificially created by farmers. Variety excellent variety As a result, it was obtained by crossing two types of flowers: tea rose and remontant rose. The resulting hybrid tea plant has more than 10 thousand varieties. In the process of hybridization, it was possible to obtain almost all colors from solid to mixed, except black and blue.

Hybrid tea roses are ideally suited for greenhouse cultivation. The created lighting and temperature in the greenhouse will contribute to their full development. For this purpose, there are special variations of the variety that are resistant to cold and disease.

Gardeners love to grow hybrid tea roses for their special beauty and grace. Regardless of the subspecies, this plant has a very dense bud. Flowers can have both double and regular petals. The structure of the bushes is compact, upright and spreading. Hybrid tea roses also differ in their scent. Some varieties have a citrus aroma.

The hybrid tea rose blooms from June until frost. Throughout the growing season, the plant must be provided complete care. It is especially worth keeping an eye on proper pruning roses to avoid the formation of “blind” shoots and impoverishment of the lower part of the bush.

Delicate roses can reach 80, 90, and 150 cm in height. It all depends on the chosen name. Among species diversity For greenhouse cultivation, it is customary to distinguish the following varieties of hybrid tea roses:

  • Damede Koer;
  • La France;
  • Anastasia;
  • Red Queen;
  • Dame de Kerr.

Rose hybrid tea Dame de Kerr

What should a greenhouse be like for growing roses?

Before you get cuttings, you need to prepare a greenhouse. The soil in it should be enriched. Rotted manure, superphosphate or peat mixture are added to the soil. The nutrient mixture can be prepared as follows: mix 4 parts peat with 1 part cow fertilizer and 4 parts of turf land. All this is mixed and left for a year in the top layer of the earth. Then bone meal is added there. The proportion indicated is 1 kg for 1 sq. m. land.

The height of the greenhouse must be at least 3.5 m. This is the amount of air required by volume for one meter of planting.

In the greenhouse it is necessary to install the following equipment:

  • additional lighting lamps;
  • device for heating the soil;
  • fan;
  • thermometer;
  • shading devices;
  • moisturizing system.

You should also consider the design of the greenhouse for growing roses. There should be vents around its perimeter for ventilation.

Small greenhouse for roses

Planting and propagating greenhouse roses

Roses are propagated by cuttings and layering. It is better to harvest cuttings in June. Before planting in greenhouse soil, the following procedures should be performed:

  1. Green summer cuttings are cut 6 cm in the middle. The shoot should have 2-3 buds and several green leaves.
  2. The upper part of the cut shoot should be covered with plasticine, and the lower part should be lowered into water for 24 hours.
  3. In the greenhouse, it is necessary to prepare holes for planting. A hole of 2-4 cm is made under each cutting.
  4. Cuttings are planted in the hole after a day's exposure. Sprinkle with earth, water, add a nutrient mixture from fertilizer and cover with film. For watering 1 square meter. about 12 liters of water are needed. This way the buds will sprout faster. In addition, the shoots will not dry out and become rough. In the cold season, watering must be reduced to prevent the plants from rotting.
  5. When growing roses in a greenhouse, watering should be done frequently. It is better if you have a small-drip automatic irrigation system installed.

Tip: instead of film when planting cuttings, you can use glass jars. They are removed during watering.

With the propagation method by layering, young side shoots bow to the ground. They are placed in grooves 7-8 cm deep and secured using wooden “slingshots” with visas. You can also use plastic hooks.

The fixed part is sprinkled with earth, and the ends are brought to the surface. Please note that this propagation method is not suitable for all varieties of roses. Shoots that are too thick should not be bent, as this can lead to their refraction.

Rules for the care and cultivation of greenhouse roses

Basic care requirements

After planting, you need to provide proper care:

During the winter period, when roses hibernate and do not bloom, the temperature in the greenhouse should not exceed 3 degrees. The tubers are dug in.

Before the growing season, the ground is sprayed with a solution of nitrafen (3%). From mid-February, the greenhouse temperature is increased to 6 degrees. When the first leaves appear, the temperature is raised even higher. Around this period the temperature should be 10 °C. Now watering the plants should be done more abundantly.

When the greenhouse daytime temperature reaches 24 °C and 15 °C at night, roses begin to bloom.

Blooming rose garden in a greenhouse

Pruning a greenhouse rose

There are many ways to prune rose bushes. This is done so that the flower has a higher yield and has a healthy and attractive appearance. The procedure is carried out in three stages: in spring, summer and autumn before wintering.

Spring pruning involves shortening dense shoots. For the procedure to be effective, you need to take a sharp pruner and shorten the shoots by half. This action is carried out during swelling of the kidneys. So, the growth of a greenhouse rose will be more intense.

Summer pruning is carried out in order to renew the bushes' re-flowering. Dry shoots and buds that lose their decorative effect are removed. Circumcision is done to the first healthy bud.

Autumn pruning of bushes is carried out at the end of October. Trim plants to half or 1/3 of the white wood. The stems are cut at an angle. As a result, the shoot should have an “oblique” tip. Be sure to make a cut 5 mm above the bud. Additionally, diseased shoots are cut off.

Treat cut areas with solution copper sulfate. This procedure is necessary to protect the plant from the penetration of pests and microorganisms. Shrubs must be covered for the winter.

Caring for roses in a greenhouse

Sheltering a greenhouse rose for the winter

Before covering the roses for the winter, the bushes are pre-pruned, treated with a solution of copper sulfate and wrapped with spruce branches on the bottom, laying out the coniferous branches in a circle. You can replace the needles with mulch or loose soil. Leaf cover is also used. With the arrival of February, the “insulation” is removed.

Greenhouse roses are not covered with film or other materials. Next, you just need to maintain a constant soil temperature using heating equipment. This will protect it from freezing and death of young shoots.

Preventive inspection of inflorescences

Perhaps this is all a novice gardener needs to know about growing roses in a greenhouse. By adhering to these rules and taking the necessary care, you can achieve success in harvesting your flower harvest.

Roses can be grown in a greenhouse all year round. Flowers are stored for a long time, and their appearance is as attractive as possible. Typically, the type of flowers presented is grown for sale. In this case, planting occurs from February to November. At this time, roses are most expensive.

Growing plants in December-January is not so profitable. Moreover, the flower is considered summer, so it needs large quantities Sveta. The use of artificial lighting has a negative impact on the gardener’s budget. The most favorable time is spring, on the eve of March 8th. Buyers are buying fragrant flowers that do not contain harmful substances in great demand.

Features of cultivation and care

Growing roses in a greenhouse is not easy. It is necessary to follow some nuances. First you need to create a spacious greenhouse that will have a proper ventilation system. You can learn how to make ventilation with your own hands.

In order to grow a large number of roses, the greenhouse must be fully automated. If you do all the work manually, it will be very difficult to cope.

Processing of seedlings is of great importance. If you order them by mail, be prepared for the plant to lose a lot of moisture. Therefore, before planting you will have to nourish it. To do this, seedlings are placed in water for 18 hours.

In the event that seedlings are planted after long-term storage, it will be necessary to whole line actions. First, they are saturated with moisture, then the root system is dug in, but the grafting site remains open. Such bushes require abundant watering. Moreover, in in this case the risk of disease increases. To prevent this from happening, treatment is carried out with a copper compound.

It is better to purchase seedlings in boxes with peat. They cost more, but there will be fewer problems. In this case, moderate watering is necessary. However, the leaves should dry out before evening. During replanting you will have to get rid of the peat. Tools you will need:

  • polyethylene film;
  • seedlings;
  • meat and bone meal;
  • shovel;
  • manure;
  • feeding;
  • peat.

Before planting, a pit is dug in the greenhouse. Its depth should reach 60 cm. Then the pit is filled with a special soil mixture to make the flowers comfortable. Next, you can plant the seedlings.

Growing roses in a greenhouse requires care. Firstly, it is necessary to maintain normal temperature. At the same time, during the blooming of buds, the temperature must be lowered slightly, and during the flowering period, it must be increased. The humidity level should be around 70 percent. IN winter time additional lighting is required. In summer, on the contrary, it is necessary to slightly shade the bushes with curtains. Among other things, regular ventilation is required.

The soil is mulched with manure. Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is carried out every month. In December, the air temperature should be from 0 to 3 degrees. The soil periodically requires weeding and loosening. Before a state of prolonged dormancy, the rootstock is pruned. It is also necessary to treat the bushes with pesticides against various diseases and pests.

Soil fertilization

Before planting, the soil is fertilized with peat, manure, superphosphate, and ammonium sulfate. In order to strengthen the soil, you can use perlite or mineral wool. A nutrient mixture of turf soil, peat and mullein has a good effect on the growth of roses. Bone meal is also added to it.

It is important to store seedlings correctly. They are afraid of cold weather, which means it is necessary to wrap them in cloth when it gets cold.

Since roses cannot do without moisture, water them even if they are wrapped for the winter. If the winter is long, it is recommended to bury the seedlings. Planting is carried out only at a temperature of at least 12 degrees; the seedlings are first kept in warm water. The seedling is covered with soil so that the grafting is located just above the soil level.

Flowers are cut 20 centimeters higher than the grafting level. If the soil is loose, the seedling is buried. You need to act carefully; if you bury it too deep, the roots will rot; not deep enough, the plant will wither. You should not plant more than 20 plants per 1 square meter. After planting, watering should be done to strengthen the roots. You can use a hose. Excess shoots are removed.

Diseases of greenhouse roses

If the care rules are not followed, the rose may get sick. Diseases can be non-infectious and infectious. In turn, infectious diseases are divided into bacterial, viral and fungal.

Most often, fungal diseases occur, namely: downy mildew, rust, powdery mildew, gray mold and black spot.

Powdery mildew

The disease is characterized by the leaves curling and red spots appearing on them. Then a characteristic coating appears on the shoots, buds, and leaves. The disease appears due to sudden temperature changes. There may be several outbreaks of the disease over the summer. In autumn, the leaves dry out and black spots form on them.


Yellowish tubercles may appear on the leaves. As a result, the leaves wither and fall off. By autumn, the pads on the inside of the leaves turn brown. Branches may dry out and become covered with cankers. The disease occurs due to warm weather and high humidity.

Gray rot

In early spring or late autumn, the shoots turn brown and die. Then a gray fluff forms. Flower stems die. The buds do not open or are ugly. The leaves are drying up. Densely double varieties mainly suffer from this disease.

Bacterial root cancer

Growths appear on the roots, which subsequently rot. As a result, the bushes develop poorly and die.

Downy mildew

As a rule, the disease appears in early June. The bark cracks and turns purple. Purple spots appear on the leaves. As a result, the leaves dry out and fall off, and the plant first loses its upper leaves, and then the lower ones. A gray coating may appear on the inside of the leaf. The buds do not bloom, the rose stops growing. The disease occurs due to wet and cold weather.

Black spots appear on the leaves, they dry out and fall off. IN winter period the affected rose dies. The infection persists in fallen leaves.

Tracheomycosis wilt

The leaves fall and turn yellow. If you cut the stem, you can see that the vessels have darkened. A year is enough for the bush to die.

Rose virus mosaic

The leaves become small and yellow-green speckles form on them. The leaves fall and there are fewer shoots. Bushes become infected during grafting.

Rose is quite capricious. It imposes requirements on humidity and temperature, and the application of fertilizing. When grown in a greenhouse, caring for roses is much easier.

  • It is better to choose a greenhouse made of polycarbonate. The material allows you to create optimal conditions for growing roses. Polycarbonate does not burn and transmits sunlight perfectly. At the same time, it can withstand temperatures from minus 40 to plus 120 degrees. No foundation required.
  • The bushes are planted in January. First, the seedlings are placed tightly to each other. Next year it is necessary to reduce their number by 2 times. When choosing lighting, you should pay attention to the fact that the light should fall on the leaves, and not on the soil.

  • Humidity should not be higher than 70 percent. If the humidity is different, various diseases may develop.
  • It is necessary to monitor the temperature. During the day the temperature should be 22 degrees. At night - about 20. In summer the temperature can be slightly higher. But at night you need to install temperature regime, equal to 15 degrees. Indicators are adjusted gradually!
  • You can graft a rose onto a rosehip. The technology is quite simple. You will need regular rose hips. Its roots are washed and cut into pieces equal to 15 cm. The grafting is carried out in mid-March.

To grow a rose, you have to try. The care technology is quite complex. It is necessary to fertilize and monitor the level of humidity and temperature. You can graft a rose onto a rosehip.

Growing roses in a greenhouse (video)

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You can cultivate roses in a greenhouse all year round, but only from December to February, due to the need for artificial additional lighting of plants, this activity can be very expensive. Therefore, floriculture farms usually begin forcing roses in February, receiving beautiful flowers for nine months - from March until November.

What roses are suitable for greenhouse cultivation?

What a pity that summer flies by quickly, and at best we have the opportunity to enjoy beautiful flowering roses from June to September! For those who do not agree to say goodbye to royal flowers until the next season, there are two options: growing roses at home in pots or growing roses in a greenhouse. The latter option can also become a good source of income if you correctly draw up a business plan and organize sales of roses grown for cutting.

Not every variety of rose will feel great and produce beautiful flowers in a greenhouse.

Successful cultivation of roses in a greenhouse is determined by:

  • selected varieties of roses,
  • properties of the substrate,
  • correct planting of seedlings while maintaining the required planting density,
  • sufficient watering,
  • regular application of fertilizers,
  • caring for roses, including timely cutting of shoots and pruning of bushes.

Video about growing roses in greenhouses

Not every variety of rose will feel great and produce beautiful flowers in a greenhouse. Best results flower growers manage to achieve grandiflora, floribunda, miniature and hybrid tea varieties when growing roses. The resulting flowers are different high quality and attractive presentation.

It is advisable to choose varieties that are resistant to powdery mildew and other common diseases of roses. For example, Queen Elizabeth or Rose Gojard. Of the hybrid tea varieties, the most commonly planted in greenhouses are white roses Pascali, golden yellow Casanova, orange-red Baccara and bright pink Carina, and among miniature varieties the most popular are dark orange roses Skarlet Gem, red Beauty Secret and red-yellow Little Flirt. For winter growing Varieties that do not need intense light are well suited: salmon-orange roses Zorina, red Better times and yellow Geheimrat Duisberg.

Both self-rooted and grafted roses are suitable for cultivation in a greenhouse. Roses on their own roots in a greenhouse grow slower than those grafted on high-quality rootstocks, but they produce more flowers.

Both self-rooted and grafted roses are suitable for cultivation in a greenhouse.

Planting roses in pots or greenhouse soil

Traditional growing in pots

The right time to plant roses in buckets or pots is early October. Before planting, the above-ground part of grafted seedlings is cut off by two-thirds. The substrate used is a loamy soil mixture with humus, rich in nutrients. Pots with seedlings are put into storage with a temperature of about 0 degrees until January. At the end of January, the seedlings are brought back into the greenhouse and pruned directly above the grafted bud.

In the first week, the temperature should be at +6 degrees (since a shoot begins to quickly develop from the grafted eye, and the root system actively grows). With bud germination, the temperature can be increased to +10 degrees, but if the lighting in the greenhouse is good, then up to +15 degrees. In this case, the plants need to be watered abundantly.

In the first week the temperature should be +6 degrees

When buds form on the cultivated shoots of roses, the temperature will need to be increased to +20, and during the period of coloring the buds, it will be lowered to +16 so that the flower blooms more slowly.

When growing roses in a greenhouse for cutting, it is recommended to remove all side shoots and buds, leaving only one shoot with three to four buds - new shoots form from it. After a month and a half, secondary flowering will begin, and by this time the rose will already be a developed bush with three to four main shoots.

Growing roses in greenhouse soil

Rose seedlings are planted directly into the greenhouse soil, 10 or 25 roses per square meter (in the second case, the next year they are thinned out, leaving half fewer plants). You can arrange the seedlings according to the 25x40 or 30x30 pattern.

If roses are planted too deep, they may become affected by the root collar.

Before planting roses, greenhouse soil is enriched with peat, rotted manure, superphosphate and ammonium sulfate. The seedlings are first dipped in water and planted in the soil so that the grafting site is near the surface of the earth. In very loose soil, roses can be buried a little, then with further shrinkage of the soil they will be at the desired level. Be careful: if roses are planted too deep, they may be affected by the “root collar”, and if they are not deep enough, the plants will wither.

Secrets of success, how to grow roses in a greenhouse

In floriculture farms when growing roses, vermiculite, perlite, coconut fiber can be used as a substrate, mineral wool. Rose care is automated - special equipment supplies the plants with nutrient solutions, supports optimal humidity and temperature in the greenhouse.

Automation of care for greenhouse roses is usually not affordable for amateur flower growers. Therefore, we have to devote more time and attention to greenhouse roses.

Video about a rose plantation, how roses are grown

Caring for roses in a greenhouse includes:

  • maintaining optimal microclimate with a humidity of 70% and a suitable temperature (increase before flowering, as described above, and when the buds open, lower slightly);
  • if there is insufficient lighting in winter, use additional lighting; if there is excess sunlight in summer, curtain the greenhouse or whiten the glass;
  • daily ventilation of the greenhouse;
  • keeping the soil loose, moist, free from weeds;
  • monthly fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizer and mulching the soil with rotted manure;
  • treating roses with pesticides against diseases and pests;
  • pruning the rootstock of grafted roses;
  • severe pruning of plants before the dormant period;
  • during the dormant period in December, maintaining the temperature in the greenhouse at 0+3 degrees.

From each rose it is possible to obtain from 8 to 12 high-quality beautiful flowers suitable for cutting

When cutting flowers for the first time, try to leave as much green mass as possible on the bush so that the plant grows strong new shoots. Cutting should be done in the morning, when the buds are just beginning to bloom. From each rose it is possible to obtain from 8 to 12 high-quality beautiful flowers suitable for cutting.

Flowers are wonderful companions in our lives. Throughout human history, they have brought inspiration to poets, accompanied lovers, and decorated numerous holidays.

With the existing huge variety of flowers, roses are always the most popular. These delicate beauties are distinguished by their unique beauty and wonderful aroma, delivering people only positive emotions, similar in effect to pheromones.

Relevance and profitability of developing a flower business for growing roses

Growing and breeding roses for sale is one of the most magnificent home business ideas.

Doing what he loves, an entrepreneur is constantly in harmony with the beautiful and at the same time earns a decent income. Roses are always beautiful, regardless of the variety or color shade, but at the same time, these are very delicate and whimsical flowers. To really get good year-round harvest these wonderful flowers, their cultivation and breeding should be organized strictly according to the rules and in accordance with existing advanced technologies.

The features of the rose growing business are described in the following video clip:

Rules for growing and care

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In the open ground

Despite the well-known fastidiousness of these amazing flowers to climatic conditions, they can grow and bloom well in open ground in the warm season (from late spring to mid-autumn).

Today breeders have successfully bred frost-resistant varieties roses that have proven themselves well in the climatic zones of Russia.

Main components proper care Behind the roses are the sun, air and water. In addition, flowers need nutritious soil, timely fertilizing, pruning of unnecessary shoots, hilling of covers and periodic replanting. It is possible to grow a healthy and strong plant only if all of the above conditions are strictly observed.

It is extremely important land quality, from which the rose will receive nutrients. The soil for roses should be a mixture of turf soil or clay, humus, river sand and bird droppings. A 1-2 cm layer of gravel is required to maintain the desired balance of soil moisture. Plants are hilled to a height of 30 cm using compost, sawdust or soil.

Plant roses in open ground possible both in spring and autumn. For 1 sq. m, up to 15 seedlings are usually planted, depending on the variety. Young plants are replanted annually, mature plants - once every 3-4 years. During transplantation, you should handle the roots especially carefully so as not to cause injury to them. After transplantation, after some time, they begin to feed the plants with organic and mineral fertilizers alternately - from spring to late summer 3-4 times a month.

IN spring period For active growth, it is better to feed the plant with fertilizers with a large amount of nitrogen. In summer, during the period of formation of new shoots and flowers, the plant needs complex feeding containing microelements and organic substances. In autumn, the preferred fertilizer substances are phosphorus and potassium. In the first year, it is not recommended to use fertilizers abundantly; prepared soil will be sufficient.

Watering the plants for best effect early morning or evening. Roses especially need a lot of water. growing season: When the bud is formed and the flowers bloom, active shoot growth occurs. Also, abundant watering is necessary during the fertilizing process to prevent soil salinization. Dried soil must be loosened so that a crust does not form. It is better to water the rose less, but abundantly, than often and in small doses. Watering is gradually reduced from the end of August.

Periodically a rose trimmed to form beautiful shape bush and removing excess and dead shoots. 5-7 buds are left on each shoot so that they become strong. Pruning bushes is aesthetic, promotes healthy plant growth and increases flowering time. It is carried out twice a year: in spring and autumn. Special tools are used for pruning: pruning shears, garden shears, knife, file.

Pests accompany the plant almost always, so they must be dealt with decisively. Washing the rose with a soap solution once every 6 days saves the rose from aphids. Experienced gardeners recommend after spraying chemicals put on a rose against pests plastic bag and wrap it to create a closed space for 1 night, then the procedure can be repeated. To combat spider mites use garlic extract in water. Periodically, every 6 days, it is permissible to spray the rose with a solution of copper and sulfur.

In the greenhouse

To grow roses using this method, first of all, you need to equip the greenhouse itself.

A modern option is polycarbonate galvanized model with good thermal insulation. Polycarbonate perfectly diffuses sunlight, allows you to maintain optimal temperature conditions, is not subject to combustion, and is strong and durable.
Basically, greenhouses are installed with a length of 10-15 m and a width of 4-5 m with pitched roof for uniform heating of the space. With the use of a well-equipped greenhouse, flowers can be grown all year round, but heating and heating will be required from December to February. artificial lighting. For this reason, many floriculture farms prefer to grow and sell yearlings (from February to November).

Foundation in a greenhouse must have a base height of at least 30 cm so that the plants do not freeze. For lighting and heating in the winter season, it makes sense to use alternative source obtaining energy – solar panels. This method belongs to, it is quite expensive, but thanks to the increased energy intensity it will quickly pay for itself.

Temperature in the greenhouse it should never be below 10°C. After rooting, flowers are grown at 20-22°C. The upper limit in summer will be 27 °C. Most optimal mode for roses: 15-18 °C.

Roses are being planted in greenhouses with good heating in January-February into soil enriched with rotted manure and mineral fertilizers. As substrate coconut fiber, perlite, mineral wool, etc. are used. Large greenhouses use the technology of growing in mats - bags filled with various substrates. Seedlings must be carefully protected from exposure to low temperatures and proper storage technology must be followed. Planting material must be of high quality, from nurseries specializing in growing varietal plants.

Optimal air humidity in a greenhouse - about 70%. For watering the best option will become drip method irrigation of plants in an automated way. Regular ventilation, good insolation, fertilizing the roses, loosening the soil, removing weeds, as well as inspecting the plants to prevent the appearance of diseases and pest attacks are also necessary. To combat them they are used special means, and for the purpose of prevention powdery mildew you will need a sulforator that produces sulfur vapor in the greenhouse.

Features of growing roses for sale

The most important task when growing roses for sale at home is to flowers formed buds at any time of the year. Choosing plant varieties, you should focus on those for which the climate of the region is well suited, they are resistant to diseases and pests. Also, in the variety of varieties, one should take into account the method of growing the plant - greenhouse or open ground.

For greenhouses The following proven varieties are recommended: Zorina (red-orange), Better Times (red), Casanova (golden yellow), Skarlet Gem (dark orange), Pascali (white), Geheimrat Duisberg (yellow), Carina (hot pink) , Baccara (orange-red), Little Flirt (red-yellow), etc. These varieties do not require lighting, are resistant to diseases and pests, have a beautiful presentation and are of high quality.

For open ground fit different kinds tea, hybrid tea, ground cover, polyanthus, climbing, miniature, remontant roses, as well as the floribunda variety (blooming profusely). For the winter, these plants must be covered by covering the bushes with coniferous spruce branches and covering them with earth.

For planting roses for sale You should choose a place not exposed to strong winds, but blown by fresh currents and sufficiently lit. The planting site should be in direct sunlight for at least 6 hours a day. The land needs to be well fertilized and free of nearby trees or buildings that create strong darkness. Water should be well absorbed by the soil and not stagnate. Roses should be watered when the top 2 cm of soil becomes dry.

Healthy ones should be selected for planting. rose bushes with a hard stem.

All growing cycle roses for sale are called “cut forcing”, it is carried out at the most optimal timing– from February to November. To get beautiful roses, you should remember about timely proper watering plants, feeding with fertilizers, necessary pruning, after which the roses bloom more abundantly. When caring for flowers, all side buds and shoots are removed, leaving only one shoot with 3-4 buds to form bushes with 3-4 strong shoots, ready to bloom a second time.

For sale roses are cut in the morning even before the buds open. When cutting the bush for the first time, it is better to leave most of the green mass to stimulate the formation of new strong shoots. With proper care, you can collect up to 10-12 flowers from each greenhouse rose bush. The first flowering lasts June-July, the second before the first frost.

An example of organizing a small rose garden is presented in this video:

The nuances of breeding standard climbing, Dutch, rainbow and stock roses

Roses grow beautifully on a tree trunk, although it is not a bush. The standard rose tree is unusual, decorative and economically profitable. These roses bloom for a long time and profusely, their flowers are located high, making them easy to admire and enjoy their aroma. The plants overwinter well, as they are grafted onto stems of frost-resistant rose hips. The standard rose receives excellent nutrition thanks to its powerful root system and is resistant to diseases.

The main condition for the favorable growth of a pink trunk is a good rootstock, which is wild or cultivated rosehip that is not bushy and quite tall. Any variety of rose, for example, a climbing rose, can serve as a scion here. The main thing is to comply with all the conditions for proper grafting and subsequent care of the plant. The climbing standard rose blooms with many double roses and looks great. Flower-strewn lashes fall from above like a floral waterfall. It is also called “cascade”, because the plant decorates the garden with its crown.

You should be very careful when pruning the plant and its periodic rejuvenation, which is most often carried out in the spring.

Dutch roses- recognized leaders in sales among all known varieties of roses. These flowers are very popular because they are characterized by numerous beautiful tones and shades on smooth long shoots and a delicate aroma. Diversity color palette: from soft white to dark burgundy, so you can always choose a bouquet to suit your taste.

Dutch roses were bred, respectively, in the Netherlands, the breeding capital of the world, and include many varieties. To obtain them, only the most advanced technologies are used and modern methods. The most famous Dutch varieties: Grand Prix, Aqua, Talea, etc. These roses reproduce well from cuttings, but they are sensitive to cold weather. They are grown both in greenhouses and in open ground.

Rainbow rosesunique look, because they are multi-colored, but not artificial, but natural. The petals of this extraordinary flower are painted with all the colors of the rainbow, hence the name.

They were again bred in Holland, and at first they simply tried to spray their petals with different paints. It is clear that this method did not justify itself, and only at the beginning of the 21st century, after a series of successful experiments, it was possible to grow roses with multi-colored petals using a unique dyeing technology.

Only white roses are taken as the starting point, and special dyes are introduced into the capillaries of the stem during the growth period of the flower, rising to the petals and coloring them. Growing these roses is not easy, but it is possible even at home, but the result will exceed all expectations.

Stock rose otherwise called Malva. She is simple in appearance, but very sweet and charming. This is one of the most unpretentious species roses, resistant to both drought and frost. The rose stock can reach a height of 2-3 m, so it needs staking and does not like transplanting. It blooms until late autumn, decorating the garden with white, cream, yellow, burgundy and purple inflorescences.

However, this plant prefers nutritious and loose soil rather than clay and sandy soil, which must be taken into account when planting. The distance between bushes must be at least 50 cm. The most in the best possible way The propagation of hollyhock roses will be done by planting from seeds in open ground. This plant has proven itself well in landscape design.

Reproduction algorithm

Planting material for propagation of roses can be purchased at specialized farms and stores, but there is an even less expensive way - growing roses using cuttings or seeds.

Cuttings are the most popular method of breeding roses, bringing success in 90% of cases. They are harvested from young flowering shoots of rose bushes from June to July, for which a not too thick stem with a flower is cut from the middle part of the plant.

Each cutting should have 3-5 buds, the upper straight cut is made at a distance of 1 cm from the upper bud, the lower oblique at an angle of 45° 2 mm under the lower bud. The leaves near the lower bud are cut off, and those near the upper ones are left in half to reduce moisture evaporation. For quick rooting and a powerful root system, the cuttings are immersed for 1 day in a solution of a growth stimulator. It is not recommended to take cuttings from imported roses, since they are often treated with various chemicals.

Planting cuttings should be placed in small greenhouses made of plastic film on a frame, where an optimal moist environment with well-fertilized soil will be created. Planting is carried out at a distance of 10-15 cm, then watering and repeated spraying occur. At first, the plants need to be shaded from direct sunlight. After 3 weeks, the planted material will begin to root and the first shoots will appear. In the fall, before the onset of cold weather, the cuttings are insulated. In the spring they are planted in a permanent place.

Method of growing roses from seeds usually used for removal the latest varieties. In mid-July, fruits are collected from the plant, which are carefully cut with a sharp knife, divided into two parts and the seeds are removed. To disinfect, seeds are immersed in a hydrogen peroxide solution for 20 minutes. Next, they are placed between layers of cotton wool in a plastic bag and left in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 months for sprouts to appear.

They are then planted in peat tablets, and after two months a bud appears. For feeding you need to use a weak solution mineral fertilizers. In spring, the plant is planted in open ground.

The rules for propagating roses for sale are discussed in the following video:

Financial part: costs, income, payback

Home business for growing roses on your own personal plot– and highly profitable.

If to open a business own funds are not enough, it is possible to obtain, since flower growing is a branch of agriculture, or to obtain it on favorable terms.

Main expense items will be: purchase or lease land plot(if it is not owned by the entrepreneur), installation of a modern greenhouse, purchase planting material and fertilizers, tools for work, as well as additional costs of watering plants, heating and lighting the premises in winter.

Start-up capital: 600 thousand rubles.

Installation and equipment of a greenhouse with an area of ​​100 square meters. m. - 400 thousand rubles.

Purchase of planting material: wholesale price of 1 bush is 200-250 rubles, depending on the variety. For 1 sq. m in the greenhouse you can place 5 bushes. Total: 500 bushes: 100 thousand rubles. Not all plants can take root, so you will need an additional 100 bushes: 20 thousand rubles.

Fertilizers and chemicals: 3 thousand rubles per month, 36 thousand rubles per year.

Tools for work: 10 thousand rubles.

Additional expenses: lighting, heating and watering: 30 thousand rubles.

Registration of a business in the form or (in case of successful development of the business): 10 thousand rubles.

Thanks to year-round technology and optimal conditions per year from 1 sq. m you can get 200-250 roses depending on the variety, from 100 sq. m – approximately: 20,000-25,000 roses.

Purchase cost 1 rose – from 40-50 rubles.

Total profit: 1 million rubles.

It is necessary to keep in mind the natural losses when selling this type of product, approximately 10-20%, but they can be compensated additional types income, for example, from the sale of seedlings, seeds, rose petals.

Project: approximately 1 year.

Business: from 70%.

An example of organizing a business for growing roses is discussed in this video material: