How to remove acrylic paint? Remover for acrylic paint

Water-soluble and acrylic paints are widely used today in repair and construction work. They lie flat, and the surfaces covered with them look very attractive. But sometimes, due to accidental negligence, paint can get on one of the pieces of furniture. What to do then? Water-soluble compounds can be easily washed off with water, even if they have already dried. Here's how and what to wash it off with acrylic paint from furniture? In this article we will tell you how to eliminate such a defect quickly and effectively.

Why is acrylic paint so difficult to wash off?

To answer this question, you need to understand what acrylic paint is. This is a water-dispersed polymer composition in which substances such as copolymers form a film.

Important! Film-forming agents are directly responsible for the time allowed for a given product to harden.

Therefore, if during painting work drops of paint fall on the floor, clothing or furniture, the method and duration of removing such blemishes depends solely on the period of time that has passed since their formation.

Important! The film former begins to harden 30-60 minutes after the coloring composition hits the surface.

Basic methods for removing acrylic paint from furniture

As mentioned earlier, the choice of method and means for removing this kind of flaws completely depends on when they appeared. Below we will tell you about these methods in more detail.

What to do immediately after the stain appears?

If the drop or leak is fresh, a regular soap solution and a foam sponge will be enough for you. To remove acrylic paint from furniture, treat the affected area, then wipe it with a damp cloth.

Important! If you wish, you can install the furniture upon completion of the work.

What to do if several hours or a day have passed since the defect appeared?

In this case, absolutely any degreaser that you have in the house, for example, vodka, alcohol, solvent or dishwashing liquid, can come to your aid. The process of removing acrylic paint from furniture in this case consists of the following steps:

  • Using a putty knife or metal scraper, remove most of the dried mortar.
  • Rub off any remaining residue with fine-grit sandpaper. This must be done very carefully so as not to scratch the surface.
  • Apply alcohol to a rag and wipe the damaged area with it. This should be done until you completely remove traces of paint.

Important! Do not spare the rags and try to change them as often as possible during this process.

  • Apply to the damaged area a large number of water and wipe it with a clean, dry cloth.
  • After a day, polish the furniture well.

Important! Furniture isn't the only place you might find paint marks. If children are busy drawing, then get ready for the fact that you will find paint on glass surfaces, mirrors, clothes and even curtains. All useful tips We have collected how to get rid of paint marks in our separate posts:

What to do if several days have passed and the paint has completely dried?

In this case, you already need to resort to using more potent agents, such as:

  1. Brake fluid;
  2. Petrol;
  3. Kerosene;
  4. White Spirit;
  5. Acetone.

Important! When starting work, be sure to protect your hands with rubber gloves.

The process of cleaning furniture from acrylic paint consists of the following steps:

  1. Soak a sponge in your chosen product.
  2. Apply generously to the affected area. Leave to limp for 30-40 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2-3 more times.
  3. Take a strong cloth and soak it in the substance of your choice. Remove softened paint from furniture surfaces.
  4. Wipe the previously treated area first with a damp, clean rag, then with a dry one.
  5. Apply wax or polish to the surface after a day.

If the methods were not effective

If you tried everything, but in the end nothing worked, you shouldn’t give up. There are more radical effective methods removal of such defects.


A simple hair dryer for drying hair will be an excellent substitute for strong products. To do this, apply a concentrated soap solution to the stain, then direct a stream of hot air at it. This will make the paint soft and easy to remove.

Special paint remover

This substance is specially designed to remove any paint from absolutely different surfaces, including furniture. Thus, it is considered the only universal remedy.

Important! Be careful when working with this wash, as it has a very unpleasant and pungent odor and, due to its toxicity, can corrode the skin of your hands. In addition, the procedure should be carried out in the fresh air or at least with an open window.

Water-soluble paints, which include acrylic, are actively used today during repair and construction work. They are reliable, have wide range shades and easy to use.

There is an opinion that since the composition of such products includes water, it means that it is easy to wipe them off if desired. But this point of view is absurd in itself. After all, if paints were easily washed off, what would be the point of covering the walls of houses, ceilings, floors, etc. with them?

The acrylic-based paint contains special copolymers that are responsible for hardening. They form a reliable film within an hour after application. And if this period has expired, there will be difficulties with deletion. Therefore, let's still look at how to wash acrylic paint in various situations if the need arises.

Basic removal methods

Acrylic can be removed from any surface using several methods. Certain tools and means will be needed for this purpose.

  1. Undried paint can be easily removed with regular warm water; no chemicals are needed. When you need to clean your brushes after work, you can leave them in warm water for 30 minutes, then rinse.
  2. It will be more difficult to remove acrylic if the paint has been sitting for a while. After a few days, brushes and degreasers will come in handy.
  3. When a lot of time has passed and everything has hardened well, you will need to use a “heavy arsenal”. White spirit, gasoline, acetone, etc. will come in handy. Before work, you need to put on gloves. The painted surface should be cleaned of dust and dirt, and one of the products indicated above should be applied to it with a rag. After 30 minutes, the acrylic will begin to soften, and it will not be difficult to remove it with a cloth soaked in the solution.

Well, now let’s look at the cleaning technology in more detail.

First hour after coating

If no more than 60 minutes have passed since the dye was applied to any surface, there should be no problems with washing it off. You need to “arm yourself” with an ordinary sponge, soap and water. The stain is thoroughly wiped, then you need to wait about 20 minutes and rinse it under running water.

If the layer has already begun to dry out, you can add a little baking soda. Thus, you can understand that acrylic paints are washed off with water only when the stain is very fresh.

Period from hour to day

60 minutes after application, the copolymers included in the product already have time to form a film. And removing an unwanted stain will require some effort.

To remove paint from plastic, metal and other surfaces, you will have to use the “services” of a degreaser. These include alcohol-based solutions, dishwashing gels, etc. Acrylic paints are easily washed off with their help if you apply the product several times, scrubbing the stain with a brush. Then the surface should be washed with warm water.

When working with fabric surfaces, you need to approach things with caution. Many solvents cannot be used in such situations. Therefore, you will have to stop at detergents.

More than 24 hours

The more time has passed since application, the worse the acrylic paint can be washed off. The process will take quite a long time. In addition, more aggressive substances will be required. Can be applied:

  • petrol;
  • nail polish remover or just acetone;
  • White Spirit;
  • special paint remover.

It is advisable to carry out work outside, and if this is not possible, open a window. It is also recommended to protect your eyes by wearing goggles or a mask.

The cleaning agent is applied to the contaminated surface using regular sponge or tough fabric. You need to wet the stain a couple of times for thirty minutes. That's how long it takes protective film to soften.

The fabric surface will deliver more problems than any other. You can most likely remove acrylic paint from it only with the help of a special remover. The painted area is moistened with it, leaving to “ripen” for about five minutes. Then rub with a sponge and water, after which the procedure is repeated again.

Other paint removal methods

In addition to the substances and solvents described, there are also other ways to remove acrylic stains. So, if we are dealing with linoleum, metal or plastic, then it is permissible to use some sharp object and simply scrape off the paint. It could be a blade, a knife or something similar.

Another proven one folk way- heating. It is suitable for both hard surfaces and fabrics. The essence of the method is the ability high temperatures soften copolymers.

For small stains, you can use a regular hair dryer. First, we direct a stream of air to the contaminated area, wait a couple of minutes, then wash the softened stain with soapy water using a sponge or cloth.

When it comes to clothing, the above-mentioned product is unlikely to remove the dye completely. You'll have to take something more powerful, like a windshield wiper. Instead of a hairdryer, an iron is also used as a heater, with which the fabric surface is ironed through foil.

So, you don’t have to put in much effort to remove fresh paint. A couple of minutes, water, a sponge and soap will be enough. But dried stains are difficult to deal with - this is precisely the beauty of acrylic. But if you want, it is possible to remove them. It will just take more time, plus you will need more powerful tools.

It is commonly believed that waterborne paints are highly flammable, and this is true. They are especially dangerous in the first minutes after application. However, sometimes serious complications can arise, since each paint has certain additives that give it certain qualities. Acrylic paints are actively used in everyday life, and there are often times when it needs to be washed or removed from some surface.

Acrylic paints contain water, a pigment that gives color, acrylic acid, a film-forming substance, due to which the layer hardens in just an hour. For this reason, the sooner the process of removing paint from surfaces begins, the easier it can be done. Today we will learn how to quickly and easily remove acrylic paint from various surfaces.

Acrylic can be removed from the surface in several ways. In this case, you will need to use certain substances and tools.

Methods for removing acrylic paint

  1. If the paint is fresh and has not yet dried, then you do not need to remove it. chemicals. Warm water will be enough. If it is important to clean the brushes after applying paint, then you just need to leave them in warm water for half an hour. After this they are caressed in running water. You can also use soap and detergents.
  2. If the paint has been sitting for some time, it is more difficult to remove. So if several days have passed, you will need to use a degreaser and brushes. After working with the cleaning agent, it is important to rinse the surface under warm water.
  3. If a lot of time has passed after applying the paint, and the layer of the substance has already hardened, then you need to use a heavy arsenal. So you need to take special substances and solvents. You will need gasoline, kerosene, acetone, nail polish remover or white spirit. It is important to protect your hands before washing the surface of paint by wearing rubber gloves. After this, one of the above products is applied with a sponge, rag or rag to the surface to be cleaned. When half an hour has passed, the paint will soften, and it can be quickly and easily removed with a cloth and solution.

Paint removers

In order to remove acrylic paint from any surface, you can buy a special substance designed specifically for these needs. It can be purchased at any construction and specialty stores. Such substances can be universal, or they can be intended only for acrylic. These products have a strong unpleasant smell, they are dangerous and corrode the skin of your hands if you work without protection. Therefore, it is important to follow safety precautions and be careful when working with this substance. Also, when using it, you need to ensure good ventilation of the room, open windows and doors, wear gloves, a respirator and goggles. To remove a stain, you just need to wipe the surface with this substance, and after ten minutes, wipe it again with a clean rag. The stain will go away.

Universal cleaners

A universal cleaner is a special product that is also used to clean acrylic paint from surfaces. You can buy it in stores that specialize in radio components. It is used for degreasing, but it can also remove acrylic, since it contains solvents such as gasoline and alcohol. The substance is applied to the surface to be cleaned, after which it is wiped with a clean rag.

So, we are convinced that acrylic paint can be removed from the surface quite simply. It is important to follow safety rules when working with chemicals, and the results of your efforts will not keep you waiting.

Acrylic dyes are very popular not only in repair work, but also in daily use, so many people are faced with the question of how to remove acrylic paint. A special feature of acrylic dye is its composition, where water, dye and acrylic acid are mixed, thanks to which it is easily washed off immediately after application. The composition contains a special film former, which helps the layer to harden quickly, making it difficult to subsequently wash off the acrylic.

In order to choose the appropriate cleaning method, pay attention to the main factors: type of surface, type of paint, number of layers of application, adhesion strength of the paint to the surface; financial opportunities.

Tools for working with acrylic paint

After painting, even with careful use, marks often remain, at least on the brush. To remove stains you need:

  • handling gloves;
  • rags;
  • brushes with hard teeth;
  • foam sponges;
  • safety glasses and respirator.

Dye washing methods

There are many ways to wash acrylic dyes. Various formulations are used, from dish detergent to kerosene and special chemical removers.

The easiest way to remove fresh acrylic dye from fabric or other surfaces. In this case everything is washed away hot water. Working brushes are soaked in water for half an hour, and then washed and dried. Acetone helps to soak dried brushes.

If the surface cannot be washed with water, you can use dishwashing liquid or soap. After several hours have passed after applying the paint, it becomes more difficult to wipe off. You can apply a degreaser to the surface and scrub with a stiff-bristled brush.

When acrylic dye dries, you cannot do without special chemical compounds. To clean old acrylic paint, it is recommended to use a special remover, which can be purchased at building materials stores. It can be a universal product or specifically designed for acrylic. This wash is effective, but dangerous means, so you should use it carefully and follow the manufacturer's instructions. The composition has a pungent odor, so you need to provide a draft, if possible, and wear safety glasses, a respirator and rubber gloves.

The procedure is very simple: the cloth is moistened with a remover, which is used to wipe the stained surface, and after a quarter of an hour it is wiped with a rag.

A universal cleaner also works well at removing acrylic dyes, although its purpose is to clean radio components. It quickly copes with old acrylic stains, as it consists of gasoline and alcohol. The substance is applied to the surface and wiped with a rag.

To remove acrylic from the surface without damaging it, you need to carefully check the action chemical composition on a small area. Please note that it is almost impossible to wash acrylic from clothes. You can try to go over a fresh spot with white spirit or Vanish, but if that doesn’t work, then come up with a disguise for that spot.

Acrylic paint consists of pigment, water with the addition of acrylic acid. Used for painting and interior work on wood surfaces. A film former is added to every acrylic paint, one that hardens within 30-60 minutes. The method for removing acrylic paint from surfaces depends on the time that has passed since its application.

You will need

  • – warm water;
  • – dish soap;
  • – gasoline;
  • – acetone;
  • – kerosene;
  • - nail polish remover;
  • - White Spirit;
  • – paint remover;
  • – “Multifunctional cleaner”;
  • – soft fabric;
  • – sponge.


1. If you want to wash off fresh acrylic paint that has not been applied for 60 minutes, you can easily do this by using warm water. To remove paint from brushes, soak them in warm water for 20 minutes and rinse under running water with soap or detergent for dishes.

2. If more than 60 minutes have passed since applying acrylic paint, but not more than 24 hours, then use a brush, warm water and any product prepared for degreasing surfaces.

3. To wash off acrylic paint that was applied a long time ago and the film former has time to harden, use gasoline, acetone, kerosene, white spirit, and nail polish remover. To use, apply one of the indicated products with a sponge to the surface to be cleaned, leave for 30 minutes to soften the hardener, wipe the surface with a soft cloth soaked in one of the products.

4. In addition to these drugs, you can use a special product under the trade name “Paint Remover”. You can buy this product at any hardware store. It can be designed specifically for removing acrylic paint or have a universal purpose, suitable for all types of paints on any basis. To use the remover, take precautions: open all windows and doors, put on gloves, a respirator, goggles, apply the product to a cloth, treat the surface, leave for 10 minutes, wipe the surface to be cleaned with a clean cloth. Be careful, the substance has a pungent odor and corrodes the skin of your hands.

5. Any store where I sell radio components sells a product under the trade name “Multifunctional Cleaner.” It consists of alcohol and highly active gasoline. It can be used to remove all types of paint; its main purpose is to degrease and clean radio components. Apply the product to the surface to be cleaned and wipe with a clean rag.

Aquametallic - water paint for metal, anti-corrosion acrylic paint for the protection of ferrous metal. The paint provides anti-corrosion protection for building metal structures, pipes, pipelines, garages, fences, fences, garden and country furniture, machine parts and mechanisms, as well as reinforced concrete products and structures. Method of use.

Helpful advice
Environmentally friendly water-based acrylic - polyurethane paint. One-component, ready to use. Recommended for industrial painting of wood, MDF, fiberboard products, including surfaces subject to increased wear: doors, window sills, countertops, etc. Water resistance parameters allow the use of enamel for finishing kitchen furniture.