What can you decorate for the New Year? How to make a star from wire. New Year's decor from branches

Don't be afraid of the steep prices for Christmas decorations; there are many ways to create original and beautiful jewelry with your own hands. And such things will cost several times less, and you will be confident in quality and safety. We offer you 30 ways to inexpensively decorate your apartment for the New Year.

From spruce, pine or balls

The easiest way to make a Christmas wreath is from spruce or pine branches - - here are detailed master classes.

Wreath of bows

To create this wreath take 3 packs of bows for gifts(quantity depends on the size of the base) , hot glue and base, which can be straw or foam. Glue on the bows and you're done!

Wreath of branches

You can use a store-bought wreath or cut twigs while walking(they will need to be dried); Glue white artificial flowers to it with hot glue, preferably small ones, attach Christmas balls and a bow. Which ones - see here.

Decorating the chairs

New Year's ribbons

Wrap the backs of the chairs with ribbons or long scraps of fabric of a different color and tie them with a bow. Attach some Christmas decorations on top.

Santa chair cover

To make these wonderful capes, prepare:

  • The felt is white and red, the quantity depends on the size of your chairs;
  • Scissors;
  • Centimeter;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Iron;
  • A spool of white thread.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Using a centimeter, measure the width of the back of the chair from above and below, not reaching 2 cm from the seat. If the cover touches the seat, it will stretch.
  2. Measure out a rectangle on the red fabric that fits the size of the back of the chair. Add ½ size rectangle triangle; it will not affect the length of the cape.
  3. Cut out 2 shapes and sew them together; then cut off all 3 corners. Turn right side out and iron with a not very hot iron.
  4. Sew a line connecting the rectangle and triangle. From white felt, cut 2 strips equal to the length of the rectangle, and 5 cm wide. Bring them together, sew them together, and then sew them to the bottom of the rectangle.
  5. Cut short ribbons from a piece of white fabric, about 5-6 cm. Tie them with threads to create a pompom. Sew it to the corner of the triangle; you can use hot glue.

New Year's garlands

From the cones

Cover the pine cones with gold spray paint or glue and sprinkle gold glitter on top. You can hang them on the Christmas tree or create a composition in a basket.

From paper

You can cut out snowflakes, snowmen or deer from paper. Glue it onto a string and you’ll get a very original New Year’s decor.

New Year's vases

From the bottle

Here you have a lot of possibilities. You can pour salt into a bottle, draw buttons with a marker, attach a piece of paper to the neck and put on a hat - you will get an original snowman. With paint and gizmos on hand you can change appearance and other bottles.

Candy Vase

Cover a short vase with double-sided tape. Glue the candies to it in a circle, and at the end put an elastic band on them to prevent the candies from falling off the tape. Tie an elastic band with a wide ribbon. You can pour water and place flowers!

Decor with snow

Paint the bottle with white paint and use glue to glue coarse salt to it. We insert pre-prepared silver branches into it. These bottles will look beautiful in combination with candles.

You can also paint a bottle of champagne gold -.

New Year's candlesticks

Fill a transparent long glass halfway with water and add food coloring. Place a candle in it and light it. A safe, beautiful candlestick is ready.

Christmas tree made of glass balls

This mini-Christmas tree is easy to build from a spool, adhesive tape (which hides the fishing line), foam plastic (inserted into the hole in the spool), a knitting needle (secured in foam), shiny balls with an iron loop (strung on a knitting needle) and a star (attached to the point of a knitting needle) .

Decor for the New Year's table

For cutlery

Take cardboard and draw a figure (in this case it is a spruce), which will be slightly longer in length than the cutlery. Cut it out; Approximately in the middle, cut a strip into which you will insert a knife and fork.

Sweet holders

Using these candies, tightly tied with ribbon or, if they are wrapped, glued with double-sided tape, you can place the names of the dishes and, if necessary, the names of the guests at the table.

Hanging decorations for the New Year


To make this decoration take:

  • Thin iron rim;
  • Many sheets of white paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Fishing line/nylon thread;
  • Pencil.

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. Fold the sheets, draw the shapes of future snowflakes on them, and cut them out.
  2. Having prepared a lot of snowflakes, tie them to the fishing line. If there is no hole, you can thread a needle and use the needle to pierce the paper. Tie the fishing line to the rim at different lengths.
  3. You can sprinkle the finished decoration with sparkles and decorate the rim with tinsel.

From fabric

To make this decoration you will need:

  • Crepe (crumpled) paper (any color);
  • Styrofoam ball;
  • Ribbons (narrow, to match the color of the paper);
  • Beads (preferably matching the color of the paper);
  • Scissors;
  • Hot glue;
  • Sequins;
  • Gypsy needle.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Into a foam ball use a needle to insert the ribbon, previously folded in half - start inserting it from the middle. After making sure that the ribbon is deep enough so as not to jump out, you can drop a drop of glue, and after drying, tie it into a beautiful bow.
  2. Crepe paper roll into a tube and cut into small squares. Unwind them to form ribbons, and bend one end into a triangle downwards. Wrap the rest of the ribbon in a circle, sometimes bending it, to make a rose. When the flower is ready, attach the triangle to the bottom of the rose with glue.
  3. Having made enough roses, glue them to the foam ball. Glue beads into the resulting empty spaces after gluing, and sprinkle the roses with sparkles.

We decorate the walls and doors in the apartment

Big star

Fasten thin, equal-length boards together using wire or nails in the shape of a star. Distribute the garland evenly over external parties stars and secure it.

Paper stickers

In order not to spoil the walls in the apartment, you can use paper stickers and put a Christmas tree out of them on empty wall- very stylish and original. Or using self-adhesive paper - you can lay out a snowman.

New Year's pillows

If you have a lot of pillows on your sofa, let's use them as Christmas decoration. Wrap a wide gift ribbon around the pillows and add a large bow.

Christmas tree decorations

Rag Christmas tree decoration

It is approaching by leaps and bounds: Christmas trees are lit in city squares, store windows are flashing with multi-colored lights, snow-covered streets and avenues are elegant and mysterious - we are especially keenly in the New Year's mood. I want to throw all worries out of my head and completely plunge into the joyful pre-holiday bustle.

Well, it's time to think about how to decorate your apartment for the New Year. After all, home is the center of our little Universe, and on holidays it simply must be filled with comfort and a wonderful mood. That is why decorating an apartment for the New Year is almost as joyful and exciting as the holiday itself.

So, let's begin our pleasant chores. Let's go shopping and look at decorative accessories. To make the design look harmonious, it is better to think through the general concept and style solution in advance. Moreover, it can be different for each room. Our thoughts on how to decorate an apartment for the New Year, photos and tips given in the article, we hope, will help the reader make a choice.

How to decorate a living room

In the most important room of the house, all family members will gather, the table will be set for the holiday, and gifts will be presented. Therefore, the highest demands are placed on its decoration! It should be truly festive and solemn.

How to beautifully decorate an apartment for the New Year? Of course, the center of events has always been and remains the Christmas tree. If in previous years it was exclusively natural, cut down in the forest, and later - sometimes even artificial (when the fashion for such trees began to spread rapidly), then today there is a third option. This is the rental of a live spruce tree in a pot, which is brought from the nursery and returned there after the holiday. This modern and environmentally friendly option was greeted with enthusiasm by those who are not indifferent to the issue of deforestation.

But the choice of artificial Christmas trees in our time amazes with the variety and imagination of manufacturers. There are so many fluffy beauties you won’t see in elegant shop windows on New Year’s Eve! If you are already “bored” of the classic green spruce, you can easily choose an option in a luxurious silver color or, for example, an elegant snow-white tree. Some of them are sold already with a full set of decorations. But, in our opinion, it is much more interesting to decorate the spruce yourself.

Decorating our tree

There are also a lot of options for decorating spruce. Children, as a rule, are delighted with toy animals and fairy tale characters hanging on the branches, and especially with sweets, tangerines hanging on a thread and everything that is so pleasant to discover among the branches and eat with pleasure!

“Advanced” adults, having seen enough of Western catalogs with options for Christmas home decoration, often choose strict and stylish decor balls of the same shape and a single, but exquisite color. Sometimes a couple of colors are chosen and the interior is completely decorated “under them”.

There is nothing sweeter for the older generation than getting old toys from the mezzanine - witnesses of an unforgettable youth. These fragile glass figurines with naive, in modern opinion, decor are particularly warm and, of course, have every right to be present at the holiday.

It is considered fashionable and modern to hang cute toys on the Christmas tree. self made, both self-made and purchased from handmade masters. These fabric dolls, stars, horses, angels have a wonderful property of bringing comfort and peace to the house.

For the New Year, it definitely involves such an important decorative element as candles. How could we live without them? Several large ones, in luxurious candlesticks exquisite shape or many small ones “scattered” on the table - these “living lights” have an extraordinary, downright magical appeal.

Let's move on to the bedroom

It's time to continue our efforts and think about how to decorate the entire apartment for the New Year, and not just the living room. Let's go to the bedroom.

“Why decorate it?” you ask. “After all, sleep in New Year's Eve there is practically no need." But a holiday is a holiday! Flashy luxury is not needed in the bedroom; it is better to give preference to delicate white-blue and silver shades.

We suggest changing the usual bedspread to a “winter” one - snow-white or blue, scattering it around the bed decorative pillows silver color, and the usual bedroom will magically be transformed into a room from Snow White's castle!

Place on windowsills (or hang on windows) glass balls(we’ll talk about decorating windows later), and to avoid the feeling of cold, take care of beautiful candles.

How to decorate a children's room

It is especially important to know how to decorate your apartment for the New Year to please your children. After all, they are looking forward to the holiday the most - the kids are still living in a fairy tale. That's why it's so important not to disappoint them. In the New Year's decoration of a children's room, the main thing is a feeling of celebration and safety.

A great idea is to put a separate small Christmas tree in your child’s room. Your baby will be delighted with his own tree! When decorating it, put away fragile glass toys. Textile, plastic and small wooden decorations - best option for a baby who should not accidentally get hurt or get upset because of a broken ball. In addition, such toys can always be removed from the Christmas tree and put on a fabulous show.

Paper garlands hung throughout the room, New Year-themed posters and panels - with Santa Claus, bunnies, snowmen, and favorite characters - will transform the interior so wonderfully! You can buy them ready-made, since the choice is huge now. Or you can start creating drawings and posters yourself - if time allows.

Of course, the child must definitely participate in this! The opportunity to decorate an apartment immediately raises the baby’s eye in your own eyes. Even if the baby is still very small, his drawings and other “works” should take their rightful place in the festive decoration of the nursery. And how much joy the process of such creativity will bring!

And one more thing - in such a matter as decorating an apartment for the New Year, photos of the child himself and the atmosphere of last year’s holiday will also not be superfluous, and in the children’s room they will come in handy.

The kitchen can also be “dressed up”

This is especially important for the housewife - after all, during the holidays she will have to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. And the mood should remain creative and upbeat. A suitable mood can be created by garlands suspended from the ceiling and decorative balls or funny souvenirs laid out on shelves. The main thing is that they do not interfere with the owner.

A small kitchen space is decorated in the best possible way with small fir branches, pine cones, bright ribbons, and small shiny balls of the same color. From all this you can collect decorative garlands and place them on the walls.

You can update your interior for the holiday by purchasing new oven mitts and towels: with snowmen, reindeer, and Santa Claus. Oranges make wonderful aromatic decorations - just cut the peel in several places and stick in sprigs of cloves or other spices. And again, don’t forget about candles.

Let's take care of the dining room

How to decorate an apartment that has a separate dining room for the New Year? It should also be decorated festively. The center of the composition, of course, is the table, at which the family will raise glasses of champagne. Here, perhaps, the most important design element is elegant textile curtains with a New Year’s theme: snowflakes, deer, etc.).

Tiny Christmas trees made of glass or fabric, vases with small shiny balls, gold-plated or silver-plated cones, which can even be placed on the backs of chairs, are great for decorating the table.

When choosing napkins and tablecloths, pay attention to the “classics” of the New Year: red, golden, green and white. Between beautifully folded napkins you can place mini-surprises for each family member: Christmas trees, souvenirs, small cards with a short greeting tied to candy.

We decorate the doors and hallway

The custom of decorating the front door with a Christmas tree wreath came to us from the West and has already taken root. In addition, for decoration doorways(in the hallway and not only) it is customary to use all kinds of pendants and garlands. But it is important to adhere to a sense of proportion. Try to endure general style and color scheme.

To create a New Year's mood right from the start, you can put a small Christmas tree or a bouquet on the cabinet in the hallway. Or attach individual branches in the corners. Hallway lighting would be quite appropriate: perfect for this purpose New Year's garlands or large silver snowflakes suspended in the opening on threads. And you can easily paint the mirror or depict a winter landscape on it.

New Year's window

What better way? If possible, change the curtains to white ones with a silver pattern, and a “winter” mood is guaranteed! The top window openings can be additionally decorated with garlands of silver snowflakes, place candles on the window sills and hang several bright decorations in golden-red tones.

Complemented with a snowy landscape behind the glass, your windows will look like a real work of art. And if you add an electric garland to their decoration, then you will be in a New Year's mood as soon as you approach the house!

In addition, drawings on glass are always in fashion. They are applied with aerosol paints or ordinary watercolors using a stencil - paper figures glued to glass, which are then removed. However, you can use the most ordinary thin brush.

How to decorate a one-room apartment for the New Year: decor options

But what to do if living conditions do not allow you to create on a grand scale? Let's say yours is tight, just studio apartment. Should you really give up your favorite holiday decor ideas?

Nothing like this! Now we will look at several ideas on how to decorate an apartment for the New Year if there is only one room. First of all, let's think about choosing the right Christmas tree. Due to limited space, unfortunately, you will have to refuse to buy a large spruce. What are the alternatives?

There are usually three of them. Or you bring a miniature tree from the Christmas tree market, fresh and smelling of pine needles, install it in a previously vacated “festive” corner and arrange an elegant composition on its basis. Of course, you can’t do a round dance, but overall the corner can look very cute and stylish.

Or go the other way - buy an artificial Christmas tree of a suitable size and a pine-scented scent for it. After the holiday, you can easily disassemble your structure, fold it more compactly and put it away on the mezzanine for a year - why not an option for owners of small apartments? In addition, you don’t have to sweep up the pine needles.

Other ideas for the New Year if there is a lack of space

Finally, you can always organize a Christmas tree bouquet or even several, placing it in beautiful ceramic vases. From such bouquets you can make small “Christmas trees” of any desired size, even the most miniature ones, and the base - vases or jars of water - can be beautifully draped with cotton wool and decorated with sparkles. It is quite possible to place real gifts for children under such a Christmas tree.

If there are sorely not enough horizontal surfaces for mounting Christmas tree bouquets, a composition of Christmas tree branches in the form of a wreath can be hung somewhere in a visible place (to save space - in a window opening).

Comfort in small apartment will create tinsel, it does not take up much space and drapes beautifully anywhere: on chandeliers, curtains, mirrors. Well, most of all, the same candles will create a romantic atmosphere, especially if you plan to celebrate the New Year with just the two of you.

New Year is one of the most magical and atmospheric holidays. Preparations for it begin long before the evening of December 31st. You can spend the old year and meet the new one at home, on the street or in a restaurant. But the warmest thing will be its celebration in a cozy home atmosphere. Regardless of the number of guests, be it a narrow family circle or a large group of friends, the festive decoration of the house plays a very important role.

Where to begin?

How to decorate a room for the New Year? There are incredibly many options for festive decoration of the room. Today there is a huge selection of ready-made New Year-themed decorations. You can buy them in almost any store, especially on the eve of this holiday. However, making New Year's decorations with your own hands is much more interesting and exciting. You can involve children in this pleasant activity, who will be delighted with such a pastime.

Where should you start? First of all, you need to determine how many rooms will be decorated. Be sure to decorate the room in which the special event will take place. The atmosphere in the hallway is important, especially if guests are expected that day. Having crossed the threshold of the house, they will immediately plunge into the New Year's atmosphere. When decorating, you should take into account the size of the rooms. Decorating large rooms will differ from decorating compact rooms.

It is necessary to decide how the rooms will be decorated for the New Year. You can get by with purchased decor or make it yourself. A good option would be to combine ready-made products with homemade jewelry. In any case, you will need a list of what you need to purchase. To make a list necessary materials you need to know exactly what jewelry will be made. Materials for decoration can be pieces of fabric, ribbons, ropes, fluff, polystyrene foam and many other options.

To make it easier to decide on specific decorations, you should consider some of them and choose the ones that you like the most.

New Year's windows

Window decoration is of great importance for creating a festive atmosphere. Drawings or decorative elements on the windows will delight passers-by on the street and give a special mood. The most famous and common way to decorate windows is to place snowflakes on them. Most often, snow-white napkins or very thin paper are used for this purpose. The snowflake must be cut out using a stencil or according to your own design. You don't always get beautiful snowflakes the first time, so don't be upset. You need to continue creating these paper decorations, and very soon the desired result will be achieved.

You can glue paper snowflakes using water, evenly moistening the decoration and carefully placing it on the glass. You can also use PVA glue. When using glue, it is important that it does not damage the glass and is washed off well from the surface.

Decorating windows with paper napkins is the simplest and most commonly used decoration method., but today is far from the only one! Today it’s not at all difficult to find special paper with a New Year’s theme that easily sticks to any flat surface. Working with such paper is easy, and the process of decorating windows is greatly simplified. In addition, self-adhesive paper, as a rule, peels off neatly without leaving marks on the glass.

Real New Year's patterns can be drawn on window glass using the simplest toothpaste. The main advantage of this method is that the paste is very easily washed off from the window surface. You can draw with it using a brush or your finger. The variations of ornaments are varied, it all depends on the artistic abilities of the person. Starting from simple patterns on glass to drawings with a theme (of course, New Year's), this decoration will appeal to all the inhabitants of the house, guests and passers-by who see it from the street.

If you don’t want to glue snowflakes or draw on glass, you can decorate the windows differently. The best assistant in this matter will be a garland. You need to carefully attach it to the windows, and the festive atmosphere will be ready. A basket of sweets and tangerines placed on the windowsill will also be a wonderful decoration. It is best to complement the basket with a spruce branch or a ribbon tied in a bow. Candles standing on the window will look good, but you must follow the rules fire safety and place them away from curtains and flammable objects.

Lighting design

Festive lighting creates a magical atmosphere, so you should pay attention Special attention this aspect. Decorating a room with glowing garlands is a familiar way of New Year's decor. Nevertheless, it deservedly does not lose popularity to this day. The garland can be placed directly on the Christmas tree (if there is one), on windows, walls, decorate a doorway with it, and also hang it in any convenient place.

In order to enjoy the festive blinking of lights for a long time, you should pay attention to the quality of the garland. It is recommended to buy a high-quality decoration, in which case it will last for many years and will not disappoint with unlit bulbs. The garland should be stored correctly. Almost every person at least once in his life has encountered such a difficult task as unraveling a garland that was not stored very carefully.

A garland is not the only option for home lighting design today. A special place belongs to candles. Candles of different colors, sizes, and shapes will make a wonderful New Year's room decoration. You can purchase a finished product in a store or make a decorative candle with your own hands. The decoration of candles can be very diverse. Satin ribbons, lace, pieces of beautiful fabric, and braid are suitable for decorating holiday candles. All kinds of compositions with spruce branches, cones, dried flowers, and rowan sprigs will look very elegant and original. Cinnamon sticks and dried oranges also make great additions to the candle design.

It is worth decorating with New Year's decor with chandeliers, lamps, fixtures, that is, everything that is classified as lighting fixtures. Small ones work well for this. Christmas decorations or simply themed figures, carefully suspended on a transparent fishing line or an inconspicuous thread. The material for thematic figures can be anything: fabric, felt, paper, clay. Making such toys with your own hands does not require much effort or expense. You just need to determine which figures will be made and purchase the necessary materials.

You can succumb to your intuition and sew toys at your own discretion, or find the exact pattern of a specific product and make it according to it. In addition, it is worth visiting specialized stores that have big choice kits for creating all kinds of decor. This kit usually includes patterns and all the necessary materials.

Festive wreaths and compositions

A common attribute of New Year's decor are festive wreaths. They are hung mainly on doors, but they will look great above the fireplace or just on the wall. New Year's crafts from different materials will go well with a themed wreath. If the room has decorative fireplace, then it definitely needs to be decorated with New Year’s crafts. Candles, fir branches, tangerines and other celebration attributes will create incredible comfort and a festive mood.

Christmas socks and mittens hung over the fireplace are very popular. Although this tradition came from the West, it has already managed to firmly establish itself in our country. It is customary to hide souvenirs and small gifts in such socks and mittens, as well as notes, wishes and congratulations on the coming year. Like most New Year's decorations, a wreath can be purchased in a store or made by yourself. In order to make a New Year's wreath yourself, you must follow these steps.

  • Take a base for a wreath, the best option would be foam. This lightweight material is very convenient to use; branches and all other decorative details can be carefully attached to it.
  • Spruce branches should be attached to the base. They can be both artificial and real. Although artificial spruce paws will not give that same New Year's aroma, they will look the same as real ones.
  • Attached to spruce or pine branches additional elements decor in the form of small bright New Year's toys, tinsel, pine cones. Such compositions are often decorated with bows and sprinkled with sparkles.
  • The branches are attached to the foam using threads. Lighter and small parts Can be attached with glue or double-sided tape.

When decorating a New Year's wreath, you can use any decorations. If your imagination requires rest, then a more specific idea for decorating a room for the New Year can be found in illustrated articles or magazines.

How to decorate a Christmas tree?

The main guest of the New Year's holiday is the Christmas tree. It can be a real or artificial spruce, large or small, fluffy or not very fluffy. In any case, the Christmas tree is an important attribute of the holiday, so it is necessary to decorate it. You can decorate it in a classic way and hang Christmas tree decorations and rain on the tree. Despite the fact that the traditional design has its fans, at the moment it has lost a little of its former popularity. It is now customary to decorate Christmas trees in a more creative, extraordinary way, using the most unconventional ideas.

Interesting solution To decorate the Christmas tree there will be small photographs of all the guests who will be present at the special event. You can hang photographs using small clothespins or use threads or bows for these purposes. Candies and other sweets will be a wonderful decoration for the New Year tree. It’s especially good if the sweets are homemade. Gingerbread cookies, decorated with icing with various ornaments, can be hung on a New Year's tree or placed on a festive table. Everyone will be delighted with this decor.

You can make Christmas tree decorations with your own hands. To do this, you will need balls of the required shapes and everything necessary for the design. It is worth purchasing multi-colored threads, beads, ribbons, and sparkles. Using glue, you can add sparkles or beads to the ball, and the decor can be plain or different colors. If there is not enough space in the room, you can buy a small spruce tree, decorate it with tangerines and sweets, and an ikebana made of fir branches with New Year's tinsel will decorate the festive table.

You can also make garlands for decorating the Christmas tree with your own hands.

For decoration you can take:

  • various beads strung on a fishing line;
  • ribbons;
  • figurines;
  • flashlights;
  • string of pearls;
  • "rain".

Figures of Father Frost and Snow Maiden or other New Year's heroes placed under the tree add a special fairy-tale atmosphere.

Depending on the room

New Year's decor may vary depending on the selected room. The main criterion when choosing a design for a nursery is the safety of children in the room, so it is not recommended to use glass objects or place candles there. Garlands powered by electricity should be placed out of the child’s reach, and even better, replaced with paper counterparts or made from safe material.

Preparing a children's room for the New Year will be a real event for a child. Making snowflakes, garlands and crafts together will give your child a feeling of celebration. Excellent choice There will be toys that represent the symbol of the coming year. Such cute plush animals are traditionally sold in many stores in the city on New Year's Eve.

An adult's bedroom can be decorated in a more varied way and use candles and garlands as decoration. There is no doubt that a festive and romantic atmosphere will be provided. You can also put a New Year's craft made from fir branches in the bedroom. A basket with tangerines and sweets, holiday-themed figurines and window decorations are all suitable for decorating a bedroom.

Style and colors

The choice of style and color in the New Year's decoration of rooms depends entirely on the preferences of the owners of the house. There are no rules or restrictions in this matter. However, it should be remembered that the color scheme of the decor should be combined with the overall color scheme interior You should not decorate the room in gloomy colors, and it is not recommended to decorate it in very colorful and bright colors. A universal option is decor in blue tones. Additional shades can be pink, lilac, as well as gold and silver.

Drawings on glass, blue and white snowflakes and snowdrifts on a transparent surface will be associated with snow, ice and New Year's atmosphere. They will combine well in the interior different shades one color.

Beautiful examples

Using a variety of ready-made ideas and using your own imagination, you can decorate the room for the New Year in a stylish and elegant way. A decorative fireplace with New Year's crafts on it will look cozy. However, a beautiful New Year's decoration can be created even if there is no fireplace.

You can interestingly decorate chairs for each participant in the celebration. A simple “rain” or thematic upholstery of a chair will create a truly festive atmosphere. You can provide children with delight on the morning of January 1 by making “footprints” of Father Frost (or Santa Claus). To do this, you need to spill a little flour on the floor and then leave a footprint there.

It is also important beautiful design gifts. An excellent choice would be to pack each gift in a box, which is then wrapped in gift paper and tied with ribbon. A beautiful themed presentation of dishes will also add a festive mood to guests and home owners. Most salads or salads can be shaped like a herringbone. You can make eyes and smiles for tangerines; for this you only need peas of cloves.

To prepare a homemade garland, you can get by with very non-standard items. Even the most ordinary colored pasta strung on a thread can serve as an original decoration.

Any holiday at home will be brighter and more fun if you give the rooms the appropriate mood. Decorating the premises in anticipation of the New Year means getting a charge of positive emotions and lifting the mood of everyone in the household. They will help you separate the long-awaited New Year holidays from everyday routine. traditional elements decor and thematic paraphernalia.

The holiday is coming to us or when to start decorating the house

There is no generally accepted date that gives the start to a flight of fancy in decorating a room. Each family has different concepts about this holiday. Some people want to plunge into the New Year's atmosphere as quickly as possible and create the mood already at the beginning of December, while others begin preparatory activities a few days before the holiday date.

New Year's paraphernalia goes on sale in supermarkets and theme stores in November. Schools and kindergartens decorate their premises in mid-December in preparation for carnivals and matinees. It is better to prepare the rooms of the house in time for St. Nicholas Day (December 19). It is from this date that the real New Year's bustle begins. When the apartment sparkles and shines with holiday lights, you can calmly practice cutting out snowflakes with your children, prepare winter crafts and souvenirs, and review the New Year's menu.

You shouldn’t hang balloons and garlands all at once. It is better to allocate several hours on weekends for this activity, starting December 10th. This way you can stretch out the pleasure from such a pleasant activity. If children are involved, during enjoyable work you can tell them stories about how different peoples of the world decorate their rooms for the New Year. You can celebrate the start of preparation with delicious baked goods.

What can you decorate for a festive atmosphere?

In order for pleasant impressions from one of the main holidays of the year to remain in the memory for a long time, it is not necessary to book a table in a luxurious restaurant or go to the homeland of Santa Claus. If you show your imagination and think in advance about how to decorate the room in an original way, New Year's Eve will seem unforgettable even at home. There are many interesting ideas for any interior.

Before creating a New Year's atmosphere, you need to decide what is hidden behind this concept. Most people cannot imagine the New Year without the aroma of pine needles, the smell of tangerines and smoldering candle wax, and an abundance of flickering lights. This list can be expanded and shortened. You need to focus only on your own preferences when creating a New Year's mood.

The main attribute of the holiday is the Christmas tree!

Decorating the New Year's tree is the most beloved tradition of all families. This activity will put anyone in a festive mood, and the bright tinsel will make you forget about your problems while waiting for the magic. A beautifully decorated lush spruce tree is a pleasure to admire. It gives off a charming New Year's aroma. It is also customary to place gifts under the festive tree.

Although the Christmas tree is the main element of New Year's decor, attracting the eyes of guests, this does not mean that all the toys in the house should be hung on it. A coniferous beauty overloaded with tinsel and balls will look ridiculous. It will look truly stylish if you maintain the proportions of placement of all decoration elements. Emphasize the advantages holiday tree The following constant techniques will help in the New Year:

  • Selection and installation of spruce. You should choose a New Year's tree based on the size of the room in which it will be located. A lush, tall tree will look good only in a spacious room. It should not be placed next to heating devices. It must be securely fixed at the base. low tree You can place it on a cabinet or table, after covering the furniture with beautiful fabric or paper.
  • Decoration method. Decorating the New Year's tree must be combined with the interior of the room. The classic style includes balls, caramel sticks, and colorful rain. The European model includes only toys of the same type in two or three colors, for example, yellow and lilac. The American style corresponds to figurines of fairy-tale characters, pine cones, and feathers of strange birds. Scandinavian spruce is always white, only natural materials are allowed.
  • Color scheme. The right combination of colors should be followed throughout the decor of the room. Favorable colors– gold, silver and white. Do not make the spruce too variegated. Properly harmonizing two colors will create a memorable, discreet image. It is better to use monochrome, contrasting or related combination techniques.
  • Decoration based on the “pyramid principle”. You need to decorate the spruce, moving from the base to the top. The larger the decorative element, the higher it should be located. Small children's crafts, snowflakes, candies, tangerines should be placed below so that the child can easily reach them. You can place greeting cards, beautiful rain, artificial frost, and gingerbread houses on the middle branches. In the upper part there are large but light balls, paper decor, and funny garlands.
  • The top. Traditional decorations are a star or a spire. IN modern style you can decorate the top of the tree with a bow or an angel figurine.

You should not rush to display a live spruce in the middle of the room. A tree brought from the street must get used to the temperature in the house. The best option– wrap a wet rag around the log house and leave it in the corridor for several days. The lower the temperature outside, the more time the New Year's beauty will need to get used to and fluff up.


Every person encounters a door before getting inside a house or apartment. You can decorate it with the most in different ways. It all depends on imagination, preferences and availability decorative materials. The simplest and original way- Christmas wreath. You can buy it in a special store or make it yourself by watching a master class on the Internet.

You can also use satin ribbons of any color. Hang a beautiful bow or any other composition at the intersection. The white background of the door is well suited for a snowman applique. According to the template using a stencil they make various elements pictures and placed on the surface. Bright paper garlands, funny drawings and inscriptions will look good. The outside of the door can be decorated with floor-themed items: figured vases with fir branches, figurines of deer, animals, and any fairy-tale characters.


There are many amazing ideas for decorating window sills and glass in an apartment. A truly New Year's window will give a good mood not only to household members, but also to passers-by on the street. Interesting decorations will definitely attract the attention of guests. To create a New Year's mood, you will need a minimum of simple materials at hand. It is enough to follow the recommendations of the training master classes step by step to do it yourself and quickly original decors. The following are very popular:

  • Painting with toothpaste on the glass of a window;
  • 3D snowflakes made from adhesive mass;
  • Creating silhouette figures from paper;
  • Multi-colored window stickers;
  • Decorating with candles;
  • Fairytale town on a paper windowsill;
  • Compositions from pine needles;
  • Decorating with napkins;
  • Garlands made of cotton wool.


The easiest and least expensive way to decorate the ceiling for the New Year is to hang balloons and rain. The hanging holiday paraphernalia sparkles mesmerizingly in the light of the garlands and perfectly complements the overall picture. You can also use multi-colored figures made of cardboard and metallized paper. Beads, bright beads and other shiny accessories look great on crafts.

In a room with high ceilings you can hang pine cones and nuts on strings. They are attached with double-sided tape, glue or pins. Compositions made from natural materials can be supplemented with fir branches or textiles. You can create beautiful snowdrifts on the ceiling using ordinary cotton wool.

If the room lacks New Year's shimmer, the ceiling can be decorated LED strip. The product is secured with simple double-sided tape or special staples. You can use acrylic paints as an extraordinary decoration. Using stencils, any New Year's themed pattern is applied to the ceiling step by step.


One of the easiest, quickest ways to dress up chairs for the holidays is to tie one or more bows. For decoration, you can use beautiful pieces of fabric and PVC mesh materials. The composition will be complemented by fir cones, large beads, a brooch, balls and other elements. It is better to choose the color of the New Year's headband: gold, scarlet, blue or dark green. Textile covers also look original on the backs and legs of chairs.

A Christmas wreath looks beautiful on the back of a chair. It's very easy to make. First, choose the size of the product. The wreath should not extend beyond the boundaries of the chair. The next step is the selection of materials. Any pine cones, natural or artificial flowers or tree branches, toys, spices and other small items will do. We tie the base onto the prepared fishing line with threads and decorate with berries, bells, and small bows.

Staircase in a country house

Such a beautiful element as a staircase cannot do without festive decorations. You can make an original garland from pine branches and cones. Attach all parts to a wire and place along the railing. Beautiful wreaths and bouquets of dried herbs will complement the natural look. If desired, all decorations can be replaced with artificial analogues. This decor can be used for a holiday next year.

Excellent and simple idea– hanging balls between the columns of the stairs. They can alternate with greeting cards for guests. If there are children in the house, instead of balloons you can hang bags of sweets, fruits, and toys in the form of symbols of the coming year.

When choosing decorations for the stairs, you need to take into account their method of attachment. Buttons and tightened wires may leave scratches and abrasions. The decor should not create a danger when moving. Garlands and pendants should fit harmoniously into the overall style and color scheme of the New Year's interior.

Fireplace decoration

On the eve of New Year's holidays The presence of a fireplace in the house should be emphasized with spectacular design. It is often adjacent to the Christmas tree, so it is very important not to overdo it so as not to overshadow the main symbol of the holiday. Also, do not forget about safety precautions. After all, a fireplace is a source of open fire. It is better to give preference to decor made of non-flammable material (foil, rubber, glass). It is not recommended to use yarn, linen, or paper.

You can decorate the fireplace only around its perimeter. Garlands made of cones, fir branches, Christmas boots made of felt, and decorative candies are suitable for this. A special mystery will be created by the play of small lights against the background of the flames of the hearth. You can place candles on a stand in front of the fireplace.

Festive table setting

In the pre-New Year bustle, the last thing housewives think about is New Year's table setting. In most families, the festive table is decorated the same way for all holidays. You can highlight the New Year's presentation of dishes, add mystery and magic, by following simple tips:

  1. A winning color combination. Red and black, gold and white, lilac and silver are in perfect harmony on New Year's Eve;
  2. Marking the center of the table. In the most visible place you can place a beautiful stand with New Year's napkins, a bottle of champagne or a bright candle;
  3. Bright placements. They will be very useful for a family feast with children. You can complement the composition with candles, toys, and sweets to match the rugs for the dishes;
  4. Fruits for serving. Simultaneously beautiful decor and an edible dish. Citrus slices can be decorated with cinnamon sticks. It is not only beautiful, but also fragrant;
  5. Excerpt of one style. Eco-style decor accepts only natural materials. For classics, flowers and fir branches are suitable. The Scandinavian New Year's table is simple and elegant. Also gaining popularity interesting idea buffet style serving.

Ideas for decorating rooms in a house/apartment

It’s hard to imagine your favorite winter holiday without themed decor. Every room in an apartment or house should be filled with a New Year's atmosphere. On the eve of a magical night, you really want to change the usual environment into a charming and mysterious one, ordinary color accents for traditional New Year's. Based on the purpose of the room and the everyday interior, you should choose the method of decoration and decorative materials.

Living room

Before starting work, you should evaluate the size of the room and choose the style of future decor. The living room is the room where guests will gather on New Year's Eve, so you should consider the location of the festive table. The main element of the holiday - the Christmas tree - will also be displayed here. Its design should be given special attention.

When decorating a living room, you should stick to one color scheme and style. All details in the room must have the same color message. If there is little or no space for a Christmas tree, you can make an interesting imitation on the wall or door. Candles will create a special atmosphere of comfort. You can place them on a festive table, shelves, windowsill, fireplace. Eco-friendly decor and unusual thread garlands will make the traditional New Year's Eve stylish.


Who else but children can sincerely rejoice at the upcoming holidays and look forward to them? New Year's miracle. Decorating a nursery is the most rewarding and exciting activity for any parent. You can choose any style. The main thing is that the design is safe, fabulous and colorful. It is better to give preference plastic materials, foam plastic, wood.

Decorating a children's room is a must with your child. Joint interior creativity can be accompanied by a fascinating story about a princess in an ice castle or a brave knight. Favorite toys change into New Year's outfits and prepare for the carnival, and the room itself turns into a fairyland.

Walls are a suitable place for New Year's appliqué. Temporary stickers, balls, garlands, and beautiful panels are suitable. You can hang homemade paper toys from the ceiling. Younger children will love their new Christmas themed bedding. For older children, you can choose sheets with stars and snowflakes.


The main New Year's decoration for any room is the Christmas tree. But it won’t fit in every kitchen, much less fit into the interior. You can replace the winter beauty with a natural coniferous wreath. This decorative element will look great on a wall, window or door. Glass toys and garlands of light colors will delight household members on the eve of the holidays.

A good way to show individuality is to place several designer posters with New Year's greetings in the kitchen. Themed figurines, dishes with Santa Claus, snowflakes will complement the interior with a real fairy tale. Metal shiny stars and natural cones in the form of a garland will bring a sea of ​​smiles. Supporters of minimalism will love the mysterious branches with sparse decor in the Provence kitchen.


The very first room on the way into a house or apartment very often remains uncovered by the holiday. You can correct the situation and allow the holiday to greet guests right from the doorstep in simple ways. Clothes hangers are simply created for New Year's decor. They are convenient for hanging flat crafts, rain, and small pine cones. Along the edges of the shoe rack it is appropriate to place festive themed compositions made of pine branches, flowers, stars and other little things.

A win-win option for the hallway is a decorative wreath on the door. You can decorate the mirror with snow-white tinsel and paper snowflakes. Large candles on the tables, congratulatory stickers on the walls will help you feel the holiday is approaching.

Lighting design ideas: how and where best to hang garlands

Magic lights and colorful light bulbs create a real New Year's mood. They are present in every home, decorating a variety of interior elements. Lighting in one color will make the festive evening warm and romantic. Multi-colored shimmer will lift your spirits and create a mysterious atmosphere. Light garlands can be used to decorate the most unusual details:

  • Doors and arches. In the light of the ribbon attached along the opening, any room will sparkle with festive colors;
  • Window. The lamps will look unusual non-standard forms. Stars, snowflakes, triangles can be attached to the window itself or lowered from the top frame to the window sill;
  • Transparent vase. By placing a garland mixed with balls in it, you can achieve a stunning lighting effect;
  • Wall paintings, photographs. This idea can be realized by attaching a tape around the perimeter of the frame with double-sided tape or special buttons.

Ideas for decorating a private home


No owner of a private home will refuse to decorate his porch during the winter holidays. You can give a festive look to ordinary steps with the help of garlands, themed figurines, sparkling art objects. It is better to use colors in cool shades, in keeping with the time of year. Green, blue, silver will do.

On both sides of front door You can install guards - snowmen or funny reindeer. A themed rug will look great. Large satin ribbons will look original on columns or any elongated elements. Snow-covered needles and rowan branches can be used to decorate railings and other elements of an external extension.


The most popular New Year's decoration is illumination. It can be created from simple lights or represent a whole flickering composition. The figure of Santa Claus climbing onto the balcony will bring a smile to any passerby. On the walls country cottage It is appropriate to place wreaths made of textiles, pine needles, and tinsel. Wall decorative congratulations look original.

Glowing themed figures will feel great in the recesses of the outer walls. They are protected from precipitation and visible for several tens of meters. Large stencil sketches, numbers, and inscriptions surrounded by lights look original.


Large bright bows will give the yard a presentable, festive look. They can be hung on a fence, lanterns, randomly or following a pattern. It is better to connect the elements of the composition with a massive garland. Outdoor flowerpots are decorated with dry herbs, branches, and colorful balls. Glowing balls of garlands laid out on stone stands look magical. In the local area you can place large boxes with gifts, a decorative bag of Santa Claus, and a toy sleigh.

For real Magic world Glowing trees will be created on the site. To do this, you need to wrap the trunks and branches of winter beauties with multi-colored garlands. The fairy-tale meadow will be complemented by blinking icicles, snowflakes, and figurines of various animals. In the middle of the yard you can place a table with festive bird feeders.

What to do with your own hands

You can purchase decorative items, balls, and garlands in almost any store on New Year's Eve. Supermarket windows are full of brightly colored products. But real warmth can only be conveyed by a holiday craft made by yourself. You can use different means and any available material lying in your desk drawer. You just need to show a little imagination. Winter evenings In anticipation of the holiday, it is especially interesting to spend useful activities. You can create unique jewelry from the following materials:

  • Felt. You can sew a symbol of the coming year, small Christmas trees, snowflakes;
  • Paper. It’s easy to create using quilling, papier-mâché techniques, make appliqués, lanterns and garlands;
  • Textile. Soft fabrics are suitable for making original pillows, Santa socks, funny animals for the Christmas tree;
  • Natural materials. Such decorations give real comfort. With your children you can make wreaths, garlands, pendants from pine cones, wooden candlesticks, and fragrant crafts from dried citrus fruits.

New Year is the most mysterious and long-awaited holiday. Many esotericists believe that wishes made during the chiming clock will definitely come true, since this particular night has the strongest energy. By decorating all the rooms and following all the traditions, you can get a stunning effect.